Published: 1-Apr-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
My name is Gina. At the time of this story I was ten years old, and in fifth grade. I was 5 feet, 6 inches tall. I had brown hair, which I wore in a pony tail, and a slim gymnast's body.
I was a pretty good gymnast, so good in fact, that I took private lessons, each Saturday. My coach was a twenty three year old former Olympian named Josh. As with any athlete of that caliber, his body was fit and muscular.
My practice uniform, was a black leotard, or leo, as I like to call it and white thigh highs. I usually changed in and out of it, in the gym locker room. Josh was usually shirtless, showing off his muscles, and wore short, loose, nylon track shorts.
As a coach, Josh was a demanding perfectionist. He acted like he was training an Olympian. As for me, I was only in it for the fun and yes, I enjoyed seeing Josh each week.
There was something else you need to know about me. Even though I was only ten, and had not yet started puberty, I was obsessively curious about sex. Ever since I discovered sex on the Internet, I couldn't seem to get enough of looking up information, pictures, and stories. Don't misunderstand me, I wasn't ready to have sex, I just wanted to explore everything about it, especially how a girl could excite a boy.
I figured I would get a chance to pursue these curiosities, each Saturday. My first goal was to get Josh to notice me, not just as athlete to, but as a girl.
Now I always thought I had three things going against me. I had a straight body with a flat chest, no breasts at all. I had a bald pussy, merely a slit with no hair at all. And I was young, only ten, and I had not even started my periods yet.
The Internet changed my self concept. I found dozens of sites dedicated to men who like flat chested women. There are even more sites about shaved pussies. And as far as little girls go, there are hundreds of sites, even though all but the preteen model sites were blocked.
I decided to try to get Josh to notice me.
At practice time, I entered the gym, wearing my leo and thigh highs, as usual. Josh was working out on the rings when I went over to the warm-up mat. I had my back towards him. I wanted to do something, before he came over to me. I reached into my duffle bag and pulled out an ice pack I had brought. I rubbed it against each flat breast. This caused the nipples to stand up and poke through the thin top of my leo. The aureolas were also somewhat visible.
As Josh came over, ready to supervise my workout, I noticed him hesitating for a moment, as if unable to concentrate. His eyes seemed to keep going down to my chest. I went about my warm-up as if nothing was different, satisfied that he had finally noticed me.
As we went over to the uneven bars, I decided to take things to the next level. My routine on the bars, involved a lot of leg spreads. When Josh was in front of me, adjusting the apparatus, I took a water spray bottle, and misted the crotch of my leo. I then pushed the fabric as far into my slit as I could, forming a very distinct cameltoe. I also iced my nipples again.
I went over and started my practice. When it came to the splits segment, I knew I had his attention. He seemed to stop shouting instructions, and merely stuttered something inaudible. The more I spread, the more distracted he seemed to get. He must have enjoyed the sight of my preteen cameltoe, for he had me repeat only the leg spread segment, multiple times.
When practice ended, I went into the locker room and changed out of my leo. I noticed a distinct, pungent yet sweet odor, coming from the crotch. I figured I better wash it as soon as I got home.
I spent the week, trying to figure out what to do next. Checking the stories on the Internet, it seemed that a key to getting a man to notice a woman, was physical contact. In the stories, women used any excuse, to get the men to brush against or feel them. That shouldn't be a big problem, since Josh often touched me, when positioning my body for stunts. I just had to step it up a notch.
Back at the gym, in my leo, I decided the high beam would be my best option, for fulfilling this phase. With Josh spotting me, I started walking across the beam. Then, on purpose, I stumbled, falling into his arms. Instead of a quick release, I lingered there, pressing my body against him for a moment. Almost immediately, he released me, and lifted me back to the bar. I did it again, with the same results. On the third time, he seemed to hold me a little longer, as if liking the feel of my lithe, preteen body against his.
Back on the beam, I decided to try something else. I went to stand on my tiptoes, but didn't go all the way up.
I heard him shout, "Extend your body! Raise your butt up!"
When I didn't comply, he leaned forward, placed his hands on my buttocks, and pushed upward. Of course I didn't stay that way, and he had to repeat pushing on my butt. After a while, he just kept his hands there until I was done.
Finally I was at the leg raising portion my the routine. I didn't raise it nearly as high as I could have. In frustration, Josh placed his hand, on the inside of my thigh, between the bottom of my leo and the top of my thigh highs, and pushed upward. As he did, his palm brushed against my cloth covered pussy. The feeling was amazing, but he quickly moved it away. I did the same with my other leg and he raised it the same way. This time his hand seemed to linger longer, and press harder against my pussy.
That caused my knees to weaken, and I again fell forward. This time Josh also fell, landing on his back, as I fell on top, straddling his pelvis. Being weak from the fall and the workout, we stayed locked together, in that position, until we could catch our breath. While on top, I felt the stiff penis, inside his shorts, poking against the fabric of my crotch. It felt so good, I didn't want to get up but Josh took the lead, and we both stood.
"I think that's all for today," he stuttered, "I need to work on some routines myself."
Not wanting this to end, I spoke up. "Mind if I stick around and spot you? I don't have anything else to do today."
"Sure," he said, "come on over to the rings."
I stood below, as Josh boosted himself up. From that position, I could see right up his loose shorts. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and I could see his penis clearly. It had gotten smaller, since I was on top of him, but it was still quite large. I knew this from the ones I had seen on the Internet.
It was so large, in fact, that the tip almost came out the bottom of his shorts.
"Can you reach up, and give me a boost? I want to try a somersault." he said.
I readily complied, and reached my arms upward, to his butt. When I did, my hands slid forward, and I brushed the front of his shorts, getting a nice feel of his penis.
It was sooo exciting. I reached up to guide him again, and this time my hand went inside his pants leg, and touched his bare penis. He didn't seem to react, so I decided to get bolder.
On the next push, I literally wrapped my hand around his shaft, and gave a firm squeeze. This time he noticed, and let go of the rings. Luckily he landed on his feet.
'Well," he stuttered. "I think that's all for today." and we both left the gym.
I did a lot of Internet research, over the next week. It all led me to one conclusion. Men are really stimulated by the sight of the female, naked pussy. I decided to use what little I had, to see if I could interest Josh.
My plan took some preparation. I took my leo, turned it inside out, and located the crotch. Using a small scissors, I meticulously cut every other thread, along the line that would cover my slit, weakening but not tearing the area. I turned it back, and could not see any damage. Hopefully it would rip, when I exerted enough pressure on it.
When Saturday came, I put on the weakened leotard, and entered the gym. Josh was standing by, as I did my warm-ups.
It was then time to work on my floor routine. It involved some jumping, prancing, and finally a series of leg spreads, with me on my back.
Josh was right next to me, the whole time. When it came to the leg spreads, Josh got right down in front of me, to critique my form.
I spread once, half way, then three quarters and finally during the full spread, it happened. I heard a rip below, and felt a cool breeze on my pussy.
The leo had ripped, in just the right spot, leaving my bare, preteen slit, spayed open, right in front of Josh's eyes.
We both stayed frozen in time, for a moment, at which time I expected Josh to turn away, and make some excuse to move on, as he had done before.
Instead, he did something completely unexpected. He came forward and put his mouth, squarely on my exposed pussy. I gasped at the shock, but it felt so good, I didn't pull away. He ran his tongue up and down my slit, pushing it between my inner lips. At one point, I felt his tongue at my vaginal entrance, drinking the juices.
He then moved upward, to what I learned from the Internet, was my clitoris. It was supposed to be the most sensitive part of a female. Boy were they EVER right. He licked and sucked at the same time and I started to get a weird feeling inside me. This must be the start of one of those orgasms they talked about.
As he sucked and licked faster, my body lost control and started shaking all over. "Wow, my first orgasm." I thought.
However, I didn't have much time to bask in the afterglow. I saw Josh, pull off his shorts, and center his body over mine. I felt his penis, which appeared to be seven inches long, poking at the entrance of my preteen vagina.
I was not really planning to have sex, but was so turned on, I couldn't stop.
He pushed into me, not saying anything. He bumped against my hymen, without saying anything. He plowed right through it, without saying anything. It seemed like he was tired of my teasing.
That was OK with me, I was dying to experience everything I read about on the Internet. He started to pump in and out, slowly at first and then with ever increasing speed. Josh's penis was so big inside my small ten year old pussy, that it rubbed against every part of it.
As he speeded up, I started to get that familiar feeling back down inside me, and soon my insides were expanding and contracting again. This must have caused him to cum, for I felt stream upon stream of hot semen, pulsing into my vaginal canal.
As he pulled out, a steady river of semen flowed out of my pussy, forming a pool on the mat below.
"Are you happy, did you get what you wanted?" Josh asked.
"Well, there are many more things I saw on the Internet, I would like to try." I said. "You know I'm not really ever going to be a competitive gymnast."
Josh agreed but suggested I keep up my practice schedule, so that I could pursue my new interests.
We got together each Saturday, and had sex on every piece of equipment in the gym. Using my Internet knowledge, we did things even Josh didn't know about.
When the competition rolled around, I had to feign an injury, so my parents wouldn't know I hadn't learned anything. Soon afterward, my parents made me quit gymnastics, and I had to stop seeing Josh.
It was no problem, however. There were plenty of boys, at my Middle School, who were more than willing to help me explore what I found, on the World Wide Web...
More stories to come.
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