Published: 13-Apr-2013
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Her Daddy escorted Susie, shuffling, over to the bed, where he bent her over his lap and laid a hand on the candle's protruding end, giving it one last poke and twist before slowly, slowly withdrawing the red wax cylinder from between Susie's cheeks. It was nearly as uncomfortable going out as it had been coming in, making the girl cry and wriggle, then gasp in relief when the rounded end finally cleared her bumhole. Her Daddy wiped the candle dry, put it back in it's drawer, then spent a few minutes slowly rubbing in and around Susie's wide-open, uncomfortable bumhole, using a bit of cold cream as her hole slowly closed up again. Susie lay limp over her Daddy's lap, trying to enjoy the rubbing as a way of forgetting what was coming next.
'Next' came all to soon, as her Daddy lifted Susie onto the bed, lying on her back again with a pillow under her bottom. This time, her Daddy lifted Susie's ankles together, holding them back up over her head while he fished around in another drawer on Susie's bedside table. Finding the long soft fabric ties he was looking for, he quickly slipped a loop over each of Susie's ankles, then hooked the middle of the tie onto her bedhead. This left Susie folded up backwards, bottom sticking skyward and secured ankles wide apart just over her head, unable to move her legs much at all, and certainly unable to make herself less exposed.
For she was exposed, every spankable surface on her body available to her Daddy's hands, strap or paddle. He could spank her bottom, anus, privates, and anywhere on the insides or back of her thighs without moving her an inch. It was what he called a 'thorough spanking position', and Susie understandably hated it.
After he'd finished securing her hands just as he'd secured her ankles, Susie's Daddy started spanking the spread, exposed girl, initially using his hand, starting on her bottom with his usual light strokes. He spanked across her buttocks and down all of both thighs, spanking slowly as he went, re-igniting the sting and heat and making Susie start to sob harder and begin to bawl. She *really* started to bawl again when her Daddy switched to the small light strap, starting his strokes on Susie's wide-spread bottom cleft and exposed bumhole, then laying the strap's narrow pink lines across her whole bottom and right down both thighs. Susie bawled and tugged at her restraints, bottom wiggling with distress as the strap continued to land.
After putting the small strap down, Susie's Daddy stopped spanking for a minute, cradling her hot, stinging bottom with one big hand and wiping her eyes and nose with a tissue. The rest didn't last, however, and her Daddy picked up the light paddle to continue Susie's long, thorough spanking. This time, he started by pinkening the tender lips of her privates, instantly restarting Susie's bawling, then moving onto her bottom, bringing the very light paddle down just a little bit harder as he started to really redden her bum again. He paddled Susie's bottom with the light paddle for a long time, and her bottom was a deep red and hot, hot, hot when he finally moved the paddle onto the girl's thighs and continued to swing as Susie howled and wriggled against her restraints, the heavy bedhead and stout soft ties rendering all her movement futile.
After paddling up and back down the backs and insides of both of Susie's thighs, her Daddy finally put the paddle down, but this time did not stop for a breather, instead picking up the light strap again right away. Susie, her bottom burning with the sting of the paddle, saw the strap re-appear through her tears and began to sob harder. For this dose of the light strap, Susie's Daddy started on the one place that had escaped the first dose of the strap, laying narrow pink lines right across the tender, paddled lips of Susie's vagina, making the girl howl even louder and writhe, bottom jumping. The entirety of her Daddy's final dose of the strap was concentrated on Susie's tenderest areas, pink lines criss-crossing and overlapping over her bumhole, privates and the very innermost areas of her thighs. When he finished his final stroke, right across Susie's tender bumhole, the girl was limp and bawling, tears wetting her face, hair and pillow, and everything between her waist and her knees was stinging and burning.
Susie's Daddy quickly released the howling girl's restraints, then lifted her onto her feet, supporting her while he wiped her face again and gave a quick rub across her burning, red bottom. He then picked her up again, moved down to the end of the bed, and carefully sat the girl down. Not, to Susie's sobbing regret, on her hard, unpadded wooden chair, but onto an even *less* comfortable perch: the solid railing that formed the top of the footboard of Susie's bed. The dowel was perhaps three inches thick, hardwood, and had been milled to have large spheres and rings around it, mostly for decorative effect. One large sphere pressed up against Susie's well-strapped bottomhole and privates, however, and several rings pressed into her burning buttocks, proving that Susie's Daddy hadn't *just* had decorative effects in mind when he'd built the fancy bed for his little girl.
Susie wobbled on her precarious, very uncomfortable perch, wriggling at the discomfort and finding that wriggling just made her poor bottom that much less comfortable on the lumpy railing. Her Daddy placed her hands firmly on her head, then lifted her feet onto a small ledge just below her bottom, so she was steadied but couldn't take any of the weight off her punished bum. Susie's Daddy left her there, warning her that she was to stay on the railing until he came for her. She stayed on the railing, sobbing, for an extremely uncomfortable thirty minutes, the inevitable shifting and wobbling on her perch making her bottom even more uncomfortable.
When Susie's Daddy came back and lifted her down, giving her permission to rub, her hands flew to her backside as she knelt on the carpet. She found that the rings had left marks in her bottom-flesh, deeper indents in the broad shallow crease the railing itself had pressed into her rump. When she twisted around for a peek, the crease along the bottom of her rump was a darker red than the surrounding spanked skin, and the ring-marks were darker still, and very tender. Down further, her paddled thighs were still pink-blotched, as were her privates, while her well-strapped bumhole was still stingingly tender, and her bumcheeks had been forced open by the spherical part of the railing pressing into her.
Her Daddy let Susie inspect herself and rub for several minutes, then lifted her to her feet and led the girl into the bathroom for a quick bedtime wash. Susie obiediently did her teeth, then perched crying on the hard, cold toilet seat while she peed. Her Daddy started the bath filling, made sure the girl had wiped herself well, then turned her over his knee again for an inspection of his own of her spanked areas. He ran his hands over Susie's red-spanked bottom, feeling the very slight welts left by the strap and the heat and tenderness of her bottomflesh, then inspected her thighs similarly before moving on to Susie's tender, well-strapped bottomhole. The whole of Susie's bottom cleft was pink and marked, and the tenderest areas were bright pink and hot. The girl's privates were pink-splotched and strap-marked as well on their outside surfaces. Susie squirmed sometimes as her Daddy's hand rubbed and probed, but each squirm was met by a firm handspank, making the girl lie quietly as her Daddy finished looking.
Inspection finished and bath run, Susie was helped into the warm water. The bath was just deep enough to cover the girl to the waist when she knelt, and Susie gasped and bit her lip when her well-spanked parts entered the water. Her Daddy bathed her, starting with her hair, then using a soaped facecloth on the rest of her body. The warm water felt good on Susie's upper body, but when the terrycloth facecloth began to rub across her tender spanked buttocks and further across her spanked regions Susie began to wince and sniffle. When her Daddy made her bend over slightly so he could make sure Susie's tender, strapped and spread bottomhole was *really* clean, the probing of the rough cloth turned her sniffling into small sobs as she squirmed while her Daddy probed. Her Daddy finished washing Susie fairly quickly, rinsed her off well, then lifted her out of the tub. The big bath towel went right around Susie's wet body twice, and she felt nice and warm for a minute - until her Daddy began to towel her spanked bottom dry. The soft towel felt like sandpaper on her poor, well-spanked bum!
Susie's Daddy actually carried the girl back to her bedroom, although she wasn't *that* little anymore. In her room, Susie's Daddy pulled her knee-length nightie over her head and arms, then carefully rolled the bottom of the nightie back up, so that it was securely bunched above her waist. Her Daddy turned back the blankets and lifted Susie into bed, lying uncomfortably on her stinging bottom and still bare below the waist. Susie's fears were realized when her Daddy again brought the soft fabric ties out, lifting her ankles above her head and wide apart then looping the fabric restraints into place on ankles and wrists.
Susie felt her Daddy's big hand rubbing her bottom again, then he began to deliver her final spanking of the day, covering her tender bottom with firm handstokes. Susie's bawling started again immediately, and after only a minute or two her bottom had been spanked a solid dark, angry red and the girl bawled and writhed against the restraints. Her Daddy's big hand moved steadily down both thighs then, leaving them nearly the same color as her bum and even more stingingly uncomfortable. After spanking the girl crimson, her Daddy gave her a minute, then picked up the light strap and went to work on Susie's bottom cleft, snapping the small stinging strap between her buttocks until that area was a mass of criss-crossing small lines and almost as crimson as her bumcheeks were. Susie was bawling brokenly by the end, her energetic writhing abandoned as she lay there and howled.
As punished as Susie was, however, she still had one final dose to go as her Daddy picked up the lightweight plastic paddle again. This time, Susie's hairless pubes were paddled, the two dozen measured paddle stokes leaving that supremely sensitive area solidly pink and leaving Susie bawling and crying as hard as she could, lying limp against the cloth restraints still keeping her in position.
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