Published: 17-Apr-2013
Word Count:
I was like most boys stepping into puberty, jacking off 3 or 4 times a day. I'd been masturbating for a long time by now, (I had discovered my little dickie quite early!) but only recently started to cum- to actually ejaculate. Hair had only just begun coming in on my balls and the base of my cock.
Also like most boys, I wound up getting caught. I was feeling brave one day, because I knew mom was home, but I was feeling really horny, and wanted to get completely naked, spread out on my bed, and cum all over myself- about as spectacular a masturbation session as a n 11 year old boy can muster. Unfortunately, I forgot to lock the door.
I was hard as a brick, but not really that close to cumming. I had my head back, eyes closed, cupping my balls, and stroking my hard 4 ½ slowly and deliberately. I didn't hear the door open, but I did hear mom's voice! I looked up in sheer mortal terror, my dick pointing up, hard and wet!
Mom didn't even skip a beat! "Hey, honey. I've got your school clothes here- they're folded and ready to put away," she set the laundry down on the dresser beside my bed, and scanned my naked body before looking straight into my eyes. "Don't forget to put them up. Oh, and when you've finished, lunch is ready. I hope you want chili." She smiled broadly and walked out.
I think my brain exploded!
I was frozen in place, dick in hand, and shock on my face. I couldn't believe it- my mom caught me masturbating, and not so much as a, "you're grounded!" Wow. As hard as I was, finishing at that point wasn't possible. My dick was still hard as I got up to put on my shorts.
I had no idea what to expect when I walked into the kitchen.
With my head swimming, and my heart pounding, I stepped into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Mom had her back to me, putting a sandwich and a bowl of chili on a plate for me.
"Did you finish, dear," She turned around and walked over. "I'd hate to think of you getting 'blue balls' and spending the day with cramps!"
Mom never talked this way! And she was being so nonchalant about it; she was making my stiff even stiffer! She came around the table and set my meal in front of me. That's when she saw me tenting in my shorts.
"Honey, I told you that you could finish! Now why didn't you let yourself cum?"
"Well," I started, looking down at the table, "I guess I was too embarrassed."
She reached down and lifted my chin, again looking me straight in the eyes.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Everybody masturbates. Hell, I masturbated this morning!"
"You do it, too?" Until that moment, I had never pictured mom playing with her pussy! Wow! What an image! The excitement must've shown on my face. She continued.
"Of course, silly! What did you think? That your mom doesn't like to cum?" She strolled back over to the counter and came back with her own food and sat down. I was silent, hard, and excited! "I get just as horny as you. Now hurry up and finish your chili and when you're done, I want you to go to you your room, strip just as naked as you were, and stroke yourself off! Oh, and bring a washcloth. You'll need something other than your underwear to clean up your cum". Then she winked at me!
Oh, my god! My mom was actually telling me to masturbate and basically giving me something to wipe up my cum! I was dumbfounded. All I could mutter was a creaky, "Okay." Then a wide smile forced itself across my face. I finished quietly and hurried back to my room.
Not only was mom allowing me to play with myself, but she was encouraging me to! How awesome was that? And knowing mom played with her pussy gave me something to think about while I played! I wondered what her pussy looked like. Was it shaven? Bald? (Mom with a hairless pussy? Holy Shit!) Was it trim, or hairy? God, did it matter? I stripped naked and I didn't even take the time to check the door. Besides, Mom would be in the kitchen a while and this wouldn't take long!
I stripped down in a flash, and was flat on my back with my dick in the air. I grasped my erection and cupped my balls. I shut my eyes and began to stroke. I imagined mom, sitting at the table with me at lunch, naked as could be! She was pinching a nipple with one hand, and furiously rubbing her trimmed snatch with the other. My breathing quickened and my heart raced. Faster and faster I stroked until huge spurts of hot cum shot all over my stomach, my chest, and even my neck! I don't think I had ever cum that hard!
Slowly I opened my eyes, and I imagined I saw a shadow move past eh crack in my door.
About a week had passed since my masturbation incident with mom, and I think I must've jerked off two dozen times thinking about it! I had become obsessed with my mom watching me masturbate! Mom watching me and imagining her playing with her pussy had fueled my fantasies every night since. That got me braver. Heck, mom had seen my erection, and maybe even my orgasm. I thought I'd push the nudity envelop just a little at a time.
I decided I'd start by coming to the breakfast table in only my underwear. I figured the worst that could happen was she'd ask me to change, and at least I'd have shown her my dick again. (That in itself was enough to get me hard!) Of course, I was sporting morning wood, and my underwear was obviously tented. Coming down the hall, I started having second thoughts, but I wasn't backing down now! Maybe I could come in and sit down before mom saw me, like I did at lunch that day.
It didn't work.
Mom was already seated at the table in her housecoat and my cereal and milk were on the table. My dick was half hard still, and pointing straight out in front of me.
She looked at me and smiled, "good morning, my horny honey"
"Mom!" I half protested. I knew I was going to get a response of some kind, but mom calling my horny still caught me by surprise.
"Oh, please! It's perfectly fine to be horny and your little friend there tells me you still are. Relax." She broke eye contact and switched her attention to her breakfast. "I was horny when I woke up myself" She looked back over to me. "But I took care of it."
My face must have turned purple! My mouth went dry and my erection started leaking in my shorts. Breakfast was very difficult to get through.
I finished my cereal, (I wasn't a bacon and egg person, even though mom was) and looked up. "Thanks, mom," I said.
"You're welcome, "she said. She stood up and adjusted her house coat. When she went to retie her belt, that's when I saw that she wasn't wearing a bra! I got huge cleavage, just a bit of nipple, and a shot all the way down to her pink cotton panties! "Now, you probably ought to go get a little relief."
"Um, I will," I blushed deeply, (again!). "I've just gotta have a pee first."
"Ha! Good luck with that!" Mom was grinning broadly. "You may want to do that in the shower, you'll never get that pointed to the toilet!"
She was right- I couldn't get any harder!
I stripped down and hopped in the shower to pee. Once I had finished that and rinsed out the tub, I was still half hard and moved toward the door, stroking my dick back to full erection. That's when I glanced down at the laundry hamper by the door. A pair of mom's panties sat on the top of the pile.
I froze! Oh, my god. I couldn't take my eyes off them. Satiny white with lace at the top, they were really, really sexy! I stroked my cock fasted as I stared. I couldn't even get back to my room- I had to do it right then! I was squeezing hard and stroking fast! The closer I got to the moment of no return, a thought tore through my brain, and I just couldn't ignore it! My free hand reached down of its own accord, and I picked them up.
So soft. I pulled them up to my nose and breathed in deep. The smell was intoxicating! Almost immediately I started to spurt, and still unable to think, I held them down and caught my sperm it the crotch! I fell back against the wall, spent. Thinking fast, I thought, I shoved them deep into the laundry basket, hoping she wouldn't look at them closely when she put them in to wash. Just a bit ashamed of myself, I covered my naked dick with my hand and moved quickly down the hall to my room.
Mom wasn't in the hall, but I heard her door close as I passed.
For the next couple of days, I made sure to avoid digging through the laundry again. I had been lucky once, and not been caught, but I might not be again. I masturbated every night, remembering the smell and the feel of those beautiful panties! The soft satin that held the smell of my mother's pussy- the cotton crotch that caught my cum- it all absolutely mesmerized me! I wouldn't be able to hold out long.
One Saturday morning, I decided to push the nudity envelope. What started as a one-time masturbation fantasy had turned into a full-fledged mission! I wanted to show mom my dick all the time! I wanted her to see it hard and ready to stroke. I wanted her to watch me cum again; that's what I wanted. At the same time, the very idea of the taboo line I was about to cross scared me shitless. Of course, I wasn't about to let that deter me. I was going to walk through the house completely naked!
I got out of bed, and just stood there for a moment, thinking about what I was about to do. I don't think I had ever been so aware of my own body. My dick was half hard, and sticking straight out in front of me. I had to resist the temptation to jerk off right then and there! My heart raced as I built up the courage to go into the hall. I was gonna do it! I was going to parade right in front of her naked as the day I was born! Granted, she had already seen me naked- even caught me masturbating- but this was different. This time would be no accident. This time, I would actually be showing her my dick!
I walked over to the door, and opened it. I just stood in the doorway for a moment, summoning the rest of the courage I would need to walk through the house. Out I stepped, and looked around. Naked and in the hall- the first step was done! Still with my heart in my throat, I walked down the hall and turned left into the living room. There she sat, in her t and on her padded rocker, watching TV. "Boy, here goes," I thought, "no turning back now!"
As I stepped closer, she looked up and saw me. "Well hello, naked man!" She smiled and held just a bit of surprise in her eyes. I blushed. It took me a couple seconds to look her in the eye.
"Morning," I mustered. I couldn't hide my excitement, and grinned broadly. I couldn't think of much else to say; my courage had gotten me this far, but I was gonna need some help to move on from here.
"Aren't you a little chilly this morning?" She stared at my dick, still smiling.
"Um, not really," I said. I had to confess, "Maybe a little more embarrassed than I expected."
Mom was always one to make me feel better! "Well, don't be embarrassed. Me, I'm just a little chilly." She stood up and opened her housecoat, and I mean completely! She wasn't naked underneath- she wore a pair of black lace panties. Holy shit! Adjusting her panties as she stood, she looked up and said, "I'm going to go get some coffee. You want anything?"
Holy shit, there they were- two perfectly formed globes with sharp brown nipples! I could hardly believe it! Getting a cleavage flash was one thing, but mom was letting me stare at her beautiful breasts!
"Um, maybe some juice or something." The response was purely reflexive- I still don't think I could talk. I followed her around the corner into the kitchen. Mom went to the counter and poured herself some coffee, while I rummaged through the refrigerator for some orange juice. The cool air felt strange against my fully exposed skin.
"So tell me," she started, "do you just like being naked?"
"Well," I swallowed hard, turned around and just told her the truth, "I like being naked in front of you." I pushed my grin back into place after my confession. Of course, I'm sure mom knew damn well I what I liked, she just wanted to hear me say it. I went over to the cabinet for a glass.
It was quiet for a moment. Staring forward she said, "Good," and smiled. "You'll have to forgive your old mom if I'm not brave enough to get completely naked just yet."
I poured my juice and put up the carton. "That's ok, mom. You don't have to show me anything". I was honest. I'd be showing her my cock as long as she'd let me.
"So you'd be naked if I was showing you my titties or not?"
"Of course, mom. I mean, I like it, a lot, but ever since you caught me...playing with myself, I guess I've wanted to get naked in front of you again." I sipped my juice and just looked straight ahead, half afraid of her response.
"Well, if you're brave enough to show me yours, I suppose it's only right that I show you mine." I froze. I couldn't have hoped for this! Was mom going to show me her pussy? God, could my dick handle that? She slipped her hands back in her open coat and hooked her panties at the side. Then she slipped them down in one stroke and stepped out of them. I couldn't take my eyes off that tiny little triangle! Curley black hair, neatly trimmed above her pussy lips, just a hint of which I could actually see. God, it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen!
She picked her panties from the floor and held them out to me. "And you might as well take these with you," she teased. Leaning forward and in a softer voice she said, "Did you think I wouldn't recognize cum in my panties?"
"M m m mom, I..." I stammered, gripped in a sudden fear.
"Don't worry, honey! You saw a pair of pretty panties and couldn't help yourself." She leaned in further and whispered, "Did you like how they smelled?"
I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. My throat was dry, my mouth was parched, and speech eluded me. I nodded my head.
"Good. Then you'll like those. I made myself cum in them this morning." She winked and leaned back against the counter returning to her coffee. I was speechless, but I could still smile. Without even thinking, I raised them to my nose and breathed in that sweet aroma!
"Um, I'll be right back!" I started to exit, but mom's gaze locked on my eyes. Her voice was soft, but it struck me like a bolt.
"Why bother, honey? Why don't you just step over there, sit down on the couch and make yourself cum in my panties? You're going to, anyway, so why not let me watch you?" Mom's smile was unmistakable- happy, but not joking. Mom really wanted me to jack off in front of her! Oh, my, God! I walked hypnotized out of the room, and over to the oversized couch against the far wall. Mom followed me, her robe flowing behind her. I turned and sat on the center cushion, still holding mom's panties in my hand, presently bringing them up to my nose for another breathe of my mom's pussy.
She stood right in front of me, giving me a moment to just stare at her frame. She was beautiful! She had dark wavy hair that rested just below her shoulders, with thin wisps of white scattered loosely about. Her skin was olive and held a light tan (mom's parents were Greek) and her breasts stood out and down with what must've been a C-cup, and her nipples dark and round, now erect from excitement. Her stomach was firm without being athletic, and her pussy- oh, my, God- her pussy- was capped with a patch of dark hair that was trimmed to an obvious panty line, and again to just above her lips.
I stared at her with glazed eyes, and started to stroke my cock with my right hand, while holding her panties with my left. With every breath I could pretend I was down there, between her legs, smelling her directly. Mom sat in her chair opposite me, and spread her legs wide. There it was! The most beautiful thing in the world- her pretty pink pussy! The bottom part of her mound was shaven, and her lips were thick and darkly pink. Just a hint of wetness shone on them.
I continued to stroke my little manhood, and brought myself closer and closer to orgasm. Mom stared and I stared back, quickening my pace. Mom spoke across the silence, "No hurry, dear. We have all day." God, I could've cum right then!
"Uhhhh, ohhh," I moaned. I slowed myself down and cherished each stroke. Eventually, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I had moved her panties from my face and was holding them tight around my dick as I stroked. With every motion, I felt the lace trying to coax my orgasm from me. I was close, I was really close.
Just before I came, I opened my eyes. The sight that greeted me was utterly fantastic! Mom had her legs pushed tightly together, with one hand buried between them, and the other hand was pinching a nipple. Her eyes were fixated on my cock! When I came, I exploded! Sperm shot into and across her panties, across my legs, and even out onto the floor. I had never cum so hard in my life!
Apparently that's what mom was waiting for, because she started moaning deep and loud before shuddering with an orgasm of her own! Her moan turned into a scream as she bucked her hips and came hard against her fingers. She opened her eyes wide as she climaxed, her mouth open and grinning. Sweat spotted her brow. We were both silent for a moment. I was afraid she'd feel guilty after the rush of an orgasm, or maybe even that I would feel guilty. I didn't, and she was smiling. "Well," she said, holding her hand up to her face. "That was nice! We'll have to do that again sometime." Then, she did the hottest thing I'd ever seen- she licked the wetness off her fingers! Oh, geez, could my mom get any sexier? "Here, honey, let me go get you a towel!"
I fell back against the couch cushions, naked and wet, with a pair of lace panties wrapped around my dick. If life could get any better, I couldn't imagine how!
Mom and I didn't just sit around naked all day- life went on, more or less, pretty normal. Pretty normal for a mother and son who masturbated together, that is. Wow. I can still hardly believe it. It's been just over a week since I walked into the living room naked. I'll never forget the look mom gave me when I came in with my dick pointing straight at her, not trying to hide a thing.
Morning is still kind of a special time for us. Mom will either be nude, or be wearing an open robe, and I'll be naked, and hard as a rock! Other than that, mom still goes to work, and even though I don't have school for a few weeks, I still go out and play with my friends. Of course, my real playtime activities are nobody's business but my own...well, and mom's.
No secrets. That's what she said. We don't have secrets anymore. Well, that translated into our leaving the doors open when we shower, or change, or even when we masturbate. Truth be told, we left our doors open especially when we masturbated! As open as we had become, I still took every opportunity to stare at my mom when she was dressing or just naked anywhere in the house.
I had spent most of the day yesterday at my friend Brent's house. Brent, of course, knows nothing about mom and me, but we are close, and we have jerked off together looking at dirty pictures online. Anyway, I got home that afternoon, and the house was quiet. I locked the door behind me and walked on through the living room. "Mom," I hollered out.
"In the bath, honey," she hollered back. "Come on back!" I went back to the bathroom, and the door was open, and mom was spread out in the tub, naked and wet. I came in and sat down on the toilet seat. "Did you have a good time?"
Looking her up and down, I absently grabbed at my crotch. "Ya. Had a good time. Everything's cool." She gave me a sly eyed look. "Did you do anything while you were gone?" She smiled, asking if Brent and I had jerked off together.
"No," I laughed. "His mom was home, so we couldn't really go online."
"I'll bet you wish his mom was a cool as yours, huh?" She grinned at the thought.
"I'll bet he would, for sure." Now it was my turn to laugh. Still staring at my naked mother, I watched as her hands moved down toward her pussy.
"So, tell me- why don't you take those pants off, and you can join me for a quick cum?" She started stroking with one hand.
She didn't have to ask twice! In a flash, my pants and shoes were off, and I was stoking my naked dick. It didn't take long to get hard- I was already excited watching mom bathe. She continued rubbing her clit with one hand, and closed her legs tightly together around her hand. With her other hand, she started twisting and pinching her nipples. I was stroking and twisting my hand around the head of my dick.
"Do you like watching your mother play with her pussy, honey?" Her eyes were sultry and her cheeks were flushed.
"Oh, God, yes, mom!" I stroked even faster.
"Do you get off watching me make myself cum?" She stared at my dick as I stroked.
"Oh, mom! Every time I touch myself, I think about you naked and cumming!"
Mom closed her eyes as she rubbed herself faster. "Stroke that dick, for me, honey. Stroke that dick until it cums! I want to see it squirt!" Mom was rubbing furiously, and tugging on her nipples; her chest and face were red. "Oh! Oh! I'm getting close, honey! Come up to the edge of the tub and squirt for me! I want to cum with you! Oh! Oh!"
I turned and stepped up close to where my dick was sticking out right above her! I stroked and pulled my cock, driven on by my mother's cries of pleasure. I felt that familiar burn starting at the base of my cock and in my balls. Mom's head was back, but her eyes were open and fixed on my dick. "Oh, God, mom! I'm cumming! I'm cumming".
Mom cried out with me. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, God! Oh, fuck! I'm cumming, too!" She shook and trembled as spurt after spurt of my cum shot out across the tub, and landed on her stomach and her tits! It took just a second to register as I came down from that orgasmic high- I had just cum on my mom!
She took a moment and slid her hand out from between her legs. "Wow. That was really hot, sweetie!" Her eyes were glazed and she was grinning ear to ear. I was suddenly real nervous- I hadn't planned to go quite that far, at least not really. I had no idea how she would respond to being ejaculated on. Getting naughty in front of her son was one thing, but letting him cum on her titties? I wasn't sure if that wasn't too far!
She dragged a finger through the cum trail on her belly. "That was hot, too!" My heart was beating in my mouth with a mix of apprehension and relief. She wasn't mad. That's when she did something completely unexpected- she held her now wet finger up to her mouth and sucked my sperm off! Holy shit! Mom just ate my cum!
"Have you ever tried that? Tasting your cum?" She was so casual about it. I couldn't lie to her; I think every boy had wondered what his cum tasted like.
"Ya, I suppose I have...a time or two." I blushed with my confession.
"Well, why don't you try this?" That's when she scraped a shot off her tit and held it out for me. Eat my own cum? I had to admit, I wasn't disgusted by the idea. Hell, the idea of sharing this moment this way with mom was kind of exciting! I sucked the cum off her fingers. "Mmmm. That's hot. Taking your cum off your mommies titties. Wow." Then she just closed her eyes and ran her hand back down to her pussy and clasped her legs around it. "This won't take long..." and she started rubbing away as fast as you please! After just a few seconds she was cumming again!
"Oh, Jesus! Oh, fuck! Oh, shit!" Mom bucked through another orgasm in the tub, with my cum still all over her!
"Jesus, mom that was the hottest thing I've ever seen!" I stood there with my cock still dripping.
"Honey, you can squirt that stuff on your mommy anytime you please!"
My God. Could my mother get any hotter?
Peter Puller
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