Peter's Peril, Part 8

[ MMb, ws, exhib, voyer, scat, humil ]

by dale10

Published: 26-Apr-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Poor peter was beside himself. Not physically of course, but mentally and emotionally. He didn't think he had ever known as much pain in his life as the raw burning in his now stretched out asshole. His mind could not even conceive of the kind of sadistic brutality that these Japanese Businessmen were capable of. Peter was currently squatting on two chairs, one foot on the seat of each chair. He was naked of course. They ordered him, in fairly good English to spread his legs as he squatted. Apparently they were fascinated with the heavy hang of his scrotum and this thick flaccid dick. It hung there, heavy and swollen as they snapped endless photos of it, as well as pictures of his entire naked body and his face.

The young Japanese who seemed to be second in command, ordered his associates to move the chairs further apart. This of course forced Peter to squat with a wider stance and to struggle to keep his balance. There was now two feet between the chairs and Peter's fucker and sack hung even more prominently than before. His scrotum did indeed look fat and full, his large nuts swinging in the bottom of the flesh sack. Poor Peter felt totally violated. His present squatting state also opened up his recently stretched, red, raw asshole. Four or five Japanese scurried around behind Peter to get photos of the fuck-machine battered asshole. Peter heard them chatting away merrily about his asshole and wanted to puke. The President of the company sat in a comfortable armchair facing Peter. On one side was a small table with rice crackers and saki. On the other, a young executive in the same kind of Kimono they all wore, knelt and with his hand fondled the President's prick under the cloth of the robe.

The humiliation for Peter was unbearable, but it was about to get still worse. The old man in the chair raised one hand, and the second in command padded over on bare feet carrying a large silver bowl. The bowl was carefully placed beneath Peter, between the chairs, directly below his fat dangling dick and balls and his asshole. The young man approached Peter.

"You will now please urinate for us, so we may get photos."

Peter twisted his handsome head to one side and grimaced. "What? You want me to what?"

"Without touching your penis, you will now please urinate for us into the silver bowl. We will watch and take photos." The young handsome Japanese remained completely polite.

"That is fucking sick! You can't make me do that." For some reason, having to relieve himself in front of these men was more degrading than being ass fucked by the machine.

From a pocket in the kimono, the young Japanese took a cellphone. "I understand. My fellow employees will be most dis-satisfied. I shall have to call your boss, Mr. Charlston and report your bad behavior." Peter's blood turned to ice. He knew not only his own future, but that of his wife and children were at stake.

"Wait! Wait! I...please...please don't make me do this. This is just sick. Please." Peter almost lost his balance. Two Japanese had squatted down behind the chairs to get close up photos of his raw asshole.

The young Japanese shook his head sadly and pushed something on his phone. Peter reached out one hand to stop him and almost tumbled from his perch.

"No, wait. I'll do it. Don't call my boss. I'll do it."

The Japanese pocketed the phone and nodded his head. "Very well. But I must warn you. My boss is not a patient man. Last week, I brought his afternoon tea five minutes late, and he made me dance for him with my bare feet on thumb tacks." The assistant lifted one foot to show Peter the holes in the sole of his foot. Across the room, the old man laughed.

"He is not very patient, and he is my father! He informed me that the next time tea is served late, he would put fifty safety pins through the skin of my penis and scrotum. Please do not anger him. Now if you will simply urinate for us!"

The room filled with japanese men grew silent and each man lifted his cell phone or camera to snap photos. These were apparently cherished memories of their trip to take home to show friends.

Peter did have to piss. He'd had to piss for some time now, but felt too embarrassed to ask to use the bathroom. His very nudity in a room full of robed men caused him terrible grief.

"Keep your legs spread wide apart, please..." the young Japanese said after being prompted by another who could not see to his satisfaction.

"I dont' know if I can do it..." Peter said, finding his humiliation impeding his success. 'I don't even like to use public restrooms. I am very shy that way. To have to do this in front of all of you..."

"Concentrate. I am sure you will be able to piss. You have such a large beautiful dick, my father wants to see it piss."

Peter closed his eyes, curled his toes on the wooden seats of the chairs, rocked back and forth, and tried to piss. After a moment he shook his head. "I need to go, but I just can't" When he heard his own voice speak those words, he felt as if he were a three year old child speaking to his parents. A hand stroked his naked back, down to the crack of his muscular spread ass.

"Just relax and piss for us."

"Jesus God," Peter threw his head back. "Why do you want to see me piss? How can you enjoy that?" He was almost crying from frustration.

"Your humiliation and embarrassment sexually excites us. Surly you understand. The worse you feel, the more it 'turns us on." That is the American expression, is it not?"

Peter wanted to piss and get it over with. He tried to pretend he was standing at a urinal. That did not help. He tried to pretend he was sitting on a toilet at home. He reached down and gave a hard squeeze to his fat flaccid dick.

"Please do not touch your dick."

"I was just trying to... "

"Please do not touch your dick. We are waiting. Piss for us, Please!"

Finally it came. His bloated bladder needed release. His pisshole opened, his dickhead gave a little lurch, and a torrent of yellow piss shot from the cock into the bowl below. Some of the men in the room actually applauded. They applauded Peter's pissing in front of them. They applauded Peter's dick! Others simply nodded their heads and smile. All of them took photos. The old man in the chair grabbed the hand of the young man working on him and thrust the hand harder into his crotch. The man on his knees pumped the elderly prick harder.

"Oh, my God..." Peter moaned as his piss splashed into the bowl below, making a merry ringing sound in the room. He squatted there on the two chairs and pissed for the men His nipples grew rock hard, and sweat trickled down from his armpits. Finally, after what seemed forever to poor Peter, the stream lessened and then stopped altogether. His breathing relaxed a bit, and still he squatted there, legs spread wide, big dick swinging, a drop of pee hanging from the pisslips like an earring. From somewhere, the young Japanese produced a tissue. He approached Peter and gently wiped the piss drop from the dickhead. He then walked over to the old man and showed him the piss stained tissue. Then he returned to Peter.

The handsome young Japanese smiled. "You see, Peter, that was not so very bad, now was it? Mr. Charlston said you were shy at first, but after a bit of prodding, you followed orders very nicely. I will certainly give him a good report of your pissing. And he will watch the video." The young man pointed to the video camera recording all of the action. 'He tells me he wants to send it out over the internet, to show what a loyal worker you are. A worker must always respect and obey his boss. Isn't that correct?"

Peter said nothing. He assumed that was a rhetorical question. His legs were cramping, and he wanted to climb down off the chairs. "Are we through here?" he asked with a bitter tone to his voice.

The Japanese shook his head and smiled. "Not yet. Now we would like you to shit for us! Shit into the silver bowl below you."

Peter gagged and almost fainted from the mere thought of it. " actually want to watch want to see me take a dump?"

The Japanese translated "take a dump" for his co-workers and they all laughed. "Yes, we would now very much enjoy watching you shit for us!"

Part of Peter wanted to die, and part of him was already dead. He closed his eyes and squeezed. More sweat ran down his body and dripped off. Sweat dripped from his ball sack. He grunted and moaned and at the raw red asshole, the tip of a brown turd appeared. The Japanese moved in and the cameras clicked!

"Come closer, no need to be afraid of me..." Samuel said to ten year old Jared. The boy stood before him, looking like an angel in tee shirt, jeans and sneakers. He licked his lips nervously. He blinked his long lashed eyes He was a beautiful boy. Samuel licked his lips studying him. His prick was rock hard in his suit trousers. "Did your dad explain to you that you were to be a good boy and do everything I tell you?"

Jared nodded his head, and Samuel could almost smell the boy's fear. Much more of this and he would shoot his load before even touching the little bitch.

"Well, jared, are you going to be a good boy and do what I tell you? If you do everything I tell you to do, your mommy and daddy will be safe, and you will continue to have a happy loving family. If you do not obey me like a good boy, your mommy and daddy will go to prison and you and your brother will be sent to live with foster families and probably never see each other again. Do you understand that, Jared?"

A large seductive dickleak inducing tear formed in the boy's right eye. He nodded again. He had not said a single word since entering Samuel Charlston's plush office. Little Jared shifted from foot to foot and wiped away the tear with the back of one small smooth hand.

"Jared, I want to be your friend. (That was not true.) I won't hurt you. (That also was not true) But we have to have a kind of understanding. I am going to ask you to do some things for me. Some of the things you may enjoy. Some of them, you may not...some of them you may hate. But you will do them. You will do them all, for your brother and your mommy and daddy. Do you understand?"

Jared nodded again. Silent, scared, sexy Jared. Samuel didn't mind Jared being silent. A good cocksucker shouldn't talk anyway. Samuel played with the small ball stud on his desk the ball stud would eventually be put through young Jared's tongue, so that he would give an even more exciting blow job. His eight year old brother James would have his tongue pierced with a ball stud as well.

"Which boy would prove the better cocksucker," Samuel wondered. "Could the eight year old possibly suck dick better than the ten year old?" He decided he would have a contest with the boys. He might even let Peter be the judge. Peter could decide which of his two little sons was the better cocksucker. And Mommy could decide which little boy sucked her pussy best.

Jared stood there trying to be a brave little boy. After all, he was ten years old already. He had to be brave for his Mom and Dad and for James. He sniffed back more tears and made fists of his hands. But inside...deep inside, he still felt like a very little boy. He wanted his mommy to hold him. He didn't want to have to stand in front of this nasty man who had touched him indecently in the gym shower.

"Now, jared, let's get started, shall we?" Samuel smiled. "I'd like you to undress for me. I'd like you to take off all your clothes, until you are standing in front of me totally bare assed naked!"

"That's not nice. That's perverted..." jared said, thrusting out his little jaw in defiance.

"Oh yes indeed, Jared. It's very perverted. I am going to look at your naked every inch of it, including your little dick and balls and ass. And then I am going to touch every inch of your little body. I am going to play with your titties and your ball sack and your little cock. And I am going to play with your pretty little ass and your delightful little ten year old asshole." Samuel almost lost it when he said that. His fuckmeat gave a jump and pr-fuck soaked his underwear. This little boycunt really turned him on. 'Come on, Jared, start with your shoes and socks...or your tee shirt...start to undress for me."

The words hardly came out. "Do I gotta?" His little boy breath was short and ragged. His hands trembled.

"Yes, Jared, you 'gotta." If you want to help your family and stay together with them...then you 'gotta'!" Is there a more beautiful sight on earth than a terrified little boy being sexually humiliated and molested? Jared reached up and pulled off his tee shirt, revealing his pale porcelain like skin and his pink boy titties. No hair in his little pits, not yet. Smooth and soft like velvet. The little chest rose and fell with labored breath, causing the titties to dance. Samuel would soon suck and bite on those titties. And then he would hurt them. Little ten year old jared had no idea what tit pain was. No idea of clamps and pins and hot candle wax.

Samuel held his breath at the cute way the little boy kicked off his sneakers. Then with trembling fingers, he peeled off his socks. His bare feet almost caused samuel to orgasm. Very smart little boy. He saved his pants for last. He saved the main event for last. He took a long time. He stood there like a statue in just his pants and undies, his naked tummy fluttering , for ever so long a time. So long that Samuel had to move impatiently in his chair to put a bit of fear in the lad. Then Jared undid his belt and opened his pants. The jeans slid down his thin pale legs, revealing the cutest pair of tiny white underpants. The last refuge. Underpants on a little boy. The last stand of modesty...the start of insatiable perversion. Jared, like many boys forced to strip naked for molesters couldn't bring himself to do it. He could not bring himself to put his thumbs inside the waistband of his briefs and yank the down. He could not bare to have this monster of a man look at his naked little penis and balls. True, the man had seen and touched him in the shower...but that was different. That all happened so fast and was confusing what with the water pony game and so on. And James and his dad had been there. Here he was alone. Alone in front of this sick, nasty man, and he had only his little white underpants to protect him.

"The underpants have to come off, Jared. You know that!" Samuel smiled, and the damn broke for Jared. He sobbed. He stood there in his underpants and sobbed. Tears ran like streams down the contours of his soft young face and dripped from his chin. Salt tears dripped onto those fine pink little boy tits, and Samuel had to restrain himself from leaping from his chair to lick them off the nipple nubs.

Jared began to strip off his underpants. It took ever so long. Hours, months, eternity. The elastic waistband stretched over bony little boy hips, and the smooth still hairless little boy pubic bone came into view. Down they went over virgin flesh until the root of the little pink cock became visible. A beautiful pink, fresh little boy dick. Samuel wasn't certain, but he believed he could smell the dick. Little boy dick has a certain smell.

And then the tight smooth still undeveloped little nuggets. The underpants puddled at Jared's feet. He stepped out of them, and then like a good boy turned and bent over to pick them and his jeans up. Samuel got a really good view of the ten year old boy ass. These were ass globes to die for. Pale and smooth and as of yet, never whipped. That would soon be rectified. And the deep moist little boy ass crack. Samuel could not yet see the pink treasure that lay within that canyon of boy ass crack, but he would. He would soon do unspeakable things to that tiny rosette. Fucking the little boy asshole over and over would be the least of the atrocities inflicted on Jared's ten year old asshole.

"Come here!" Samuel ordered with a quiet but commanding voice. Little Jared came...on unsteady legs he came, until he stood before the seated, clothed man.

"You are a beautiful little boy, and you are going to make an excellent fucktoy. Now I am going to kiss you. I am going to kiss you long and hard on the mouth. I want you to open your pretty, little, angelic mouth. I am going to stick my tongue into your mouth. I am going to swap spit with you. I want you to kiss me back with your angel lips and tongue. I want you to kiss me back and give me your saliva. I want to suck face with you!"

Samuel drew the boy in, held his little face in his large adult hands, and brought his manly lips to the ten year old boy's mouth. It was Jared's first sexual kiss. His first adult kiss. It took his breath away. While Samuel sloshed spit into the kid's mouth, he ran his hands down over the smooth naked body. He felt the hips and tummy. He slid his hand lower and cupped the little boy's baby fuckmeat. Jared gasped, and then sucked harder on Samuel's probing tongue. Samuels tongue was humongous...poor Jared had never felt anything so large in his mouth. It moved like some kind of trapped animal, seeking out every nook and cranny inside of the boy's mouth. Samuel sucked on Jared tongue. So much spit filled the boys' mouth he was forced to swallow over and over and the saliva ran down into his throat. The huge tongue probed and prodded.

What poor ten year old jared didn't know was that the large probing tongue was nothing...nothing at all compared to the giant fucking dick that would soon be raping his throat.

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This Author Dale10 has been around for many years now and still one of the very best in erotic fiction. Peter's Peril is great with many perverted humiliating parts to entertain an old pervert like myself. Keep up this story pal.


Call me perverted if you like I do not care. I have now read all 8 part's of this story of Peter and his family under the dominant boss Samuel and it is brilliant. The best fantasy fiction on Loliwood by far. Will be looking out for more from this author over the cuming weeks.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.