
[ Mg, pedo, ws, size, mild-scat ]

by Ready4X


Published: 5-Apr-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I had already taken off all of her clothes except for her cotton panties. She stood in front of me with the thin material stretched over her tiny butt. They were old, used panties, probably hand-me-downs, and she had about outgrown them. When I pressed my nose against the fabric and into the crack of her butt she vibrated a little and bent forward slightly. The cocktail I had put in the milkshake she drank earlier has her all relaxed, compliant, and will prevent her from remembering anything that happens this afternoon. I had already licked her flat nipples, taken off my clothes, and given her a long gentle full-mouth kiss.

Slowly I breathed in her slightly musky, faintly pee-y little girl crotch smell, mixed with a little cotton panty smell. Before I slide down her panties and spread her pale cheeks there is something important that you need to know. Don't skip this:

I have a really huge cock. I don't mean larger than average. I mean really massive. It is a mixed blessing; women go crazy over it, but I have a hell of a time getting it into them. Some women are scared and back away from it. But most go sexy crazy trying to get there mouth over the glans, or working hard to get it into one of their holes so they can say that they had an enormous fuck. That is a turn on. What is a turn off is that I never know if a woman wants me for me or for my Superdick. I know how women feel about men lusting after their bodies. That I why I turned to little girls. They are so innocent that they don't even know to try to get their hands around my shaft; most pat the head like a puppy and stroke down my shaft like petting a cat. When I unleash my dick lives are changed. I am about to change the life of this just-turned 7 year old blonde angel in front of me.

I smoothly pulled down her panties and paused to admire the perfect, cute, unblemished 7 year old butt in front of me. Perfection. I said, "I have to check and see how clean your hiney is before we can go to the pool."

"O.K." Taking my thumbs I parted her cheeks and revealed the tiny pink rosette of her anus inches in front of my face. There was the tell-tale flake of dried poop because an active little girl doesn't take time to completely wipe herself. Automatically my tongue reached out and cleaned her crack. Yes, I got a slight taste of pee, too, from when her last piss drops ran down towards her ass when she had peed.

Pulling her cheeks apart a little more I saw her ass hole tighten and relax, tighten and relax, and then begin to dome out a little. Then a little opening appeared in the center and a little black dot appeared. Hypnotized I watched as it got slowly larger until I realized that it was the tip of her little girl turd. She was getting read to poop!

I aked, "Brandy, do you need to poop?"

"Uh..., yes..., please."

"Wait," I commanded. I knew what I had to do. What happened next did so pretty quickly and exactly in this order.

Turning her around, I laid her on her back, legs spread. I kneeled by her side and took my massive erection in my left hand. With my right hand I reached between her slender thighs and found her tiny clit with my index finger. I gave it some gentle but firm vibrations and she sighed with the new pleasurable sensation. With my middle finger I found the tip of her firm turd which by now was maybe 3/4 of an inch out of her sphincter, and pushed on it steadily, slowly pushing it back in to her ass. He eyes widened with the novel feeling of her poop going up her butt.

I continued the twiddling of her immature clit, and took my thumb and pressed firmly over her tiny bladder, harder and deeper. Pressed between my thumb and the packed turd in her rectum her pee had no choice but to jet out into the palm of my hand.

She cried, "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm sorry!" She was apologizing to me for molesting her.

As I felt her warm piss stream and flow I stroked my cock once and felt my cum rising. I stroked a second time and the first spurt flew out of my huge glans and hit her right in the center of her forehead. My cum spurt was as long as my cock and the steam was a wide as a pencil and it covered her forehead, ran in to her eyes and down the sides of her face into her ears. Her mouth opened wide with surprise.

I stroked again, lowered my cock slightly and shot the second stream of cum right into her mouth. Amazingly she didn't choke, but closed her lips and the rest of the stream covered her chin and neck.

Another stroke while pointing my dick lower and my third blast left a rope of thick cum from her cute navel up between her pink nipples and across her face and over her head. Her skinny arms were stretch out wide and her slim fingers were slowly opening and closing.

I lost count, continuing to pump load after load of white sperm all over her. She was breathing though her nostrils and blowing tiny bubbles. It was all I could do at the end to keep from falling over on her I was so thoroughly drained. I saw her delicately swallow the mouthful of cum that I had blown in to her before she knew what was happening. She was swimming in my cum.

And then, most amazingly, her lithe hips began to buck and she pressed her little peach slit against my finger and had her first orgasm. (Anyone who thinks that a pre-pubscent girl can't cum hasn't tried or doesn't know how to make her.) I felt her asshole pulse around my finger holding her turd two knuckles up her chute.

When we were both done cumming, I gently removed my finger from her anus and wiped the cum puddles from her eyes. I left all the rest of my cum on her. Then I got behind her and held her took each of her thighs in each of my hands, opened her legs and pointed her exposed cunny right at the camera.

"OK, Brandy, you can poop now." Slowly because it had been pussed firm up her tube, but smoothly since she was so relax, her perfect cylinder of poop slide out. (Later when I watched the video I could clearly see the dimpled tip of the turd where my finger pushed it back in and held it there.) As I dressed her in her swimsuit for the pool the cum began to thicken as it was drying.

When we walked in to the pool area the mothers lounging around the pool watching their own tiny sex pots prancing around in their tiny suits looked up. Their eyes went first to the oversized package that was the front of my modest bathing trunks, then tried to make eye contact with me, then couldn't help but look back down to my crotch. Horney wives. Those who took a glance at Brandy may have thought, "What I nice man to make sure that that pale young girl is well coated in sun screen."

At dusk as the pool closed I took Brandy back to her apartment, gave her a nice dinner and put her to bed. In the morning if her mom asked her how swimming was she will probably say, "fine."

When her mom came home I told her that Brandy had been no problem and was tired from her active day. Brandy's mom was supposedly working late which is why she asked me to babysit Brandy at the pool, but she seemed a little tipsy for having come from the "office." She tried getting a little flirty with me but I was all business and she backed off. Then she surprised me by hesitantly asking if I might at all be able to take Brandy for the weekend next since she would then have an opportunity to go on a trip with a friend.

"I'll pay you $100 a day." And it is a 3 day weekend coming up. I pretended to think about this offer for a few seconds. Then agreed with only modest enthusiasm.

I will have Brandy from Friday afternoon until Monday evening, all to myself. The problem I need help with is how will I be able to shoot by recharged sperm load IN to her body somehow without ripping her to death. Because I am going to have to fill her with cum somewhere, somehow! Any ideas?

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that was really hot! please write more stuff just like this, scat and ws!


your story is blunt and to the point...though your grasp of the english grammar needs improvement.i fucking loved the story,though using a 7 year old child to impale on an adults massive penis just is'nt going to work.he'd caused the child internal injuries and trauma.can't wait to read the rest thanks.


great story...go me rock hard ...always a bonus. cant wait for the telling of how long week-end turned out...painfully I suspect

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