Published: 7-Apr-2013
Word Count:
In the last installment (Part 12), bi-sexual Jackie and Mandy affirmed their love for each other.
When Jackie came home for the Thanksgiving holiday, she came directly to Jim and Gloria's house to stay. They were all happy to see her but happiest of all, of course, was eleven year old Mandy. She spent all the day before cleaning her room and, on the day Jackie was to arrive, fussed with her appearance in ways none of them had seen before; putting on a set of clothes and changing them and then putting the first ensemble back on.
"Dad," Amy asked Jim, "is Mandy in love with Jackie?"
"Yes, Amy; she is," he told her.
"How does Jackie feel about Mandy?" she inquired.
"Jackie is in love with Mandy," he answered.
Amy thought for a moment.
"I thought so. That's nice. I love Mandy and I love Jackie. I'm glad for them."
Jim kissed his 12-year old daughter and hugged her.
"You should tell Mandy that. It will make her very happy. She wasn't sure how you would react to her love for Jackie. She worried that you might feel hurt." Jim was concerned for Amy. She was Mandy's closest friend and lover. He worried that Amy might feel slighted.
"I don't feel hurt. Why should I? Even if she loves Jackie, that doesn't mean we can't still love each other," Amy said. "She's my sister! That will never change!"
Amy continued.
"Some people probably think Jackie's too old for Mandy but Mandy is mature for her age," Amy continued. "And she's smart, too, even though she doesn't think she is."
In a very commonsensical and confident way, Amy was convinced that Mandy would never exclude her from her love life. It turned out that Amy was correct. Despite loving Jackie, Mandy still loved and desired her adopted sister. Jim was reminded that it wouldn't do to underestimate his youngest daughter's level of commitment to those she loved.
Mandy watched from the window in her upstairs room for Jackie to arrive. She did her chores quickly that day in order to see Jackie the minute she arrived. It was Mandy's first romance and as such everyone thought it beautiful. The little girl that always put others first was asserting herself now and going after what she wanted.
Through her gentle persistence, the demonstration of her unexpected maturity, and her "goodness," as Jim termed it, Mandy persuaded Jackie of her seriousness and commitment. Jackie couldn't help but respond, despite the difference in their ages. She admitted to herself (and to Mandy) that she loved the sweet child and wanted to be with her.
The little girl in Mandy came to the fore when, spotting the taxi, she ran down the stairs and out the door to practically jump into Jackie's arms.
As they stood together on the walk, Jackie held Mandy tight and stroked her hair.
"Mandy ... Mandy ... my darling girl," she said.
Mandy pressed herself close to Jackie and whispered, "Jackie! I missed you so much! I love you so much!"
"Hey, you two ... it's cold out there." Gloria said smiling at her daughter and the girl she loved. They had all taken Jackie into their hearts. Gloria felt very motherly toward Jackie, which was exactly what Jackie needed her to be. Deprived of contact with her own mother since she was nine, Jackie's attempt to reconnect with her had met with failure. Her mother couldn't yet take the girl into her heart. Heart broken, Jackie had overcome her sadness with Mandy's help.
Mandy detected the older girl's grief despite Jackie's efforts to hide it. Mandy, always good at reading people, picked up on it right away. Without pushing too hard, Mandy got Jackie to open up to her. Mandy spent that week cheering and comforting Jackie. Jackie was dazzled by Mandy's perceptiveness, tenderness, and commitment to her.
Jackie was also seduced by Mandy's allure. The little girl was intensely sexual. She fairly smoldered when she wanted to! Jackie told Jim that first weekend Mandy had pleasured her far beyond what she had expected. Mandy had a lot of experience making love with women and put that knowledge to use with the girl she loved. Jackie told her step-father that Mandy had suckled her breasts and licked her vagina and anus. Mandy was expert in using her fingers and brought Jackie to a couple of thundering climaxes manually. Jackie made sure to reciprocate.
Jackie ate Mandy's hairless pussy tenderly and lovingly. She merged with the little girl in Jackie's first performance of tribadism. Jim wished he could have seen the two girls lock loins and rub each other to orgasm!
While they were together, Jackie decided to remove her pubic hair at Mandy's suggestion. Mandy lathered Jackie's pudenda and carefully shaved her lover's sex. She then rubbed Jackie's clean-shaven vulva with lotion to soothe it and to protect it from irritation.
Jackie then worked Mandy over with a strap-on dildo, which was something new both for her and her young lover. Describing it to her step-father later Mandy said excitedly, "Daddy! Jackie fucked me just like a man would! It was wonderful!"
"Okay, Mandy and Jackie; we'll be eating dinner in about two hours. Mandy, why don't you take Jackie up to your room so she can lie down and rest up from her trip?" Gloria knew what they were aching to do and so gave them "permission" to do it.
And "do it" they did.
Mandy took Jackie's hand and led her up to the room she shared with Amy. Mandy silently closed the door and turned to Jackie. They stood for a moment and faced each other holding hands. Mandy then knelt in front of Jackie and pressed her face into her lover's tummy. Jackie kept stroking Mandy's hair, wordlessly.
Jackie kicked off her shoes. The little girl then unzipped Jackie's jeans and pulled them down to her ankles allowing Jackie to step out of them. She was wearing a turquoise thong that betrayed her wetness. Mandy inhaled deeply the scent of her lover's sex. She carefully and deliberately pulled the beautifully colored underwear from between Jackie's legs and over her bum. Mandy paused to savor the musky smell in the part of the garment that had lodged between Jackie's butt cheeks.
Jackie, meanwhile, took off her sweater and her bra and let them drop to the floor. She stood there nude as Mandy kissed Jackie's already wet pussy and caressed her firm buttocks. Jackie's wetness covered Mandy's lips and chin and nose as she performed cunnilingus on her girlfriend. Wetting her index finger in Jackie's moisture, Mandy inserted it into Jackie's anus and hooked her thumb into the bottom of Jackie's pussy.
"Oh, Mandy! I've missed you so much!" Jackie sighed as the little girl finger fucked her. Mandy licked, rubbed, and fingered the taller, older brunette for several minutes before she stopped. Mandy smelled and licked her finger and thumb. Now she wanted to show herself to Jackie.
Mandy stood up and started to strip. She took off her shirt exposing her tiny, budding breasts. Jackie watched enthralled as Mandy revealed her slim body; a girl's body starting to become a woman's.
Little Mandy unzipped her pants and stepped out of them leaving her wearing only her white panties with the little pink roses and her white ankle socks.
Jackie said. "Mandy, those socks are so cute! Leave them on."
Mandy smiled happily as she pulled her panties down showing her own bald pussy and her slim bottom. Jackie could see Mandy's slightly swelling hips; in a year she would be a woman. Mandy's pussy lips were reddened, drawing Jackie's obvious attention.
Seeing her notice this, Mandy said to the older girl, "I rubbed myself this morning thinking about you."
"Oh, Mandy!" Jackie said. "I want you so much!" She advanced on the naked child standing before her. Mandy stood still, awaiting Jackie's caresses.
Jackie put her left hand on Mandy's shoulder as she bent to kiss her. Mandy lifted her head and opened her mouth to touch tongues with the flushed and beautiful young woman. As they kissed, Jackie's hand strayed down Mandy's belly to find the little girl's warm, wet vulva.
"Oh!" Mandy gasped as Jackie began to gently but firmly rub the girl's soft, slippery cunt.
Jackie now pulled little Mandy closer; all the while driving her tongue deeper into Mandy's hungry mouth. When Jackie suddenly broke away it was to say, "Let's get on the bed!"
Mandy hopped onto her queen-sized bed and lay on her back with her legs open to receive Jackie. Jackie came on all fours to her, smiling and glancing down at the eleven year old's molten sex.
Jackie stopped at Mandy's thighs and lay on her belly with her face in the girl's smooth snatch. Mandy prepared herself to receive cunnilingus from the young woman she adored.
Only eleven years old, Mandy had the sexual appetite and the social sophistication of someone older. Since the age of ten, she had performed sexually as a prostitute with her mother, allowing herself to be molested, orally sodomized, and ultimately raped by her mother's clients. After Jim married her mother, Mandy was joined by her adopted sister, Amy, on her mother's outcalls. Mandy became Amy's guide to the sensual life and her principal lover. Both Mandy and Amy went "both ways." They were sexual with each other and incestuous with their parents, receiving oral and digital ministration from Gloria and oral and vaginal penetration, as well as cunnilingus and anilingus, from Jim, their father.
An accomplished performer for whom sex in all of its manifestations was fun, Mandy fell in love when she met Jackie. The older girl (Jackie was now 18) had never been with another female when she was introduced to Gloria and her two daughters. Her sexual experience consisted of being raped and sodomized, both orally and anally, by her father starting when she was nine years old. He made his daughter available to other men at the daddy-daughter orgies, where Jackie met Jim. Jim took a liking to the sad seventeen year old and helped to not only bring her out of her "shell," but gave her the confidence to leave her father and to strike out on her own.
The profound effect that Jim had on her was magnified when she met Gloria, Mandy, and Amy. They introduced her to lesbian love with both an older woman, thirty-one year old Gloria, and two pre-adolescent girls, Mandy and Amy. Jackie responded with joy and enthusiasm as well as an outpouring of deep, pent-up emotion. She wept softly but uncontrollably in their arms as the whole family showered her with love, tenderness, and acceptance; Mandy most of all.
Mandy, on the other hand, was generally quiet about her deepest feelings. From living with an abusive father, now in prison, Mandy learned not to cry, not to complain, and not to reveal her innermost thoughts. Her adoptive father, Jim, did his best to draw her out while respecting her privacy. Mandy appreciated that and felt more relaxed around Jim than she had ever been with her real father.
As a consequence, Mandy surprised Jim one day not long after Jackie's visit by telling him that she had fallen in love with Jackie. The older girl's innocence and vulnerability touched Mandy very deeply. Always kind and considerate of others, Mandy decided, with her father's encouragement, finally to do something just for herself: she decided to pursue Jackie.
Jackie put her sensual experience with Mandy, Amy, and Gloria to good use now as she lay between Mandy's legs licking and kissing her little girl pussy.
Mandy sighed as Jackie tenderly licked the insides of Mandy's labia. Jackie took the soft genital folds between her lips to suck and gently pull. Jackie nuzzled her sweet darling's sex to return to Mandy at least some of the pleasure she had given Jackie.
Jackie began to lick Mandy all around the clitoris, teasing the little girl. Mandy responded by squirming to try placing her clit in the path of Jackie's tongue. Taking pity on her lover, Jackie flicked her tongue gently and quickly over the eleven year old's love button causing Mandy to lift her hips and to moan with pleasure.
"Ohhh! Jackie ... Jackie!"
As she licked Mandy's hot pussy, Jackie ran her hands up and down Mandy's sides and occasionally across the top of the slim little girl's belly. Jackie now covered Mandy's clitoral area with her whole mouth and swished her tongue hard against it, driving Mandy to orgasm. Her lovely little figure writhed and thrashed with the pleasure of her climax. Jackie eased off licking Mandy until she finished with light, whispery touches of the child's delicate clit.
Finished pleasuring her diminutive lover, Jackie moved up farther up the bed to tenderly kiss and caress Mandy.
"I love you so much, Mandy. You're my sweetheart. You belong to me and I belong to you," she said while cradling Mandy and rocking her underage lover in her arms.
Mandy, just coming down from her climax, rolled over to press herself against Jackie's warm womanly body. She enjoyed the feel of Jackie's breasts, soft belly, and pubic mound against her smaller, slighter figure.
"Oh, Jackie ... Jackie ... thank you!" she murmured.
Jackie pulled the nude, pre-adolescent girl close and, smiling, playfully kissed her cheeks, her forehead, and her nose, which caused Mandy to giggle. Jackie dearly loved this young girl that was so much in love with her. She was a marvel. It was inaccurate to think of her as an eleven year old. Mandy was in many ways more mature than some adults. She was perceptive and sensitive. Intelligent, she needed only a good education to be successful in life. She would always be a good person as she had a strong sense of right and wrong, though she was disdainful of social convention.
As sexy as she was, Mandy could keep her sexuality under control. The experience of being a prostitute with her mother kept sex from being a novelty and prevented any sentimentality from creeping into any considerations of it. She was well equipped, carnally speaking, to please anyone she loved such as Jackie, Amy, her father, and her mother. She could also dampen her true feelings to perform as though on "automatic pilot." In general, though, Mandy found sex to be fun and derived a sense of accomplishment from evoking her partners' responses. That afternoon, Jackie sought to reverse their roles, wanting to pleasure Mandy.
"Oh, Jackie! That was wonderful! Thank you!" Mandy clung tightly to Jackie.
Jackie joyfully responded, "I really love you, my darling little girl. We both know that we have to keep this a secret from everybody else ...
"Yes, don't worry, Jackie. I can keep this a secret."
"... but we know what we mean to each other. I hope we'll be together on the day you turn eighteen, when we can be together openly."
Mandy lifted her head and sat up on her knees.
"Really, Jackie?" she said. "You really want to be with me?"
"Yes, my dear," Jackie answered. "I want us to be together. You're not like a little girl, Mandy. You're like a woman in a child's body."
This made Mandy smile. She took Jackie's hand and pressed it to her face with her eyes closed. Jackie continued.
"I'll be busy with school and then graduate school after that, I hope. Then I'll have to think about a career as I want to make my own way in life. During that time, I hope you'll continue to be my girlfriend. Even though we'll mostly be apart, we'll still love each other. Can I depend on you, my little darling?"
Jackie touched Mandy's face. The lovely child in turn spoke eagerly to her.
"Yes, you can. I want to be good for you, Jackie. I know I'll never be as smart as you but I'll always love you. You can talk to me about things you're feeling. I can help with that; I know about those things."
Jackie looked tenderly at the naked, beautiful, little girl on her knees next to her.
"Mandy ... you must learn to think and feel better about yourself. You're a very smart girl. Just keep working hard in school. You'll do well. Remember, though, that I don't care about those things. I love your 'goodness,' as your father calls it. You're such a good person."
Mandy put her head down, not comfortable with what Jackie said to her. She was afraid to ever start believing what Jim and Jackie said about her; she thought that she would somehow be punished if she did.
"Mandy ... it's true. Oh, I wish you could believe it!" Jackie lovingly touched Mandy under the chin to lift her head. She smiled sweetly at her and this made Mandy also begin to smile.
"Thank you, Jackie," she said quietly.
Jackie said, "I want to show you how much I love you. Come here, darling."
Jackie took Mandy in her arms and kissed her lips passionately. Their tongues touched and both girls started again to become wet between their legs. Jackie gently turned Mandy over onto her belly. Straddling the slim little girl, Jackie started to run her fingers through the girl's long, brown hair and to massage Mandy's neck and shoulders and back. She rubbed her deeply and tenderly, moving down her body touching her both therapeutically and erotically.
When Jackie got down to Mandy's cute little butt, she stroked the child's tush with loving care. She caressed the little cheeks firmly, but gently, and rubbed in small circles to stimulate the girl.
"Mmm ... that feels nice, Jackie," Mandy purred.
Jackie bent forward and kissed the back of Mandy's head.
"You're a sweetheart," she said.
Mandy lifted her little bottom slightly as Jackie parted her buttocks and placed a single wetted fingertip on the girl's dark purple anus.
"Oh!" Mandy exclaimed as Jackie put gentle pressure on child's anal opening, teasing her with the promise of loving penetration.
"My, my," said Jackie, giggling, "This looks good enough to eat!"
With that, Jackie lay down and put her face between Mandy's pretty ass cheeks. She licked up and down Mandy's crack. Jackie inhaled the slightly sour smell of Mandy's clean anus. Turned on by the pheromones emanating from between the child's legs, Jackie licked harder pausing to rim the pretty little brunette's wrinkled opening.
Wet and pliable now, Jackie inserted her index finger into Mandy's anus, through her sphincter, and down into her rectum. Jackie moved her finger around while dropping her thumb down to touch the bottom of Mandy's wet pussy opening. She was stimulating the eleven year old vixen's vagina and anus with one hand, shaking the little girl to orgasm!
"Oh, Jackie! Oh, Jackie!" Mandy moaned. Jackie continued to work her young lover's cunt and asshole. Jackie moved her thumb down to press gently on Mandy's clitoris.
"Uhn! Uhn! Uhn!" she whimpered.
Mandy went off like a rocket! She reached her second climax of the morning through Jackie's insistent and frenzied manipulation of her nether region. Jackie smiled as she brought her darling little girl to orgasm. She loved Mandy very much and relished the opportunity to please her in the same way that Mandy had satisfied Jackie sexually during their previous rendezvous.
"Jackie ... Jackie ... Jackie," Mandy softly chanted the older girl's name like a mantra.
Jackie carefully withdrew her thumb and finger from inside the child's openings and lay down next to her. She stroked Mandy's hair and body as she whispered, "You're my angel, Mandy."
Exhausted from the effort of cumming twice with the girl she loved, Mandy slowly turned herself onto her side to face Jackie. She reached out to softly, wordlessly touch Jackie's face in a gesture of love and tenderness, the capability for which seemed beyond her years.
Mandy loved her sister Amy but not like she did Jackie. Her love for Jackie defined them both. They were two bisexual girls committed to each other above all else. Each enjoyed sex with both men and women but most of all with each other. They were lonely and abused for most of their lives. Chance brought them together. Despite the big difference in their ages, Mandy at almost 12 and Jackie at just 18, they recognized the kindred spirit in each other.
"Mandy! Jackie! Dinner's ready!" Gloria summoned them to Thanksgiving dinner. As Jackie and Mandy seated themselves at the table, everyone there knew exactly what the two girls were most thankful for.
It had been two weeks since Jackie had visited. Jim thought perhaps Mandy might not want to participate in that night's orgy but she did. She and Jackie had already discussed their sex lives and what it would mean with them living so far apart.
Jackie had been the first to bring up the subject.
"Mandy, will you still be going to the orgies?" she asked her quietly one day when they were out together buying clothes.
"Umm ... I would like to but I won't if you don't want me to, Jackie."
"Oh no, honey, you should definitely go. I wouldn't ever stop you. In fact, I get excited thinking about you having sex!" Jackie whispered playfully.
"Really, Jackie?" Mandy said, giggling.
Jackie took Mandy's hand and kissed it.
"Yes, my little darling," she said to Mandy quietly. "I appreciate your sexuality. It's yours, Mandy; and you're mature enough to handle it. Besides, you don't have to ask anyone's permission any more, least of all me, not with all the experience you have. You've done all that and still kept your head on straight. Not too many girls can say that."
"Do you think so, Jackie?" Mandy whispered.
"Yes, I do. Let's pay for these things and then we can talk more freely outside."
After making her purchases, Jackie took Mandy to a park. They walked deep into its interior where they sat on a bench under some trees. Being late fall, and cold, they were alone and assured of privacy. In the gray-green stillness and with the fallen leaves all around them they discussed their sex lives and the effects of being so far away from each other most of the time.
"I want to have sex, too. There's this guy I've started fucking. He already has a girlfriend so we're just fuck buddies and I like that," Jackie said, "because it's you that I love more than anything, you little darling ... and I love everything about you!" she said and gently pinched Mandy's cheek.
Mandy loved it whenever Jackie touched her affectionately. She laughed delightedly to hear what Jackie said.
"Oh, I'm so glad you're getting laid!" she said and started to giggle at the sound of it. Jackie joined in the laughter.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Jackie answered laughing.
Jackie put her arm around Mandy's shoulder and hugged her.
"Mandy, I'm glad you like sex and that you can get it when you want it. My only concern is that you keep yourself safe. Promise me you'll always be careful."
"Oh, yes, Jackie," she answered, "I'll stay safe for you." She beamed at the older girl.
"Mandy," Jackie then said, alluding to the circumstances Jim described in regard to the girl's abusive father, "I promise you that I won't let anyone hurt you ever again like your father did. I hope you know that Jim, your mommy, and I will always keep you from harm ... if you'll let us."
Mandy's face fell; she became very quiet and for a brief moment looked away. She never wanted Jackie to know the details of what happened to her. She didn't want Jackie to feel sorry for her, however much she appreciated her concern.
"Thanks, Jackie," she said quietly looking down at her shoes.
From her discussion with Jim, Jackie understood what discussing Mandy's past would mean to the little girl and how it likely would make Mandy feel uncomfortable. Jackie took Mandy's hand.
"Please don't mind me saying that, sweetheart," Jackie said as she tenderly kissed Mandy's cheek. "I just want you to know how much I care for you."
"Okay, Jackie," Mandy replied, lifting her head and smiling again at Jackie. "I won't mind."
Mandy hugged Jackie and put her face into Jackie's hair.
"I do worry about you, Mandy, darling," Jackie said with a sigh.
"Jackie ... don't worry. I'm fine, now. You don't have to worry about me."
Jackie gently squeezed Mandy and said, "I'll always worry about you, sweetheart, and it's not because of what happened to you. It's because I love you."
Jackie held Mandy close to her for a long time. She wanted to feel the solidity of her slight figure. Mandy held Jackie tightly, feeling as if she never wanted to let go.
Jackie loved her. That knowledge made Mandy feel good about herself in a way that she never had before. Jackie thought Mandy was a special person; by accepting and returning Jackie's love, Mandy now had to tacitly agree. Unlike her mother whom Mandy thought had to love her, Jackie was not similarly constrained. She chose to love Mandy as did Jim, her adoptive father and Amy her adoptive sister, the significance of which was becoming increasingly clear to the little girl.
After Jackie released Mandy, she took the girl's hand and together they walked along the tree-lined path before them in the park. Jackie turned the conversation back to their sex lives.
"By the way, did Jim tell you that he fucked me in the ass?" she said, giggling.
"Wow! No, he didn't. Did it hurt?" Mandy asked.
"No, it didn't. I had practiced for a week with a dildo before we did it. It was the last time we were together at the orgy and I asked him to cum in me front and back."
"Oh, Jackie!" Mandy exclaimed. "That was ... wow!"
"Yes," she laughed, "wasn't that daring!"
"Yeah, it really was," Mandy answered. Mandy sighed as she looked up at her girlfriend and said, "Jackie, you're amazing!"
Jackie stopped and turned to face Mandy.
"No, my little honey bunny ... you are amazing." She kissed the tip of Mandy's nose, causing her to giggle. Jackie stood back and said to her, "You are every good thing that ever was!"
Mandy blushed at the sincerity and intensity of what her lover had said. She hugged the older girl tightly and said joyfully, "Jackie, you really do love me!"
Jackie stroked Mandy's hair and softly replied, "Don't you ever doubt it, my angel."
Jackie stepped back and zipped Mandy's coat tighter and wrapped the long scarf she had purchased for her around her head and neck. Like the little girl's adoptive father, Jim, Jackie was very protective of Mandy. As tough as she was, Mandy was still vulnerable; a little girl, after all.
"Thank you, Jackie. The scarf is beautiful!" Mandy said.
Jackie smiled and kissed the little girl again. "You look so lovely, Mandy!" Jackie said, affectionately. "Now you make sure you stay warm!"
"Okay, Jackie; I will!" Mandy said.
They had walked farther down the path when Jackie said, "Did you know, sweetheart, what your name means, what Mandy means?"
Mandy thought for a second and replied, "Huh ... no, I guess I don't. What does it mean?"
"I looked it up. It means 'she who must be loved;' that's what it means in Old English. That describes you perfectly - a girl who should be loved by everyone. So it just makes sense that I love you, you precious little thing!" It pleased Mandy a great deal to hear that. Jackie and Mandy smiled together and Mandy hugged Jackie tightly.
"Jackie, you're so nice to me!"
They resumed their walk and returned to the topic of sex. They also discussed Mandy's relationship to Amy. Jackie had seen them perform together and knew how much they loved each other.
"Amy is happy for us, Jackie," Mandy said. "She knows how much we love each other. I still have sex with her because I love Amy; she's my sister."
"Oh, honey, yes of course. I'm attracted to Amy, too, as you know. You two are beautiful together. I'm glad you're lovers." Jackie lowered her voice and leaned in to whisper in the little girl's ear. "I even masturbate thinking about you two!"
This made Mandy giggle. She kissed Jackie's cheek and hugged her delightedly. They appreciated each other's sexuality and did not demand exclusivity, which would have made them both unhappy. It was enough that each felt committed to the other emotionally. That commitment gave them strength and happiness, as Jim had predicted when Jackie confided in him about her feelings for Mandy. Jackie appreciated and valued Jim's advice. He had never steered her wrong.
A week after Jackie went back to school, Mandy wrote her an e-mail.
Dear Jackie,Thank you, again, for the lovely scarf. It keeps me warm and looks very nice with my winter coat. Also, thank you for telling me what my name meant.
I looked up your name yesterday. And do you know what it means? It means "protector!" When I told Amy, I said that was perfect because you said you would always protect me.
And I'll always love you.
Your Mandy
white dwarf
I enjoy writing this series and will definitely be posting more stories describing the adventures of the two girls and their friends and family.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |