Bed Check

[ Mb, mast ]

Published: 19-Apr-2013

Word Count: 7620

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My name is Damon. I'm writing this because I want to tell about something that happened to me a couple of years ago. It's not a big confession or anything, but it's something that affected me a lot. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I think about it a lot. I mean, I haven't been thinking about it non-stop for two years or anything like that, but now and then I do. I guess I was a little freaked at the time, but now I sort of like thinking about it. So I guess all in all it's a good thing.

You probably think that Damon isn't my real name. Well, if you do then you're right. It's close to Damon, but that's not it. I don't want you to think I'm a liar or anything, but I really want to tell this story because I think that maybe you'd be interested in it or even like it, but I don't want to get embarrassed or anything if certain people see this and know who I'm talking about. So just think of me as Damon, okay? I changed the other names, too. I guess names don't really make any difference.

I just turned fourteen a couple of weeks ago, so if you do the math you can see I was twelve back when my story happened. People tell me that when you get old time doesn't seem so long, but when I think of two years ago it seems like a real long time to me. I mean, I was just a kid! Oh I know, you say I'm a kid now too, but to me it feels that I'm not so much now but back then I was really really a kid. I mean, I didn't know anything about the stuff this story is about. Anyway, I guess I better just tell the story!

My best friend is named Pierre, and he's the same age as me, I mean exactly like maybe I'm two days older! He has a pretty big family, like a mother and father and two sisters. Well maybe that's not so big but it is to me, because it's just me and my Mom in mine. I don't know my father and my Mom never talks about him. Some people say that's sad but to me it's just the way it is, since I never knew him or anything. Anyway Pierre is like my brother and besides being in the same class at school we do lots of stuff together, at my house and over at his. I guess you could say his house is like a second family to me because I spend so much time there. The thing is because he just has sisters he likes to think of me as his brother, so he won't get outnumbered!

Now the really cool thing is that they have this summer house up in the mountains on a lake and they go there a lot on vacation. And two years ago was the first time they said I could go with them! Well, my Mom, actually. I mean they had asked me to go before that but two years ago was the first time she said yes. Anyway, it was for two whole weeks and man was I happy! I could hardly wait for the summer to come.

When the time to go finally came we all rode up in their big station wagon type car. Pierre's sisters sat in the back seat, and he and I were in these two seats in the way-back that you kind of strap to the back of the real back seat, and they have seat belts and everything. We were jammed in with the luggage in back, but it was fun, because we could pretend we were like stowaways, and we had lots of magazines and stuff.

Now their house is just a vacation house, but it has lots of room. Pierre and me slept in this bedroom that was on the top floor, with the ceiling sort of sloping down like it was an attic, which I guess it actually was, at least before they made it a bedroom. His little sisters had one just like it at the other end. The staircase that went up was between them, and when you got to the top if you went left you went into our room, and on the right was the girls' room. Pierre's folks had their own room downstairs. The really cool thing is this house is like a log cabin almost, it doesn't have electricity or anything, but it does have water that comes down a pipe from up a hill somewhere, and they use gas for cooking and stuff. At night the lights were these kerosene lanterns that you had to light with a match, and to turn them off you would just blow them out. It was cool, like being a pioneer or something!

One thing Pierre and I like to do is talk a lot after we go to bed. We do stuff in the day too, of course, especially up there at the lake, all kinds of outdoor stuff. I could talk about that, but this story is about things that happened after we went to bed, so I'm not going to get into all the other stuff. Well, the beds in this room were against the walls, not the ones with the sloping roof, but the flat ones --Pierre's was against the outside wall, the one with the window, and mine was across the room against the other one, the one with the door in it. His parents were big on kids getting a lot of sleep and all, so when we went to bed we were supposed to turn out the lights. We did, but that didn't stop us from talking! We'd lie in bed and whisper to each other across the room in the dark. It was fun. We'd sometimes tell ghost stories to get each other scared, like the one where there are two people in a dark bedroom in two different beds just like we were, and one of the people says to the other, why are you in my bed squeezing my hand, and the other one says but I'm not in your bed I'm in mine! It was like, it was a ghost or something in his bed, and he didn't know it. Really creepy! I told that one to Pierre and he got so spooked I had to let him get in my bed until he wasn't scared any more, but I didn't mind.

When we weren't telling stories we'd talk about other stuff, and what Pierre liked to talk about mainly was girls. He was, or I should say still is, a very horny kid! He had these magazines he'd found that he kept under his bed, and before we had to turn off the lights we'd look at them. They had lots of pictures of girls with big tits and stuff like that, and after the lights were out Pierre would talk about them and about what he'd like to do with them, and he'd say that his prick was getting big thinking about them, and he was touching it. To be honest, I didn't think the magazines were all that interesting, but I went along with Pierre because he liked them so much. Living with my Mom, I saw her without her clothes on a lot, and it never seemed like a big deal to me. I mainly liked to hear Pierre talk about how it made him feel to look at the pictures and how it gave him a boner, and how he was touching himself while he was talking to me. That part sort of gave me a boner, too, and I touched myself a little while I listened to him. He asked me if I was doing it and I said yes.

Now, you may not believe this, but back then when I was just a kid I really didn't know all that much about the touching thing -- you know, jerking off and stuff. Oh, I knew something felt good down there, but for a long time I didn't know what caused it. I actually remember the first time I felt something there though, I really do, I'm not kidding. It was when I was little, about six or seven, and I was trying to climb up a pole at the playground, either the monkey bars or the swing set, I don't remember. All of a sudden I got this funny feeling, and I thought to myself, like, hey, what's that? It sort of gave me the chills and made me feel jittery, but not in a bad way. I tried climbing again to see if it would come back, and it did, which made me happy. I actually smiled, I can remember that! It was this funny kind of feeling, it sort of made me feel dreamy and weak, but jittery, too, like I said, like the sour taste of lemonade that puckers up your mouth but you can tell is going to get sweet in a second. This may sound really dumb, but for the longest time I actually thought it was something about metal poles, and I would look forward to going back to the playground so I could get some more of that neat feeling! It was years -- I mean it, actually years! -- before I figured out that what was feeling good was my penis, and that I could make it happen just by touching it myself. I also thought that I was the only one it ever happened to! Like it was something weird about me or something. Well, not weird, maybe, but something that other people didn't get. It was when I met Pierre that I learned that I wasn't the only one. He talked about touching his boners all the time!

Anyway, when I listened to Pierre talking about his hard-on while we lay in the dark, I was touching mine, too, because it felt good and I liked hearing about how turned on he was by the pictures in the magazine. But, and you probably won't believe this, either, even though I knew it felt good to touch myself, I had never had it go to the end -- you know, to a climax (that's what my sex ed book calls it). I didn't know anything about that, and Pierre didn't, either. We would just lie in bed touching our penises and talking about girls (at least he did -- I mainly listened), until we fell asleep.

Okay, finally I'm where the story really begins! So, we're up at the vacation house, and the first night we're there Pierre and I stay up pretty late talking in the dark. After a while we hear Pierre's mom calling up the stairs that it's time to go to sleep so we should try to settle down. We go, okay we will, and I turn over on my back, which is the way I like to sleep, and I say good night to Pierre, and he says it to me. We were actually pretty tired and ready to go to sleep anyway. Pretty soon I could hear him making little snoring sounds. I swear that kid can fall asleep in a second!

I think I was just about to fall asleep myself when I heard a noise outside the door, like someone coming up the stairs. The footsteps stopped, and for a few seconds it was quiet. Then I heard the doorknob turn, and I realized the door was opening. I didn't know who it was, probably Pierre's mom or dad, but I immediately got this funny, sort of guilty feeling, that I shouldn't be caught awake, since we were supposed to be asleep by now. So I lay very quiet in my bed with my eyes shut tight, pretending to be asleep. I heard footsteps moving across the floor, very slow and quiet, and suddenly my eyelids lit up with a glow, like there was a light on in the room. I opened my eyes just a crack, and saw that there was a flashlight shining on the floor, moving along towards my bed. I closed my eyes tight again and held my breath. After a few seconds I felt cold air on me, and I realized that the covers had been lifted up from me, not off, but just raised up a little. I shivered a little because even though I was wearing my pajamas the room was sort of cold. I could tell the flashlight was shining on me, because it actually felt a little warm. But maybe that was just my imagination. Anyway, after a few seconds the covers were put back on me and the footsteps moved away. I heard the door open and close, and then footsteps went down the stairs. After that it was quiet.

I called over to Pierre in the dark a couple of times, but he just kept snoring. I must have fallen asleep right after that, because I don't remember anything else until the next morning.

* * * * *

I woke up first. Usually I do, because Pierre likes to stay up late and get up late. It took me a few seconds to be really awake and when I was I started to remember the strange thing that happened at night, with the flashlight and all. I called over to him and when he didn't say anything I called again a few times. Finally he woke up and put his pillow over his head. But I took my pillow and threw it at him and he threw it back but then he was really up. I asked him if he knew if anybody came into the room last night after we turned out the light and he said he didn't know because he was asleep. I told him about the door opening and the flashlight, and he said oh, that was probably his dad. His parents have this thing about making sure everybody is in bed and safe at night, he says his mom calls it nesting everybody down, but his dad calls it a bed check. I said oh that must be it, but I didn't mention the part about lifting my covers.

Later everybody had breakfast together around this big round table in the kitchen. I sat next to Pierre and then came his sisters Alice and Jeanie and Mr. and Mrs. Ballentine. It was fun being in a big family and everybody laughed and was happy. Mr. Ballentine asked if everybody had slept okay, and Mrs. Ballentine asked me if I was comfortable sleeping in a new place and all, and I said yes, I was fine. The girls mainly giggled a lot and cut their pancakes into doll shapes.

Later after we waited an hour so we wouldn't get cramps everybody went swimming. They have this great dock that sticks out into the lake and it's deep enough so you can dive off the end. Jeanie and Alice floated around in little water-wing things, but Pierre and I didn't need anything like that because we're good swimmers. After a while Pierre's mom told the girls to come up to the house because they were going to make cookies, so only the boys were left. Mr. Ballentine got a beach chair and sat down at the end of the dock to be lifeguard. As soon as the girls left Pierre took off his bathing suit and jumped into the water with a big holler. I looked at Mr. Ballentine and he smiled and said sure, why not, so I took off my suit too and jumped in after Pierre. For a long time we swam and practiced diving while Mr. Ballentine watched. One time while I stood watching Pierre get ready to dive I laughed and said he had a bubble-butt. He stuck out his tongue and bent himself to make his ass stick out even more, and we laughed so much we almost fell off the dock. I liked the way he looked, not when he was kidding like that of course, but just when he was getting ready to dive for real, or when he was just standing around. He really did have a bubble sort of butt, and the way it looked when he was wet, sort of shiny and round and smooth, but not flabby or anything, well I just thought it looked nice. I joked around and made poses with my butt too, which made Pierre crack up big time! Mr. Ballentine laughed, and smiled while he watched me.

A few days went by and the bed check thing didn't happen again, so I sort of forgot about it. One night Pierre got out his magazines again and wanted to look at them with me so I said okay. He said great because he said he felt a boner coming on. Then I got an idea. I said why don't we do it in the dark after we turn out the lights. We can use a flashlight to look at the pictures, I said. We both had flashlights in case we had to go down to pee at night. Pierre said that was a cool idea, so we decided we would do it.

So, after we had to blow out the lights, we both got our flashlights and sat on the rug on the floor, with our backs leaning against Pierre's bed. He got out his favorite magazine and he told me to hold the light on it while he found the picture he wanted, the one he said always got his prick hard. When he found it he said man look at that, and started talking about how hot she was, with all her clothes off and holding her tits like that. I held the light on the picture for a minute then I asked him, are you getting a boner now? Oh yeah, he said, big time. I moved the light down to his lap but he had his pajamas on of course, but I kidded around and said I don't see anything. He laughed and said oh yeah, well look at this! He pushed down his pajama bottoms and said look now. I shined the light between his legs and now I could see that he was right, he sure did have a boner! His prick was standing straight up and the shiny head was almost out of the foreskin thing he has at the end of it. I don't have that because I'm circumcised. Mom says it's not like we're Jewish or anything but she just wanted to have it done for health reasons. That's all she said, for health reasons, but she never said what they are. I think she probably doesn't know herself. Anyway, I was always interested about how different Pierre and I looked, and that's why.

Okay, so back to the story. I had the light shining on Pierre's boner while he had the light on the picture of the girl. He was saying stuff about her and about how he'd really like to fuck her, but I don't think he would even know how, at least not back then, and all the while his prick was sticking up and kind of quivering, and I just held the light on it and stared at it. Right away when I first saw it I began to feel funny, like my heart was beating fast and I felt a kind of tingling in my own prick.

Then he said to me, do you have a boner too? I put my hand into the fly of my pajamas and I could feel that I was hard, so I said yes, and he said let's see it! So I pushed down my bottoms too, and he shined his light on me. We both laughed when we saw our two pricks both standing up straight in the spotlights the flashlights made. Wow he said, she really got you hard too, and I said yes, even though if I was honest I'd have to say that I was looking at him more than at her. Something about seeing him hard like that and me hard right next to him was just so cool, I don't know what.

Anyway, he turned to other pages in the magazine and touched his boner and moaned oh man whenever he saw a girl he really liked. He was shining his light mainly on the girls while I went back and forth between our hard-ons. Then all of a sudden we heard his mom call up the stairs, are you two boys going to sleep? I guess she heard us laughing or something, so we decided we better get to bed. He put the magazine back under his bed and we both turned off our lights and got back in bed. Pretty soon he was snoring like usual.

I had trouble getting to sleep. I kept remembering those two flashlight circles and our hard-ons sticking up in them and I couldn't get it out of my head. Finally my thoughts calmed down and I yawned and began to get sleepy. That's when I heard the sound again that was somebody coming up the stairs.

If you ask me why I did what I did then I couldn't tell you, I don't know why I did it. I had this feeling like I was scared but also real excited at the same time, and maybe I just wanted to see what would happen next if anything did at all, sort of like an experiment. I don't know what. Anyway, what I did was I untied the string that held up my pajama bottoms and pushed them down a little and I pulled up the shirt out of the way so you could see the bottom wasn't tied. Then I lay on my back and pulled the covers back up, and just then I heard the doorknob turn. My heart was going so crazy I was afraid like people could actually hear it! So I told myself to calm down and started doing a snore like Pierre was doing so it would seem like I was in a real deep sleep.

Then the door opened and by squinting I could see a flashlight coming in and I knew that it was going to be a bed check. And I was right because soon I heard the footsteps coming near my bed and right after that the covers were lifted up and I knew the light was shining on me. Then I heard a sound that sounded like somebody breathing in quick and after a couple of seconds the covers were put down but not over me, they were put down at my knees instead. I opened my eyes just a crack but I kept up the fake snore too. The light was shining where my pajamas were open and I could feel my heart give a little jump when I thought I wonder if my cock is showing? I closed my eyes tight and tried not to breathe too fast. Then I felt my pajama bottoms spread open more and now I knew that my cock was definitely uncovered. That kind of scared me but it also got me sort of excited too, and wondering what would happen next. What happened was probably just what I thought would if I'm going to be honest about it. And probably what I was hoping would happen, too.

First, I felt a very light touch on my prick, like it was a test or something. I felt a thrill in my chest but I held my teeth really tight together so I wouldn't move or show I was awake. Then there was another touch, but this one was different, really really different. It was real gentle and started right down at my balls and sort of trailed up the underside of my prick right to the tip. It was all I could do to keep quiet then because it felt so good, so good I couldn't believe it! Right away I could feel that a hard-on was starting and nothing touched my prick while it kept getting bigger. I could feel that it was kind of rising up against my stomach with little jumps, sort of. Then the touching began again, the same long touch on the underside which really got me hard and stiff and it felt incredible! It was like whoever it was knew all about what my cock felt like even better than I did and knew just how to touch it to get it hard.

I lay there trying to keep my breath steady, but it was so hard to keep from making a sound because then I felt fingers slide up and down my prick a couple of times, and they played with my balls and sort of tickled the tip of my hard-on which felt incredible I can tell you! I never felt anything like that before, not even close. After about a minute I felt a touch sort of like a pat, like a whole hand pressing on my hard cock, really gentle and warm. Then the touching stopped and after the flashlight shined for a few seconds on my prick which had never been so stiff in my whole life, the covers were lifted up again and put back covering all of me. Then the door opened and the footsteps went back downstairs. It took me a long time to go to sleep after that with a boner that didn't want to go away! Also I felt kind of weird, sort of scared and embarrassed, and I didn't know if I should say anything to anybody or what. But if I'm honest I have to say I never wanted that touching to stop, I can tell you that!

* * * * *

Well, that's how it began. I didn't say anything to Pierre because, well, I don't know why, I guess because I figured it would be like major shit hitting the fan if I did that, and I didn't want to cause any trouble. I mean, it was weird and all, but I didn't think it was worth screwing up the whole vacation over. Maybe I thought it was only a dream and boy would it be stupid to get everybody crazy and mad at me because of a dream! Okay, if I'm honest I have to say I knew it wasn't a dream, but if it was a dream it sure wasn't the kind of dream that's a nightmare! It was the opposite of a nightmare. Except, like I said, I know it wasn't any kind of dream.

The next day was rainy so nobody wanted to go out and we just hung around playing games and stuff. I really got the kind of feeling you get when you're in a family with people not making a big deal about being together and doing stuff but just sort of doing your own thing if you know what I mean. I looked around at the other people and even though I knew we looked different, because they all have dark hair and I'm blond, it still felt like I was another brother in the house. I mean, they didn't know I was having these thoughts about them or anything so it was just like I was one of them just sort of hanging out like everybody else. It's really hard to explain, I guess I should stop trying to write it in words!

Of course the one thing that wasn't like being in an ordinary big family was the thoughts I had about the night before. I kept thinking about that a lot. And the more I thought about it the more I wanted the day to go by fast and night to come again.

Now you're probably wondering didn't he know who the bed check person was? And of course I did and I would have even if Pierre didn't tell me after the very first time. But here's the really funny thing, it's like it was two worlds, one when you're awake and up and it's day and the other is at night when everything's dreamy and different, sort of like a sci-fi different dimension or something. So the people you see in the day are really different from the people you see at night --well not exactly see but you know what I mean -- and in the day it's sort of like nothing ever happened at night because it's in a different dimension. Well that's how it seemed to me anyway.

Another thing, people talk a lot about child abuse and I have to laugh at that! I mean hitting and talking real mean is one thing and I wouldn't like that but nice soft touching well I can't see how you can say that's abuse. Especially since I liked it, cause I liked it a lot. So you can say I'm a poor little abused child but if you do I'll just laugh!

Well other stuff happened even though it was a rainy day but like I said I'm only going to tell about the main story so I'll skip over to the end of the day. While we were having dinner later I kept looking over at Pierre. I was hoping he was feeling horny again and would want to look at his pictures again. As you can guess it wasn't because I wanted to look too but because I liked seeing what a nice stiff boner Pierre got when he looked at them. I can't help it but it just looked so sexy when his prick would get bigger when he saw a picture he liked, you could actually see it grow like those speed up movies people make of flowers growing and opening up, and the shiny head would peek out of his foreskin when he really got turned on. So you can guess I was pretty disappointed when I asked Pierre if he wanted to look at pictures when we went up to bed and he said no he didn't feel like it. I said don't you want to get all hard and we can shine lights on each other and everything but he said no again. I think he was in a bad mood because we couldn't go out on the rainy day. So we just lay in bed and I said well maybe it will be sunny tomorrow so we can go canoeing, and he said yeah maybe and pretty soon he was asleep.

But I sure wasn't sleepy and I just lay there all fidgety and everything. I reached down and my prick was all hard even though I didn't touch it yet. I kept thinking about the bed check and it kept getting harder and I kept it hard by touching it the way I remembered from last night. But I just got more and more jittery because remember I didn't know anything about cumming yet!

Anyway it seemed like a long time or maybe I fell asleep off and on but then I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. At last I thought, and then I got an idea and right away took off my pajama bottoms and pushed them down by my feet, then I pulled the covers back up and lay back with my arms sort of over my head on the pillow and my eyes closed. I bent one of my knees sort of to the side so that my legs were more open.

The door opened and the light moved straight to my bed and without any wait at all I felt the covers lifted off me and put down way down by my feet. I heard a sound like a sigh, like somebody going ahhhh real soft like a whisper. Even though my eyes were closed I could tell that the flashlight was shining up and down me. I had pulled my pajama shirt up a little when I lay down and now I could feel my prick starting to get bigger under the light, I couldn't help it, it was sort of like it had a mind of its own. The thought that he was watching me get a hard-on made my heart beat real fast and I was afraid that I was going to start panting loud and give myself away that I wasn't asleep. Maybe he would get mad or something or go away but I didn't want that to happen.

But he didn't go away. Instead he touched me again the way he did before but this time it didn't stop when I got hard. It started the same with the real soft touching that made me get hard right away but it kept on going with a finger going up and down me real slow and touching me where it felt so good. Then I felt fingers kind of brushing up along my balls and then up to the tip of my prick. That happened over and over and I thought I would go crazy cause it felt so good but it made me upset too, well not upset exactly because I really liked it but it made me feel like I wanted to have more but I couldn't. Pierre talks about how the girls in his magazines make him feel teased, not teased like calling names or anything but kind of like getting him real turned on and all and then telling him he can't fuck them or anything, or letting you almost see their pussy but not quite, and laughing at you when it gives you a boner. Not that they actually talk to him because they're just in a magazine but he says that's the way they make him feel and he calls them prick teasers and cock teasers while he looks at them and his prick is sticking up all hard. Well even though I wasn't looking at pictures or anything I guess you could say I was feeling teased because I wanted the touching to go faster but it stayed slow instead and got me all jittery. At first anyway.

Then the touching stopped and the light went down low and I figured out it was on the bed now down near my knees. It was one of those big lights with the handle on top and it was pointed up between my legs shining on my prick and balls and up my stomach. Then the touching started again but it felt different and I knew right away it was because two hands were touching me at the same time now, one of them was doing the same brushing up and down on my prick and the other was sort of touching around on my stomach and the inside of my legs near my balls, sort of like just fingertips or fingernails just trailing along, not scratching or anything but just being real light and gentle and the feeling along with the other hand touching my prick was incredible! Then both the hands began moving all around my hard cock, rubbing it and touching me all around it. I didn't have any hair down there yet because I'm just starting to get some now so everywhere the hands touched me the skin was all smooth, like down at the base of my cock and on my balls, so I could feel every touch real well. I felt like I was going to go crazy because all the touching was real light and gentle and it was teasing me and I got the feeling that he was doing it on purpose almost, but it felt so good and got me so worked up so I figured that's why he was doing it to me, teasing me to get me to want more and more. And it did, it really did! I'm getting hard now just remembering about it.

Then he took my penis in his whole hand and gave it a little squeeze which made me almost make a sound I think, like almost a little cry. Then he made a ring with his thumb and pointer finger and began to move it up and down my prick like he was actually jerking me off but real slow. I knew his hands were very strong but the way he was touching me so softly made me feel like he was taking care of me and making me feel safe and I really liked how that felt, and I liked how he wanted to give me all that pleasure at the same time. I knew he was strong because while he was stroking me with one hand he reached under me between my legs with the other hand and lifted me up a little so he could feel my ass and squeeze it. I think I spread my legs wider without really knowing what I was doing just to make it easier for him to do things to me.

Of course he knew I wasn't asleep by now but I guess we both kind of played a game pretending that I still was. I still kept my hands over my head on the pillow sort of like I was tied up and couldn't move while he did things to me between my legs. I was biting my lip to keep from making a noise because what he was doing to me felt so good! I opened my eyes and looked down to watch his hand stroking me and in the glare of the light I saw that his robe was open in front and his own cock was sticking out. I think I did make a sound then sort of like a moan or something. I had never seen a grownup cock before and it was standing almost straight up and it looked so big, and so hard! There was dark hair at the bottom and around his balls but none on his penis which curved up all veiny and smooth and really really hard. He had a foreskin like Pierre but it was kind of pulled back and the head of his prick was out and all swollen and shiny and it looked like there was a drop of something wet on the tip. I think he saw me looking at him because he took his hand from under me and started to jerk himself off at the same time he was doing it to me. I loved seeing that and I think he knew it because he moved his cock all around so I could get a good view of it and his balls.

Then he did what I'll never forget. Well actually I'll never forget any of this but what came next was like my first time. The head of my penis has this little v in the rim and attached to that there's this sort of little piece of loose skin on the underside that I guess is sort of left over from where the foreskin used to be or something. Anyway he took this skin between his thumb and the side of his pointer finger like he was going to pinch it or something and began to roll it around. He didn't squeeze very hard but pretty soon I began to feel this sweet sweet feeling that kept growing and growing and it was just like the sweet sour feeling I got the first time when I climbed the pole except that it didn't stop and kept growing more and more and made me feel like I could never get enough of how it felt! Then he began to sort of tickle my balls with the fingertips of his other hand and that made what he was doing at the top of my prick feel like a million times stronger and it felt just sooo so good and it kept feeling more and more and then it was like those candies that have sweet syrupy stuff inside them and when you bite them it bursts out in your mouth, well it was like that and all of a sudden the pleasure feeling in my prick got hot and just kind of exploded and shot up like to the sky and all through me at the same time and I was almost scared it felt so good, and I know I was making lots of noise then and moaning and almost crying and moving around on the bed while he held my cock and squeezed it and rubbed it up and down and made it feel so good I could die!

I was breathing so hard like I had just run a track meet or something and I thought my heart was going to jump out of me. But after a minute I began to calm down and I felt so sleepy but also I felt this nice tingling all over me that made me feel relaxed and happy. I was too young then to have stuff come out of my penis when I come so there was no wet stuff to clean up. The light was picked up and moved across the floor and the door opened and closed. While the footsteps went down the stairs I could hear Pierre still snoring. He never woke up during everything. Almost right away I fell asleep too.

* * * * *

That was the last bed check. There was only a couple of days before we had to go home anyway, and we spent a lot of time outside swimming and stuff. Mr. Ballentine was very nice to me and did stuff like muss up my hair when I walked by him, and I would sort of lean against him when we stood on the dock watching Pierre dive.

The last night we were there Pierre and I looked at his magazines again. We sat in the dark with the flashlights and touched ourselves while Pierre looked at the pictures. I got an idea so I said to Pierre, find the picture you like the most and gets you the horniest. He said okay and found his favorite picture and pretty soon his prick was standing straight up. Is she teasing you? I said. Oh yeah he said, and I said you want to see something neat? Sure he said and I reached over to touch his prick. Hey he said, but I said it's okay, just look at her and get real turned on, you'll like it. Okay he said and while he looked at the girl I took the skin of his foreskin just below the little v and began to roll it around between my thumb and pointer finger. He started to breathe harder and made little whimper sounds. Feel good? I said. He said yeah real soft, and I said she's really teasing you, huh? He said yes again, and I said want me to stop? I'll stop if you want me to. He said no that's okay, you don't have to stop, you can keep doing it if you want. I smiled because I knew he was the one who wanted me to keep doing it! I knew exactly how it was making him feel, and I knew he didn't want it to stop, ever. I whispered to him, she's teasing you so bad and making your cock need it so much! That just made him whimper again. All of a sudden I did stop and I said okay now you do it to yourself and I will too! We both turned out the lights and got into our beds and we both started rubbing our cocks. I called over to him in the dark, keep doing it, don't stop whatever happens. Okay he said, and I could hear him breathing hard as he kept rubbing himself the way I showed him. I was masturbating too while I listened to him, and pretty soon I heard him go oh oh oh ohhhhhhh! I knew he had come so I said did you like that? Then I started moaning myself because I came too. I heard him panting in the dark and then he said, wow oh wow oh wow. He breathed hard for a couple of seconds then he said how did you know how to do that? I just grinned and I said oh I don't know it just came to me!

* * * * *

Well that's it. Pretty weird, huh? Well I guess most people would say it is, but I don't anymore. And like I said, I don't feel like I was abused or anything like that. If I'm really going to be honest I'd have to say I loved it! That was two years ago and ever since then I've been getting lots of practice with what I learned then. Pierre has, too. Which leads me to saying, guess what? After two years I've been invited to go to the lake with the Ballentines again! I'm really really looking forward to it, and later maybe I'll have another story to tell. We'll see.

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very nice - thanks for the wonderful story - will there be more?

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