Published: 19-Apr-2013
Word Count:
It's the next day and all went well. My parents had no idea what had happened to me. When I got out of bed, I was a bit sore still and as I put my shorts on, it stung a bit. I tried to put shoes on, but that was even difficult, so I just slipped on flip flops. I was glad it was Saturday, even though they usually do testing that in school, I didn't need to go since I wasn't there for a whole week yet.
I went downstairs and ate breakfast. My mother then told me to go to the corner store and pick up some bread for dinner. I slowly started down the flight of stairs to the ground floor. When I reached the bottom, a man came out of his apartment. He smiled and said, "Hello." I said hello back and made my way to the lobby doors. On the way to the store, I noticed the man was walking several yards behind me. I was nervous, I thought he was following me.
I entered the store and so did he. As we were both waiting for bread, he started to talk to me. He told me his name was Aadi and he was glad good people moved in upstairs to him as the people before were rude. He then asked me my name, I was a little hesitant, but I ended up telling him. He seemed like a nice man, so I relaxed a bit. After some chit chat, my bread was ready, so I paid for it and said bye to Aadi. I then walked my way home.
On the way home, I turned my head to see if someone was following me and as I turned, I tripped and fell. I turned over and sat up. I felt my elbow was hurting, I looked at it and saw that it was bleeding. I was about to get up when I saw Aadi running towards me. He knelt down in front of me and asked if I was okay. He then saw my elbow and said he had stuff to clean it. I told him I would be okay, but he insisted cleaning it.
As we walked home, he told me he was a nurse. I looked at him and he chuckled, saying he enjoyed the work. We came to his apartment and we entered it. He went and got his first aid kit, then told me to have a seat on the couch. When I sat down, I grimaced and he saw it. He asked if it hurts anywheres else and I said no. He sat down next to me and cleaned off my elbow. When we were done, I went to stand and grimaced again. He asked me where the pain was coming from and I didn't answer. He then mentioned he was a nurse and that it would be okay to tell him.
He waited till I was ready. A few seconds later, I told him my shorts were too tight and it was hurting my vagina. He looked at me weird and said it shouldn't hurt. I stayed quiet, but then he asked if he could see why it was hurting. I didn't answer him. He then mentioned telling my parents and that's when I gave in and said he could look. He told me to remove my shorts and panties, and to have a seat again.
I slowly slid my clothes down and stepped out of them, then sat down on the couch. He came in front of me and knelt down. He said to sit back and hold my legs open. After I did, I watched as he placed his hand on my vagina and spread it apart. It sent chills up my back and a tingly feeling in my vagina as he touched it. He then mentioned how beautiful I was and my vagina was gorgeous. I blushed as he told me. Soon after, he said there was a tear and that he will put cream on it. As he started to apply the cream, a moan escaped my mouth. He said sorry and he will be more gentle. It didn't hurt, it actually felt real nice. He asked if someone hurt me and I nodded yes. He then asked if my father hurt me and that is why I didn't want to tell them. I said no and to please not tell them.
He then asked if it hurt inside of my vagina. I just shrugged my shoulders and he said he needs to check. I didn't know how he was going to check, but when he slid a finger in me, it shocked me. I jumped a little and he said to relax. He started to move his finger around, pressing on my insides. The feeling caused me to moan, and as he felt his way around, he asked if each spot hurt. I said no to each. Suddenly, he slid another finger in and I bit down on my bottom lip. His fingers caused my vagina to spread open like the boys' penis did. I was pleased that they felt wonderful. My breathing picked up as he moved them around.
He then asked again if I felt any pain and I just shook my head no. I then saw and felt him place his thumb on my pee hole. When he began to rub it, I moaned and moved my hips up and down. I felt that feeling coming and when he slid his fingers further up in me, my eyes went tightly shut and my body tensed up as the feeling hit me. My pelvic area began twitching and my vagina spasmed. When it passed, it left my body drained and as I laid there, I felt his fingers slide out of me. Shortly after, I felt my legs being lifted and bent up to me. I opened my eyes and saw him guide his penis slowly in me.
I groaned in pleasure as his penis slid further up in me. It was a bit bigger than his two fingers and felt amazing. He then began sliding in and out and I could not help but to moan. He asked if I was okay and I nodded. He then started sliding in and out of me even quicker. His penis felt so good, the size was perfect. My legs were flopping around and so he grabbed and closed them as he placed them straight up his chest. He then wrapped his arms around my thighs and held tight. When he put my legs together, I felt my insides snug around his penis even more. He then proceeded to thrust in and out, grunting as he went quicker and harder with each stroke. He then let me know how great my vagina felt, especially how tight and wet it was.
I cried out in ecstasy as the feeling washed over me without any warning. He didn't let up, he kept thrusting as my body shook and my vagina pulsated. While wave after wave washed over me, my entire body went numb, but also tingly. I couldn't control my breathing and my moaning as he continued his non stop onslaught. It was absolutely amazing, but I couldn't take anymore. I felt myself passing out, and before I was able to say stop, everything went black.
When I awoke, I was still on the couch and my body was tingly and weak. I then felt him wipe my vagina and when he finished, I sat up. While I got dressed and he told me how amazing I was and that he would like to do it again sometime. I smiled and nodded. I wasn't quite sure if I did. I didn't ask for these things to happen, but they were and even though, I was starting to enjoy it, I was still scared.
When I finished getting dressed, I grabbed the bag of bread and left his apartment. When I entered my apartment, my mother was mad and worried where I was. I told her I went the wrong way and she then calmed down.
After dinner, I asked to goto the store to get some candy and my parents said okay. When I was on my home from the store, the sun went entirely down. I was going through my bag of candy and wasn't paying attention, when out of nowheres a man wrapped his arm around my waist and I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with a rag. I remember noticing it having an odd smell, then seconds later, I started to pass out. I tried kicking, but my body went numb.
While he carried me away is when I totally passed out. When I awoke, it was still dark out and while I was coming out of the daze I was in, I noticed the front of my body being nudged little by little over the cement. I tried turning over, but something held me down. I then went to move my arms, but they were trapped along my sides. Suddenly, I heard a man behind me grunting and breathing heavily. I tried to kick, but my shorts and panties were around my ankles. I then screamed, but he quickly covered my mouth and told me to shut up or he'll kill me.
As the numbness faded away, I felt sore not at my vagina, but at my butt hole. The realization of my situation set in, he was in my butt. I could then feel his 6 inch penis sliding in and out of it. It wasn't a bad feeling as he continued to ram his penis in and out. It actually started feeling quite nice, but before I could really enjoyed it, he thrust hard and shot his hot liquid into me. He then told me to close my eyes and count to 60. As I did, I felt him pull his penis quickly out of me, and then heard footsteps fading away into the distance.
When I reached 60, I turned over and sat up. I looked around and saw I was in a tight alley between buildings. I went to pull up my panties and shorts when I got the sudden urge to poop. I quickly squatted...I'll just say, it came out rather easily and I'll leave it at that. When I was done, I brushed off my clothes and went home. I once again had to lie for what took me so long. I then took a shower and went to bed.
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