Ride to Hell's Gate: Sean's Story

[ Mmb, hist, cons, nc, rape, beast, ws ]

by Woton


Published: 24-Apr-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The three boys working together to find the killer of one of the boys father were now captives of an Indian war party. The boys walking single file with their hands tied were guided into the camp by an Indian on horseback holding the main rope that the boys were attached to.

One big Indian came out of a center teepee. After words with the other Indians, he looked over the boys as if they were common stock animals. He ended with Sean, grabbing his butt and yanking his head back by pulling on his hair, and checking his mouth. The Indian unhitched Sean from the main rope and dragged him into the teepee with his hands still tied.

Sean thought the injun wanted him more scared then he was, but Sean had been with many men.

The Indian pulled out a knife waiving it about before using it to cut off the overalls Sean was wearing. With the boy nude and hands tied, the Indian forced Sean face down on a buffalo rug.

Hes not nice, thought Sean. My face all in this animal hide, I don't ges two see what a injuns dick looks and I cant evens do mines with my handz bound.

As Sean waited for maybe a good ride from the Indian, he thought back on his short life.

The best he could figure, Sean was maybe around ten years. Sean or as the correct saying Shawn had many birth stories. An unknown couple from a wagon train, got sick and pulled off into town and died leaving a baby boy. A teen girl unwed stumbled into the church, gave birth, and then died before saying who the father was. Everyone in town had a different story of his birth, but not one member of the town want him. He lived how ever he could.

He thought he started at the whore house. His earliest memories were running around nude there. When men visited most of the time, he was put out back to run and play nude. He was a healthy child and tan being out doors so much. He also had much to play with. Stray dogs came by some times and the toddler found it fun playing with them and when the dogs licked him all over getting any left over food off his small body. He enjoyed it when they washed his little dick and balls, and their tongues got into his ass. He also played on the men's tied up horses. Holding on to the horse's neck, he would rub his body up and down on the horse. The horse hair feeling good on his small boy hood.

Sean just had two bad memories there. One was when the United Women's Church League came for visits. The whores would force him in the tube and wash. Then in whatever clothes, he had to act nice to the old bitter hags. They patted his head and pinched his checks, then leave all better then anyone there and all he got was a piece of clothing or two.

The second bad memory caused him to leave his first home. A man who came to the whore house regular was yelling with the whore, he was with. Sean playing in the hall saw the man angry come out of one of the many bedrooms half dressed. The man holding his clothes in one hand, grabbed Sean with his other hand and dragged him over to one of the waiting couches. Other times men would be sitting waiting for their turn with a whore, but now it was the man and the nude little Sean.

The nice man put Sean on his leg and showed Sean his first dick. The man let Sean play with it and his balls as the man with his thumb and finger stroked little Sean's dick. It felt good like when he played with the animals outside. Sean did not mind when the man asked him to stroke his dick like he stroked Sean's dick. Sean had to use both his hands but it did bring off the man. Sean was sucking the new treat off his hands and fingers, when the whore came out looking for her client and saw the two together. She started screaming again and both Sean and the man where kicked out of the house forever.

Sean spent the next years living where ever he could. He got a job sweeping up the general store. One day after closing the store, the store keep wanted to talk to Sean.

"Boy. Have you worked a man part?", the store keep squeezed himself.

Sean put down his broom, and knelt before the man. After taking the man's dick out, he stroked it up and down. The store keep took Sean's hand off his dick.

"No boy! Use your mouth."

The man rubbed his dick head over Sean's lips and let Sean lick the head. He then forced it down Sean's boy throat. Pulling on Sean's hair, he fucked the boy's faced. After blowing his load, he pulled his meat out, leaving the boy gagging to clean up the mess.

Sean's next job was running messages for the town banker. One day before the bank opened, the banker asked Sean if he would like a shiny new dime. Sean almost lost his head nodding and yelling out yes to the question.

The banker bent Sean face down over his desk and then pulled down his worn pants. Sean stayed there wondering about the man. The man played with his rear. The banker felt up, smelled, and licked, Sean's butt. Then the banker's face went into Sean's ass. The man's tongue probing deep in the boy, caused him to wiggle on the desk and the banker had to hold him still. Having his ass eaten blew Sean's young mind.

Sean made good money with the banker. Sean would wait outside the out houses till the banker came by. If he tipped his top hat and fixed his hair before going in, Sean would slip in the out house after the banker.

Inside Sean knelt before the banker as he did his business offering his ass if the banker wanted something while on the shitter. When the banker needed to piss, he would do it all over and Sean. Sean got extra for taking it in the face and drinking it. When finished, Sean did the banker's asshole.

"Boy your seven year old tongue bets the catalog to wipe with every time."

Sean's next job was with Old Black, a freed old slave, at his livery. For taking care of the horses and cleaning out the stalls, Sean got to stay at the livery and sleep in the hay piles. Also Old Black liked Sean going around naked.

"Yep boy. Bend that ass over scooping that horse shit."

One night Old Black popped Sean's cherry. Sean was sleeping one night in the hay when Old Black drunk came up on him. He flipped the boy on to his stomach and rested on his knees. The man spitted into his ass and worked his fingers on the inside. Sean did not know what was going on, but Old Black's weight kept him pinned down. The boy felt something hard going up inside him like a backwards shit. Being old, Old Black gave Sean a quick fuck before loosing his load. Still it taught Sean what else one could do with an ass.

Sean sort of hit a dry spell. He maybe got some fun with the men of the town or a roll in the hay with school boy he could get into a game of I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Most days it was just the local animals. Horses were to big for his mouth still he tried, but ended up just using both of his hands. The stray dogs were still his friends. Some let him get under them and suck them off. Sean did not even mind the scratches from dogs holding onto his back as he was the town's doggie bitch.

Now maybe going to be ten, he had nothing and no where to go. That changed the day the town sheriff died. His son, Little Ben was going after the killer. This could be his chance. How to make the lean dark haired twelve year old see it his way.

Sean got the boy over to his hay bed, and dropped his overalls. Sean was already hard standing nude before the older boy. Sean got down on his knees and opened up Ben's store bought jeans. The small boy's hands reach in and freed Ben's dick. The dick, never touched by anyone but it's owner started to swell in Sean's hands. Sean worked the tip with his tongue and then the shaft while his free hands played with Ben's balls.

Knowing only his hand, Ben in no time had to grab on to Sean to stay up and lost his young load that Sean drank all down. Sean still hard and eager wanted to show Ben more, but Ben had to get after his father's killer. Still it all worked out. Sean got to go with Ben, leave the town, and maybe get more time with Little Ben.

On the trail, they came across a small shack. The killer's horse run out was tied to the shack but the killer was gone but not with out leaving another dead body behind. Inside they found an eleven year old Mexican boy named Diego on the only small bed in the shack. The boy was in a dress back side lifted up and with a hole leaking cum.

Sean saw no need to waste any, so he dove head first into the boy's ass hole. Sucking up all the fresh cum and cleaning the boy out. Diego was so worked up, he gave Little Ben his second ever blow job. After the snacks, Diego told how the killer stole the family horse, killed his papa, and fucked him before leaving. Little Ben gave Diego a pair of pants to wear and the now three boys set off after the killer.

Sean was daydreaming of Ben's dick and Diego's round brown ass when injuns attacked. The boys were caught and taken prisoner.

Fresh spit and fingers twisting in his hole, brought Sean back to the present. From the weight on him, he could tell he was about to used. Sean worked his head up a bit to try and see anything when two more injuns came in the teepee. They pointed at Sean about to be fucked and then put their hands in their loincloths and starting jacking off.

"Stopid injuns. One least let me sucker them. So I can seas a injun dick." Sean thought to him self as his captor's dick touched the outside of his hole.

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I like where you are going with this; good and hot background info on Sean. I'll be interested in seeing how you develop the plot.

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