Published: 4-Apr-2013
Word Count:
Firstly may I thank all those who made comments or sent e-mails about Part 1 of this story, the first I had submitted. I was amazed and encouraged that so many of you liked my style of writing. I shall try not to disappoint in the future.
I had a restless night. After my experiences with Pauline that evening, I found it very difficult to sleep. My mind was spinning and I was replaying our activities over and over. Was it a dream, or imagination. I knew it wasn't, but I still couldn't believe that the evening had been real. I had encouraged Pauline, all 12 years old of her, to take her clothes off. Not that she had needed much encouragement! She seemed to enjoy, even want, to take her clothes off, and she was not embarrassed to show her preteen body in all its glory to me.
Until that evening, when my girl-friend Sally had gone out, I had had no sexual thoughts about Pauline; indeed I hadn't had any such thoughts about any child. Yes, I sometimes looked at young girls and thought how attractive they may be, and even wondered sometimes how on earth their parents let them go out in some of the outfits they wore, but I had never thought of them as sexual objects.
I had been living with Pauline and her mother for about six months, and although I had seen her in her underwear, and naked, on a few occasions, these had not engendered any inappropriate thoughts. But last evening was different. I was attracted to this 12 year old. Her body excited me. I wanted to be aroused by her, and I was aroused by her.
I knew it was wrong. Hell, every week in the papers there is a story about a man (or a woman for that matter) who has been found guilty of some sexual activity concerning children. I wondered how they could possibly do such a thing. I would have been the first to condemn. But now? Had I crossed that boundary between acceptability and outrage? I knew little about the law in these matters, but I guessed that maybe I had. Despite these thoughts I also knew that I wanted to repeat the experience. I wanted to be alone again with Pauline, and be excited, aroused by her. I wanted to see her naked body again, and I wanted her to enjoy it. Was this some latent desire which in the evening had come to the fore? How can I answer that?
Even though Sally was asleep in bed next to me, naked, I felt no urges towards her. My only thoughts were of Pauline. In time I must have dropped off to sleep, but for how long I was awake or sleeping, I had no idea.
In the morning I was a little bit anxious in seeing Pauline again. I got up at about 6.30 am, my usual time during the week, when I would have a wash & shave etc., followed by Sally about half an hour later. Pauline is invariably the last down on school days, often just having time for a bite of toast before having to leave. When she appeared in her school uniform, she gave her mum a kiss good morning and then came round to my side of the table where I was having my breakfast cereal and give me a real smacker on the lips. I was not expecting this, and nice as it was, hoped Sally did not notice. My eyes met Pauline's, and there was a sort of dreaminess in them. I tried to indicate to her, without saying anything, to be careful as mum was around. She sat down next to me to have her breakfast.
Looking at Pauline next to me, I saw her in a different light this morning. I had heard about men who enjoyed looking at schoolgirls, and what I saw in Pauline was absolutely mesmerizing. Much as I tried not to, I thought how sexy she looked. As I looked at her in her uniform I knew what she looked like underneath, and I enjoyed the thought although I knew it was wrong.
"Do you want a lift to school this morning?" I asked her, hoping she would pick up on the intonation in my voice indicating that I wanted to give her a lift. I thought it might be an early opportunity to check out if everything was all right after the night before.
Pauline sometimes walks to school through the park. Other times I take her in the car, but have to go round the park, which is much longer and due to a rather complicated one-way system, it can actually take longer to drive than walk!.
"Yeah, ok", she mumbled through her toast, in a typically schoolgirl attitude. She had answered without any hesitation, so I guess she really did want a lift.
"Fine," I said, "but I leave a quarter past, so make sure you're ready." It was now five past eight, so there were ten minutes till I had to leave.
"I know," she said sneeringly, "you leave at the same time every day, you don't have to tell me." Typical 12 year old coming on teenager! She didn't usually speak like that and I hoped that this exhibition of semi-rudeness was for the benefit of her mother rather than me.
I let the comment go, and as a family we carried on the breakfast routine.
Pauline had gone upstairs to clean her teeth and get her school bag, and at 8:15 I shouted up, "Pauline, I'm going."
She shouted back, "Just coming." 'Just coming' could mean anytime within the next few days. Ok, maybe that's a bit unfair, but as anyone knows who lives with kids, the phrase can have very little meaning.
However, she appeared almost at once, and after the obligatory kisses goodbye to her mum, we went out to the car. Pauline threw her bag (literally!) onto the back seat and got in the front beside me, closed the door and put her seat belt on. I backed out of the drive and once we had started going said to her somewhat nervously, "You know, er, last night. Are you ok about what happened?"
"Yeah, why?" she answered, almost dismissively. By her tone she may as well have said "What a silly question."
"Well, it's not really the sort of thing we should be doing."
"Didn't you like it then?" She sounded subdued.
"Pauline, I loved it. But a lot of people wouldn't approve." Much as I had enjoyed it, it felt like I was trying to convince myself that I shouldn't.
"So if they don't know, it won't matter then." No questioning her logic, at least not for a 12 year old.
I didn't try any more to put her off, and to be honest, I really wanted them to carry on.
"Guess you're right," I conceded. "Looking forward to Friday then?"
"When mum's out again, yes," Pauline said eagerly.
I now knew that she had no problem in continuing our activities. "You know, when you came down this morning, I thought how sexy you looked in your uniform."
Excitedly, Pauline responded, "Did you really?"
"Yes, really." We had stopped at some traffic lights. I looked at Pauline in her uniform. Black shoes, long grey socks, grey pleated skirt, and a white blouse under a rather drab yellow jumper. I realized that she was just a school kid, but sitting there next to be she oozed sexuality. Dressed in her uniform she evoked arousal, even though she was not being sexual in anyway. She was just sitting there.
I put my hand on her knee, but had to take it off pretty quickly as I had to change gear. She didn't make any comment, but I noticed that she moved herself sideways a bit so that her legs were just that little bit closer to me. Although it was difficult whilst driving, when I had the opportunity I put my hand on her knee again. Again no reaction, which I took to mean she had no objection. My hand was brushing the hem of her skirt and I moved it a couple of inches up her thigh.
"Ok?" I asked.
"Yeah," was the reply, but then I had to remove my hand again, to attend to the controls of the car. We were getting close to the school now, and I didn't really have the opportunity to touch her knee or thigh again. I found a spot to park just round the corner from the school, and turned the engine off. Why did I do that? I usually just let Pauline out of the car, she was always in too much hurry to hang around. But today seemed different, and she didn't jump out of the car at once.
I put my hand on her knee. Neither of us said anything, and after a few seconds started to move it up her thigh slowly. Her skirt was rising with the movement of my hand and she was showing a nice amount of leg.
"Hey, Dave," she said, as if an idea had come into her head, "wanna see my knickers?"
I was a bit taken aback at this. My mind raced. "Of course I do," I said. What else could I say.
"Take your hand away then." I did, and in no time at all she had slid her skirt up her thighs and was showing me the most delicious pair of white knickers, with pink trim. As she was sitting, and in the cramped confines of the front seat of the car, I could only see about the bottom four inches of her knickers, forming a triangle disappearing between her legs.
"Like?" she said, teasingly.
"Like," I confirmed, "but you'd better pull your skirt down before someone looks into the car and sees you - they may get the wrong impression!" The hell they would! They would get the right impression, and I would be in big trouble.
Pauline just let go of the skirt, and it fell a bit, but still showed a lot of thigh. Undoing her seat belt, she turned round as best she could to get her bag from the back, and just managed to reach it. However, she appeared to be in a most awkward position in the front seat, legs wide apart. I couldn't help but look at her legs but, unfortunately, her skirt was too long to be able to get a glimpse of those lovely white knickers.
Having grabbed her bag, she opened the car door, leant over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips, lingering just a little longer than she needed to.
"Have a good day at school - see you this evening."
"Ok, I will. Bye." And with that she was out of the car and closed the door.
I watched her as she walked round the corner. I thought once again how sexy she looked, and I also knew what she was wearing under that uniform! I sat there for a couple of minutes and watched other girls Pauline's age walking past. I realized I was looking at these girls in a different way now. Most of them just looked ordinary girls, but a few seemed to have something else, an air about them. I can't really describe it, but there was definitely something about these girls that I found alluring. They all wore the same uniform, but there seemed to be a sexuality about them and I tried to imagine what they were wearing under their skirts.
I came out of my reverie, and drove on to work. I couldn't concentrate at all during the day, and I was pleased that what I was doing wasn't too demanding. I work in the back office of a coach company and that day I was preparing statistics of fuel usage compared to passengers traveling. I had done this each month many times before, so the job was fairly routine - just as well considering my state of mind! I hoped my mind wandering was not too obvious. If any of the other staff noticed asked me if I had a problem I certainly couldn't tell them! I suppose I would have said something like, "Oh, just stuff at home, you know what it's like."
I think having gone to work had gone some way to giving me something else to occupy my mind, and during both Wednesday and Thursday evenings life at home was pretty much the same as usual. Pauline and I had odd moments when we were alone, but nothing happened between us. Sally was around and neither of us wanted her to be suspicious.
On Thursday when I went upstairs to say goodnight to Pauline, she whispered, "Is mummy still going out tomorrow?"
"As far as I know," I replied, pleased that she still appeared interested.
"Good," she whispered. "Are you going to rub my tummy again?"
"Do you want me to?" I whispered back, starting to feel excited at the thought.
"Yes," was all she replied, with an eagerness, and a smile.
"Goodnight," I said bending down to kiss her on the lips.
"Goodnight, and don't let the bed bugs bite," she joked. "Oh, Dave, can I show you something?"
"Ok, what is it?" With that she whipped her duvet right down. Her nightie was bunched up and she was naked from the waist down. I wasn't expecting her to do that, and my eyes were riveted to her juvenile cunt. He legs were slightly apart and her slit, adorned with those whisps of dark hair seemed to be endless before it disappeared out of sight.
"You are a naughty girl," I said sarcastically, "but you'd better cover yourself up - you don't want to let mummy see you doing that." But before I had finished the sentence she had already pulled the duvet up.
"Goodnight," I said again, as I reached the door and closed it behind me. I needed to go to the loo, and whilst in there I started to rub myself with the vision of Pauline exposing herself. However, I thought that maybe I ought not to. I wasn't sure if Sally would be wanting me to 'perform' with her tonight, and I didn't want to have to make an excuse for why I couldn't have sex with her.
Having composed myself, I went back down to the lounge and sat with Sally for the rest of the evening. Needless to say, nothing happened that night.
The next morning, Friday, was the usual routine. I hadn't given Pauline a lift to school the day before, she had arranged to walk with her friend. However this morning I gave her a lift to school again. The traffic was pretty bad and I had to concentrate on the road, rather that pay attention to Pauline. She still looked as sexy as before in her uniform and not long after we left home she asked again, "Mummy still going out tonight?"
"She hasn't said she isn't," I replied.
"Oh, good. I like my tummy rubbed."
I was still concentrating on the traffic, but had been thinking about the evening. "Well, actually, I thought we might do something different."
"Ohhh," she said, sounding disappointed.
"Don't worry," I reassured her, its sort of the same, but different."
"How do you mean?"
"You'll have to wait and see, but I think you will like it. You like being sexy and showing me your body don't you?"
"Yes I do," Pauline said.
"Well that's ok then," I said firmly.
"Tell me." She said emphatically.
"No, just wait until this evening."
"Ohhh," she repeated.
"Ohhh," I replied, mimicking her and looking sideways at her. I had been concentrating so hard on the road that I had not noticed that she had slid forward in her seat, as much as her seat belt would allow, and had pulled her skirt up. I could see her light blue knickers.
"Hey, nice knickers!" I blurted out, almost in amazement.
"You like them?" she asked.
"Of course." Like them? I loved them! Sexy 12 year old Pauline showing me her knickers. What wasn't there to like, or love?
I continued, "I think you had better make yourself decent now, before we get to school."
I dropped her off for school, and watched the sexy girl walk down the road from the car. I thought of the plan I had for this evening. As on Wednesday I watched the other girls, once again imagining what they were wearing under their skirts. Was that girl over there wearing pink knickers? Did this girl walking past have white ones? I even imagined that one girl didn't wear any at all. Surely she wouldn't go to school without any knickers? Doubtful, but it was a nice thought all the same.
I had only started thinking these sorts of thoughts two or three days ago, but in that time my mind was filled with images and fantasies of young girls. Unusual though it was for me, I was liking it. A new hobby. Hobby? I couldn't share it with anyone, only Pauline.
I was finding it easier to manage at work now. Girls were always there lurking in the background, but I was getting used to applying myself to my job easier. As it got towards home time, slacking off for the weekend, my mind turned once again to the evening. Mmm.
The traffic home in the evening was horrendous. But it wasn't just the traffic that was on my mind, I had thoughts of Pauline to contend with as well. When I arrived home Sally said, "Hi. Here at last. You're late tonight."
"Traffic! I think there was an accident." I said, giving Sally a kiss. "It seems to get worse every day." Before sitting down I gave Pauline a kiss as well, lingering just that little longer than I should. Hope Sally didn't notice!
As I was late Sally had already started to dish the dinner up. As she gave us our meals, she said, "Looks like you two will have the clear the table and wash up. You know I've got to be out tonight."
Pauline and I glanced at each other. At least now we knew that Sally would be out this evening.
"Ok, no problem," I said, and bringing Pauline into the conversation continued, "we'll get it done in super-quick time, won't we?"
"Well, just make sure you do it properly. Pans as well," Sally snapped.
There was no real reason for her to say this. It was not unusual for either Pauline or I, or both of us, to do the washing up. As far as I was aware there was never any problem. Then it dawned on me why she was a bit tetchy. Wasn't this 'that time of the month'?
Sally seemed to rush her meal, and finished before the two of us had hardly started. "Must go," she said. "Don't forget, washing up." And she went, giving us both a quick peck on the way out.
Pauline and I were on our own! We looked each other in the eyes. Breaking the spell she said coquettishly, "What you got planned for this evening then? Is it going to be like the other evening?"
"You still want me to rub your tummy, then?"
"Course I do, but not just my tummy. You can rub my titties again as well." I guess Pauline had got to the age of raging hormones in her body. She was certainly forward in continuing our activities, and I didn't have any objection. Wrong though I knew it was, it seemed that as Pauline was so keen, there could be no harm in it.
I was so looking forward to seeing Pauline's titties again, touching them, and here she was asking me to do it. I also wanted to see her naked again. "Thanks," I said, "I'll look forward to that. And maybe you can take all your clothes off again and ..."
"... walk around the house nude." Pauline interjected. "Will you let me?"
"Why not," I responded, pleased. "But first we got to finish dinner and wash up. Don't want your mum coming home and we haven't done it, do we?"
So we both finished out dinner. Pauline asked a couple of more times what I had planned, but I told her she would have to wait until everything was done. She cleared the table, whilst I got on with the washing up. Finally, we both dried up the dishes and put them away.
"Is everything done, now?" Pauline asked.
"Yes, let's go into the lounge. Then I'll tell you what I was thinking?"
So we both went into the lounge. I sat on the settee and Pauline sat next to me and I put my arm around her. Oh, gosh, my heart was beating so fast in anticipation. Pauline was wearing the same pair of jeans she had on Tuesday evening, with a red and green top.
"Pauline, how about putting on something a little bit sexier?"
"Ok," she said slowly, "but I haven't got any sexy clothes."
"I don't mean sexy clothes as such, but do you think jeans and t-shirt are sexy?"
"Not really, I suppose."
"I think girls look sexier in dresses or skirts." I explained, "You know in the car today I said you looked sexy in your school uniform, why don't you go up and put that on?"
"Ok, if you like," agreed Pauline, and jumped up off the sofa.
"I think I'll go up to the loo while you're doing that," I said. I hadn't been since I had left work, and needed to relieve myself before the excitement of the evening.
I followed Pauline upstairs, she went into her room at the top of the stairs, and I went round to the loo. When I came out of the bathroom and was walking along the landing I noticed that Pauline's bedroom door was open. As I got to the top of the stairs, I could not resist looking in. She had taken her t-shirt off and was doing up the buttons on her white blouse. She still had her jeans on.
"Hi," she said, "you can watch if you like."
"Thanks," I said, leaning against the door frame.
She undid her jeans and slid them down her legs, then sat on the bed to get her feet out of them. I saw that she was still wearing the light blue knickers from the morning. She stood up and picked up her skirt.
"Do you want me to put clean knickers on?" she asked.
Much as I wanted to see her cunt again, I replied "No, those will be fine." Anyway I expected her to be taking them off downstairs shortly.
She stepped into her skirt, and pulled it up to her waist. There was a hook and button on the waistband, and a zip at the side. She sat on the bed again as she put her socks on. She had to lift her legs up to put each foot on the bed to get her socks on, and I had a lovely view up her skirt each time. Sexy little madam that she was, she knew what she was doing.
"What about my shoes?" she asked.
"No, you don't need those, and you don't need to put your jumper on. You can come down just as you are. You look just fine."
"And sexy?"
"Especially when you put your foot on the bed and I can see up your skirt."
Pauline giggled, a glint in her eyes. She knew what she was doing all right!
We went downstairs and into the lounge.
"Can I have a drink like the other evening," Pauline asked.
"Yes, ok, but I think it had better be something other than whisky." I replied.
"Why," queried Pauline.
"Well, whisky tends to smell on your breath sometimes. I'll give you some vodka - that doesn't really smell much - see how you like that. You can still have it with lemonade."
I poured out a vodka for Pauline and a whisky for myself. "Here," I said, giving her the vodka, "try this."
She was sitting on the settee, and I went to sit in one of the armchairs. She took a couple of sips of her drink. "That's ok," she said. "Hey, why you sitting over there, come and sit by me."
"Before I do that, why don't you show me your knickers like you did upstairs. Put one foot up on the settee and leave the other on the floor.
"Like this?" she asked, as she put the one foot up on the seat and lounged back into the corner of the settee, sipping her drink. I had a mind-boggling view of her knickers up her school skirt. The light blue cotton material showed up nicely against the darker grey of her skirt. But what made it all the more exciting was the long grey socks, emphasizing the schoolgirl in her.
"That's perfect. You are a naughty girl letting me look up your skirt, aren't you? But I like naughty girls who do things like that."
She smiled at my reply.
"Put your leg right up on the back of the settee. Let's see how wide you can get your feet apart." As she did this, her skirt fell back towards her waist. It was almost as if she wasn't wearing one. But oh, the crotch of her light blue knickers was stretched so tight across her cunt. What heaven! As you can imagine, this view was exciting me, and my cock was getting bigger inside my trousers.
"Do you like that?" Pauline asked.
"Yes, very much - do you like doing that?
"Yes, very much," mimicked Pauline. "Can you rub my tummy now?" she asked, taking her foot down from the back of the settee and putting it on the floor. She left her skirt bunched up around her middle.
"Rub your tummy, or rub your titties?" I asked, excitedly, moving from the armchair to beside Pauline on the settee.
"Titties then," she replied, with a relish.
"Have you finished your drink yet?" I asked.
"Well finish it off before we start," I said, rubbing my hand up and down her naked thigh. She raised the glass, finished the drink, and put the glass down on the floor. "Did you like the vodka?"
"Yes, it was ok - can I have another one."
"I think you need to wait a bit before another one. Turn round and lie across me."
Pauline positioned herself across me and I put my hand on her blouse.
"I think we need to undo these buttons, don't you?" I said, as I started to undo the buttons of her blouse from the top. Although the bottom of her blouse was still tucked into her skirt, I opened it up to reveal those lovely buds. I put my hand on one and felt the smooth softness of her skin, and its puffiness. Then I put my other hand on the other titty and did the same. Pauline sighed. She was enjoying this. I rolled the flesh of each titty between my fingers.
"Are you ok?" I asked, more for reassurance than anything. She was clearly ok.
"Mmm. Hang on, I'll take this off." As she sat up she pulled the blouse from the waistband of her skirt, and I helped her get her arms out of the sleeves. Casting the blouse aside she lay back down.
Her naked chest was an absolute delight. She loved me running my hands all over her torso, especially when I lingered playing with her titties.
After a few minutes, I said, "Why don't you turn round so you are facing the other way, with your head up that end, and your legs across me.
"Ok," she said getting up.
"Wait a minute," I said, grabbing her and standing her in front of me. "Let's have a nice look at you. Mmm, a topless schoolgirl. Nice little titties on show for everyone to see."
I leaned forward and placed a kiss on each titty. "Did you like that, Pauline?"
"Yeah, do it again."
So I did. Kissed her titties, this time lingering over each kiss, and feeling her nipples with my lips.
I moved my hands down to the hem of her skirt. "What have we got up here?" I asked, as I lifted the hem up to above her waist. Pauline, tell me what I can see."
"Knickers," she replied quietly.
"Mmm, nice blue knickers. And naughty Pauline is letting me lift her skirt up to see them, aren't you?"
"Hold you skirt up for me. Hold it up both at the front and the back and turn round."
She did as she was asked. She was wearing regulation knickers which were full and covered her bum. What a sight she was standing there with her skirt up round her waist.
"Ok, you can come and lie down again now."
Pauline laid down across me again, but her legs were now across me and I started to run my hand up and down her legs. She still had her socks on, and I gently eased each one down, and lifted each leg to take them off. I could now feel the lovely soft skin of this sexy 12 year old girl. Her legs were together and I could run my hands up and down both at the same time. Her skirt was not rucked up at all, and ended a couple of inches above the knee. However, as my hands wandered up and down her legs, they went further and further under her skirt, and I managed to push it up quite a long way.
"Let's have another look at what is up here?" I said, leering up her skirt. "What did you say was up there?"
"You, know, knickers," she said.
"Ah, yes, knickers. Nice blue ones. Let's have a look at them." Saying this, I slid her skirt up further. "You're going to have to move a bit to get your skirt up, or you could take it off. What do you want to do?"
She replied, "Take it off." And with that she stood up, unzipped it at the side and undid the waistband and slipped it down her legs, and stepped out of it. Pauline stood there just in her knickers, smiling at me, enjoying what she was doing and knowing that I liked it too.
"Lie back down," I told her. She lay down across my lap again. This time I had unobstructed access to her legs, indeed all of her body, apart from her knickers. I ran my hand up and down her legs a few times, then up her thighs until my hands were touching her knickers. This was first time I had touched them this evening, although I had seen so much of them.
I started to let my hands wander over those knickers. Pauline had her legs together and not surprisingly, very shortly one hand moved down from her waist, over her sex part and onto her thighs. Then the hand moved back again, reaching that part at the top of her legs, pausing slightly over the mound, then up to waist.
"Want me to do that again," I asked.
"Mmm," was the only response I got.
So my hand went down and up again. This time I pressed just a little more firmly and as I rested my hand on her mound, she made a little moan. She is enjoying this, I thought.
As my hand went down from the waist again, she appeared to involuntarily open her legs. I could see the line of her slit through the material, and traced it with my finger. Pauline made no objection, but let out another moan.
I said to her, "how about having a look at what is inside your knickers. Shall we take them off?"
"Ok," was the quiet response.
I eased them down from the waist slowly. "Lift you bum. That's it" and I pulled them down exposing her cunt to me. I slipped them down her legs, and off.
"Oh, Pauline, that is so sexy. You have quite a bit of hair down there. Nice." I ran my hand through the pubic hair above her slit, and then eased my hand down, so it covered her mound. "That's nice, Pauline, very nice. Do you like that?"
"Mmm yes," she replied.
Just then the phone rang. Damn, I thought. But Pauline had already realized I would have to answer it so had started to get off me. I went to answer the phone, but it was a wrong number, would you believe! The guy was very apologetic, but if only he had known what he had interrupted!
I went back into the lounge. Pauline was still sitting naked on the settee. "Can I have another drink please?"
"Ok," I said. And poured another drink for myself as well. I had got so excited I realized that I was bursting to go to the loo again, so I left Pauline with her drink while I went upstairs.
She had nearly finished it when I got back. "So what we going to do now?" I asked.
"I want to walk around the house nude until bedtime," was her reply. "Do you mind?
Do I mind a 12 year old girl walking around the house naked? "No, carry on," I said.
She seemed to be in such a jolly mood. Had I given her too much to drink? I must admit they weren't small drinks, but not particularly big either.
"Just going up to the loo," she said.
"Ok. Pauline, take you clothes with you and put them away like you usually do, so that mum won't be suspicious. When you come back down, bring your nightie."
"Have I got to wear it?" she implored.
"No, not wear it, but if mum comes in while you're still up, you can whip it on quickly. She might not take too kindly to you being naked with me."
"Ok," she said, gathering all her school uniform and taking it up with her. She came back down after a few minutes, still naked, but carrying her nightie. I was watching something on the tv. I wasn't paying attention to what was on - who would with a naked 12 year old around.
I thought I'd better just check that she had put her clothes away, so made an excuse to go upstairs. She has her head screwed on right, this kid, I thought. Everything was away, including her knickers in the wash basket. I took them out to smell them. Heavenly!
When I got downstairs, the lounge was empty. She had gone into the kitchen to get a biscuit to eat. She was naked of course.
It was starting to get dark, and she had put the light on. As the kitchen faced the back no-one was likely to see her, but I don't think she would have minded anyway. And I don't think I would have done either.
We went back into the lounge. As we went in, she flicked the light on. Now the lounge faces the front, and I said, "Pauline, someone might see you."
"I don't care," she said. Had she had too much to drink?
"I'll draw the curtains," I said.
"No," she insisted, "I'll do it when I finished my biccy."
I was getting the impression that Pauline was, or was becoming, an exhibitionist. She seemed so natural in showing herself off.
"Ok," I said, "as you wish." Was I getting turned on but the thought of her showing herself to someone else? I think I was.
Biccy eaten Pauline got up and went over to the windows. Slowly she pulled each curtain across. It was as if she was willing someone to see her.
"Dave, can I go into the garden?"
I thought, should I let her? But then, should I stop her? "Ok if you want to, but be careful, and put some shoes on." I said finally.
She went into the kitchen and opened the back door. "Brr, it's a bit cold," she said, but she was determined to go into the garden. We don't have a big garden, and is mostly not overlooked, but there are a couple of house which can see into our gardens from the back bedrooms. Pauline walked down the path to the bottom of the garden. I watched from the back door. Then she walked to the middle of the grass and facing the house just stood there, naked, for about 15 seconds. The she ran back in again.
"Oooh, that was chilly," she said, "but great fun. Let's go and watch some telly." She went into the lounge and sat on the settee. I followed and sat next to her, my arm around her shoulders.
"Have you enjoyed this evening?" I asked, "I know I have."
"Yes it was super. I loved you touching me."
"Well, I loved touching you, and you being naked. That is so cool," I said, taking a leaf out of the language of the youth of today.
"You really think so," she asked surprised.
"Of course. I think it is so, well, mmm, to see you naked. To see your little titties ..."
"They'll grow though, won't they?" she interjected.
"Yes, but it will still be cool to see you tits when you are older. And I like seeing your cunt ..."
"Dave, that's the rudest word you can say," she interjected.
"What do you call it then," I asked.
"Well, some of the girls call it a kitty, others a pussy, or a slit. There's lots of words the girls as school call it, but we all know it is really a cunt."
There was a innocence in her saying the word 'cunt'.
"I though that was the rudest word you can say," I retorted.
"I did, but it's still fun saying it. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt."
"You are a naughty girl but I love you for it," I said, leaning over to hug her naked body and give her a kiss.
"Kiss my titties again," she asked. I wasn't expecting this. But I bent down, and did so,
"Want to kiss my cunt?" This time I was shocked.
But not shocked enough to say, "Ok."
I couldn't reach from where I was, so I had to get up and kneel by the side of her. She had her legs slightly apart and I kissed her on the part of her slit I could see. And oh, the sweet smell of her cunt. I had never smelt anything like it before. Similar to smelling her dirty knickers, but more intense.
Just then we heard a car. This must be Sally.
"Quick, Pauline, looks like mum's home early tonight. Put your nightie on," I said, in a panic. I didn't want Sally to suspect.
It took a couple of minutes before Sally came into the lounge. Pauline had her nightie on and was sitting with her feet under her on the settee. I was sitting in my armchair. We were watching tv. "You're early, tonight," I said to Sally.
"Yes, I've got a headache so I left early. Did you have a good evening?"
"It was ok, nothing special, though," I lied.
Sally couldn't see Pauline's face, and so couldn't see the cheeky smile on her face.
End of Part 2
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