Published: 25-Apr-2013
Word Count:
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"Is that all the lights?" Irwin asked briskly.
"Yeah, yeah, that's the lot of them." His sister Amy responded. "We gonna do this or what? I have the best idea ever this time."
The huge ranch house was deserted, save for the five kids. Irwin's parents had taken their Uncle Mac out for a late dinner and a oldies-style drive-in late movie marathon, celebrating his first visit in several years. 15-year old Irwin had been left in charge of his two little brothers, 14 year-old Matt and 12 year-old Jim, as well as his 10 year-old sister Amy, and finally Uncle Mac's 13 year-old daughter and their cousin, Catie. They were given no particular bedtime, provided they all agreed to get up the next morning with no complaints. This arrangement had worked out very well for the children, as it gave them the perfect opportunity for an epic Sardines marathon.
For those who don't know, Sardines is an exceptionally entertaining game similar to hide-and-seek. One person started off as "It." The other children would then make sure every light in the house was extinguished and that the night was pitch black. The person who was "It" would then leave "home base" and hide somewhere in the pitch-black house, in a cupboard maybe, or a closet; perhaps under a sofa, or even in plain sight in a corner with only the darkness to hide them. Once the rest of the children counted to 50, they would all spread out silently and began searching for the "It." No one was allowed to speak, and the object was to discover the "It's" hiding place, and then hide with them.
The game was called Sardines because after about two or three kids all got crammed into the same hiding place, things got a little cramped, much like a can of sardines. The chosen hiding place would fill up more and more fit to bursting, until only one searcher remained. This straggler would become the new "It." As this story opens, little Amy has the task of being "It," and she was eager to disappear so as to lead her relatives on the same merry hunt Catie had led them on the game previous.
The gleeful children all huddled into a spare bathroom located at one end of the house, and Amy mockingly saluted her brothers and cousin before skipping off into the dark, throwing a ringing challenge behind her. Amy was very short, and was quite adept at squeezing into difficult and unusual hiding places. The others all started their countdown, and when their little chorus had clearly belled out "1," the hunt was on.
Irwin quickly lost sight (if you could call it that in such blackness) of his team mates and began stealthily creeping about the house, sometimes stopping to open a cupboard or closet and feel around inside, sometimes even stooping to brush the floor in case his sister was lying simply on a patch of carpet. He was a tall boy, with pale skin and light brown hair, though you couldn't tell because he usually had it buzzed quite short. He was not so much slight as he was lithe, not carrying any extra weight with him but not being gifted with elaborate muscle tone either.
A muffled *thump* and a whispered "Oof!" to his left told him that Matt had just walked headlong into a wall. Irwin altered position slightly, not wanting to make the same mistake or strike pay dirt with the others around. His memory told him that he was moving from the living room into the cavernous den, and the list of possible hiding places began running through his mind alphabetically. He knelt down and ran an arm experimentally under a sofa. An indignant meow and a touch of soft fur told him he had disturbed one of the cats, who had taken refuge from all the sightless fumbling that had been going on all night long.
As he was drawing up again he caught a whiff of tangy perfume; Catie had felt her way over beside him. She gently put her hand on his shoulder and whispered faintly "Can I stick with you, p-please?"
Catie was the only child of Uncle Mac, a fun and witty man who unfortunately traveled a lot as a telephone pole worker, taking Catie with him and leaving her with few permanent friends. She was always thrilled to pay a visit, and she was especially clingy with Irwin for reasons he really couldn't figure out. Her constant solitude also made her slightly timid of the dark, and Irwin was not particularly surprised she wanted a buddy.
"Of course, Catie." He whispered, making his voice sound extra cheery since she couldn't see him smiling. "Just stay in front of me and we'll move together."
He maneuvered Catie over in front of him, putting a hand on each shoulder to steer her, and gently began walking through the den. They perused a few more potential places in this manner, until Irwin drew them over to one corner for a stop. He needed to run through the places he'd already searched mentally and try to come up with additional spots. Amy was on her game tonight...
He was surprised to feel Catie trembling a little as he rested his hands on her shoulders. The girl got cold rather easily, and the A/C was cranked down to 68 for the night. Absently he began massaging her shoulders, and was please to feel his cousin relax. Still thinking of the game, Irwin massaged idly around her collar bones, feeling little goose bumps on her soft skin. Despite chilling easily, Catie was wearing a yellow-and-pink tank top and lavender shorts.
She gently leaned her head back against his chest, evidently calming down as her tense muscles were soothingly rubbed. Then, in a very coy and cautious move, she gently took hold of his hands and moved them around to focus on the area of her collarbones and sternum. He went along willingly, still more focused on whether or not he had checked under a table thoroughly enough. Though he did notice how wonderfully soft her skin was, and the slight felt-like roughness as his fingertips glided along the rim of her training bra...
Wait, her what?!
Irwin snapped out of it, and stared down at his cousin in shock, though his night vision afforded him only a faint view. She had the straps of her tank top pulled down, and was smiling contentedly with her eyes shut, while his own hands still gently massaged the area directly above her purple training bra. Catie had distinctly budded but still tiny breasts, which were often dwarfed even more by her stomach. While by no means fat, Catie carried a tiny amount of extra weight directly in her stomach area. The rest of her was normally weighted however, and it gave her the appearance of being slightly pregnant, though only by about 2 months or so. But Irwin wasn't thinking about that; he was still dumbstruck by the fact that his own cousin had directed his hands to her breasts, and that he had gone along with it without noticing.
What should he do? Should he keep going? She obviously didn't mind...and the more he thought about it, the more he realized he was starting to feel distinctly tight in his pants...
Irwin had occasionally masturbated to the odd fantasy of him having sex with his sister, his mother, and many of the girls at school, but Catie had not crossed his mind at all during these wank jobs. And now here she was actually getting a boob rub from him! Well, he thought, not a real boob rub actually. I haven't actually grabbed them yet. At the thought of actually grabbing hold of his cousin's breasts, his cock gave a distinct twitch in his sweat pants, letting him know it agreed whole-heartedly with this train of thought and urging him to continue.
Perhaps it was because it was quite late at night and Irwin was obviously tired despite what he told himself, but he found himself deciding that he would deliberately grab both of Catie's tiny tits and see what happened. If she didn't like it he could always pretend he had accidentally gotten her in the dark. With the caution of a man defusing a bomb, Irwin carefully lifted his hands, gulped, and then placed them both squarely on Catie's tiny preteen boobies.
Her eyes snapped open, and her mouth fell open, looking slightly shocked. Then before he could reverse his decision and shrug it off, she closed her eyes again and smiled. Irwin was stunned; she liked it! Shocked more by the feeling of bra-covered flesh between his fingers than by what he was doing, Irwin began enthusiastically massaging his cousin's breasts. He could feel his dick straining against his pants, and his mouth was salivating hungrily. Catie too was clearly enjoying herself, grabbing his hands with hers and moving them to brush at her tiny nipples, hard and poking through her bra.
Irwin eventually decided (or perhaps his dick was doing that for him) that the bra was decidedly getting in the way. He made an effort to unsnap it in back, but was utterly lost by the confusing mechanism that he couldn't even see properly. Sensing his intent, Catie simply pulled her tank top off, and then lifted her bra over her head like yet another shirt, letting her delicate and miniature titties free. Irwin's hands were on them in a second, stroking the baby-soft flesh in a lusty stupor. After a moment he kneeled down and stuck his face into them, inhaling deeply and letting her sharp nipples gently tickle his cheeks. She breathed hard and quickly in his ear, hugging his head close to her. As he looked at her nipples (his lust had somehow greatly amplified his night vision), he decided they looked pretty tasty. His tongue lolled out, gently flicking the tiny treasures. Catie gave a sharp intake of breath, and then whispered faintly in his ear "Oh yes Ernie, keep doing that..."
Normally Irwin hated being called "Ernie," but right now he didn't care; all that mattered was the raging heat in his pants and the delicious little girl in his arms. After a time he became curious as to what was going on lower down on Catie, and his came level with her crotch line. Without reservation he stuck his nose in her groin, taking deep whiffs of her preteen pussy, nestled in lavender shorts and little girl panties. Oh, the joy! Such a delicious aroma had never touched his nostrils before. Catie too was quite incensed by her cousin's bestial advances, and she finally took things to another level. Pushing Irwin's head away, she plopped down on the floor, wriggling as she pulled her pants off. Irwin looked at her in wonder: his 13 year-old cousin was naked on her back, he legs spread and two fingers playing teasingly with her hairless little snatch.
"You gotta naked too, Ernie. It's only fair." She giggled in another of her tiny whispers. Irwin didn't need telling twice. His clothes flew off, landing somewhere on the floor that he couldn't ascertain. He dropped onto the floor as well beside her, and completely taken by vicious horny-ness, began kissing and fondling Catie like she was a real lover. The little girl was surprisingly talented, playing her tongue along his like a porn star (Catie actually watched a lot of porn by herself, taking many notes the whole time), and rubbing his cock with her dainty little hands. He sniffed and licked her dirty blond hair, ran his tongue sloppily across her titties and face, and kissed every part of her he could reach. She squirmed delightedly, making barely perceptible squeaks of pleasure and lust.
Eventually Irwin's kissing led him down to her pussy, which was emitting the same delicious scent he'd smelled before. He ran his tongue along the slit of her cunt, then dipped it down inside. An electric current felt like it was running through his tongue, her young little juices were so tangy and sweet! He instinctively felt out her clitoris, which was already hard and hot. As he bore down on her tiny love button, Catie's whimpering became more fervent, and her hips began thrusting ever so slightly.
His side-ways-upside-down licking was becoming a bit of a strain on his neck, so Irwin pulled himself from her pussy and moved into a full-blown 69 position, pulling her legs apart with his hands and burying his mouth even deeper into the soaking wet heaven he greedily lapped up. A jolt went through his cock as he felt Catie's little tongue run along the head, then he actually felt pre-cum leaking out as she took as much of his dick in her mouth as he could and began sucking like a trained slut.
The game of Sardines had been long forgotten. Doubtless by know his brothers had found Amy's hiding place and were patiently waiting one of the two stragglers to find them and finish the game, but the two incestuous lovers were engaged in much naughtier things. The two of them eventually ended up face to face again, rolling and kissing like crazed tumbleweeds. By know the fact that this was his cousin had long left Irwin. The fact that she was only 13 was also long gone. All he saw know was a beautiful and warm girl eagerly pleasing him in a way he had never experienced before. So there was no conscious thought as his lust-crazed brain decided once and for all that he was going to fuck this tiny little girl, and he was going to fuck her hard. While still licking her clitoris, he experimentally wriggled one finger gently into her pussy, stopping at the first knuckle. Against his fingertip he could feel her hymen, turgid and unyielding within her canal. That brought him back to Earth a little bit. She was obviously still a virgin, and it hurt and bled for the first time for virgin girls, so what was he to do?
Catie seemed to have a similar thought. She brought his face to hers, whispering as she did, "We can't do it, Ernie. It's wrong."
A feeling of disappointment began to wash over him. She was right after all. It was bad enough that they had already gotten to this point!
"We can't do it, but I have wanted you for a long time now. I know we can't actually have sex since we're related and all, so I practiced for something we could do..."
Wait, what? Something they COULD do?
Giving him a light kiss, Catie wriggled free from Irwin's arms and crawled a few steps away on her hands and knees. She then stuck her cute little ass high in the air. A beam of moonlight shone through a cloud and into the room, illuminating her pussy from behind...and above it...her pretty and very tidy little anus...
Catie reached a hand back and gently traced a circle around her asshole with one forefinger.
"I practiced for months fitting things inside to stretch it out. I actually like the way it feels know, and I did it because I dream every day of you doing it with me." She whispered, her little voice quavering both with passion and emotion.
"It's alright Ernie. We can both stay virgins this way, and I can take it. I promise..." As if to re-enforce her point, she turned away from him again and wiggled her ass at him slightly, her asshole peeking out invitingly, actually seeming to pout at him longingly...
What little thought Irwin had left at that point disappeared, and without further delay he lunged forward, squatted down behind her, and placed his cock head firmly against her rim. He teased it with little rimming circles a few times, then took a deep breath, and thrust forward.
It...was...GLORIOUS! Catie hadn't been lying, his cock slid all the way inside with no trouble, though the walls of her ass still clenched him spasmodically, and Catie let out a long, soft moan of pleasure.
"'s finally in...please...fuck me it the way the guys on TV do it, please Ernie?" She begged him like a nymphomaniac, though she was only 13 and tiny. Instinctively he began thrusting, fucking her preteen asshole with a crazed lust, her hot ass juices bubbling and boiling from around his cock and decorating her rim. Their breathing became rapid, his ragged baritone gasps mixing with her high-pitched moaning, her ass making delicious wet squelching noises every time he pounded his cock as deep as it would go. He squeezed her ass cheeks, he fondled her titties, he even ran his hands lovingly along the little bump of her belly as he fucked her. She thrusted back against him, his cock plunging impossibly deep inside her steaming asshole. Harder and harder he hammered, not caring how hard he went, his ball sack swinging wildly as it slapped repeatedly against her bulging little waist. The walls of her ass stopped clenching, growing more relaxed as he pounded a deep trench through her anal canal, the delicious squelching growing louder as Catie's once-tiny ass grew slack and soaked from his crazed animal pounding. She was openly drooling now, her ragged moans of lust coming through clenched teeth.
And then the moment came. With a sudden and violent jerk, the walls of Catie's ass suddenly clamped down around his turgid cock like a vice, and Catie let out a shriek as her orgasm raked her tiny body, her voice barely stifled by the fist in her mouth. Irwin too came, a geyser of cum pouring deep into her asshole and filling her up like molten lava. He came so hard his balls actually seemed to gasp with effort, and the end of his cock felt like it had exploded. With an explosive sigh, he half-collapsed onto Catie's back, kissing her neck and panting with her.
Catie's upper half collapsed back down onto the floor, and with a small grunt Irwin pulled his now limp cock out of his cousin's asshole. It was wide and gaping now, with a stream of cum and ass juice dripping from it like a sticky waterfall, running and mingling with the juice leaking out of her pussy. Now free of his member, Catie lay down on her side, her naked child's body glistening with sweat. He lay beside her, and pulled her close to him.
"T-t-thank you...E-Ernie..." She whispered into his ear. "Now my dream has come true. You were my dream, and now you have finally come true..."
Peter Puller
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