Susie's Spanking Time, Part 1

[ Mg, inc, fath/dau, spank, bond, humil ]


Published: 13-Apr-2013

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Susie's friends were all envious of her - when talking about getting punished, in that giggling way girls have, she had to say that she only got spanked once a month or less, while her friends seemed to get turned over a knee at least every other week.

She hadn't, however, told her friends just how *bad* her Daddy's spankings were - they seemed to think that over the knee, a quick flurry of smacks and a hug was all there was to a spanking, but Susie knew differently. Her Daddy never spanked hard, but he spanked long - very long.

Susie's "Spanking Times" were formally announced to her and the family several days beforehand, for starters. Friday afterschool and evenings was the usual Time, with the announcement coming at supper Wednesday night, usually, giving her two long, long days to anticipate her upcoming punishment.

Her schoolfriends were also envious that she said her Daddy used his hand, mostly, and sometimes a very light paddle or a small, skinny strap. *They* all seemed to get big paddles or the hand - one girl's Daddy sometimes used a belt. But Susie's Daddy had big, hard hands, and he could spank a tender girl-bottom *forever*, or so it seemed to Susie...

On "Spanking Day", Susie would hurry home from school - she didn't want to, but the idea of being late was more than she could think about. Her Daddy sometimes worked at home, and he *always* was at home when Susie arrived on Spanking Day. He'd take Susie into her room, and start with a lecture, on all the things she'd done bad since the *last* Spanking Day. Then she would be over his lap, pants down, bare bottom being stung by his big hand, in the first of many spankings on Spanking Day.

It wasn't a long spanking, just enough to give a pink bottom and sniffles. Then Susie's Daddy would undress her, becuase during Spanking Days wearing clothing was rarely allowed. Then Susie's Daddy would take her into the bathroom, for one of the parts of Spanking Day she especially hated: a great big, steaming hot soapy enema, squirted into her bottom hole through an uncomfortable nozzle poked up into her.

While the big enema was filling her up with water, her Daddy's hand would be landing on her bottom, as she lay over his lap and squirmed. He would keep her there for one hundred smacks, hot and squirming with the water in her guts and the nozzle in her bum. Susie knew better than to try and force the nozzle out early, now, having done it only once.

After releasing the big enema with an embarrassing splash into the toilet, Susie's Daddy would wipe and dry her pink-spanked bottom, then take her back over his lap, to make sure the big enema had really cleaned Susie's insides out. Susie wriggled when his slippery smallest finger went in - it was still a big finger to a girl's bum, and her Daddy put it much farther into her than the enema nozzle had gone, to make really sure she was all washed out inside. Usually her Daddy was satisfied and finished with the examination, but sometimes he gave her a whole second enema, just as hot, soapy and uncomfortable as the first, and gave her another inspection afterward.

Today, however, one enema was enough, so Susie's Daddy took her back to her room and begin the first of Susie's 'special spankings'. She would have to spread her legs as wide apart as she could, lying on her belly on her bed, with pillows under her hips to raise her bum into the air. Her Daddy then used one big hand to spread her bottom-cheeks, and with the other would give Susie twenty or thirty licks with the little strap he used - right onto her little tender bumhole, so recently opened by the enema nozzle and his inspection, and all up and down the tender cleft between her bum-cheeks, making Susie bawl and sob.

The skinny little strap left her bumhole even more tender, criss-crossed by the strap's pink marks, and Susie knew the first rule of Spanking Day was: No Rubbing Without Permission! So she lay on her bed and squirmed, sobbing slightly, after her Daddy stopped and left, keeping her hands lying near her head, because she knew that rubbing would just make the sting worse if her Daddy caught her!

Before Susie could screw up the courage to do just one *little* rub, her Daddy came back into the room and lifted her back over his lap, bum pointing skyward and legs and head dangling. His big hand began to land on her buttocks, starting the first of Susie's long, long spankings. Susie's Daddy never spanked hard, but he certainly spanked long. He spanked her bottom, and right down the backs of her thighs, for nearly ten minutes, leaving Susie sobbing great sobs and bright red from tailbone nearly to the backs of her knees.

Afterward, her Daddy let her rub her bottom for a few minutes, then made Susie *sit* on a little chair in the corner of her room, hands on her head and stinging bottom firmly on the unpadded wooden seat, for one whole hour.

After Susie's long hour sitting very uncomfortably in the corner of her room, her Daddy came back in, and led the naked, pink-bottomed girl back to her bed. *This* time, he laid her down on her back, with a pillow under her bum this time, pushing her hips into the air. Sitting down beside his daughter, Susie's Daddy ordered her to raise her knees up, then to spread them far apart while keeping her feet together, leaving Susie feeling terribly exposed and in position for the second type of 'special spanking' she got on Spanking Days - her Daddy paddling the insides of her thighs and right across her hairless pubes. The small thin plastic paddle he used weighed practically nothing, but it moved quickly and stung terribly. Susie's Daddy held onto her ankles with one hand, swinging the paddle with the other. He called this 'spanking from knee to knee', and that's exactly what he did, starting just above Susie's left knee, spanking the tender insides of her thighs all the way up, right across Susie's hairless little pubes, and right down to just above her right knee.

Susie bawled and writhed, especially when her Daddy's paddle stung and pinkened the tender lips of her privates. She really started to sob and cry when her Daddy reached her right knee - and started again at her left knee, laying down another layer of paddle stokes with the stinging little paddle, right across her even-more-tender crotch and back down to her right knee. Her Daddy finished with a quick flurry of extra strokes across Susie's pink-paddled privates, then stood up while Susie writhed and sobbed on, hands still held up near her head but legs flailing to try and work the terrible sting out. Her Daddy left her to go finish making dinner, with a final warning that rubbing was quite forbidden. Susie now had a stinging, spanked front to match her stinging, spanked rear, so she lay on her side tearfully, careful to keep her spanked thighs apart because of the discomfort.

About fifteen minutes later, Susie's Daddy came back into her room, to give the final part of her punishment before dinner - more after dinner, of course. He turned the girl over his lap again, then gave a short bottom-spanking, just enough to renew the sting and heat from Susie's bottomglobes. Then Susie heard him opening the drawers beside her bed, preparing the portion of her Spanking Time that would carry on right through dinner.

Susie felt her Daddy spread her spanked bumcheeks with one hand, then shuddered when the cool lubricant cream was applied to her tender anus, her Daddy's finger sliding into her just a little bit. Then her Daddy's finger withdrew, and Susie began to cry again, knowing what was coming. The hard rod that slid up into her was actually a rounded candle end, slightly thinner than her Daddy's finger. The wax didn't have any sharp edges - the reason her Daddy used it - but the candle end was so stiff sliding into her, and it went in and in - as deep as her Daddy had inspected with his finger but even more uncomfortable. Susie shifted and cried as her bottom was filled, continuing to squirm when her Daddy gave the candle a final small twist to settle it and lifted his girl back to her feet, then slid a t-shirt over her head for dinner. The red wax candle stuck out from between Susie's round bottomcheeks, jutting down and out almost six inches. It waggled when Susie walked, inside her as well as outside, forcing the girl to take tiny tip-toe steps to minimize the discomfort. Her Daddy gave the candle one final twitch, then steered Susie out from her room down to the dining room for dinner.

Tiny steps might have eased the discomfort of the candle filling Susie's bum, but nothing could ease the embarrasment. Her t-shirt was deliberately short, leaving *all* of her spanked areas showing, and one of the Rules was that hands had to be by sides, always, so she couldn't hide anything at all. Susie knew her brother would be watching her all through dinner, the fact that he'd recently had a Spanking Day of his own forgotten temporarily in his gloating and avid observation of his sister. (To be fair, Susie had been a rat during his Spanking Day as well...)

Dinner was terrible for Susie, as it was supposed to be. Becuase of the candle, she had to eat kneeling on a chair, her pink spank marks exposed to her brother's peeking. Her Daddy made her eat everything on her plate, too, altough he deliberately didn't give her much. Susie didn't have an appetite in any case, being distracted by the spanks she'd recieved, the immediate discomfort of the candle filling her bum, and the knowledge that she'd be getting more after dinner.

Susie's Daddy made her help her brother clear the table afterward, too, so she shuffled between the kitchen and dining room, candle waggling, her brother watching her every chance he got. He even got her alone in the kitchen for a moment, long enough to deliberately tweak the protruding candle and poke her spanked bumcheeks before Daddy saw anything.

After clearing the table, Susie's Daddy half-bent her over a chair, carefully spanking her bottom around the candle until she was pink and sobbing, then gave the candle a small twist and ordered the girl back to her room until he was done dessert. Susie's brother watched his sister's pinkening, writhing bottom intently, spooning into a bowl of ice cream. Susie shuffled off, mincing up the stairs to her room to stand in the corner, tears leaking down her face. She tugged her t-shirt off, risked a quick rub, then tried - and failed - to make the candle more comfortable in her bottom, twisting it around a bit with her hands and managing only to make it *less* comfortable.

Peeking over her shoulder at the mirror above her dresser, Susie could just see her bottom, thighs, and the hated, intruding candle. She realized how silly she looked, with white skin on her back, red and pink spanked bottomcheeks and thighs, and the short, solid line of the candle, bright red wax that waggled every time she moved. Then she heard her father's tread on the stairs, and hastily turned to the wall, placing her hands on top of her head in the way her Daddy liked.

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Very well done indeed, sir! I knew as soon as I read: 'Her Daddy never spanked hard, but he spanked long - very long.' that this would be a classic. thank you very much.

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