The Circle of Thorns

[ fgm, 1st, teen, cons, bro, sis, cous ]


Published: 25-Apr-2013

Word Count:

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The year is 1963, school is out for the summer and life is good.

Allan is my best friend, so when he said lets go play in the woods I couldn't see any thing wrong with that.

We live in a small fishing village on the Atlantic Ocean, well to be exact we live about a mile from the main village, in our own little valley. With only eight houses in our valley there were only five kids that were even close to our age.

Our village and our little valley is surrounded on three sides by forest, of course all the kids knew about every path in the forest, and where it went.

When Allan began leading the way to the big tree with me following close behind, I had no clue that this would be the day that will change my life forever and make me into the man I would become.

For some reason that I could not figure out, Allan had invited the only other two kids that were our age to come play with us today, and they were girls. He didn't tell me about the girls at first so when we arrived at the big tree and there were two girls there, I did what any kid would do.

The first rule of any play area was, first come has the right to stay. So I said to Allan, they were here first, lets go play somewhere else. Allan insisted that we should stay and suggested maybe we could all play together. The girls didn't mind, so we stayed.

I knew from personal experience that Allan was really good at getting other kids to do what he wanted to do. Last year when two kids were going to beat me up, Allan stepped in and within a few seconds he talked the two kids into not hitting me and we all spent the rest of the day playing together.

I could feel it in the air, Allan felt inspired and began using his silver tongue this morning, it really didn't take long for him to convince the girls to let us kiss them. Just why on Earth he wanted to kiss any girl was beyond me, but he is my friend and I have to stick with him.

Please pardon my manners. You already know Allan, and of course I knew the two girls, so let me introduce them. Mary lives two houses away from me, and Rose, my beautiful dream-girl Rose lives at the end of our road. I have known for the last two months that I am in love with Rose, but the problem is, I don't really like girls, all they want to play are silly girl games.

I found out that Rose is a first cousin to Allan and they are both thirteen and a half years old with Allan being two months older, and Mary is only a couple of months younger than me. Oh, by the way my name is James, but my friends call me Jim, and I am almost thirteen years old.

I got my first ever kiss from a girl that day, (from Mary), as a matter of fact I got quite a few kisses that day. I'm not sure why I never noticed this before, but Mary is beautiful, with her blue eyes and her long yellow hair hanging down her back. Of course I couldn't tell her that she is beautiful, but it is true, she is.

Somewhere Allan came up with the idea that it would be more exciting if we took our clothes off and play doctor while we were kissing. How anything could ever be more exciting than what we were already doing was beyond me.

It didn't take much more talking from Allan to convince the girls to try it. (If you don't like it we can get dressed again was his argument). Allan was older than me, maybe he knew something about life that I didn't know yet, because he is a teenager after all, and I am not one yet.

We were all very shy to start undressing, no one wanted to be first. Allan started us by unbuttoning his shirt, so I did too. Then I sneaked a peek at the girls to see if they were getting undressed, I noticed that Mary and Rose were standing side by side not looking at us boys or each other for that matter, just looking at the ground and slowly unbuttoning their skirts.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, my mouth became dry and I stopped breathing. I forgot what I was doing while I watched the girls unbutton and then slowly let their skirts slide down over their bum and then down their legs to the ground. When I again came to my senses, everyone else was already down to their underwear, but the girls still had their blouses on and everyone was standing there staring at me, I guess they were wondering why I was still wearing my pants.

We lined up facing each other, standing like statues while we kissed again. Then for the first time my dream came true when Allan stepped over in front of Mary and pushed me in front of Rose for our second kiss.

Allan put his arms around Mary's neck when he kissed her, so I did the same thing to Rose. When my lips touched Rose's lips I thought that if I die now it will be worth it. The fact that we were standing there kissing while I wore only my underwear and Rose wore only her blouse and panties did not even occur to me.

Allan worked his magic once again (how he does it, I don't know) and we all dropped our underwear and panties.

Because my older sister was already old enough that I never saw her naked when I was young, for the first time in my life, that day I saw a girls naked coochie. I was shocked to find out that girls were different and looked different than boys down there, but it's true, they really do.

I guess that Rose was the unofficial leader of the girls and when she said "I am not taking off my blouse Allan, after all you are my cousin and I cant do that in front of you." Then to my everlasting dismay, if Rose wouldn't take her blouse off, Mary wouldn't do it either.

So there I was standing under the big tree with my best friend and two neighbourhood girls wearing nothing but a silly grin, while trying to figure out why my beautiful dream girl Rose would take off her skirt and panties allowing everyone there even her cousin to easily see her most private place, but no amount of talking from any of us including Mary would convince her to take off her blouse.

Somehow, as if by magic Mary and I were paired together again. We were both shy when we stretched out our clothes and lay on them. Mary whispered to me that she was sorry and really felt silly laying there beside me wearing her blouse and not wearing any skirt or panties. "What I mean to say Jim is that you boys are naked and I think it is only fair if the girls were the same."

When Mary lay down beside me it just felt so natural for us to be there together. But at first when we tried to kiss again while laying down it was very awkward, then after a little trial and error we rolled over to face each other. I put my left arm around her neck and she used my arm for a pillow. Kissing was easy then, but what do we do with our other arms.

Mary giggled and said it would be alright if I wanted to rest my other arm on her bare waist. Being a gentleman I told her she could do the same with me. (If she wanted to.)

Allan and Rose were only five feet away from Mary and me so I peeked over to see what they were doing.

They were dressed, or I guess you could say undressed the same as Mary and me and doing pretty much the same things we were doing. I am sure they have been watching us and maybe we were learning about what to do from each other.

When I looked at them, I felt so jealous of Allan laying there beside Rose and kissing her. Don't those two have any shame, they are cousins after all and there they are kissing. I am in love with Rose, not him. It should be me with her, not him.

Mary whispered to me that she was surprised to find out that boys have a thing sticking out."Girls are different down there than boys you know, you have that thing sticking out and girls have a hole down there." Neither of us could see where that little piece of information might be useful at the moment, but it was always good to know these things. I really wanted to see the hole she told me about, but I was too shy to ask her.

While we were kissing I discovered to my everlasting shame that my willie has grown to full length, what on earth will I do if Mary notices and gets mad. Just at that moment Mary whispered "I know that we are not supposed to do this, but can I touch your thing Jim? I noticed that it has gotten bigger."

Who am I to deny the happiness of my neighbour. When Mary put her palm on my Willie and wrapped her fingers around it I thought I would pass out, I don't know how she knew what to do but as far as I was concerned it truly did feel great. Mary began slowly stroking the full five inches while she continued kissing me and I didn't know if I should touch her anywhere else or just leave my hand on her bare hip.

I'm not sure but I think Mary can read my mind because no sooner did I think about touching her somewhere else and she shyly took my hand from her hip and holding my wrist she moved my palm up and down her side all the way from her bum to her back.

I swear that before Mary put her hand on willie I have played with myself only once. It felt really good when I did it, but I couldn't seem to take it to the next level. (To tell the truth, before Mary began stroking me I didn't even know there was a next level.)

Allan called over and asked if we could change girls. I knew right then and there that he would be my hero for life. Although I really wanted to get a chance to put my arms around Rose, especially now that we were almost naked, I felt very comfortable laying there cuddled next to Mary.

Allan came over to Mary, and Rose was laying there waiting for me, what on earth am I waiting for I thought. I really did not like to leave Mary, but I wanted desperately to be with Rose even more. I prayed as hard as I could while moving over to her that Rose would not change her mind about the games we were playing at the last minute and tell me to get lost.

When I lay down beside Rose on her skirt she gave me the most beautiful smile, giggled nervously and said "hello Jim, it's nice to see you" then she asked me to lay on my back. I guess she has been watching Mary and me because she draped her bare leg over mine and while giggling she took Willie in her hand and started stroking without even asking for my permission.

When Rose looked over and saw Allan kissing Mary, he had his hand under her blouse doing something under there. I guess she got a little jealous because she slid over on top of me with her full body and started kissing me like I was a movie star.

Rose lay on top of me with her beautiful long legs on the outside of my legs and her bare bum in the air. I had my hands on her bare bum and when she started kissing me it took only a few seconds before willie was standing at attention again and rubbing against Rose's coochie. I was terrified that she would feel it touching her and get angry at me.

The moment that I knew for sure that Rose realized she was being molested by willie was when she moved down my body just a little, it was so subtle that I didn't notice for a few seconds until I felt willies head go into her slit.

Rose was laying flat out on top of me holding my face in her hands while she kissed me as passionately as any kid can kiss another. I was laying under her stiff as a board, I was afraid to move because I was enjoying this so much and I knew instinctively that at any second she could change her mind and stop.

Rose began moving her bum, lifting it up and down forcing willies head to slide through her slit with each movement of her bum.

I knew that heaven couldn't be any better than this.

It was just about that time that Mary pushed Allan off of her and jumped to her feet saying "I just remembered you guys, I have to go home right now and babysit my baby brother. Please guys don't be angry at me, I really want to stay, but I cant."

While Mary was putting her panties and skirt back on she asked if we could all return here tomorrow. "If you guys could bring some food, I can bring some too, maybe we could stay here and play all day, and have a picnic. If your not all mad at me." Allan stood grinning at me and I grinned back. I asked Rose if she could stay and play (because that is what we thought we were doing) with us a little while longer, but she had to go home with Mary.

We were about to leave the forest when I suggested that maybe we should not all go out of the woods at the same time. Every one thought that was a good idea, Allan asked if he could get a goodby kiss on the lips from both girls and they giggled when they lined up for their kiss.

When Mary kissed me she secretly dropped her hand to my hip so that no-one could see and whispered "I'm really sorry I have to go home Jim, but maybe we can play together again tomorrow. If you like to."

Chapter Two

When Mary arrived at the big tree alone and carrying a big back pack my heart sank, my mind started racing and I came up with a thousand reasons why Rose would never come play with us again.

"Rose had to go do some errands for her mother" Mary said, "she promised me that she would be here soon."

It took about fifteen of the longest minutes of my life, but when Rose arrived and came under the branches of the big tree she was panting hard. "I'm sorry I am late, my mother made me clean my room this morning."

I mentioned to everyone how silly we were yesterday when we played here under the tree. Every kid in the neighbourhood knows where this tree is and they all come here to play. We could have been caught you guys.

If you guys are interested, I know about a secret place deep in the forest that no one else knows about. I am sure we could play there and no one would catch us. It's about a half hour hike from here, do you want to go see?

I led the way with Mary following behind me single file, when we stopped in front of a solid wall of thorn bushes so thick that a mosquito could not even get through, I said well what do you guys think, here we are.

I thought Allan was going to punch me in the nose. "Are you crazy Jim, you brought us all the way out here just for this. We cant play here."

Follow me you guys, I know a way to get through. I walked around to the other side of the thorns and there was a small path that was made by animals going in to drink at the stream in the middle.

Getting on our hands and knees we crawled through the path about five minutes and came out into a small opening about the size of three houses side by side. There was a small natural pool of water flowing through the middle of the clearing and inside of the circle of thorns was covered by grass. Well guys, what do you think? Will this do?

It took only a few seconds to spread out the thick winter blanket that I was carrying. I was suddenly ashamed, what if the girls didn't want to play those kind of games anymore. Maybe I was expecting more than I might get. When Mary opened her back-pack and took out a blanket, then laid it out on the grass beside mine, I was so relieved.

I guess we all knew why we had come here today, there was a little nervous talking and laughing, but when Allan started unbuttoning his shirt the rest of us were not very far behind him getting undressed.

I believe that Rose didn't plan her clothes very much in advance for today. When it came time for her to take off her clothes she realized that she was wearing a dress, so that meant she would have to leave it on all day or take it off, which meant taking off her top too as it is all one piece.

Allan and me were standing there wearing only our underwear and Mary had taken off her skirt. We were all watching to see what Rose would do. Allan dropped his drawers and yelled, "lets all go for a swim you guys," Rose hesitated for a second while trying to decide what to do, shrugged her shoulders, pulled the dress over her head, removed her bra, and dove into the water.

Mary and I stood there looking at her for a second then Mary turned and smiled at me, "Jim we are neighbours, and I hope we are now friends." Facing me with a smile on her lips, Mary slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall on the ground then dropped her panties while I stepped out of my underwear. Mary reached for my hand and we jumped in the water together.

When we came out of the water Mary came to my blanket and asked if she could lay down with me to dry off. With Allan and Rose on the other blanket beside us we all talked and giggled about what we had done yesterday.

Chapter Three

Allan dug into his jacket pocket and came out with a picture-book that showed men and women with no clothes on doing a lot of different things together. Where on earth Allan ever found a picture-book like that I don't know. His dad works on a ship that goes across the ocean, maybe he got it from his dad.

We were all naked and crowed around close together looking at the pictures. There were pictures of men and women, and the woman had the man's willie in her mouth. There were pictures of two women kissing each other and pictures where the man was laying on top of the woman and then he was on the bottom.

"I think it would be fun to try doing some of those things in the picture-book" Rose stated. You could hear how nervous she was when she added "If one of you guys would like to try it too."

Wait a minute, "can we give you girls a good morning kiss first." Allan wanted to know. We all laughed at that, I turned to Mary and she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled me close to her and kissed me as hard as she could.

When Rose kissed Allan she did the same thing Mary had done to me, but Allan accidentally put his hand on her coochie when she kissed him. Then we switched places so that Mary could kiss Allan and Rose could kiss me.

Allan wanted to know what things Rose wanted to try. "The thing I want to try, I cant do with you Allan because you are my cousin. Jim will you lay down again like yesterday with me on top?" This was going to be a good day, I could tell.

We were not ashamed to be naked with each other anymore. Rose waited until I laid down and clasped my hands behind my back, then she laid her full body on me. It took only one heartbeat with her laying on me and her beautiful young breasts pushing into my chest and I had a fully hard wiener, when Rose spread her legs just a little she tried to make it look like she was stretching, but my wiener slipped into her slit without even getting lost.

I put my arms around my dream girl and pulled her down tight to me while she started kissing me like she was kissing me yesterday. Allan and Mary were doing the same things we were, only Allan had his hands on Mary's bum squeezing the cheeks.

With my wiener in Rose's coochie she began to move her bum like before. When her bum moved up or down my wiener head would slide the whole length of her slit, it took only a few seconds but I could feel her coochie getting very wet. The feelings in my willie were very strong, I thought it was going to catch on fire it was getting so hot.

Rose began breathing very funny and I noticed that her body was shaking a little, after a couple of more times moving her bum Rose's whole body just stiffened up and she was shaking from head to toe.

After a few seconds she collapsed her whole weight on top of me and just lay there breathing hard for about a minute. I have to tell you, I was scarred. I though that I hurt her somehow and she passed out, I was afraid to move her. Then she started moving her bum again.

Rose had the same kind of seizure two more times before she said that she had to stop for a rest. My erection was sticking straight up in the air when Rose rolled off of me and went in the water for a swim, what could I do, I didn't want Allan to see my willie sticking up, and especially I didn't want Mary to see me. I was so ashamed of my willie being that way.

Mary was on her knees kissing her way up and down Allan's body while she stroked his thing. Her bum was pointed almost at me and I got my first good look at a girls private place. Her bum was only a few feet from my head so I could see it clearly and I couldn't believe how different girls looked than boys down there, although to tell the truth I still couldn't see any hole. Then I remembered my erection still sticking up straight in the air and I jumped into the water.

When Rose came out of the water Mary was still playing with Allan's thing in her hand, Rose asked if she would trade partners with her. "OK Rose, Jim do you mind if I swim with you for a minute?"

Mary swam over to me and we played in the water for a couple of minutes before getting out to dry off. "Did you see what I was doing to Allan," I admitted that I watched her for a few minutes before I went swimming. I didn't tell her about staring at her coochie though.

"Jim I watched what you were doing with Rose, can we do the same thing?" Sure, if you want to. It was fun what we were doing.

When Mary climbed up on top of me she didn't really know what to do, when she watched Rose all she could see was her laying on me. When Mary let her legs spread and drop on either side of my legs I moved under her a little which pushed her down far enough that willie slipped into her groove.

Mary started moving her bum up and down with my pole sliding through her slit each time. When she closed her legs trapping my willie in her coochie I thought I would explode, it felt so good.

Thank God Allan was busy with Rose and didn't see what we were doing. It took only a few minutes and Mary was squirming around under me like Rose had done.

When Mary stiffened her body and started shaking, I lost all control and squirted some sticky stuff into her groove. Whether Mary noticed what I had done or not I don't know.

Mary rolled off of me and went in the water (to cool off) she said. I was afraid that she would be angry and not want to play with me anymore, and I was ashamed that I couldn't make her enjoy it longer, but mostly I was ashamed of myself for squirting on her like that.

Chapter Four

When Mary came out of the water she said "I'm hungry you guys. Let's eat our lunch."

We talked about the things in the picture-book that we have tried and we discussed about how we could make them more fun.

There was a picture in Allan's book that showed the man laying on his back and the woman was straddling his face, sitting with her girl thing on his mouth while she leaned ahead far enough to put his willie in her mouth.

"That looks like it would be fun for both people, Mary said. Very shyly she added, would one of you boys like to try it with me?"

I was hoping that Allan would volunteer to try doing it with Mary so I could have Rose all to myself again, but no such luck. So I laughed and just like in school I raised my hand and said, I would Mary, pick me, pick me, but I don't know if my thing will grow again I added.

With Rose and Allan coaching us while sitting on Mary's blanket only five feet away, I lay on my back with my hands clasped behind my head. Mary stood up and straddled my head saying "don't peek at me while I am sitting down, OK." When she sat down on my face she sat quite hard, and she was facing the wrong way. Rose commented that it didn't look like the people in the picture-book. Let me show you how Mary.

Rose straddled my head and gently sat down on my face. But just a heartbeat away from her coochie touching my face she said this is the right way to do it Mary, before Rose stood up I quickly raised my head and kissed her right there in the middle. Rose giggled and said "you silly boy Jim."

Mary tried again, but this time I was prepared. I had my hands ready to stop her from sitting down to hard. When Mary slowly lowered herself down to my face her coochie seemed to get wider and I could now see the hole she told me about yesterday. It was fascinating laying there with her coochie coming closer to my mouth, it was truly a very beautiful thing to see.

Mary sat down gently this time with her coochie covering my mouth, my nose was pushing into her bum hole and I was having trouble breathing, but this was for sure the most exciting thing that I have ever done.

With such a lovely thing resting on my lips, I was truly inspired to make her happy, now if only I knew how.

I really didn't know where to start, but using my hands on her bum I raised her up off of my face just a little and raising my head a tiny bit I kissed her pussy right on the lips.

Sticking out my tongue I began licking into her groove from one end to the other with long hard licks. Mary seemed to like what I was doing so I just kept on doing it.

Rose teased Mary that she still was not doing it like the people in the picture-book. Come on Mary, lean fore-ward and put his willie in your mouth.

I started nibbling on Mary's pussy lips and sticking my tongue as deep into her slit as I could, I kept at it until I felt her stiffen up. Mary leaked a really good tasting liquid onto my tongue from her girl thing, as a reward for the attention I was showing her pussy I guess.

Thank you Lord for giving young boys such strong hormones. It took only two heart-beats and I was as hard as a stick.

When Mary leaned forward it became much easier to breathe and it gave me better access to her. I became so involved with what I was doing to Mary that I didn't notice when she put my willie in her mouth. But when Mary started swirling her tongue around the head of it I sure noticed.

I guess Allan got tired of coaching us because when I had a chance to check what they were doing I saw that he was laying back relaxing while Rose was on her knees leaning over him kissing first his mouth then working her way down his body while her hand was playing with Allan's wiener.

Just about the same time that Rose dropped her mouth over the head of her cousin's rock hard wiener, Mary cupped my bag in her hands and swallowed my whole cock into her mouth.

Mary lay face down with her full body on top of me, I had my face buried in her lovely pussy when I noticed that she wasn't moving. She had my willie deep in her mouth swirling it around with her tongue and she was resting her face in my lap, but she wasn't moving.

Mary,s hair lay all around her head and almost covered my lap, I guess that if someone was watching us they wouldn't be able to see very much, but I could sure feel the things she was doing to my willie.

I managed to make her squirt on my tongue two more times before I lost control again.

This time I knew that I was coming closer to squirting, so I tried to move Mary away from my willie, but she wouldn't let go. Mary lay on me with her hair covering my lap, she wasn't moving her head on my lap, just moving her tongue around and around my pecker without stopping.

I couldn't help it, I tried to hold on, but the feeling in my pecker was to good. I started squirting in her mouth and Mary never stopped licking and swirling her tongue while swallowing her spit and my cum until willie went soft in her mouth, I could tell even then that she didn't like to let it go. Mary and I stayed in that position licking, kissing and cuddling each other for what seemed like hours.

I heard Allan saying, "there you are cousin, swallow every drop while my cock is in your mouth or I wont let you up."

When it was time to go home, we all agreed that our Circle of Thorns was the perfect place for us to play. We agreed to bring more food and come back tomorrow if the weather is good.

Chapter Five

I lay awake most of the night thinking about something special I could do for Rose, if I had the chance to be with her again that is. I went over in my mind, every picture in that picture-book of Allan's. I tried to remember the stories and the names they called what they were doing so that I could do things right and please my lovely Rose.

The next morning I had to do some chores at home, and I arrived late. When I entered the circle, Allan and Rose were arguing about something and Rose yelled at him that she wasn't going to play with him anymore if he was going to be like that.

So taking her by the hand I led her to the edge of the water where I laid out my blanket. Then looking directly at Allan and with one of those Southern accents just like the ladies use in the movies, Rose put her hand on her hip and said, "why Jim, what ever do you plan to do with me on this blanket?"

I had a general idea of what I wanted to do to Rose, but how to do it, I wasn't sure.

Some of the stories in Allan's picture-book mentioned about the people making love, (whatever that was.) All I know was that I love Rose and I want to make love to her. (But where do I start?)

I lay rose face up on my blanket and told her that I was going to try something different if she would let me. If you don't like it, I will stop, OK.

Allan had Mary laying on her blanket in the sixty nine position. For some reason he put his jacket under her neck and not under her head. It looked very uncomfortable from the angle that I was looking from. Mary's neck was raised and her head was tilted back. I don't remember seeing any picture like that. He had his pecker in Mary's mouth and was pumping his ass up and down just like he was having sex with her in a bed.

When I first glanced over and saw Allan with Mary, I had an uneasy feeling down inside of me. Here I am about to do something special with the girl of my dreams, and I feel bad about seeing Mary with someone else.

I noticed too, that Allan was pushing his willie into her mouth as deep and hard as it would go and Mary had her hands on his hips. I also noticed that Allan didn't have his mouth anywhere near her coochie so he could make her feel good too.

It looked like Mary was struggling, with her hands on his hips I think she was trying to stop him from going into her mouth so deep, but I couldn't be sure. The one thing I was sure of was that I couldn't start worrying about what they were doing now, I have my own girl to make happy.

I started by kissing Rose full on the lips with as much passion as I could think of to show her how much I cared for her. Then I just started kissing and licking my way down her beautiful body while caressing her tummy with my hand.

When I licked her nipple, Rose stiffened up and took a sharp breath. I stopped what I was doing immediately, afraid that I had hurt her.

Rose put her hands on my head and pushed my mouth back down on her nipple. This looked like a sign to me, what I have been doing to her must be OK.

When I put her whole breast in my mouth and began sucking on her nipple I noticed that Rose was having trouble breathing normally. I really didn't know what I was doing, and I couldn't judge if it was good or bad, but I decided to keep on doing it. I was sure she would tell me to stop if she doesn't like it.

The lower I kissed my way down her body the more my body was going into the water.

By the time my mouth reached her pussy I had half of my body in the water. I swung her leg over my head and Rose instinctively spread her legs to give me access to her girl place.

Then for the first time in my life I had courage enough to touch her there. Dipping my fingers into the water I touched her pussy and let my finger go into the slit like my willie did yesterday.

I soon discovered that Rose has a small bump in the front of her slit and she seems to like it when I rub my fingers over the bump. Rose started to shake, you know, just small quivers in her body as I played with her little bump, she would catch her breath and then let it out slowly.

Rose seemed quite happy laying there with me sliding my finger through her slit, I would slide my fingers a few times then lick her there a few times, she had her hands on my head and her fingers were playing with my hair.

As I was only a tongue length from her pussy I removed my finger and stuck out my tongue then started licking her slit long and hard. What she did next scared me for a second, the moment I put my tongue into her slit Rose grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth down hard onto her cunt while she started having her orgasm.

The moment my tongue touched her quivering young cunt, I knew that I was going to have a life long love affair with licking a young girls cunt's until they cum on my tongue. I mean what's not to love.

Rose came on my tongue two more times before I had to admit defeat and give my mouth a rest.

When I had the chance to look at Mary I noticed that Allan was sleeping while Mary was sitting there watching me and she was almost crying.

I asked Mary if she would like to go for a swim with me. We swam out to the middle of the pond and Mary asked me if I had seen what Allan did to her.

I lied and told her that I was to busy with Rose and I didn't see anything. Why are you crying Mary?

"Jim I'm scared, Allan "made" me do something with him. He put his jacket under my neck which forced my head back, but I thought it would be alright. Then he put his willie in my mouth and started pushing it all the way in very fast and hard. But he wasn't hurting me then so I still thought it would be OK."

"When he started pushing his thing deep into my mouth and I started to choke I got scared, I tried to stop him but he wouldn't give me a chance to speak or even yell for help. When he squirted he told me that he wouldn't let me go until I swallowed the stuff. I held it in my mouth for a couple of minutes, but he wouldn't let me up so I pretended to swallow it then when he got up I turned my head and spit it out. Jim I'm really afraid, I don't think I like to play here anymore."

I swam over to the other side of the pond with Mary following me, and sitting in the water up to my neck I invited Mary to sit on my lap facing me. (So we could talk.)

I started whispering silly little things in her ear so that no-one could hear us. I told her that I would talk to Allan and tell him to never do something like that again with-out your permission or else he would be in trouble with me.

While I talked to Mary I am ashamed to say that my willie stood up to meet her girl thing. I mean after the scare she just had then I have an erection. She laughed a little laugh then lifted herself up and allowed my willie to slide into her slit.

Mary sat on my lap facing me, with both her arms wrapped around me and her head resting on my shoulder. I had my arms around her too, holding her tight while we talked about what was happening with the other kids in our neighbourhood.

I told Mary that I hoped she would continue to play with us. That Allan can be mean at times, but if you will play with us again I promise to watch you closely every time you play with him and make sure that he won't do something anymore that you don't like to do.

"Jim I enjoy playing with you, your not mean like Allan. When he told me I had to swallow, I just couldn't. I remembered what happened yesterday when we played. I swallowed the stuff that you squirted because I wanted to.

Mary noticed that it was getting cold just sitting there in the water so we got out and moved to my blanket.

I started tickling Mary and we rolled around on the blanket play fighting. We ended up on our sides in the sixty nine position, I spread her pussy with my fingertips and started licking her slit with a slow and tender motion.

Mary wanted to play, "you know Jim, what we were doing a little while ago."

Mary still wanted to play our games, at least she wanted to play with me. This was a good sign I thought.

Rolling Mary over on her back, I climbed on top and Mary slapped my bare bum.

"Will it be the same doing it this way Jim?"

I don't know, but lets try.

Mary willingly spread her legs without making any excuses about stretching. Willie slipped into her groove and I began moving my bum up and down (almost like I knew what I was doing.)

Very quickly I could feel that Mary was getting wet down there, the thing that I didn't think about was the fact that when I got on top everything changed. The angle that my willie was sliding through her slit was different.

I didn't mean to, it just happened. I raised my bum and when I started sliding down through her slit my willie went into her hole that she has down there and was about three or four inches inside of her body before I even knew what was happening.

Mary quickly took a deep breath and immediately tried to close her legs, but because I was in between she couldn't. All she managed to do was to trap me there which I think pushed me inside her even more.

"Oh Jim please don't move, it hurts really bad. But it kind of feels good too."

Me, I didn't move a muscle. It occurred to me then and there that sex games were very stressful.

Mary was laying under me as stiff as a board, but I was the same on top of her. When she started crying, I couldn't help it, I started crying too.

Rose was busy with Allan's thing in her mouth, she was licking him like it was an ice cream cone. Then she heard us crying and looked over to ask what was wrong.

Mary was sobbing when she told Rose what happened. By this time I had relaxed a little on top of Mary and although I didn't know it, by relaxing my body I had pushed willie into her all the way to the end.

Rose was very understanding about this, with the sound of someone that really knows what they are talking about. She told Mary that it would hurt for only a few minutes. Then when Jim starts doing the same thing to you again, it will feel even better than it did before.

How did she know these things? I guess all teenagers know everything.

I kissed Mary while my willie was buried to the hilt inside of her and pleaded with her not to be mad at me. " I promise that I didn't know that it would hurt you."

After about five minutes of laying on top of Mary and not moving a muscle, my willie was still as hard as a rock inside of her. Mary relaxed a little and slowly opened her legs again.

Do you want me to stop Mary, or do you want to try it, you know, what Rose said.

I didn't know what I had done to get inside of her, but from my side it sure did feel good. Much better than just sliding the head through her slit.

Mary said that it would be OK to try again, "but please don't hurt me Jim."

When I lifted my bum and willie slid back out, Mary involuntarily began closing her legs again. Before willie came all the way out I lowered my bum again and this time Mary opened her legs and raised her bum to meet me.

Rose had shifted position and with her right hand massaging his bag she was still licking the whole length of Allan's cock. They were both watching this new thing that I was doing with Mary.

Chapter Six

I don't know why I knew she was there, maybe I saw something out of the corner of my eye and maybe it was because we were always so close, but I looked up and standing not ten feet away is my older sister. With my face still wet from licking Mary's pussy all I could think of to say to her was, why are you here. Rose almost bit Allan's pecker as he was pulling it out of her mouth.

Sylvia is my older sister. She will turn fifteen in two months. Although she looks like a regular teenager she acts like a little girl. Her hair is kind of red and yellow at the same time and it hangs straight down past her shoulders and almost to her bum. I guess she must be pretty because I have seen some of the older kids at school looking at her.

Sylvia has the body of a girl in her teens, but I have heard mom and dad talking, and they said there was something wrong with Sylvia's brain. She will never grow up, in her mind she will always be a happy go lucky eight year old girl.

My parents have told me lot's of times that I should try to look after her and make sure none of the other kids pick on her, and I have always been proud to call her my sister.

Allan jumped to his feet and covering his willie with his hands walked over to Sylvia and demanded in a very loud voice. "How did you find us here? Why are you here? Go away Sylvia. Don't you tell anyone about what you see here or we will have to hurt you!!!"

By this time I had my underwear on and was on my way to rescue my sister from Allan. Take it easy Allan, she is my sister. Let me talk to her for a minute.

Taking Sylvia gently by the hand I led her over to the little path that leads out of the circle. I told her that it was OK, don't be scared sis I wont let Allan or anybody else hurt you. Then I asked her the same questions Allan had just asked, only I used a gentler voice.

Sylvia was almost crying when she answered." You haven't played with me for two days Jim and I saw you and Allan going into the woods to play. I wanted to play to so I followed you. When I saw that you met Rose and Mary at the big tree I got mad. You didn't play with me, but you wanted to play with those other girls. Why don't you want to play with me Jim." I love my sister, and I want to protect her always, but how do I explain to her what she has just seen me doing.

You are older than us Sylvia, I thought that you wouldn't like to play this kind of playing. I don't want you to get hurt you are my sister and we cant play these games together.

"But Jim I want to play with you guys, if you don't let me play I am going to tell on you guys."

Still holding Sylvia by the hand I led her back over to the others, they were mostly dressed by then and I told them what Sylvia had told me about telling.

We talked it over between us and decided that we couldn't take a chance about Sylvia telling. "If she is going to stay, she has to get naked like the rest of us, and she has to follow all of the rules. Sylvia has to agree to play with us all, or she can't stay."

I didn't know that we had any rules, and I'm not sure when Allan became the leader of our play group and started making the rules, but everyone agreed that it's the only way my sister could stay.

Besides, if she plays the same games that we are playing, she won't dare to tell on us. I added.

Allan said to Sylvia, " will you obey all the rules of our secret club? if you stay you won't be able to tell on us or you will get in trouble too."

We all looked at my sister to see what she would say, yes I have to admit, I was holding my breath too. Ever since I turned ten years old I have had a fascination with trying to see what Sylvia looked like naked. I did see her once last year when she got out of the bath tub, but only for a second before I turned my head and got myself out of there.

"Yes I will do anything, please let me stay Allan."

"OK Sylvia, I want you to prove it. Take off all of your clothes while we watch, I mean you have to strip all the way naked then kiss everyone here on the lips, even the girls.""Yes I will do anything, please let me stay."

Hey you guys, how is this going to work. Sylvia can't play with me, she is my sister for Pete's sake. Girls don't play with other girls, do they? Allan you will have to play with her all the time. The more I thought about it the better I liked this idea of my sister joining our group. If she played with Allan all the time, that would leave just me to play with Rose and Shelly.

I soon discovered that Sylvia had no problem with taking her clothes off in front of people, someone just had to ask her. "I wish I had know this a long time ago." Within a few seconds my sister was standing naked in front of us all. I wanted desperately to look at her but I felt guilty, and what would the other kids think of me if they saw me staring at my own sister when she was naked. After all it is my responsibility to look after her and keep her out of trouble, not let her strip naked in front of me and the others.

Sylvia was standing there stark naked with a worried look on her face when Allan walked over to her and putting one arm around her waist he pulled her in close to him and kissed her mouth while his other hand dropped down and he cupped her bum in his hand.

"There is no way I am going to play with Sylvia all of the time. You have to play with her too Jim."

If you want to stay you have to prove to all of us that your willing to play with all of us, even your brother. "Now go kiss your brother on the lips just like he was your boyfriend Sylvia"

Now wait a minute Allan, this is my sister. We cant do these things. Can we?

"Jim please, let me do it. I want to stay and play with you guys. It will be alright."

Sylvia and me have been best friends, well forever, and we have been playing together for as long as I can remember, but I knew this is wrong. I am pretty sure that a person is not supposed to be almost naked when they kiss their own sister on the lips.

I was standing there still wearing only my underwear, and Sis was naked when she came to me and hesitantly put her arms around my neck. Allan was still standing beside us and took my hands and placed them on my Sisters bare bum cheeks. When Sylvia pulled me to her and kissed me Allan pushed our boy girl things together.

"Jim this is the last test, you and Sylvia have to lay down and do what the

man and woman in the picture-book were doing, or else Sylvia has to leave. We all talked about it and you guys have to prove to us that you will play together."

A few minutes ago I thought this was great. My sister shows up and wants to play, now Allan would have to play with her and I would have Mary and Rose all too myself.

Now just to prove to these guys that we will play together sometimes, I am only a heartbeat away from putting my tongue into my sisters pussy while Allan has the other two girls on Mary's blanket.

We were laying on our sides in a sixty nine position when I raised my sister's leg and rested her foot on my shoulder. I asked Sylvia one more time, almost pleading with her. Are you sure you want to do this Sis.

With the other three watching us I couldn't believe it but I stuck out my tongue and started licking my sister's pussy like a dog drinks water, I put my tongue into her slit and really went to work on her.

With the experience that I have gained from licking Rose and Mary it didn't take long before Sis started squirming, I moved my willie up close to her mouth and she took it in without hesitation.

Sis started having small muscle spasms a few minutes later and I felt my willie grow even more in her mouth. I shot the cum into her mouth just as she started shaking beside me.

Sis went into the water to clean off and so did I. She told me that what I just did to her felt really good. I felt really guilty, I am supposed to look after my sister, not play sex games with her after all.

Chapter Seven

Later that night after our parents went to sleep, Sylvia sneaked into my room. "Jim can I talk to you for a minute?" Sure sis.

"Jim I really liked it when we played together today. I hope your not mad at me because I followed you. Can we play like that again tomorrow?"

Sylvia, I love you, but the things I did with you today was wrong and I'm really sorry. Brothers and sisters are not supposed to play together like that.

"Why not, I liked what you did to me. Jim I thought it was fun to play like that. Did I make you happy when you put your thing in my mouth?"

Did you really like it Sis? I have done that with the other girls, but I didn't know if I am doing it right, so that the girl is enjoying it.

"Jim, can we play here at home sometimes, or do we have to wait and play only when the others are there?"

Maybe, if we be very quiet we can practice here in my room. Sis, can I kiss you down there again, like today? I want to know if I am doing it right, and if we are doing it here in private you can tell me if it feels good or if I am doing something wrong. OK?

Sylvia there is something that I have always wanted to do. Please come and stand here in front of me.

I love you because you are the best sister that anybody could have. I hope you know that Sylvia.

Although I saw my sister naked a little while ago, and I had my tongue licking in her coochie a little while ago, my fingers were still shaking when I started unbuttoning her blouse.

My sister stood in front of me as I sat on the corner of my bed, my fingers were shaking so bad I don't know how I managed to get her blouse unbuttoned. When her blouse slipped off her shoulders and slid to the floor I put my hands on her hips and turned her around to unhook her bra, I realized that I wasn't breathing.

Sylvia giggled like a little girl as I put each breast in my mouth and licked the nipple, when she began squirming I would move over to the other breast. She undid the button on her skirt and let it fall to the floor, then hooking my thumbs into her panties I slowly began pulling them down over her hips and down her legs.

I laid my now naked big/little sister on my bed, then I quickly slipped out of my pyjamas and lay down beside her.

Earlier today when we were inside the circle, I was afraid to look at Sylvia when she stripped in front of us all. Somehow I knew that what I was letting her do was wrong. Even when I started licking her pussy I tried not to look to closely or the others might think I was weird.

Now that we were in the privacy of my room, I felt it was not so strange to look at her. Sylvia has bigger boobs than Rose and much bigger than Mary, her tummy is flat and I noticed that she has a lot more hair down there than any of the others, including me, and I thought she looked very beautiful.

Sylvia promised to tell me whenever I did something that she liked and if she knew how to make it feel better she would tell me how, and also tell me when she didn't like it so much.

I started at the beginning, you know, the place where every boy who is about to have a sex encounter with his mentally challenged sister should start, I took her face in my hands and kissed her tenderly.

I asked Sylvia to just lay back on the bed and let me show her what I have learned from the other girls so far.

I put my finger in my mouth and wet it, after only a few seconds of attention from my finger, Sylvia was ready to cum but I stopped before she could.

Moving my sister over to the edge of the bed, I spread her pussy and put my tongue in her slit. I quickly discovered her little bump and within a minute or so she came on my tongue so hard that I found it difficult to keep my mouth attached to her pussy. Sylvia came for me a couple of more times then said she wanted to pay me back.

Where on earth my sister learned how to suck a cock that good is beyond me. I asked her if she has ever done anything like that before to anyone else, but she assured me that I was the only one she has done. If she had answered yes to my question I would have been heartbroken.

After Sylvia sucked me dry, she wanted to stay and sleep in my bed the rest of the night. I knew it was wrong, and what if we get caught.

The next morning we waited until Dad went into the bathroom, then Sylvia quickly kissed me and sneaked back to her room.

At breakfast Sylvia was acting pretty normal, just like nothing unusual happened to her last night. Where as, I on the other hand couldn't look at her or Mom without feeling really guilty and crappy. Mom asked Sylvia what she was planning to do today and she giggled when she replied, "just going to play with some friends Mom."

"Jim, are you going to be there playing with your sister?"

I started choking on my cereal for a second when Mom asked me that and Sylvia laughed out loud.

"Mom, we always play together. Jim said that he likes to be with me."

Chapter Eight

We five spent the most of our summer inside of the "Circle" as we were calling it, we tried just about every position that we saw in the picture-book some of the things we enjoyed and some of the things we adapted to make them better. I guess you could say that we made Allan's book like our bible.

Then about two weeks before school was to start again, our little group crashed. Without warning Allan's family packed up and left our valley. I think they all went to Canada or someplace. Anyway just like that Allan was gone.

No one felt like going to the Circle anymore after that.

I hardly saw the girls until after school started, then one day I saw Rose walking home with one of her friends from the village. When I caught up and started walking with them Rose made it clear to me and her friend that I wasn't welcome to walk with them or to even talk to them.

My heart was broken by only a few words spoken by Rose. I don't know what I ever did to make her angry at me, but she was and she told me that day that she never wants to be seen with me again.

Two days later I saw Mary and the memory of Rose came flooding back to me, so I tried to avoid meeting her. Mary ran to catch me and she was crying.

"Why don't you like to see me anymore Jim? I heard about how badly Rose talked to you the other day, but that's not me. I'm sorry she treated you like that, you didn't deserve that. Rose had a bad crush on Allan and now that he is gone she thinks she is too good to be seen with us now."

I couldn't control myself, right there in the middle of the street for anyone to see, I hugged Mary and we both cried. Not for the loss of Rose as a friend, but we cried because of the loss of our group and the fun times we had.

Mary, I can't stop thinking about you, everywhere I go and everything I do, I think about you every day, but I thought that you would treat me like Rose did. To tell the truth I was afraid to come see you.

We walked home together holding hands. The weather was still warm so I asked her if she would like to go to the Circle, just you and me. We could have a picnic. What do you think?

It is now official, Mary has agreed to be my girlfriend. We are walking to and from school holding hands and we don't care who sees us. I even heard my Mother talking to Mary's Mother, "isn't that cute, they are so young and in love. I really don't see any harm in it when they go to up to his room and study for hours, do you Mildred."

Chapter Nine

Life was good, Mary loved me and I loved her. Although we have been together as a couple for five years, the sex between us is still great, but I found myself looking at little girls and remembering the taste and feel of them sometimes.

Mostly I miss the fun we all had when we were kids. Mary and I haven't been to the Circle of Thorns since we got together as a couple and I guess I was only looking for some of the excitement that we have lost.

While walking home from the village one day, I caught up with two little girls from our neighbourhood. Eleven year old Carolyn is Rose's sister, and Ellen is only Ten years old.

For some reason I never really noticed these girls before. I mean they were always there, but I guess I just didn't see them before because they were so young. We walked home together and casually I asked if they have ever had any boyfriends.

I told them about a place that was so secret only five people in the whole world knew about it, but of course I couldn't tell who the five were.

These five kids used to go there and play top secret games and learning a lot of things about sex.

I knew I had them hooked when I told them I was one of the five, and I could show them the place; but they have to swear on their Mother's life that they would never tell anyone else about the place or the secrets.

I had to plan this very carefully, after all; I am five years older now and my cock is quite a bit bigger. These little girls won't be able to handle that much cock all at once, so I have to be patient and work up to it.

Standing outside of the Circle of Thorns I made them promise me again that they wouldn't tell anybody. You guys know that I have a girlfriend, and if she finds out about this she will beat the tar out of both of you.

The first time I sucked on the clit's of these two little girls, I had them literally begging me for more. Then when I saw Mary later that afternoon the taste of Carolyn's pussy was still fresh on my lips when I kissed her. For some reason I felt a pang of guilt. I mean that was silly, why should I feel guilty, we were not married or anything.

Post Script

Sylvia has found a nice guy who loves and takes care of her, and they have been married for about ten years, although she has two beautiful daughters (both with normal intelligence) we still get together at least once a month (to play) when her husband is away.

After Mary found out about Ellen and Carolyn, from that day to this day, she has never spoken to me.

Mary if you can hear me, I'm sorry.

To this day I cannot figure out why Rose would get naked in front of her cousin, she has sucked his cock dry of cum so many times that summer, (and swallowed every drop.) Whenever Allan wanted to fuck her, it was OK with her, she would lay back with her eyes closed and it seemed the harder he would pump his cock into her the better she liked it. But every time she felt that Allan might be close to cumming she would insist that Mary trade partners with her and finish him off.


I would like to dedicate this story to the memory of Mary who lost her struggle against Cancer this last spring.

Her life was taken far to soon.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.