Published: 29-Apr-2013
Word Count:
The pungent nectar from Samuel Charlston's thick dick seeped out of the wide pulsing pisshole and coated ten year old Jared's small pink tongue. Samuel had ordered the naked little boy to stick out his tongue. Then the business executive had quickly stripped naked himself and Placed the head of his fuckmeat on the boy's tongue. Jared gagged, more from the knowledge that it was a man's penis on his tongue than from any smell or taste. The weight of the dickhead felt strange to the little boy. Samuel smiled down at Jared and gently began to saw his big fucker back and forth, causing his dick leak to flow more freely. The little boy's soft, smooth upper lip massaged the top of Samuel's fucker which twitched from contact with boy lip. Jared made a single great sigh like sob, as Samuel pushed three inches of fuckmeat into the boy's face pussy. Samuel sat down in his chair and spread his strong, muscular thighs apart. He put his hand on the back of Jared's tousled hair and gently pushed the boys' face onto his rampant prick. When Jared began to squat, Samuel firmly held the naked little boy and forced him to remain standing. Without removing the dick from his mouth, Jared learned how Samuel wanted him. Straight spread legs, bent over at the hips, pumping his little face up and down on the cockslab. Samuel would run his hands up and down over Jared smooth slender torso. He would allow his fingers to gently cup Jared's tiny dicklet and testes, savoring the soft velvet feel of the young genitals. Then he would run one hand up along the boys' back to the kid's head, where he would gently but forcefully push more leaking dick into the ten year old mouth.
Jared felt the fucker batter at the back of his mouth. "How much does he want me to take?" he wondered. "He is already at the back of my mouth!" But only half the cunt fucker was in the boy's mouth. There were still five more inches to go. Samuel grunted and his dick gave a lurch and sprayed the inside of Jared's mouth with pre-fuck. Samuel took one of Jared's little hands and placed it on his huge swollen scrotum. The terrified kid gingerly cupped the massive leathery fucksack. It felt strange and alien to him. He could feel the two hard boiled egg sized nuts encased within the hairy sack of flesh. He felt the palate battering dick give another lurch, and if possible it seemed to swell up even larger than before. His little mouth was stretched to the point of tearing. Jared looked up at Samuel with pleading eyes, tears running down his ten year old cheeks to mingle with dick and lips and boy spit and man leak.
Samuel worked Jared's little hand to get him going, and soon the boy was massaging the fuck satchel. Such soft, wonderful little hands the pre-teen bitch had. This fucking boytwat was a natural.
Samuel held the boy's head in both of his hands. With gently but unrelenting force, he pushed the head deeper onto his dick. The boy momentarily thought he would die. He feared the dick would rip through his head!
But the cock worked its way down into the little ten year old throat. He head needed to be adjusted so the throat and neck could accommodate the fuckmeat. Pain ripped through Jared's throat. Was he bleeding down in there, or was it only the dick leak? Now Jared had a new worry; how was he going to breath? The fucker forged ahead like the prow of some mighty ship cutting through the ocean, white caps of spit and cock leak spewing out of the little boy's nose.
Samuel grabbed the kid by the ears and pulled his head up off the cock. Jared's eyes rolled in his head, as he gasped for air. His mouth open and moving involuntarily to grab at air, He looked like some baby animal craving feeding.
Samuel laughed and yanked on the boy fucktoy ears, ramming his dick once more down into the boy's throat. A sound like the release of a suction cup filled the office. This time eight inches of fuckmeat traveled the tunnel of boy mouth and throat. Jared's eyes rolled in his head. Samuel would not satisfied until he had all ten inches buried...until the little boy's nose and lips were pressed against his black pubic hair...until he was balls deep in the little boy.
Samuel reached over to his desk with one hand and grasped the gold fountain pen resting there. He brought it around to Jared's tiny ass. With the kid's face still neatly impaled on the leaking fucker, he used one hand to first cup and then spread the tiny hairless ass cheeks. He was an expert at this. He felt for the tiny pink pucker he knew lay within the pre-teen ass crack cavity. When his finger found the asshole, he brought the gold pen to it, and began to insert it into the kid's ass. If Jared could have gasped, he would have. The stubby fountain pen was worked beyond little boy ass lips, into little boy rectum. But Jared could not gasp, his mouth and throat were stuffed with pizzle! Stuffed with fuck sausage. Stuffed to overflowing with dick meat! Spit and pre-cum squirted out of the side of Jared's mouth and ran from his cute little pug nose. Samuel twisted the pen and pushed more of it into the virginal asshole. Samuel was in Rutting Heaven. Was there anything in the world better than this? Well maybe not better, but certainly as good...and that would be the eight year old brother to this boy bitch! Imagine deep throating an eight year old! Christ, the huge dick would go all the way down into the little fucker's stomach.
And what about the day when he would force the boys' father Peter to fuck his own eight year old son in the ass, while Samuel gullet fucked the boy from the mouth. The fucking little slut boy would be impaled by dick at both ends. The two big fuckers would almost meet in the middle! Samuel wondered how Peter would feel being forced to fuck his own sons. Having to shove his fat pink dickhead into the rectums of his own darling baby boys. would it drive him over the edge into madness? Or would Peter find it strangely more alluring and stimulating than the cunt of his wife?
A cunt, by the way, that Samuel had sampled just the day before. He had fucked Maggie, Peter's loving and faithful wife. He had fucked her in numerous humiliating positions. He had forced Maggie to straddle his huge dick and bounce on it. He had fucked Maggie bent over the polished desk in his office. He had fucked Maggie doggie style and missionary position. He had fucked Maggie standing up, forcing her to walk around the room with his dick in her. He had planted his seed deep within a begging Maggie. She was not on the pill and did not want to get pregnant. Do you think for one second Samuel cared? On the contrary, he was delighted with the prospect that he might be breeding Peter's wife. And Samuel was a great fucker! He had the fucking bitch quivering on his dick. He brought her off three times before he unloaded his balls. And before that he did some other things! At one point, he pulled his dick from the boy's raw pulsing throat with one long quick move. To poor Jared, it almost seemed as if his burning throat was clinging to the raping fuckhose.
When the dickslab pulled free of the boy's mouth, a long strand of pre-fuck connected the kid's lower lip to the pisshole of the cockhead. It was truly beautiful how the submissive little boy just stood there bent over with a fountain pen up his ten year old asshole, his pale slender body vibrating from pain and humiliation, afraid to even move lest he disengage the bridge of fucksnot that linked him to the fucking big cock. Somehow deep inside Jared, he knew even at the tender age of ten, that this dick owned him. Trapped as he was, he instinctively sensed what many an adult slave seeks to know...the feeling that you have no power, and that you are nothing but a plaything for a man's swollen, dripping penis.
The dick twitched and the bridge of slime broke, leaving a long trail of pre-fuck draping over the boy's chin and hanging down. Samuel tugged on the boy's ears bringing him deeper into his groin.
"Lick my balls!" he said quietly but sternly. Poor little Jared wasn't even certain what that meant. Lick his balls? Why? Samuel twisted the kid's ears, and little Jared stuck out his small pink tongue once again, this time to lap at the fat full leathery scrotum. Jared licked nutsack. It tasted sweaty and salty. A few black hairs got caught between his teeth. He lapped at the ballsack like a puppy licking a master's hand.
"LAP! LAP! LAP!" spittle soon dripped from the thick scrotum. Jared could feel the nuts inside the bag moving around. It was the worst thing he had ever had to do. It was even worse than having his throat fucked, because in this case, he was having to willingly commit the action. He was not a passive fuck receptacle, but an active part of the game. As he licked toward the bottom of the ball sack, the taste became more bitter. Little Jared's eyes teared up, not from sadness or pain, but from the dark musky taste down near Samuel's perineum. The smell was darker too.
But just as little jared's smooth young face became wedged deep between ball sack and asshole, and the taste and the smell became darker still, Samuel felt he was about to lose it.
"Oh Christ, Fuck!" he howled, grabbing the ten year old by the hair and yanking him back up to the jerking, bouncing prick. He virtually rammed the about to explode penis back into the boy's moth...over his tongue and palate and down deep into the little throat. The child made a short, sharp gurgling sound, like a clogged sink backing up. Samuel fucked the hell out of the boy's throat. The cock pulsed, growing even thicker, pushing against the boy's neck from the inside. The prick spat! Samuel howled...causing several heads in the outer office to turn.
Peter sat facing Maggie. For a long time they had nothing to say to each other. They knew their situation. They were trapped. Finally, raising his eyes to his beautiful young wife, Peter asked, "Did he fuck you!"
Maggie sucked on her lower lip and turned her head away. "Oh Got, Peter, he fucked me so hard, that I can hardly walk. He fucked me in every position he could think of. He made me clean it off with my mouth after!" She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. Peter leaned in and tried to take her in his arms, but she jerked away from him. Now anger filled her dark eyes. "It's your fault. You got us all into ruined our lives. If he hurts our boys...I will never forgive you!"
Peter screwed up his handsome face in infinite sadness. "It wasn't like that, Maggie. It was a stupid thing I did in college I thought if I took a few dirty pictures for him, he would leave me alone. But it wasn't like that. It's never like that. A little leverage leads to total control. And now they'll take our children away from us, if we don't do what this sick fuck tells us to. We have to get through this together, Maggie. I'll figure out some way out of this. Give me a little time. Until then..."
Maggie made eye contact, but her hand still partly covered her mouth. "We have to do whatever he wants..." she murmured, hardly able to get the words out.
Peter swallowed hard. He had something to tell her. "Those disgusting Japanese businessmen who are visiting Samuel from Tokyo...they want something from us."
Maggie sat very still, like a frozen statue, locked in position for eternity. She waited. Even here eyes did not move.
"Maggie...they want to watch us fuck. They want us to fuck for them. They want to watch while I fuck you in the mouth and the cunt and ass! AND THEY WANT OUR CHILDREN TO WATCH. THEY WANT JARED AND JAMES TO WATCH ME FUCK YOU!"
im yours
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