It had been a long trip and I was a little frazzled. I had driven from LA to Vegas for a nice relaxing vacation. To my dismay ... my favorite hotel was booked ... so I drove around looking for another reasonable place to stay.
Every place I stopped was either full ... or was so bad I wouldn't let my dog sleep there. I finally got tired of looking so I stopped at a place that looked a little seedy but advertised cheap rent and cable TV. The Asian dude took my money and handed me a key. The room was on the ground floor which I liked ... and I drove around to the back and parked my van in front of the room.
As I pulled up I noticed that on this side of the two-storied-inn, there was only one other car and it was at the far end of the lot. I opened the trunk and began to unpack all my shit. I was going to nap for a while then hit the strip. Not that I really enjoyed the strip... it was just some place to go while I had some time off. I was actually going through some kind of a mid-life funk. I was 38 ... no girl friend ... and no real prospects. I had never been married although was told I was an above average looking guy. Just had never found the right girl I guess. Or ... it could be something else.
I was carrying the last bag in when I got the feeling I was being watched. I looked around but did not see anyone. Then I looked up and my heart stopped cold. There on the second floor, leaning on the railing was the CUTEST little girl I have ever seen. I must have made her wonder because I stopped dead in my tracks.
All my life I have been strongly attracted to little girls. Of all the things I could have been ... this of course was the most dangerous. In today's world I was the lowest of the low ... but it made little difference. One cannot help what they are. And I loved little girls. I had made peace with this fact about five years ago. Until then I had fought who I was and even went into some voluntary therapy. What a cluster fuck that was. I had tried to deny who I was all my life ... but no more. And here was a beautiful creature ... smiling down at me.
This little angel looked to be maybe five or six; with beautiful straw colored hair and deep blue eyes. She was wearing dark pink shorts and a little halter top with matching pink sneakers that were sticking through the railing. She had just the right amount of baby fat too ... something I loved in a little girl. But she was very pale... almost sickly looking. When she saw me looking at her from behind my sunglasses she smiled and waved. I waved back and said hi. She said hi back ... softly ... and her voice was like crystal.
Because I would have looked foolish standing there any longer, I carried the last bag into the room. I was surprised to feel my heart hammering in my chest ... it had been a long time since I had been so affected by a little girl. I went back outside under the pretence of getting something else out of the van just to get another look at her.
To my delight she was still there and turned to look at me again. I called up to her and asked her name. She immediately put her finger to her lips and shushed me. Then turned around and looked at the door behind her for a long minute. She whispered that her name was Sarah... then told me to be quiet because her mom was sleeping. I whispered back that I was sorry and told her my name ... Tom. She smiled the biggest smile you have ever seen and said hi again.
I wondered why anyone would let her beautiful young daughter outside ... now I knew ... mom was asleep. But what was she doing out here? I whispered to Sarah that I was going inside ... it was too hot out. She looked so sad ... like she had not had anyone to talk to in forever. I asked if she thought her mother would mind if she came down and talked for a while. She looked torn for a moment then said she would be down in about five minutes.
I went inside with incredible fantasies running around in my head... oh the things I wanted to do to this pretty little girl ... but I knew that MOST little girls were blabber mouths and could not be trusted to keep their mouths shut. Even after you have accepted what you are, you still have to be very careful. The best I could hope for was maybe a peek up her shorts ... or a hug and kiss. That would be enough for me if it was all I could get from this beautiful creature. But I could always hope for more ... right?
I waited for about 10 minutes, then, thinking she was not coming... (Why would she?) I decided to go get some ice. Disappointed, I grabbed the ice bucket and headed down the walk. I found it around the corner and filled up then headed back. I turned the corner and to my delight I found Sarah waiting in front of my door getting ready to knock. When she saw me she again put her finger to her little lips and again implored me to be quiet.
I got the door open and let her in ahead of me ... my heart beating a drum score in my chest. She went in and stopped dead in her tracks. "Wow ... your room is so nice!" she said. I had gotten the nicest "suite" they had ... for about two hundred dollars. There were two beds, a pretty nice TV and the room was a good size with a refrigerator and microwave. But when you compared it to other rooms in this town ... it was not that nice.
Sarah asked me if I was rich. I told her I was well off (I was)... that I had made a lot of money and knew how to invest it. (Commodities broker) She was very quiet and took in everything. I asked if she wanted a coke and she eagerly nodded her head yes. I then asked her if her mother was still asleep. She nodded her head again, accepted the cup, and greedily gulped her coke like she was dying of thirst.
"Mom always sleeps during the day. She takes her medicine when she gets up at night and then visits with her boyfriends. Then she takes more medicine early in the morning ... when the sun is coming up... and falls asleep when the last one leaves."
Uh huh, I thought. It was then I noticed that the clothes she was wearing were filthy. They looked like they had only a nodding acquaintance with a washing machine. How could anyone let this precious angel walk around in dirty clothes? Hopefully I could "help" her wash them later. (You know the ways our minds work ... yes you do.)
I asked her what her mom and her boyfriends do. She stared at the floor and looked kinda' uncomfortable ... then said they kiss a lot. I asked her where she was when her mom was with her boyfriends and she told me she was forced to stay in the closet and not make any noise. She usually slept. When her mom's boyfriends left ... she would get to come out and eat and go to the bathroom. But during the day she had to be very quiet. Her mom got really mad when she got woken up.
It was 1:30 in the afternoon ... I asked her when her mom got up? Sarah said that her job was to wake her mom at seven every evening. Well ... when does she get to play with other kids I asked? She looked kinda' sad and said she did not get to go to school and have friends because her mom said it cost too much money. I thought for a moment.then asked the million dollar question. I asked her if anyone knew her mom had a little girl. "No," she said. "No one ever sees me. I have to stay in the closet and be really quiet."
This was getting very interesting. "Does she let you go outside a lot? I mean ... you were outside when I met you," I said. Sarah said that she sneaked outside because she wanted to see the sky ... and the sun. If her mother had caught her she would have been mad and hit her. She said this so mater-of-fact ... but it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
I finally asked the question that at the time I did not realize.but it was a question that would change my life forever.
Do you like living with your mother? She shook her head no. "Mom hits me ... even when I'm good. She calls me names too. She says I am the worse thing to ever happen to her and she wishes I would die. It makes me cry. I always ask her to send me to live somewhere else but she just gets madder and says I am not grateful for all she does for me. Then she starts hitting me. Sometimes I wish she would die." Sarah had covered her face with her grubby little hands and started crying.and my heart just broke.
Okay ... I had to think and think fast. I had to make a couple of MAJOR decisions... and one way or the other and I had to make them fast. But for some reason I was not scared ... not one bit. I should have been terrified with what I was thinking. But my heart rate was steady and my stomach fine.
"Sarah ... would you like to come live with me? If I could make your mommy disappear ... would you like to come away with me? I have always wanted a little girl to take care of. I've been so lonely all my life. I know you don't know me but I promise I will always treat you well ... you will never be hungry and I will see to it you have a wonderful life." I stopped talking and held my breath. NOW my heart was pounding. Had I actually just said that?
This little princess ... big tears welled up in her eyes and she jumped out of the chair and hugged me tight. She smelled like sour milk. "Please don't tease me mister ... I hate living with her. I am hungry all the time and I hate it when she gets mean. All I ever get to eat is nasty food and sour milk. I want to get away from her so bad... I'll do anything you want!"
Ignoring her last statement ... I pulled her away and got down to her height. "Sarah, I am not teasing. If you really hate her that much, I will make her go away ... but you have to be sure".
"I am ... I am sure. I hate living with her so much. I hate living in hotels and I hate not having any friends. Please let me come stay with you ... I will be the best little girl you ever had!" she cried and hugged my neck tighter. This was moving so fast ... and I took it as fate. If I could have this darling little girl for my very own ... I would kill the bitch. This was turning into a much more interesting vacation than I had ever thought.
I asked Sarah what kind of medicine her mom took. She told me she put it in a needle and put it in her arm. I asked her where her mother kept it and she said in her purse. I also asked if her door was locked... and she shook her head no.
So ... I left Sarah where she was and told her to stay there. I told her I would be back in a few minutes. I went out and took the stairs up to her room. I very quietly opened the door. It was dark but I could make out the shape of a fat woman lying on the bed. I went to her purse and found her kit and opened it and found her dope ... enough dope to do the trick too. The fat bitch was snoring up a storm and the room stank of unwashed pussy and shit. There were empty pizza boxes and sour cartons of milk laying around ... and used condoms everywhere. Fuck ... me. What a fucking shithole ... no wonder Sarah wanted to leave.
I quietly went into the bathroom and dumped a bunch of heroin in the spoon and began to cook it. I knew all about this shit from a woman I use to date that was into it. (The only reason I dated her was to be around her little five-year-old.) I waited for the dope to cool then loaded up the syringe with enough shit to kill three people. I went out and sat on the bed ... took a nasty bra on the ground and tied off her arm.
As I was doing all this she groggily opened her eyes and saw she was about to get a fix. "Wha ... is it any good?" she asked. I smiled and found a nice fat vain. She must have thought I was one of her tricks because she nodded her head and looked over at the wall. I stuck it in and pushed the plunger all the way down. I took the bra off her arm and let the poison work its magic.
She saw the open closet door at that moment and so the last words she uttered before leaving this world were, "Wha ... Where is that little bitc ...?" As she fell under the effects, her body convulsed and she gasped a few times ... then she was gone. I checked her vitals and found no pulse. I left the needle in her arm and put her bra in the other hand. With that done I went about the task of wiping everything down. I started in the bathroom and worked my way out. I went inside the closet where I found blankets on the floor where I assumed Sarah slept. I got the blankets and put them in a trash bag. Then wiped down everything in there and when I was satisfied with that... I went out the door and down to see Sarah.
About halfway down the stairway, it suddenly occurred to me what I had done. I had killed someone . me . the guy who was anti-death penalty . the guy who swerved to avoid running over a squirrel . what the fuck had I just done? I felt my stomach turn over and sweat popped up all over me. There was a trash bin at the bottom of the stairs and I barely made it before puking up my lunch. I was shaking and weak when I stood back up . I had not really thought about what kind of effect murdering someone would have on me. Of course . I had never thought I would actually be taking a life either. Well, I would have to deal with this later. Right now I had to make sure Sarah was okay.
When I opened the door to my room, Sarah was sitting on the bed sobbing. I asked what was wrong and she said she was afraid I was not coming back. I walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed as I held her little body and rocked her for a while ... but knowing we both had work to do, I told her that we needed to go back upstairs and get all her things. Underwear ... clothes ... toys ... puzzles ... anything that looked like it belonged to a little girl. First though, I went to the frig and got myself a cold beer. I had a nasty taste in my mouth; and hopefully it would calm my stomach down a bit.
As I drank the cold liquid I began to feel better. When I was sure everything was going to stay down, I told Sarah that her mother had taken too much medicine and was dead. She seemed to be okay with that because she just nodded her head and we went out the door. Strange that a little girl would react that way when told her mother was dead. We would both probably have a few repercussions we would have to deal with later . but right now there were about a hundred things that could go wrong ... and I had to make sure this went off perfect.
We entered the room and Sarah ran around collecting everything that was hers ... which was not much. She went into the bathroom and got her dirty clothes, and then collected her toothbrush. She also took a comb and a hairbrush. When she had everything she gave it to me and I put it in the fat bitch's purse. "That's all there is," she said.
I had tried to avoid looking at Sarah's mother and I now stood with my back to her by the bed. But Sarah walked around me so she could see her mother. I turned to look at her . It was not a pretty sight. Sarah stood looking at her for a minute, then leaned over her, and in a soft but angry voice said, "I hated you. You treated me bad and you never treated me like a mother should. You hit me all the time for NO reason and called me names. I'm GLAD you're dead!" She almost spit that last part out ... and then she was crying. I put my arms around and again wondered what the FUCK I had done. I just killed this little girl's mother . had I lost my freaking mind?
Then Sarah leaned over and kissed her mother on the cheek. I stood there dumbfounded. How could she say those things to her and then kiss her? Sarah turned to look at me and I saw a tear running down her cheek "Well.she was my mom," she said. Now I was getting a little freaked out; so I put my hand on her little back and herded her toward the door. I am sure it brought her some closer to say the things that she had always wanted to say. Her words were so full of bitterness ... more than any six-year-old should have.
Back to business ... I looked around everywhere. The little angel was right ... there was nothing in the apartment that looked like it belonged to a little girl ... but I made one last sweep. I had Sarah walk behind me as I wiped the room down once more. Then I saw a brand new boom box on the desk. Sarah said it belonged to one of her mom's boyfriends. I went over and tuned in the worse rap stationed I could find and turned it up full blast. We went downstairs with Snoop Doggy Poop "singing" about wasting cops blaring behind us.
Sarah and I went back to the room and I called the front desk and told the old Asian guy that I was hearing loud noises from the room upstairs. Could he please go up there and tell them to be quiet? He said he would and I watched out the window behind the curtain as he walked around the corner and then climbed the stairs. I felt Sarah come and get in front of me so she could watch too.
He disappeared from view when he went up the stairs and we waited. A few seconds later he came running down and stumbled for the office. Once again, we again waited. A few minutes later I heard a siren and an ambulance pulled out in front. I told Sarah to stay there and NOT to move the curtain. I went outside like any rubber-necker and the manager came up to me and said in broken English that he thought she was dead. Who was dead I asked? "The fat woman ... I was going to throw her out tomorrow ... she not very nice". I nodded and tried to look sympathetic ... and hoped for the best.
A few minutes later the attendants came down and said there was nothing they could do. About that time a police car pulls up and a cop came over to get statements. The detectives showed up about a « hour later ... they looked like they were in no hurry. They spent ten minutes up in the room and came back down.
This is where we would see if I was as smart as I thought I was. They came over to us and asked the manager a lot of questions ... did he know the lady ... how long had she been there ... what was her name? He answered as best he could ... and one of the detectives walked with him to the office. The other one asked me a couple questions ... but you could tell he was just going through the motions. Another dead junky ... who gives a shit? I asked him what would happen to her and he said that since there was no purse and no ID she would probably go to the morgue as Jane Doe. Then he left me alone.
I waited until the other detective and the manager came back then I asked if I could go back inside. They nodded but said nothing else to me. I walked to the room and went in. Sarah was gone ... WTF?? I called to her softly and I saw the closet door move. "Good thinking, Honey ... you're pretty smart," I said. She smiled, came out, and asked a lot of questions. I was still in awe of just how cute this little imp was. I told her that everything was fine but that we would be leaving soon. I went around and began to put all the bags by the door ... I had not even had time to unpack anything. She was excited at this piece of news and kept asking if she could help. I told her there was nothing to do and maybe she should lie down and try to get some rest for a little while.
She was too stoked to sleep but she lay down and watched me as I put all the stuff I had carried in a couple hours ago by the door. I waited until they had loaded the body and driven away then called the front desk and told them I was checking out. I told him I did not like the idea of staying in a hotel that catered to drug users. He got mad and told me that he would not give me my money back. I "fuck you'd" him and started packing. It was now about 8pm and almost dark.
I looked out the window and saw nothing ... Nobody watching. There was still no one on this side of the building. I told Sarah to stay out of sight and started loading things in the van. Then we slipped out. I put her in the back and told her to stay down. As I went by the front office I saw the manager looking out the window and I gave him the finger. Then we were gone. Once we were clear of the motel I found the freeway and headed out. Once we were clear of the city I told Sarah she could ride up front with me. She did not answer and when I looked in the back seat, she was fast asleep.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph ... what a fucking day. Drove into Vegas, murdered a woman, and kidnapped a little girl. Who would have thought? My stomach was still queasy; and I tried not to think about what I had done too much. I had always considered myself a really nice guy. I had never purposely hurt someone . let alone killed them. I felt changed. And not for the better, I feared. I tried to think of what I could have done differently but nothing came to mind. I started running through different scenarios, different courses of action that I could a taken. I suppose I could have called CPS and the police and got them involved. I suppose I could have hired a lawyer and blew a ton of money and tried to adopt Sarah. I had the money.that would not have stopped me. There were probably lots of things I could have . SHOULD have done. I wish now I had thought it through a little better.
Because now I was on the run with a six-year-old and my life was forever changed. Even if I pulled this off I would always have the murder of that woman on my hands. Me . who had always tried to side with what was right. I was forever a murderer; and would have to find a way to deal with it. The fact that she was a bad mother did nothing to help justify killing her. I hoped that Sarah would not wind up hating me at some point. I blocked all this from my mind for now. I needed to find us a place to hole up.
I drove straight out of Vegas and tried to think. Where would we go? I had taken four weeks off at the firm and so no one would be expecting me back in LA for at least that long. In fact, it would be rather suspicious if I got back too early.
I drove about 100 miles and landed at Lake Mead. There I found a nice hotel and checked in. I asked them if they had anything in the back and quiet. Told them I had been on the road all day and needed to sleep. This very friendly girl checked her computer and turned to get me my key which she handed me. I went out and got back in and parked around the back ... again ... and unloaded my things.
Then I went back out and woke up Sarah. She was still very sleepy so I picked the dirty little thing up and carried her in. Who would suspect that a single man traveling with a little girl would be up to anything sinister? It was just a daddy and his sleepy little girl. I sat her on the other bed and took off her shoes. Her clothes were so dirty ... I would go shopping for her tomorrow. Right now she needed a good scrubbing. I left her sitting on the bed and went in and started the bath. Then went in and told her she needed to get cleaned up. She willingly stood up and followed me to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and began undressing her. I knew it would be bad ... but when I slipped her shirt off I could see rashes on her pale little body from being so unclean.
I unbuckled her pants and slid them down. She watched as I did this ... I almost expected her to say that she could do it herself. But I think she liked the idea of someone doing something for her and she looked up at me and smiled. She was till half asleep but that smile could melt my heart.
Her panties were horrible. I hooked my thumbs in them and pulled them down. Now my little Sweetie was completely naked in front of me. Besides being filthy ... she was simply beautiful. I helped her into the tub and left her to soak. I gave her the soap and told her to wash real well. She had not said anything since getting into the van. But I knew she had been through a lot. I picked up her clothes and threw them in a sack and put them by the door. I would put them in the trash outside in case the maids were nosey.
I went back in the bathroom and Sarah smiled at me. What a wonderful smile. She looked so sexy sitting in the bath. She was busy washing her arms and tummy. I told her to stay in the bath and I would be right back. I walked across the street to an all night convenience store and bought some food and some baby powder. I also got a tube of KY. Hey ... who knew where this would all end up?
I got back and she was still at it. The water was a light brown so I told her to stand up and I turned on the hand held shower and let the bath water out. She stood up and I rinsed her naked little body with the sprayer. She was smiling and giggling at the way it tickled her. I put down the sprayer and told her to kneel in the tub. She did as I said and I came around so I was looking at her little ass and slit. They looked clean ... and so very nice. I took the soap and lathered it up in my hand. Then with her still bent over ... I began washing her little bottom.
She never said a word about me touching her. I let my hand slide down to her little girl snatch and rubbed it a couple times. She laughed and said it tickled. Her little bum felt so smooth and soft. I let one finger slip between her ass cheeks and I rubbed her little asshole. She stopped laughing and looked over her shoulder at me with a questioning look on her face. I told her that it had been so long since she had been clean ... I needed to make sure she was very clean. She accepted this as I knew she would. But I soon stopped so she would not get too freaked out and rinsed her off.
I told her to sit and took some shampoo and started on that bird nest of hair. She leaned her head back as I gently massaged her head and scalp. She moaned and told me that it felt good. I hoped she did not have lice or anything else I might have to seek medical attention for. That would have to wait until I got back to LA.
I rinsed her hair and lifted the naked little girl out of the bathtub. I stood her out in front of me and took a soft towel and began to dry her. After that I wrapped the towel around her and led her into the bedroom. There were two queen size beds and she sat on the one furthest from the door. I turned on the TV and found the Disney channel where some cartoons were showing. She was immediately captivated by the show and sat while I brushed her beautiful hair.
When I was finished I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on my big terrycloth bathrobe and went out and sat on the other bed. I asked her if she would like something to eat and she said yes ... she was STARVING!! I made us both a hot dog in the small microwave that was in the room which she gobbled in four or five bites. So I made her another. I broke open the chips and sodas and we both watched the TV.
During a commercial she asked me what she was going wear? I told her nothing ... she had to go naked from now on then tickled her and she giggled up a storm. I told her I would buy her new clothes tomorrow and for now she could wear one of my t-shirts. But I told her that first I needed to put some baby powder on her so that the rashes would heal. I asked her if that would be okay. She smiled and nodded her head. So I went over to the dresser where the powder was and came over to sit by her.
I told her I had to take the towel off and without waiting for me she undid it and let it fall off her. I was now looking at that sweet little bum again. I opened the bottle and shook a little out on her back and butt. She shivered and giggled again. I started rubbing her back and quickly found my way to that beautiful little ass. It was the kind of little girl ass I just love. It was bubble shaped and perfectly round. I rubbed it around and around enjoying the feel of her flesh under my hands. She stopped watching TV and laid her head down on the bed. As I continued to rub her ass and legs she moaned again and said that it felt good.
I was so happy to hear that. And I figured now was as good as time as any to tell my secret. I started by asking her if she had ever seen what her mom and boyfriends did besides kiss. She was still lying with her head on the pillow but she nodded and said that they would get naked and lay on top of each other. I asked her if she knew why they did this and she said that one time she looked out of the closet and the man was kneeling behind her mom and was bumping her butt. When he stopped he backed up and she saw ... his thingy.
I said, "Sarah ... do you know what the real word for his thingy was?"
She nodded her head yes but said nothing. I asked her what it was called and she said it was a bad word. I told her it was okay ... she could tell me. She said ... it was called his COCK, and smiled. I laughed too and told her that was right. And did she know what he was doing with it? She nodded and said he was sticking it in her mom's PUSSY! This time she really laughed and I laughed too.
I asked her if she knew why they did that and she seemed to think for a minute while I continued to rub her little white bottom ... then she said ... because it felt good? I smile and asked her why she thought that and she said that sometimes the boyfriends would say ... oh baby ... that feels so good. I nodded my head and told her that was right.
"Sarah," I said, "I want to tell you why I agreed to take you away from your mother. But I don't want you to be scared. I want you to understand that I really like you ... and some day I will really love you. But I also want you to know that I like to do the things that your mom's boyfriends like to do ... but I like to do it with little girls ... like you."
She rolled half way over and looked at me. She had that look on her face again like she did not understand. But she also seemed to be thinking. She was quiet for a minute and then asked, "You want to put your cock in my pussy?"
"No," I said. "At least not for a long time. Right now you are too little to have a grown man's cock in your tiny pussy. But ... there are things that I would like to do with you if you would not mind. If you don't want me to do these things ... then I guess I could drop you off at the orphanage and you could live there."
Sarah's eyes instantly had a look of fear in them. "OH NO ... Please don't leave me at one of those places ... I'll do anything you want ... you can even put your cock in my pussy!" She was really getting worked up ... almost on the verge of hysterics.
"Sarah calm down ... I would never hurt you. And if you want to stay with me I would love that. All I am saying is that I like to do things to little girls ... the same things that other guys like to do with grown women. And if you do not want to do those things then we will have to make other arrangements. I just felt we needed to have this talk before we went any further."
Sarah calmed down although a tear fell down her pale little cheek. "Can I try them first and then tell you if I like them?"
"Of course, Hon. We can do this any way you like. You just have to know one thing. You can NEVER tell ANYONE what we do. If anyone knew I was doing those things with a little girl then I would go to jail. Do you understand?"
Sarah nodded her head and threw her arms around my neck. She squeezed my neck real tight and said, "I promise I will never tell. I'll see if I like the sex things. But if I do and I decide to stay with you ... can I call you 'Daddy'?"
I slid my hand down do her little bottom, tilted her had back so I could see those beautiful eyes and told her I would not have it any other way and kissed her on the forehead.
I put one of my T-shirts on Sarah and she went back to watching TV while I unpacked my clothes and hung them up. I brushed my teeth and shaved ... then sat on the bed beside Sarah. The T-shirt she was wearing just barely covered her little ass. The show ended and I asked her if she was ready for bed. She said that she was not really tired because she had slept so long in the car. I asked her if I could try some of the sex stuff with her and she was quiet for a minute then asked if I would stop if she did not like it.
I told her I would not do anything she did not like. She then said ... Okay. I reached out and put my hand on her cheek and told her how pretty she was. She smiled real big and reached up to hold my hand.
I went over to my bed and told her to come over. I went under the covers and I put a pillow over my lap and two under my head and told her she could keep watching TV ... that I was only going to rub her back and bottom. She threw a leg over my stomach and lay her head down on the pillow. Her legs went on each side of me which meant I had the best view of her little ass and pussy. She threw one glance at me as she laid her head in her hands and then resumed watching her cartoon.
I started by rubbing her feet, then her ankles and calves. By the time I reached her thighs she had laid her head down on the pillow. All the time I had that erotic view of her beautiful ass and pussy. If truth be told, this was my favorite view of any little girl. The bottom of a little girl is hard to beat ... no pun intended.
I slowly worked my way up to her twin globes of butt cheeks and began to massage them in opposite directions so that when they parted I could see the object of my desire ... the little pink opening of her ass. How I wanted to dive in and devour it! But I continued my light massage and soon I could tell she was fast asleep.
I let my fingers slide down to the folds of her perfect little slit ... pulling them open and finally seeing her tiny clit and fuck hole. Jeeeze ... I almost came right there. But I managed to hold it down and continued playing with it. I wanted so bad to start eating her out ... but knew it was the wrong time.
I had positioned her ass on my lap so that I could free my aching cock which I did. She was still breathing regularly so I laid my dick against her ass and slowly began to slide it up and down. Pre cum oozed out and laid a slick of jiz on her pale white butts ... and that was all I could stand. I shot a load way up in the air and it landed on her left ass cheek. Although the whole episode lasted no more than ten minutes, it was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had and took me another ten to recover. Finally, I reached down, grabbed the towel she had discarded, and wiped it up.
I pulled her over me 'til she was lying beside me, covered her up, and turned out the light. I spooned in so my dick was pressed against her bottom and fell fast asleep. It felt so wonderful to have this little creature lying there beside me. In the middle of the night I was awaken by Sarah tossing and softly crying. Having a bad dream I imagined. Well . she had been through a lot in the last few hours. But then she sat straight up and cried, "Don't put me in the bag, Momma! I'll be good!!!" After a few seconds she became aware of her surroundings and looked over at me. She looked relieved and snuggled back up next to me. I put my arm around her and asked her if she was alright; but all she did was quickly put her tiny hands over my forearms and pulled me to her tighter. I fell asleep wondering what she had dreamed ... And where this would all lead?
I woke up not knowing where I was for a few seconds ... then I saw my angel sitting on the bed next to mine watching TV. I thought of the night before and her crying out, but she looked fine if not refreshed. Apparently she was no worse for the wear. She looked over and asked if I was hungry ... I told her I was STARVING! She giggled and asked what was for breakfast. I called room service and ordered up a huge feast with bacon, cereal, eggs, pancakes, strawberries, orange juice, and coffee. She hid in the bathroom when the porter came in with the tray. When she came out she could not believe there was so much food. She sat down at the writing table and I helped her fill her plate.
It was a joy to watch her eat. Every bite was a joy abounding for her and she moaned and sighed with each mouthful. When she could finally eat no more I told her I was going to go out and do some shopping. She asked what for and I told her she would have to wait and see. I told her she could watch TV or take a bath but NOT to answer the door or the telephone. She made me promise I would come back for her ... which I did. She hugged me tightly as I went to the door. I stopped and turned around; then asked her if she remembered a dream she had last night. Her smile dropped but she shook her head no. I didn't want to push her; so I said Okay and left.
I went down the street and found a mall that had every store you could imagine. I started with the basics: Underwear and socks; and then moved on to a Kids' Gap where I bought over $600 worth of shorts, shirts, and jeans. The saleslady asked me what size; and not knowing I pointed to a little girl in the store who looked to be about Sarah's build. The saleslady nodded and started grabbing. She probably needed a swimsuit too; so I got her the sexiest one I could find. Next stop was the shoe store . I just had to take a guess at those sizes but I could always return them.
As I was leaving I passed by a Lingerie shop and thought ... well... it doesn't hurt to look. I found a couple of thongs that were small and bought them as well. Then I spied a real sexy white pair of thong underwear and had an immediate vision of Sarah wearing them and added them to my purchases. I took everything up to the counter and the girl rang them up. No one looked twice at me with all the kid stuff. Just another husband out shopping for his wife.
When I got back to the hotel I saw a maid fixing to knock on the door ... DAMN ... I did not think that through very well. I jumped out and told her no cleaning was needed. She was more than happy to move on to the next room. Maybe a motel is not the best place for us to hide out. I started thinking about another place where we would not be disturbed.
I went inside and heard splashing coming for the bathroom. I poked my head inside and found Sarah rolling around in a huge tub of bubbles. She had figured out how to use the water jets too. Her little fingers were like prunes so I figured she had been in there for a while. I asked her how she was doing. She squealed like a little pig and went sliding to the other end of the tub...giggling as she went. I guess she was doing okay.
I went back to the bedroom and thought ... what the hell ... and stripped off my clothes. I walked back in and Sarah stopped playing and stared at me. "Can I join you?" I asked. She smiled and nodded her head yes. I stepped over the tub and slid down into the warm water. I could not remember the last bubble bath I had had so I figured it must be time for one. Sarah kept glancing at my cock but was trying not to. The tub was very large and she sat at the other end smiling at me and covered in white soapy bubbles.
"Hi there," I said. She waved her little hand hello and smiled at me.then asked where I went. I told her she would have to wait and see. "This bath tub is like a swimming pool. I've never seen one this big. Look at my fingers ... they are all wrinkly," she said holding up her pruney hands. Then she sat back and when she did her little feet popped up in front of me from beneath the bubbles. "Yes they are," I said. "And so are the bottoms of your feet."
She took one foot in her hands and pulled it toward her face so she could see it. "Yup, I got old on the bottom of my feet too," she giggled; and I thought, what a delightful sound it was.
I watched her play for a couple of minutes, enjoying watching her; then said, "Sarah, stand up and let me wash you with the soap."
She stood up and with bubbles sliding down her perfect and pink little body, carefully walked to me and stood between my legs. There is something about a wet, soapy little girl that brings my blood to a boiling point. Is there anything more sexy that a wet, soapy, naked little girl? I took the soap and lathered my hands really well, and then starting with her neck and shoulders I began to rub my hands all over her body. I rubbed her chest and tweaked her nipples causing her to laugh ... then slowly slid down the front of her tummy and gently rubbed it. Her skin was like silk and I relished feeling her up all over her beautiful sexy body.
I asked her to turn around and when she did that perfect little ass was staring me right in the face. It was so beautiful and I began soaping her shoulders and back but quickly moved down to her twin globes of her bottom. It was so soft ... I softly rubbed it and let one finger slip between the cracks.
I asked her to bend over and spread her legs and when she did I had a clear view of her puckered little anus and tiny little slit, both dripping bubbles back into the tub. I slowly drew my finger along the crack and rubbed the opening of her little pink rosebud. She stood very still and did not make a sound. "Is it okay if I do this?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded her head and allowed me to slide my finger up and down her crack. The feel of her rectum was like cocaine to me.the more I rubbed it the more I wanted.
I stopped when I felt a boner on the rise and plus I did not want her anus irritated so I told her we had better get out before we shrivel up like old people. We stepped out and I handed her a towel. She carefully dried her self while I did the same. We then wrapped our towels around our bodies and walked out to the sink to brush our teeth.
She then spied the packages on the bed and ran over to them. "I have not had new clothes in months! And I never had this many," she said as she began to rip into them. She tried on all of the things I had purchased and then took them off only to rip into the next package. She was so happy.
When she finished the last sundress set I had purchased, she sat down on the bed and hugged my neck and said, "Thank you, Daddy. I love the clothes," and smiled at me. She continued looking at all the nice stuff I had brought her when all of a sudden she stopped, and looked over at me.
"Daddy, when are you going to try the sex stuff?" she said. "I kinda like it when you rub my butt in the makes me feel tingly in my stomach"
"Are you ready for this?" I asked. She nodded her head yes and I felt like I had finally won her over. "Okay, Hon . But I need for you to know that if I start doing something you don't have to tell me," I said.
"I will Daddy," she answered.
And with that . I stood her in front of me and lifted the little dress over her head. She was wearing a pair of little girl undies with little red cherries on them. I stood up and told her to lie face down on the bed. I lay down beside her and began lightly tracing her back with my finger tips. She closed her eyes and cooed softly. Little girls love to have their back tickled; and it was just about my favorite pastime too.
As I reached her panties I slipped my hand under the elastic band and continued my rubbing of her tiny little ass. She made little soft noises as I traced my fingernails up and down her little crack. Finally I slid them down her bottom and off her legs. My little Pumpkin was once again completely naked in front of me.
I continued my tickling for a few more minutes, letting just the tips of my fingers play up and down her back, legs and ass.then leaned over her perfect, soap smelling bottom and kissed one cheek ... then the other. I kissed up her little spine and back down it until I was kissing her tiny crack. I let my lips slide over to her left butt cheek and I began sucking a little hickey on it. This made her squirm and giggle, but I saw little goose bumps breakout on her body so I continued this with her other cheek. I started at the small of her back and kissed big wet kissed down her crack and stopped over her asshole. I gently spread her cheeks until I could see my treasure ... her perfect little anus. I continued to kiss all around it, then slipped my tongue down the length of her crack and lightly licked her tiny puckered hole.
This elicited a moan from my princess so I kept my tongue lightly licking the tiny pick opening. I was getting so hot to finally be eating the object I most desired. I got up on my knees for a second and shifted my position so I was lying between her legs. I asked her to hand me a pillow and I placed it under her so that her ass was up where I could eat it in comfort.
She was still making little noises that I interpreted as pleasure.but not saying anything else. I spread her ass with my hands and continued my tongue bath of her asshole; lightly licking it and dipping gently into the opening. After about ten minutes I let it slip down her crack and found her tiny pussy waiting. I kissed it lightly and then slipped my tongue down the length of it.
She raised her little blond head and looked over her shoulder at me, her wet hair framing her perfect cherub face. "That feels so good, Daddy. Could you lick my butt some more?"
I laughed and told her that I could lick her butt all day. She turned back around and laid her head back on the pillow. I was really worked up now; and unwrapped the towel I still had on so I was completely naked. I ground my dick into the bed as I ate my little angel out. My tongue was sliding in and out of her ass and then her pussy. She tasted so sweet I could not get enough.
I ate her ass and pussy for about 10 more minutes, bringing myself to the brink of cumming, then, when I thought my balls would explode I knelt up and placed my raging hard on between the cheeks of her tiny ass and began sliding my cock up and down the crack. I gently pushed her ass together so it was cradling my cock which felt so damn good I nearly shot my load right then. Precum leaked out and made the sliding easy. It felt incredible and before long I could not hold back any longer and shot the biggest wad of my life all over her ass and back.
She was a little startled. "What's that wet stuff on me? Do you pee?"
"No sweetheart. That was my love juice coming out of my penis. It means that you did a good job of loving me," I said as I leaned over and kissed her warm little cheek. I then reached over and grabbed the towel that was beside me. I wiped her tiny ass and back off and told thank you for letting me do that.
She accepted what had been done to her apparently without any fear or worry. All she did was smile up at me and that made me so happy. As I cleaned up the last of my cum off her, I asked what she wanted to do that day and she said she did not know. I asked if she had ever been on a boat and she said no. I told her that we could rent a houseboat and live on it for a few days.
She got real excited and came up on her knees and faced me. "You mean we could live on a boat? They put a house on a boat?"
I knew she would have to see it to understand so I told her I would show her after we got packed. Instead of getting dressed the little naked girl jumped off the bed and started throwing her things in her little suitcase I had also bought her. I laughed out loud and she stopped to look at me.then started giggling too.
"Don't you think you should maybe get dressed first sweetie?" I asked, and she broke into to peals of laughter that filled the room. What a great vacation this was turning out to be.
After checking out of the motel, we drove out to Lake Mead and pulled into a boat rental facility. I started to form a plan in my mind but when I looked over at Sarah . She was all smiles.and that would not do. I turned to face her and told her to look really sad when we went in.
"But I am so happy!"
"I know," I told her. But I needed her to look sad . like she was going to the orphanage. That got a sad look on her face and we got out of the car. She came around the front of the van and held my hand as we stepped into the office. I too looked solemn as I walked up to a desk and asked the girl if she had any boats to rent. The woman looked up at me ... then at Sarah ... then at me ... and I told Sarah to go sit in the lobby. Sarah shuffled her little feet into the lobby and sat down staring at the floor. What a great little actor I thought.
I turned back to the lady behind the desk and said, "I lost my wife a week ago and my daughter and I need some alone time." Well ... that got the ball moving. The woman told me how sorry she was for my loss and we stood and walked out to the docks. Sarah held my hand and was still looking very sad. I think it broke the woman's heart and SHE looked ready to cry.
She took us to a small houseboat and after seeing the outside I asked for something bigger. We walked a little further and we came upon a nice 70 footer with EVERYTHING including a water slide and satellite dish. I asked her how much and she said $3,500 for the week. I winced and the woman immediately said I could have it for $2500. I could feel Sarah squeezing the life out of my hand so I said I would take it and gave her my credit card. She said she would be right back and walked away.
Sarah whispered to me, "... Oh my God ... Daddy ... that is the most beautiful boat in the world," and I had to agree. We climbed on board and waited for the office woman to return. She reappeared five minutes later with the rental agreement and my receipt. She asked if I had any boating experience and I told her yes, that I had raced yachts in my younger days. That seemed to satisfy her. Sarah had wandered out to the front of the boat where there was a grill and seating. I could tell she was overloading.
I told her to come on and let's get our stuff from the car. We gathered everything up and put it away on the boat. I checked the refrigerator and saw that it was fully stocked with all kinds of food. Even the bar in the galley was stocked. It was truly a beautiful boat. There were two bedrooms, a living room with a nice plasma TV, a large bathroom with a huge tub, and on the back of the boat was a waterslide. There was an upper deck with another set of controls that would allow you to drive the boat from there.
Sarah was running back and forth looking at everything. She was so happy I thought her little head would explode. I cast off the line and looked at the map the lady had given me. I wanted to get as far from prying eyes as I could. We left and I headed for Gregg Basin which looked pretty remote. But as we traveled out into the lake I noticed that there did not seem to be many other boaters out there which was fine with me. We headed up north to see some of the lake.
The captain's flying bridge was on the upper desk where we had a great view. Sarah sat up with me and I asked her if she wanted to steer. She nodded yes and came over and sat on my lap. She put her hands on the wheel and steered the boat as we traveled out over the open water. I was about as happy as I had ever been. I slipped my arm around her waist and kissed her neck. She smiled up at me; and my heart melted.
I looked all around and saw no other boats around us. So I asked Sarah if she would mind taking off her clothes. She laughed and looked around herself. Seeing that there was no one else around she stood up on the bridge and slipped her shirt off and threw it in a chair. Then she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them and her undies off and threw them in the chair too. My little princess was now naked up on the deck. She was smiling as she walked to the railing in front of me and put her hands on the rail to look out over the lake, her golden hair blowing all around her beautiful face.
I asked her how she felt.
"I feel so happy ... I can't believe I am here!" she said.
She looked so beautiful standing there. Her little bare ass was so cute. I reached behind me and got a beer from the frig and asked her if she wanted something. She nodded her head yes so I told her to come steer the boat for a minute. My naked little munchkin came over, sat down and took the wheel and I walked to the stairs and into down to the kitchen. I found some grape juice, 7-Up, and some wine and mixed her a drink and took it up to her. She took a sip and then gulped it down.
She let out a little belch and giggled. I had brought up a pitcher so I poured her another. This one she drank a little more slowly. We were skimming across the lake at a good clip and still had not seen another boat. I slid in behind her and sat her naked little butt in my lap. I knew she could feel my raging hard on but she never said anything.
I turned into a cove that went up into a canyon for about two miles. I found a wonderful little inlet that was secluded and had calm water. I cut the engine and went down to throw the anchor. Naked little Sarah followed me; watching closely as I threw the anchor overboard. I guess the water to be about 50 feet deep here and the canyon walls climbed up for at least 300 feet around us. The cove was about 700 yards across and we had good sunlight.
I got myself another beer and sat down on the sofa in the living quarter on the lower deck and Sarah sat beside me. I thought to myself how wonderful it was that we had found each other. I also thought that out here, I could do anything I wanted to her ... but I loved her too much by now to harbor any thoughts of hurting her ... but it was fun to think about.
She finished her drink and climbed up in my lap so she was facing me with both legs on each side. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me. "I love you, Daddy. I never thought I would be here and having this much fun."
I cupped her little bottom in my hands and squeezed and told her I loved her too.
"Don't you want to be naked too?" she asked.
"I sure do. But you need to know that when a man sees a naked girl it makes his cock hard. So when I get naked, I don't want you do be scared when you see it," I told her.
"Oh, Daddy", she said rolling her little blue eyes; "I've seen them hard lots of times. More than a HUNDRED!" she said. I had forgotten the home she came out of. So ... I stood her up and took my shirt off. Then removed the shorts I had on and last came the boxers. It was not quite as hard as I had thought it would be ... but semi-erect it would still look big to a little girl. Sarah took a glance at it then looked back at me.
So there we were. The two of us naked. Sarah got up and walked over to the pitcher and poured herself another grape spritzer, (she still had no idea) and got me another beer. How cute I thought ... she wants to wait on me. I watched her darling little ass as she walked away imagining my dick sliding in and out of it. I noticed her stagger a little when she had gotten up and thought she might be trying to find her sea legs ... but the water was calm.
"Ohhh ... I feel a little funny," She said.
"That is a grown up drink you are having Sarah," I said. "It is like wine. It will make you feel that way."
"But it feels good. I like it." And she walked back to me with the drinks. She sat down on the sofa with me and I put my arm around her as she snuggled up to me. It was a very comfortable sofa and I leaned toward her and laid her down while taking the drink out of her hand. I sat it on the coffee table behind her and leaned my face down and kissed her fore head. She took my cheeks in her hands and kissed my nose and giggled. Oh my ... how I love this little girl I thought.
I kissed her cheek and worked my way down to her tiny breast. I kissed one ... then the other and flicked my tongue out to lick one. Then I placed my entire mouth around it and gently sucked it. She had closed her eyes and was doing that little moan of hers. I kissed my way down to her little belly and then lick my way down to her small bare pussy. Sarah spread her legs and said, "Daddy ... will you lick my cunny and my butt again? That felt so good."
I said of course I would and laid my mouth over her pussy and began to suck and lick her tiny clit. I slid my tongue all around her sweet little slit while she moaned and played with my hair. My mouth was in heaven as I lick and sucked her until her pussy was soaked. Then I took a leg in each hand and pulled them to her chest so I could get to her sweet little asshole. My tongue went into overdrive as I licked and probed her puckered little anus. By now Sarah was moving her ass to meet my tongue and moaning loudly.
"Oh, Daddy ... that feels so good. Don't stop please ...," She whispered; and I was only to glad to obey. I licked the ring of her ass and gently probed her opening with my tongue while she wiggled like a worm under me. I worked my way back up to her sweet pink cunt and did the same ... .moving my tongue in and out of her hole.
After 15-20 minutes of eating my little girl out I stopped and pulled her to me so my hard cock was between her pussy lips. I slid it back and forth leaking a slick of precum all over it. I squeezed her legs together so they held my cock in a vice. She was now looking up at me as I slid it in and out of her legs, sliding my cock over her tiny cunt.
I asked her to turn over and she went over on her hands and knees with her tiny little ass pointing toward me. I rubbed my rock hard dick up and down the length of her perfect ass while holding her ass cheeks together to squeeze my cock. Oh god ... what a great feeling... her white pale cheeks softly holding my dick ... I held her ass cheeks open and began to slid it over her puckered little anus wishing I could pop it in her ass and fuck her good ... and within 30 seconds had my 2nd powerful orgasm of the day ... .with cum spewing all over my angel's ass, back and head.
It startled her but she did not freak out. "Is that your love juice?" she asked?
"Yes baby ... you have made me so happy". I told her and she smiled.
"You like to rub your pee-pee on my butt. I don't mind. But I really like it when you lick my butt and cunny. It makes me feel tickly in my stomach". She said.
"Someday soon, Honey I would like to put my dick in your butt. That would make Daddy really happy but it might hurt you. And I would never hurt you," I replied.
She looked like she was thinking, and then said, "I will do anything you tell me too. I love being here and I love you. I have put my finger in my butt one time when I was taking a bath and it didn't hurt. If you want to put your thing in my butt, then I don't mind. Will it fit?"
"Not right now baby. It would hurt you too bad. But there are other things you can do that will make me feel just as good. Tonight I will let you suck Daddy's cock if you don't mind. I don't want you to do anything you do not want to," I said.
"Okay, Daddy. Ummm ... right now I need to use the bathroom. I need to go number two. But I'm a big girl and I can wipe myself," she boasted proudly. It made me smile.
"Okay, Hon; but if you do need any help let me know." And with that she went into the bathroom.
I went up to the flying deck since that was the highest place and looked back down the tributary we had come down. I could see for about « mile and there was no one around. I lay back ... totally spent. I glanced at my watch and saw it was 1:30. I laid down on the couch up there and before I knew it I was sound asleep. When I woke up, it was nearly 5 and I was getting hungry again. I went down stairs and there was my naked angel lying on the floor with her juice watching TV. The picture was not very good; but it was an old cartoon, so I suppose she knew what was going on.
I grabbed the manual and read how to position the satellite, and went up the stairs to the top deck and climbed the small ladder to the satellite and pointed it when I thought it should be. When I came back downstairs the TV was sharp and clear. Sarah hadn't even changed positions. I went out to the grill and fired it up; taking hot dogs and hamburger patties from the frig. There were buns and chips in the pantry and potato salad and beans also in the frig.
Before long the smell of food cooking brought my naked little girl out of the living room and out on the deck. "You hungry?" I asked.
"I'm STARVING!" she replied and giggled . It was now a standing joke between us. "That food smells great," she said.
"Go wash your hands and put on some shorts and I will have dinner on the table by the time you come back," I told her. We sat on the front deck and had a delicious meal then went inside because it was getting dark and a little chilly. I told Sarah that she should go get a bath and she said, "Are you coming?"
I told her I would be in soon. I took the leftover meat and tossed it in the lake hoping it would bring in some catfish later. Then I did the dishes and went to the bathroom. Sarah had once again made herself a bubble-bath and was sliding back and forth on her little bottom; making the water splash out and soak the floor. No problem ... there was a drain in the floor. I stripped and climbed in and turned on the jets.
I lay in the tub with Sarah between my legs and relaxed. I was really wiped. I think Sarah sensed this because she picked up the soap and began to wash my legs. It felt so wonderful ... her little hands rubbing my legs. Then she scooted closer and began washing my thighs. I think you know where this is heading. When she reached for my dick I acted as though I had little girls washing my cock everyday. She never said a word ... just began to stroke it up and down slowly with her tiny soapy hands. I can't even describe how wonderful it felt.
"It's getting hard again. Am I making it do that?" she asked.
"Yes baby ... it gets hard every time pretty little girls rub it. Why did you want to wash my cock?" I was really puzzled that a six-year-old would do this on her own.
"Well ... I heard guys tell my mom how much they like it to have their pee pees rubbed. And you rub it on my butt ... so I just figured this would feel good too," she said.
"That is a smart little girl Sarah. I am so happy you figured that out all by yourself." And I was too. Sarah beamed at me as she continued soaping my now hard dick.
I did not feel like working up to an orgasm so I let her rub it for a while then said we had better finish up and get ready for bed. Sarah stopped and rinsed herself off and handed the sprayer to me. I told her to stand up and turn around for her nightly poop shoot check. She bent over and spread her ass cheeks with her hands and I rinsed her tiny puckered hole where my mouth was sure to be soon. I pronounced it clean and we got out of the tub and dried off.
When we exited the bathroom we were both hit with a blast of cold night air making us both yelp. I ran around closing all the windows and Sarah ran for the bed, diving under the covers. I found the environmental controls and turned on some heat. Soon the room was toasty and warm. Sarah was still shivering under the blankets as I slipped into the bed and wrapped my arms around my angel. She snuggled in close and covered my arms with hers.
I turned off the light and we both fell instantly asleep.
Later, after we had been asleep for about an hour, Sarah again started tossing in the bed. I woke up; and instead of waking her, I watched and listened. She was clearly in distress; but I resisted waking her up to see if I could glean any information as to why she was having these nightmares. Suddenly, she sat up and cried out, "Its dark in here, Mommy . I can't breathe . I can't breathe!!" and sure enough her breaths were coming in short, ragged bursts.
"Sarah!!" I said. And slowly she turned to look at me. But once again she merely spooned in closed to me and wrapped my arms around her middle. I was now getting worried. Why was she having the same nightmare over and over? I decided I would question her a little more tomorrow and fell back asleep cuddled up next to her.
I woke up much later; and crawled out of bed to relieve myself. I put on one of the terry cloth bathrobes and stepped out the back of the boat onto the rear deck and into the cool night air. I pissed over the side of boat and then sat down in the deck chair. The night was so unbelievably beautiful with billions of stars. There was little water action but the sound of tiny waves lapping at the boat was wonderful. The running lights were on so it was not totally dark.
I reached for a beer out of the frig and kicked back and marveled again at my good luck. I wondered if I had really gotten away with it. Did Sarah's mother have family? Did they know about her? Did anyone know about her? I knew it would take incredible luck to get away with murdering her mom. And what was with these crazy nightmares she was having? Those were what worried me the most. But I knew I did not have to worry about it now. If nothing else I would have one of the most exciting vacations to remember on my long nights in the state pen.
As I sat there sipping my cold beer, I heard the sliding door whisper open and turned to see my angel in a robe way too big for her coming over to me. She crawled up in my lap and laid her head on my shoulder. At that moment I realized I would never let her go. For better of worse ... I would go through anything to keep her.
You may think I wanted her only to satisfy my perverted cravings. Not so. I loved this little girl as much as a man could love his wife. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to me. I bent down close to her ear and whispered, "I love you Sarah. I did not know how empty and boring my life was until I met you. I want you to know that if at some point you do not want to do the sex stuff anymore ... I will still love you and keep you with me. It will be hard because you are so darn cute ...," at which I tickled her, and she giggled, "... but I will stop. I never want you to be afraid or to hate me."
I had never opened up like that to anyone in my life. Sarah looked up at me with that little cherub face and put a hand on my cheek. "I hated my life before you came," she said. "I watched a story on TV once about a princess who was held by mean people and one day a prince came and took her away ... after he killed all the bad people. I always wondered if a prince would come and take me away ... and then you came. And you killed the bad people and took me away where I feel safe. I love having a daddy. I always wanted a daddy. If I thought I could not have you as my daddy I would JUMP in the lake and kill myself! I *hated* being hungry all the time. I *hated* living in a closet. I *hated* listening to my mom and her boyfriends." She paused for a moment and caught her breath.
"I'm on a boat with my daddy," she said softly and started to cry while hugging my neck tightly. I held her close and started crying myself. How could anyone treat this precious little angel like that? I cried for all the pain she had suffered. And I cried for myself because I did not know how awful my life was before her.
"Yes angel ... you are on a boat with your daddy," I said softly and held her even tighter.
I sat and rocked her for about fifteen minutes and gave our emotions a chance to abate a bit, then decided to push forward a bit more. "Sarah," I said, "Can I ask you about the nightmares you are having? I am really worried about you. You seem to have the same bad dream over and over and you keep saying you can't breathe." I waited to see if she would respond.
Finally she said, "I had a little brother once ... At least ... I think I did." She stopped for a moment; and I held my breath . a little brother?
Sarah continued in a monotone voice that totally creeped me out, "I remember lying with him on a bed ... and I remember how he smelled; and I remember him grabbing my nose ... and ... and, I remember him being dressed in blue. I have always wondered if I dreamed him up ... but I don't think I did. I just remember him being here and then he was gone. I never really thought about it until now. I mean REALLY thought about it. I asked Mom once a long time ago; and she got REAL mad ... beat me real hard with a belt and told me to never mention that again. Then she picked up a kitten she had brought home and threw it in a black garbage bag. I could see it squirming around and trying to get out. Mommy told me if I ever mentioned it again, she would put ME in a garbage sack and put me in the dumpster. I think the reason I have always wanted to run away was because I always worried that one day I would be gone too. And no one would ever even know I was here. Sometimes when she would hit me I would see a look in her eyes that scared me ... and I wondered if this would be the day that I disappeared. I was REALLY scared of what she would do with me if she thought I was dead but I really wasn't ... what if she tried to bury me? Or what if she put me in one of those big trash containers? I used to worry that she would put me in a garbage sack and then I could not breathe. I think that is why I am having the nightmares, Daddy."
'No shit little girl. I think I will be sharing those nightmares with you now,' I thought. Well that explained a lot; but not the mystery of her little brother. I wondered what had happened to him. Or . if he had ever really existed
The hell this little girl had endured was mind boggling. I vowed right then and there to give her everything she ever wanted . or needed.
Sarah turned to me and said, "I told you, you were my prince. You saved me daddy. And I like living with you. And I really like the sex stuff too," she said and giggled.
We sat and I rocked her while we sat and looked at the stars. She reached up, took my right hand, and put it under her robe. I rubbed her chest back and forth gently and she moaned and took my hand and pushed it lower to her pussy. I slowly ran my fingers up and down her baby cunt and she arched her back into me and put an arm around my neck and pulled me to her face. I kissed my little angel with a passion I had never experienced, then picked her up and went back inside. I laid her down on the bed and took off my robe, then lay down beside her; and opened her robe to see her beautiful body. She looked so perfect in the low lighting ... and I reached down and kissed her softly on her lips. She kissed me back and I slowly kissed my way down to her nipples again and sucked each one into my mouth. She wrapped her tiny arms around my head and pulled me hard against her chest.
I again, slowly travel down to her tiny pussy and kissed it lightly. She spread her legs and I began to lick it gently ... passionately ... sucking her tiny clit into my mouth and flicking it with my tongue. She arched her back and pushed her hips to meet my mouth as I soaked her hairless cunt with my mouth. She spread her legs even further and pulled her knees to her chest to give me access to that which I loved the most ... her tiny puckered asshole. I dove in with such passion ... licking and sucking and probing her rectum with my tongue. She was going wild now ... moaning and crying out ... I inserted my little finger into her pussy and gently probed her cunt. Her tiny hole gripped my finger and it seemed it would not let go. All the while my mouth was working her ass like I was getting my last meal out of it.
This sent her over the top and she bucked her tiny hips up and cried out ... then totally relaxed. She was breathing so hard and had a bead of sweat on her upper lip. "What happened? Something happened, Daddy."
I did not know what to say. I had never heard of a little girl this young having an orgasm, but that is what happened.
"You had a cum, Sweetie. I don't know how ... but you did." I was truly baffled. I continued slowly rubbing her body ... waiting for her to cool down. Then I came up and knelt between her legs ... my dick sticking straight out. She saw my dick and without waiting for me to ask, she rolled over and came up on her hands and knees and presented her ass to me.
I reached on the night stand and grabbed the tube of KY that I had bought the day before. I put a little on my finger and rubbed it on her asshole. Then put a little on my finger. She watched over her shoulder and said nothing. I slowly inserted my pinky into her ass and held it still. She giggled and said, "That feels weird. It feels like I am pooping."
"That's okay angel. Just let me know if it hurts. I am going to use different fingers so you let me know if it starts to fell uncomfortable," I said.
I started sliding my finger in and out of her ass. It was so erotic to watch. The inside of her rectum felt so warm and smooth. I switched fingers to my forefinger and continued fucking my little girl's ass. She seemed fine and in no pain. So after a while I slowly pushed my thumb into her tight little ass. She tensed up a little ... then relaxed as I slowly pushed my thumb in and out.
"How we doing, Pumpkin?" I asked.
"It feel's weird ... but in way it feels good too," she said.
I worked my thumb in and out of her tight ass for a while then decided to go for it. I took my thumb out and put a glob of KY on my dick. Now ... my dick is not very wide. It is slightly bigger than my thumb which has bothered me my whole life ... but now I was glad. If she had not been so willing I might not have attempted this.
She was still up on her knees and I put one hand on the small of her back and told her to try and relax. Both her ass and my cock were greased so I thought there should be little discomfort ... I hoped.
I spread her ass with my two fingered and pressed my dick against her tiny rectum. I put pressure on it and slowly my dick slipped in. I heard a small gasp ... and she put her head on the bed. As I was looking down at her ass I saw one foot tense up and felt her anus grip my cock.
"I know, Honey ... it hurts at first. I'm not going to move it... we will wait until it stops hurting". I talked in a soft calm voice ... and she must have listened because I felt a slight decrease in pressure on my dick. "That's it angel ... just try and relax."
I waited for a full two minutes; then pushed in a little more. She stayed relaxed and I felt no pressure this time. I now had about one third of my dick inside my angel's ass. I had never even dreamed I would get the opportunity to sodomize a cute little girl ... yet here I was with almost half my cock buried in this six-year-old's ass. I pushed a little deeper until half of it was swallowed up her anus. It felt ... incredible. I had to fight every instinct in my body not to ram it home.
When I thought she had acclimated to having my dick up her ass I began to slowly move it in and out. Sarah had not said anything and I could not see her face. I picked up the speed a little and soon was happily fucking her tiny bottom. I looked down in the dim light and watched as my dick parted her tiny cheeks on its way up her tight virgin ass. The sight nearly made me cum right there. Her sphincter ring was like a tight elastic band gripping my cock as I slid it in and out of her anus. I lasted about one minute then gripped her cheeks and shot a huge amount of cum up her ass. This was the most powerful orgasm I had ever had and I nearly passed out. I held still for a moment then slowly let my rapidly shrinking cock slip out.
I was still dizzy from the experience and lay down beside her. I could finally see her face and was horrified to see tears running down her little face.
"Oh Sarah ... I am so sorry. You should have said something ... I would have stopped. Are you alright?" I was totally freaking out. I had tried to be as gentile as I could ... but I felt like a monster.
"It's okay," she said. "It only hurt a little. And I knew you would not do it if I said anything. I wanted to make you happy," she said as she sniffed.
"Sarah," I said, "I told you I would not hurt you. I also said if something did not feel right to say something. I would have stopped, Sweetie."
"I know," she replied. "But I wanted to make you happy. Did it make you happy, Daddy?"
"Yes angel. It felt wonderful. But I won't do it again until we can get you ready. I should have waited until we had your bottom ready for my penis. We will do better next time." I lay there beside her, rubbing her back and talking softly to her. I hope I had not ruined her feelings she had toward me. She had had enough paid in her life and I did not want to add to it.
We fell asleep cuddled up together.
Sarah had no dreams that night that I was aware of. It seemed she had finally put those demons to rest ... or at least, so I hoped anyway.
I woke up late. I looked over at the clock and it said 9am. Wow... never got to sleep that late at home. I saw that Sarah was no longer in bed so I went into the bathroom and had my morning piss. Then I put on my bathrobe and wandered out on deck. There was my little girl lying naked in the sun on a towel. She heard me and rose up on her elbows and said good morning.
"Hi, Sweetie. How long you been up?" I asked.
"Not long ... I love lying in the sun. I never got to do that when ... .well ... you know," she replied and I nodded.
I asked if she was hungry and she said she was STARVING! And we both laughed. I went into the kitchen and made us scrambled eggs and bacon with biscuits. I brought her plate out to the deck and sat it in front of her. She sat up and then sat cross-legged with her tiny cunt facing me. It was hard to concentrate on my meal with her little open twat staring at me. She took pieces of her left over biscuits and threw them into the lake and before long, big brown carp began rolling on the surface, slurping up bits of the bread. It was a lot of fun for Sarah.and I enjoyed watching them too.
When we had finished, I asked if she would like to go for a swim. She looked at me and shook her head no. "I don't know how to swim. I never learned," she said. I told her not to worry I would help her and would not let her sink. Then I wondered if there might be some kind of floatation device on board so I got up and went inside looking around the bedrooms. Not finding anything there I went out on deck and looked through the drawers under the benches. When I opened one of the drawers I found a brand new set of floats for a child. Wow ... they thought of everything.
I brought them out to her and found her in the kitchen up on a chair doing the dishes. She looked so freaking cute with her little bare butt staring at me. I came up and stood beside her drying the dishes as she took them out of the sink. I never felt like I was part of a family before. I suppose this was as close as I would get. When we were finished I led her up to the upper deck and to the back where the waterslide was.
I turned on the pump that fed the water to the slide and turned to help her with her floats. Then I dropped my robe so I was naked too and sat down on the slide. I turned and asked her for a push and she laughed and gave me a good shove. Down I went ... and at the end of the slide I went air born for a few feet and then hit the water.
Just a note to the reader: I LOVED swimming naked. Ever since I was a young boy I would strip off what ever I was wearing when ever I could indulge myself, I would find places to swim in the nude. It was one of my life's pleasures. The water was cool but not cold. I looked up and my angel was sitting on the slide waiting for the all clear. I told her to come on down and away she went ... sliding on her little bare ass, screaming in pure delight, then up in the air and down about three feet from me. The floats did their job as she came back up instantly ... laughing and telling me she wanted to go again.
Up the ladder she went while I treaded water easily. Her body was now wet and shiny from the water and her little ass bounced as she went up the stairs to the slide. She slid down at least twenty times ... each time laughing and screaming the way that little girls do. Being naked had become second nature to her I suppose. We spent over an hour in the water until I could not tread water any longer. I asked her if she wanted to swim by herself and she said no ... she was getting tired... and her bottom was getting sore. I could imagine.
We both lay out on the deck for a while letting the sun dry our bodies. I could not remember a time I was happier. I got some sun screen and rubbed some on myself and Sarah ... not as a prelude to sex... just did not want her to burn. Although I did spend a little extra time on that sexy little bottom ... how could I not? I asked her if her bottom was sore from my fucking I gave it the night before and she said it hurt a little in the morning but she felt fine now.
Just the memory of fucking this six-year-old in her ass was giving me another hard on but I managed to keep it under control. As the sun got hotter we retreated into the living room and turned on the air conditioner. Soon it was nice and cool in the room and I decided to lay down for a nap. Sarah came over and climbed on the bed and lay down beside me. She hooked one arm over my chest and hung one leg over mine so her bare little cunny was pressed up against me. I wrapped one arm under her head and held her until we were asleep.
I awoke to a little hand on my cock. I opened my eyes and Sarah was lying between my legs playing with my dick ... which was now growing. She looked up at me and smiled. "Whatcha' doing, Pumpkin?" I asked.
"Well ... I wanted to see it up close," she replied. "Daddy ... Mommy used to put her boyfriends' thingies in her mouth. Do you want me to do that?"
"Only if you want to, Sweetie. It's called a blow-job," I told her.
"Do you want a blow-job?" she asked.
Just hearing this naked little rug rat ask me something like that was getting me hot. "Well, I like it when someone licks it. Do you want to try licking it?" I asked.
She pulled herself up a little and then pulled my cock until it was right in front of her. Then she leaned in and licked the tip. "Mmmm ... That felt good ...," I told her. This seemed to encourage her and she licked it from the tip to my balls. The feeling was unbelievable.
I have never been a big fan of blow-jobs. Girl's all think they are the greatest cocksuckers in the world ... but very few of them have ever brought me off. Cocksucking is an art that should be left to professionals. But the sight of my six year old angel licking my dick was erotica personified. I wished I had a camera and made a mental note.
She did not get down into the hair of my balls but did a pretty good job of keeping my interest. What she lacked in experience she made up for in technique. She slowly licked around the head and then down the shaft. Her warm tongue sent shivers down my spine. I told her to come set backward on my chest. She got up and crawled over to me smiling and sat with her ass facing me on my chest.
"Sarah ... what I would like to do is lick you from behind. While I am doing that you can lick or suck my dick. Do you think you could do that?" I asked.
"Huh-uh," she replied. And with that she leaned forward and encircled my rigid cock with her tiny hands while presenting me with my favorite view. Licking a little girl from behind while they are lying face down on your chest is one of life's greatest pleasures. The problem is they are so short it is next to impossible to sixty-nine them. If you are lapping at their little cunnies then they can't reach your cock. I pulled my legs up as close to me as I could and Sarah managed to engulf the head of my cock.
Her little mouth was so warm ... and so soft, she did not need to move. I would have been happy laying there with her mouth wrapped around the just the head and died a satisfied man. I on the other hand was free to lick and suck her pale, hairless pussy to my heart content. I placed my hands on her perfect little ass and spread her cheeks so I could dive into her puckered asshole. Who knows why I love little girl's asses so much? To me they are the nectar of the gods. Licking Sarah's tiny asshole was heaven on earth to me and she seemed to enjoy it. I licked a circle around her rectum and would then press my tongue into her hole as far as I could. God I loved this child's ass!
She began to do that little moaning thing she does; only this time she had the head of my dick in her mouth, and I felt the moans down to my balls. I lapped at her ass like a dog to water; and then slid back to her six year old twat. I placed my entire mouth over her cunt and let my tongue do all the work. I found her little clit and massaged it with my mouth; flicking the clit and that made her really hum. She was pressing her ass back to meet my probes and seemed to tense up ... then relax. I figured she had had another cum.
I too felt the cum boiling in my balls and grabbed the cheeks of her ass as I shot my load into my angel's mouth. Surprisingly enough, she seemed to hold it in her mouth for a moment and then I felt her spit it out onto my balls. She coughed a little and then sat up, turned, and looked at me. She was smiling and had a bead of cum running down her cute little lips.
Although I had just shot my wad I did not feel satisfied and wanted more; but Sarah had gotten off me and gone into the bathroom. I could hear the bath running as I lay there and recovered. When the bath turned off Sarah called to me and I got up and went in. "Daddy... will you bathe me again? I like it when we take a bath together"
"Sure, Princess. I like it too," I said. I climbed in and she stood up to make room for me then after I had laid down, she sat back down on my cock. Ahhh ... What a feeling. I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her beautiful little bottom. She hugged my neck and I grabbed the bar of soap and rubbed it on her back; working my way down to her ass. I let one soapy finger slip into her crack and fingered her tiny anus. She tightened her grip on my neck and whispered, "You can put it in my butt if you want to, Daddy."
Well ... what to do? She did ask me to ... but she is just trying to make me happy. On the other hand ... maybe she likes it? Not wanting to hurt her again I gently probed her opening until I had my forefinger inserted up to my first knuckle. I let it say there for a moment and then began to slide it in and out. My dick had started to harden again under us and began to slide her little pussy up and down the length of my hard shaft. I realized that she was actually putting my finger up her ass so I stopped moving it and let her do the work. She moved her bottom back and forth letting my finger slide in and out of her tight little rectum.
"How does that feel, Pumpkin?" I asked.
"At first it kinda' stings ... But I'm liking it now. It feels weird ... but good at the same time," she replied.
I stopped and told her we had better finish before the water got cold. We rinsed off and climbed out together. The room was nice and cool and we dried ourselves off and walked out onto the front deck. It was hot ... but not so hot that it drove us back inside. I sat down on the lounge. Sarah walked over to the railing and leaned over to watch the water.
"Are you getting bored, Honey?" I was worried that she was not having a good time any more. But she turned to me and smiled and shook her head no. "Daddy ... I was hoping you would try and put your wiener in my butt again. I think I can do it without it hurting too badly. Can we try again?" she asked.
I walked over to her and knelt down and hugged her. How could I have gotten this lucky? I told her that I would love to try it again but she had to do all the work this time.
She looked at me funny; and I told her I would show her. We walked back inside and I told her to crawl up on the bed and lay face down. She did and I crawled up behind her and lay down between her little legs. I started by rubbing her sweet little bottom with my hands ... being very light and soft. I really needed her to relax.
She had laid her head on a small pillow and had her eyes closed. I parted her butt cheeks and began licking her pink puckered rectum ... licking circles around it then probing gently trying to get it to open. After about five minutes she began that moaning and lifted her ass up to help me get at it better. I was in heaven again as I licked her tight pink orifice and then dipped down to her bare little pussy. Now she was breathing heavy again but I needed her in the right position.
"Now Sarah ... I want you to get on your hands and knees. Then I am going to put my dick against your butt. I want you to push back until it slips in. I am not going to move ... you will have all the control. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Daddy ... I understand," she said. I reached over and grabbed the tube of KY and put a few drops on her asshole. Then I put some on my hand and slicked up my cock. Then I told her to scoot back a little. She did and I took my finger and began massaging her rectum. After a couple of minutes I let it slip in to the first knuckle.
"Is your dick in, Daddy?" she asked. "No ... not yet, Sweetie ... I am using my finger to loosen you up," I replied.
I began to slide my finger in and out until I thought she had gotten use to it. Then I massaged my dick until it was completely hard and pressed it against her ass. "Okay, Princess ... it is all up to you."
She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. "I'm gonna' do it this time, Daddy ... I am going to make you happy," she said. I smiled back and told her to give it a whirl.
Sarah then scooted back until I felt the pressure on my cock as it began its trip. She kept up the pressure until the head of my dick popped in past the opening. She let out a little gasp and stopped. I saw her tiny hands grab a hand full of the sheets and bunch them into her fists. "You alright, Honey?" I asked.
"It hurts, Daddy ... but not as bad as it did last night. I am just going to wait a minute," she replied.
"You take your time, Sweetie ... we are in no hurry." And I wasn't. I had all day. The grip of her tiny little rectum felt wonderful on my cock and I wanted to start ramming it home ... but knew it would be a mistake. After a minute or so she put more pressure on it and it slipped in further. I looked down I could see it parting her ass cheeks until it was about half way in. I began to lightly tickle her back, running the tips of my fingernails up and down her spine.
"Mmmm ... that feels nice, Daddy. I can feel your dick in me ... It hurts a little; but it's not bad," she said. We stayed like that for a few moments then she pushed back even further until I was _ of the way in, then she stopped again. My dick felt like it was encased in the tightest, warmest glove in the world. The feeling was so fantastic ... I thought I could stay right there forever.
My tickles turned into light rubbing of her back and tiny bottom. After another minute she began to lean forward so that my dick slipped out except for the head ... Then she pushed back again and took my cock up to the balls. I was now buried in my true love's ass all the way! The feeling was indescribable. Sarah again leaned forward; and again my dick slid out ... then a push back and I was slapping her ass with my balls. I had finally achieved my goal ... I was fucking my six year old angel in her tiny butt.
"I'm doing it, Daddy! You can fuck me in my ass and it doesn't hurt!"
"That's right, Sweetie ... Now let Daddy take over ... and you tell me if it hurts."
And with that I placed my hands on top of her pale creamy bottom and began to slide my dick in and out of her rectum. Sarah was so happy I thought she would cry! She kept telling herself, "I'm doing it... I'm doing it ...."
I picked up the pace a little and continued fucking her tight anus, letting it slide almost completely out and then driving it back in. The sight was so beautiful ... watching my cock violate her tiny ass was the most erotic thing I had ever seen.
I let myself enjoy this truly wonderful sight and went a little faster ... By now feeling the cum boiling in my balls as the slapped her tiny ass. When it finally happened I nearly black out ... so total was my orgasm ... I leaned over her and shoved all 6 inches up her ass and filled her bowels with what felt like a gallon of cum. The warmth spread through out my entire body has my cock twitched and pumped spurt after spurt up her ass.
When I had finished I lay on her tiny body for a moment then let my dick slowly slip out of her pink little rectum. I collapsed beside her and looked her in the eyes. This time I did not see tears but a sparkle as she lean over my face and first kissed my nose ... then my lips. "Oh Sarah ... you have made me so happy. That was so fantastic. Thank you so much for letting Daddy fuck your ass," I said.
"Now you can fuck my butt anytime you want ... huh, Daddy"?
"Yes, Pumpkin. As long as you will let me. Is there anything I can I do for you?" I asked.
"Ummm ... I think I need to poop," she said. And with that she slid off the bed and went into the bathroom. My eyes were so heavy and I felt so totally relaxed I closed my eyes and knew I would soon be asleep. I had a vague sensation of a warm cloth being rubbed on my dick but I thought it might be a dream. But the last thing I do remember is a little arm falling across my chest ... Then I was gone.
I woke up about six and found my precious angel fast asleep beside me. I slowly extracted her arm from across my chest and slid out of the bed. I went into the bathroom and pissed, then decided on a quick shower. The hot spray massaged my shoulders and I thought again of how lucky I was. And this was only the SECOND day of our trip. I still had many days of fucking and sucking my little girl. How lucky could one man be?
I stayed under the water for about five minutes then soaped up, rinsed and shut the water off. I stepped out to find my little princess sitting on the toilet, doing who knows what ... I have never been one to watch others do their business ... but I smiled and said hi then left the bathroom and finished drying in the bedroom. I slipped on a pair of shorts and went into the kitchen and started making dinner. I grabbed a couple of steaks and threw them on the grill. As I was pealing the potatoes, I heard the water running in the tub and knew Sarah was taking another bath.
I made roasted corn and gravy, and then set out the dishes and glasses. I poured us both a glass of pretty good wine just as Sarah was coming out. She had put on the pair of very sexy undies I had picked up at that adult shop in town. They were white, sheer, and showed off all of my angel's assets.
"My, my ... don't you look sexy! Those look good on you Sarah ... I may throw this food overboard and put YOU on a plate". I said. Sarah smiled the biggest smile and came over to the sink. I could smell freshly soaped and clean little girl ... my favorite smell in the world.
"You slept for a long time, Daddy. I watched you while you were sleeping. A lot of Mommy's boyfriends' snore ... But you didn't. Then I got sleepy too," Sarah replied.
I told her to sit while I served dinner. For some reason this food tasted WONDERFUL ... and I wolfed down my steak. Sarah did the same then we looked at each other and laughed. We acted like it was out last meal. We sat and talked while we killed the whole bottle of wine. It was such a beautiful evening and the heat of the sun had given way to a nice cool breeze. I was amazed that we had not seen any other boaters thus far. Not that I was complaining. I felt reasonably sure that we would hear anyone long before we saw them.
Since we had just slept, neither of us were tired; so we cleaned the dishes and then went up to the flying deck, sat on the lounge, and looked out over our private canyon. Sarah crawled up in my lap facing me; put her arms around my neck; and hugged me tight. I slipped my hands around her little waist and hugged her back. When had I ever felt this close to anyone? Never ... of that I was sure. I rubbed her back and worked my way up to her tiny head and ran my hands through her hair. It was like fine silk. She smelled so wonderful having just had her bath. I slipped my hand down the back of her sexy little undies and rubbed her six year old bottom ... something I could never tire of doing.
I slipped my hand down into her crack and fingered her little rosebud I loved so much. She cooed and moaned and hugged my neck even tighter. I slowly pulled the undies off and slipped them off her feet so I could feel her body up against my chest.
She reached down and began to massage my already hard dick through my shorts. Then she backed up a little and said, "Common, Daddy ... take off your shorts. I'm not the only one who has to be naked all the time!" and laughed that wonderful laugh of hers.
I stood her in from of me and slipped my shorts off. Sarah looked at my hard cock and smiled ... then pushed me back in my seat and crawled up on my lap again. This time she sat her little pussy right on my cock and slowly rubbed it up and down the shaft ... The feeling was incredible and I put my hands on her little hips as she slid up and down, leaving a slick of her little girl juice on it.
Sarah reached back down and her fingers encircled the head of my dick wetting her hand with the pre-cum leaking like crazy from the tip. She got her hand nice and slick with it and then grabbed the head and squeezed it in her little fist. I came so close to spewing right then... but managed to hold it back. Her little thumb played with the hole on top of my cock as her fist squeezed. Then ... as I was looking at her, she got an expression on her face that told me she had a great idea.
She let go of my aching cock and slid down to the floor. "Daddy... lay back," she said and gently pushed me back on the sofa. I lay back and she knelt down on the floor between my legs. She grabbed my dick and starting licking it all over ... running her little pink tongue up and down the shaft while squeezing it. "Oh, Sweetie ... that feels wonderful," I told her. She smiled from behind my cock and kept licking it.
Then she got down lower and grabbed the underside of my thighs and pushed up. "Lift your legs, Daddy ... I want to try something," she said. What the fuck could she want I wondered? I lifted my legs and she pushed them until they were firmly against my chest. '... Oh no... you don't think ...?' I thought. She let go of my thighs and lowered her little head until she was under my ass. I braced myself for what I thought was coming as her head disappeared from view.
Electric shocks went through my body as I felt the first touch of her wet warm tongue on my anus. If I live to be 100 I will never forget that feeling. I involuntarily took a sharp intake of breath as she licked all around my ass then took little stabs at it with her tongue.
"Oh my Gosh ... Sarah ... Oh my gosh ... that feels wonderful," I panted to her ... and this only encouraged her to double her efforts. She imitated what I had been doing to her ... licking all around the rim ... then probing the opening ... I thought I was going to explode right there on the couch and was thankful I had taken the time to shower. She reached up with her hands and fondled my nut sac as she continued to lather my rectum with her wet little tongue, then slowly put her little fist around my cock and began sliding it up and down.
She went on with this for a good ten minutes and when she had finished my face was numb with pleasure. She pushed my legs back down and bent back down to continue the wonderful blow-job she had started. This time she licked the head of my cock and played with my piss-hole... trying to stick her tongue into the opening. She was really getting creative and it made me so happy to know this wonderful angel was exploring her own sexuality. She licked my pole from the head all the way down to my nut sac where she sucked one nut ... then the other... painting my balls with her warm little tongue. She stood up after a few minutes and turned around so her little ass was facing me and bent over. "Go ahead, Daddy ... Put it in my butt," she said over her shoulder.
Not having any KY within reach I pulled her back and rubbed the head of my dick all over the opening of her ass ... then grabbing her hips I pressed the head against the opening and got has much pre-cum on her anus as I could, then pushed. Sarah grabbed the cheeks of her bottom and pulled them apart in and effort to help, and with little effort ... the head of my raging hard cock popped into the tight elastic band of her six year old rectum.
Sarah did not tense up and instead, pushed back so I continued to slide it further in her ass until half of it was buried in my sweet angel. I pulled out and slid back in ... It was so tight, and her ring squeezed my cock like a velvet vice. The inside of her little girl ass felt like a warm glove and I could feel every ridge and bump as my cock glided in. I pulled out again and then pushed until all my length was up her ass and I felt myself bottom out. Then I pulled pushed her away and gently slid it back in. Sarah was bent over with her hands on her knees and jerked a little as I fucked my cock in and out. She never said a word but stayed there between my legs letting me fuck her young tight ass. Seeing her bend over like that was such a turn on ... Watching her bottom with my large cock slipping in and out of that tight young opening.
Before long I felt the cum boiling in my balls and I increased my tempo, ramming it in and out of her rectum until the cum came shooting out and up her ass in one of the most powerful and intense orgasms of my life racked my body and sent me into another world ... I just kept cumming and cumming ... until I collapsed back on the sofa taking her with me. I lay there with my dick still buried in her little behind until I knew I was going to survive. Sarah stayed bent over until I released her. She slowly let my dick slip out of her ass; then turned around to face me.
"Did I do good, Daddy?" she asked.
"Sarah ... you damn near killed me that time. That was the most wonderful fuck I have ever had in my life," I told her. And I reached out and pulled her to me. She lay across my lap and hugged my chest hard as I softly rubbed her back. It took nearly five minutes to come down from that high. I was totally spent. I continued to rub and tickle her back as she laid there across my chest. Then she looked up and kissed me.
She disappeared into the bathroom and I sat there and contemplated the best fuck I had ever had. The orgasm was so intense ... so strong... I should have felt tired ... but I felt like I could run ten miles and not break a sweat.
Sarah returned in a few minutes with a pair of shorts on and again crawled up in my lap. "Can I stay up late? I never got to, when I was with Mommy," she asked.
"You can do anything you like, Sweetie. If I get tired I will go and sleep in the other bedroom. I think instead of watching TV I might go for a swim. Do you think you will be okay her by yourself while I take a dip? I will be right back ... I promise."
Sarah looked at me for a second ... I thought I saw a trace of worry in her eyes ... but I promised her again that I would be back soon. She relaxed a little and said okay; but still made me promise... again ... that I would be back soon.
I realized that in her eyes I was the only thing standing between her and certain death. And I suppose she was right. I only had myself to take care of all the years leading up now ... but I now had someone who's very survival depended on me. That made me feel happy, in a way. I had never meant that much to anyone. It was good to be needed and loved.
She followed me outside; I walked to the front of the boat; and shucked my shorts. I dove in and began to swim away from the boat and headed further down the canyon. I loved swimming and it kept me in shape. I once swam five miles in the Bahamas but I would not try that again ... not without some training.
As I swam the boat faded behind me and I got into my rhythm. When working out during a swim I try a little Zen; I try and blank my mind and get into my zone. When I stopped it was completely dark ... uh oh... I looked around and was not sure which way I had come from. Well... this could be bad. And right then I saw a bright flash that lit up the canyon walls for an instant. A few seconds later I heard the rumble of thunder. If I had needed a kick in the ass ... that was it. I saw in the instant of light my wake I had left in the water so at least I knew which direction I had come from ... but how far?
I started back at a faster pace than I was use to. In a few minutes my arms were burning and my legs felt cramped. But I kept swimming although I did slow down a bit. Again the lightning lit up the canyon and when it did I saw a speck far ahead of me which I hoped was the boat. In another fifteen minutes I could see the boat clearly and I could hear the horn blasting from the flying deck. Another five minutes put me along side it. I wearily climbed the ladder and was hit in the gut by Sarah as she rushed to meet me. She was hysterical.
"Oh Daddy ... I was so scared. After you left I heard the thunder and I tried to be brave ... I tried to be a grown up but I was too scared. I thought you were going to drown!" she cried.
I hugged her close and tried to get her under control. I stroked her hair and her back. In a few minutes she had stopped crying but she still had a bad case of sniffles. I guess it is good to be missed.
"I'm so sorry, Honey. I won't leave you like that again. I just wanted ...."
Lighting had struck somewhere close and the deck lit up like high noon. The concussion made Sarah shriek and nearly knock us both right overboard. It scared the shit out of me too. The rain began falling like someone had turned on a spigot. A very cold downpour fell on the deck drenching us both as we ran for the cabin. We ran inside; and then turned at the door to look at the rain falling. It was a gully-washer; and within a few minutes there were wonderful streams of water falling all around us. The rain was running down the canyon walls creating a hundred beautiful waterfalls.
Sarah was standing beside me ... shaking like a leaf. "Sorry about that, Pumpkin. I went too far away from the boat. I did not see the storm until I had turned around. "Are you okay?" I asked.
She looked at me with very sad eyes. She just did not need this right now. "I was okay until heard the thunder. It started about 15 minutes after you left. It kept getting closer and closer. And when you did not come back I thought you had died," she replied.
I got down on my knees and looked at her at eye level. "Sweetie... I will NEVER leave you. I have swum all my life. I once swam 5 miles and it was much longer than this. But I understand you being scared. And I promise to never make you scared again."
Sarah reached out with her arms and hugged my neck. I could still feel her shaking and realized she was cold to the bone. I got up and grabbed a nice fluffy towel and dried her off. Then I pulled back the covers and helped her into bed. I put another blanket over her and soon she was warm again. I sat there stoking her cheeks and hair. Within minutes she was asleep. I got up and took a quick dump and then a shower then crawled into bed with her. She rolled over so that her back was to me and then scooted in so that we were spooned together. The sound of the rain falling against the boat was so soothing. I slid my arm around her and pulled her tight; and that's how we fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up to hear Sarah in the other room watching TV. I got up and put on a robe and walked in to find her sitting on the sofa naked eating a bowel of cereal. I looked at the clock and it said 9am. I was floored ... I never slept that late. Must have been the long swim.
"Morning, Princess. Did you sleep good?" I asked.
"Yeah ... I got up once to pee; but I came right back to bed. You were asleep, so I tried not to wake you," she said.
We lay around until 11 then I suggested we go for a drive out on the lake. Sarah smiled and nodded her head yes. So we picked up all the clothes, made the bed, and stepped out into a beautiful morning. I went to the back of the boat and pulled up the anchor with Sarah right on my heels. Then we climbed the stairs to the flying deck, Sarah was still naked so I got to watch that cute little ass as we climbed; then I started the engines and turned the boat around toward the mouth of the canyon.
It seemed to me we motored along for quite some time ... longer than I remember us going in but soon we broke out into a glorious day. The rain had cooled things down a bit and the lake was calm ... and empty. I cold not figure this out ... why were there no other boaters? Maybe it WAS the off season ... but the middle of summer? Not that I was complaining. I hate looking out for other boaters.
Sarah came over with a beer and sat in my lap. She took a long pull then handed it to me. "Thanks for leaving me some. I think you will be the only kid in first grade going to AA meetings," I joked and she giggled ... although I was betting she did not know what AA was. I sat with my legs together and Sarah sat facing forward with her legs spread over mine. I reached down and began rubbing her snatch and she put her little hand over mine while I rubbed.
How wonderful was this? Driving a $70,000 yacht and fingering a six-year-old. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, for sure. We motored out into the lake and I opened it up to full speed. Sarah climbed down and stood near the front railing and let the sea breeze blow over her naked little body. Did it get any better than this?
We cruised to the north; watching out for anyone and having a great time. After being in the canyon for two days it felt good to drive. I saw a little marina off to my left and told Sarah to go down below and put on a shirt and shorts. She hurried down and came back up shortly wearing a sweet little sailor outfit I had completely forgotten about. She even had a little sailor hat. Too cute!
I eased the boat into the marina slip and tied up. I helped Sarah off and we walked down to the marina. There were very few people out for a Friday. Maybe it would get busier on the weekend. We walked into the little store drawing lots of smiles from the locals. I stocked up on beer and got Sarah some sweet wine cooler crap ... I can't stand it but Sarah would love it. We got some beef jerky and some sodas along with a few candy bars. There was still plenty of food on the boat. This was for snacking.
I paid for all the stuff and we headed back to the boat. As we were walking I happen to glance over to the opposite side of the cove and saw a young boy ... maybe seven or eight fishing. He sat on one of the many boulders that ringed the lake. What drew my attention was that he looked like he could be Sarah's brother! He had the same cherub face and sandy blond hair. It got me to thinking about one of my oldest and favorite fantasies.
We boarded the boat and I called Sarah over to me. "Sarah ... I want to ask that boy if he would like to come with us for a few hours on the boat. "Is that okay with you?" I asked.
"Okay, Daddy. I never got to talk to other kids," she said.
"Okay ... now listen to me, Pumpkin. You let me do all the talking. If I say something to you like, '... right Sarah?' You just nod your head. Okay?"
"Okay, Daddy," she replied. It is funny how fast one can get use to being called Daddy.
I cast off and fired up the engines and set a slow course to where the boy was sitting. He looked up and smiled when he saw us coming his way. I pulled the boat as close as I dare without worrying about beaching it and called out to him, "How the fishing?"
He smiled again and answered to not too good. "I've been here since morning, and haven't had a single bite," he said.
"Where are your folks? Are you fishing all alone?" I asked.
"Don't have a mom. My dad works during the day in town. Since school let out for the summer, I come down here to fish. Wish I had a boat like that to fish off of ...."
Talk about subtle hints.
"What time would you have to be back?" I asked.
The boy smiled real big and said he would have to be back by 6:00 because his dad got home at seven. "Do you mean I can come out with you?" he asked.
"If you show me where the fish are." I laughed and he laughed too. He said he didn't know where the fish were; but he sure would like to go out on the lake with us.
"Well come on then," I said. The boy picked up his fishing pole and waded out to us. Sarah was waiting at the ladder and held out her hand to help him up. He smiled and took her hand and up he came. He put all his fishing gear on the deck and walked over to me and held out his hand. I shook it and introduced myself and Sarah. The boy looked at Sarah, who had her little hand stuck out and he sheepishly shook it. "I'm Billy. I live over that hill over there," he said pointing. Then he came over to where I had been sitting in the captain's chair and looked at all the controls.
"Wow ... this is some boat. I've never been on a boat this big... or nice!" he said.
This was one cute kid. I have always been partial to little girls but this boy was so cute I could make an exception. I told him to sit down in the chair next to me and we turned the boat around and headed out onto the lake. Billy was in heaven. He asked questions about the boat and how fast it would go ... I told him to take the controls while I got us a beer.
His eyes got wide and he smiled a huge smile when I traded places with him. Sarah had been watching him too. She followed me into the kitchen. "Daddy ... he is so cute! I wish he could stay with us," she almost complained.
"Sarah ... I know how you like to make Daddy happy ... So ... Here is what I want you to do. Now ... if you don't want to that's okay; but it sure would make me happy."
As I told her what I wanted she began to giggle and then laugh. "Okay, Daddy. I'll do it ... I want to make you happy; but I think it will be fun too," she said. 'Oh my,' I thought, 'this could get real interesting.'
I walked back out and handed Billy a beer. He laughed and said he was too young for beer. I told him it would be our secret. I handed it to him and he popped the top. He took a long swig and his face turned red and he coughed. But he wanted to look like a man so he said, "Man ... that is good beer."
I smiled and said it sure was. He was still steering the boat and I told him to head to one of the coves. He turned toward the shore and I cut the speed a little and we followed the shoreline until a canyon opened up on our left. I told him I had better steer us in. He gladly gave up the wheel and I turned in a narrow opening and slowly took us through.
Sarah and Billy went to the front of the railing and watched ahead as we entered. The walls of the red rock climbed high above us as we inched our way up this inlet blocking the sunlight. It got cooler the farther in we traveled. We followed the gulch for a long way until I was beginning to think it would never end ... I also wondered how I would back out if it dead-ended. Well ... It did dead-end ... into a bowl shaped lake of clear blue-green water. You could see down 50 feet or more. It was beautiful. The canyon climbed up at least 500 feet. And the sky was such a beautiful color of blue ... I had never seen such a wonderful place.
Billy and Sarah were standing on the front in awe. "MAN," Billy said, "This place is so cool!"
Sarah told me to come look so I cut the engine and let it coast into calm waters of the cove. The kids were right ... this was a hidden paradise. Sarah said she was going to go up on top to look while Billy followed right behind her. They had already become fast friends.
While the kids were up top I steered the boat a little closer to the canyon wall where I thought we would get the most sun then I dropped the anchor. I heard Billy yelling about how cool it was to have a waterslide and Sarah telling him that she had already been down it lots of times. The kids came down and Sarah said that Billy wanted to use to use the waterslide. Could they go swimming? I said sure and that we could fish later. A look of disappointment fell over Billy's face and he said he did not have a swim suit. Ahhh ... this gave me my opening. But Sarah beat me to it.
"Oh we don't use bathing suits," she laughed. Billy looked confused. "We always swim naked!" she said; and laughed again.
"Really?" he asked; looking from Sarah then to me. "You guys swim naked?"
"Sarah is right Billy. We are nudists. That means we rarely wear clothes. But since we had a guest with us we did not want to embarrass you. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, you could swim in your underwear ... I guess," I said.
Billy was actually flabbergasted. He did not know what to say and kinda' stood there. Sarah saved him. "Come on, Billy ... It's fun swimming naked. I'll show you." With that Sarah unbuttoned her shirt and shucked her shorts. She was naked in about 15 seconds; although she was still wearing that cute little sailor hat. Poor Billy didn't know where to look and his face turned bright red; but he was still smiling and that was a good thing.
"Well ... I guess it would be okay. But you guys CAN'T tell my dad. He would never let me swim naked ... ever!" he said.
Oh man ... this just got better and better, I thought. Sarah was tugging at his jeans and laughing but he shooed her away and said he could do it. I turned and walked to the kitchen ... my heart pounding like a jackhammer in my chest. I took another beer out and chugged it... and grabbed another. I took a spritzer for Sarah and another beer for Billy.
When I came back out on deck Billy was standing there naked as a newborn. He held his hands in front of his penis and Sarah playfully tugged at his arm trying to get him to move it. "Sarah ... Leave Billy alone ... Not every one grew up like you did. Billy ... you will have to forgive Sarah ... she can be a handful," I said.
"It's okay ... my friend Chuck has a little sister," he answered.
I handed him another beer and this one he drank about half of. I gave Sarah hers and she happily sipped it. She was enjoying all of this. I suggested we go up and get the waterslide ready ... Sarah said she would go get her floaties; so Billy and I climbed the stairs to the top. By now he had relaxed a bit and I showed him how to turn the water on. He flipped the switch and water began to run down the slide. I asked Billy if he knew how to swim and he said he was on his schools swimming team.
In that case I told him, he was responsible for Sarah. He looked serious at me and told me I could count on him. He looked so fucking cute. He had relaxed enough to walk around without covering his little prick which was circumcised, hairless, and perfect. His pale little ass was a dream too. I could already feel the stirring in my shorts.
Sarah came back up wearing her floats and ran to the slide. Damn... she was so cute. Billy tried not to stare but could not help himself. I told Billy to go on down first and to watch Sarah when she came down. Billy said he would and sat on the slide. Sarah gave him a push and down he went. We watched from up on top as he let out a whoop and hit the water, I then sat my naked little angel on the slide and gave her a push. She slid down and landed by Billy who reached out and held her when she came up. Sarah hugged his neck and kissed him on the cheek rubbing her naked little body over him. Again he turned beet red. He helped over to the ladder and they both came up dripping wet and took another swig from their drinks. Then down they went again.
I watched for a while then went down and sat on the deck where I could see them coming down. I drank my beer and enjoyed the scenery. What a couple of cute kids. Billy and Sarah looked like brother and sister. I sat and watched their young naked bodies climb in and out of the water for an hour then went in to make us lunch. I threw a couple of dogs on the grill and set out some chips and another round of drinks. Then I called the kids.
Both came running in and began to wolf down their meal. Without even thinking they drank the booze and pretty soon they were both laughing. This was so much fun for Sarah ... and for Billy. When they were done they started for the stairs to resume their swimming but I stopped them and told them they would have to wait about an hour until their food settled. I did not want them cramping up.
Both looked dejected but I suggested they sun on the deck for a while. They both put out towels and lay down on the sunning area of the front deck. Both lay on their bellies which gave me the perfect view of their wonderful little bottoms. Sarah looked over at me and I gave her our signal ... a single nod. Sarah got up and walked over to side board and got the tanning lotion. Then walked back to where Billy was laying and told him she would put some on him if he would put some on her.
Billy looked at me and I smiled and told him it was okay. It was impossible to put lotion on your own back after all. Sarah squirted out a glob onto her hands and began rubbing Billy's back. She rubbed all the way down to his cute little ass and then down his legs. Billy did not say anything ... I imagine he was feeling the effects of the booze. She continued rubbing him spending lots of time on his butt.
Then she told him to put some on her. Billy again looked over at me and I nodded to him. "Billy ... you are with friends. We are very open about everything. You don't have to worry about me getting mad," I said.
I am sure he was thinking we were both nuts but it did seem to put him at ease. He put some lotion on her back and began to rub it all around. "Billy ... you need to put some on my butt. I don't want it to get burned," Sarah told him. Billy was unsure on how to proceed but he managed to squeeze a little on her pale little ass and then began to rub it in. Sarah moaned a little and told him how good it felt.
I heard Billy mutter something like, "Man ... if Chuck could only see me now," as he continued rubbing Sarah's cute little bottom. I was sure it was the first naked girl he had ever seen ... and for sure the first one he had ever touched. Pretty soon I could see him shift himself to try and cover his little boner her was getting. Sarah rolled over, said, "Don't cover it up ... I want to see," as she leaned over and looked between his legs. "Daddy ... he has a little weenie. But it gets hard just like yours," she said.
"Yes, Honey ... that's what happens when a boy sees a pretty naked little girl like you. Now don't scare Billy. This is all new to him," I said.
Billy did not know what to do ... but it looked like he was willing to go with the flow.
"Daddy ... If Billy will let me, can I suck it?" she asked.
This is what we had talked about earlier. I hoped Billy was relaxed enough to maybe fool around. "Honey, that is up to Billy," I said.
Billy was now sure he was on another planet.
"Billy ... can I suck your dick? I promise you will like it and I swear I won't bite," she said and giggled.
Billy laughed too. He once again looked over at me; and I told him that sex was a very natural thing and that getting your dick sucked was better than video games. If he would like ... I would go in the bedroom and not watch.
Billy seemed to be thinking. "Well ... if you really want to ... then okay."
Sarah squealed "GOODY", reached out for it. She put her little hand on his now hard little cock and rubbed it up and down; then leaned over and sucked the head into her mouth. Billy flinched at bit ... then relaxed as my little angel gave her second-ever blow-job. She licked the head a bit; then dived on it and sucked all 4 inches into her warm little mouth. Billy lay back on the deck and laid his arm across his eyes. His little mouth hung half way open and his breathing came in hitches. I think he liked it. He was bucking his hips slightly and Sarah rode with them. She was a Class-A little cocksucker for sure. All of a sudden he got red in the face and tightened up ... and had his first cum.
Sarah stopped and looked up at him ... then at me. I shrugged and asked Billy if he was alright. He was still gasping for breath; and I found myself hoping he didn't have a medical condition. After a few seconds Billy opened his eyes and smiled ... then giggled. "MAN ... I never felt ANYTHING like that before. Maybe on a roller coaster ... but this was twice as fun."
We all laughed and I got everyone another round of drinks ... this time just bottled water. Billy was sitting up and whispering to Sarah... and she began to giggle ... then she whispered something back ... and they both laughed. I was so happy they were getting along so well. I came back and asked Billy if he thought his dad night let him spend the night on the boat with Sarah and me.
He said that he might ... if I asked him. So I tried the cell ... no service. I told the kids to get dressed ... I needed to go out and try and get a signal. They hurried as I pulled anchor and turned the boat back towards the lake. The kids came to where I was steering and we went over our story. We had met Billy had at the marina and he asked if we would mind if he went fishing with us. THAT'S ALL! The more simple the story ... the better. We all agreed and soon we were out of the canyon and out on the lake and I had a signal. I asked Billy his dad's phone number and dialed it.
A voice came on and I introduced myself and told him that my daughter and I had met Billy at the lake and we were fishing on my boat. I asked if there was a chance Billy could stay the night with us since him and Sarah were getting along so well. The man at the other end was quiet for a moment, and then said, "Well ... if this is not fate ... I had just not five minutes ago been asked to chair a meeting in Chicago on Saturday. I was just sitting here trying to figure out who I was going to get to watch him. "Put him on the phone and let me talk to him," he said.
I handed the phone to Billy and he talked to his dad for a couple of minutes ... then he handed it back. "Well ... Billy seems to be having a great time ... if you are going to be out on the lake anyway... I see no reason why he can't stay with you. I am going to assume you are not some weirdo ... Billy seems to think you are okay. No offense ... But you hear all kinds of things these days," he said.
"Yes, I hear you. But my daughter and I have just recently lost my wife to cancer and this trip was supposed to give us a chance to be together ... and to get away. Billy is a great kid and seems to get along well with Sarah ... you would be doing me a great favor if you let him stay," I replied.
"Oh man ... sorry about your wife ... uh ... mine took off with our mechanic ... I know what you are going through ... kinda' ... sure Billy can stay. If you would please just let him touch base with me once a day, I would be fine with that," he said. I told him that I would make sure Billy called him and thanked him before I hung up. Both kids were looking at me but they could hear what I had been saying so they were not surprised but cheered anyway.
"Okay ... lets head back to our little hide-a-way," I said and both kids ran to the front of the boat.
As we headed down the narrow canyon Sarah called back to me, "Daddy ... can we get naked again?"
I said sure; and both kids shed their clothes. It is funny how quickly kids can adapt to that. I marveled again at how perfect both kids were. Their bodies were so beautiful.
We headed back in to the canyon and within twenty minutes we were back in our secret cove. It was now almost 5 but there was still a couple hours of sunlight left. As soon as I had dropped anchor, both kids went running by me and jumped off the front deck into the water. I looked to make sure Sarah had her floats on then went and grabbed a beer. I sat drinking but soon Sarah yelled for me to come in.
Not a bad idea. I shucked my shorts and shirt and dove in. I came up between them and they both hugged my neck. It was wonderful to have two delightful ... and naked kids rubbing their warm bodies on me. We all swam and played for about an hour ... then I suggested we get out for dinner. We climbed out and dried off. Billy and Sarah went into the living area and turned on the TV.
I made steaks and potatoes and called them to eat. They were getting along so well ... it really amazed me. They devoured the food and went back in to watch TV. I cleaned the kitchen and suggested that Billy and her take a bath. They ran into the bathroom and pretty soon I heard water being splashed around. I went around the boat picking up clothes and wrappers. I cleaned everything up and made it look nice again. Then I stuck my head in just to see how they were getting along.
I was knocked over by what I saw. Billy was standing in the tub... soapy bubbles running down his seven year old ass. Sarah was on her knees in front of him, sucking his rock hard cock. She had her hands on his cute little butt and he was holding her blond little head, pushing it back and forth as she sucked him off. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen. He had a look of pure ecstasy on his face as my cute little angel sucked his 4 inch dick in and out of her pink lips. She let it slip out and slid her tongue down his tiny shaft until she reached his balls. She licked his little sac and he let out a moan that almost finished ME off.
I watched for a couple of minutes until Billy looked over at me. I smiled and he smiled back. "Man ... this feels so good. I wish I had a little sister to do this to me at home," he said.
I had to agree. Sarah was doing a great job of sucking him off. I told them that if they would not mind holding off on the sex play ... I would like to use the shower. I told them they could continue on the bed if they liked.
They both giggled and climbed out of the tub. I handed them towels as I jumped in. I took a quick shower and then shaved and brushed my teeth. I finished drying and walked out into the bedroom to find Billy laying face up on the bed and Sarah sucking his dick again. 'Man ... this is one lucky kid,' I thought. I asked Sarah if she had licked his butt yet ... and she said no. I asked her if she might like to try it and she giggled and said yes. I walked over and sat down on the bed and told Billy to roll over and put his ass in the air. He did not hesitate ... but rolled over and put his perfect pale little ass in the air. Sarah crawled over and spread his cheeks until she could see his rectum. She leaned forward and stuck her delicate pink tongue on his backdoor. She began imitating what I had been doing to her since the day I met her ... licking around the rim then sticking it right on the pink opening and pushing her tongue against it.
Billy was moaning and breathing hard. I had seen enough and decided I wanted to join in. I took off my robe and lay down beside them. Sarah stopped long enough to lean over and give me a kiss ... then went right back to licking Billy's ass. I reached over and began to finger Sarah's young pussy ... just sliding my finger up and down her hairless slit. I found her clit and massaged it gently ... not trying to hurry ... making this one last as long as I could. Billy looked over at me through heavy lidded eyes and smiled. He was truly enjoying himself.
I told Billy to lie on his back and instructed Sarah to straddle him. When they were in position I told her to lean forward and kiss Billy for while. I crawled behind them and lay down between Billy's legs. As she started kissing him I leaned forward and took Billy's little dick into my mouth where it grew hard almost instantly. I licked his tiny prick all the way down to his little nut sac and slowly sucked each nut into my mouth. Then licked all the way back up.
"Oh man ... Do that some more Tom," Billy said. Only to happy to oblige I sucked his cock while looking at my darling Sarah's ass. I reached up and slowly rubbed her little tush ... letting my fingers slide up and down her open crack. I had all 4 inches of Billy's cock in my mouth and let it slip out and leaned forward to lick my angel's pink puckered opening. Her pussy was wide open and I slid down and lathered it with my mouth. Then I took Billy's cock and told Sarah to back up. She lowered herself down until she felt Billy's dick at her open cunt.
"Go ahead Sweetie ... let Billy know what it's like to fuck a little girl."
With that Sarah lowered herself further until his little prick slid into her snatch. Just the head ... then she pushed back some more until all four inches were buried in her. "Look, Daddy ... I can fuck. I never thought I could get a boy's cock in my cunny!" she squealed.
Just when I thought I had seen every erotic thing there was to see, it all paled in comparison to Billy's dick sliding in and out of my little six-year-old's pussy lips. Billy was getting the hang of this too; beginning to thrust his hips up and down as he fucked my preteen angel.
I leaned in closer to watch her little cunt swallow his seven year old cock; and I began to suck his little nut sac again, putting my entire mouth over it and gently sucking the whole sac. Then I let it slip out and got in closer where I could lick his dick as it slid in and out of my angel's vagina. Her little bottom bumped my nose as she continued to ride him.
I spread Billy's legs a little further and lowered my head until I was licking his pink little rectum. I did the same thing I did to Sarah: I licked all around the rim ... Then went diving with my tongue which made Billy go nuts ... he was moaning ever loader as I licked away at his puckered little anus.
I told Sarah to roll off and get on her hands and knees. She did and I told Billy it was much more fun to fuck from behind. He seemed to understand because he walked on his knees until he was behind her and took his little cock in his hand and slowly guided it back into her wet pussy. Once he had it in, he placed his hands on her little ass and began to pump her little cunt for all it was worth. Sarah was really enjoying this and began her little moaning thing she does when she is getting off. She looked over at me as I sat there pumping my dick to keep it hard and smiled. I smiled back and winked at her. Was it not three days ago she asked me if she could TRY sex stuff to see if she liked it? Well ... I guess we know the answer to that question. My little angel was a little whore ... and I loved her more than ever. It would be a couple years before I would try fucking her tiny pussy... but I would get there.
I crawled around to the front of Sarah and lay with my legs spread and she reached out and took my cock into her mouth. She was now getting fucked from behind while giving me head ... something I would never have dreamed of when I first met her. She swallowed as much of it as she could then let it slip out ... then dove back down. She was becoming an expert dick sucker for sure.
I asked Billy to trade places with me and he pulled his dick out of my angel and crawled around to where I was while I replaced him in the back. I took the KY from the nightstand and greased my dick and Sarah's rectum, then began to push it into her tight six year old asshole. This time she never missed a beat and took the entire cock all the way up to my balls. She turned around and smiled at me then turned back to her new playmate and resumed sucking him off.
I steadied myself by grabbing her hip and really began fucking her ass. This time I was like a wild man and fucked her fast until I could feel the cum building in my balls. I watched my dick split her little butt cheeks and slide in and out of her rectum ... such a wonderful sight ... then leaned over her and reached under to play with her little cunny as I continued to pump her ass. She was moaning loudly now as was Billy and I felt the lava start pouring out of my cock and up into my angel's rear end. I must have pumped a gallon of cum up there ... and then collapsed to the side as my cock popped out of her anus.
I was spent ... but continued to watch her suck Billy's hairless little prick. After a few minutes he asked Sarah if he could fuck her again. Sarah said yes but that he had to fuck her pussy because I was the only one who was allowed to fuck her butt. That made me so happy... I reached over and stroked her hair and leaned forward and kissed her.
Billy crawled around in back of her again and shoved his tiny cock in her tight preteen pussy ... sliding it in and out while holding her tiny buns. He looked over at me and told me I was right ... it was much more fun to fuck from behind. Sarah giggled and thrust her hips back to meet his tiny cock. He was breathing very hard and soon grabbed her hips and really began to bang my little angel's pussy. Sarah had her eyes closed and was moaning like she always did ... but her tone changed and all of a sudden she let out a little yelp and tensed up ... Billy got red in the face and moaned loudly...then had his second orgasm of the day ... and collapsed beside me. We were all like wet dish rags ... completely spent. I reached over and stoked my Sarah's face while she climbed down off her cum ... I patted Bill on the ass and told him good job. Billy laughed and said he did not know how he was going to go back home after this ... could he come live with us?
I told him no ... but that we would get up here every chance we could. We all went into the bathroom and took a quick shower then put on shorts and walked out onto the deck. The sun was going down and we watched the stars come out. Sarah spotted a shooting star and made a wish ... that we could all be together forever. That sounded good to me. We went in after a little while and watched some TV ... Then I told my "kids" I was hitting the sack and they could either sleep in the other bedroom or come sleep with me when they were tired.
I went in and pulled off the sheets and changed them. Then crawled under the covers and fell into a deep sleep. I did not hear them go to bed and slept right through the night. I did not remember being this tired. I last thought was of what a wonderful vacation this had turned out to be.
I came out of my sleep very slowly ... trying to get my bearings. I felt the gentle rock of the boat and heard the waves lapping the hull. I opened my eyes and saw that it was early ... the light was still dim. I slid my feet off the bed and stood up. I was still groggy and had to steady myself on the night stand. I walked to the bathroom and pissed, then came out and walked down the short hall to the second bedroom.
I peeked around the door and saw Sarah and Billy lying naked in bed sound asleep with the covers kicked off them. Sarah was nestled into Billy from the side with her arm resting on his chest and he had his arm under her head which was resting in the crook of his elbow. They looked so much alike I was still surprised. It was a wonderful scene and I stood there for a moment looking at my two precious angels. Then I slowly backed out and went to make some coffee.
We still had a couple days left on the rental; so there was nothing immediate we had to do. I got a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee and walked out onto the deck. It was so peaceful and serene. A couple of fish broke the surface and I thought, 'How could it get any better than this?' I sat down and listened to the morning sounds and thought about the wonderful fuck fest we had all had the night before. There were more serious things to think about but I would save them for later. One was how would I explain Sarah to my friends and co-workers? But ... time enough for that later.
From behind me came a soft voice, "Daddy?"
I turned and Sarah was standing there in her robe and little furry slippers. "Good morning, Pumpkin. Did you sleep good?" I asked.
"Mmm-mmm", she answered. "Billy and I fucked two more times and now my cunny is sore," she said. 'I'll bet it is,' I thought. "Come here, Sweetie. Let Daddy look."
With that she came over and sat facing me on my lap. She opened her robe and I saw her little pussy was red. But I did not see any other damage. I had not thought that Billy's little dick would hurt her ... but it did look inflamed.
I told her to get up and we went inside and I found the first aid kit. Inside was some anti bacterial cream. I told her to lie on the bed and spread her legs. When she did I squeezed a little out on my finger and gently rubbed it on her sore little pussy. She sighed and said it felt nice. I put some more on my finger and pushed it up her fuck hole. She winced a little and I knew there would be no more fucking for her ... at least for today. Poor thing ... I had not counted on this. But I guess it was to be expected for a little girl to be sore after being fucked at least three times in her pussy and once in her ass.
I told her to wait there and I got a washrag and ran some warm water on it ... then carried it out and placed it over her baby pussy.
She sighed and said, "Thank you. It feels better now."
"What feels better?" came a voice behind us.
I turned as Billy came walking over in his underwear. "What's the matter? Is she sick?" he asked.
"No Billy ... her pussy is a little sore after all that action last night. We need to give her time to get used to us," I said.
"Man Sarah ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," he said.
"It's okay Billy. I liked it very much. I was hoping we could do it again today," she replied.
I left to make breakfast and Billy took my place sitting by her. I thought it was wonderful the way he looked out for her. I wished there was a way that he could stay with us; but I knew it was impossible. Billy came out and asked if she was going to be alright. I told him sure ... she just needed some rest.
"I think I love her," he blurted out ... then turned red in the face. "I know what you mean my man ... I love her too. I wish there was a way you could come back to LA with us but I don't see how."
That reminded me ... I told him we needed to call his dad and check in. I asked him to not let me forget. He said he would remind me.
Billy beat the eggs while I made pancakes and bacon. I got one of the bed trays and put a small glass of juice on it and a plate of food and told Billy to go give it to Sarah. He came back shortly ... red in the face again ... and said she kissed him. Funny.
Billy and I carried our food out onto the deck and ate. We sat and talked about his school ... boring ... the girls at his school ... silly and stupid ... and his best friend Chuck who went to stay with his uncle for the summer. We finished eating and went inside to do the dishes. I asked him to check on Sarah and he came back with the dishes and said she was asleep.
We decided to fish for a little while and broke out the poles and bait. There was a little frig in the front of the boat that held worms and shrimp. We both baited our hooks and threw our lines out. I reached into the ice chest and cracked us both a beer. It was about 9 and the day was beautiful. Billy got a bite almost immediately. He hauled in a nice looking channel cat and I put it on a stringer about the same time my pole started dancing. I hauled in a nice channel also.
We fished for about two hours and caught about a dozen keepers. I put my pole down and started cleaning them at the outside sink. I threw the inners overboard hoping they would bring in bigger fish. About a half hour later Billy landed a nice ten pounder ... followed by one that ran fifteen. I caught a few that went eight and nine but Billy was the fisherman of the day.
About 11 Sarah came out and watched us. She showed no interest in fishing but clapped every time Billy or I brought one in. She was still in her robe and looked beautiful. She said she was going to go and take a bath and disappeared inside. Billy and I had had enough sun and fishing so we put the gear away and went inside too. I went in to check on Sarah and found her lying in the bathtub soaking.
"I'm sorry my pussy is sore, Daddy. It's funny ... I never even thought about this sex stuff before... now I want to do it all the time". She said.
"You had other things to think about, Sweetie ... like where your next meal was coming from". I replied. I sat on the tub and talked to her about her life before me. She really did seem to think I had rescued her from her mother. It made me feel glad.
Billy came in and sat on the toilet and we changed the subject. All of a sudden Billy asked Sarah where she went to school.
"Uh ... at home," Sarah replied nervously.
"What's the NAME of your school?" Billy asked.
"Um ... Sesame Street School," Sarah almost choked out.
Billy laughed and said, "There's no such school Sarah. You don't have to lie to me. Tell me the truth."
Sarah and I were both quiet and Billy sat there and looked at us. Neither one of us would make eye contact with him.
"I'll tell you ... I thought something was not right the minute I met you guys. You said your mother just died Sarah ... but you guys never talk about her. And who ever heard of a dad doing sex stuff with his own daughter?" he asked.
I didn't like the way this conversation was going. I really did *not* want to involve Billy in case everything went South.
"Billy ... there are things we cannot talk about. If things do not work out for Sarah and me then we don't want you to get in trouble too. Do you understand?" I asked.
"Nope ... don't understand at all. But you have to believe me when I tell you that I love Sarah. She seems real happy with you but I get the feeling you two don't really know each other. I promise you... I would never tell anyone anything that would get you guys in trouble. But I feel like I have to know what is going on here. I was listening outside the door and I heard a little bit ... I want to know it all," Billy said.
I sat looking at Billy for a moment hoping he would give up ... but he just sat there waiting for some answers. "Okay Billy," I said, "I will have to trust you." I then told him everything from the time I pulled up to the hotel a few days ago until we picked Billy up. He listened very well and said nothing until I was finished. He sat on the toilet looking at for a minute; then said, "Well ... Sarah's mother sounds like she was a real scumbag. It makes me sick to think of Sarah being hungry and getting beat all the time. If I had been there I would have helped you, Sarah." Then he got up off the toilet and knelt by the tub, putting his elbows on the rim and edging me off the rim. I elected to stand in the corner and see what he did next.
"Sarah ... do you want to live with Tom? If you could have another family ... a dad and a mom ... would you want that?" Billy asked.
Sarah looked at Billy, then at me. "No. I like my life now. I love Tom ... he is the daddy I always dreamed about. And I know that the sex stuff is not supposed to be normal ... but I like it. It makes me feel good. HE makes me feel good," she said and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "If I thought I had to live somewhere else I would kill myself!" she screamed.
Billy flinched and looked at me. I raised my eyebrows as if to say, "Your move Billy."
Billy reached out and stroked Sarah's hair. Finally he said, "I like Tom too. I think he is the neatest guy I have ever met. I love my dad but he would NEVER let me do the things I have done here. I wish I could come live with you guys. But I would never want anything to happen to my dad. He may be strict, but I know he loves me. And I know that when mom left him he was very sad. It would kill him if I left too."
"I love you too Billy, I really do!" Sarah said and came up out of the bath and hugged his neck. He came up off his heels hugged her back and then sat back down. I was now wiping away my own tears. This vacation had taught me more about the concept of family than I had ever known.
Sarah asked if Billy would come in the tub and wash her back. Billy looked at me and I said go ahead. But be gentle ... then I realized how stupid that sounded. Of course he would be gentle. Sarah was his little sister ... and his lover. Billy stood up and shucked his underwear in the corner and climbed in. He sat down behind Sarah and took the wash rag off the rim and began gently washing her back. At one point he stopped and leaned forward to kiss her neck. Sarah reached behind her and hugged his neck closer to her. I decided to leave them alone and let them have some privacy.
'Interesting morning,' I thought.
I went out on the deck and had a beer and decided to do a few laps around the boat. I dropped my robe and dove in. The water felt fantastic and I swam out about a hundred yards and then swam back. Then back out. I did not want to be out of sight from Sarah again. The swim helped clear my head and I did a lot of thinking. We would be leaving here soon; and I had to think what my next move would be.
I had plenty of money. I had a small trust fund left to me by my grandparents and I made a real good living. But I could do what I do from anywhere. All I needed was a Fax, a computer and a cell phone. I decided to think about that some more later. And what about getting Sarah into school? I knew they would want birth records and school transcripts ... did she even have a Social Security number?
Well ... I still had three weeks to figure it all out.
I swam up to the boat and climbed up the ladder to find a naked Billy waiting for me. He handed me a towel and then dove in behind me. He never said a word to me. Maybe he needed to clear some cobwebs from his mind too. I knew he was a swimmer so maybe he felt the same way as I did about swimming.
I went in to find Sarah in her PJs and in bed. I was getting a little worried about her but she said she felt fine ... just tired. I lay beside her ... naked and ran my hand through her hair.
"You think it was a good idea to tell Billy?" I asked.
"Yes, Daddy. I think he just needed to hear the truth. I believe him when he said he loved me. I love him too. He's not going to hurt us," she replied.
"I think you're right, Sweetie. Billy seems like a good kid. You guys get along well and seem to be good friends. I'm not going to worry about him ... I just hope he can keep a secret," I told her.
I got up and went out on the deck. Billy was just coming up to the ladder. He climbed out; and I marveled once again at his fine young body. He had a nice tan going for the summer and it made his cute little ass stand out. He took the towel I offer and said the water felt great. I told him I agreed. Then we stood there for a moment, both of us naked and then I suggested we make the trip out of the canyon to call his dad.
"Don't worry Tom ... I have thought about it and I think Sarah will have a good home with you. You're a really neat guy and she seems to love you. I won't say anything to anyone," he offered.
"Thanks Billy. I've been alone my whole life because I don't like to have sex with grown women ... and Sarah and I just found each other. I promise you I will give her a great life," I replied. I felt like a great weight had been lifted off me and hugged Billy close to me ... and to my surprise ... he hugged me tightly back. His wet body felt good and I wondered if we might postpone the trip out for an hour?
I asked Billy if he was cool doing sex stuff with a guy. He looked at me kinda' shyly and then told me it was not his first time to "fag off." I did not approve of that term but let it passed because I wanted to hear of his other experience. Billy told me that sometimes when he and Chuck spent the night they would fool around. "You know, feel each other's boner and stuff. But just before he left for the summer we were spending the night at my house and after we went to bed he told me about finding one of his dad's girly magazines in the garage," Billy said.
"I asked to see it and he pulled it out from his knapsack. We looked at it and it had pictures of a girl sucking a guy's dick in it. Chuck got a boner looking at it and said he would love to know what that felt like. I told him that I would suck him if he would suck me. So we sucked each others dick that night. It felt great! I really liked it and so did he. And so we agreed we would do it again after he comes back from vacation. But I woke up in the middle of the might and he was sucking me off again ... it felt so good ... .so we did it again. That's all the sex I have ever had until I met you guys. Now I am going to want it all the time!" he said.
"I know what you mean," I told him. "I was once your age and I got introduced to sex pretty young. When I was seven there was a neighbor girl who lived a few doors down from me and one day we were playing in my tree house and she says she wants to do nasty stuff. Apparently her older brother had taught her some things. She sucked me off and then wanted me to fuck her ... but for some reason I was scared my parents would find out so I balked on fucking her. Wish I could have that day back ... she was so cute."
We sat and talked for what seemed like an hour ... mostly about little girls I had diddled in the past; while Billy told me about his own limited sexual discoveries. At one point there was a lull in the conversation and Sarah picked that time to come out on deck. She too was naked; came over; sat on my lap; and put her head on my shoulder. Her little ass was sitting directly on my dick and I felt a stirring. She felt it too and looked up and me and smiled.
"I feel much better, Daddy. Can I go for a swim with Billy?" she asked.
"Honey ... you can do anything you like. If Billy wants to swim with you that is," I told her.
"Sure Sarah ... Get your floaties and I'll swim with you for a while," Billy said.
I got up and went to the bathroom, then took my shower. It was getting late and the sun was low in the sky so I went out and called the kids in. We still had to make a phone call to Billy's dad. I went out on deck and they were just getting out of the water ... two gorgeous naked kids ... their bodies glistening wet. Once again I asked myself, "How did I get this lucky?"
I told them that we would go into town for dinner ... maybe pizza. Billy said he knew of a great pizza place with lots of video games. So while I got the boat turned around, the kids headed for the shower. About twenty minutes later we came out of the canyon and into open water. We still had one rental day left but I had come to enjoy this so much I decided to look into a boat of my own. Maybe the kids could help me pick one out.
Once we had cleared the canyon opening, Billy called his dad and checked in. His dad said he was stuck in Chicago for another day and asked if I could continue watching him. I told him no problem at all. We pulled into the marina where I had first saw Billy and I talked the owner into letting us park it there for a couple of hours ... and use his car for a trip to the pizza parlor. Everyone in this place was super nice ... and trusting. In LA there is no way anyone would loan their car out to total strangers. We drove into a little town and had a wonderful time. I pigged out on Pizza with the kids while they played games for an hour. When they came back to the table I told them I was thinking about buying a boat I could keep out here. They went NUTS! Both of them started blabbering at once ... I had to laugh at their enthusiasm.
I told them we would shop for one tomorrow. After that big meal we were bushed so we got back in the car and headed for the marina. Once there I tipped the owner and we got back on the boat which had become out home. Billy cast off and in the falling light we headed off to open water. Billy and Sarah sat up on the flying bridge with me and watched as we went flying across the water. They were both so cute ... so perfect together.
Once we were out on open water Sarah took a look all around the lake and turned to Billy and whispered in his ear ... he smiled and nodded his head and they both took off their clothes once again. Billy was acting like a big brother to Sarah and I could tell they adored each other. They were standing in front of me as we skimmed across the water and at one point Billy slipped his hand around Sarah's waist and she laid her head on his shoulder. I would have killed for a camera... I would have to take care of that soon. Too much of this wonderful vacation had gone unrecorded and it made me sad.
The sun was almost down when I turned into our cove and slowed the boat down. It was much darker in here now and I did not want to endanger the kids. I told Billy to grab the floodlight that sat in the recharging socket on the lower front deck. He went down and Sarah came over and stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders. She lay her chin on my left should and I gave her a quick peck and made her smile. Billy returned with the torch and flipped it on. The effect was unbelievable ... the canyon lit up like daylight. I had never seen such a powerful light before. I told Billy to not even THINK about shining it in our eyes and to keep it pointed ahead of us. Billy pointed it in front of the boat as we motored the last mile.
We finally reached our private cove as the last bit of light from the sun winked out. I told Billy to kill the floodlight and he switched it off ... and plunged up into darkness. I had to wait almost five minutes to let my eyes adjust to the darkness well enough to walk without killing myself. I reached the bottom deck and threw anchor about 50 yards from the rocky walls. Once again, quietness settled in and I felt all the tension run out of my body. GOD how I loved being here.
I turned on the interior lights and asked the kids if they wanted a snack. Both said yes; so I popped some corn, made a few S'mores, and carried them to the upper deck where I found Sarah and Billy sitting on the couch side by side ... with Billy's arm hung over her neck. They looked like twins ... I swear they could have been.
"Hey guys ... I am going to go for a quick swim. Sarah ... Are you okay with that?" I asked.
"I won't be scared with Billy here, Daddy. Last time I was scared because I was alone ... but I know Billy will not let anything happen to me," she replied.
Billy swelled with pride right before my eyes and I suddenly saw the dynamics of this family for the first time. And it made me so proud. Billy WOULD make sure nothing ever hurt Sarah. He would give his life for her, of that I was certain. If he thought I would hurt her he would wait until I was either off the boat and drive away ... or he would cut my throat as I slept. I needed a good swim to clear my thoughts and let this new one sink in. I told them I would be back in a few minutes and left them on the upper deck. I climbed down the stairs and shucked my shorts at the railing. The night was so beautiful and I noticed a strong glow on the horizon. As I stood there watching the moon began its rise into the night sky and soon I could see quite well.
I dove in and started swimming the direction I had the night before ... or was it two nights before ... I was starting to lose track of time. I took long powerful strokes and was soon lost in my thoughts. I wished there was a way I could make sure that Billy and Sarah would be together if anything ever happened to me. I made a note to talk to my lawyer when I returned to LA. But again I was jumping way ahead of myself. I needed to get some documents that made Sarah my legal daughter ... and I had no idea how to go about it.
I lived in the hills of LA in a house that overlooked the valley. It was secluded but not nearly secluded enough. I would like to sell the house and buy a boat ... a nice one like this. Right now that was what I was contemplating. But there were a hundred problems that went along with that ... and damn it ... I was on vacation and decided to put all thoughts of that sort off until vacation time was finished. All I would do is get obsessed with it and that would be the end of this fabulous trip. That was the way I worked ... no holes bared. I was going to work myself into an early grave if I did not force myself to relax a little.
When I stopped I was far from the boat, it having disappeared behind me. I looked around and saw only steep walls of the canyon on all sides of me. I was not worried ... I was young ... healthy and could out swim most guys ten years my junior. I turned around and started the swim back. It would have been fun to continue on down this way and see where I ended up, but I did not want to worry Sarah no matter what she said. I got back into my rhythm and pulled myself through the water with long powerful strokes. The water felt so wonderful and it invigorated me. I felt the slight burn in my mussels and it felt good. I was in terrific shape and loved to exercise.
When I stopped again the boat was a few hundred feet away. I could see the lights coming from inside. It looked warm and inviting. I heard Billy and Sarah on the front deck laughing. What a great sound to come home to. I swam in a "cooling down" stroke that I used after a long swim. I reached the boat a few minutes later and looked up to see two beautiful naked kids looking down at me ... smiling.
"Hey guys. I could hear you laughing a mile away," I lied. They laughed some more and we all went inside. The sun was down and there was a chill in the air. The kids plopped down in front of the TV and I went to take a quick shower. The stall was wet so I figured the kids had already taken theirs. I got out and dried, then shaved and brushed my teeth. When I came out they were both naked on the bed looking at me and smiling. Something was up.
"What's up guys?" I asked.
"We want to do some sex stuff", Sarah said and she and Billy started giggling. It was then that I saw the two glasses of wine spritzer on the bedside table. My little munchkins were snookered.
"Okay ... you too want to be alone or are we to have a real sex party?" I asked.
"We want a SEX PARTY!" Billy and Sarah screamed at me and collapsed in to a fit of laughter. Both were naked and obviously horny. I was overcome with joy at the sight of these two young, healthy, and horny kids ready for an evening of adventurous sex.
I took off my robe and fell on the bed between them and as I did they both fell on me laughing and squealing. I wrapped my arms around them and pulled the two honey preteens to me in a bear hug and knew right them that I would never be happier than I was right then. All the stuff that I had to do to make a life for us could wait. Tonight I was going to enjoy my two young lovers and let tomorrow bring what it would.
It is hard to believe all that has happened since that summer. Sarah and I went back to LA after promising Billy we would be back soon. He and Sarah talked almost every day on the phone. Three weeks later we went back; and the three of us went shopping for our very own boat. It was a beauty: A big 70 footer with all the bells and whistles. I met Billy's dad; and worked out a deal that as long as Billy took care of the boat and saw to its maintenance, he and his dad could use it whenever they liked. Billy's dad was an okay guy . maybe a little too strict on his kid . but it wasn't my place to say anything.
I talked to my lawyer as soon as we got back to LA the second time. He had been our family lawyer for almost 30 years and I knew I could trust him . but I still made up a lot of what I told him. For instance: I told him that Sarah had come down to my room and told me her mother would not wake up; not that I had killed her. If my lawyer suspected anything, he was kind enough to not mention it. He quietly consulted some other people, some very powerful people; and six months and $150,000 later; I had full custody of Sarah. I'll never know how he pulled it off; but I felt silly for all the sleepless nights I had endured.
When I told her the news she hugged me and wept for a half hour. We had fixed up one of the guest bedrooms for her and we were very happy. When she got home from school each day she would leave a trail of clothes from the front door to her bedroom where she would either read or watch TV. Sarah got to the point where she hated wearing clothes. I did so enjoy watching my naked little angel run around the house in her birthday-suit. We were happy but I could tell she missed Billy terribly.
So, the next summer we moved to Lake Mead for good. We pulled a good one on Billy by not telling him we were moving there. Actually, we got him twice in one night.
I had made arrangements for Billy's dad to take him to the Pizza Parlor where we had gone less than one year before. Once there, I got out of the car with Sarah and we walked in. Billy had his back to us and Sarah walked up behind him and kissed him on the neck. Billy turned . saw who it was and shot up out of his seat and lifted Sarah right off the ground. He was near tears when he put her down and she used both hands to wipe his eyes.
"Hi Billy," she said and then he did start crying.
Billy's dad and I were near tears too. We told his dad we were going to spend the night on the boat if he and Billy wanted to come; but his dad said that he had to get up early for work and let Billy come with us. Instead of going to the boat, I pulled into our new house. Billy didn't have a clue as to what was going on; but as soon as I turned and handed him the keys to the front door there was a massive celebration in the back seat between him and Sarah.
Billy lived less than a mile away and practically lived at our house from then on. The home was right on the lake with its own dock not far from the dock where we first met Billy. I put a small guest house at the end of the dock and we all had many a fun night out there fishing and drinking . but never sex play. (I'll explain later.)
Billy's dad loosened up when he saw how much Billy loved Sarah. Billy was always careful not to be too affectionate when his dad was around . but I think his dad suspected something. It was hard to miss how much they adored each other. To his credit, he never said anything to Billy about it. Besides, Billy had become a very responsible kid. He worked all the time and saved his money from lawn mowing and cleaning other people's garages. He also got top grades in school. He became captain of the school swim team and they remained unbeatable all through his school years. Sarah and I would go to all of his meets and cheer him on.
Over the next few years, Sarah and I enjoyed a great sex life. One night, when she had just turned ten, she came into my room naked, climbed into bed and on top of my chest and started kissing me. Soon we were both so worked up we were panting. Sarah was a great kisser, and she lifted herself up off my chest and slowly lowered herself onto my cock. Ever so slowly she worked it into her tiny body until all of it was buried in her tight pussy. When the last of it was buried deep inside her she looked down at me and smiled that wonderful smile. Then, she slowly began to rise and fall on my now engorged cock . letting it pull out almost completely, then letting her weight settle it back into her tight little hole. She dug her fingers into me chest and soon her breath came in heaves as this little girl slowly gave me the best fuck of my life. I came so hard I thought it would shoot her completely off me. Needless to say, our sex life really took off after that night. We fucked almost everyday and in every room. Sarah became an expert in the art of pleasing me; and the next few years were the happiest of my life. However, she never offered her ass for me to fuck again. Fair enough.
The next few years passed way too quickly and before I new it, Sarah was twelve. If anything she became more beautiful with each passing day. Although a lot of boys in her school wanted to call her their girlfriend, they all knew it was Billy she loved. They spent every waking moment together and they made such a great couple.
Our lovemaking continued until she was thirteen. One day she came to me and said she wanted to talk to me about something important. I said okay; and we went out on the dock and sat. She turned to face me and took both of my hands, then said that she owed me so much.and she would never want to hurt me, but she was in love with Billy and wanted to have sex with only him.
I should say here that lately I could sense that Billy was in agony over the fact that he had to share Sarah with me. I could see it in his eyes when ever we were together but I did not realize why until now. That summer on the boat was the only time the three of us had had sex. When we moved here it never happened again. And, although Billy always remained friendly with me, he never again shared our bed. That was okay with me; I and made sure that Billy and Sarah had a safe place to continue their sexual exploration. I would leave them alone many times during the next few years; and I am sure they took advantage of those times.
Now, as we were facing each other, and I was looking into those beautiful blue eyes, I made another life changing decision. I told her that she was getting too old for me to fool around with anyway. I think she knew I was lying . I think I could have lived with Sarah and loved her for the rest of my life. Instead, I told her that I was happy for her and Billy and that from now on he did not have to worry about me and her. She was so happy I was not hurt and hugged me so hard, I thought she would break something.
I had had my greatest fantasy that one unforgettable summer on the boat with her and Billy . and I would remember it forever. Billy came over that afternoon and I watched out the kitchen window as she walked with him down to the dock. About half way there I saw them stop and embrace and I knew she had told him of our conversation. Billy walked back to the house and came in the kitchen where I was making us all something for dinner. I turned to face him and he walked over and hugged me hard! He said thank you, and I just nodded, and we never mentioned it again. He is such a good kid. And he was growing into such a handsome young man. I could not help feeling a strong sense of loss. That feeling grew into a heavy melancholy for me over the next few years; though I never let Sarah or Billy see it . but it was still there, just the same.
The following summer, Billy's dad suffered a massive heart attack and died. Billy was devastated. He went through a very bad patch; but Sarah stood by him and helped him over the worst of it. I arranged for Billy to be put in my custody and he and Sarah lived in the boathouse from then on. Sarah's wish that she made on a falling star had come true. Billy was now part of our family.
Billy and I would spend the evenings fishing off the dock and getting drunk. He was really torn up over his dad's death. But little by little Sarah and I saw him over the worst of it. They continued to live in the boathouse for the next year. They lived that way until they were both out of high school. One week later they were married and moved into his dad's house. I was never happier ... or sadder than I was that day; but I was careful to let them only see the happiness.
Billy had been working at a tire company for four years and I had taught him how to invest all the money he got from his dad's life insurance and a portion of his wages all through high school. When they married they had enough money that I did not have to worry about them any more. I gave my kids the boat as a wedding present.
Billy eventually made manager and went to night school; taking every business course he could. Three years later he opened his own auto-parts store with a little seed money from me and his own savings. He proved to be very business savvy and within a few years, they had twelve stores in Nevada. When they had been married ten years they sold the stores and retired at the ripe old age of twenty eight. They started working on a family shortly there after and soon had their first child . a little girl so cute I refused to be left alone with her.
After Sarah, I had no sex life to speak of. I dated a couple of local women but ran into the same problem as always. I was just not attracted enough to have sex with them. I got by though. I had tons of pictures and videos of Sarah and I having sex from the time she was six until she was thirteen and they helped me get through the worst times. I missed having that naked little girl around so much! But with all the videos and pictures I had taken, I was able to live out the rest of my days without any sexual contact with another kid.
Sarah and Billy never held any of that against me. We all remain good friends and I help with their taxes every year. We have all of our holidays together; and we always have a good time. They now have three beautiful kids. And, although I have never been asked to babysit, they trust me not to hurt their children; and the kids are regular visitors to my house.
Three months ago I went to LA and saw my lawyer for the last time. I set up generous trust funds for their kids and left the rest of my estate to Sarah and Billy. When I pass on they stand to inherent about $11 million. I only wish I could see their faces when they find out.
Billy remains totally devoted to Sarah, and she to him. But two weeks ago, Sarah called to say that Billy had to fly to Seattle for business and asked me to meet her at the dock. When I got there Sarah and the kids were waiting for me and we pulled anchor and headed north. We found our old secret harbor and Sarah set about undressing the kids and helping the little ones on with their floaties. I watched from the upper deck as her beautiful, naked children all played in the water. She looked up at me and smiled. I know she was trying to give me a secret thrill . but it brought back all those wonderful memories from that summer long ago and it made me weep.
I felt like such an old fool at that moment. But Sarah came up the stairs and reached over and held my head in her arms and stroked my hair. When I had calmed down a bit she looked me in the eyes and began telling me about how much I had done for her. She said she never regretted anything we had done and that she looked back on those days as the happiest of her life. Those words she spoke meant more than anything ever said to me and I put my arms around her and hugged her deeply. Then we sat back and watched the kids play for the rest of the afternoon.
When it got dark, we put the kids to bed and went up on the flying deck. I sat on a sofa while Sarah made us drinks. When she sat down next to me she leaned in and kissed me. It was not a little kiss . it was one that was so familiar and it burned my soul. Sarah pulled back and lifted her shirt over her head and her small perfect tits slid into view. She turned and sat on my lap facing me and whispered, "Fuck me daddy."
I spent the next four hours making love to my beautiful Sarah. Even as a grown woman she could still turn me on like no other. Her body was still young even though she was more than twenty years older than when we first met. Maybe it was because she was so familiar to me; but I experienced some of the most powerful orgasms of my life that night.
When we had finished, I held her in my arms and wondered what had brought this on.
As if reading my mind, Sarah told me Billy was the best lover she had ever known . next to me that is . she said smiling. "But I wanted to make love to you one more time, Daddy. I don't know why . I just did. I love Billy and I don't think this will ever happen again . but I think I needed it," she said. We sat up most of the night talking about her and Billy . and the kids. Then we went to bed in different bedrooms. The next morning we pulled up anchor and headed back home.
When I see Sarah now, I am so happy for her and I do not feel so melancholy. That final liaison had killed the sadness I had been feeling since she left to start a new life with Billy. I hoped that she felt I had kept my promise to give her a good life. I think I had. I hope to continue to help her have a wonderful life after I am gone. In return she gave me some of the most exciting and loving years of my life.
Marky D. Sod
Now that the ice has been broken with Sarah undressing and exhibiting her naked kids to 'Grand Daddy', and then engaging in an hours-long reunion fuck with Daddy, he now needs to indoctrinate Sarah's and Billy's three little kids into the joys of adult-child pedo sex, with the full permission and encouragement of their parents.
Sarah should make trashy little outfits for the kids to wear for their sex-sleepovers with Grand Daddy; tiny little crotchless thongs, sheer lace-topped stockings and matching suspender belts, tiny heels.
Grand Daddy can have a collection of child-sized sex toys, and special numbing lubes, always at the ready; even small strap-on dildos that the little girls can wear to ass fuck each other while Grand Daddy fills their little mouths with his hard cock and cum.
Grand Daddy's life now needs to be filled with his little grandkids continually running around his house in trashy 'come fuck me' outfits or naked,often with butt-plugs inserted in their tiny asses, and sucking and being impaled on Grand Daddy's rigid dick, taking turns having all of their little fuck holes filled with Grand Daddy's cum-spurting cock (and then licking and sucking Grand Daddy's cum out of each other's freshly-fucked love-holes)!
And the grandkids need to bring an endless stream of their little friends to also visit and have sleepover kiddie-sex orgies at Grand Daddy's house, which is now filled with high-definition video cameras where every perverted child-fuck session is captured from every angle wherever it occurs in the house.
And the grandkids and their little naked friends can watch non-stop extreme hardcore adult-child kiddie porn on large LED screens placed in each room of the house, the only type of entertainment they are permitted to watch on TV at Grand Daddy's house.
It makes it hard to read. Seriously. I stopped reading after about 6 paragraphs.
My point is that you will lose lots of readers because of that.
I would love to see more from you, and I wouldn't mind if you had any non-sexual stories. You are just a brilliant writer!
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