The Virgin Chronicles, Part 11

[ Mf, ped, 1st, oral ]

Published: 12-Apr-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Postulant Patricia

My name is Patricia. At the time of this story I was fifteen years old. I was in the first year of training to become a nun, in a position known as a postulant. I was 5 feet, 3 inches tall with blond hair. When I entered the convent, I had to cut it. It was so short, I looked like a boy. Luckily my hair was always hidden beneath my veil. I went through puberty, many years ago, yet my body was straight and flat, with only A-Cup breasts. Luckily the habit hid my body too.

A postulant is a nun in training. I took preliminary vows including Obedience to the Church, and Chastity to my body. I lived in a convent with twenty other nuns and postulants, and the Monsignor, who was head of the Order. He was in his thirties.

I was very naive about the world, having chosen this life as an early teen. I knew literally nothing about sex, and only a little about basic biology.

One day after class in the Monsignor's office, as I was leaving, I picked up the book and papers, that I had set on the shelves.

Unknown to me at the time, some of the Monsignor's papers had gotten stuck to the bottom of mine.

Now every afternoon, we had an hour of alone time, in our rooms, when we were supposed to study, meditate or pray. As I was sifting through the papers, preparing to study, I noticed I had picked up one of the Monsignor's magazines by mistake. It had a plain cover with the title Unnatural Desires printed across it. Curiously, the 'Un' in 'Unnatural' had an X printed over it, crossing it out, leaving it to read 'Natural Desires'.

I opened it up, and started going through it. The first few pages contained pictures of grown men and teen girls, about my age and younger. They were pictured at what appeared to be a party, at a house, with a pool. Everyone was in swimsuits. The bikinis the girls were wearing, seemed inappropriate for their ages.

But then I got a real shock. On the next page, everyone had taken off their swim suits and were standing around stark naked. I quickly closed the magazine, hoping I could sneak it back next week. Throughout the rest of the day, I had a hard time not thinking about what I had seen.

The next day, at alone time, I had to see more. I sat on my bed and turned to the page where everyone was getting naked. Most of the girls had straight, flat bodies and A-Cup breasts like me. Their vagina's were also little slits, like mine.

I concentrated on the men, studying what was between their legs. I had seen drawings of penises in a biology book but never a photograph. The penises on all of the men in the pictures were flaccid. Even so, they seemed to be between six and eight inches long.

Turning the pages, there were pictures of the girls now touching the penises. Some even had them in their mouths. The penises were much harder and bigger now, between eight to ten inches long. In a few pictures, the men had their mouths, between the girls' legs and were licking their vaginas.

The next few pages were the most enlightening. It showed the men, sliding their penises, in and out of the girls' vaginas. Most of the teenage girls were on their backs, their legs pointed up, the men inside them. A few were squatted over the men, riding them like cowgirls. One was bent over the couch, being taken from behind.

The last pages showed lots of white stuff coming out of the tips of the penises. Some landed on the faces of the girls, some in their mouths'. Most was dripping out of the vaginal openings, of the wide spread girls. I finally understood sex, what it was, and how it worked. What I didn't understand was all that oral stuff.

While looking at the pictures, I noted that I had a really tingly feeling in my own vagina. I pulled up the bottom of my habit and started to rub my vagina, over the cotton bloomers I was wearing. I couldn't believe how wet I was. The cotton was soaked so I pulled the panties off and threw them to the side.

Looking at the pictures, I started rubbing my vagina again, this time on the little bud at the top. I was fascinated by the pictures of the men licking the girls' pussies. That seemed like it would feel really good. The faster I rubbed, the better it felt, and soon I felt my insides expanding and contracting, and my body exploded, in what I assumed was an orgasm. It felt so good I was trying to understand why it was forbidden by the church. I reached down and started rubbing myself again.

Just then the door burst open, and in walked the Monsignor. He closed the door behind him. There I was, my habit pulled up around my waist, and my fingers in my vagina.

"Postulant Patricia," he said, "I see you found my magazine. I see you like it!"

I looked at him in shock. I could not talk. I could not even pull my habit down.

"Don't stop just because I'm here." he ordered. "Go on, continue."

I didn't think I could disobey him, so I started rubbing again, this time looking him straight in the eyes. Monsignor, on the other hand, was looking straight at my vagina. It must have reminded him of the teenage vaginas he saw in his magazine.

Then he did something I never expected. He kneeled in front of me, moved my hand aside, and put his mouth, right on my vagina. He started licking up and down my nearly hairless slit, and then went up to the top. His tongue landed on the bud, that I later learned was my clitoris. I leaned back, flat on my back, to enjoy. It felt better than I imagined. After five to ten minutes of this, I exploded in another orgasm that was even better than the first.

As I lay, trying to catch my breath, he spoke again.

"Take off your habit and veil," he ordered, "I want to see all of you!"

I rationalized, that I had to obey him, but really, I wanted to do it anyway.

Sitting up, I pulled the habit over my head, taking the veil with it. A cotton camisole, covered by breasts, which I also removed.

I lay back down, totally naked before him. I hoped he liked my fifteen year old, straight, flat, boylike body, my A-Cup breasts, my nearly bare slit, and my boy cut blond hair. (In hindsight, from my reading of the news, looking like a boy, was probably a positive.)

Nevertheless, when he saw this, he stripped out of his robes, taking off everything, but his collar. His penis was an amazing eight inches long. I reached out and touched it all over.

As he climbed up above me, I spread my legs. That magazine showed me just what to do. I grabbed his penis, and put it at the entrance of my vagina. He stopped for a moment, as if to say a prayer, and then pushed forward, hard.

"Oh God!" I screamed, as he busted through my hymen. I never felt anything fill me up so full. As he started pumping in and out, with long, slow strokes, I felt like I was (pardon me) in heaven.

As he sped up, I felt my body start another orgasm. This one was so strong, I almost fell off the bed. In the middle of it, I felt him spewing load after load of hot stuff, deep into my pussy.

I now knew what the fifteen year olds in the magazine felt like. I now knew what sex was. I now knew what I would be missing, if I became a nun.

The Monsignor put on his clothes, taking his magazine, and blessing me as he left.

I put on the street clothes I had saved, and left the convent that afternoon. I couldn't live with the thought of giving up sex forever.

I took my veil and habit with me. They would be the future source of many a mans' fantasy...

More stories to come...

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