Published: 10-Apr-2013
Word Count:
They hit the showers. After the exertion of all that water polo horsing around, the clear blue chlorine water had become rather milky. Any number of Samuel's "friends" had shot their fuckloads while watching the eight and ten year old boys frolic in the pool. Poor Peter stood on at the side, his leaking dick erect in the embarrassing prick pouch. Then, as quickly as it had all started, Samuel announced that the "swim" was over and they were going to hit the showers. He ushered the naked little boys out of the pool. and was delighted to notice that Jared's slightly more mature pricklet was rock hard. The little bitch had thrown a woody. Samuel played with the wet hair of the two little boys as he ushered them toward the locker room. The kids looked around, a bit confused. What had just happened had been fun, but their delicate pre-teen sensitivities had not missed the fact that it had all ben somehow perverse. Peter watched the naked asses of his two beautiful little sons rise and fall as they padded on the tile floor toward the locker room. Samuel turned, with a wicked glint in his eyes.
"Come on, Petee, time for a shower," he said, letting his hands slide down over the pale tittied chests of the little boys. Peter looked around the pool area. Men were leering and playing with their swollen dicks. He hoped his sons had not noticed, but how could one not notice such a sight? His own fuckmeat was thick and hard and throbbing and leaking. He was standing there leaking in front of his sons. He felt as if his entire life were leaking out with that pre-fuck. YOU see how the seemingly innocent sins and pranks of our past can come back to haunt us...can control our happiness?
Peter padded into the locker room to see Samuel usher the boys into a small glass shower with four powerful shower heads. It was a very modern shower for one that you often find in small European hotels and inns. The two boys happily entered, as Samuel adjusted the temperature of the water. Then Samuel held out a hand for Peter. "Come on, Peter, let's wash all the chlorine off..."
"I'll use this one," Peter answered, pointing to a second shower.
"That's a waste of water. Got to stay green, it's a company policy of my dad and me. We can all fit in this one."
"Mr. Charlston, Sir, with all due respect, that shower can barely hold one man...not two men and two boys."
Samuel tilted his handsome head to one side. "Are you disobeying me, Peter. Is that what I am hearing?" He ran one large hand over his hard smooth stomach.
Peter hung his head. "No, Sir!." He slid down his pouch thong and stepped out of it. Samuel slid his own trunks off and stood there idly fingering his fucker. Peter moved to the shower and entered. He boys were splashing and soaping their smooth little torsos. They looked up at their dad and their dads' boss who entered right behind him.
Well, you can imagine what ensued. There was no room in the tiny glass cubicle, and the boys, being only as tall as the older men's waists, bound their chins and mouths pressed right up against adult dick and balls. Samuel chose the eight year old, who was a bit shorter. As he stood in the shower and slid the door closed behind them, his fuckmeat brushed against the little boy's face. Well, it was only fair, wasn't it? I mean, he had had the boy dick in his mouth during the game of horsy. Turn about is fair play. The boy didn't like it at all, he tried to turn away, but there was no place to turn. The cock and sack rubbed his cheek, his nose, his chin...
"It is a bit cramped in here isn't it?" Samuel laughed. "Oh well, we'll make do." With one strong hand he forced Peter toward his ten year old son. Peter's erect prick thwacked and slapped the pre-teen. The boy was terribly embarrassed that his own father's fucker was rubbing up against him. Samuel began to move up and down on the balls of his feet. Little James was pressed, back against one of the glass shower walls...the naked man pressing up against him. Samuel's dick grew hard and thick as he rubbed all over the kid's face.
"Ugh,'s too small in here. I...I cant' breath..." little James cried out, his mouth suddenly full of adult male dick. He turned his face aside, the fat prick and full sack sliding across the boy's cheek and neck, but Mr. Charlston held him firmly by the head and turned his face back to the dickmeat. "Here, lot me wash your hair for you..." he said in a jolly, carefree manner, pressing the boy's little face further into his fucker.
Peter was afraid to move. His dick and balls rode lower on his son, just beneath the boy's face, but each time the erection throbbed with lust, it rose and slapped the kid's face. If only the fucking dick would go down. Peter twisted his head to try to comprehend the shadows moving outside the small shower stall. He saw ten men circling the enclosure, all watching, all beating off. My God, he didn't want his boys to see this.
Samuel slid his soapy hands down across little James' smooth, hairless young body. "Got to get squeaky clean...right?" He Had to bend over a bit, so that his hands could rub the soap down across little boy belly and over the beautiful baby dicklet. His other hand slid over the boy's back and down across those perfect little round ass cheeks. He slid his soapy fingers into the ass crack and tickled the boy's asshole pucker. Little James began to giggle
"See, this is fin, isn't it? Your dad's boss isn't such a scary guy after all, is he?" Samuel Charlston said, running one finger up and down the boy's crack, while his other gently pumped the kid's little prick.
"Please, don't, Sir. Please don't..." Peter moaned, feeling sick to his stomach at the sight of the grown man molesting the little boy. But Samuel was having too much fun.
"Got to wash both sides..." he said, turning his muscular male body so that his ass globes now faced the little eight year old. He pushed back, trapping he kid between the shower stall walls and his tight round muscular ass. His crack pressed right up against James' face. His left hand reached over and began to feel up Jared's naked body. Peter tried to adjust his body, and his erect dick rubbed along Jared's neck and shoulder. Jared didn't knwo what to think. He was just at that age when boys are becoming aware of their sexuality. And here were two grown men, one of them his own dad, with hard fuckers rubbing all over him.
Poor little eight year old James could hardly breath in Samuel's ass. Samuel pressed back harder and harder give the boy more and more ass in the face. James of course did not know if this was accidental or not. He was still so young, so unspoiled.
"Oops, dropped the soap. James, you're smallest, can you please crawl down there and get it for us?" James slid his little body down among legs and feet to retrieve the soap. He was glad to be away from the ass. But then Mr Charlston re-adjusted himself and suddenly ass, dick and balls were right on top of his face. Samuel had straddled the boy and lowered himself, so that he was almost sitting on the kid's face. He reached up and grabbed Jared and pulled the slippery lad down on top of James and himself. Jared's hard little ten year old prick rubbed across Samuel's face. Peter tried to keep his balance over the pile of bodies, resembling nothing so much as a gang of frat boys in days of yore stuffing a telephone booth.
"Ouch...owwwwwww" Thin little James cried as Samuel slid one thick soapy finger up into the boy's virgin asshole.
"Oops, sorry, I'm sliding all around here...can't get anything to hang on to..." Samuel laughed, forcing more finger up the pre-teen asshole. He twisted the little guy around so the boy's face was smothered by the man's dick and balls. He forced the boy's nose and mouth into his fat full scrotum, drilling his finger into the fresh rectum.
"Get me out of here..." screamed Jared, trying to crawl over the two bodies on the floor, and slipping and sliding every which-way. Peter used the walls of the shower to brace himself, but his huge fuckmeat thwapped back and forth across the face of his older son. Fuck slop splattered the outside of the shower stall, as some of the men watching shot another load. It was quite a sight. Samuel had twisted little James around onto the floor of the stall. The little boy lay on his back, with his thin eight year old legs up on one of the walls. Samuel squatted over the boy's face and lowered himself, his asshole resting right on little James' pug nose and rose lipped mouth.
"Get out from under let me help you out..." Samuel encouraged, all the while bouncing his asshole on the boy's face, his finger still firmly planed up the boy's shit hole.
"Oh God, oh God, what's happening, Peter sobbed, feeling his fat full scrotum slide across the face of his older son, as they fought to keep their footing.
Later, in Samuel Charlston's office, as the boss sat in his comfy armchair wrapped in a comfy terrycloth robe, and Peter knelt naked sucking the boss's toes, Samuel mused.
"Well, that certainly was fun, wasn't it? I need to get to know your boys alot better. They are both such fucking little sluts. Like father like son, I guess."
Samuel grabbed Peter by the hair and pulled his mouth up to his scrotum. Peter began to obediently lick the young man's balls.
"I can't wait to get more than just my finger up little James' fuckhole. You need to try it Peter. Your son has the sweetest little asshole...just right to be turned into a pussy." Samuel rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "But first...first...the next thing on my agenda is to fuck your wife. How do you feel about that, Peter? How do you feel about me fucking your wife. How do you feel about me sticking this big fat dick of mine up your wife's sweet young cunt and blasting her womb? How would you feel about me making your wife pregnant? That would be fun, wouldn't it? Don't worry, I'll let you watch. I'll let you watch as I fuck her in the cunt and ass and mouth. I'll even allow you to lick my balls as I fuck her. Wouldn't that be fun? Maybe I'll have your boys watch's never too soon to learn about healthy sex. Who knows, I might even let your sons lube mommy's pussy with their little mouths. Wouldn't that be hot, Peter, little eight year old James sucking on his mother's cunt? Anything's possible, now that we're such good friends."
Peter cried, and his salty tears dripped onto the fleshy ball sack that he was licking.
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