Peter's Peril, Part 6

[ Mb, humil, bukake, oral ]

by dale10

Published: 12-Apr-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Peter buried his head in his hands and wept. All of this weeping didn't alter the fact that to save his own ass (and in his rationalization the asses of his family) he was molesting his own sons upon the orders of his blackmailing boss, Samuel Charlston. And as with all blackmail cases, he was now in way over his head. Now his boss had photos and films of him committing unspeakable acts on his own children. Peter loved his sons and his wife. He would gladly have given his life for them. So why, when Samuel began to blackmail the young executive over past indiscretions, had Peter not simply sacrificed himself for them? Because he had thought he would find some way out. Instead he became more deeply entrenched in a world of humiliation, degradation and perversion.

Peter was in the midst of another photo and film session with his eight and ten year old boys. He had a sheet of paper handwritten by Samuel, listing the things he was expected to do with his boys during this session. Once again, both Jared and James had been given a sleeping potion. Peter's wife was sound asleep in the master bedroom, also a victim of knockout drops in her wine. She had commented only that morning how she was sleeping so much better lately. She had also commented that something was wrong with Peter lately, and she asked him if he wanted to talk about it. Peter had avoided the issue.

Now he stood bare assed naked in his sons' bedroom, space craft models hung from wires over his head and Disney action figures on the dressers. He stood there fingering his impressively thick penis, staring at his two angelic sleeping sons. Of course the first thing he had been ordered to do was strip his two boys naked. He was to film this with the incredibly efficient video camera Mr. Charlston had provided. Then he was to take several more shots of his boys lying bare assed on each of their beds. How sweet and innocent they looked, their faces positively angelic. Ten year old jared was just beginning to change in appearance into a more mature pre-teen, but little James still had that baby boy look to him. Peter glanced down at the note.

1. Strip the boys naked and get some nice still shots of all of their charms. Make sure that the little dicks and balls are clearly visible as well as their faces.

2. Get on the bed with Jared and gently open his mouth. Get some really good photos of you inserting the head of your dick into his mouth. Make sure your dick is fully erect. Take some photos of you with just the head in his mouth. Then some really good shots of you with three or four inches of dick in his mouth. Make sure I see you, your face, smiling, and his face stuffed with dick. If these are not good photos, we will only have to do it all over again.

It took some time for Peter to get decent shots. First, he couldn't get his dick hard, he was too scared. Then he sat there with the head of his fucker between his son's soft young lips, and he started to cry uncontrollably. He sobbed, his body shaking with grief over what a depraved animal he had become just to save his pathetic hide. He sat there with his fat dickhead in the mouth of his ten year old son. The boy slept peacefully, his sweet soft lips even gently sucking on the invading cock knob.

Peter thought back to the video he had shot earlier that night with his sons. Samuel had wanted a really good film of the boys taking their nightly vitamins. Peter fed the boys their vitamins twice a day. He served it to them from a large jar given to him by Samuel Charlston. He served it to them on a tablespoon. One overflowing tablespoon of vitamin syrup before school in the morning, and then again at night before bedtime. The boys hated the taste of the vitamin syrup, but Peter had insisted that they take it.

"Sometimes things that don't taste good are good for us. Like Broccoli!" he had said with a Dad's knowing confidence. "Now open up." The boys had opened their cute full young lips, and Peter had dumped a full tablespoon of the vitamin syrup into each bird like mouth. The boys had wrinkled their noses, made a "yucky" face and swallowed. Peter caught it on camera for his boss. Later, Samuel would watch it while masturbating and laughing over the fact that the vitamin syrup was actually one hundred percent horse sperm.

Samuel had insisted of course, that Peter be a good Dad and demonstrate for his boys that the vitamin syrup was good for adults too, by taking a tablespoon full each time himself. Peter, however knowing what was on the spoon, had a terrible time keeping the stallion spunk down. It tasted like bitter glue. Peter didn't want to even think how his boss had gotten the horse sperm or from where. Each time, after he fed it to his sons and taken it himself, he would go into the bathroom and puke up his guts. He didn't now how the boys could tolerate the awful mixture. But they were so good. So obedient.

3. Capture on film a close-up of your dick fucking in and out of your son's mouth.

Film camera running! Pull out of Jared's lips, adjust the camera for a close-up. Climb back on the bed. Re-insert your prick head into the boy's mouth. Fuck in and out for the camera. Keep your sanity. Almost finished. Almost finished for tonight. Peter groaned. His fucking dick had started to leak. He was leaking pre-fuck into his son's mouth. He pulled out half in panic. Strings of pre-fuck formed a bridge between his piss slit and Jared's full young lips. The bridge collapsed and a string of fuck-slop draped itself over his sons upper lip and nose. Peter didn't know what to do. Should he wipe it off? Leave it? He looked back at the note.

4. Now adjust the camera to capture your full body on the bed with the boy. Fuck your son's face for five minutes.

Peter was a big, muscular dude. He just about smothered the little boy with his body, but he had to make sure the camera could see the thick veined fuckmeat sawing in and out of the little boy mouth. A ten year old boy with his daddy's big fat dick in his mouth. And Peter's prick was responding. It pulsed, it throbbed, it grew larger and larger. WHY THE FUCK WAS HE GETTING TURNED ON BY FUCKING HIS SON'S MOUTH? Peter was almost hysterical. If only his dick would stay soft, at least that would prove he wasn't a pervert. But it was rock hard and leaking like a faucet. Pre-fuck bubbled from the boy's mouth and dripped from his chin. It was so fucking sick! Why were Peter's balls churning? Why were his pouty nipples pebble hard? One minute left. Peter felt like he wanted to cum. He felt like he wanted to cum into his son's mouth. He felt like he wanted to unload his big bloated balls right into the gullet of his own darling son.

5. Now take your dick out of Jared's mouth and go over to the bed where your eight year old son, James is sleeping. Position his head so you can fuck his little face. Before you fuck his face, rub your dick all over his face. Did you remember to adjust the camera? I want good clear films of you playing with eight year old James. I so enjoyed him in the shower the other day.

Put your big fat dick into the mouth of your eight year old son. See how much dick you can get in before he chokes. We don't want him to choke in his sleep. Now get a really nice five minute movie of you fucking his little face cunt hole. Your sons are such fucking cunts Peter. They are such fucking slut cunts. It took me to show that to you. Fuck that little face good. If you do not fuck it hard enough and deep enough, we will have to do all of this over again tomorrow night. So don't fuck up.

6. While you fuck his face, reach down and fondle your son's naked little prick. See if you can give him a little baby stiffy. Five minutes of face fucking.

7. Now pull your dick from your son's face, and kneel over his head and masturbate until you empty your big fucking balls all over his beautiful face. Shoot your load on the face of your eight year old son.

"Oh God!" Peter groaned as he arched his back and sprayed the face of his little boy with cock spooge. Ropes of white dick scum splattered down on the angelic countenance of the little boy. His full young mouth remained partially open from the dick which had been fucking into it. Now, some of the fuck sauce coated his lips and dripped into the open mouth. Globs of cum clogged his little nostrils. Peter shook with the ecstasy of cuming and the horror of what he had just done. His big dick dripped onto his son's face, and then a final long string of cum hung over the little boy's mouth. Peter buried his face in his hands once again and wept, his dick dangling over James' face.

8. Let little James sleep with your cum on his face. Carry ten year old Jared into the bathroom and place him in the tub. Before you do that, move the camera into the bathroom.

During the transition to the bathroom, Peter became aware for the first time that his older son was growing up. The boy was quite a load to carry. He was no longer the little tot whom Peter would happily lug around for hours at the fair or the mall. Jared now had long slender legs, his feet were growing, and his bubble butt was developing nicely. Peter lay the boy gently into the bath tub as instructed.

9. Now we only get one take of this, so make sure the camera is placed properly. Get int he tub, stand over your ten year old son, and piss on him. Make sure your piss hits his chest, his dick and his face at one time or another. Open his mouth a bit, so you can end the piss, by pissing into his mouth. I want to see that piss bubbling out of his mouth!

It was during this part of the exercise that Peter realized what a fucking degenerate animal he had become. He was standing, actually squatting a bit so the spray would go forcefully from his penis to Jared's open mouth, pissing on his own dear son. The heavy spray of strong yellow urine splashed against the boy's nose and cheek. Peter adjusted himself a bit and fingered his pecker to get the piss flow right into the boy's mouth. If the camera didn't capture it perfectly, he would have to repeat the gross act. Jared gargled and choked a bit, forcing Peter to reach down and lift his boy's head while still pissing heavily onto the kid's chest. He saw the piss foam and bubble from Jared's mouth, just as Mr. Charlston had requested. Peter suddenly became violently sick. His entire body shook. A horrendous pain worked it's way up from peter's stomach. His mouth twisted in repugnance and his own breathing became choked. Then he vomited. He vomited directly onto his son. His puke shot from his mouth and covered Jared's sweet young face. And all the while Peter still pissed.

And oddly enough, all he could think about at the time was, "Shit, I hope my puking doesn't ruin the film, so we have to do this all over again!" Using his piss, he tried to hose the clotted puke off the face of his ten year old son. He found that his dick was swollen again and half erect.

10. Get the video and the photos to me first thing tomorrow morning. We have a very important delegation from Japan coming to visit, and I want to show it to them. It turns out, these impressive international business partners have similar sexual interests to my own. After they watch the videos of you in action, you are going to become their slave for the weekend and entertain them. I am certain you will learn a great deal. By the way, they are not nearly as gentle and understanding as I am.

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Fuck, Dale!! I am holding onto my hard cock and waiting for the next chapter. Thanks for posting these, and PLEASE keep it up... Feels so good to stroke and read your stories.........


Thank you for the nice comment. Do Farmboys have big cocks? I heard they do.


I agree with Farmboy. This is so fucking depraved and hot! And it is so easy to see it in my mind, just like it's real. I'm looking forward to continuing chapters and what happens with Jared and James, and what else Peter is forced to do to survive.


Dale, you are a fucking GENIUS.


Hey Dale! Great to hear from you. This farmboy has about 7.5, and it is always hard and wet, especially when reading your stories.... damn, they sure do horn me up. I get hard as a rock when I see a new story listed from you.... thanks for helping me shoot so much fuck snot.... You are my hero!!


I almost burned my dick off jacking off so hard as I tore through this series. Fucking awesome!

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