The Rebel Girl

[ MM/gg nc, oral, anal, bdsm ]

Published: 24-Apr-2013

Word Count: 11420

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Captain Garcia hated Monday mornings. Every Monday he would come into his office and there on his desk would be a pile of manila folders, delivered that morning from intelligence.

Inside the folders were details on rebel suspects, their friends and even their families. Garcia's job as head of the counter insurgence department was to decide if there was enough evidence to arrest the suspects and interrogate them, to try and get information about the rebel forces and their sympathizers.

Due to the ongoing civil war all that was needed was for Garcia to arrange for them to be arrested. There was no legal redress for the suspects and most of those arrested simply disappeared after questioning, never to be seen again.

Garcia himself was first and foremost a soldier. He was not a sadistic man and never took any pleasure from the interrogations that his men carried out to try and obtain the information they needed to fight the rebels. He knew however that when he chose someone from a folder to be questioned he was signing their death warrant and the knowledge did not sit easily with him.

Having lost his family to a rebel attack, the Captain hated them all with a vengeance and longed to be out in the bush hunting them with his soldiers, but some General decided that he was good at this job and now the Captain spent a lonely life sorting those that he thought were rebels or rebel sympathizers from those that were reported by malicious neighbors. The Captain read through several folders marking one for action and the others for surveillance before reaching out for his coffee and knocking several manila folders to the floor where they spewed their contents out.

With a curse he stooped to gather the items together but stopped, staring, when he spotted a photo of a young girl looking up at him. The girl in the photo was about 13 years old and had shoulder length black hair framing the face of an angel.

Feeling something stirring inside him Garcia just stared at the photo, captivated by the beauty who stared back at him. The photo was cut off at the waist but he could see that the girl was wearing the sort of peasant blouse that was very popular with the young girls this year and showed a generous amount of cleavage for a girl so young.

A knock at the door brought Garcia back to his senses. "Enter," he called and his young Aide came in followed by a Sergeant.

As he collected up the items from the folders he heard the Sergeant say, "We have a patrol going out to pick up two suspects for questioning. Do you have any more business for them Sir."

As Garcia sat down he handed the folder that he had marked for action to the sergeant and told him to bring in that one in too.

As the Sergeant saluted and turned to leave Garcia added, "Just make sure that you bring them in unharmed this time. The rebel you killed last week could have given us useful information. I don't want a hair on their head harmed this time or maybe you will face a firing squad. Understood?"

"Yes sir," the Sergeant answered with a look of fear in his eyes.

As the two men left Garcia sat looking wistfully at the young girl in the picture. He felt his manhood harden and unconsciously dropped his hand to rub it as his eyes glazed over and he daydreamed about what he would like to do to her.

Getting up from his desk he went through a door into what was euphemistically called an interview room. Since he rarely got involved in questioning suspects other than to offer them a chance to talk before they were taken down to be questioned by the men downstairs, this room hadn't been used for some time.

To one side was a desk with a small wooden chair sat in front of it and a bright lamp on it for shining into the suspect's eyes. It was the other side of the room however that drew Garcia's attention. This had an interrogation table in it where the suspect could be tied down while being 'questioned'. The table was cleverly designed however to open up into an X shaped cross by spreading the top and bottom apart and was hinged so that the limbs could be raised or lowered to give access to any part of the victims body.

On the wall hung various objects used in the questioning of suspects, ranging from whips, canes and clamps to devices that deliver an electric shock.

Holding the picture in one hand and rubbing his manhood with the other Garcia imagined the young girl tied to the table in front of him, helpless to object as he slaked his lust on her. Too late he recognized the warning signs and felt the wetness of his cum inside his underwear. With another curse he returned to his desk and put the girl's photo into the drawer before going to his personal toilet to clean himself up.

Telling himself that he was a fool, he returned to his desk and continued to work his way through the files, not even breaking for lunch but every now and then, sneaking a look at the picture of the lovely young girl.

With most of the manila files marked for action, he realized that he still hadn't found the one to which the photo belonged. Scanning the remainder he was still at a loss and even after checking through the ones he had marked for action he couldn't find to which folder she belonged.

Again he searched through, looking for clues to her identity and by now it had become important to him to know everything about her. He knew that he was being foolish but just the sight of her stirred up feelings that he had thought had died with his wife.

Looking at the photo again he turned it over and realized that there was some writing on the back. "Anna Hardwick" it said. "Age 13. Cousin of Pierre Hardwick. Claimed her Cousin was a rebel to one of her school friends who repeated it to one of our spies."

"Ah," he said aloud. Almost certainly she was trying to show off to a friend when she had made the claim. Certainly he would need more than that before he dragged her or her cousin in for questioning. "But where was the file that the picture belonged in?" he wondered. Just then there was a knock at the door and his aide walked in. "Thought you would like to know that the patrol has returned with the suspects you ordered them to detain Sir," he announced. "Thanks Corporal, Garcia replied give me five minutes and then bring the first one in."

"Yes Sir," his aide replied knowing that it was Garcia's way to always interview the suspects and give them a chance to confess before sending them downstairs.

Garcia smartened himself up and put his sidearm and baton on the desk before sitting down ready for the first suspect.

When the first man was brought in Garcia recognized him from the photo in his file. He was 28 and had been seen leaving his home after curfew several nights shortly before the rebels had attacked. Unless he had a girlfriend that he was visiting he was almost certainly creeping out to join the rebels on their attacks.

Garcia offered him a deal. If he confessed and named his contacts they would let him return to his family. The man refused telling Garcia to go to hell and at a nod was pulled from the room.

The next man was scared. He claimed he had nothing to do with the rebels but several people had reported seeing him in the company of known rebel sympathizers and after being offered the same deal he just broke down crying and repeated his claim to not know anything about the rebels. Garcia nodded for him to be taken and he too was dragged away. "Do you want to see the next two together, Sir?" the aide asked.

"Why would I want to see them together?" Garcia asked.

"Well they are Cousins," his aide answered placing a file with the name Hardwick on it on his desk.

Sitting there Garcia could only stare for a minute while his thoughts raced. So that is why he couldn't find her file. He must have given it to the Sergeant in error this morning when he dropped the files.

"Sir?" his aide asked as he waited for a reply.

"Er, yes. Bring them both in," he replied knowing better than to explain his mistake.

A young man of about 23 was pushed through the door and pulled over to stand in front of his desk but Garcia's eyes were fixed on the door as the angel from the picture was shoved through it and pushed over to stand next to her cousin.

His heart beat faster as Garcia stared at the young beauty that stood in front of him. The photo didn't do her justice. It didn't show the vibrancy of her youth or the flawless complexion of her skin marred only by a bruise on her cheek.

She had obviously been at school when the soldiers had come for her as she was dressed in a school uniform of white blouse, green plaid skirt and white ankle socks.

"Please sir," the young man spoke up. "I will confess to anything you want, but Anna knows nothing. Please let her go."

"Unfortunately the reason you are here is because of Anna, who has claimed that you are a rebel," Garcia informed him. "That means we will have to question her to find out exactly what she does know." Even as he said it he knew that the chances of her knowing anything useful were slight but somehow Garcia knew that he couldn't just let her walk out of the room.

"I want them separated," he told the guards. "Put her in my interview room and send him downstairs. Tell them downstairs that I will question them both personally and that I don't want them touched. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir," the guards replied and as one dragged the young man away the other pushed Anna towards the door to the interview room.

Opening the door Garcia followed the guard and his prisoner inside and thought about what to do with her. He hadn't meant for her and her Cousin to be picked up but he would appear weak if he allowed them to walk free now.

Anna's hands were cuffed in front of her and Garcia ordered the guard to fasten her to a chain that hung from the wall. When he had done that, Garcia tightened the chain until her arms were held high above her head and she had to stand on tiptoe to reach the floor.

Dismissing the guard Garcia saw him give a disappointed glance backward as he left the room. The guard had hoped that he would be around when the young girl was questioned, as it was rare to have a prisoner of such beauty, even if she was rather young.

The girl had not said a word as she was chained up still too shocked at the discovery that it was her boasting that had betrayed her Cousin.

Deciding that he needed time to collect his thoughts Garcia returned to his office and sat down behind his desk. On it lay the picture that had started all this and as he considered what to do Garcia realized that his manhood had grown to the point where it threatened to burst the fly on his uniform trousers.

Looking from the photo up to the door of the interview room and back down again the Captain smiled to himself. This was his facility. No one was going to question what he did to the relative of a rebel. She was his to do whatever he wanted to and he knew exactly what he wanted to do with her.

She was without doubt the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and the chance to possess her completely was one that he was not about to pass up.

He looked up as she called out and walking to the door he opened it and strode in.

"Please Sir," she asked through her tears. "Could I put my arms down? They hurt so much." Standing there, Garcia allowed his eyes to roam over her helpless young body. With her arms stretched above her head, her breasts looked small beneath the blouse. Her skirt had risen and showed a lot of her thigh and her lips pouted in a way that he found very sensual. As he looked at her boldly Anna dropped her eyes to the floor in embarrassment. Although only 13, she knew that look and would have made an excuse and left when someone looked at her that way normally, but in her present situation there was nothing she could do about it.

Walking over to stand in front of where the young girl hung, Garcia pushed her hair off her face, lightly touching her near perfect skin as he did. Both felt the touch as if electricity had passed between them and the young girl shivered.

"What do you know about the rebels?" He asked feeling that he needed to establish control before he drowned in her dark eyes.

"I was just boasting to a friend." She cried. "It wasn't true. Pierre isn't a rebel. I don't even know any rebels."

"But you boasted that he was," Garcia answered. "Do you admire the rebels? Do you think maybe that they are brave?"

"No. Please I didn't mean it," she stuttered.

"So you are telling me that you lied, is that it?" he asked.

"Yes Sir," she answered, tears rolling down her face.

"Do you lie often?" He asked.

"What do you mean," she asked looking confused.

"I asked if you were in the habit of telling lies?" Garcia asked her.

"No Sir," Anna answered looking at the floor.

"So you are an honest girl who is truthful? Garcia continued.

"Yes Sir, usually," Anna replied.

"So if you are an honest girl who does not admire the rebels why would you want to pretend that your cousin is one, if he isn't? What sort of a boast would that be?" Garcia asked pulling the young girl's head up to look into her eyes. "I believe that you were truthful when you boasted that he is a rebel and I want to know everything that you know about them."

"But I don't know anything," the young girl cried. "Please believe me."

Garcia noted that she had given up claiming her cousin was innocent. He suspected from the start that she had told her school friend the truth but really didn't expect her to know much about the rebels.

"Do you have a large family," he asked?

"No Sir. Just my Mother and a younger Sister," Anna replied.

"How old is your Sister," Garcia continued?

"Ten, Sir," Anna replied looking confused.

"Maybe we should have her in for questioning too," Garcia said. "She might know more than you seem to."

"Oh no Sir, please don't hurt her," Anna begged. "She's only ten. She doesn't know anything." "Well that depends on your cooperation," the Captain answered. "If you tell me everything that you know and do everything I tell you to, I won't have to question her but if you don't," He left the threat hanging in the air.

Anna dropped her eyes to the floor and Garcia felt his manhood swell again at the look of surrender on his young captive's face.

Reaching for the chain Garcia lowered her arms and heard her cry out as the movement hurt her aching limbs. Taking out a key he removed the handcuffs and stood back as she rubbed her wrists to restore the circulation.

"Turn around and stand with your hands on the wall while I search you," he ordered.

Hesitating for only a moment Anna complied and Garcia smiled, as he looked at the way the position made her bum stick out.

"Now spread your legs wide apart," he commanded and watched as she did as she was told. Starting with her head the Captain ran his hands over her body. Her hair felt soft and smelt clean and the skin of her neck was smooth. As he ran his fingers across her shoulders and along her arms she shivered.

Coming back along the underside of her arms into her armpits he could feel the damp caused by her nervousness. Now his hands traveled down her sides, the fingertips just brushing the sides of her breasts making her stiffen at the unwanted feeling.

"Please don't," she sobbed as his hands reached her lower back and started to caress her tiny bum.

"Stand still and be quiet," he ordered her, his voice slightly breathless from the feelings surging through him.

Never taking his hands from her body he lingered over her tight little bum then slid his hands down the back of her silky smooth legs.

"Turn around and remove your shoes and socks," he commanded and stepped back as Anna turned and dropped to one knee to take her black school shoe and white ankle sock off. He was treated to a flash of young thigh as she changed knees and removed the other shoe and sock before standing facing him with her back against the wall.

"Even her feet are perfect," Garcia thought as he stood looking at her. "Hands behind your head," he barked making her start in fright.

Stepping up to her Garcia ran his hands down her sides over her blouse before bringing his hands to her stomach and then starting the upward journey towards her breasts. Anna looked up in fright, straight into his eyes and he held her gaze as his hands ran up the lower slopes of her breasts and onto their peaks.

Anna gave a sharp intake of breath as her assailant's hands stopped and she closed her eyes as she felt his hands gently caress her twin mounds. Since her breasts had begun to grow they had always been very sensitive and as his hands squeezed gently she wanted desperately to pull away from his touch but couldn't because of the wall behind her.

As his hands left her breasts Anna felt a surge of relief, which disappeared very quickly when she felt him undo the top button on her blouse.

"No please," she begged again but Garcia ignored her and gave her a stern look, which scared her into submission.

"I need to search you to make sure that you're not hiding anything," he told her undoing the second button on her blouse and seeing her white lacy bra come into view.

Slowly he undid the remaining three buttons and pulled the two sides of her blouse apart revealing her orange sized breasts within the delicate lacy bra and her perfectly flat stomach below. Looking at the bra, he could see a hint of her fear-hardened, pink nipples beneath.

Reaching to her skirt he heard her sob as he released the button and lowered the short zip allowing it to slide down her hips and legs to end in a pile around her feet. Underneath she wore a lacy pair of white panties that matched the bra and showed just a hint of the shape of the lips of her pussy.

Stepping back Garcia spent a long time allowing his eyes to devour her beauty. She was as perfect as he had thought. The red blush on her face and chest was testimony to her innocence, while the hard nipples pressing against her bra and the mound of her pussy under the panties made her the sexiest girl Garcia had ever seen.

"Take off your blouse," he commanded and the girl obeyed, dropping it from her shoulders onto the floor and allowing him an even better look at her young body.

Taking her soft arm Garcia led her, unresisting to the chair in front of his desk and pushed her down onto it.

As he walked around the desk to sit down there was a knock on the door and his aide walked in when called, with a tray.

The aide, without taking his eyes off the young girl in her underwear, brought the tray to the Captains desk. "I'm just about to go off sir unless there is anything you need me for?" He asked hopefully running his eyes up and down the girl for emphasis.

"No David. That will be all for tonight," Garcia replied, dashing his hopes.

"Sir." The aide replied saluting before turning and leaving the room, stealing one last look at the girl before closing the door.

After pouring himself a cup of tea Garcia started to question the young girl.

During the questioning he found out that her Father had been taken away as a suspected Rebel and never seen again along with her older Brother.

It was clear from her answers however that she didn't know anything important about the rebels but Garcia felt that if she knew that her Cousin was a rebel she would almost certainly know who his rebel friends were.

"Tell me more about your Cousin," he coaxed her. "With your Father and Brother dying for the cause you must have been very proud when you found out that he was a rebel too."

"No." The young girl almost whispered, her eyes downcast. "I wanted him to give it up. I didn't want him to die like everyone else in our family. Are you going to kill us?" She asked suddenly looking up and into his eyes.

As he stared into her dark eyes Garcia felt as though he would drown. He wanted this girl, the Daughter of a rebel, more than he had ever wanted anything in his life.

"I don't want to have to kill you," he told her. "But I do need to know everything that you can tell me about the rebels and their friends."

"But I don't know anything," she wailed. "I always get sent away whenever anyone talks about the war."

"Well let's start with the names of your Cousin's friends?" Garcia asked.

"I don't really know them," the young girl answered after some hesitation.

"Oh I think that you do," Garcia said looking threateningly at her. "I am giving you a chance that most people who come in here don't get," he continued. "If you tell me what I want to know now I won't have to hurt you."

"Please. I can't tell you anything," the girl replied knowing that it wasn't going to be enough to save her from the threatened pain.

"Well you give me no choice then," Garcia told her, standing and walking over to the table. "Come here and lay on the table."

Looking around in fear Anna hesitated as she sought a means of escape. With quick strides the Captain was upon her, gripping her arm tightly and leading her over to the table. Pulling out his baton he looked at her threateningly.

"Get up on the table and lay on your back," he commanded, watching her lithe body as she obeyed him.

Now he tied the young teen girl tightly to the unyielding table with her hands stretched up above her head and her feet tied to the bottom. Stepping back he admired her soft young body and felt his cock harden again beneath his uniform.

Reaching out he tied straps around the young girls elbows, knees and waist pinning her to the table and restricting her movement to a small wriggle.

Standing next to Anna's head he offered her one last chance to start giving him names only to see her shake her head in defiance. Reaching down he began to turn a handle and the top half of the table split, each half expanding out with one arm fastened to it. As the two halves spread out leaving Anna laying in a 'Y' shape her head was no longer supported and after trying to hold it up for a while she allowed it to flop back leaving her looking at everything from an upside-down position.

Finally with a click the table stopped moving and Anna cried out as she tried to come to terms with the pain in her stretched arms and back.

From her upside down position she saw the Captain take up a sharp knife and approach her. "Please don't kill me," she begged, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm not about to kill you little one," Garcia replied. "I have other plans for you."

Slipping the point of the knife under each of her bras straps he sliced through them before doing the same to the material between her breasts. Pulling the remains free he marveled at her slightly flattened breasts and the brown bud of her nipples on the top.

As he stood alongside the table he ran his hands over the helpless young girl's body. She remained quiet as his hands touched and stroked her young breasts only crying out when he pinched her nipples until they were hard.

"You are so beautiful," he told her as he played with her body. "Do as I say and I will spare your cousin's life."

Now Garcia walked to the head of the table and the young girl watched apprehensively from her upside down position as he stripped off his uniform.

As his tanned body came into view Anna's eyes fixed on his cock as it stuck out in front of her. She had never seen a man's erect cock before and the size of it scared her.

As he walked towards her Anna begged. "Please don't do this to me."

"Are you going to tell me the names of your cousin's friends," he asked?

"Please I can't," she cried. "I don't know their names. Please don't hurt me."

Garcia's cock grew even harder at the sound of the young girl's begging. He stepped up until the head of his cock was touching her face and reached across to cup and squeeze her young breasts.

"Open your mouth and take my cock inside it," he ordered. Anna just shook her head and the Captain tightened his grip on her breasts. "I can always get my men to bring your sister in for questioning if you are not going to cooperate," he threatened.

Knowing that she was beaten, Anna reluctantly opened her mouth and felt the Captain push the bulbous head of his cock inside her mouth. She could feel the wetness of his precum leaking onto her tongue and tasted the bitter, salty fluid as she swallowed to clear her throat.

The feeling of her soft warm lips around his cock was heaven to Garcia who had seldom managed to persuade his wife to perform this act for him. The fact that he had the power of life and death over this beautiful thirteen year old added to the erotic feelings that surged through his mind. She was his to do with whatever he wanted and the threat to her young Sister was enough to make her do it at his command.

He began to rock his hips backward and forward as he commanded her to use her tongue to lick around the head of his cock and to suck it gently. His eyes closed and his head tilted back as he savored the feelings that ran through him. Her mouth felt soft, wet and hot all at the same time and her tongue swirling around the head of his cock sent bolts of feeling through his body with every touch.

It had been a long time since the handsome Captain had sex with any woman, which meant that he couldn't hold out for long when faced with the erotic stimulation that he was now feeling. He could feel the tightness start to build in his balls and the rush of his sperm as it traveled through his hard cock and spurted into the warm mouth of the thirteen year-old girl.

Anna choked as her mouth filled with the warm salty liquid. With the cock still buried inside her mouth there was nowhere for the cum to escape. She tried desperately to avoid swallowing but with her mouth full and more filling it every second, she had no option but to swallow if she was to breathe. With her upside-down position the thick, sticky liquid stuck in her throat and caused her to cough to clear it. This allowed some to seep out of the corners of her mouth around Garcia's large cock and run into her nose, eyes and hair.

"Keep sucking and licking until I tell you that you can stop," he ordered and the young girl swallowed hard, feeling the sticky mess slide down her throat before returning to her task of pleasuring him.

Keeping her at it until his cock was clean, Garcia allowed her to stop and pulled his semi hard cock from her sweet little mouth.

Looking down at her cum covered features made his manhood begin to swell again but he took pity on her awkward position and using a handle under the table brought the two sides that held her arms together again. Her hair was hanging down and was caught by the closing of the table between the two arms, immobilizing her head.

Walking around the table Garcia stood by her feet enjoying the sight of his little angel, as he now thought of her, lying naked except for her panties, in front of him. Reaching down he turned a lever and the bottom half of the table began to spread, each half taking one of the young girl's legs with it. Wider and wider went the table until Anna cried out with the pain, which was enough to stop the Captain from going further. Yet another lever was turned and the girl's legs were dropped down forcing her pelvis up off the table.

Stepping forward Garcia stood between the young girl's legs and ran his hands over her soft skin. Taking up the knife he slit each side of her white panties and pulled them from under his young captive.

Moving his hands to the inside of her thighs, he marveled at her flawlessness as his fingers crept ever higher up her legs. He heard the sharp intake of her breath as his fingers, lightly slid across her spread open pussy lips and through the light covering of hair just above the slit.

As she tried to watch what the Captain was doing to her, Anna was hampered by her hair, which was caught between the two sides of the table. She could see him bend down over her and the next thing she felt was his tongue as he ran it from the bottom of her pussy lips upwards to her small clit, which he licked around causing her to groan at the unexpected sexual feelings that stole through her body.

Standing up straight Garcia took a hair from his mouth and looked at it in disgust, and then he strode to the door and disappeared out into his office returning with a razor, soap and a warm flannel.

Covering the junction of the young girl's legs in soap he picked up the razor and very carefully shaved her leaving her smooth and hairless.

At first Anna was scared but as he worked the razor over her skin she began to almost enjoy the gentle touch and warm cloth as it wiped her. Now she could feel that his hand was back, gently rubbing over her as he tested her smoothness. She felt his thumb dip into the top of her slit until it rubbed up against her clit where it circled around and around.

"That's much better," he told her as his hand flicked lightly back and forth across her most sensitive part.

She could feel the blood engorged clit as it hardened as she had never felt it before but couldn't look down to see it because of her bound hair. Now she saw her captor lower his head and again she felt his tongue lick from the bottom of her slit up and onto her hard bud of a clit.

Garcia enjoyed the way his young captive jerked every time his tongue licked over her clit. Replacing his tongue with his thumb again he dipped his tongue into his captive's well lubricated little slit and enjoyed the taste of her young girl juices.

"Please, please," she begged and Garcia didn't know nor care whether she was begging him to stop or to do it harder. His face was buried between the thirteen year-old's thighs and his tongue was forcing its way into her virgin passage.

With one hand teasing her pebble hard clit and the other playing with her breasts and nipples, Garcia pushed the child harder and harder towards her orgasm. Her moans turned to yelps and her yelps to screams as she thrashed around in her bondage and arched her pelvis up to meet his tongue.

The Captain continued to push her through several more orgasms until the young girl sank back in exhaustion, crying from the wonderful feelings that her body was experiencing.

Standing up from between his young captive's legs, he looked down at her naked body and wiped her juices from his face. "From today you are mine," he told her. "As long as you do what I want, your family will be safe, but disobey me or try to escape and your sister and mother will be here in your place."

Shuddering at the knowledge of what her future had in store Anna felt the Captain's cock touch against her pussy lips. She could feel him rubbing it up and down to coat it in her juices and then stop to position it at the entrance to her virgin love channel.

She felt the pressure build as his pushing got more forceful and begged for him not to take her virginity, a virginity that she one day had hoped to give to her husband on their wedding night.

"Consider this our wedding night," he replied. "From tomorrow you will live with me as my wife..." At this she screamed as the head of his cock forced its way into her and tore through her hymen.

Garcia paused to allow her to become accustomed to the size of his cock inside her before beginning to stroke gently in and out of her. His hands returned to working their magic on her body and soon she was again getting the pleasurable feelings of arousal that he had given her before.

Mixed with the pleasure and arousal this time was pain as he drove ever deeper inside her with every stroke. Already she was beginning to have small orgasms as he drove into her harder in an attempt to bury the full length of his manhood in her immature body.

Now the orgasms were a constant feeling with no time between them and he could feel her thrusting back towards him in an attempt to get even more of the wonderful feelings and he responded by increasing the force of his own thrusts even though he could feel the head of his cock hitting against her soft cervix with each stroke.

Now she was grunting in pain as well as pleasure as his cock bruised her insides with each stroke. His hands left her clit and breasts and grasped her tiny hips as he pulled her towards him to force his way deeper into her young body.

Anna gasped as Garcia felt something inside her give and his cock slid completely inside. He guessed he had forced himself through her cervix and deep into her womb but all he knew was that his cock was being gripped in a vice-like hold as he rocked backwards and forwards inside her. He couldn't last long and soon his spunk was showering from the end of his cock directly into his captive's womb.

Burst after burst of semen shot from his cock as his victim jerked in the final throes of her own orgasm until both of them held still as they recovered from their joint experience.

Finally the moment passed and Garcia withdrew his softening cock from the young girl's ravaged body. Looking down he could see the mixture of her juices and his cum tinged with the pink that showed he had taken her virginity.

Releasing her from her bondage Garcia lifted the young girl and took her through to his shower where he lovingly cleaned her body before taking her to his bed where she dropped into an exhausted sleep.

Anna awoke to the feeling of the Captain's warm, naked body against her back as his hands toyed with her breasts. She could see that it was morning as she lay there surrendering to his touch as he gently explored her body.

There was a knock at the door and on Garcia's command an aide entered with a pot of coffee and a freshly pressed uniform for the Captain. Anna tried to hide beneath the covers but Garcia just laughed and continued to stroke her naked flesh as the aide set down his load and left the room.

Jumping out of the bed Garcia pulled the covers from the young girl's naked body and stood admiring her for a moment before taking her hands in his and pulling her up to stand in front of him.

Lifting her chin he kissed her unresisting lips as he admired her pert rear in a mirror that stood behind her. "You are going to have to learn to do better than that," he informed her as he broke the kiss.

Putting his hands on her shoulders he pushed downwards and Anna allowed herself to drop to her knees on the soft carpet in front of him. "Suck my cock until I tell you to stop," he ordered the 13 year-old.

Looking up in fear Anna couldn't believe that he expected her to willingly do such a thing. When he had taken her virginity last night she had been helpless to stop him but now he expected her to obey him willingly.

"You need to be taught a lesson," he told her when she failed to move. "I'll have your sister picked up today and any disobedience on your part will lead to a punishment for her."

Knowing that those people who were picked up for questioning always disappeared Anna was terrified for her young sister. "No please sir," Anna wailed. "I'll do whatever you want, but don't have her picked up. I promise I'll do anything."

"Ok. I'll give you one last chance," Garcia warned. "Now do as you have been told."

Opening her mouth Anna leaned forward and holding it with her hand slid the Captain's cock between her lips. Scared for her Sister's safety she tried her best to please the naked man before her, looking up pleadingly into his eyes as her tongue licked around the head of his cock and her cheeks hollowed as she sucked hard on it.

Looking down at the young girl before him Garcia smiled in pleasure. She was proving to be all that he had hoped she would be with her ripe young body and her innocent attempts to pleasure him. He could feel his orgasm approaching and decided to test her resolve.

"I'm going to come in your mouth," he informed her. "When I do I don't want you to swallow it or spit it out. You are to just hold it in your mouth until I tell you to swallow. Understand?"

Unable to speak around the cock filling her mouth, Anna just nodded and redoubled her efforts to please her cruel captor. She felt his cock swell just before the salty tasting liquid surged from the end to spray her throat and she choked as she tried to stop herself swallowing it in order to breath. In the end she had to swallow about half of his cum before she got her tongue between his cock and her throat and managed to stop the rest in her mouth as he had instructed her.

Smiling as he looked down at her terrified face Garcia knew that she had failed as he pulled his semi hard cock from her mouth, watching as a little cum escaped from the corner of her mouth to drip down onto her naked breast.

"Show me what you have got," he ordered and the young girl turned her head upwards and carefully opened her mouth to show him what she had caught of his cum.

This was one of the horniest sights that Garcia had ever seen. Here he had a naked thirteen year-old girl sucking him off and then showing him his cum in her mouth, waiting for him to give her permission to swallow it.

"Where is the rest?" He asked knowing that the poor girl couldn't answer him when she had her mouth full of his cum. "I am sure you promised to do everything I asked and yet the very first thing I tell you to do you fail."

Tears were trickling down the poor girl's face now and she was having trouble holding her mouth open and not swallowing. "Swallow what little you managed to get," he told her and then show me your empty mouth."

Swallowing the thickening globs of slimy cum without being sick was not easy but Anna dared not throw up and kept swallowing until it was all gone, opening her mouth wide to show the Captain when she had finished.

"Later I am going to give you one last chance to get something right," Garcia told her, "but first you can give me a shower and we will have breakfast."

The two of them showered and at Garcia's insistence soaped and washed each other's bodies before toweling each other off with large fluffy bath towels. The warm water and soft touch relaxed Anna so much that she began to get back some of the sexual feelings that she had experienced the night before.

Sitting down to a breakfast that had been brought in while they were in the shower, Anna was surprised to find herself hungry and demolished a large plateful of sausages and bacon but couldn't bring herself to eat the scrambled eggs as they reminded her of the cum she had so recently swallowed.

After breakfast the Captain left telling Anna to stay in his rooms and he would be back later. Anna returned to the bed and cried herself to sleep knowing that her life would never return to how it was before.

She awoke to hear someone out in the sitting room, clearing away the breakfast things and slid down under the covers in case they came into the bedroom. She heard them walk through the door and pause at the foot of the bed.

"Get out of the bed," a male voice said. "I need to change the covers."

Looking out from under the covers Anna found that it was the young aide who had enjoyed looking at her in her underwear yesterday. Now he stood by the side of the bed with a smile on his face as he waited for her to obey.

"Please sir I don't have any clothes on," Anna replied.

"Do as you are told slut," the aide replied with an evil glint in his eye. He didn't usually change the Captain's bedding until the end of each week but he had seen that the girl was still here and suspected that she would be naked beneath the sheets.

Reaching out he pulled the covers from her and left her lying naked on the bed curled into a fetal position. His eyes ran over her body taking in the bruises on her arms and legs and the red soreness on the puffy lips of her pussy, which he could see between her curled up legs.

"Get up and stand over there," he ordered and Anna did as she was told, pleased to be off the bed as she had been scared that he would rape her as she lay there. The aide quickly stripped the bed and remade it casting glances over to where the naked girl stood waiting, her hands covering her small breasts and pussy from his gaze. He could feel the effect that her beautiful naked body was having on him as his manhood threatened to rip open the zip of his trousers.

Finishing the bed he stood up and beckoned the girl over. Anna reluctantly walked over and stood before him keeping her eyes on the ground and her hands covering as much of her body as possible.

"Stand up straight and put your hands on your head," he ordered and after a moments hesitation the young girl complied. Now he reached out and his hands played with her small breasts. "Did the Captain introduce you to the delights of oral sex?" he asked and watched as the naked girl blushed and nodded her head.

"Let's see how well he taught you, little one," the aide said and pushed on the thirteen year-olds shoulders until she dropped to her knees in front of him. "Get my cock out and show me what you have learnt," he ordered.

He was aware that he was taking a huge chance by molesting this girl who had been chosen as his own by the Captain but the beautiful young girl was so desirable and the risk thrilled him to the point where he couldn't help himself.

This beautiful naked young girl was on her knees in front of him, looking up with her eyes pleading for his mercy and he was helpless to stop himself. He doubted that she would tell the Captain what he had done as she would assume that it was just part of her lot as their prisoner.

"Do I have to hurt you, or are you going to do as I told you?" he asked thrusting his pelvis forward towards her face.

Reaching out without a word, Anna undid his trousers and lowered the zip. The trousers slid down partway and she pulled them until they were around his knees. Now he held his shirt up for her and she hooked her little hands into the top of his underwear and pulled them down, almost being slapped in the face by his cock as it jumped free.

Holding the cock in one hand Anna steeled herself before opening her mouth and guiding his cock over her lips and into the warm interior. Pausing for a moment she began to lick around the bulbous head and immediately noticed that the taste was much stronger and nastier than the Captain's.

Fighting the feeling of nausea the young girl worked on the aides cock as he began to move his hips, burying more of his length inside her lovely mouth. She worked hard sucking and licking in an attempt to make him come as quickly as possible in the hope of ending her ordeal.

His large cock was hurting her mouth as it was stretched around his girth. She could feel the veins under his skin as he slid it in and out and could feel the coarse hairs scratching her face each time he pushed forwards. She felt it swell even more, then her throat was filled with his cum and she was choking as she tried to breathe.

Holding her head with his cock emptying itself into her throat was a fantastic feeling for the aide and he kept her there, struggling for breath until he felt his cock had gone soft.

"Lick it clean for me bitch," he ordered.

He kept Anna at it for five minutes before pulling free of her mouth and shoving her to the floor. "That was a pretty useless attempt," he told her. "You are going to have to do better than that. Now go and clean yourself up."

As the young girl struggled to her feet he pushed her towards the bathroom and stood watching as she washed her face and cleaned her teeth, trying desperately to get rid of the taste of him.

The aide led her to a kitchen off the sitting room. "Ok you can make drinks and sandwiches here," he told her then seeing that she was looking at a carving knife he said. "If you're thinking of using that on me or the Captain you would be sorry you even thought of it and if you are thinking of using it on yourself then your Cousin would pay for it in the most painful way possible."

With that he left her, stealing one last glance at her youthful body on his way out.

Anna ran to the bathroom and grabbing a towel wrapped it around herself. At least now if anyone came in she would not be naked, she thought as she returned to the kitchen to make herself a drink to try and get rid of the taste of the aide's cum from her throat.

The rest of the day Anna was left alone until as evening approached she began to get nervous, expecting the Captain to return at any moment to continue her torture.

Just after six she heard a noise outside and the captain strode into the room carrying a bag in his hand. Anna jumped up, backing away from him but he smiled at her and said hello before going into the bathroom. Curious she moved to where she could see him and watched as he hung several bags with tubes from the rail around the top of the shower.

"Anna, get your pretty little ass in here," he called.

Not daring to hesitate she walked cautiously to the bathroom door and stood looking in. Garcia reached out and pulled the towel from her body throwing her a scowl as she resisted, which soon made her let go.

"I have warned you what will happen if you resist me," he said. "Maybe your Sister will be more willing than you? Now get into the bath and kneel down."

Doing as she was told Anna was aware of a noise out in the bedroom. She could hear a muffled crying and then a slap before the aide came into the bathroom and stood looking own at her. She guessed that the Captain had a new girl as well as herself and found herself resentful that he should need anyone else.

"David here is going to give you an enema so that when I use your ass it is nice and clean," he told her. Anna didn't know what an enema was but knew that it was going to hurt her by the look of pleasure on the aide's face. "She can thank you by giving you a blow job, David," he told the young man whose smile grew even wider.

The naked young girl looked up as the Captain left the bathroom. In the pause after he left she heard him talking to someone out in the bedroom.

"Ok let's get started," the aide, told her. "Get your head down and stick your bum up higher."

She watched as the aide filled the bags with warm water, adding something from a small bottle as he did so. From the bedroom she could hear the noise of someone being spanked and could hear them crying out in pain.

Her attention came back to her own plight when the aide began rubbing something into the puckered up hole of her bottom. It felt slimy and slippery and she felt him push his finger against her hard seeking to open her up.

Squirming away, Anna received a hard smack from the aide's other hand along with a warning to hold still or else. His finger was now drilling hard into her ass and Anna screamed as she struggled not to pull away.

Suddenly the finger was pulled out and a nozzle on a pipe attached to one of the bags was pushed up against her opening. "Just push backwards as if you are taking a shit," the aide told her. "It will be less painful for you."

As he pushed the nozzle against her Anna tried to push back. With a hard shove it went in and was held by a large ridge around the base, which stopped it from coming out.

"Ok good girl. Now I am going to open the tap and you will feel a warm liquid flowing into you," he told her.

As the liquid flowed up into her ass Anna was surprised that it felt rather pleasant. She didn't understand why they were doing it but it was warm and made her feel warm inside. As she began to fill up the feelings began to change a little as she first felt the need to get rid of the water and when she couldn't she began to have the cramps.

"Ah, please, no more," she begged as more cramps twisted her insides.

"Almost there little one," he answered his hand stroking her hair as if to calm her.

At last the bag was empty and Anna waited to be allowed to get rid of the soapy liquid that filled her up. When he did nothing she asked, "Can I empty it out now please?"

"I think now would be a good time for you to thank me. Don't you?" He asked undoing his zip and pulling out his erect cock.

"Please let me get rid of this first and then I will thank you all you want," Anna begged as another cramp hit her.

"Once I have come you can have it out," the aide replied, "so you had better get busy."

Getting back to a kneeling position was painful for the young girl with her distended stomach and painful cramps but she finally made it and quickly sucked the young man's cock into her warm mouth.

Yet again she felt her mouth being stretched as his cock grew inside her. He took her hands and taught her how to fondle his balls and showed her how to rub his cock as he fucked her mouth. Soon she felt the familiar swelling and for once was grateful to receive his warm spunk down her throat as it meant that the pains in her stomach would stop.

Once she had licked him clean the aide allowed her to use the toilet to empty out the water that stretched her so painfully. As soon as she was empty the aide made her kneel back in the bath and filled her with clean water to rinse her out.

From the bedroom she could hear someone being slapped and the sound of crying. Knowing that the Captain was probably raping another girl gave her mixed feelings. If he had moved on to another girl maybe he wouldn't want her any more after tonight and she would end up being tortured down in the cells with the other prisoners. While Anna didn't want to be raped anymore she knew that life in the cells downstairs would be far worse than life with the Captain.

The pain in her stomach brought Anna back to her present predicament as it swelled to an even greater size than before and the cramps gripped her bowels. The Captain's aide warned her not to let any of the liquid escape and pulled the nozzle roughly from her bum. As she shrieked in pain a spurt of water escaped but she quickly clenched her cheeks together in fear of punishment to stop it.

"Just hold it until I tell you," the aide ordered and went to the door of the bathroom. Anne stayed kneeling in the bath, frightened to move for fear of spilling more water. The cramps kept coming as she desperately fought to keep the water inside her, clenching her bum tightly each time she felt a trickle escape.

She could hear the muffled cries coming from the bedroom as someone was being urged by the Captain to suck him harder and heard the sounds made by the man as he finally came and the choking of the girl as she struggled to swallow his cum.

"Gag her David," she heard the Captain order and the Aide disappeared into the bedroom.

"Ok, tie her hands in front of her. Help me hang her from here. That's it close the door." Anna heard the Captains orders as she struggled to retain the water despite the pain she felt. Her stomach ached along with the tightly clenched muscles in her bum but by keeping very still she found she could limit the amount that leaked out.

The Captain walked into the bathroom, naked, followed by his Aide and stood behind her to see how much she had spilled. "Not very good Anna, you will have to learn to do better than that, "he told her and the young girl's heart leapt at the thought that he was intending to keep her around. She knew that no matter what he did to her it was a fraction of what would happen to her if he sent her down to the cells below.

"Get out of the bath and kneel in front of me," he ordered. "Make sure that you don't leak onto the bathroom floor or I might make you lick it up." He warned.

Very carefully Anna stood up in the bath and swung her legs, one at a time over the edge. Her bum cheeks were clenched as tight as she could but still she felt a trickle escape and run down the inside of her leg.

As she stood in front of the naked Captain she saw that his cock, which had been limp was beginning to harden. Carefully she lowered herself to her knees, feeling a little spurt of liquid escape as she did so.

Looking down Garcia found the site very erotic. The young girl's belly was swollen out like she was nine months pregnant and the look on her face every time a little liquid escaped was priceless as was the way she was clenching the cheeks of her bum tightly together.

As she felt the Captain's cock touch her lips Anna opened her mouth and allowed him to push it inside. Without being told she closed her lips around his semi hard cock and began to lick and suck along it's veined surface, feeling it growing hard inside her. She could taste his cum and was aware that someone else had his cock in their mouth only minutes before.

By now the cock had grown too big for her to take it all in her mouth and when he pushed it inside her she could feel it touching the back of her mouth. Pulling out he had her stick her tongue out and lick it from top to bottom before ordering her to stand.

"I thought I told you to hold it in," Garcia shouted as he forced her head down to look at where she had leaked over the floor. He was rewarded with another little spurt, as in her fear Anna was unable to hold it in.

Pulling her over to stand straddling the toilet Garcia ordered her not to let any more go without his permission and began to explore her body with his hands.

He caressed her breasts and gently squeezed them before easing a finger up her pussy and rubbing her clit. Then he put a hand behind her, on her back and the other on her stomach before pushing hard and laughing as she expelled a stream of dirty water from inside her.

"Not very good at this game are you?" he said.

"Please, I didn't mean to," she cried as sobs shook her little body. "I'm trying, but I can't hold it."

As his cock grew even harder Garcia told her to empty herself in the toilet and to shower ready for him. "I am going to fuck that lovely bum of yours," he told her and she began to cry harder.

The Captain and his Aide watched as the lovely young girl emptied the contents of her stomach, the relief and embarrassment both showing on her pretty face then climbing into the shower she washed herself as the two men watched.

"Soap up your finger and stick it up inside your pussy," the Captain ordered and the men closed in to watch as the young girl tried to obey.

Using her middle finger, Anna brought it to the entrance of her vagina and gently pushed it in to the first knuckle.

"All the way," the Captain insisted and Anna slowly pushed until her whole finger was buried inside her. "Ok, now frig yourself in and out with it," she was ordered and slowly obeyed.

"Harder and faster unless you want David here to do it for you," the Captain ordered. "Now start rubbing your clit with the other hand."

Shaking her head to show that she didn't need any help, Anna started to masturbate herself hard with her finger and to rub her clit with the other hand. At first she was embarrassed and didn't feel excited but after a short while her body began to respond to the stimulation and she started to moan.

"Keep going and do it faster," the Captain ordered as the young girls legs began to buckle. As Anna fucked her own pussy with her finger and rubbed her clit she began to come and threw back her head and cried out as the feeling swept through her.

Dropping to her knees she rested, still with her finger inside her and her other hand clamped over her pussy mound.

"That was very good," the Captain told her. "Now soap up your finger and stick it up your bum."

Anna looked up at the two men and seeing their expressions knew that begging wasn't going to change their minds. Pulling her finger from her pussy she soaped it really well and reluctantly put it behind her and against the puckered entrance to her bum.

Both men moved behind her to get a better view and watched fascinated at her struggle to push her finger through the entrance of her anus.

The young girl struggled to force her finger up into her bum, humiliation making her face burn red. Slowly the muscle gave way under the pushing of her soapy finger and it inched inside her feeling more like a log than a finger.

"All the way Anna," the Captain ordered and she steeled herself to push, getting another inch inside her before stopping. She felt a hand take hers and start to push and pull her hand so that the finger fucked into her tiny bum. Each time her finger went in it opened her up a little more until finally she could feel her hand hitting the cheeks of her bottom each time it was pushed in.

"Good girl," the Captain told her. "Ok, dry yourself off for me now."

Once she had dried herself Anna was led out into the bedroom and told to kneel on the bed with her bum in the air. Taking a tube of KY jelly the Captain got her to rub it over his cock before getting her to put some on her fingers and to stick her finger back into her bum. This time it went in easily but the Captain told her to add another finger.

As Anna struggled to push a second finger up inside herself she thought about what she was about to have done to her. She felt no sexual pleasure at the fingers up her bum and knew that his huge cock was going to really hurt when it replaced her fingers.

Finally she managed to squeeze both fingers in right up to their base and began to push them in and out as she had been told.

Looking down Garcia felt his cock swell again and knew that it was time to complete her introduction to his sexual perversions. Walking behind her he watched for a moment and then pulled her hand out of the way and pushed the head of his cock up against the small hole of her anus, which had not yet closed.

Quickly he thrust forward and was rewarded with a gasp of pain from the girl as the head of his cock slipping inside her. He rested there for a moment to allow her to become used to the burning pain of her anus being stretched so much.

"David. Why don't you use her mouth while I am busy here," he asked to Anna's dismay and the young Aide quickly stood in front of the young girl and pushed his cock against her lips.

As Garcia pushed his swollen cock down into Anna's bum she opened her mouth to cry out, only to find it filled with the waiting cock. The Aide wasted no time and taking the young girl's head in his hands he began to fuck her face with long strokes that threatened to choke her.

Meanwhile Garcia was struggling to bury his rampant manhood as deep as he could inside Anna's bum. He felt pain as he forced it deeper and deeper inside her as she struggled and squirmed in her own pain beneath him.

Again and again he pulled out slightly only to push back in even harder, each time gaining a little ground in his attempt to sheath himself fully in the lovely little girl's butt.

Finally he felt his balls slap against her skin and looking down saw that he was almost there. With one final push that had the young girl wailing around the cock in her mouth, he felt his legs tight up against hers and knew that his cock was completely enclosed by her tight little rectum.

"Ah, your ass is beautiful Anna," he told her. "I am going to keep you forever." With this he began to pull out until just the head of his cock remained within the girl's stretched body before he slowly pushed back in until his legs hit hers again.

Anna was desperate. She felt as though her insides were being torn apart as he pushed and pulled inside her. Her belly was on fire and she was sure that he must have ripped her bum to shreds. She could feel him begin to speed up as he increased the force with which he fucked her and was suddenly surprised as the cock in her mouth, which she had all but forgotten, spewed its salty tasting slime into the back of her throat.

As she choked on the cum in her throat the Aide pulled his cock from her mouth and blasted cum over her face watching as it ran down and dripped from her chin.

The aide walked over to a door in front of Anna and she realized that the Captain was saying something to her as he drove his cock into her faster and faster.

"I thought that you would be happier if your family was here with you," he told her. "I have to say that I am glad that I decided to let them join you, especially your baby Sister."

At that the Aide opened the door which had something hanging from its back.

Looking up Anna let out a cry of shock. With her hands tied above her head and hanging naked from a hook on the back of the door was her little ten-year-old Sister. Anna could see cum leaking from her Sister's mouth and down onto her chest where the Captain had recently spent himself inside her.

As her mind shut down as it tried to deal with her distress and the blackness engulfed her the last thing that she felt was the Captain's cock swelling as he filled her bowels with his hot seed.

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Yes indeed, I was hoping you'd get around to the ten year old! Superb story, thanks very much.


Nice!! Part two please!!


One of the best stories I have read on this site. I also hope that we get to read not only action performed on the 10year old, but also I hope that the male cousin is forced to fuck them both for the entertainment of the Captain. You make the whole thing very convincing with nice detail.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.