The Virgin Chronicles, Part 4

[ Mg, 1st, ped ]

Published: 4-Apr-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Sleepover Sally

My name is Sally. At the time of this story I was eleven years old, and in sixth grade. I was 5, feet 4 inches tall, and had long brunette hair. People told me I was pretty. I had not started puberty yet, so I had a straight, flat body. Before this incident, I was very naive, in fact I didn't know anything about sex. My parents were very conservative and protective. In fact, I finally convinced them to let me go to a sleepover at my girlfriend Jane's house.

At the last minute, Jane's parents had to go out of town, but she still had the sleepover, since her college age brother was there, and agreed to supervise.

Never having been to a sleepover, I didn't know what to expect. About twelve of us girls, had gathered together in the family room on the first floor. The first thing we did was change into our sleep wear, which mainly consisted of short nighties and matching panties. I was kind of surprised how everyone changed right there in front of one and other. Most of us had flat chests like me, but some of the girls were starting to grow breasts.

After changing, we all mulled around, talking and dancing with each other. Several times, Jane's brother Jack, came into the room bringing refreshments. I couldn't understand why he hung around so long, after all, we were just a bunch of preteen girls in our nighties.

As it got later, we all settled down, sat on the floor, and started talking. The conversation soon turned to a subject I knew little about, sex. As the conversation went on, it was clear I didn't understand what they were talking about, and I couldn't contribute much. I had to go to the washroom, so I quietly slipped out of the room.

I wandered upstairs to find the bathroom. After using it, I started towards the stairway. All of a sudden a door opened, and out stepped Jane's brother Jack, in his boxer shorts and no shirt. He starred at me as my short nightie, barely covered the crotch of my panties.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?" he said. "Isn't the party downstairs?"

"I needed to use the bathroom," I said, "and besides, they're talking about stuff I don't know anything about."

"Well keep me company, for a while then." he said, as he led me into his room and closed the door. Being naive, I thought nothing of it.

I introduced myself and we talked about all kinds of things.

Finally he asked, "So what were they talking about down there, that you didn't know anything about?"

"Sex." I said matter of factually. "They were talking about things like penises, vaginas, fucking, oral sex, and a bunch of other stuff I never heard of. I really felt stupid so I left."

"Well Sally, maybe I can teach you, if you want. I'm a Biology major, and I know all about that stuff." he said.

"That would be great!" I said. "Where do we start?"

"We need to start with basic anatomy." Jack said. "Do you know the parts of a man and woman's body?"

"Well I have a little brother, and he has a thing to pee with and mine just comes out of a little slit." I answered.

"That thing is called a penis," he said, "and it's used for more than just peeing, and that slit is the opening of your vagina, and it too has another purpose. But we'll get into that later. Right now here are some pictures from my Biology book."

He showed me the pictures. They were drawings and didn't look much like anything I had ever seen. I must have looked puzzled.

"Listen, for the sake of helping you understand, I have an idea." Jack said. "Now it's OK if you don't want to, but I can show you a real penis, if you want."

"Oh, I want to learn everything." I said. "And I trust you will teach me the best way you can."

Jack reached down and pulled off his boxers exposing his penis. It was semi-hard and about five inches long at that point. He held it in his palm. "This is a penis, like your little brother's, except bigger." he said. "At the top here, is the cockhead or glans, this long part is the shaft, and down here is the base. Below this are my testicles, often called balls. Would you like to see what it feels like?"

Without hesitation, I reached out and felt his cockhead. It was soft and spongy. His shaft on the other hand, was a bit harder as I examined it from top to base. Finally I cupped his testicles, in the palm of my hand. I was amazed how heavy they were. I then moved my hand away, and listened some more.

He continued. "The other purpose of the penis, is to have intercourse, often referred to as just sex. In slang terms it is also called fucking or screwing. That is when a man puts his penis in a women's vagina, and releases sperm inside her."

"Wooo, wait a minute, what?" I asked?

Jack went on. "Well it sounds strange, but it is really how babies are made. When a girl reaches puberty, and starts to have periods, she produces eggs inside her. Through sex, when a man's sperm, which is produced in his testicles, comes in contact with a woman's egg, it can become fertilized, and create a baby."

"Wait a minute now, I heard some of the older girls, say that they were having sex with their boyfriends. Does that mean that they want to have babies?" I asked.

"Well not really." I explained. "Sex also feels really good. The cockhead here, is really a sensitive spot for a guy, and there are several sensitive spots around a girls vagina. As far as pregnancy goes, their are many ways to prevent it. A girl like you, for example, can't get pregnant, until she starts puberty. It also depends on the time of month. And there a number of other methods a person can use for birth control."

"Ok, now I really have a lot of questions," I said. "what are puberty and periods.

I explained. "Well between, the ages of ten and fourteen, a girl's body starts to change into a woman. Her hips get bigger, so she can have babies, her breasts develop, so she can feed them, and as I said before, eggs are produced. Also pubic hair starts to grow around your vagina , but I don't know why. And you start to have periods, but I think I'll let your mother explain that to you."

"Well I'm glad to hear one thing. I'm glad to hear that my breasts will grown. I'm kind of embarrassed by these little things." I said lifting my nightie to show him.

Jack took a moment to study the small mounds, with their pert nipples. "Oh I don't think you have to worry. They look like they'll turn out just fine." he said as he reached over and gave each a little tweak.

I giggled and pulled my nightie back down. "Just a few more questions," I asked, "how does sex work? Where does the penis go in?"

"When a man gets excited, his penis gets hard and stiff. When a woman gets excited, she gets wet down there. That makes it easy for a man to slide his penis into her vagina. I can show you where, when we take a look at your vagina, that is, if you want?" I said.

"Oh I want the learn everything. This is really interesting." I said, as I pulled off my panties.

"Come lay up here on the bed, spread your legs, and bend your knees up. And why don't you take off that nightie, to make it easier to see what is below." he said, admiring my bald, preteen, pussy slit.

I did as directed, as he handed me a mirror to put between my legs.

"Now I may have to touch a little, as I explain. Is that OK with you?" Jack said.

"Of course." I answered. "No one has ever been this helpful to me."

"OK, here we go." he said. "Let's start here at the middle, with what you called your slit. These outer lips are called you labia major."

"If I spread them apart like this," he said using his fingers, "you can see the inner lips, called the labia minor. These are smooth and moist, here feel for yourself."

"Now further below, down here, is your vaginal opening." he said, touching it. "This is where the penis would go in."

Using two fingers he spread it open, and continued. "If you look in, just a little bit, you will see some skin, blocking the way. This is your hymen, or cherry. It's there to protect your womb, until you have sex. It gets broken or torn open when you have sex for the first time. That's know as losing your virginity."

"Wait, what...You're saying something gets torn inside me. Doesn't that hurt?" I asked.

"Well maybe just a little, but only for a moment and then it feels really good. It's what every girl goes through. Most look forward to it. It marks the time when a girl becomes a woman." he explained.

"And when does this happen? Does a girl need to have started puberty?" I asked, as the wheels in my head were turning.

"You can lose your virginity any time. In fact, if you have sex before puberty, there is no chance of getting pregnant." he explained.

"Continuing on though," he said, "let me show you the most sensitive part of a girl. Right up here, inside this hood, is a little bud, called the clitoris."

Putting his finger on it, he demonstrated. "When you rub right here, it gets a little bigger. It is supposed to feel really good. What do you think?"

"Oh my." I said, breathing heavily. "That does feel good."

"Yea, it's supposed to arouse or turn a girl on, and make her ready for sex." he explained, as he moved his hand away.

"No, don't pull away. Keep going." I said. "I've never felt anything so good."

Jack wet his thumb, with his mouth, and then placed it on my clitoris, while at the same time, inserting his index finger, into my opening, up to the hymen. He moved his thumb in circles while stroking his finger in and out.

My breathing became quick and shallow, and I stared to moan. After a while of this, I felt a strange, yet wonderful sensation in my vagina. Starting way inside, there were a series of contractions, that started weak, got very strong, and then stopped, leaving me tired and limp.

"Wow, that REALLY felt good. What just happened?" I asked.

"You just had what's known as an orgasm." he explained. "It's a release of sexual tension, that happens when a person gets super stimulated. It's supposed to feel good so that people want to have sex."

Looking between Jack's legs, I saw that his penis was hard, about seven inches long, and sticking straight up. "Look, you penis is hard. Does that mean you are aroused and turned-on by me?" I asked. "How does your sexual tension get released?"

"Why don't you find out." he said, placing my hand around his shaft. "Grab firmly, and pump."

I did as he instructed, and started to pump up and down. After a while, his breathing got fast and shallow, and he too started to moan.

"Faster." he whispered, and I started to speed up.

Suddenly he tensed up, and jets of hot, white, waxy, fluid shot out the tip of his penis.

"So that's what makes a baby!" I exclaimed, examining the sticky fluid all over my hand.

"Well technically it's the sperm, inside the semen, but yes." he said.

"And why are you still hard?" I asked, wiping my hand on the sheets.

"I guess I'm still turned on by the beautiful naked girl in my bed." he said.

"Really, you're turned on by me. I'm only eleven years old? In that case, can we do something else?" I asked. "Can you put your penis inside of me? I don't want you to break my hymen. Just put tip in, so I can see how sex works. I don't know if I'll have a chance like this for a long time."

Jack crawled on top of me, and used his hand, to put the tip of his penis, into the entrance of my vagina. He stopped when it hit my hymen. Then he started to rock in and out, in slow, shallow strokes. The top of his penis, was hitting my clitoris, and I was staring to get that turned on feeling again.

I leaned up and gave him a kiss. He returned it and then surprised me by opening his mouth, and plying mine open with it. That felt great and took my breath away. I got another surprise, when I felt his tongue probing my mouth, so I did the same back.

Meanwhile he kept pumping in and out of me. It felt so good, I pushed up really hard, on one of his down strokes, and felt a sharp pain and then felt his penis sink all the way into me.

"OOPS!" we both exclaimed, as we looked into each others eyes, shocked.

"Should I stop?" Jack asked.

"No, please keep going." I answered. "This feels really good."

Jack started pumping in and out, with long deep strokes now. He was right, the pain did go away, and it started to feel even better. I not only felt full, but very close to him.

As he pumped in and out of me, my pelvis rose up to meet his every stroke. All of a sudden, I felt my insides start to expand and contract again as I started, what I knew now, was another orgasm. At the same time, I felt Jack tense up, and shoot a hot load of semen, deep into my vagina.

He stayed inside me for a while, and then pulled out. I felt his hot semen, leaking out of my pussy, onto the bed.

He was the first to speak. "I hope that answered your questions about sex girl, I mean WOMAN."

I liked the sound of that!

"But not all of my questions have been answered." I said. "There is still a thing called oral sex I don't know a thing about."

"Well," Jack said, "we still have the rest of the night..."

More stories to come.

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Well-written. This is my first time to read your stories and i'll be looking at the others soon! Jack is probably nicer to Sally than most men...wonder what else they might get into? Thanks


Netman, I love your stories. Your writing is flawless and erotic. Thank you.

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