Published: 21-Apr-2013
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One has to love small towns and their buildings. Nate jr ran crying into the locker room. His sheer white speedo showing all, soaked in his piss and full in the back with brown stuffing. His hard boy meat super hard, just added to all the pointing and laughing.
The locker room was a large room with small easy to open lockers along the walls and benches to sit on while one changes. It had two doors, one leading to the pool and one leading out side. A shower area which also served as a bathroom with one open toilet and a long open urinal was attached to the locker room.
It was all so easy for me. A turn of a knob and no shower water for poor Nate jr to wash his self off with. Just the words Out of Order on a piece of paper taped to the door and clicking the lock made us all alone together. For later fun, I had emptied out his locker.
I found the young stud in the shower room nude in a ball crying.
"Young man where are your speedo's?", I asked him.
He pointed to the trash. Inside the can was the speedo and used paper towels, that Nate jr had used to wipe himself off with. Grabbing him by the arm, I pulled the boy up to his feet. I had to fight my urges. A little mini man stood before me, a young well trained swimmer's body with hair just starting under his arms and above what will be a monster at adulthood dick which was hard and looking right at me.
"Just look at you."
Still holding his arm, I ran my other hand down his stone abs. His legs were solid also. I cupped his nut sack, smooth with two hard marbles inside. When I grabbed his erection, he tried to get a way, but squeezing his arm made him stay still. Oh the feeling of a smooth, hard, and warm boy dick just ready to fire. I let go of it when it started to move and leak some. I would have no fun for this boy. I bent him over and enjoyed the sight and smell of a virgin boy ass. Yes, still some brown but inviting.
"Still a mess."
I pulled him over to the urinal. How he fought me but I got him in it. How children will obey. I removed my straining member from it's prison in my pants and hosed the boy down. Nate jr received a steady stream of fresh man piss all over his face and in his mouth, all down his body. Then he had to roll over as I covered his whole backside. It was good large drinks were not outlawed, or it would have taken longer to load up for Nate jr's bath.
"Will you ever get clean!"
It was now time for horror to strike the boy down. I removed him from the urinal and forced him out the back door. The plan was simple. From hacking his computer, I found he had a major crush on one cheerleader. The school's cheerleaders were looking to raise money for new uniforms. So I arrange with a donation for a car wash to happen outside the locker room this very day with Nate jr's crush as one of the car wash workers.
It was priceless. Nate jr nude, hard as rock, smelling of fresh piss standing face to face with the love of his young life and all her cheerleading friends.
"I will pay one hundred dollars to any girl, who will clean this filthy boy!"
It is amazing how teen girls can multitask with cellphones. The girls, lead by Nate jr's crush, assaulted him. Water hoses at full blast pelted him with water. Brushes and soapy rags found every nook of his boy body. How red he turned when he shot a couple of loads and still stayed hard, but it made the girls laugh. The girls were good washers, they even flushed out and cleaned Nate jr's ass before the final rinse and towel dry. While the whole time filming it and taking pictures with their cellphones.
The girls were all laughing as the now spotless Nate jr stood before them head down crying and his hands trying to hide his still hard boner.
"Ready to go?"
Nate jr shot his head up and down for yes, thinking this was all going to end. He was puzzled by the electric hum. Zip, zap, and zip, with the electric hair trimmer all of Nate jr's body hair was gone. I patted the top of his head.
"Well now at least it makes your dick look bigger, maybe even the size of a baby's if you squint.", I laughed. "Now here is something to wear home."
Nate jr held the item up. It was a pair of small thong panties, sissy pink with lace edges.
"It's that or we walk past everyone to the car and drive the long way home with you nude."
Nate jr was broken. He put on the panties. The back string fell right into his crack. He had to tuck in his balls and have his dick straight up pointing out the top of the waistband. The soft material rubbing his part did not help his still erect status. With that we headed home for more fun.
As an aside, I have not be lax with Toby, Nate jr's younger brother. I take good care of my charges. Right now Toby is nice and nude playing with some puppies. By my instructions, his dick, balls, and asshole was coated with prime dog food before being left with the starved doggies. Later he will get to meet the puppies daddy, who is looking for a new bitch. Also as with all rich kids, I said he could also look for his very own pony. But, this Nate jr time.
When we got home I was so sorry that I picked today to send all of Nate jr's clothes out to be washed. Still, I found a little frilly top to match his thong panties. Nate jr went right to bed to get this day over. Later the door bell rang.
Silly me and Nate jr, we forgot he was having the whole swim team over for a sleepover. Really who sleeps at a sleepover. Being Friday night, the parents were glad when I said I would watch their boys all weekend and bring them home. It was nice to make parents happy that they have a time with no kids and I also did not mind the boys coming straight from the meet all hanging out in just matching racing speedos.
The boys thought I was the greatest adult. They got to stuff themselves on junk food, pizza, and soda. Try beer and other illegal items. Watch very adult porn and me not mind them whipping out their boy dicks from their speedos and jacking off.
I also gave the boys some special drugs without them knowing it. They had a strange feeling in their butts, like an itch you can never scratch. Some like dogs were scooting across the carpet. Others were rubbing on furniture. I found some boys had stolen vegetables, and were pushing them in and out there assholes to get to the itch. Also their sexual need kept increasing but their sperm response was slowed down. Simply to get off, it would take a lot to do it.
I thought I would move on to my next phase, when I had a house full of young boys half nude and half in speedos. Fingers and other items were probing assholes theirs and others. Boy dicks being stroked by their owner's or other hands with some multiple sixty-nines going on. Before a gangbang broke out, I got Nate jr.
Waking him up and bringing him down stairs, he did not feel the poke of the needle that gave him a special drug. Yes, he was as horny as his swim team, but he was way out mellow.
"Hey guys. Look who finally made it!", I let out and showed the boys sissy Nate jr. "Who wants to make their own porn dvd?"
I whipped out the digtal camera, as the mob of boys grabbed a different piece of Nate jr and dragged him smiling into their clutches. Take one or how many can Nate jr take up his hole?
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