Published: 17-Apr-2013
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People all have things in their past, they wish they could change or forget. Mine is Nate Stevens.
It was the 70's and I was just finding the joys of my penis and boys. While other boys peeked at their mom's bra catalog, I peeked at boys in their underwear in the locker room. The hottest and most I dreamed about was Nate Stevens. A young stud of the 70's. Long thick dark hair, girls today would kill for. A sleeveless cut off jersey showing off his abs. Shorts that today would be called mini shorts. White tube socks with a stripe of color around his calves. The newest and most expensive sneakers. Also while us regular boys wore old boxers or new white briefs, Nate wore colored bikini briefs. Even today my fave jack off image is Nate all wet and shiny in his high cut blue speedos. Bare leg between latex covered firm ass and large package.
My nightmare happened one day at school. The boys bathroom just had one large open urinal which I was just finishing using. Nate in his tennis uniform stepped beside me. I so tried not to look but he pulled out his meat and instead of pissing he stroke himself.
"Oh man. You know how it is to be horny." He looked at me begging. "Help a pal out and wank me."
I stood frozen. Nate grab my hand and placed it on his meat then let go. It was the first time I held another dick. Without knowing, I stoked it. My hand followed Nate's commands.
"Faster. Slower. Oh yes!"
Nate's member covered my hand in goo and started going soft. Nate put his dick back in his shorts and ran out of the bathroom. That is when my nightmare peeked.
"Hey everyone he just jacked me off!"
It was all over school and I was called to meet with headmaster with my parents. Back then gay was an illness and besides being tormented at school, I had to see a doctor to cure me. As soon as I was old enough, I skipped out.
I got into the drug scene but I had a talent for making not using them. As time rolled on, I was the secret boss behind a top world drug company producing any legal or illegal drug, a person could want. Still I wanted revenge on Nat Stevens.
Now it is present day. I'm sunning on the deck of my private boat while very young twinks in to small and to tight sailor suits take care of my every need. A shadow caught my attention. It was my company's ceo. I had to due the usual paper work and pick where to put this or that billion profit. I was about to get rid of him when he said.
"The company is a total shell that we bought. The guy Nate Stevens spent all his family and the company's money. He would be on the street if we had not bought his worth pile of shit and pay him to still run it. Let's just fire his ass and burn the building down for the insurance."
"Nate Stevens?"
"Yes. The asshole has the balls to vacation in front of us."
My man handed me a pair of field glasses and pointed me to the beach. I saw an old trophy wife past her date in an ugly bikini, blond hair in bun, and to much make up under an umbrella. Next to her was an older man. Short dark hair with some gray. Old and pot bellied, so of course in a speedo. Still I knew that face. We had come full circle. Then my life changed again.
A small boy maybe two ran into view. He looked so good and tan all over. His black little speedo showing his small parts. His a little long hair was blond and fade from all the time in the sun. It moved from side to side as he ran. The reason for his running came next, a boy with short dark hair also tan all over maybe just starting puberty was after him. The new boy showed the change in years in his blue speedo. Toned boy with no baby fat and full stuffed speedo front and back. The older boy was yelling about something his younger brother did but his father didn't care and the mother babied the younger brother.
It was strange. I was gay but seeing those two boys caused my manhood to rise in my swimsuit. I have never done it with kids before but I had to have those two. I put my evil plan to action. First to keep his money I sent Nate and his wife away. They should not worry, the kids would be well looked after.
I started of slow with the kids. Nate jr. was like his father, it was all about himself. To him I was just help or a paid slave. Toby, the young one, was more sly. Being weaker then his brother, he played up to me, so I would protect him when he got caught from trouble.
Small pranks first. Rubbing my cum on their underwear and speedo backsides. It was fun knowing my juice was slipping around on their butts all day and night. Adding my piss to their drinks. How Toby looked in his crib with action heroes funpal briefs on and a sippy cup of my urine in his small hand and his lips on the top. Also my man seed was on every meal. The fun I had one night. The boys did not want the meal I spent all day cooking, but wanted pizza. A large black man came to the house with it. For a very large but to me nothing tip, he jacked off with me all over the pizza. The sight to see as the two boys fought over the very last piece of cum pie.
Things moved along when Nate jr. slept over at a friends house. I let Toby stay up late and have some fun candy. He had fun taking off his clothes and showing me his fave cartoon on his little undies. I ran my finger and probed his undies as he told me about them. Rubbing his front caused his boyhood to get hard. I lowered his briefs so it could point out and told him it was ok. He liked it and teased me with it by waving it all around in my face. After a bit the fun candy started working and he had to sit down. I went over to Toby and pulled off his briefs. He just laid there nude and hard. It was a sight of contrast. Dark boy skin in a blink changing to pink boy skin at the edge of his speedo tan line. A hard little helmeted finger pointing up with two small unwrinkled marbles under it. I lifted up his legs with no resistance and found a small juicy pink little hole.
He asked why I was taking off my clothes and I told him it was time for bed. He said ok and still stayed put. My dick was hard and throbbing. I waited for this. I rubbed the head of my dick across his lips. He asked what it was and I told him it was a treat he had to lick and suck on. When he put his small hands on my member, I almost shot then. Holding me, he started working his tongue under the head of my shaft. Toby's tongue spit washed me from tip to base and back again. My passion caused me to shove myself down his throat almost choking him. When he could breath again, I forced as much as I could in and out of his baby mouth. Holding a handful of his hair, I forced his head up and down on me. The buckets of cum I shot was to much for him. He swallowed all he could but still coughed some up. I was hard again looking at him, matted hair, red eyes with tears flowing, and globes of fresh cum leaking out his nose and down his lips.
We had some fun games after that. Toby was interested in my parts. Going to the bathroom, I would let him hold me like a fire hose or have him stand in the bath tube a pee himself or I would pee all over him. He liked rubbing my manhood to make me shoot. Still sometimes I would have to get rough for him to give a blow job. I'm still working on taking his temperature. He lays nude across my lap as I work lubed items into his small rear. A finger or three twisting around. A small dildo working up his insides. The day I used a large vibrator kept up his ass like a butt plug turned on, caused him to jump up and run round while blowing a dry load. All signs are now go to pop Toby's cherry. Maybe one night instead of putting him to sleep by sucking on his candy roll as he calls it.
Toby even likes to role play when Nate jr. is out. Toby is my little puppy. I feed him dog food from a bowl and he laps ups water from another bowel. To help with his playing I use toilet water. He gets to nap on a mat in doggie cage and I walk him nude outside on leash attached to spiked collar to do his business. I saw an ad for mastiff, free to a good home, I may get for Toby to play with. Seems the owner has to loose the dog because all the other dogs in the area are bitches in heat. The poor fellow who is extra large only now thinks about humping. He would play nice with Toby.
Still I am also having fun with Nate jr. Today is his big swim meat and he is hosting a team sleepover after. He made sure to tell me not to fuck it up. To late for him, I already have toys, fun candy, and cameras ready. I even fucked up his swim meat.
First I lost his team speedo. All he had to wear was an extra see thru white one. From just practice laps, his bubble butt shown with berry and twigs. The best was when his starring moment happened. He was on the starting block in front of all. It was his turn of the relay and they could win it. Then he stood up and wrapped his arms around his chest. He must of ate the treat, I made him for the meat. A small wet spot formed in the front center of his speedo and grew outwards in all directions. Piss ran down his leg. Then brown ooze started filling the back of his speedo. His full load caused the speedo to sag a bit showing his stained rear. Also for a topper, the magic blue pill kicked in and as Nate jr. ran to the locker room his hard as a nail boy missile pointed the direction he was going for the whole gathering. Time to see him scrub himself nice and clean everywhere.
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