My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 2

[ Mg, rom, 1st, con ]

Published: 5-Apr-2013

Word Count: 6902

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter Seven

As I waited for Amanda to complete her activities in my bathroom, I couldn't help smiling to myself at the day's events. Just 8 hours ago, around noontime, I'd been unsure when they would arrive, or if they would come at all. Now, while Julie was recuperating in the hospital, victim of a pummeling at the hands of the man she was apparently trying to escape, I had her 8 year old daughter, Amanda, soon to emerge from a long, warm, bubbly bath, all to myself for the entire night! How did this happen? How had this lovely little girl been delivered to me?

But nothing would happen this night. Certainly Amanda had endured far too much to be in any kind of playful mood, or ready to receive any of my carefully planned advances. Besides, this was already moving along much more quickly than I had originally planned. During our first hours together I had held this lovely girl in my arms and comforted her. Felt her lean into me and embrace me in return. Felt her little arms around me, pulling me to her as I did the same. I should be, and was, very pleased with the results up to this point, other than her mother's condition. This girl, so lovely in her fresh young innocence, was everything I'd ever hoped for, and never thought I had the slightest chance of obtaining. I must proceed carefully. I must not ruin this, my last, best, chance for the love I so dearly needed.

But just how should I proceed? Already all my plans had gone out the window. Obviously I hadn't planned on having Amanda alone with me so soon, even if she did seem to feel comfortable with me. That was strange too, and made me wonder just what she had already experienced in her young life that would enable her to so quickly be drawn to me? If her mom had been dating the type of men that would do her such physical harm, might they also be the kind who would do unspeakable things to her little girl? God I hoped not. I hated to think of anyone hurting Amanda, but hated even more the thought of someone else having her before me! I wanted her to be a virgin.

And then, there she was, standing before me.

Deep in thought I'd not heard her approach. With hair still damp, and other parts of her too, my old threadbare t-shirt clung to the still wet portions of her preteen body. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over the whole of her. Standing there as she was with her head tilted to one side and twirling a long strand of her golden hair, she was the embodiment of everything I'd ever hoped for, and as I gazed upon her I smiled approvingly. Looking all the way down the length of her, then back up to meet her eyes, obvious in my pleasure at the sight of here. She knew I was admiring her little body and it seemed not to bother her in the least. Another really good development!

Seconds pass without words, she watching me watching her. I could look at her forever and never tire, never see the same part of her the same way twice, never chose the same words to describe her. I wondered if she had any idea how much I needed her, desired her, and how much power she already wielded over me. I was in love. I'd been smitten. My heart sped and my cock twitched, already beginning to grow inside my sweats.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" she asked, bringing me back into the moment.

"Oh, nothing", hoping she'd ask again.

"Ya huh, you were thinkin' about somethin'" again somewhat coyly, and not wishing to be put off.

"I was just noticing how pretty you are.", came from my mouth, though I hadn't intended to say the words. So breathtaking she was standing there, lamplight behind her illuminating her silhouette through her makeshift nightgown, that a prodding from within had brought the words to my lips, not conscience thought. Backtracking and hoping I hadn't said something that might end my dream come true I hastily added, "I mean, you look cute in my t-shirt".

She tried to hide a small smile, and couldn't. Did she blush? Well I guess that was good timing! Because she then began to slowly walk toward me, still twirling her hair, but now her eyes cast down demurely.

And now here, touching me, pushing up against me, her hip resting against my knee as she stood facing me, one little foot halfway covering the other, her hands close together just above my knee, just smiling her sweet smile and looking up at me. She was a vision of little girl grace and elegance. I'd never been so close to anything so absolutely breathtaking.

"You think I look cute in this?" still smiling, cheeks slightly flushed, as were mine I'm sure, looking down at my old shirt draping over her sexy little body.

To add to my excitement she then took both sides of her pseudo-nightgown and tugged them out tight for emphasis, pulling the thin fabric and stretching it over the length of her and outlining her gorgeous body for me. The slight swell at her tummy and hips, the small pair of delicate bumps on her smooth preteen chest, her long hair falling over the hump of her bottom, once again arousing my more deviant side. The roundness of her bottom and surprising fullness there a special turn-on for me. A sexy little angel, that's what she was.

"I think you look very cute, in that" I admitted. Blood pulsing, I could hear my heart racing again, I was so into this little girl! 'Careful Adam', I thought to myself, 'don't push'.

"You think I'm pretty?" she asked, still looking directly into my eyes and now somewhat nervously or anxiously or excitedly, I wasn't sure which, bumping her hip back and forth into my knee like a nervous habit. She seemed to like this, and I know I did! But did she really not know just how beautiful she was? Lucky for me! She could have any man on the planet, at least any man in his right mind who had an appreciation for sexy little girls! And yet, here she was with me!

Knowing I should slow things down a little, but unable to resist her charms, I replied, "Amanda, I think you are way pretty. In fact, I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen". It was an immense turn-on just saying those words to such a young girl, and every word was true.

She was unfazed by what I thought was my rather bold admission, and actually seemed quite pleased with my compliments, unaware as she was of my true intentions.

My cock was rigid and hot in my sweatpants, my balls beginning to ache. Either I needed to slow this down now, or I would end up taking her virginity this very night. My more decent side won out and I offered, "I bet I know what you would like!"

"What?" she asked, smiling, eyes twinkling, expectant.

"How about some ice cream?".

"Yes! I'd love some! What kind do you have?" she asked as I rose from the sofa and headed for the kitchen, she padding along close behind me.

"Well, let's see" as I opened the freezer. I placed my hands under her arms and picked her up so she could look inside with me, or really just so I could touch her and hold her again. She wrapped her legs around my midsection, arms around my neck, and my hand fell almost automatically to her bottom to support her weight, and to feel the most luxurious little ass ever! She seemed not to notice.

"Looks like we have some chocolate with white chocolate chunks, or vanilla with pecans" I said.

She look thoughtful for a moment then said, "I'd like some chocolate, please!", quite excitedly, and with proper manners.

"Chocolate it is, I'll have some vanilla".

I prepared two bowls, handed one down to her eagerly waiting hands, and headed back to the living room. Hopefully some cold ice cream and a little television might ease the sexual tension I was feeling, but I doubted it.

Down we plopped onto the sofa, me on the right side and she in the middle. I gave her the remote and let her chose something for us to watch. After flipping past a few channels she picked a rerun of Hannah Montana. Good choice! It was an early one, when she was younger, and therefore, much cuter. At least to me.

She gobbled up her snack in just a few minutes, placed the bowl on my coffee table, then scooted back into the couch, and up against me. How many nights had I dreamed of just such an evening? And here we were! Shivering from the cold cream and cool early summer evening, she pushed into my left arm until it yielded, then pulled in up over and around her, and nestled into me with my arm now wrapped around most of her. It seemed she wanted some comfort from me. I couldn't believe my luck, nor would I waste this opportunity! Time to explore.

"Mmm, you're warm", she cooed, snuggling into me as hard as she could, pulling on my hand to make my arm tighter around her. 'This must be what heaven feels like', I thought, and squeezed her little body to me. With feet drawn up under her bottom and her hands pressed together between her legs, her nighty fell down her to her waist and exposed her bottom and lovely thighs! I'd forgotten she wasn't wearing anything under my t-shirt!. I began lightly stroking and caressing her legs, from her cute little feet and ankles up to her knees, then back down to her thighs, a slight squeeze of this soft supple part of her, then back up to her knees to start all over again. That she was enjoying this as much as I was apparent and obvious as she reached out with her left hand across me and hugged me into her. I felt my cock, already straining and hard, become lava-hot as it began to fill with precum., her pheromones calling to me and igniting a fire within. She was now warm to my touch, exuding heat, and raw sexiness, and I was dizzy with anticipation. Deep breaths, then breaths held, as both of us experienced something neither of us had before. Her, the feeling of a man's excited touch, and me, the pinnacle of all I'd ever hoped for. Both our pairs of eyes were on the blond-wigged sexy singer on the Disney channel, but all our attention was on each other, sending little signals and responses with sighs, murmurs, and wiggles.

On my next pass over her legs I allowed my hand to fall further, down to her hip, her unbelievably soft, supple, sexy naked hip! Not only did she not object, but she purred her pleasure into my chest and pushed more weight down onto my hand, then looked up at me and smiled. Never before, from earliest puberty until this day, had I ever felt more passion flowing through me than I was at this moment! At the very second when Amanda made known to me that I could fondle and enjoy her lovely young body without objection, I felt on the edge of a powerful climax. Amanda was going to make me to cum in my pants! The fact that she didn't even know what that meant made me hotter, so innocent and unknowing she was. I wanted to ravage her!

Now, when my hand reached it's lowest point on it's travels down her legs, she lifted her perfect little ass just ever so slightly, seemingly so that I might reach a little deeper, to a naughtier place beneath her. I was now able to cup a large portion of her ass in my hand, coming closer and closer to her most private of places. Her passions stirred, her need created, this was exactly how I wanted it to be. Sooner than I'd planned or hoped, but I already knew that my cock would not be denied.

Chapter Eight

Not allowing myself to think that the time was right for an all-out fucking of this sweet child, I began to strategize as to just how best to satisfy my burning need and my aching balls. The episode was ending, but neither of us spoke. I hoped it was because she, too, didn't want this perfect few moments to end.

"Are you getting sleepy, Sugarplum?" I asked, knowing she wasn't.

She looked up quickly and shook her head, "No, I'm not sleepy at all", then returned her head to my chest and gave me a tighter squeeze. Nice. I'd given her an out and she'd refused it. She liked me! And she liked having me molest her tiny 8 year old body! It seemed too easy, but I wasn't about to complain, my lust for her growing by the second. Her innocence a magnet for my desires.

"How about if we get a blanket out, just in case one of us falls asleep?" I offered, remembering how, when I was a young lad, it seemed easier to get some nice feels from the girls I'd experimented with if the act was hidden from view. This would also give me a reason to become prone on the sofa, and for Amanda to lay down beside me. My God, I was actually doing it!

"Okay!" she chirped, and released me from her grasp. I went to the hall closet and snatched a spare blanket, Amanda waiting expectantly for me with a big grin on her angelic face. She had her bare legs pulled up to her chest again, and as I walked back to her with the cover I glimpsed it! I saw her beautiful little pussy hiding behind her heels. I wanted to stop right where I was so that I might continue to take in the loveliest of her charms, or better yet, run to her and bury my face between her tasty thighs, but I kept walking, despite my raging, bulging hard-on. But I'd seen it! And it was incredibly beautiful, intoxicatingly lovely! And I wanted more! I wanted to taste it and feel it wrapped around my cock. I wanted to smash into it and through it, deep into her. I wanted to fill her completely and feel her cling to me as I exploded inside her. I wanted to fuck this hot little 8 year old badly!

As I got closer to the sofa Amanda sifted and sprawled herself out, as children will do, awaiting the cooling wash of a fresh sheet or blanket being floated down over them, enveloping them. I obliged, and she giggled softly as I repeatedly flung the blanket high into the air so that it might settle snuggly over her little form, never getting it just right and, therefore, repeating the process over and over.

When it was enough and now time for me to take my place next to my love, she whipped the blanket open for me, an invitation to snuggle even more intimately than we had before. I slid in behind her and she immediately push herself back against me. How could this be happening? If only she knew what she was doing to me by pushing her sexy little preteen ass into my already raging cock! She didn't acknowledge the third head in our party, so I lovingly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back into me. She obliged and wrapped her arms around mine and squeezed me back. She didn't know why it felt so good, but she did know that she didn't want it to stop! Well there was no possibility of that!

My cock, on autopilot, longed to be between her pouty little pussy lips, but for the time being was satisfied with pushing straight out from my sweats and directly against Amanda's sweet little ass. I didn't care how obvious the act, I was very nearly in a stupor, overwhelmed by the feeling of having this sexy girl so close, and so available to me.

Unable to control myself, I began very gently thrusting into her, almost imperceptible at first, awaiting any sign of resistance, then slightly more firmly when none came. Her soft yet firm ass cheeks felt wonderful against my rock hard cock, but I wanted more. And so did Amanda, though she didn't yet know what that meant. She was more brazenly pushing back against me, matching my rhythm and squeezing my arms with each lunge. Her body instinctively new how to accept my advances. This was perfect. No words necessary, just nature taking it's course between a man and his preteen lover.

My hands roamed more freely now after seeing the reaction our mock fucking was having on Amanda, and boosted to boldness by her active participation in our humping. Across her chest with gentle probing, stopping briefly to circle each of her small, now bristling nipples. Flat and smooth the rest of her chest, no sign of any development there yet. So sexy! She sucked in her breathe as I, again very gently, took one nipple between my fingers and rubbed it back and forth. Another first! Moving lower I felt her ribs, the softness of her stomach, then lower yet. Just above her little mound I detoured to her sides and hips, locating the bottom of her nightshirt, and ever so slowly raising it up, up, over her hips. Just as I hoped, but still couldn't believe, she raised up so that the shirt could be moved out of the way of my groping hands, now exposing her lower body completely. It almost seemed as though we'd been lovers forever, so natural our movements were.

Just then Amanda gathered her hair to pull it all over to one side, out of my way. I decided now would be a good time to confirm all was well.

"Honey, are you okay?" I softly whispered near her ear.

"Yeah. This feels really nice. I get a funny feeling inside when you push against me", then, Don't stop" she breathed more than said. I had stopped, and now resumed, more strongly now that she'd asked for it, forcefully pressing my cock against her, feeling her sweet bottom squishing into my lap, and my cock. She let slip a small moan of pleasure, smiled, and lowered her head so that she could rub her cheek against my forearm, and also to gain some leverage with which to hold herself against my pressings.

"I know, it feels really good to me too. I love holding you like this, Amanda" I stated for the record. I couldn't believe how accommodating this little girl was being. I wondered again if maybe she'd been touched before?

But this was no time to ponder that. With her shirt now up and exposing her little titties, I had to get my hands on her luscious little 8 year old body again. For so many years I had dreamed of this very moment, and now it was here! Both hands around her and covering her flat chest, I pulled her into me again as I continued pumping her tight little bottom. Her eyes were half closed and she had a look of serious concentration on her face, experiencing feelings she never felt before and trying to make sense of the messages her body was sending to her brain. Hard stuff for one so young and inexperienced.

Slowly, but purposefully, and with no doubt as to my final destination, I began sliding my hand toward her puffy little mound. This was so exciting! My entire body was on fire!

Paying close attention to Amanda's reactions for any signs that she might not wish to have my hands on her most sensual parts, even in my heightened state of sexual arousal I was prepared to back-off if she became frightened. But that didn't happen. Instead, as my left hand moved ever closer, she seemed to know what I wanted and parted her legs almost instinctively. This was it! I was going in!

Another children's show was beginning on TV, but neither of us cared, so caught-up in our passion were we. With my right arm under and around Amanda's upper body, my right hand cupping her left shoulder and pulling her body ever closer and tighter, my left hand travelled lower still. Her skin was so amazingly silky soft! I'd never felt anything like it before. I left her belly button behind, inching closer, her breathing now matched mine, almost panting. She knew where I was going now, had to know, and she must wanted it too, as her grip on my forearms grew tighter, her panting more labored, and her legs parted just a little bit more.

And then I felt her sweet little pussy.

As I cupped her pretty little mound, she moaned her pleasure at my arrival in her most secret place. So luxurious, so soft and supple! I was dizzy with lust, and I began probing her little lips. Our bodies were molded together, and the only part of either of us that was moving was my left hand. Sliding my middle finger past her labia now, I felt what I'd been hoping for. She was moist! She was turned-on! This almost 9 year old girl was slick with her own lubricating juices and I was very near climaxing now, realizing that she was nearly as excited as I.

"Oh honey, you feel so incredible!" I let her know. But she was too far immersed in this, her first sexual experience, for words and she could only grunt her agreement as she continued humping my cock with her ass, and pushing her puffy little mound into my hand. We were both covered in a light sheen of perspiration and without thinking I released my grasped on her tight little cunny, grabbed the edge of the blanket and tossed it aside, exposing her nearly naked young body.

"Oh!" escaped her lips as she felt the cooler air on her exposed skin. Without the blanket there could no longer be any pretense. As I returned my hand to her cunny I looked down the length of her glorious preteen body and beheld the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. She was perfection. And she, too, watched my hand once again take hold of her young cunt, eager to see how I was causing all these wonderful feeling deep within her.

With my finger sliding up and down her sweet little cunny, her breathe caught and she once again squeezed my arms as tightly as she could. I could only imagine what thoughts she must be having, but still no sign whatsoever that she wanted me to stop my digital probing of her sex. To the contrary, I knew that if I stopped now she would be very disappointed, having been brought to this point only to be let down and unsatisfied. No, stopping was the last thing on either of our minds.

Again my fingers parted her delicate pussy lips, and I dipped my middle one into her moistness. Dear God, help me! As I now moved up and down her slit, she began moving her hips into my prodding hand. "More" her body seemed to scream, "please don't stop!". Don't worry, honey! And I continued to explore her fully.

And now my singular thought and goal was to make this sweet child cum. I knew that if I could give her this most wondrous gift that I could, perhaps, make her mine forever. I moved my finger to the top of her slit and found what I was looking for. The instant I touch her tiny, firm little clit her entire body went rigid. So excited was she from almost an hour of pleasant teasing and tickles that the simple act of touching her most sensitive spot brought her first tiny orgasm to fruition. I was unprepared for this quick response and did the only thing I could, continue a delicate rub as her legs clamped shut, her body shivered, and she moaned behind clenched lips. Bucking her hips and almost causing me to lose contact with her little nubbin, I held on for dear life. This was so much more than I had expected! Being a little girl's first was the best thing a man could ever hope to experience in this life.

And now her excitement ran over into me. Still residing within my sweat pants, my cock was wedged between her now naked ass cheeks, pumping and grinding, the sound of her little moans bringing me to the pinnacle as well. Surging up from deep within, hot sperm spurted from my cock and a white hot light filled my mind. I pushed into her harder now, hoping I wasn't hurting her but unable to control myself, my orgasm far too strong and in complete control of my body. Without ever touching my cock, this little girl was giving me one of the strongest orgasms I'd ever felt. It was almost too much to bare.

Unbridled passion held us together as our mutual climaxes washed over us. I'd never known such bliss! Amanda was incoherently grunting and moaning, unaware that her body could be made to feel so good, as I released the last of my sperm against the lovely feeling of her soft buttocks.

When at last, but all to soon, our zeniths had been achieved, we continued to hold each other, neither of us wanting this moment to end. Our breathing slowly returned to normal, and I pulled the blanket back over us. Amanda was smiling sweetly to herself, and I too, realizing I had just given Amanda one of the greatest gifts of all, was smiling in complete satisfaction. Never in a million years did I expect this scene to become reality. I owed this little girl so much!

"Whh.....what happened?" she was finally able to speak.

"Oh honey, that was called an orgasm. Are you alright?" I asked, very much hoping she was, and not all freaked-out by my almost violent thrustings into her young body.

"Yes, I think so, but it feels all wet down there?" she observed. Between her own love juices and the massive amount of sperm I'd dumped into my shorts, there was indeed a great deal of wetness 'down there'.

"I know, I'll explain it all to you in a little bit. But you're okay? I didn't hurt you or anything did I?" coming back down to earth and now concerned that I had just molested this sweet girl and that there could very well be serious consequences to my perverted deed.

She sighed sweetly and I felt her body begin to relax back into me. "No" softly, "I mean, maybe a little at first, but not now" was all she said.

I bent to kiss the top of her head and I felt her little hands again squeezing my arms, returning my true affection for her.

And with that we both fell into a deep, peaceful slumber, exhausted from the night's events, her still in my arms, warm, happy, and very much loved.

Chapter Nine

I awoke to the sounds of birds singing outside my window as the first rays of sunlight began creeping in through the blinds. I had slept quite soundly and dreamlessly, and as I started to stretch I felt Amanda's small, beautiful body against me. All that had happened last night came flooding back!

I prematurely ended my stretching, not wanting to wake her, and settled back down so that I could ponder my situation and the events of the last 24 hours. And, too, so that I could continue to feel her warm body snuggled tightly to mine. This was so unbelievable.

I slowly brought my arms back under the blanket, unable to keep my hands from sensuously roaming about her young body, enjoying the feel of her velvety preteen skin under my hands, as I wondered how she might remember our night's adventure.

Those very recent memories were already rushing back and playing out in my mind. The feel of her sweet young virgin pussy in my hands, doughy and spongy lips squeezed between my fingers,. Her soft, plump ass pushed into me, seeming to know she was bringing me pleasure too, titillating me with the knowledge that I was making sex known to her for the first time. Her soft coos evidence of the pleasure I was bringing her. Then, the light touch across her clitoris that had brought about her first orgasm, and the way she'd squeezed my arms tightly with her small, fragile hands. It was all too much. Much too much! I had to stop, as I felt an erection coming on again. There was a lot to do today, the foremost being a direct discussion with Amanda about how she felt about last night, how it must remain a secret, and just how much trouble I would be in if ever she told her mother, or anyone else, about the things I had done with her.

Hoping to wake her slowly and gently, I resisted the urge to give her tiny nipples some attention, and I pulled her now stretched-out nightshirt down past her pretty little girl hips, covering the parts of her she'd so freely allowed me to fondle, so that she not feel embarrassed now, in the light of a new day.

The movement caused her to stir, and I cautiously pulled her into me once again. I suddenly felt nervous and anxious, hoping she'd still feel comfortable with me and my intimate touches, and not repulsed as she remembered what I'd done to her just hours before. Her precious eyes slid open slowly as rays of sunlight splashing through the leaves of the tree outside tickled her through closed lids. I was overcome with love and adoration, so completely without flaw she was, at least to me. So totally pure in her innocent elegance.

I released my grasp a little so she could move her limbs as she slowly climbed from slumber. She leaned back, turned her head up to me, a sudden realization of her surroundings and flashes of her orgasmic ordeal of the previous evening, and she smiled her broad, sweet smile at me while laying her head upon my forearm. Angels were singing and joy filled my heart! She was pleased to see me!

"Good morning, Sugarplum" I whispered, my voice throaty and dry.

No movement from Amanda, just a smile and her sweet voice asking, "What's that?", relaxed and comfortable in my light embrace.

Reaching up to cup her head, then stroke her long, fresh, little girl-smelling hair I asked, "What's what?".

"A sugarplum?", quietly, her tone lyrical and sing-songingly sweet.

"Oh", I smiled, "Well, it's a plum, that's a fruit, and it's sweet, like you".

Another small smile, I could feel her cheek moving on my arm when she did. "But why'd you call me that?"

"I don't know, it just came out. Does it sound silly?" I asked, now beginning to lovenely caress her arms and shoulders.

"Yeah, kinda. But I like it anyway." she chided me.

"I think I like it too", and I did. "And I like you a lot too".

With this latest confession she turned up to me again and asked, "You do?"

"Mm hmm, I do".

"Why?" asked without sounding like she thought it a strange thing, a man my age being so into such a young girl.

Straining my mind to come up with just the right words I would use to answer this most important of questions, I considered a few phrases that came to mind and settled on a combination of a couple of them.

"Well, the very first time I saw you, last week when you and your mom came to look at the house, I felt something when you first looked at me, something I'd never felt before. It was like I'd been waiting for something I didn't know I needed, and then you smiled at me and I knew what it was".

"Really?" asked honestly and without pretense, now looking deeply into my eyes once again. Now I knew what it meant to be 'lost in someone's eyes'. Every time she looked at me like this I melted. Surely she could tell I was hers to do with as she pleased.

"Yes, really. When you smiled at me it made me feel really happy. Happier than I've ever felt before". I told her.

She lay there quietly, thoughtfully, considering what I'd said. Then offered only, "I like you too, Adam".

I couldn't believe I had heard those words! She liked me! She really did like me! I was overjoyed and overcome with emotion for this sweet nymphet. I hugged her tightly and she again returned my affection. Easing my grip and lowering my face to hers, I paused momentarily to look into her eyes, willing her to know the love I felt for her, and seeing the same in her stare I slowly, ever so slowly, bent down and softly touched my lips to hers. She reached up and I felt her small hand touch my cheek. For the umpteenth time in the last 24 hours my heart was racing, ramparts rocketed through my head, and felt electric shocks bolting through me. We stayed that way for mere seconds, then pulled away only a few inches, completely content in the moment, again staring into each other's eyes. Though she couldn't comprehend the depths of my feelings for her, she understood enough. She knew I cared deeply for her, and that was enough for now. She'd understand more later.

Chapter Ten

Realizing we had to be at the hospital in just over an hour to check on Amanda's mother's status, and to maybe even take her home, I pulled myself from my sweet prize and leapt over her onto the floor. After our erotic evening of dry-humping we were both very much in need of a good cleaning. As much as I would've loved to have taken a shower together, I knew we couldn't. Amanda may not be ready to see me in all my glory, and we had no time to dilly-dally if we were going to be at the hospital by 9:30.

Back again Amanda went into the guest bath, I to my own. I peeled my now crusty cock from my sweatpants and jumped in, lathered up, and planned for the talk that she and I would need to have during breakfast. Still, thoughts and images from the previous night filled my head and I turned the hot water off as I felt myself once again becoming aroused. As much as I needed the release, I needed to get finish up and get to the kitchen.

Into my favorite jeans, a t-shirt that showed I was still in good shape, and sneakers, and off to the kitchen I trotted. As I passed the hall bath I could hear Amanda just turning off the shower and humming softly to herself. I liked that. And I thought of how beautiful she must be, toweling herself off, clean and fresh from her shower, shimmering and shivering in the cool morning air. My cock made a move and I quelled the thought and continued on. Well, I continued on, anyway.

A very traditional breakfast of bacon and eggs was sizzling in the pan when Amanda arrived, brushing her lovely long locks and following the scent of bacon to my side at the stove. "You cook all the time?" she asked, seemingly quite puzzled at the idea.

"Well yes, why?" I responded, trying to sound as if not cooking at home all the time was as strange to me as her notion of my cooking habits.

"Idunno. I didn't think anybody cooked all the time anymore" was her answer, but she stayed by me as it was time to flip the bacon and start the toast.

"Wanna help?" I inquired, because I thought she would.

"I don't know what to do".

"Well, if you'll take 2 pieces of bread and put them in the toaster, then push down on the lever, you'll end up cooking if you're not careful" I said as I grinned at her.

She looked at me to make sure I wasn't kidding, which I wasn't, but it seemed too easy?

"Just drop them in and push?" she said, and I sensed that she truly wanted to get it right and really be of assistance to me. Such a sweet, sweet girl!

"Yes ma'am, just drop and push" the innuendo not lost on me.

With that completed I open the cabinet door, grabbed some dishes and handed them off to Amanda. She began setting the table without my asking. By the time she finished the toaster had popped up, the bacon was drying on a paper towel, and I was bringing our meal to the table. Amanda looked on enthusiastically, and complimented me again with, "It smells really good, Adam!". Did I know the way to a young girl's heart or what?

I pulled some orange juice and jelly from the fridge and joined her at the table. Amanda dug right in but I was more thoughtful in my consumption.

"Honey, I want to talk about last night, if it's okay?" I began, nervously.

In mid-bite she stopped and immediately turned several shades of crimson. Not wanting her to feel ashamed or embarrassed about anything we would ever do together, I continued, "Don't worry, Sugarplum, I thought what happened was really quite wonderful. Did you?"

A long pause as she worked her way up to it, then a small, softly spoken "Yes", was all she could muster. But that was better than the alternative.

"Well good. I didn't plan on that happening, but when I held you so close to me it made me feel special inside, and I wanted you to feel that way too" I explained.

Eyes on her plate, the words she needed perhaps unknown to her, she finally looked up at me and said, "I liked what we did too. I never felt anything like that before".

"I know, and I hope that we can spend lots of time together from now on, and we can do more things like that. But we have to be careful" I said.

"Because you're not suppose to touch me like that?" she asked, and an avalanche of apprehension fell upon me. She knew that what we had done was wrong, or was supposed to be. Yet she had never uttered one word of protest, never kept any part of herself from me.

Very carefully I continued, "Yes, Honey, many people think it's wrong, because you're so young, and I'm so much older than you. But I want you to know, I would never do anything to hurt you, or anything you didn't want me to do, okay?" I almost pleaded, "I have very special feelings for you, Amanda, and I never want to make you feel dirty or ashamed of what we do together", and I meant it. I wasn't ashamed. I wanted to proclaim my love for this sweet girl to the world! I would be proud to be seen with her, anywhere.

"Well", she began, "I don't feel that way. It was nice, last night, really nice. I hope we can do it again", and my prayers had been answered! Halleluiah! She wanted more! My heart sang and my imagination ran wild with images of the many nights of cuddling, and more, that were ahead of us.

"I do too, Amanda, very, very much, but like I said, we must be really careful, no one can ever know, not even your mom", I coaxed.

"I know, you'd get in trouble, like my mom's old boyfriend did, the one she made go away. But I liked the way you touched me, and I don't want you to go away" she confided, and with that she came to me and I knelt down to receive her. She wrapped her arms as far around me as she could, and I was rocked by the magnitude of what she'd promised me. She understood that I wanted her, sexually, and she was okay with that, more than okay! She was curious and eager for more!

"Okay Sugar, I'm glad you understand", and I was, "I'm not ashamed of the feelings I have for you, I just don't want anyone else to misunderstand".

"Okay Adam, don't worry, I'll never tell anyone anything. I know what you mean and I don't want anything bad to happen to you either" she said, quite serious and sober in her promise, looking directly into my eyes, a solemn vow exchanged.

"Good. Now let's finish eating and go see your mom!". And with that, we did.

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Thank you again. Like your hero(?) I want to ravish your story and rush my way through it all in one sitting, but on the other hand I also realise the need for some semblance of restraint and in that vain I will serve myself small dollops so I may savour the buid in excitement and commitment.

After reading your story to date I am totally ashamed of my own feeble scratchings. Again thank you, I am sure the coming chapters will thrill me just as deeply.


I'm reading slowly, in order, building patiently, just like your narrator.

The first two were wonderful! I'm looking forward to the others. Thanks for posting them.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.