Published: 7-Apr-2013
Word Count:
"Thanks mom."
Jacob hopped out of the car and in turn to close the door as his mom said, "Call when you need a ride home."
"I well." Jacob slammed the door and waved. His mother started to pull away by the time he reached the front door and rang the bell. The door opened half a minute later revealing older woman wearing an expensive dress.
"Jacob, come on in. Carl is in the family room."
She hurried back down the hallway trying to put on an earring. Jacob stepped inside and kicked off his shoes before looking around. The Glovers were simultaneously the wealthiest and the oldest couple he babysat for. They had the youngest child Jacob looked after too.
Walking into the family room he spotted seven-year-old Carl kneeling in front of the coffee table. He had a series of multicolor metal rods in front of him connected with silver ball bearings. Jacob tried to figure out what if anything Carl was creating but didn't see any pattern.
"Hi Carl."
Carl looked up at the sound of his voice and smiled showing a missing front tooth. "Hi Jacob."
Taking a seat on the couch he faced Carl who was kneeling on the other side. "Are you doing anything in particular?"
"I want to cover the table." Carl answered without looking up.
Jacob knew better than to ask why. Instead he just examined the coffee table. Now that he knew what Carl was doing, he could see a pattern. "You want some help?"
"Doing it myself."
Jacob nodded expecting that answer. Carl was a strange one. He was very independent. He probably didn't even need a babysitter. The kid even went to bed without being told. Jacob wondered if that was because his parents were so old or was he just naturally like that. His eyes wandered to a portrait of the family. It was a real painting not just a picture. Mr. and Mrs. Glovers sat in two white chairs. Their oldest grown son stood behind them in a dark suit. They were flanked on either side by their grow twin girls. Sitting in front of them all was Carl on his knees.
Absentmindedly Jacob picked up one of the metal rods and held it close to a ball bearing that had separated itself from the pack. The ball bearing started to roll towards the metal rod attracted by the magnet and Jacob moved it away.
"Why does it do that?" Carl asked not glancing away from his work for a second.
"Sorry?" Jacob looked up at Carl allowing the magnet and ball bearing to come together.
Carl gestured towards Jacob's hand.
"You mean magnets?" Jacob tried to think back to his science lessons. "Well, magnets produce a field. They attract certain materials to them. Magnetic materials."
"Why?" Carl asked.
Jacob tried to remember, but the explanation was fuzzy. "I really don't know, I can look it up for you. Do you want me to do that?"
Jacob pulled out his smart phone and started to search. Mrs. Glover came into the room a minute later. "What are you doing?"
Looking up Jacob saw the question was directed at him and not her son. "I'm looking up how magnets work. Carl asked me."
"I see." She tapped Carl on the head causing him to look up. "We're going now sweetie."
Carl stood up and gave her a hug around the waist. She returned the hug with one arm and then Carl sat back down going back to his task. Jacob heard Mr. Glover call out that they would be late and a moment later Jacob heard the door close. Jacob went back to searching kid friendly website that talked about magnets. He read the article and then tried to summarize it for Carl. Carl had a follow-up question that required another search and then silently concentrate on his task.
Jacob watched him for a while before turning on the TV. Picking one of the cartoon stations him he settled back in the couch. After about 10 min. Carl abruptly stood up and walked around the coffee table to lay on the couch. He casually put his feet up onto Jacob's lap.
Jacob looked down at Carl suck clad feet and then slowly up the length of his body. Carl was grinning his tongue partially sticking out where his missing tooth was. "Do you want to get ready for bed?"
Carl broke into giggles and covered his mouth as he nodded.
Jacob smiled. "Do you want to get all the way ready or only halfway ready?"
"Half!" Carl shouted uncovering his mouth.
"All right."
Jacob pinched Carl's sock between his fingers and pull it off revealing five squirming toes. Grasping Carl's ankle he ran a finger from heel to toe causing the younger boy to squirm and giggle. Carl had really sensitive feet, a discovery Jacob made by accident the second time he babysat. Removing the other sock Jacob twisted around on the couch so that is knees were now on the couch. He took several seconds to take Carl in feeling himself became hard. There was something about a barefoot boy and denim jeans that did something for him.
Then Carl sat up, holding his arms straight out. Jacob reached over wrapping the back of Carl shirt pulling it off easily. Dropping it on the floor with the sox, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. They were a bit small on Carl, requiring a bit more pulling than they should have. 30 seconds later the Carl was just laying there in his tight white underwear. Jacob wondered if they were fresh today, they were very white with no obvious where.
Carl squirm and Jacob squeezed the boy's legs together with his own knees. The little boy stopped moving when Jacob's hands landed on his hips and hooked a finger under either side of his waistband. Carl raised his hips and with one swift move meant Jacob pulled his underwear down to his knees. Scooting backwards so he was off his charges legs he pulled Carl's white underwear the rest of the way off to the boy's giggles.
Jacob looked up at the now naked boy, still holding onto his underwear. They still maintain some residual warmth from being pressed up against Carl all day, but that was something that barely registered. Carl was an average size for a seven-year-old when it came to everything but one. Carl had a huge cock. Jacob had never measured it, but Carl had to be close to his size. On his smaller body is looked impressive. Jacob wondered if his size would continue to grow.
Dropping the underwear onto the rest of the pile of clothing Jacob put his hands on Carl knees which caused the younger boy to fall silent. Slowly Jacob ran his fingers down Carl's legs until he reached his ankles. Sliding his hands under the back of his ankle Jacob lifted them in place them back into his lap. Jacob's arms were now at his sides tends in anticipation.
"Do you want your song now?" Jacob asked that if he already didn't know the answer. Unlike some of his other charges, Carl needed no special treatment when going to bed. That was until Jacob had invented one for him.
Carl smiled wide enough to show his missing front tooth. "Yes, please."
Raising Carl's left foot Jacob gave it a little kiss, the skin soft and supple against his lips. The boy jerked a little, but still smiled.
Sliding the tip of his nose along Carl's foot Jacob let his tongue drag up to the little toe touching the tip of it with his tongue before pulling off. "This little pig went to the market and it rained all day long." Jacob opened his mouth and inhale Carl's little toe letting his tongue swirl around it before pulling back, his lips reluctantly letting go of the appendage.
Carl's reaction was ecstatic twisting and turning, but Jacob kept a hold of his ankles easily overpowering the younger boy. Moving onto the next toe he said. "This little pig stayed home and took a bath." He repeated the process before moving onto the next toe.
The original nursery rhyme only had five pigs, but Jacob had expanded on it. The next little pig had an accident in his pants followed by the next one which went for a swim. The little pig for the big toe took a shower and before moving onto the next foot Jacob peppered the bottom of it with little kisses and licks. Carl really liked that part. His flaccid member was becoming hard in sticking straight out from his body.
Jacob went on to the right foot. Watering the garden, putting out a fire and any other thing that might cause you to get a little wet. Finally Jacob finished with the right foot. Iutting Carl's feet back down. He straddled the younger boy legs and leaned down keeping his eyes locked on Carl's which were dancing in excitement. Reaching Carl's hard member Jacob said. "And this little pig went to the water park and had fun all day long."
Carl let out a gasp that was half cry half shout of joy. Jacob took Carl shaft right down to his base pushing down the foreskin as he went. Using his tongue Jacob pushed Carl's erection against the roof of his mouth and made small circles just below the glance on his tip. He could feel Carl's erection twitching in his mouth. The boy, who was usually quiet, was very vocal now asking for. "More, more!"
Jacob wasn't sure what he wanted more of, but that hardly mattered. He felt Carl's hands land on his head as the boy thrust into Jacob's mouth. He let out a loud moan that the neighbors could probably hear before going slack. Carl's erection wilted in Jacob's mouth as he pulled off letting it slide gently between his lips. He looked up at Carl's face which was beet red and smiled. "Do you want to finish getting ready for bed?"
Carl shook his head no and rolled off the couch onto the floor. He crawled around the table and went back to his work but make it. Jacob squeezed his legs to his chest closing his eyes briefly as he had a brief orgasm that spread something warm in his pants. He excused himself to the bathroom and cleaned up the mess he had made. Then he quietly re-joints Carl.
Carl played quietly for about another hour before again joining Jacob on the couch. This time he crawled up and rested his head on Jacob's lap. Jacob rested a hand on Carl side. When his bedtime rolled around Carl quietly got off the couch and made his way upstairs. Jacob collected the clothing and followed him upstairs, his eyes were level with the boy's butt as they climbed the stairs.
Dumping Carl's clothing in the hamper Jacob watched as the boy dressed for bed. He tucked Carl into bed although he was pretty sure this was something his parents didn't do and before turning off the light told him he would be downstairs if he needed anything. Jacob quietly watch TV for another hour before Carl's parents came home. He reported Carl as a perfect little angel and then called his mom for a ride home. He waited outside on the porch for her arrival in wondered which he preferred, the rambunctious twins or the quiet Carl? As his mom pulled into the driveway he decided that he really did like them all.
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