Amy Has No Choice

[ Mf, nc, voy, oral ]


Published: 27-Apr-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

As I sat in the rather large armchair, I watched as Amy swept the wood stairs that led to the bedrooms upstairs. Amy was paying off her debt to me. Less than a week ago she was rather careless while riding her bike and she ended up putting a very large and long scratch on my truck of only a month. Her parents and I came to an agreement that I would pay the $700 bill and that Amy would spend two days a week after school along with both Saturday and Sunday doing chores for me until her debt was paid.

It was Saturday and this was the second day that she had been here. "Amy, after you finish sweeping the stairs, go into the bedrooms upstairs and dust all the tops of the furniture," I called out to her.

"Yes Mr. Sims," she politely answered. I had known Amy for three years since she and her family had moved in next door. One thing that I had noticed about Amy, she seemed to keep to herself mostly. Maybe that was because our neighborhood did not have many girls her age. She had just turned 11 a month ago... I knew because that is when she got her new bike.

Amy began to dust the tops of the dressers, night tables etc. upstairs. I hollered to her to make sure she moved everything off the tops before she dusted.

"Yes Sir, I will," she answered. I could hear her and almost tell which room she was in. When she entered into my bedroom, that was my clue to move to the basement. I turned on the video monitor and watched Amy as she began cleaning my room. I had several cameras placed throughout the house and three in my bedroom alone. I could control the zoom along with where the remote camera was pointing. I had left several things out on top of my dresser to see what Amy would do when she discovered them. Now was my moment of truth. Amy first came to an adult magazine that was next to the lamp. I watched as she reacted to the image on the cover. It was of a lady with a cock in her mouth. Amy seemed to almost freeze in time as she studied the photo. Then she did what I was hopping she would do, she opened the pages and began to look through it.

My cock started growing immediately. I zoomed in and was able to get a great shot of both Amy's face along with what she was looking at. The magazine was full of almost all oral photos. Oral with cocks and female lips faces, even some cum shots. Shit, I could not contain myself, my cock was rock hard watching her.

Amy was supposed to work for four hours today, and she had only been here for thirty and I had her where I wanted her. I knew I had to get things ready for the remainder of my plan for today. I left the camera running and went back out into the den and called to her.

"Amy, how are things going up there?" Amy scrambled to put the magazine back and with some guilt in her voice, said "Um fine".

"When you get done dusting my bedroom, please come down and find me." I continued to watch as she went through the room dusting. On my nightstand was a pair of my underwear and under that was a realistic rubber cock dildo. I watched as her eyes came in contact with it. Once again, she froze for a moment. She had just seen lots of pictures of guy's cocks... And hard ones.

She picked it up and I noticed as she turned it around looking at it from all sides... exploring it in detail. Down at the bottom was a switch that she found and when it started to vibrate, it startled her so much that she jumped a bit and let it fly through the air. She quickly picked it up again and fumbled around until she got it stopped.

I wondered what was going through her mind. Did she have any clue what pleasure that could give her? I doubted it. But I knew she would know... and soon.

As she finished the bedroom, she headed downstairs and called out to me.

"Mr. Sims, I'm done with your bedroom."

"Come into the den Amy. Sit down in front of me on this ottoman. Amy, I need to ask you something, and I want you to tell me the truth. You'll be honest with me won't you Amy?"

"Yes sir," she answered.

"Good, then tell me, other than dusting my bedroom, was there something that you did upstairs that you probably should not have done?"

I could see her squirming but she answered quickly, "No sir, Mr. Sims."

"Amy, are you lying to me?"

"No, Mr. Sims, I promise I'm not."

"Did you look at anything that you should not be looking at and that your parents would spank you for?" again, she told me no.

I unzipped my pants and took my cock out which was almost as hard as it gets. I started to stroke it... And watched as Amy's eyes were glued to it.

"Do you know what this is Amy? Have you seen a picture of one of these?" Amy just sat there because I am sure that she did not know what else to do. And she did not answer me either.

"Amy, this is my cock, come over here and out your hand on it."

"No, she said abruptly, that's nasty and wrong."

"But looking at every picture in that magazine and holding that rubber cock was not right either but you did that anyway." That was the first time her eyes left the stare of my cock and met mine. I could read her mind. 'How did he know...? How could he be sure that I did that?'

"I didn't look at them, I just moved the dirty magazine. I want to go home now."

As she turned to leave, I grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me," she screamed.

"Amy wait, I have something that you need to see before you leave. And if you still want to leave, you can." I took the remote and started the video. There on the TV was Amy, looking at every page in the magazine... And then we watched as she explored the vibrator.

"Now Amy, it does appear that you did in fact lie to me. And what do you think your mother or father would say or do to you if they saw this video of you enjoying the naked pictures of lots of men's cocks?"

Amy kept silent. I still had hold of her arm and I moved it so that her hand was now touching my cock. She pulled away and I firmly put it right back where I wanted it.

"Amy, I want you to touch my cock, and if you don't, then I will take you home and show this video to your parents... Do you want that?"

I took my other hand and grabbed her two small cheeks and turned her face so that she was looking directly into my eyes...

"I asked you a question Amy, now answer me. Do you want me to take this video and show your parents what kind of slut you are?"

"No sir," she said softly.

I once again guided her hand to my cock and placed her small hand around my cock. I started to guide her hand up and down my now stiff and very hard cock. I moved it from the base to the end.

"This is how you stroke my cock when I ask you to from now on," and with that I let go of her arm. She stopped. I again took my hand and guided her. "Don't stop." This time when I let go she kept moving her hand up and down the shaft... A bit reluctantly but nevertheless she kept it up. Amy would not even look at my cock or me. But I knew this would change over time.

I stood up and took her by the hand and led her to the glass coffee table. I took my pants off and my cock stood very much at attention. I positioned myself such that my cock was pointing towards the center of the coffee table.

"Amy, I want you to continue now, grab my cock again and start stroking it."

"Please Mr. Sims, I just want to go, please don't make me."

I bent down and took her face in the palm of my hand again and spun her around so that we were face to face. I don't give a fuck what you want, it is either do this or I show your parents the video.

I was not going to guide her hand to my cock again. She would have to do this on her own. I knew she was scared but that only added to my excitement. I was right, she moved her hand to my shaft and started to move it up and down it's length. After a bit, I placed my hand around hers and squeezed a bit harder.

"This is how much pressure you need to place on it Amy, and I am sorry I yelled at you, you are doing a great job." With that I removed my hand and she did in fact keep her grip a little stronger. Shit, I was loving this. "Amy, do you remember seeing some of those pictures of cocks and the white creamy stuff shooting out of them onto the girls faces?"

"Um yes," she said softly.

"That white stuff is called cum, and that is what is going to happen to me... You are doing such a great job, that you will make me cum." With that, I started to shoot my load out and onto the glass top of the coffee table. Squirt after squirt it splattered until I was done.

"Amy, thank you, you did a wonderful job, and that was quite pleasing. Now Amy, what you need to do is taste my cum. Bend down and taste some off the coffee table."

"Please Mr. Sims, no."

"Amy, you don't have a choice... now do it." I put my hand behind her neck and pushed her head down. "Now lick it all up Amy, and I took my hand away. Her tongue came out of her mouth and I watched, as she tasted cum for the first time. "Get it all," I said as I rubbed her back... "That's good, that is so good Amy, you are pleasing me. Now I won't have to show your parents that video... And this will be between just you and I. Now go back upstairs and finish the rest of the bedrooms before its time for you to go home."

Chapter 2

When Amy finished licking my cum from the glass table, I stuffed my shrinking cock back into my pants.

"Now Amy, that was not all that bad, was it?" There was silence as she held her head down staring at the floor. "Amy, what you did was not all that unnatural, remember the magazines you were looking at? The girls in the photos had cum on their faces, and with smiles. This was your first time and the more you do this, the more you will begin to enjoy it."

I put my hand on her shoulder as I spoke to her in an effort to comfort her.

"Why do you think they have such magazines, it is so that when you are young they help teach you how to please men. It is a good thing for you to start so young... Your interest in the magazine should prove to you that you are interested in such things. Now go upstairs and finish the rooms and let me know before you go home."

I was quite pleased with the outcome of my little test with Amy... And I knew that I would have little problem in the future with her obeying my every sexual desire with her... But I knew I would have to proceed slowly and not introduce too much too soon. Just as I had blackmailed her with the video of her looking at the porn magazines, I had also captured her small innocent hand stroking my cock... making me cum... and then licking it up on the glass table. I knew this video would come in handy and I would have no problem getting her to do what I wanted her to do next.

Sunday was here and it was now ten minutes past two in the afternoon. And there was no Amy. As I contemplated what might be keeping her, the phone rang. It was Amy's mother.

"Amy is not feeling well at the moment therefore she won't be able to come and work for you today."

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked.

"She said her stomach is upset and she would rather just stay in bed."

"Well, I was really hoping that she would come over as I have to leave and I just needed her to be here to answer an important phone call I am expecting... May I speak to her and see if she is willing to do that. She would be able to stay in the spare bedroom and lay down." Amy's mom handed the phone to her. "Amy, I am disappointed in you. I told your mom that you only have to lie in bed here and answer the phone. Now either you get here in ten minutes or I bring the video over and show your Mom. Do you understand me Amy?" I shouted.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, then tell your Mom that you are going to come over, and you had better be here in ten."

I waited at the door with it open as Amy slowly walked up the steps. "Hurry yourself up little girl". I took her by the hand and said to her, "Come with me," as I led her up stairs to my bedroom. "Now Amy, I know you were lying when you said your tummy hurt. Weren't you lying to your Mom?" She said nothing. "Answer me you cunt!" I shouted as I squeezed her two cheeks tightly with my hand.

"Yes Sir, I did not want to ever come back here. I hate you."

"There now, that is more like it, you are being honest. You may think you hate me, but you really don't. I want to be your friend, to teach you how to enjoy your body. I suspect that you do not like it when I yell at you, and I understand that. But, you must never lie to me and always do what I tell you to do. I will never hurt you." I told her to hop up on the bed and lay down. "You know that I am not going anywhere, that what I had to tell your mom was only because you lied to her. I need to show you something." I turned on the TV and started the video.

I was more interested in watching Amy than watching the video. The video started with a close-up of a cock moving in and out of a pussy... a pussy that had very little hair. Amy did not take her eyes off the screen. As the camera slowly zoomed back, she saw that there was a man on top of a girl... fucking her. The camera continued to move backwards until the face of the girl could be seen. Amy's eyes widened as she recognized her best friend Meg as the girl getting the hard cock shoved in and out of her. She also saw that it was my cock that was invading her. But, Amy did not say a word and continued to watch.

Meg was only about six months older than Amy. As the video continued I asked Amy, "do you know what Meg and I are doing there?"

Softly she spoke, "No."

"That is called fucking, you have a hole between your legs that is for men to stick their cocks into. Everyone does this... Even your Mom and Dad... and as you can see, also your friend Meg. Does it look like I am hurting Meg?" Silence.... "Amy, that was a question that requires an answer."

"No, Sir," she again spoke softly.

I had been having sex with Meg for about three months. The reasons why we started were a bit different, nevertheless, she had come to be slightly comfortable with me and I knew that it might help prepare Amy for what was about to happen to her.

"Mr. Sims, I want to go home please."

"Now Amy, your parents are not expecting you for another four hours, and you have something that you need to do for me. I have a friend that is coming over expecting to meet you. And you will do for him what you see Meg and I doing in the video."

"NO, I can't please don't make me..." Amy's words were mixed with tears as she spoke them.

"Now Amy, I told you everyone does this, and now it is your turn, besides I already made a deal and it cannot be broken." The deal I had made was I had sold her virginity to another man for the nice sum of $1000.00. Have no doubt Amy would be mine to enjoy soon, but her pussy would always be mine to do with as I wished. I had the pleasure in my past of fucking four other very young virgins and even paid for one myself, so today I was going to get my money back plus some, and then make even more money with this little cunt that lie on my bed.

I stopped the video that was playing and inserted a different video.

"Amy, tell me what this is."

As Amy watched, she crossed her legs tightly.

"Who does that hand belong to that is stroking the stiff cock?" I asked her.

"Mr. Sim's, why?"

What Amy saw was a very well edited video of herself the day before when she stroked my cock and licked my cum from the table. You did not see my hand force her head down... it looked like she was doing this willingly.

Amy started to cry again. "Now Amy, I do not want to have to keep going through this and telling you not to be such a cry baby. Now stop that whimpering and whining now or I will be forced to invite your whole family over to watch this video. You are old enough now to accept what is going to happen to you."

The video of Amy's first sexual adventure had ended so I stopped the tape and put the previous one in.

"Now Amy, here is what I expect of you today. You will watch the video again and pay attention to how and what Meg does to please me. Watch her as she spreads her legs for me, and strokes my cock, and puts it into her mouth, and especially notice how she does this without crying. Later today you will have your chance to please a man, and if you can do it without crying there will be a big reward for you afterwards. I will destroy the tapes I made of you. Does that sound like a fair deal Amy?"

"No," she said abruptly.

"You mean you want me to keep these videos and show them to others?"

"No, I mean I don't know, I mean please I don't want to do this."

"Amy, my dear, you have no choice. You will fuck my friend today like it or not, he is expecting it and a deal was made. Besides, you get something when you get done too, just behave yourself.

The doorbell rang. "Amy, I want you to take off your dress and continue to watch the video and your dress had better not be on when I get back, or I will not warn you, I will simply pick the phone up and call your parents."

I left the room and headed downstairs.

"Hello Tom, as promised, I have her waiting for you upstairs. Her name is Amy and although she is pretty reluctant, she is yours to enjoy." We chatted for just a while longer before we headed upstairs. I opened the door and there she was, her dress lay beside her but it was off as I had instructed. She had rather large pink print panties on and that was all. Her hands covered her chest.

"Amy, this is my friend Mr. Jordan. He is the one I told you about." Tom did not take his eyes off of Amy yet reached in his pocket pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.

"Count it, it's all there." I opened it and counted it if front of Amy, one hundred, two hundred... until I reached one thousand.

"She is yours, Tom."

Tom was rubbing his crotch. "Damn you're something else Ed," he said to me. "I don't know how you do it, and I don't even want to know, but I am glad you did." Tom unbuckled his pants and took them off. Then his shirt and socks. With that, he lay down on the bed next to Amy. He took Amy's hand and brought it to his cock. Amy already knew that is where men liked her hands. She half hardly kept her hand there and moved it about with slight and uncertain moves. But Tom did not mind, to have such a young hand on his cock was his vice.

"Reach inside and touch it," he told Amy. She fumbled with the fly and put her small hand through the opening until she reached his flesh. "Ahhhh," Tom let out.

Although one of Amy's hand was on Tom's cock, her other still desperately covered her chest and her legs were so very tightly crossed. Tom reached down and kissed Amy, Amy twisted her head away in disgust. This only fueled Tom's desire more. He was like me, nothing was better than taking a virgin that did not want to be taken, and to have one so young was so rare... and enjoyable. The harder Amy opposed Tom's kisses, the more Tom was determined to force himself. Tom knew the rules of taking a virgin like Amy, you could be as rough as you needed to be but you could never hurt them or leave any marks that their parents or friends might notice.

"NO, DON'T!" Amy managed to get out in-between Tom's advances. Amy was fighting a little more than I hopped she would.

"Remember Amy, you have not choice," I told her. Tom took both of her hands and pinned them over her head and sat with his knees on either side of her. There were her tiny breasts and nipples exposed for us to view for the first time. Her small mounds were such a delight. Such small and perky breasts they were. Tom then bent down and took one of them into his mouth and sucked very hard on it. Amy wiggled underneath his weight with her hands still pinned securely over her head.

Tom switched to the other breast making loud sucking noises, not caring or wanting Amy to get any enjoyment out of it. He just paid $1000 for this opportunity and he was going to have it his way. Tom then moved his mouth off the tiny nipples and took both his hands and put one each nipple between his thumb and forefinger and began to pinch them. Amy's hands met his and tried to pull him a way.

"Ouch!" she cried.

"Ed, come help me," he spoke to me. "Hold her hands for me."

I took Amy's hands and stretched them tightly over her head again. Tom kept up his pinching of her nipples. He twisted them several times and Amy whimpered, but she did not cry.

"Now Amy, just calm down and get through this, Mr. Jordan is not going to hurt you." Tom then took one of his hands and roughly moved it between Amy's legs over her panties. He was pulling and squeezing at her center with one hand while the other still explored her breasts.

Tom was as horny as any man gets. Ok, so was I, but Tom got the privilege of fucking this virgin while I watched. With one sweep, Tom pulled Amy's panties down to her ankles. Then with a second move, they were on the floor. Amy kept her legs closed tightly.

"Ok Ed, I need your help again," Tom said to me. Since I had been here before I knew what would work best. I slid my body under Amy's and pressed her naked body to my still fully clothed front. My own stiff cock I am sure poked her in an uncomfortable way in her back. I wanted so bad to touch her, but that was not the deal I had struck with Tom. He would be the only one to have her sexually. I had such a burning desire to cup her tiny bald pussy with my hand. But I would wait my turn.

I grabbed Amy's legs with my hands and forced them apart. Although Amy fought, I was by far so much stronger than her eleven-year-old body could handle. Tom removed his underwear and his cock of six inches stood hard and high. We both knew that taking a virgin like this meant that Tom would have to lube his cock before he tried to enter her. There was a tube of KY on the nightstand and both Amy and I watched as Tom conditioned his stiffness for Amy.

"Amy, everything will be ok... this won't hurt that much... but you will see that when Mr. Jordan is finished that it is not at all that bad... so, just relax." Amy seemed to be somewhat calmed by my voice... Maybe a little less scared than she was about 15 minutes earlier.

Tom placed the head of his cock at Amy's opening. With it firmly in his hand he moved it up and down in an effort to spread some of the lubricant around her virgin cunt. As I watched, I thought, god I wish that was my cock instead of his. I could feel Amy's legs begin to tense again... uncertain of how this long rod was going to fit into her. I then watched as Toms cock began to slowly disappear into Amy's hairless pussy. He moved it in and out just a couple of inches or so for about ten strokes and then with a rather swift push, it was fully sent into the center of Amy as she let out a gasp.

"That's all right honey," I assured her. "It was supposed to hurt just a little, but that it the worse it will get... Mr. Jordan will be done soon."

Tom began to fuck her as if she were a woman with 500 cock's experience. I couldn't blame him... I would have done the same. At last his body stiffened and he grunted and yelled out, "Yes, I love fucking virgin cunts... ahhhhhh!"

I came to notice my hands had migrated from holding Amy's legs apart, to cupping her tiny breasts and nipples as Tom finished. Amy was anything but relaxed... But she had stopped fighting it. I kissed the back of her neck and said, "Good girl, see, it's all over."

Tom pulled his cock out and stretched out on the bed at Amy's feet. I could see a small red stain on the bed just below her center. As Amy's legs closed, I squeezed her tightly rocked her slowly and repeated several times to her, "Good girl, very good girl."

Tom got up and gathered his clothes and left. I reached over to the envelope Tom had handed me earlier and reached inside. I pulled out five twenty-dollar bills.

"Here my sweet whore, this is for you... buy yourself something pretty."

As much as I wanted to fuck her myself now, I knew she had had enough. I had plenty of plans for this young body, and I did not want to wear it out too soon. I continued to hold her and softly sang a lullaby to her as she drifted off to sleep.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Very exciting, I love nc and blackmail stories with young girls. Please continue...


Well done. Please continue with this story and Amy's introduction to a world of pleasure.


Perfect Story - i Hope very much you continue Greetings from Germany

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