Published: 14-Apr-2013
Word Count:
Hey Rob: Tonight more than ever I really miss you. What a fucking shame you had to move away just as we were entering high school. I must admit, I felt pretty fucking lonely for about six months. I mean, we were best buds. We did everything together. At least we can chat over email and facebook, and I get to call you when I need to vent. I hope I can come see you this summer. I am shooting you this email tonight because it is two int he morning and too late to call your house, but I just had to tell somebody. I fucked my first cunt tonight. I know you told me fucking cunt is the greatest thing in the world, ever since you plowed Amy's twat at your new school three months ago. But it wasn;t until tonight and actually feeling my dick skin massaging inner pussy that I understood what you mean. Holy Shit, dude, I want to fuck all the time. I want to fuck bitch five times a day. The feel of a cunt clamping on to your dick is awesome. This bitch had the tightest cunt you could ever imagine. And she is sixteen...imagine my first fuck is with an older bitch!
Well, that is the good news. The bad news is how it came about. It did not exactly go as I had dreamed it would be. Remember all of our jerk off sessions, rapping about how the young, big titted bitch would throw herself at us and would beg to suck our dicks and lick our balls. Remember the time we even went so far as to lick each other's balls a little to see how it felt. That was really gross and queer, wasn't it. Oh well, nobody else knows. We did some really dumb stuff when we were in seventh and eighth grade. Remember how I would pump your prick while you pumped mine. as we watched fuck videos. You always said it felt better to shoot with someone else pumping your fucker than doing it yourself. Lol Remember the time We stuck magic markers up our assholes and pretended it was Lucy Martin's tongue. And remember when you wrestled me down in school and jerked me off right into my pants, so they were all spotted with dick stains all day? I got you back for that by jerking off on your ice cream sundae and only telling you after you ate it. I fucking miss you so much.
Well anyway. This fifteen year old stud got his first piece of cunt, and it belonged to Janet Scola. (We call her Janet Scrotum.) There is a reason for this. Her steady boyfriend is the senior football quarterback and all star athlete jock of the school, Jason Cuttler. And was always bragging in the locker room about how Janet sucked his balls. Other dudes said it was true too. He'd take her to the movies and the make her spend the whole time with her face in his lap licking and sucking on his nuts while he watched the flick. The story goes she didn't dare say no to anything he wanted, or he would drop her. I hear that at parties, she even had to lick and suck his ass right in front of the other girls and guys. I also heard that he fucked her pregnant twice and she had to get scraped both times. Anyway, he wold kill me...and I mean kill me...after he castrated me...if he knew I fucked his girlfriend. Maybe the bad way he treats her is why she is such a fuc king bitch.
So, I was leaving my locker today, getting ready to come home, when Arlene Miller tells me that Janet Scola wants to see me. She is without doubt the hottest chick in the school, and being Jason't bitch, you don't say no to her. So I followed Arlene into this empty classroom...empty except for Janet and five other Sophomore and Junior girls. Janet is sitting on a desk, her short cheerleading skirt riding up on her thighs. Do I try to catch a glimpse? Of course. What red blooded boy wouldn't. You see, Jason won't let Janet wear panties under her short skirts. He says her cunt has to be ready at all times. So if her skirt rides up even just a little see lots of pink pussy flesh. Jason makes her lift her skirt to show all his buddies and teammates her cunt all the time. He says it psyches them up for their games.
Anyway dude, and sorry to take so long about this, she is sitting on this desk, almost flashing twat at me.
"Here he is, girls, the new Freshman, Travis Jordan. Didn't I tell you he was cute. Say hi to my friends, Travis." I said hi to the girls, blushing something fierce. They were all good looking with nice big tits. Thats' another thing...Jason won't let Janet wear a bra. He wants her nipples to push out in whatever she is wearing on top. Usually he has her wear a really thin white blouse to the brown of her tit tips show real clear. That's what she was wearing today, and I started to throw a boner just looking at her. You know, good buddy, that I throw a boner if the wind changes. I can't help it. I am just at that age. Remember how when we rode on the school bus in eighth grade, how you would reach over and finger my prick through my pants so that when I got up to get off, I would have this huge hard on sticking out and all the kids would see it? That's how I got the nick name Stiffy. But I got back at you by pushing you through the locker room door into the girls shower room when you were bare assed. We almost got expelled for that one.
So, I am looking at six really hot, tempting cunts. And they are all saying things to me like..."Hi, cutie." and "You are really a cute little boy." I am not little any more I shot up and am really pretty tall for my age. I am thin and tall...and not a little boy. They were treating me like I was twelve or something.
So then, Janet says to me, "Are you enjoying your Freshman year at our school so far?" I gulp and answer mouth is really dry, and my dick feels real funny.
"Do you have a girlfriend, yet?" Arlene asks, reaching up one hand to pinch her right nipple. She doesn't wear a bra either...she copies everything Janet does, except swing on Jason's fuckmeat. And maybe she does that too. I hear Jason fucks around a whole lot.
"Eh, no, I don't have a girlfriend," I answer. I am feeling really nervous.
"Christ, you're not a faggot are you?" asks another girl whose name I don't know. I blush even more and shake my head. I can hardly speak.
"Tell me, Travis, you can trust me, have you ever even fucked a girl?" My dick wilted. It fucking wilted. I got so scared suddenly. No dude wants to answer that question, unless he is locker room bragging..or in some cases lying. Once again, I shook my head, No!
"Not yet," I muttered. The girls made a big deal of this. Why not, they wondered? Was I a fucking homo? Was there something wrong with me?
"Girls, girls, girls...maybe Travis is just shy. That's it, isn't it Travis?' Janet said, smiling at me reassuringly. I nodded, yes.
"You've got no reason to be shy, Travis, you are a really cute kid. You'll make some nice girl an excellent boyfriend. You're tall and good looking, and you look as if you have quite the package for just having turned fifteen." That was Arlene. I remember wondering how she knew about my recent birthday.
By the way, Asshole, thanks for the birthday gift, but what the fuck am I going to do with a twelve inch black rubber dildo? I'm sure you could take it. You probably tried it out before you sent it to me. I hope you washed it after! Now you got me off track.
Janet says, "Not so fast, Arlene. We don't really know what a hunk Travis is. He could have some major defect that we don't know about."
"Travis, we feel responsible for the girls in our school, especially the Freshman girls...the ones you will most likely be dating and fucking. So, you will pardon us if we conduct a little examination, won't you? Travis, would you be so kind as to strip naked for us?" All the girls are smiling now, as my heart drops into my stomach and my stomach almost crashes out through my bowels.
"Look, I don't know what the hell is going on, but I am so out of here..." I turned to head for the door, but Janet's next words made me freeze in place, my body turning to ice.
"Travis, what would happen to you, if I went to Jason crying and told him that you had hit on me and groped me? And what would happen if I had five of the nicest, best girls in the whole school back up my story?"
You can imagine what went through my head. Oh God, Rob, at that moment I wanted you there with me more than anything in the world. I was trembling like a six year old. The girls laughed.
"Come on, please don't do this..." I said, or something like that, and then my begging got serious. I even think I started to, I know I started to cry, and the bitches laughed even harder.
"It's simple, Travis, just undress for us, show us what you've got...and everyone goes home happy." I saw Janet's finger sneak up under her skirt to finger her cunt. She was a fucking slut, Rob. She was getting fucked every single day, sometimes two or three times a day from what I hear. Talk is Jason has to unload his balls four times a day or he goes bananas. So this sixteen year old bitch was getting fucked two or three times every single day. Did she ever even have time to think about anything at all except Jason't big dick? I even heard the rumor that Jason made her suck the dicks of his team mates while he watched. I wouldn't put it past him.
What can I do? He will definitely make life living hell for me. I beg a few more times, and I can see that Janet is growing impatient. She tells Arlene to run out to the football field and tell Jason there is an emergency. I cry out for her to stop, and I begin to strip.
Oh Rob, stripping in front of six girls should be a dream come true, but it is really a nightmare. My fingers shook so much, I could hardly undo the buttons on my shirt. Remember how you and me would strip bare ass and jump on my bed and then wrestle before we jerked off. I loved being bare assed in front of pressure. But not in front of the most popular girls in the school...girls who had jock hunks for boyfriends. Skinny old me gets my shirt off. I stupidly set it on a chair, then undo do my shoes and kick them off and peel off my socks. I start to beg again, and Arlene makes for the door. I peel off my tee shirt.
"My, my my, he is a skinny drink of water..." one of the girls says, and I feel really dumb. "But look at the nice pouty titties on him." That makes me really want to cry. You know how you are always saying that I got a flat chest, but I got nipples like a sow. I guess I do. The girls made quite a big deal about my nipples. Funny, I never even thought anything about them. I know my chest is not muscular..big deal. We can't all be jocks. I felt like I wanted to die.
"Come on, pretty boy, undo your pants. Let's get to the main event." Janet said, her fingers digging in her cunt under her skirt. So I undo my pants and let them fall around my ankles. Now I am standing there in just my jockey briefs. I step out of my pants. I realize that there is quite a bulge in my briefs, even though my dick is not hard.
"Look, he wears little boy underpants, not boxers like our boyfriends. How sweet. Little white underpants." Arlene, who is also a bitch, says. And then the worst. "Oh look girls, is that a yellow piss stain on the front of his briefs? Did our little boy piss his underpants?" Imagine how I felt, Rob. There was a yellow stain on the fly of my briefs. I must have leaked when I put it away after pissing. The fucking cunts gathered around me like I was some animal at the zoo. They even squatted down to get a closer look at my piss stain, which rested right where my dick head was under the cloth.
"Do you piss your pants a lot, little boy?" Janet asked with a smile. I shook my head.
"Answer me."
"No, what?"
"No I do not piss my pants a lot." The girls clapped and giggled and jumped about, having a grand old time.
"His feet are nice and big. You know what they say...big feet, big dick!" One girl said.
Janet raised her hand for quiet. "Well, let's find out. Travis, take off your underpants."
What can I say, Rob. I can't even fucking write about this. It was fucking horrible. I had to strip off my underpants and stand there totally bare assed naked in front of these girls. They roared with laughter and pointed at my dick and clapped their hands.
"Well...he's not as big as Jason, I can tell you that." Janet said, laughing and pointing at my skinny dick.
"Honey, no boy in this school is as big as Jason. Your cunt is permanently stretched, bitch."
"Arlan, the new Junior nigger is hung bigger than Jason, the boys all say so."
Janet snapped her head around at that remark. "Black dick doesn't count. Everybody knows nigger boys are hung like fucking donkeys. Jason has the biggest dick of any white boy in the school."
"That," Arlene said pointing at my dick, "Is not a massive dick by any definition." I really wanted to cry then. You know, Rob that my dick is not small. You always told me I had a really good dick, even at twelve and thirteen. Remember when we would measure our dicks in the locker room, five or six of us eighth graders? I always won. So imagine how I felt. Like a fucking dweeb. I hung my head in shame.
"It's not the biggest, but it is really cute, Travis, and you have really nice juicy looking balls. Spread your legs a little, so we can see how your balls hang." Did I obey? Of course I did. What the fuck could I do? Then they ordered me to turn around and show them my ass.
"Well, it's not muscular like jock ass is. Our boyfriends have asses like slabs of marble. Yours is quite soft, but it is a lovely shape and looks real pretty."
"At least it's not all hairy like Marco's is." said the girl who was obviously Marco's main squeeze. I hate it when I have to lick his ass, cause it's so fucking hairy. All kinds of crap gets stuck in the ass hairs around his hole, you know toilet paper know, and he likes me to suck it all clean for him."
Janet preened. "Jason shaves his ass for me. He likes to leave it sweaty, but shaved for me when I lick it." Several other girls in the room made a face indicating they also had sucked Jason's jock ass. I am trying to recall these remarks as accurately as I can remember, but I was so scared at the time, my mind is fuzzy on some details.
"Please, can I get dressed now?" I asked, reaching for my underpants.
"Bend over, spread your cheeks and show us your asshole," Janet said. When was the last time in the history of this world, do you think, that six girls made a fifteen year old boy bend over and show then his asshole? And as if that wasn't enough, the next order from Janet hit rock bottom. "Masturbate for us. Show us how you do it at home."
Oh Rob, my dick didn't want to get hard. I stood there jerking on my semi-hard cock in front of six girls. They had an unnatural interest in my technique. They commented on how my balls jiggled and dances. They laughed at how hairless and smooth my fucksack was. Apparently, Jason has a hairy scrotum. I now have way too much fucking information about Jason...shaved asshole, hairy scrotum, huge dick.
"Is that how you jerk off at home, standing up at attention like that?" Arlene questioned.
" home I usually sit on my bed and..." I stopped talking, trying to at least get my dick hard to impress the fucking cunts.
"Well then, sit up on the teachers' desk, spread your legs and give us a really nice show!" I was beyond arguing. I climbed up on the desk, my chest heaving, turned toward them and spread my legs as wide as I could. Then, I beat my fucking meat for all it was worth. It started to thicken and then stiffen. And you know the perverted thing, Rob? I felt proud. I felt a kind of pride that it was at last getting hard in front of them. I wanted them to want my dick. Remember in the eighth grade locker room when we would have jerk off contests? Eight or nine of us would stand in a line and meat our meat and see who could shoot their spunk the farthest. Your dick slop just about splattered the far wall, remember. Your cocksnot shot out like water from a fire hose. All the fucking boys were always so impressed, and remember we surmised that little Arnie Walters was a faggot and stayed behind to lick up all the spilled spunk once we were finished? Ah, those were the days.
And now, we cut to the chase. Me beating my dick, and the big read head of my fuckmeat must have worked magic on Janet Scola (or Scrotum.) She suddenly called a halt to their games and told the other girls to scram. She said she had to talk to me in private to keep my mouth shut. One of the girls protested that they were going to shove a water bottle up my ass (which would have hurt,) but Janet said, another time.
Long story short...the other girls left, and Janet told me to fuck her. Just like that. she took off her clothes, what little there was, and she stood there naked, big tits bouncing, cunt dripping and told me to fuck her. I was all thumbs. I was scared and aroused and excited and feeling a little sick to be honest. She just reached out and grabbed my dick and shoved it in her. I thought I would cum from her touch alone, but somehow I managed to hold on.
To anyone else, I would lie and say it was a magnificent fuck. Well, it was, but not in the sense one would think. It only lasted five minutes at the most. I just couldn't hold out any longer. I did get to suck her tits (another first) and I fingered her clit. I tried to remember everything I was supposed to do. She seemed really turned on by it, but I don't know why? Jason has this massive dick and fucks her all the time. Mine is long but thin, and I don't even know how to fuck. She sucked my skin and gave me about a hundred hickeys. My whole neck and chest has these black blotches. She also reached down and squeezed my ball sack really hard and scraped it with her nails. Maybe that is what Jason likes, I don't know. She kept saying that if Jason ever found out, he would kill us both, and that just got me more excited.
My dick felt so fucking amazing in her. Then she told me that there was no time for me to fuck her ass, and that would have to wait for another time. I almost fucking fainted. It was then I arched up and tightened my ass cheeks and came. She grabbed my ass and slammed me into her harder. I think Jason fucks her much deeper than I did.
Rob, this fucking thing is amazing. And I didn't wear no fucking condom or nothing. I bare backed it. I don't think I ever shot such a big load in my life. Remember how we would jerk off and then see who had shot the most? We'd jerk into a glass and then try to measure it, remember? And you kept saying the loser had to drink both loads, but I would never go along with that. Well, there was cum all over the fucking classroom. I pulled out of her and cum shot out of her cunt like a spray from a bottle of window cleaner. Cum and cunt juice coated my dick and dripped from it onto the floor.
I kind of panicked. "I, eh..need something to clean it up with..." I said. Janet laughed, called me sweet and naive and kissed me on the mouth. Tongue and all.
Then, she said, "I'll show you how Jason cleans up after." And with that, she got down, naked as the day she was born, and licked and sucked my dirty dick clean. She even licked cum and cunt slop off my balls. Then, for good measure, she licked down under my balls as well. I threw another hard-on just like that.
"There's no time now, the girls will get suspicious." She slapped my dick hard, but that only made it stiffer. "Get dressed."
I did, in a daze, Rob as you can imagine. And then just before I stumbled out of the room, she said the magic words...
"We will fuck again!" And she blew me a kiss.
As I write this to you, my fucking dick is leaking all over the keyboard. I beat off twice after I got home, and I am still hard as a rock. Oh Shit, I wish you were here for one of our good old jerk sessions.
Is it possible that Janet Scola wants me for her boyfriend? Is it possible that she would dump the school's star athlete for me? Or is this all some kind of cruel joke? And what if Jason ever finds out. What will he do to me? Oh fuck, I just shot my load again. Got to go, my hand is dripping with cum. I'll email you tomorrow and tell you what happens.
Your Best Bud, Travis
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