Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 10

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Published: 20-Apr-2013

Word Count: 2282

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Julie sat looking at Billy, but her mind was occupied with the problem he had set for her. How to take off all her clothes, with her hands bound behind her back!

She was dressed in her tight white blouse, with thin ruffles down the buttons and around the collar and wrists. She had on a black skirt that was riding more than halfway up her thighs, almost to the tops of her flesh-tone stockings. Under her tight blouse, the pretty pre-teen was wearing her favorite training bra. Under her skirt, she wore her cotton panties and the white garterbelt.

How the fuck was she going to remove all that?

Billy gave her a wicked wink!

Julie turned and lifted her legs to the seat, stretching them out in front of her. The easiest thing would be to slip off her shoes, which she did. But then she was stumped!

Julie slid down on the seat, lifting her knees to make room for the rest of her body, until she was lying on her back, on her bound arms. She fumbled her arms up to the back of her skirt, then sucked her tummy in as far as she could, at the same time she grasped the waist of her skirt and began twisting it around her trim body, until the clip of the belt was in her hands. She finally got it unclipped, and felt the release of the tightness around her waist. It took only a few tugs to open the button and run the zipper down, and then the material was simply laying loosely around her body. It was relatively easy to push the material down far enough on her legs that by some very sensuous shifting of her thighs and knees the pre-teen stripper succeeded in kicking the skirt off her stockinged feet and onto the floor of the car.

She took a brief rest from her struggles. She lay on her back, on her arms, dressed now only in her panties and her garterbelt and stockings, and her blouse and bra. Her panties were soaked!

The crotch of the panties was twisted and pulled aside, away from her hairless cunny, exposing to Billy's eyes the puffy little girl pussy lips, glistening with sweat and lubrication ... and popcorn butter!

Julie sighed from her strenuous exertions with the skirt, and then began working on her stockings.

She reached down behind her and found the hooks at the backs of her thighs. In order to unhook the silken nylon from the straps of the garterbelt, the child had to lift her hips high off the seat. This action thrust her half bared cuntslit right into Billy's face!

He could smell her overpowering female odor!

Julie got the back hooks undone, then twisted the stocking tops around to unhook the other snaps. This accomplished, she pushed the tops of the stockings down her thighs as far as she could, to just above her knees, then, working her thighs and knees together, she worked the loose nylon down over each knee. Then she lifted first one foot up and hooked her toes into the loose and open stocking top, and pushed it the rest of the way off her foot. She repeated this cute move with her other foot.

Again, she sighed.

The panties were next. Julie got the back of the cotton underwear shoved down over her tight asscheeks in back, then rolled over, awkwardly onto her tummy. She hitched herself up on the seat, as close to one side of the car as possible bumping her knees against the side. Then she slowly shifted her body toward the other side, and this friction against the seat pulled the front of her panties downward.

And the inch-worm action made her bared butt wriggle in the most delightful manner.

But once was not enough!

Julie found that she had dragged her panties down only to the tops of her knees. She had to roll over onto her back again and arch herself upward off the seat enough to be able to reach down and push the panties below her knees from behind and then roll over again onto her tummy and slide her body sexily over the seat to get them below her knees in front. Once they were down that far, it was an easy matter to kick her legs and let them fly off her feet!

Her lower body was now entirely bare! Her thighs were smeared with lubrication, and the car was beginning to smell like a pussy farm!

Billy watched the girl with lust in his eyes. He wanted to shove his prick into her bare cunny hole right this instant! But the rotten lie he'd told her abut his "problem" was paying off much too well! It was the same story he'd used with half a dozen other young girls and it worked like a charm every time! He got the whole show and he got the whole hole, and he got the last laugh! He smiled down at Julie, who was resting, panting. She was naked, from the waist down.

He wondered how the fuck she was going to get that shirt of hers off. It buttoned down the front and her hands were tied behind her. Norma's blouse had buttoned up the back, and after she unbuttoned the lower half she simply tore it off her, popping the top few buttons completely off the blouse!

Julie's buttoned in front, though. This should be terrific!

She was wondering how to do it herself.

While she considered the problem, she worked the garterbelt around so that the hook was easy to open, and it fell away from her waist onto the floor.

Only her blouse and bra to go!

She moaned and looked up at Billy.

He smiled down at her.

"Fuck me now!" she cried to him.

He shook his head. Below her vision his dick was throbbing madly to fuck her cunt!

Julie looked down at her bare tummy and cunny, then spread her long legs wide open, inviting Billy in!

"The blouse!" he commanded.

"Yes, sir!" the little girl whined back.

But how?

She struggled for a few seconds trying to twist the shirtfront around far enough to get at the buttons with her hands, but she couldn't reach even one, the blouse was so tight on her small chest.

Damn it! "Oh, shit!" she said aloud.

She began humping her hips up off the seat, thrusting her pussy at Billy's face! How the hell could he resist this? She wet her lips and humped in a hard fast rhythm of loving which no man could have failed to jump onto!

No one but Billy!

He watched her, breathing hard and fast in the same rhythm, wanting so badly to jump her cunt and shove his burning prick to the hilt inside her fucking box!

"The blouse!" he demanded.

Teasing himself and her! It drove him to the wall! He was getting too damned close! A few more minutes and he'd have to fuck the little girl, blouse on or blouse off!


"You damned bastard!" Julie moaned.

"Hurry up!" Billy gasped.

Julie threw her tight body all over the seat, kicking wildly at the walls of the car, and jabbing her knees into the backs of the front seats, grunting and groaning and twisting, trying to force one or two of the buttons open ... but she failed.

She was on her belly, gasping and panting hard, her face turned toward the seat.

"I can't," she said. It was muffled.


"I can't do it," she said, turning her face toward Billy, finally rolling over onto her back.

"You have to," he said.

And from that position on the seat she caught sight of the push-down door lock. She sat upright, then stood up, bent far forward between the side of the front passengers seat and the door of the car, and arching her head and shoulders back as far as she could, she tried to press her titties against the glass of the window. She did it, and then lowered her whole body, forcing the push-down lock upward between the two halves of her blouse, behind the button over her breasts!

Then she pulled backwards hard and fast, plopping her half nude body back onto the seat ... and tore the button off!

Her blouse gaped open over her bra!

"Great! You can do it, baby!" he shouted to her.

But Julie was lost in her blouse ripping idea! She loved this! She leaped forward again and worked the door lock behind the next higher button and ripped that one off, too!

She tore the button off the blouse near her throat and the two lower ones, and the material fell freely open, dangling down both sides of her young, fresh, virgin body!

"Damn!" Billy laughed.

Julie was breathless, but happy! She'd opened the damned blouse without her hands. Now to get it off her arms. She shrugged it down off her shoulders and let it hang behind her, then sat down and worked it over her feet, catching the collar part with both feet. Then, with increasing pressure, she straightened her legs, trying to tear the material away from her bound wrists behind, or rip it in half with her feet.

She strained hard, and her lovely face grew bright red with the breathless tension, but suddenly she felt the buttons pop away from her wrists and the thin material split open and fell off!

She sighed deeply and loudly. Then she looked at Billy.

"The bra!" he said, his eyes wide and taking in every detail of the little girl's trembling shoulders and tight white bra. He swore he could see her dark nipples through the silken cups!

Julie saw him staring at her boobies, and arched her back to accent their size. She was shaking with desire for the boys cock!

"FUCK ME, YOU ROTTEN CREEP!" she shouted at him, opening her legs for him again.

He shook his head.

"Bra," he told her, pointing at her little mounds.

"AAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGG ...!!!" Julie screamed in frustration, wildly throwing her cunny all over the back seat, trying madly to fuck the air!

How in hell could she get that bra off! Billy wondered the same thing. Norma had gone on the date with Billy ... braless! She was some little fucker! But Julie was so much more beautiful, delightful, and ... frustrated! Billy, behind the cover of the front seat, was stripping off his pants and underwear, getting ready to make the leap over the seat the instant Julie was naked!

The bra was open!

But it still hung over her thin, boney shoulders.

"I'm not gonna tear it," she told Billy. She hunched her knees up to her chin, worked the bra cups over her knees and down under her feet so that when she straightened back up the bra was dangling from her tied wrists, leaving the entire front of her body bared to Billy's sight!

Billy watched her. Should he make her break her bra? The poor kid was on the verge of going nuts, if she didn't get stuffed pretty soon! If he told her she had to rip her bra off? Had to, or be left hanging?

What the fuck?

He grinned and nodded at her. And Julie grinned back, threw herself down on her back and spread her legs wide open as Billy came up and over the front seat like the rising sun!

Naked from the waist down!

His cock sticking straight out like a fucking cannon!


Julie was shouting wildly, humping her cunny up and down hard and fast and forcing poor Billy to hop on her like he would a madly bucking horse, hop on her jumping body and try to shove into her at his own peril!

He aimed and missed and aimed and missed and aimed and almost missed but got it, got it, GOT IT!

And slammed home!

"AHHHHHHHHHHH ...!" Julie shrieked as Billy tore through her cherry cunny, ripping that tiny membrane wide open, and filling her virgin tube with fat little boy dick flesh and ramming it home over and over and over and OVER!

The two young kids were humping and fucking and shrieking and laughing and fucking and kissing and drooling and slobbering all over each other, loving and loving and thrusting into her and fucking down and up and up and down on his gigantic pole of love, crazy with each other's bodies and cock and cunt and bouncing little nipples!


Julie came!

The little fucker CAME! She sucked Billy's cock up inside her virgin twat and squatted on it and sucked it dry and humped it hard and wiggled her bare buns in the air and on the seat and crushed her cunny as hard as she could against Billy's rigid prick and hairy balls!

Her pussy drank him dry!

And spewed out onto his pumping dick her own juices, soaking the cylinder of passion, drowning his dong in her own sweet thick creamy come and pussy perfume and lubrication and little girl sweat!

And drained herself dry!

Both children fell together, spent and utterly exhausted! Somehow, they were both drained of every drop of their own juice, and yet they were both soaked! Soaked with the other's sweet wet love!


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