Published: 17-Apr-2013
Word Count:
Becky was so excited as the car pulled up in front of the Ridley Dormitory. Her mother was less excited, but with her two-week business trip to Europe coming up, letting Becky stay with her big sister at college was the best of the lousy options they had available.
"Now Becky, listen to me." The bright-eyed 11-year old looked at her mom, barely holding back from rolling her eyes. "You listen to your big sister and when she has to go to class or to work, I want you to stay in her room. Don't go wandering about without her, is that clear?"
"Yes mom," she monotoned, which was her way of letting her mother know that she didn't have to tell her the obvious. Then she saw her big sister approaching the car. "Jessie!" she shouted with glee.
Jessica smiled. She looked so different now. Just 6 months away from home, and she had cut her hair short, colored it dark black with a streak of fluorescent pink, had a Celtic symbol tattooed on her shoulder, and started dressing in funny, flowing outfits. But she was still the same sweet big sister.
She leaned over her mom's side of the car. "Hey mom. Everything all set?"
Her mom reached her hand out to grab Jessica's. "I really appreciate you doing this. I've already told Becky she's to stay in your room when you're out. I don't want you to miss class or work on account of this."
"She'll be fine, mom, she's pretty grown up for 11." She winked at her sister and her sister beamed back at her. "Besides, the other girls on the floor think it's cool and they're all gonna look out for her too. Plus you know Amy, she's totally cool with it."
"I'm glad you get along with your roommate so well. That was the worst part of college for me." She smiled and spied the clock. "I better get going to the airport. Becky, get your things together. Either one of you call my cell, whatever you need." Becky climbed out, and her mother couldn't resist getting out as well, to give her older daughter a hug.
In a few minutes, though, mom was driving away. Becky was at college!
Jessica lived in one of the older dorms on campus, which meant the rooms were kind of small. There was a front room with two desks, a TV, and a sofa, and a back room with two twin beds. There was a shared kitchen down the hall and a big TV room, and the bathrooms were shared as well. Becky was on cloud 9 for the first couple of hours, she was something of a celebrity, meeting all the girls on the floor and their occasional male friends.
She got to go to the dining hall later that evening, and then they hung out for a while at the campus center, where there was so much cool stuff like a pool table and a foos-ball table. The campus seemed really big to her and so alive with so many people walking around. After they headed back to the room they stayed up until 11:00, something her mom never let her do of course, except on Saturday night. It was a little bizarro having to get ready for bed in a shared bathroom. It wasn't too crowded when she went in, but there were a couple of other girls in the showers.
They sat up talking a little bit longer after that. Jessie's roommate Amy was super cool, and Becky thought she was also super beautiful. She dressed so cool, and she had long, blonde hair that went down past her shoulders, and two deep dimples when she smiled. Her teeth were white and straight. She was wearing a blouse that showed off her cleavage; Becky guessed she probably had a million dates. Amy was so skinny too, but had curvy hips. Becky thought that her big sister could be just as pretty; it was weird that she did that to her hair and got that ugly tattoo, and wore those kind of old-fashioned clothes.
Amy said that she would be happy to sleep on the sofa. Jessie tried to object, but Amy said, "No, you two sisters should be together."
Becky tried to sleep, but she couldn't do it. She was just too wired going over all of the excitement of the day. It must've been about 12:30 when she heard a noise in the room. She had always had good hearing, and she could just barely make out the whispering words.
"Hey you, you asleep?" It sounded like Amy whispering to Jessie. "Your sister's just adorable. I'm glad she's visiting."
"Thanks for being so nice to her," her sister was saying. There was a pause, and Becky had the idea that they were checking to make sure she was asleep. She tried not to move, she wanted to hear what they were saying about her.
"It's gonna be a little lonely though," Jessie was saying.
"It doesn't have to be, she's asleep." The two girls were giggling. It sounded like someone was getting back in the other bed, a creaking and then shuffling sheets. Becky risked opening her eyes in the darkened dorm room. She could see the shadowy movements of the two girls. There was a funny sound, and more hushed giggling.
"You're bad," her sister was saying.
"You know it," Amy said, and Becky could see them moving around. She couldn't see very well, and she was afraid to move.
"Let's go out there," her sister said. There was more creaking, and then it sounded like the girls left the room. Becky waited another few minutes and then risked opening her eyes. She quietly got up and went over to the other bed, and verified it was empty. She returned to her bed and tried to go to sleep, but she still couldn't. About 5 minutes later she heard a loud giggle from the other room, which stifled almost immediately.
At last the 11 year old got out of bed and crept quietly to the door. She opened it quietly. The front room was illuminated by two candles. Becky's jaw dropped at what she saw.
Her sister was completely naked, sitting on the sofa. Amy, who looked absolutely like a movie star in the warm candlelight, was wearing only her panties. Jessie's face was buried in the soft mounds of Amy's breasts. She was kissing them! Her hands were running up and down the sides of Amy's torso, slipping around her large, C-cup breasts, kneading the pillowy tits her hands.
Becky was frozen to the spot, the door just ajar enough for her to see. Jessie was licking her tongue slowly up her roommate's breast, then softly she bit at Amy's nipple. Even in the dim light, Becky could see that the blonde's nipple was almost an inch long and standing out straight. It was slippery with her sister's spit.
Becky started to feel funny. It was a feeling in her cunny that she'd felt before, especially when she was watching TV shows where men and women were kissing each other and making out. It was the feeling she got sometimes when she let herself do an extra-long cleaning between her legs in the soapy shower.
She was only 11, but she wasn't totally naïve. She had heard the word "lesbian" before, plenty of times, but she'd never known anybody who was a lesbian and she would never in a million years thought that her own sister was hot for other girls. Although now that she thought about it, lots of lesbians supposedly had short hair, and tattoos, and stuff like that. But man, Amy sure didn't seem the type. She looked like a total boy-crazy college girl.
Amy leaned forward and gave Jessie a kiss on the forehead. In a voice that wasn't really a whisper, she said, "Mmmm, you little nasty lesbo slut. You gonna take care of me now? Huh? You want some cunt now, bitch?"
"Yessss..." her sister hissed in a voice Becky hadn't heard before. She was stunned. She knew that "cunt" and "bitch" were not nice words, and when she heard them she got mad for a second, on behalf of her sister. But her sister was definitely not offended!
Amy stood up, now, and Jessie dropped to her knees in front of her. She rested her round, smooth ass on her feet and looked up into her roommate's eyes. Amy ran her fingers through Jessie's hair, like she was some obedient, adored child. Jessie slid her hands up Amy's smooth, long legs and grabbed the waistband of the blonde's panties.
Becky's heart was pounding. She felt a mixture of revulsion and fascination, watching the sister she had always looked up to turn so submissive and perverse. She also felt a bit of fear, expecting to be discovered at any moment but too curious to move from the spot.
Jessie slid her roommate's panties down the blonde beauty's legs, and Amy stepped out of them gracefully. She grabbed the back of Jessie's hair forcefully and pulled the girl's face hard against her crotch. Becky could not resist pressing her own thighs together, feeling electricity shoot up her body. Jessie's head was moving now, it seemed impossible to believe but it looked as though she was lapping at her roommate's private areas. At her pussy, Becky thought, feeling another rush of electricity as the forbidden word echoed in her brain.
"Lap my cunt, you lesbo slut," Amy said, again in a voice louder than a whisper. Jessie seemed to move faster. Her hands went to the girl's crotch, but Amy intercepted them and lifted them high above Jessie's head. Amy was controlling her, making her do all of the work with her face and tongue.
"Are you a dirty girl, Jessica?" Becky felt ashamed as her older sister mumbled a muffled assent. "Then show me you love me dirty girl." Amy pushed Jessica's head back roughly with a jab to the forehead, then turned teasingly around, placing her arms high up on the wall, spread as though by an arresting officer. As she turned Becky caught just a glimpse of the spit-soaked, wispy blonde pubic hair, before the girl's sensational ass was presented to her sister's face.
To Becky's astonishment, Jessie began planting loud kisses on Amy's thighs and asscheeks. Then she seemed to be biting her, lightly, before making long, wet licks along her roommate's womanly rear end. Each lick crept closer to the girl's crack, and then she plunged her face inside, still wetly licking.
With both older girls turned toward the wall, Becky took a chance to lean her head to the right, giving her a clearer view. She also plunged her hand into her pajama bottoms, greedily rubbing her own pussy. The feeling was amazing, and she could only guess how much more amazing it might be to have someone's face down there.
Amy turned at a right angle and got down onto the floor in all fours. Comically, Jessie now seemed like a dog licking the ass of another. She was kneading the blonde's ass cheeks with her hands and lapping her crack vigorously. Amy seemed to be taunting her, wiggling her hips around and forcing her big sister to move her head in response. Becky felt her own pussy grow wet, something that had only happened to her a few times, and made it easier and more fun to rub her fingers against herself.
Now Amy turned onto her back, lewdly holding her legs open. Becky could see her pussy now, could see her sister slowly and lovingly make kisses and nibbles all around the area between her legs. Amy was bucking her hips up into her nose and lips, occasionally grabbing Jessie by the hair and grinding her crotch up against her. The fourth or fifth time she did this, the grinding lasted for an extended period of time, so long that Becky wondered if Jessie could get any air. The look on Amy's face as she was doing this was of absolute pleasure, and she was making rushed, needy, breathing noises and guttural, animal sounds. The up and back motions of her hips grew faster and faster, as did Jessie's lapping motions, until at last Amy made a soft, pained wailing noise that lasted for ten or fifteen seconds. When she was done her pretty hair was wet with sweat and her body made shuddering convulsions.
For a moment Becky was caught up in amazing feelings herself, as she concentrated on a bumpy part at the top of her pussy and closed her eyes in enjoyment.
When she opened them again she nearly fainted.
Amy was looking right at her. And smiling.
Becky guessed she got no more than an hour of sleep that night. After watching her sister Jessie lick Amy to an orgasm, she had run back to her bed, plunging under the sheets. She expected the two of them to storm in at any moment, throwing on the light and accusing her of spying on them. Instead nothing seemed to happen. Ten minutes later she tip-toed back to the bedroom door and chanced a look out, and the girls were dressed again and talking quietly on the couch. Becky had a chance then to slowly close the bedroom door, hoping at least that her sister hadn't noticed and that Amy wouldn't rat her out.
Lying awake for an hour, she even began to wonder if Amy had really seen her at all. She was looking that direction and smiling, but maybe it was just coincidence and that it was too dark for her to see anyone through the cracked door. Eventually her sister came quietly back to bed, and Becky had to fight to keep herself from appearing to be awake. To take her mind off of her predicament she started to plan to do one of her long soapy cleanings between legs during her morning shower, but then she remembered where she was and that that kind of privacy would be impossible.
In the morning, neither Amy nor Jessie seemed at all out of character. If they had seen her, they did not let on. It was impossible to believe that Jessie knew, at least - with some of the weird looks Becky had accidentally given her, there was no way she could have acted so natural. Amy had class at 9 and they were both out until noon, then she and Jessie got lunch and even shot some pool at the student union. It wasn't until the evening that she saw Amy again.
But tonight was the night her sister had to work waiting tables. Becky promised to stay in the room doing some reading. But when Amy appeared after dinner, she had another idea.
"Say, Beck, wanna come hang out with me tonight? It's not fair you being held prisoner in this dorm room all night!"
Becky loved the way Amy had given her a nickname. No one called her "Beck" - it was always Becky or Rebecca. Even with the way she had talked to her sister last night, she really liked Amy. She was so impressive somehow. Almost like some kind of movie star. And even though she was the same age as Jessie, she seemed a lot more mature somehow.
"I guess so. Jessie said I should stay here or stick with you. Where ya going?"
"Oh, just over to my boyfriend's house. We'll probably watch a movie or something."
Becky's draw dropped. "Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?"
Amy laughed and tousled the younger girl's hair. "Well sure, silly, you didn't think college girls had boyfriends? I've been dating since I was not much older than you sweetie." The look on her face made Becky want to giggle, though she was still confused.
"I thought -" and then she stopped herself. What was she about to say? 'I thought you were a lesbian?' Or, 'I thought you were dating my sister'?! Crap, Becky thought, I'm not supposed to know that. I was supposed to be asleep. Lamely, she shrugged her shoulders.
"You thought I liked girls. You thought I was your sister's girlfriend." The sentence just hung there. Becky could detect no tone whatsoever - it wasn't mocking, it wasn't accusatory, it wasn't ashamed. It was just a statement. Suddenly Becky felt miserable, and she turned away.
"Geez, kid, relax," Amy was saying, putting some items into her backpack. "Here's the thing about college. Total freedom. I know you were watching us last night. I thought that was kinda cool. Never had anyone watch me make out with a girl before, much less her kid sister."
Becky turned back, feeling better somehow but more confused than ever. "So what - are you a lesbian?" She had only whispered the word "lesbian".
Amy seemed to consider the question. "I guess I'm what they call 'bi'. I like girls and I like guys. I like guys better, but roommates-with-benefits is pretty darn cool."
"Yeah, B - I. Short for bisexual. I don't know if I could ever actually love a girl, but man, what your sister does to me feels fucking great, and I sure as hell don't mind that once in a while. Like every night." She patted Becky on the head and walked over to a mirror to fix her hair.
Becky thought about how good it felt to touch herself between her legs, and thought about how much better it would be to have another person kiss her there. Still, this made a lost more sense - Jessie wasn't a lesbian, she was just bisexual like Amy. College was sounding better and better all the time. "I get it," she said with a smile. "I gotta admit I didn't really think my sister could be a lesbian."
Amy turned around and got serious for a moment. "Well kid, you don't quite have it yet. See, I'm bi, but your sister is as dyke as they come. I'm pretty sure she's got it really bad for me. Kind of knew that from day one. She's not the first lesbo to start sniffing around me, but she's the first one who's all hearts and unicorns about it. I told her, I've got a boyfriend and I can't be her girlfriend, and I guess she's cool with that. I let her eat my pussy all she wants and sometimes I even finger fuck her. Works out pretty good."
Becky was speechless. She went over to the couch and sat down, replaying the events of last night in her mind. When at last she looked up, she realized Amy was speaking to her again. "Hey, kid, if you're gonna come along, you gonna comb your hair and stuff? Is that what you're gonna wear?"
Becky got up from the couch and cast her eyes around aimlessly. "What should I wear?"
"Dunno, Beck, something cute. Here, let's see what you got." Amy charged into the bedroom and, after a few moments search through Becky's clothes, tossed some articles onto one of the beds. "Here we go, these are cute." She had picked out a lime-green skirt that went down to mid-thigh and a white top. "This'll look great and you can borrow my lipstick."
Before Becky knew what was happening, Amy was pulling Becky's t-shirt over her head. Amy had such an air of command about her that Becky obediently put her arms up and shimmied out.
"Dang, Beck, no bra?"
Becky felt her nipples harden and goose bumps raise on her tennis ball sized breasts. "I think mom doesn't want to think of me as growing up," she said sheepishly.
"Same old story, I feel ya. But shit, girl, you are definitely growing up. Hell, I saw you playing with yourself while you were watching us last night." Becky was stunned by that revelation, and even more stunned when Amy brazenly cupped her preteen tits and pulled on her nipples.
"Guess you liked watching, maybe you're gonna be a nice lesbo like your horny big sister." Amy's right hand was now cupping Becky's crotch, pushing upward and sending incredible feelings through her. Becky could feel her face go flush and she felt weak in the knees. Amy leaned over and planted a soft kiss against Becky's mouth, nibbling and pulling on her pouty lower lip and she withdrew.
"Yeah, you two are two peas in a pod. Maybe I'll have me two obedient little cunt lickers while you're here." Amy's hand was rubbing harder now, pressing Becky's shorts and panties against her moistening pussy.
"Let's get these off too, honey," the blonde beauty was saying. Becky was in a daze as the older girl unsnapped and unzipped her, and slid her clothes off of her body.
"Not quite as grown up down there as you are upstairs, huh?" Amy said, running her fingers gently against the 11-year old's hairless vulva. Becky was having trouble catching her breath. Amy's fingers were so insistent, pushing against her smooth young flesh in the most delicious ways. Becky didn't realize how open her mouth was until Amy leaned in with another insistent kiss, tongue probing lewdly and wetly against her own.
"Damn girl, you've got one bitchin' little bod" Amy was saying, hungrily grabbing the little girl's ass, releasing the cheeks, then spanking them playfully. "Fuck, Beck, now you're getting me horny. Doubt it if Allen will mind if I get off before we head over. You up for getting me off little lesbo?"
Becky didn't know what she was up for, but before she could say a word, the gorgeous older girl was shimming out of her skirt and panties. She had seen her naked the night before, of course, but this was different. Amy was displaying herself now, and the room lights were bright. Becky didn't think she was a lesbo, like Amy kept calling her, but she had to admit her sister's roommate had a perfect body. She was transfixed by the girl's adult vulva covered in a curly blond hair, dripping with some kind of wet dew.
Amy was pulling off her top and bra now; her breasts were as amazing as everything else. Becky suddenly felt self-conscious; her own tits were so small and she felt suddenly like the little child she was. In that mind-set, she was pliant as Amy guided her down onto the floor, onto her back.
The older girl straddled her, those amazing athletic thighs sliding next to her torso. Amy looked like an Amazon above her now, her wet blonde bush hovering over Becky's chest, her firm round tits rising and falling with each breath. Amy's knees were resting by Becky's waist, but now the girl shimmied forward and lowered herself down gently so the pubic hairs began to tickle Becky's chin.
Amy tenderly reached down to stroke Becky's hair to the side. "Are you a good little pussy licker like your big sister, honey? You gonna make Amy feel good?" Becky could only nod. She felt her face turn bright red in embarrassment, like it sometimes did because of her pale skin. Amy was easing above her now, the wet, long tendrils of the girl's pubic hair tickling the tip of Becky's lightly freckled nose.
Amy began to "dab" Becky's face, lightly pressing the sloppy, wet cunt lips against Becky's chin and nose. It was making her face wet, and she could smell the strong aroma of Amy's juicy pussy. It was like nothing Becky had ever smelled before. It was not unpleasant, but it was strange, and Amy seemed intent on painting the little girl's skin with it, surrounding her in that heady aroma.
Then she began more deliberate motions, pressing and rubbing her cuntlips over Becky's lips and nose. "Kiss me, lick me" the older girl commanded, her voice taking on the insistent, lustful authority she had assumed with Jessie last night. Becky did what she was told, remembering what she had seen her sister do last night. "Wetter, baby, make your mouth wet for me." Becky tried to fill her mouth with saliva, and as she lapped at the older girl's lightly-furred pussy she now tasted her as well.
Suddenly she felt surrounded by Amy. Knees and thighs pinning Becky down, wet labia sliding over her face, Amy's smell and taste making the air hot and humid and thick all around her. Amy would back off of her only briefly, then return with a long grinding session on the child's chin and nose and tongue.
Each time she lowered her hips again on the girl's face she pressed longer and harder, so that more and more Becky worried that she might suffocate. In fear she moved her mouth and tongue faster against the older girl, both to pleasure her and to create chances for little gasps of air.
Amy was growling now, at times almost resting the weight of her whole body on Becky's face. It was intense, overwhelming. At times Becky felt the fear get to her and she contemplating yelling out to the older girl to stop, that it was too much, too scary, but then Amy would gasp in pleasure and compliment her. "God, Beck, you're wonderful!" Or, "Damn, girl, you know how to turn me on." Every crumb of approval from this amazing college girl was like crack to Becky. The idea that a college girl, especially one so world-wise and beautiful and popular - the idea that she could like Becky - it made the little girl feel so grown up and powerful.
Amy was in the midst of another rough grinding session on Becky's face when she gasped and pulled off of her. "Oh no, don't make me cum yet you slutty little dyke." Amy took a deep breath then lowered her body again, this time sliding farther forward and cocking her hips upward. This had the effect of surrounding Becky's face with her perfect womanly ass. Becky could feel her nose slide under Amy's pussy and along her ass crack. Amy pressed harder and Becky could feel the tip of her tiny nose enter the older girl's asshole.
Becky could smell the ass, faintly, but soon that smell disappeared and she was aware that she couldn't breathe. The little girl began to struggle, and as she twisted her head from side to side Amy almost seemed to make a game of it, wiggling her own body to keep her anus atop the little girl's nose. Becky began to moan in panic, but Amy held fast, smothering the girl, keeping her pinned by ass.
It may have only been twenty or thirty seconds, but it seemed longer to Becky, when Amy finally pulled up. Becky gasped in breath audibly, smelling Amy's pussy and ass as she did so. Amy laughed delightedly and said, "Fuck yeah Beck, isn't that intense? Jessie and I play that game all the time. Turns her on so much, especially when she's just about to pass out."
Becky was just about to get up the courage to tell Amy that it was too scary when Amy lowered her butt cheeks down again. Becky realized this too late, and again found herself trapped and smothered in Amy's ass. Amy let her free after only ten or fifteen seconds, then, moved her hips again so that her pussy was now on Becky's mouth. The asphyxiation game seemed to really have turned Amy on, because her pussy was now soaking wet. Becky didn't have to do anything but lay there; Amy was so wet she was able to slide around on Becky's face in pure pleasure.
Becky knew from last night that it was now almost over, as Amy started to grind on her face again, and she felt the older girl tugging hard on her hair. She was getting loud as she rutted, and Becky desperately hoped she had enough control to keep from crushing her. The older girl's orgasm seemed to stretch out for a full minute, but at last she backed away, her lower body quivering visibly.
"Fuck," the blonde said, sounding exhausted. "I fucking came hard."
She was breathing heavily, covered in a film of sweat, but still looking as beautiful as ever. "God damn, Beck, you're a better cunt licker than your sister, and I thought she was as good as they come. You're amazing, you know that?"
Becky couldn't help but smile as she sat up. Amazing, she thought, just when I was beginning to think Amy was too crazy, I'm starting to like her more than ever!
"Okay, shit, now I've gotta shower! Sorry we don't have time to get you off. Anyway, let's get ready and head over to Allen's. There's a few things I haven't told you about him. He's really gonna like you, kid."
As they rushed around to get ready, Amy filled Becky in on her boyfriend. Apparently he was quite a bit older - he was nearly fifty, divorced, and had two girls of his own, though they were usually with their mother. He was rich, had a huge house about ten miles from campus, and had met Amy because she worked as a "cart girl" at his country club. Basically, she used to drive a golf cart around the course and sell the golfers drinks and snacks. She used to wear a short skirt, all the better to get good tips. They started fucking when she was in high school. He convinced her to go to the local college in exchange for paying her tuition. Amy said they called it her Pussy Scholarship to Fuck U.
Allen had always been into young girls, the younger the better, which explained Amy's comment that he'd love Becky. "You're just his type too," she said, applying some fuck-me lipstick to the sixth grader. "Skinny, pale skin, big eyes, long legs. You might think your tits are tiny but trust me, they're just the right size for Allen. With any luck you'll get him nice and turned on for me."
Becky was bracing for an old, frumpy guy, but later she was pleasantly surprised when she met Allen. He was pretty handsome, with a symmetrical face and a movie-star haircut with salt-and-pepper gray. He looked like he was in good shape, really trim, but broad shouldered. She felt her face go red as he looked her up and down as he led the girls into the front hall.
"Well, I must say, Amy, you weren't lying about your new friend here. She is just as cute as a pumpkin. And you look gorgeous, as always." He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek in gentlemanly fashion.
Amy rolled her eyes at him. "Allen, you don't have to worry about Becky. She's not embarrassed by public displays of affection, are you Beck? Give me a proper hello." With that Amy nearly attacked him, and the two were passionately kissing in the entry hall. Despite what Amy had said, Becky did find it embarrassing.
In fact, she began to wonder what she was doing here. If they were just going to make out all night, it was not going to be very fun.
"Um, Mr. ah..."
"Just call me Uncle Allen, pumpkin."
"Uncle Allen, I was just wondering if your daughters were here? Or maybe I could read some books or something while you guys do your date or whatever?"
Allen smiled patiently. "No, pumpkin, the girls aren't here. They're with their mother. And yes, you could hang out in their rooms if you want, but I was kind of hoping you might join Amy and me in the pool? We've got a really cool pool out back. Water slide, fountain, hot tub. It's pretty great."
Becky's eyes got wide. A pool was one of her favorite things in the world. She was so jealous of one of her friends who had a pool at her house. "Oh yeah that'd be really cool."
"Great! Why don't you ladies head out back, and I'll fix us some drinks. Do you like orange juice, pumpkin?"
Becky nodded enthusiastically.
"Great, I make a pretty mean screwdriver. You think our little pumpkin will like a screwdriver Amy?"
Amy nodded, exchanging a knowing look. "Definitely. We want our Beck to get the full college experience while she's here. Though you make want to make hers a bit weaker than ours, right, Allen?"
"Will do."
"Come on, Beck, follow me," the blonde beauty said. They walked through the house - which was absolutely the most gorgeous house Becky had ever seen - and into the back yard. The pool was screened in and enormous, and lit all around with colored pool lights.
"Might be a bit cold in the pool, Beck. We may want to stick to the hot tub."
"Crap, Amy, we don't have suits."
Amy was already pulling off her tight jeans on the pool deck. "The water in the hot tub is really warm, Beck, I don't think we'll need suits." In no time at all, Amy was walking, naked, down the steps of the hot tub. "Aaaah, nice," she said, dunking her head under and then sliding up against the edge. The bubbles were already running in the tub and the steam was rising, but Becky could easily see her nudity.
"I dunno, Amy, I'd feel pretty weird with Mr. Allen around."
"Uncle. He wants you to call him Uncle Allen. Look, Beck, do whatever you want, but part of the fun of you coming to college and hanging out at places like this is to go a little wild, right? Besides, if we get naked, he'll probably get naked too. You ever seen a naked guy before?"
Becky shook her head in the negative. It was true. She'd seen guys at the beach, of course, or in underwear ads, but she'd never seen a man naked. Her heart started to pound in anticipation.
She looked over her shoulder - they were still alone - and she quickly disrobed. She knew the bubbles wouldn't offer a lot of protection, but still she felt safer when she was able to submerge herself in the warm jacuzzi.
It was about fifteen minutes before Allen actually appeared. He was wearing a white robe and was carrying a tray with three glasses. The two tall ones were filled with what looked like orange juice. "Here you go, ladies," he said, placing the orange drinks on the deck next to the girls. The other was a smaller glass with a brownish liquid and ice. He set that glass down too and set the tray on a poolside table.
As he approached the hot tub again, he gave Becky a long, leering look. He could tell she was nude, but couldn't see much from the bubbles and the way she was protectively holding herself. He smiled at her. "My goodness you are a lovely young woman, Becky. Absolutely beautiful." He slid out of his robe and set it on a pool chair. Becky couldn't help herself - her eyes were drawn straight to his crotch.
His penis was already beginning to stiffen. She hadn't known what to expect, but she certainly hadn't expected it to be moving. It was growing in front of her eyes, thickening, beginning to curl its way upward. She knew she was staring and that she probably shouldn't be, but before long the show was over as he eased his way into the jacuzzi. He slid over next to Amy and put his arm around her shoulder.
Becky couldn't get the image of his adult penis out of her mind. She had seen drawings in books in sex ed class at school, and graffiti pictures various places, but that was about it. Then she noticed Amy's hand moving between his legs under the water, and she realized the girl was stroking it.
"So what do you think of the house, Becky," he was saying, his hand sliding around Amy's side so that he might cup her breasts.
"Fine, nice, really nice," she said nervously. Amy was leaning up against him now, kissing his neck and ear and working her hand under the water with more vigor. It was hard not to stare as she nibbled his earlobe. Allen, on the other hand, was staring at Becky.
"Are you enjoying your stay in Amy's room?"
The question took Becky by surprise. It sounded to her ears like an accusation. Could he possibly know somehow what she and Amy had been doing before coming over? Probably just being paranoid, she thought, and all she could do was shrug in response to his question.
"She's been great," Amy murmured, still nuzzling against him. "Really great." She emphasized the word "really" such that it sounded like a swear word.
Becky felt herself turning red.
Amy slid around in the water so that she was practically sitting in Allen's lap. Becky watched in awe as the older girl ground her lower body back against him, teasing him. She saw Allen's arms wrap around her, his hands greedily and roughly cupping her large breasts. "Mmmm, you like these?" Amy teased, lifting herself higher in the water so that Becky could see him mauling her tits.
"You know I do, babe," Allen said, thrusting his penis against her grinding ass.
"Not too big for you? I know you like them tiny tits."
"I like all tits, Amy."
"Yeah but you like little ones best, don't you? That's your dirty little secret." She winked at Becky, and Becky couldn't help but smile. Amy was teasing him, and she was bringing Becky into her game. "Hey, Beck, I bet Uncle Allen would love to see those little puffies of yours!"
Becky at first shrugged, then shook her head no, but Amy wouldn't stop coaxing her. "C'mon, Beck, do your Uncle Allen a big favor. What do you say, Allen, you want to see what my little friend keeps under her shirt?" Allen was still kneading Amy's breasts but was leering at Becky over Amy's shoulder.
"You know I would Amy. What do you say, pumpkin?"
Becky couldn't look straight at him, so she pretended to study the fountain at the far side of the main pool. Then, slowly, she stood herself up in the water, rising up from the bubbles under her little bumps came into view. "Higher, hon," Amy coaxed, and Becky rose higher, warm water dripping from her hair and running down her taught, smooth skin. She was standing, now, on one of the deeper platforms in the jacuzzi, with the water level settling just above her belly button.
"Fucking gorgeous!" Allen said approvingly.
"Why don't you come sit with us, hon," Amy said, sliding back to Allen's side. Relieved to be back under the partial protection of the bubbles, Becky slid down neck deep again and waded over to the other side of Allen.
The handsome man put one arm around each girl's neck, cuddling them close. Embarrassed, but frozen in place, she felt his big adult hands slide down her torso, fingertips feeling their way slowly up and down her rib cage, tracing lazy circles against her little breasts. Becky started to feel that wonderful, pounding need between her legs, that same wonderful feeling she had last night when she was spying on Amy and her sister.
She felt a hand grab hers under the water. It was Amy, leaning across Allen to clasp Becky's hand. They made eye contact and Amy smiled as if willing Becky to relax. Becky let Amy guide her hand over to Allen's lap. Carefully Amy placed Becky's little fingers on Allen's fully erect penis.
Becky left it there for several moments. It felt big and warm in her fingers. She was afraid to move. She had a grown up man's penis in her hand! She was surprised at how thick it was, and how hard. All the pictures she saw in biology books made it look floppy and soft.
Amy's hand was back on hers, and she helped Becky slide her hand up and down the length of the shaft. "It's okay to squeeze it," Amy informed her. Allen looked quite pleased, leaning back to take a sip of his whiskey, then returning with his hands to maul one set of breasts or the other.
"We're going to shrivel up in here. You ladies want to go inside with me for a little while? Dry off and maybe lie down for a bit?" The girls nodded their agreement. "Let me grab you some towels," he said, rising up out of the tub. Becky stared in fascination at the way his erection bobbed up and down as he walked. As he turned to grab some towels from the rack, she enjoyed the view of his fit legs and rear end.
He returned and held the towel for her near the steps of the jacuzzi, but far enough away that she would have to expose herself first. Starting to feel confident at last, but still turning a little red, Becky rose up out of the water and fought the urge to cover her little breast bumps or her hairless pussy mound. Allen made no attempt to hide his interest in seeing her undeveloped vulva. "Very lovely," he said, wrapping the towel around her. Amy watched the scene with amusement.
After drying off and finishing their drinks, Allen handed the girls robes of their own. (Becky's was a little on the small side; presumably Allen's daughters were a little younger or at least smaller than she was.) Becky was starting to feel a little light-headed, maybe from the heat and the steam or maybe from whatever Uncle Allen had put in her drink.
She felt like she was floating as she followed the two of them into the house and up the stairs. She was having trouble walking and keeping her extra-small robe closed. The two adults disappeared around a corner and when she caught up to them they were lying side by side on a giant, beautiful bed.
"Check this out, Beck," Amy was saying. From where she was standing just inside the doorway, Becky could see Amy reach into Allen's robe and pull his stiff, hard penis out. It was about 7 inches long and it was shrouded in thick, curly brown hair. Amy seemed to be squeezing it, or maybe it just looked that way because the top of his penis was extra-large, bulging and angry red. "He's got a nice big cock, doesn't he Beck?"
Becky trembled hearing the dirty word. Amy started stroking her hand up and down the length of the shaft, pushing his robe to the side, exposing more of his naked body.
"Come up here, Beck, take off your robe. That will really get Uncle Allen excited."
Nervously, eyes glued to Amy's hand around Allen's shaft, Becky moved forward. As she climbed up onto the bed she pulled the robe off and sent it drifting to the bedroom floor. Moving on her knees, she scooted forward on the other side of Allen, still staring at this thing called "cock".
She felt Allen's hand slide up her naked thighs and over the soft, small cheeks of her ass. "Fuck, Amy, you sure have cute little friends. I mean, God damn!" He started to roughly knead the little girl's ass cheeks. Becky felt a rush of pleasure surge through her groin; it felt amazing to be the center of attention.
"You're getting Uncle Allen super-hard, Beck, wanna feel it?"
She had felt it before, under the water in the hot tub, but now she could see what she was doing. As before, Amy guided Becky's hand up and down the veiny shaft. The three of them watched her tiny hand stroking the thick cock, watching her little child fingers giving the man what he wanted. "That feels incredible, Becky. You're so good." His hand was sliding up and down her back and butt, reveling in the feeling of the child's soft skin and the tautness of her young body.
"Lemme show you how to make him feel really good, Beck. Hold that cock up for me."
Becky lifted the erection vertically, holding the base of his shaft tightly. Amy pushed her long blonde hair over her ear and out of the way, then leaned over and took the thick shaft into her mouth.
Becky watched in awe and Amy's head began to bob up and down on Allen's erection. She began making little gulping sounds in her throat, and Becky could see wet lines of Amy's spit running down the cock and pooling against Becky's hand. As Amy's movements became more intense, Allen began gripping Becky's ass more and more tightly, then pushing down between Becky's legs. Becky could feel the pressure of Allen's fingers against her naked little pussy.
"Fucking bald baby cunt," Allen was growling, thrusting his hips up against Amy's face. "Tight little baby pussy." His eyes seemed to be glazing over vacantly, but whenever Becky looked over at him he was staring intently at her.
Amy pulled off of the wet, purple cock and took a deep breath. A line of spit connected her lower lip and the bulbous cockhead. "Come on, honey," she said, wiping her face, "you give it a try."
"Me?" Becky whispered, still holding onto the adult's penis.
"Just make sure you keep your teeth out of the way, and make your mouth as wet as you can."
Becky looked at Amy in disbelief, then at Uncle Allen, then back at the cock.
"Time for you to become a real college girl, Beck."
She gave Amy one last look, then tentatively leaned over. She felt Allen's hand on the back of her neck, and Amy's hand on the top of her head. They were forcing her down all the way now, so she opened her mouth as wide as she could.
The cockhead was bigger than she anticipated. It seemed to fill her little mouth, pushing her wet tongue out of the way and filling all of the space between it and the roof of her mouth. But they were pushing her head down farther, and Allen was pushing his hips up against her, and suddenly the cockhead was pushing against her soft palate and uvula. She started to gag and pulled back; they released her, she inhaled deeply and coughed. "Good girl," they both said, then guided her down again.
Again she was filled with cock, and again she gagged. But when she tried to pull away they would not release her all the way, and Amy was telling her to breathe through her nose. Becky felt her lungs fill with air and her panic subside a bit, and they were coaxing her back down. Soon she was able to get into a rhythm, bobbing her head down until his cock banged against her soft palate, then pulling back to breathe in through her nose, then back down on his shaft. Every once in a while Amy or Allen would push her down farther than she wanted to go, but she was always able to suppress the gag. Then their movements became more frequent and insistent, and the penis was disappearing farther and farther into the child's mouth with each thrust.
Once she adopted this deeper rhythm, she felt their hands release her completely, and she was on her own. She tried to swallow the penis as deeply as she could. When she took a chance to look up at them, she could see Amy had moved up next to him and they were kissing like lovers in a movie.
Becky continued her mouth work on his shaft, then pulled away and let the cock fall onto his stomach. It was glistening wet with her saliva. Allen reached down and began stroking her hair, telling her, "Great, pumpkin, you are doing just great. You are giving me a great blow job, sweetheart, don't stop."
Becky nodded and picked up the penis again, putting it back in her mouth. She felt Amy move down next to her again, and grab the penis from her. Amy started to kiss it and suck it into her mouth, then pulled out and began licking the head like a lollipop. "Both together," she said, and Becky complied, licking the other side of the shaft. Allen enjoyed the scene of the two girls lapping at his cock, one a blonde bombshell of a coed, the other a tiny-titted, child with a hairless slit.
Amy decided to give him even more of a show and started to French kiss the little cutie. The girls looked like a couple of old pro lezzies sucking each other's faces. Then they took turns resuming the blow job.
"Fuck Amy, I'm gonna cum soon."
Amy got the message. She started to go to town on his cock, deep throating him with eager, accelerating thrusts. He was staring at the naked child, feeling the urge to shoot his load. With expert timing, Amy sensed when he was very close, then grabbed his cock and shifted it over to Becky's face. The child took the cock head into her mouth and as she did so, Amy grabbed the back of Becky's head to keep her from pulling away. Amy yanked the base of his cock quickly back and forth like she was operating a stick shift, forcing his cockhead around in Becky's mouth and knocking it repeatedly against the little girl's tongue. Allen began to groan and stiffen.
Suddenly Becky felt her mouth was injected with a thick, salty spray. The taste was intense and she jerked back, but Amy held her in place and Allen forced his hips up and his cock deeper. Becky put her hands down on the bed to gain more strength to push away, but the adults had her too firmly, and she was helpless as more and more fluid pumped into her mouth. She heard Amy advise her to swallow it, so she did, and that seemed to ease her panic somewhat. She lost count of how many times her mouth filled up. Allen was counting - it was an amazing orgasm - and he felt himself squirt nine times.
When at last he pulled his slimy cock out, he looked down and noticed that the girl hadn't quite swallowed it all. Some of the cum was drizzling out of the corner of her mouth. Amy saw it too, and she ran her finger along the girl's face to collect it.
"This is Uncle Allen's cum," she said, looking a stunned and dazed Becky in the eye. "When you make a man feel really, really, good, he shoots this stuff out of his balls. You might not think it tastes great right now, but trust me, when you start having a bunch of boyfriends of your own, you're gonna want to eat this stuff every fucking night. Eating it means you made a man happy, and there's nothing better than making a man happy. You understand?"
Becky could only nod dumbly. It seemed impossible that she would ever want to eat that stuff every night, but then again she would probably believe just about anything Amy told her. "A lot of girls are too stupid or too ugly to ever make a man cum, but you did it your first try. You're something special, Becky. You're a smart, beautiful, amazing little girl. You're a good little cum-eater, aren't you?"
She was nodding at Amy again, beginning to smile. She'd never wanted someone's approval quite as much as she wanted Amy's. And now Amy was slowly lifting her cum-covered finger to Becky's lips. Becky opened her mouth, leaned over, and sucked the cum from the college girl's finger.
After their threesome, Amy had called up Jessie and asked if she minded if Becky stayed the night at Allen's. Apparently she had gotten approval, though she made certain that Becky understood that she was to tell Jessie that Allen's kids had been visiting and that she had made new friends. The next morning the three of them showered together and then had breakfast. It was during breakfast that she first heard about Allen's friend "Damon."
"Anyway, Amy, what do you think about maybe hooking Becky up with Damon?"
Amy nodded. "Yeah, that should work, as long as Becky's cool about it."
"Is she a virgin then?"
"God, yes, gotta be. Becky, are you a virgin?"
Becky looked a little confused. She had heard the word before, but she wasn't quite clear on what it meant. A month ago she would have been sure she was a virgin, but now that she had done what she had done with Amy, and then with Uncle Allen, was she still?
"What do you mean," she said at last.
Allen smiled at her. "You know, pumpkin, have you ever let a guy fuck you? Have you ever had a cock in your pussy? Or anything else for that matter?"
That last part threw her for a loop, but she recovered and said, "The only time I ever did anything was with you and Amy." She hoped that was a sufficient answer - she was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"Okay, great. Look, honey, here's the thing," Allen said, getting up to refill his coffee mug. "I've got this buddy named Damon, and he's got an interesting secret. He makes all of his money making movies. He's made a couple of movies starting my little girls, for instance. His movies all star little girls, and they are extra-special when they star little girls who are virgins. Those are his most popular movies."
Becky was nodding, though she didn't quite understand.
"Anyway, pumpkin, here's the thing. If you promise to keep this extra-important secret - if you promise never to tell anybody about this, well - I think my friend Damon would let you be in one of his movies!"
He said it with a lot of enthusiasm, and Amy was nodding her approval. Being in a movie sounded cool to Becky, though she didn't really see the point of being in a movie if no one knew you were in the movie. After all, weren't movies meant to be watched?
"Why wouldn't I be able to tell every one? Wouldn't anyone be able to see the movie?"
Allen was stirring sugar into his coffee. "Not this kind. This kind of movie is extra-secret, but people pay lots of money to get to watch the secret movie. My friend Damon makes movies of pretty little girls getting fucked for the very first time. And I think you are pretty enough to be in one of those movies."
Amy grabbed Becky's hand. "You should totally do this, Beck. When I first met Allen, I had already been fucked lots of times, plus I already was too grown up, so I never had a chance to be in one of Damon's movies. I'm so jealous but I'd be so proud of you if you got to be a star in one!"
"Really?" Becky replied.
Amy gave her a huge enthusiastic hug. "I'm so happy for you!" Over Becky's shoulder, she winked in Allen's direction. The stiffness in his pants was obvious.
It was three days later when Damon could arrange for the filming and to find another night when Jessie had to work and could be talked into letting Becky "stay over" at Allen's house. Amy had tried to prepare Becky over that time, telling her that she had to be brave and that there was no way she could back out.
One time when Amy and Becky were fooling around, Amy slid her finger between Becky's puffy little pussy lips and showed the girl where her hymen was. "This is your cherry, Beck, that's the thing they want to bust in the movie. It's gonna hurt like a bitch, but it won't last long. You absolutely have to be brave, you understand?"
That had scared Becky, so to calm her down Amy started doing the most wonderful things to her clit. "I'm afraid I'll scream if it hurts too much," Becky said, pressing her hips up against Amy's hand.
"Don't worry about that. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you screamed or cried. That makes the movie more interesting. The important thing is that once the scene starts, you have to let it finish. It'll be a big moment for you, Beck. You're gonna lose your virginity to a really handsome guy. I didn't lose mine until I was 13, you're only 11 which is pretty impressive. Plus, once it's gone you'll have nothing holding you back. You'll be able to fuck and fuck and fuck like a real college girl."
The pep talk seemed to help, as did the wonderful feelings Amy was causing rubbing the girl's bald pussy.
When the big day came, Allen came and picked the girls up and drove Amy and Becky not to Allen's house but to another really impressive home. As soon as they entered the house Becky met Damon and frankly she was a little disappointed - he had a bit of a beer belly, was losing his hair on top, and was dressed sloppily in sweat pants. She must've made a face, because Damon caught on right away.
"Don't worry Miss Becky, I'm the director not your co-star."
He shook hands with Allen and then gave Amy a warm hug. "You guys were not kidding," he said, emphasizing the word "not". "My goodness, Miss Becky, you are just perfect. Just perfect." Becky noticed he had a bit of a Chicago accent which made her like him right away. Her favorite grandfather talked the same way.
"Well come in, come in, let me show you the set." He held Becky's hand and the two of them walked together with Allen and Amy following. They went up the stairs and into a room large enough to be a master bedroom, but instead it looked like a child's bedroom. The full size bed had puffy pink pillows on it next to a large, soft teddy bear. The comforter had a My Little Pony theme and the walls were all done in pink with various posters of horses, cartoon characters, and Justin Bieber with his name signed in a large heart. There was also a cute white dresser and a desk with a vanity mirror. Much of the rest of the room was undecorated, but instead contained equipment - a camera on a tripod, a TV monitor, microphones, and other things Becky didn't recognize. It looked like a movie set all right, and her heart began to pound with excitement. Secretly she had always wanted to be a TV star.
"What do you think, Miss Becky?"
Her eyes were wide as she scanned the room. She was still holding his hand. "It's really neat."
"Wonderful. This is where we'll film your scene, honey. There's nothing complicated, no lines or anything. We'll start off with you in a long night shirt - nothing else - just pretending to be asleep under the covers hugging your stuffed animal there. Then your stud will come in a flip on the lights - it won't be the room lights it will be these spotlights we have over here - and he'll go to town on you. Basically just do whatever comes natural, you know? Let him do whatever he wants. You can call him Ryan if you want but you don't got to say nothing."
She nodded up at him, still holding his hand. "He's a black guy, so I hope you got no problem with that."
She shook her head negative, wondering why she should have any problem about that.
"Yeah, so he's gonna come in and bust your cherry. This camera over here -" he pointed to the tripod "- is gonna be rollin' the whole time, and I'm gonna be carrying another camera. So just don't get freaked out about that. I need to get some close ups of your cunt and stuff, especially if we get a nice bleed goin'." She squeezed his hand a little harder at that, but listened patiently trying to catch every detail. She glanced over at Amy. She didn't want to screw anything up.
"Yeah, so after he finishes, that's when the other guy will come in. That's Tommy, if you care. White guy, by the way. Anyway, we were hoping to do a 2-for-1, you know, bust your anal virginity at the same time." He smiled down at her. She had no idea what the second guy was supposed to do, but she nodded up at him all the same. It was really neat to get to talk to an actual movie director!
"Yeah, so you look pretty clean and all that, but just so I don't get no complaints from the guys, take this nightshirt with you and go get showered up. Clean everything, if you know what I mean. Get dressed and when you're ready we can crank this motherfucker up, right?"
She nodded again. Amy took her hand and the nightshirt and led her to the bathroom to shower.
Becky was pretending to be asleep when the bedroom door opened. A deep African American voice called to her, "All right, where is my little white bitch?"
She wasn't sure if she was supposed to open her eyes yet. She felt her heart pounding as the bed shifted from an adult weight. She felt the teddy bear being pulled from her arms so she opened her eyes and pretended to yawn. When she looked up she saw Ryan for the first time. He was younger looking than she expected, probably in his early thirties, and he looked tall and athletic. Even a little bit scary. He had really broad shoulder and a lean, strong upper body. He was naked.
"Yeah, wake up little white virgin. You're gonna get a taste of some big black dick today."
He pulled the sheets down the bed leaving her exposed. He pulled her legs straight and then put his big hands on her thighs. She watched as his right hand slid up under her night shirt and she felt his fingers pressing against her fat, hairless labia.
He leaned down to kiss her. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth and imagined herself kissing Amy instead of this frightening stranger. Ryan's tongue was active against hers pressing down her throat. He backed off and kissed her face and her neck. She felt his left hand fondle her puffy young breasts, pinching her nipples through the shirt. When she tried to protest vocally, his mouth covered hers again. She could sense but couldn't see Damon hovering over them with his camera.
Ryan backed off again so he could concentrate on lifting her nightshirt up. Becky felt a charge go through her whole body; this was the moment. The moment when he would lewdly display her naked childish pussy for the camera. In embarrassment she turned her head and saw Amy watching the scene from the side of the room. Amy winked at her reassuringly, then gave her a thumbs up.
Ryan got the shirt up to just above her navel, then slid her slender legs apart. He backed away so that Damon could lean over her, focusing his camera first on Becky's pretty, dimpled face, then down to her exposed, flat tummy, then to the soft, hairless pussy. Damon paused there, filming for several seconds. Becky could see the outline of the pudgy man's cock pressing against his sweat pants next to his thigh.
Ryan began running his hands up and down Becky's legs, for the benefit of the camera, then he ran his fingers slowly up and down her out pussy lips, rubbing in circles to open them slightly. Next he ran his thumbs up her labia and pulled the lips apart, exposing Becky's tight, preteen vagina. Damon adjusted his angle to hopefully capture her intact hymen.
When the men were satisfied, Damon removed her nightshirt completely and began planting kisses all along Becky's thighs. Becky looked down and began to tremble as the muscular black man began to focus his attention on her puffy, hairless mons. She could feel the prickly hairs of his 5 o'clock shadow as he pressed his lips up against her vulva, planting wet kisses and rubbing her labia in circles. Then he began lapping up the narrow slit of her pussy, lubricating her baby pussy with a trail of saliva.
It was hard for her to keep still. His ministrations were a times painful, ticklish, or wonderful. Becky's face was turning red and her hips jerked reflexively; every once in a while he would reach up with his muscular arms to pin her down. Ryan worked her box over for several minutes, often backing away to provide Damon a clearer view of her spit-slick virgin gash.
At last he pulled her thighs wide apart and rose up onto his knees. Becky looked down her naked body and up to his towering frame, spying his erection for the first time. It was massive, or it seemed so to her. It was literally throbbing with his heartbeat, sticking straight out from his curly pubic hair and curving gently up toward the ceiling. His testicles hung massively below it.
He grabbed the base of his penis, squeezing it with his large right hand. "Bitch gonna get some of this now." He edged himself closer to her and leaned down, handling his cock in such a way that the massive head slid up and down her spit-soaked vulva. Occasionally it seemed to partially disappear into the fat folds of her hairless cunt.
He pulled back and let a thick wad of spit fall onto her stomach. He used his fingers to collect the spit into the crevice of her tender pussy, then returned with his cock. Again he moved it up and down, leaning his body away from the hovering camera man to permit Damon to capture the lewd scene. Then he moved forward with pressure.
Becky was taken aback by the sensation. She could feel herself reflexively squeezing against him; could feel the massive cock head forcing itself forward and against the vice-like ring of her baby pussy. She had been silent, but now she let an audible grunt escape her lips and she pulled back from him. Ryan's cock head popped free.
Ryan spit into his hand and rubbed the slick fingers up and down her slit. He grabbed his erection again, playfully beating it against her fat lips. He edged forward again; now he was able to hold himself against her. Becky steeled herself for his thrust, but he merely waited, letting the width of his cockhead do its work on her vulva. He drew back, sliding out, then pushed forward again. He was loosening her up for the final assault.
Back again, then forward. Becky squeezed her eyes into a squint and turned her head to look at Amy for moral support. She was getting very scared now, the waiting was frightening. Ryan pressed against her again, now popping out. He slapped her cunt again with his cock, then pressed forward again. He waited for another 20 seconds.
Then he reached out with his left hand and grabbed Becky's face. His hand was huge; his thumb firmly pressed against her cheekbone on one side of her face and his fingers reached nearly to the ear on the other. He turned her head and growled, "Look at me bitch. Look into my eyes."
Scared, she did as he asked. At that moment he jerked his hips into her and she felt a sharp, searing pain run up the sides of her body and she felt, just for a moment, like she might pass out. At first she could not breathe, but then Ryan made three sudden, quick jerks of his hips, and her the pain, which had been sharp and traveling through her whole body, now became thick and deep and centered on her vagina. Tears ran from her eyes and she moaned with agony.
She felt a trickle of fluid on her thighs. She dared not look down, but she heard Ryan say, "Hell yes, got us a bleeder!" and Damon was happily taking close-ups of Ryan's blood-stained penis and Becky's bloody labia. Nothing turned Damon on more than visible evidence of a defloration. It also meant he could sell the video for about 25% more money.
Ryan loved the sight too. He nearly came just thinking about how he had been the first to defile her. He was able to recover for the moment, but when he looked down at her beautiful face, stained wet with tears and slackened with shock, he felt his cock swell with lust. Ryan began to paw at her pretty puffy titties and then started to fuck her in earnest. He was in her now, with no question of being pushed out, despite the little girl's tightness. It was delicious.
Moving slowly at first, lubricated by her runny bleed, he managed to push his way deeper and deeper. He knew he was about two thirds of the way into her, and as he always did, he felt a rush of power thinking about how he was clearing the way for all the men to follow him. Ryan was pretty big, but in his mind he was imagining a string of men fucking the little girl, each with bigger cocks than the last. As the pace of his thrusts increased along with the depth of his penetration, and as Becky's moans became louder and more desperate, he was imagining the girl being fucked by a hugely hung Doberman.
That was it; he started to cum. Every fiber in his being wanted him to bury his cock as deep in the little girl as possible, throw his weight on her, grab her ass, and unload in her uterus. But he was a pro. After just one squirt he forced himself to back out, letting the camera capture two more squirts of semen erupting from his blood-stained cock head. Then he pressed forward, just enough to slide between the girl's hairless pussy lips, where he continued his orgasm. The camera captured the way the semen pooled up atop her young cunt, bubbling up from the entrance to her young vagina.
It was an amazing cum. He pulled back, running the cockhead in circles around her cunt. Tenderly he stroked Becky's face. "You're amazing, white girl, you okay?" Becky nodded, pleased to hear the compliment. Amy and Allen were giving her a thumbs up from the corner. Damon was too busy filming her ruined cunt to give her any sign of approval, other than the bulge in his sweatpants.
Becky could barely move. Ryan grabbed her hand and guided her fingers down between her legs. He slid her fingers around in his gooey cum-puddle.
Becky was still sticky with cum, blood, and spit when the bedroom door opened. A teenage boy entered. He was naked. He had a handsome face and shaggy sandy-blonde hair which made him look like a surfer. His body was lean and long, which also described the straightening erection between his legs.
"You break my little sister in yet?" he said, playing to the camera.
Ryan slid to the side, pulling Becky's legs apart, spread eagled. "What's it look like, Tommy?" The two men laughed.
"You save me her little asshole?"
"Yo, that was the deal, right?" Then, to Becky, "Turn over, slut, your brother wants to get him some."
Becky looked to Amy for support. The pretty blonde twirled her finger in the air to indicate that Becky should follow instructions. Gingerly, still feeling sore between her legs, she turned onto her stomach.
Immediately she felt male hands on her ass. Both men were stroking her and squeezing her cheeks, taking a great deal of delight in molesting her butt. Then the bed lightened as Ryan got up and, from the sound of it, left the room.
"I've been wanting a piece of your ass for years, sis." Tommy, if that was his real name, was straddling her, spanking her ass lightly and grabbing and pulling on her hair. "So have all the guys on the basketball team."
He moved back on the bed, then she could feel his lips on the back of her thighs. He was kissing her there, then along her small ass cheeks. He grabbed her cheeks in his hands and separated them, and then - she could barely believe it - she felt his thick, wet tongue force its way down and along her crack.
She also couldn't believe her response - it felt nice. It felt nicer than Ryan's licking of her pussy earlier; the boy's chin wasn't scratchy and it didn't tickle. It also took her mind off of the dull ache from her vagina. Becky lifted her hips up off the bed ever so slightly, to encourage him.
The boy grabbed her asscheeks again and shook his face back and forth against them. He backed off for several moments, presumably to allow Damon to film the girl's adorable little butt. Then he was back, lapping at her like a horny dog. At last he curled his tongue and plunged it into her asshole.
Becky gasped. She hadn't expected the intrusion. He was stabbing at her anus wetly, deeply, and with each thrust of his tongue she felt a thrill travel down her legs to her toes. He coaxed her up onto her knees, face still on the bed sheets, back arched and hips tilted back toward his face. "Fuck yeah Becky, fuck yeah," he groaned in between the lapping and penetrating thrusts of his tongue. It didn't even register to Becky that he was using her real name on camera.
His hands pressed against her thighs and she spread them wider. She could feel her ass becoming slick now with his saliva. In this position he could drag his tongue all the way down to her fat pussy lips, still shiny with Ryan's jizz. The boy didn't seem to mind, sending a few soothing pokes of his tongue into her defiled child cunt.
Then he replaced his tongue with his thumb. As he pushed it into her aching vagina, he slid his face back up to her ass, skewering her anus wetly. Then he pulled his sticky wet thumb from her cunt and shoved it smoothly into her anus, driving it easily down to the second knuckle. He made a game of spitting on her and working the spit into her with his thumb. The feeling was weird, but not unpleasant.
Tommy removed his thumb and returned with his mouth, hungrily tasting her back door. His hands were slapping at her cheeks a bit harder now, but Becky felt that lusty feeling return to her clit. As if sensing that, the boy ran his palm under her, pressing it deliciously up against her vulva.
Then they boy pulled back, and Becky felt his cock for the first time. He placed it into her wet ass crack, rutting it against her. He seemed to do this for a long time, squeezing and pulling her ass cheeks apart.
Then wet fingers were back and he was thrusting a longer digit into her rear hole. She was lubricated back there and it didn't hurt at all, even when his third knuckle slid past her sphincter. Tommy scissored his index finger into her as he kissed her crack wetly, depositing more spit there. He pulled his finger free and returned with three fingers pressed tightly together. Becky could feel those fingers circling at the entrance to her tight hole, finally slipping past the ring. He pressed forward and this time Becky could feel herself cramping. She tried to help him by wiggling her hips, and before too long the fingers were moving easily and deeper.
"You ready to make your big brother feel good?" the boy said, pulling his three fingers free. They returned a short while later to wipe more spit against her anus. Becky was nodding when she felt the head of his penis press against her. Her heart began to pound - it was only now that she realized what he was planning. She shot another look at Amy, but her head was in Allen's lap, lovingly working on the older man's tool.
Then Becky felt the pressure. His fingers had loosened her up, but not nearly enough. This pain was quite different than the tearing of her hymen, but it panicked her even more. She felt like he would rip her apart back there, like she would split in two!
His hand was pressing hard on her back; he was bracing himself against the tiny child to get more leverage. Suddenly his penis popped free of her asshole and slid along the length of her crack. He pulled back and placed the head against her opening again, wiggling it in circles. Then he pressed forward again, and this time when it popped free it slid past the vice of her anus and into her rectum.
Becky's legs and ass were on fire. She let out a screech, then began to breathe erratically like she was hyperventilating. Tommy did not slow the assault. Encouraged by the momentum, he pressed his hips forward and buried his cock in the 11-year old. When he hit bottom, she let out another mournful wail, which caused his cock to swell even more with lust. Grabbing her hips in his hands, Tommy began to fuck the girl with enthusiasm.
Becky's ass ached horribly under his assault. She wanted him to stop, to go slowly, but he seemed to have only one speed. And now he was slapping her rear end hard like she was some horse he was riding and whipping down the home stretch.
"Fucking tight-assed little tease!" he yelled at her, skewering her with his long cock. "Move your hips, sis!" he urged. Becky could hardly control her legs, her lower body was in so much pain. "Come on, little Becky, give me what I want!"
It was all she could do to keep her ass up in the air. Suddenly she felt another rude penetration; he again reached beneath her to hook his thumb into her vagina. He started to pull his hand down hard, as if he was trying to pull her open. This caused Becky to pull away and moan loudly; the boy merely sped up his thrusts, slapping his hips against her ass and driving her down into the bed sheets. When she was fully supine and he had his weight on top of her, he began to cum.
Just like with Ryan, the boy ejaculated first inside her, then he pulled himself out roughly. Becky felt an immediate relief when he was out, especially when he lifted his weight off of her. She could hear him frantically stroking his erection above her, grunting in pleasure as he coaxed several more strings of jism from his erection.
Then he was moving on the bed toward her head. He turned her head to the side and she looked up at him. The boy was tightly squeezing the head of his cock. Vigorously he began to jerk it some more, and to everyone's amazement, three more ropes of cum squirted out of his inflamed cock head and landed on Becky's face. He continued to stroke his red cock for another full half minute, extending his orgasm.
When he was at last done he flicked his cockhead down on Becky's face, rapping it three times against her nose and depositing some of the gooey jism in her right nostril. Then he slid his cock down further and pressed it against her lips, and Becky robotically took it into her mouth. She was only distantly concerned that it had recently been sliding against the walls of her rectum.
Damon was hovering too, the camera capturing the scene of the freckle-faced prepubescent girl sucking on the 19-year old's erection, red and raw from their fucking. Becky could taste the saltiness of Tommy's cum, and her swallowing motions even coaxed a bit more of the sticky fluid from his balls. Tommy ran his fingers tenderly through her hair. "God damn it, Becky, you are the best fuck I've ever had. Way better than the cheerleaders at school."
Becky couldn't help it, flattery was like a drug to her. She started to move her head and tongue, working on the boy's still rock-hard cock lovingly. She reached down between her own legs and pinched her clitoris lightly, comforting her aching holes.
Damon turned off the camera and put it aside, announcing "That's a wrap!" and everyone in the room began to applaud. Becky didn't know what to do, so she started to clap too. Damon let out a bellowing laugh and tenderly wiped a bit of Tommy's cum off the 11-year old's face. "Silly girl, we're cheering for you."
"Thank you," Becky said, not knowing what else to say.
"Thank you," Damon said meaningfully. "You are a little champ. The camera totally loves you. It's a shame we can only take your virginity once. Though good thing for you, I know the first time doesn't feel too good."
Becky lifted herself up to a sitting position and looked around the room. Allen and Amy were naked in a sofa along one wall, Tommy was sliding his shorts on along another, and Damon was busy collecting his equipment. She examined herself as well. She could feel Tommy's cum drying on the small of her back and it was also pooling between her ass and the bed sheets. She could see her own dried blood on her pussy mound and thighs, mixed with Ryan's now fading ejaculate. It didn't look too bad. She was sore, but she felt like she had survived.
"What now?" she said, hoping she would be allowed to clean up.
"Now," Amy said, stroking Allen's pained erection, "Now is the time for you to thank the talent scout and the director."
Becky raised an eyebrow. Allen was getting up and approaching the bed. "Lie back down, sweetheart. You're no virgin anymore." Allen's mouth was on hers as he gently lowered her onto her back. His cock was painfully hard. He'd watched the live defloration of a preteen beauty queen, then watched her take it up the ass for the first time while his pretty little coed girlfriend was teasing his dick with her mouth and hand. It was way too much for a man to take! And now the kid had no annoying hymen to keep his cock from ramming home.
Becky felt her clit come alive again as she French kissed Amy's handsome boyfriend. Allen kissed his way down the girl's neck to her pretty little breast buds, gumming and tonguing her pointy nipples and pressing his face against her tit-flesh. His hands felt their way down the girl's lithesome torso to the lingering wetness of Ryan's cum. He rubbed the gooey fluid against the child's vulva, pressing into her clitoris gently and causing her to moan lovingly into the top of his head.
Someday he'd take his time and make her cum, but he had no patience for that today. His balls were already blue enough. Besides, it had been a month since he'd seen his daughters, and he always went a little crazy when he had to go too long fucking nothing but grown up cunt. Eagerly he looked down and drank in the sight of the kid's hairless puffy vulva. Her vagina was a little less tight than it had been twenty minutes ago, but it was going to be plenty tight enough!
He lifted Becky's legs straight up in the air and then set them down wide on the bed. He grabbed his cock and set it immediately at the entrance to her pussy. Ryan's cum didn't bother him too much, he was glad for the lubrication.
For her part Becky was scared, but there was no way she could deny Allen. His had been the first cock she had ever sucked, the first cum she had ever tasted. But more than that she felt a kinship with Amy; Amy loved to make him feel good so Becky would make him feel good too.
As his cock entered her, Becky felt the familiar discomfort return. It wasn't as sharp as the first time Ryan had penetrated her, but it was a deep ache on a raw wound. She suffered it though and bit her lip, willing herself to avoid crying out. Allen had his eyes closed and was totally focused on the feeling a tight baby pussy squeezing its way along his rock hard shaft. When he could push in no further, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see he had only entered her three inches.
He looked into Becky's eyes. Then he leaned down and kissed her again. He grabbed one of her legs and pulled it behind his ass. She hugged him with both arms and both legs and they began to kiss passionately. She was so lost in the feeling that it took her awhile to realize he had begun moving inside her, deepening his penetration with each thrust.
The pain was replaced by a feeling of fullness and occasionally, when his weight would hit her cunny just right, a wave of pleasure. The room grew silent except for the slapping sounds of their bodies making contact and the squeaking of the springs of the mattress. Neither of them were paying attention, but Damon had removed his clothes and was standing by the bed pulling on his cock absent-mindedly. Amy was still on the sofa furiously frigging herself.
Allen was balls deep in the little girl now. Ryan might have busted her cherry, but Allen was the first to open her up completely and plant himself fully in her. He felt the stirrings of an orgasm and so slowed his pace, then carefully eased himself out of her pussy. He stopped kissing her and grabbed her ankles again, pulling her down further on the bed and lifting her knees back to rest against her torso. This pulled her hips up just enough to give him access to her ass.
Telling her to keep her legs up, he worked his cock down her pussy slit, along her ass crack, to the entrance to her rectum. Tommy's cum was still oozing out of her, especially when he pressed the tip of his cock head against her sphincter. Knowing he didn't have long, Allen guided his cock into her. With the lube that Tommy's cum provided, he slid into her easily.
With her legs back, the intrusion of Allen's massive cock barely hurt her. Becky had trouble holding herself in that awkward position, but she quickly learned it was the only way to comfortably take the older man's cock. She held herself like that as he rutted eagerly. In a moment he was slapping against her ass almost angrily, again buried to the hilt at the bottom of each thrust.
"Fuck you pumpkin!" he shouted, burying in her one last time and reveling in a violent climax. Becky could do nothing but hold herself there as the man's cock spasmed inside her hole. She could feel every jerky twitch, could feel it throbbing and expanding inside her. He held himself hard against her ass for more than a minute, then slowly started to fuck her again, milking every ounce of pleasure from his shaft. The wait had been torture, and he was sure he had unloaded one of his biggest cums in recent memory.
He watched with fascination as the girl's tight asshole widened to extrude his mushroom-shaped cockhead. As she spit him out, a slow river of ejaculate followed. "Wow," he said appreciatively, enjoying the lurid site. "That's one nice creampie."
Following the same path that Tommy had a few minutes earlier, Allen shuffled his way up next to her face and presented his cock for an oral cleaning. Becky did not hesitate, opening her mouth and tonguing the man's goo-covered cockhead. Then she felt the bed shift as Damon climbed on.
She remembered what Amy had said about "thanking the director", and at this point, she had no ability to object. Damon eagerly stabbed his cock into her sticky, wet asshole, and although he too had a good sized erection, this time Becky was penetrated without that usual aching feeling. She did feel a bit of a burning sensation though, from tissues rubbed raw.
She could taste her own ass on Allen's cock, but mostly she could taste the saltiness and smell the bleach-like scent of his jizz. When his cock was thoroughly cleaned he pulled free and bent down to kiss her on the forehead. Then he turned to join Amy on the couch; Amy looked like she had recently achieved a satisfying cum of her own.
Becky turned her attention to the frumpy man ass-fucking her. Damon was a funny looking man; it was hard to believe he could arrange all this. He was fucking her with long, slow thrusts, slickly riding on the cum of the men who had preceded him. As he approached orgasm he pulled out and rutted into her cunt. Ryan and Allen had indeed loosened her up; this time her baby cunt accepted the cock without resistance. To Damon it was still deliciously tight.
To his surprise, Becky wrapped her arms and legs around him. He rarely got that kind of treatment from the girls he abused, and it was enough to cause him to quicken his stokes. When she reached up and kissed him, open mouthed and with tongue, he lost control and came hard. His cock spasmed several times in her young pussy, sending jet after jet of his baby-making fluid up into her womb.
He laid on her for a couple of minutes, breathing heavily. She kept herself wrapped around him and nuzzled her face lovingly in the crook of his neck. At last he slid out of her, cock refusing to deflate. "A-fucking-mazing, little girl."
Becky let her head fall back onto the bed and closed her eyes. She felt trippy, like the room was spinning around her. Everything hurt, but kind of in a good way. Her clitoris was still engorged and gave her a comforting pleasure whenever she pressed her thighs together. She became aware of the fluids leaking out of her, but she didn't really care.
"Should we clean her up the fun way?" Allen was saying to the others. There was a general agreement, and so they led the dripping, well-fucked preteen into a fancy bathroom on the upper floor. The room had a jacuzzi tub. They told Becky to sit on one of the ledges on the far end of the tub, and to open her legs wide.
Damon climbed into the tub in front of her. Finally half-hard, he put thumb and forefinger behind the head of his cock and directed it in Becky's direction. A line of yellow piss erupted suddenly from his piss-slit, spraying chaotically when it encountered the drying scum of his semen. Allen and Amy, watching, giggled. Becky had immediately shut her legs together, but Damon, who had stopped his flow, motioned her to open her legs. "He just wants to clean you up, Beck!" Amy was saying.
She slid her legs apart again, and Damon let go again. This time the yellow piss stayed mostly in a stream. Damon flicked his cock left and right and up and down. The piss had enough force to slowly dissolve the dried blood and cum at the mouth of the little girl's snatch. Becky was amazed at how much he'd been holding in. When he was finally done her stomach, pussy, and thighs actually were mostly clean of jizz and blood, but she was reeking now of urine.
"Uncle Allen's turn," Amy was saying.
Allen remained outside the jacuzzi. "Kneel down on the floor now, Becky, and look up at me."
Reluctantly - because it meant kneeling in a pool of Damon's yellow piss - Becky complied.
Allen's bladder was a bit shier, but he was able to piss on the young girl, directing the spray into her hair, face, and shoulders. He was just about to tell her to open her mouth for him when the thought caused his cock to get too hard. He tried to will it to deflate, but each time it started to do so he would picture himself pissing in the 11-year old's mouth, and his erection would come back in full force.
But Damon came to the rescue, running out to call Ryan and Tommy back into the room. The man and teen came back in, and had a bit better control of themselves. Simultaneously they hosed the girl down with their streams, and Amy was able to talk Becky into swallowing the vile stuff.
Two hours later they had all gotten cleaned and changed. Damon had one short scene to film with Becky. He filmed her standing, naked, letting the camera pan from her feet to her pretty face. On cue, she delivered her line. "Hi, I'm Becky. I'm 11 years old and I love to be raped!" Then she flashed a dimply smile. Damon used that scene in a lot of his videos as both the introduction and after the sex scene.
Once done, Damon ordered pizzas delivered to the house. After the meal, Amy checked her phone and returned a call to Jessica. After a brief conversation she handed the phone to Becky.
"Hey, sis, you having a good time?" Jessie was saying.
Becky glanced from Amy to Allen to Damon. Her mind flashed back to Jessie coming out of the dorm a few days ago when their mom had dropped her off. It seemed like years ago, and years in which Becky had gotten older and Jessie hadn't changed at all. In that moment Becky felt wiser and more grown up than her own older, sweet, sad little dyke of a sister. Becky blinked and pressed the phone closer to her ear.
"Yes, sis. I'm having a good time. The best!"
Comments here or to my email or hit me up on Yahoo Messenger. Love to hear your ideas for a sequel... does Becky hang out at college for a little while longer? Or does she experiment when she returns home? Or does Allen's daughters return for a visit? Or does Damon arrange a new film with a new crop of girls?
If you enjoyed this, check out my other stories on Loliwood Studios.
Alyssa Rhea
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