PZA Boy Stories

Long Stories > 100 pages

I calculate 500 words for one printed page
— on the Story Index page you'll find summaries of the stories —

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Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear

Title Status AUTHOR Theme Story codes Length
1. Castaway Hotel Finished story Bill W - real-life  M tt tb cons mast oral anal – first hist.fact. l,476,500 / 2953
2. The Geppetto Project Finished story Howdy Doody - real-life  Mb bb tb bg – cons anal oral mast – ws 850,000 / 1700
3. Boys Love Torture Work in Progress Scott Westwood - non-consensual  bb tb Mbcons/reluc/nc oral anal – bdsm spank cbt humil ws (670,000) / (1340)
4. Updated
Paradise Island
Work in Progress John C - cons.man/boy  Mtb cons [in flash-back: nc] oral anal mast (614,000) / (1228)
5. Teacher Finished story Daemon Way - fantasy-magic  Mtb Mg Ftb Fg tb tt etc. nc cons anal oral rim mast mind-control humil best [Mtb-dog/goat] interr ws scat enema & more 580,000 / 1160
6. The Kandric Saga Work in Progress Kyle Aarons - fantasy-magic  Mb – cons oral – slavery humil tort bond spank (467,500) / (935)
7. The Nexus Trilogy Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  tt tb bb cons mast oral anal first interr spank bond 458,000 / 916
8. Arkansas Vacation Story was never finished Sid Gittler and others - cons.man/boy - cons.bdsm  Mt Mb tt tb bb cons nc oral anal mast fist – bdsm spank prost 444,000 / 888
9. The Guardian Finished story Erastes - cons.man/boy  Mtb – cons mast oral analtoys 433,500 / 867
10. The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity Finished story J.O. Dickingson - fantasy-magic  Mb tb bb cons anal oral mast fantasy first interr 409,000 / 818
11. Travels With Nicolau Ribeiro Finished story J.O. Dickingson - cons.man/boy - hist.-slave - prostitution  Mt tb ttcons slave prost mast anal oral – hist.fact (see codes at each individual chapter) 380,500 / 761
12. Samurai, Inc. Finished story David - cons.man/boy  Mb bb cons mast oral anal 368,000 / 736
13. Flavius Aulus Finished story Bara - boyfriend  - boy-slave  Mtb tt tb – Mdom cons anal oral – humil spank 356,000 / 712
14. Apocalypse Work in Progress Moonweezle9 - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  tb bb bg cons mast oral anal pivfirst (328,000) / (656)
15. Julien and the Nine Worlds Finished story Engor - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  bbcons mast oral 309,500 / 619
16. Castaway Hotel: Next Generation Finished story Bill W - real-life  M tt tb cons mast oral anal – first hist.fact. 298,000 / 496
17. Julien et les Neuf Mondes Finished story Engor - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  bbcons mast oral 291,500 / 583
18. Excelsior Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  tt – cons mast oral 286,000 / 572
19. Different Points of View Finished story Erastes - cons.man/boy  Mt MM cons mast oral anal – first toy
282,000 / 564
20. The Operative Finished story Shakey Psyche - eunuch - other  Mb bb Fb Mdom/slave cons oral anal – humil bond toy spank tort castr interr 264,500 / 529
21. The White Rat Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  - school-camp  - boy-slave  tt tb bb tdom bdom non-conc/coerc/cons mast oral anal humil spank cross-dressing ws interr 261,000 / 522
22. Cody and Lucas: A Personal Slave Boy Story Finished story Maiocxx - boyfriend  - boy-slave  tbcons tdom oral anal mastbond spank pierce 242,000 / 484
23. Zero, the Special-Needs Slaveboy Work in Progress Paolo - boy-slave - fantasy-magic  Mbslave mast oral – bond interr (240,500) / (481)
24. Tamerlane's Boys Finished story Pueros - hist.-slave - eunuch  Mb eunuch – Mdom anal oralhist.fact humil spankcastr 235,000 / 470
25. Cole's Adventures: Discovering William Story was never finished Eithan Cole - cons.man/boy  Mbcons (in ch. 10 some non-cons) oral anal kissing 225,500 / 451
26. The Country Manor Finished story James Stuart - hist.-slave  Mb Mt tb bbMdom cons oral anal bd spank ws prost – boy-orgy 225,000 / 450
27. Het Landgoed Finished story James Stuart - hist.-slave  Mb Mt tb bbMdom cons oral anal bd spank ws prost – boy-orgy 225,000 / 450
28. Worldwide Boy Gladiators Work in Progress Istari - boy-slave  Mtb Mdom Fdom anal oral chast bd cbt electr enema humil spank tort toys (216,000) / (432)
29. Christian's School of Humility Finished story The Devil's Advocate - school-camp  - non-consensual  Mt tt Ft tg – non-cons[Mt]/cons[tt] oral anal – Mdom humiliation cross-dressing piss-drinking chast med incest enem toys cbt bond spank 209,000 / 418
30. Throw Away Kid Finished story Erastes - cons.man/boy  Mb bb – cons coerc prost mast oral anal 209,000 / 418
31. Gladiatorjongens Wereldwijd Work in Progress Istari - boy-slave  Mtb Mdom Fdom anal oral chast bd cbt electr enema humil spank tort toys (207,500) / (415)
32. Flights of Angels Finished story Eff Del - cons.man/boy  Mb Mt cons mast oral anal (implied) 207,000 / 414
33. XY-N Finished story Paolo - fantasy-magic  tt M-eunuch – cons [implied Mdom] oral anal – [implied null] 202,000 / 404
34. I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves Finished story Patrick - boy-slave  Mb Mtb – Mdom anal oral mast – tort bd spank humil pierc chast electr cbt ws 201,500 / 403
35. Diary of a Shota Boy Finished story Cosmo - prostitution  Mtb – cons ./non-cons mast oral anal – prost first cbt enem spank toys tort ws 199,500 / 399
36. Three Weeks to Heaven, Book II Finished story Teglin - cons.man/boy  Mb cons oral anal mast 180,500 / 361
37. Mark's New Home (The Program III) Finished story Howdy Doody - real-life  Mb cons oral anal 179,000 / 378
38. The Traitor's Son Story was never finished Zelamir & Pueros - hist.-slave  MtbMdom nc anal oralhumil prost spank tort 173,000 / 346
39. Helot: The Adventures of Ayas the Slave-boy Finished story Zelamir - hist.-slave  Mtb bb Slave anal oralhumil spank tort ws castr 172,000 / 344
40. Rutilus Finished story Shakey Psyche - cons.bdsm  Mb bb cons oral anal mast – bdsm spank chast 160,000 / 320
41. Benji Finished story Brian - cons.man/boy  Mt cons anal oral – [in flashbacks: nc oral anal bd enema tort spank prost] 159,000 / 318
42. Fun witch Chuckles Finished story Daemon Way - boyfriend  - non-consensual  tt bb bt t-dog b-dog – nc cons mast oral anal best humil toys ws spank cbt bond scat 159,000 / 318
43. Timmy and the Travellers Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  - school-camp  tb bb bdom non-cons/coerc/cons mast oral anal – first humil interr spank bond ws 157,500 / 315
44. 26 Cousins Finished story Unknownwriter b(solo), T(solo) bt tt gt Ft – cons/reluc/coer/nc mast oral anal – spank bond clothing crossdress toys cbt, enem humil and others 155,000 / 310
45. Caught Work in Progress Diversasy - cons.bdsm - woman-boy  Mb Fb bb Fdom tdom reluc cons mast oral analhumil bond bdsm spank chast enema toys (155,000) / (310)
46. Brewster Adventures Work in Progress J.O. Dickingson - other  Mtb bb bt etc. – tdom cons coerc reluc nc anal oral mastmagic etc. (154,000) / (308)
47. Slave Boy Hunter Finished story Zelamir extreme  Mtb Slave mast anal oral violence torture humil spank bond best ws deaths mentioned & described 154,000 / 308
48. Campbell Boys Work in Progress Cutter09 - cons.man/boy  Mt tt tg Mgcons oral anal (149,000) / (298)
49. The Lycian Prince Finished story Pueros - hist.-slave  Mtbnc cons anal oralbd cbt humil spank toys tort – null 147,000 / 294
50. The Curse of Chindi Springs Work in Progress Darkfire Knight & Kyle Aarons - non-consensual  Mb Fb Mt Ft Fg Mg – non-cons oral anal – mysticism ws, and more (146,000) / (292)
51. The Adventures of Stampley Plantation Finished story WannabeWhitman - hist.-slave  Mtfb – Slave nc anal oral rim – humil interr spank 145,000 / 290
52. Jeremy Fielding Collection Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  tt tb bb cons mast oral anal first interr spank bond 143,500 / 287
53. A Boy's Tale Finished story Storytime - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  tt tg – cons mast oral anal piv 142,500 / 283
54. The Institution Finished story Backwoodsman - school-camp  - prostitution  tt tb MtMdom cons nc mast oral anal – humil prost bdsm cbt 142,000 / 284
55. The Porn boys Finished story Cosmo - cons.man/boy  Mb – cons mast oral anal – (ref. to non-cons) 141,000 / 282
56. Why I Hate Wearing Glasses Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  tb bbcons mast oral [ref. to anal] – humil interr spank 141,000 / 282
57. The New Neighbor Boy Finished story TNNB - cons.bdsm - eunuch  Mb bb Mdom cons mast oral anal – castr bond spank enema toy mind-control 140,000 / 280
58. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Finished story Ganymede - real-life  Mb bb cons mast oral anal – incest toys 138,500 / 279
59. Beach Front Boy Work in Progress Koos Smit - prostitution  Mtbcons oral anal mast – prost incest spank (138,000) / (276)
60. Young But Daily Growin' Finished story Eff Del - cons.man/boy  Mb Mt cons mast oral anal (implied)prost 133,000 / 266
61. Stupid Johnny Finished story Teglin - cons.man/boy  Mb cons mast oral [anal] 132,000 / 264
62. Dunn's Chronicles Work in Progress Diabloa5 & The Aconite Acolyte - school-camp  - fantasy-magic  Mb – cons/non-cons mast oral anal (non-cons in later chapters) (130,500) / (261)
63. Ludus: A Story of a Roman Gladiator School Finished story Calvinus - hist.-slave - eunuch  Mb bbslave anal oral – null 130,500 / 261
64. Young Dragon 3: Firefighter Finished story David - cons.man/boy  Mb bb – cons mast oral anal – bond interr 128,500 / 257
65. Mastering Alex Finished story Istari - cons.bdsm  Mb – cons anal oral bd spank 128,000 / 256
66. Christian's School of Humility 2: The Awakening Finished story The Devil's Advocate - school-camp  - non-consensual  Mt tt Ft tg – non-cons[Mt]/cons[tt] oral anal – Mdom humiliation cross-dressing chast incest toys spank bond
124,500 / 249
67. Mall Punk Finished story Sid Gittler - cons.man/boy  Mt tt tb MM cons prost (in flashbacks: non-conc coerc) mast oral analfirst chapters only: bdsm spank 123,000 / 246
68. 69 Finished story Ganymede - real-life  Mb – cons mast oral ref. to anal 122,000 / 244
69. How to Breathe Finished story Cainanite - eunuch  Mb gb cons mast anal oral – incest castr humil first orgy crossdressing 122,000 / 244
70. Seaward Plantation Finished story Lance Kyle - hist.-slave  Mt MM Mg tgcons anal oral interr 122,000 / 244
71. My Brother's Kids Are Now Mine Finished story Larry Clayton - cons.man/boy  Mt Mb bbcons mast oral anal 118,000 / 236
72. The Taken Finished story SanibelBoys - non-consensual  Mt Mdom oral anal bd cbt enema humil pierc scat spank tort toys ws – mod 113,000 / 226
73. A Roman Holiday Finished story Zelamir - hist.-slave  Mb – Mdom anal oral – humil spank tort 112,000 / 224
74. Romeinse Vakantie Work in Progress Zelamir - hist.-slave  Mb – Mdom anal oral – humil spank tort (112,000) / (224)
75. Sejanus Finished story Zelamir - hist.-slave  MtbMdom nc anal oralhumil spank tort – castr 110,000 / 220
76. Juvenile Deterrence Finished story Steam Train - boy-slave  Mt tb tt tg – Mdom Fdom mast oral humil med spank 108,000 / 216
77. Tunes Finished story Richard Perkins - school-camp  Mb Mdom anal oral mast – humil spank tort 107,500 / 215
78. 88E469SD Ward of the State (The Program I) Finished story Howdy Doody - real-life  Mtb bb cons anal oral mast – prost humil bd enema toy spank ws 105,000 / 210
79. Gabriel's Nightmare Work in Progress Darkfire Knight - boy-slave - non-consensual  MbMdom Fdom anal oral – bd electr scat tort toys ws (105,000) / (210)
80. Scarface and the Alien Finished story David Clarke - boyfriend  tt tb bb gbcons mast oral anal – humil first ws spank 104,500 / 209
81. The Lives of Owen and Bobby Finished story Maiocxx - boy-slave  bb Mbslave/nc/cons mast oral analinterr first bdsm tort 101,500 / 203
82. Future Shock Story was never finished Zorakk - fantasy-magic  Mb bg cons nc oral anal mast – spank 101,000 / 202
83. You Pass This Way But Once Finished story Bill W - boyfriend  ttcons mast oral anal 101,000 / 202
84. The Houseboys Finished story Bara Produktions - boy-slave  Mttdom anal oral – bd humil spank 99,500 / 199
85. The Chronicles of Thomas Connors Work in Progress Shawn Hunter - boy-slave - other - non-consensual  Mb – reluc/cons oral anal – incest (98,000) / (196)
86. Sander Work in Progress Pok Bepxtep - real-life  Mb cons nosex (97,000) / (194)
87. Vakantie 2: Jongensparadijs Story was never finished Kritios - cons.man/boy  Mb tb bb bg Mg – cons oral anal mast piv – bond spank cbt ws 97,000 / 194
88. On A Wing And A Prayer Finished story BC Dude - cons.man/boy  Mt tt cons mast oral analfirst 96,500 / 193
89. Cordova's Boys Home Work in Progress Wild-bill - school-camp  - woman-boy  FMbFdom nosex – humil spank enem (95,000) / (190)
90. Winning The Lottery Finished story Bara Produktions - boy-slave  Mt Mb tb slave oral analhumil chast spank 94,500 / 189
91. Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter Finished story Steam Train - boy-slave  tg bg Fg tb tt gg – Mdom Fdom 'girl-dom' mast oral anal humil spank toy enema chast 94,000 / 188
92. Another Country Work in Progress Zelamir - non-consensual  Mt – non-cons mast oral – spank humil (93,000) / (186)
93. Hop Sing - A San Carlos Island Story Finished story Paolo & Slammr - prostitution - eunuch  Mb tb slave anal oral prost castration & nullification 93,000 / 186
94. House Pet Work in Progress Handgaglover - woman-boy  Fbnon-cons slave oral– Fetish ('hand over mouth') humil spank first (93,000) / (186)
95. Recollections of a Reluctant Gelder Work in Progress Anonymous - boy-slave - eunuch - other  Mtb – slavery nosex (yet) – castration (93,000) / (186)
96. Whatever Happened To Tommy Vescu Finished story Dirt - boy-slave  Mt Mb – Slave (nc/cons) anal oral – bondage body-modification 92,000 / 184
97. When You're At The Bottom Finished story Bara - boy-slave  Mt tt slave mast oral anal – humil spank 92,000 / 184
98. Perfect Son: Daddy's Perfect Lover Work in Progress Axel Chamberlain-Smith - cons.man/boy  Mbcons mast oral – first (89,500) / (178)
99. Steven's Summer in Chains Work in Progress Istari - cons.bdsm  Mt Mdom cons oral anal mast bdsm chast humil cbt spank pierc ws scat (89,000) / (178)
100. Finding Refuge Finished story Bara - cons.bdsm  Mt tt cons mast oral analhumil bond spank 88,500 / 177
101. Young Black Master Work in Progress Zelamir - boy-slave - non-consensual  Mb bb – slave mast – interr spank humil toys (88,000) / (176)
102. Davie and David Story was never finished Scrub aka Simon - school-camp  Mb tb bb Fb Mdom Fdom bdom nc cons oral anal – humil spank ws scat 86,000 / 172
103. Punk Kids or Brent's Big Boner Finished story Glaucon55 - non-consensual  bb tb Mb tg t-dog – nc/reluc oral mast – chast bond spank tickling feet-fetish 86,000 / 172
104. The Island of the Boys Finished story Erastes - prostitution  Mb cons mast oral anal – prost 85,000 / 170
105. Paradise Finished story Ganymede - real-life  - prostitution  Mb cons mast oral anal incest prost interr 84,000 / 168
106. The Squires of Telisan Keep Work in Progress Robertx5sf - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  bb Mb – cons non-cons mast oral anal (82,500) / (165)
107. For Your Own Good Finished story Paolo - school-camp  - eunuch  Mt eunuchoral mastmed castr null mind control interr 81,000 / 162
108. Secrets & Lies Finished story Unknownwriter t(solo) bt tt – cons/reluc anal oral – bond spank age-regression diapers chast cross-dressing toys 79,500 / 159
109. Abatement Finished story Benjamin Hanson - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  bbcons oral analprost (implied) age-regression 79,000 / 158
110. The Resort Finished story Sockluver - boy-slave  Mt tt tbMdom oral anal humil spank bdsm ws pierce cross-dressing tickle 'sock/clothing fetish' 79,000 / 158
111. The Fate of a Poor Man's Son Finished story Mister Red - boy-slave  MtMdom mast anal oral humil spank ws 78,000 / 156
112. New story
Eternal Adventures
Story was never finished Quantum Fantasy - other - non-consensual  Mt tt tb non-cons/reluc/cons mast oral analbdsm cbt chast toy spank med 77,500 / 155
113. The Joseph Experience Finished story Shakey Psyche - boy-slave  Mb bb tbMdom nc cons mast oral anal – bd spank tort cbt electr pierc 77,500 / 155
114. Boys of the CIA Finished story Sid Gittler - cons.man/boy - fantasy-magic  tt Mt – cons mast oral analprost 77,000 / 154
115. At Their Mercy Finished story J.O. Dickingson - non-consensual  Mb MM Mt Mdog – bdom anal oral rim mast mind-control humil ws scat spank 76,500 / 153
116. The Runaway Finished story Shakey Psyche - cons.bdsm  Mb bb tb Fg Fbcons nc oral anal – bd spank enema interr chast toys cbt humil 76,500 / 153
117. Monastery Tales Finished story James Stuart - cons.man/boy  bb Mb Mtb – cons oral anal mast – spank prost 76,000 / 152
118. Brendan Work in Progress Koos Smit - hist.-slave  Mt tt tb Slave cons oral anal mast – spank interr (75,500) / (151)
119. Erlhantos: The First Book of The Times and Life of Torak-Zoza Story was never finished Giorgii Williams - boy-slave  Mt Mb tb bb Mgcons Mdom nc oral anal interr/interspecies (Elves, Orc) tort ws scat spank 75,000 / 150
120. A Slave is a Slave Work in Progress Bill Underhill - boy-slave - prostitution  Mb tb bb gb Mg – slave mast oral anal – bond enem first electr humil rim mod (75,000) / (150)
121. Adam Finished story Shakey Psyche - boy-slave - fantasy-magic  Mb bb Mdom cons nc oral anal fistbdsm spank enema toys elect 74,000 / 148
122. The Young Muggers Finished story The Story Teller of 1997 - cons.bdsm  Mt Mb tb tg Mg – cons mast oral anal piv bdsm incest interr spank ws med 73,500 / 147
123. Finding Love Finished story Bill W - cons.man/boy - fantasy-magic  tt Mt – cons/prost oral anal 73,000 / 146
124. The Scoutmaster Work in Progress Scout65 - non-consensual  Mtb – non-cons mast oral anal – uniform fetish humil bond chast ws spank (73,000) / (146)
125. Cody and the Wombat Finished story Sockluver - boy-slave  Mt tt nc oral anal humil bdsm spank pierce ws, 'sock/clothing fetish', cross-dressing 72,500 / 145
126. Granddad's Dungeon Work in Progress Cowra - cons.bdsm - non-consensual  MtMdom/cons/coerc/non-cons mast oral analbd bond tort (72,000) / (144)
127. Summer Dreams Finished story Ganymede - cons.man/boy  Mbcons mast oral anal – first 72,000 / 144
128. Tribute Finished story Pueros - hist.-slave - eunuch  Mb eunuchMdom oral anal mast hist.fact humil spankcastr 72,000 / 144
129. The Codicil Finished story Pueros - boy-slave  MFt Mdom anal mast oral chastbd cbt electr enema humil pierc prost spank tort 71,000 / 142
130. Papa Bear and Baby Bear Finished story Zzathras - cons.man/boy  Mb cons oral mast 71,000 / 142
131. The Beggar Boys Finished story Storytime - cons.man/boy - fantasy-magic  Mb bb bg – cons mast oral anal 70,000 / 140
132. A Place in My Heart Finished story Bill W - boyfriend  tt Mt – cons mast oral anal 68,500 / 137
133. Three Slaves Story was never finished Dirt - boy-slave  Mtb Slave cons mast oral anal interr bond bdsm toy spank first 68,500 / 137
134. The Island of Dr. Monroe Status unclear Quark Master - boy-slave  MtMdom anal oral rim – bd cbt enema humil med spank tort toy scat wsmod 68,000 / 136
135. Poor Little Rich Boy Finished story Dirt - boy-slave - fantasy-magic  Mb Slave non-cons/cons oral analmod interr (not emphasized: chast, rim) 66,500 / 133
136. Tim Comes Home Finished story Nick Turner - real-life  Mt MM – non-explicit ref. to sex and abuse 66,500 / 133
137. The Perfect Slave Boy Finished story Dirt - boy-slave  Mt Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification 66,000 / 132
138. Bookbinder Work in Progress Peter Pierce - fantasy-magic  Mb cons mast oral (65,500) / (131)
139. Educating Quinn Finished story Istari - boy-slave  Mb Mt tb slave oral anal – humil bond chast tort pierce body modification ws enem spank milking 65,500 / 131
140. The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays, Nialos version Story was never finished Pueros - school-camp  65,500 / 131
141. The Travels of Antosh Teshna Finished story William Rush - boy-slave  Mb Tbcons nc oral analprost 65,000 / 130
142. The Green Tree Updates Work in Progress Howdy Doody - real-life  Mb bb tb bg – cons anal oral mast – ws (64,000) / (128)
143. Beach Boys Finished story Paolo - cons.man/boy  bb Mb cons mast oral anal chast toys spank bond interr castr 63,500 / 127
144. Alien Ground Zero Finished story StorySam - fantasy-magic  alien-tb tt tb bb – coerc (sort of) mast anal oralmind-control, excessive cumshots interr ws fist bond 63,000 / 127
145. Boy at the Window Work in Progress That Guy - cons.man/boy  Mb – cons mast oral – first (63,000) / (126)
146. Sexing For A Million Finished story Sam the Ham - other  Mb bbcons mast oral analtoys references to non-consensual 62,000 / 124
147. Life is a Ball Finished story Ganymede - real-life  Mb – cons/nc oral anal mast – tort cbt enema 61,500 / 123
148. Updated
Apocalypse, the continuation
Work in Progress Dēda - fantasy-magic  tb bb bg cons mast oral anal pivfirst (61,000) / (122)
149. Can You Spare a Quarter? Finished story Tiger Paw - real-life  Mb – (references to non-consensual sex) 60,500 / 121
150. Capture and Enslavement Finished story Dirt - boy-slave  Mt Mdom nc oral mast – bdsm spank chast interr 60,500 / 121
151. For Money or Love Finished story Ganymede - prostitution  Mbcons anal oral mast – first prost interr 60,500 / 121
152. Johan Finished story Koos Smit - boyfriend  - boy-slave  tt – Mdom cons oral anal mast – spank 58,500 / 117
153. Around the World Finished story Herb Cat - cons.man/boy  Mb tb bb cons mast oral anal – interr 58,000 / 116
154. Josh Status unclear Brian - boy-slave  Mt tt Mdom cons & nc anal oral cbt spank electr med ws chast best interr 58,000 / 116
155. Conrad Evans Family Legacy Finished story Robertx5sf - school-camp  - other  Mt Mb tbcons mast oral analincest spank bond ws 57,500 / 36
156. The Ties of Brotherhood Finished story Diversasy - non-consensual  tt tbcons & nc mast oral bond spank humil ws 57,500 / 115
157. Travels with Drew and Li Finished story Maiocxx - boy-slave - fantasy-magic  bb Mb – slave mast oral anal – humil spank 57,500 / 115
158. David Finished story Huntinup - cons.man/boy  Mt tt tb bb cons mast oral analfirst incest 56,500 / 113
159. A Lamb for the Lion Finished story Attis - eunuch  Mb – cons/non-cons mast analsuspense kidnap castration 56,500 / 113
160. Upstairs Downstairs at the Boyagio Work in Progress Leonard - prostitution - non-consensual  Mb tb bbnon-cons reluc cons oral mast anal – prostitution slavery role play of many types (56,500) / (113)
161. The Hostages Finished story Greenfrog - non-consensual  Mb Mt b-dog – nc mast anal oral – bond spank chast interr body-modification 55,500 / 111
162. Boy Vignettes Finished story Unikue - boy-slave - eunuch  Mb bb – non-cons slave oral analcastr 55,000 / 110
163. The Power of Notes Finished story Unknownwriter t(solo) & b(solo) – bond spank diaper crossdress clothing toys 55,000 / 110
164. Collars Work in Progress Bill Underhill - boy-slave  Mt tt tb bb slave/cons mast oral anal – humil prost chast bond (54,000) / (108)
165. Entführt Finished story Storyschreiber - prostitution  Mt tt tbnon-cons/coerc.cons mast oral anal – bond cbt 54,000 / 108
166. Even the Modest Must Serve Finished story Steam Train - boy-slave  Mt ttMdom cons oral mast – humil spank 54,000 / 108
167. Jawhar, Consensual Slaveboy Story was never finished Dirt - boy-slave  Mt Mb – Slave (nc/cons) anal oral – bondage chast body-modification 54,000 / 108
168. IFSIR: The Institute of Father-Son Incest Research Finished story Dirk Carlor - other  Mt Mb – cons/reluc/coerc mast oral anal – toys spank ws 53,000 / 106
169. Refuge/House Work in Progress Peter Pierce - cons.bdsm  MbMdom cons mast oral anal – first spank chast ws (53,000) / (106)
170. Boy Vacations Inc. Finished story Dēda - cons.man/boy - prostitution  bb tb tt Mb Mtcons non-cons mast oral analfirst cbt humil tort 52,500 / 105
171. Memory of Alex Finished story Owen M - cons.bdsm  bb Mb – cons oral – bond bdsm spank 52,500 / 105
172. The Strongest Poison Finished story Calvinus - boy-slave - fantasy-magic  Mb tb – non-cons slave mast oral anal – humil spank tort ws 52,500 / 105
173. A Charitable Sacrifice Finished story Benjamin Hanson - boyfriend  - fantasy-magic  Mb bbcons mast oralfirst age-regression 52,000 / 104
174. Magic Finished story Tristam DeJong - real-life  Mbt cons mast oral anal (no sex with minors) 52,000 / 104
175. Meiden Work in Progress Dux - woman-boy  Ft gt Femdom mast – humil castr (52,000) / (104)
176. Our Papa, Our Pimp Finished story Antonio Green - prostitution  Mb bb prost/coerc/non-cons anal oralbdsm cbt enema ws scat (mild, implied) 52,000 / 104
177. Why not me? Finished story Teglin - cons.man/boy  Mb cons oral mast anal 52,000 / 104
178. Benin, A Roman Slave Boy Finished story Brianski aka Brian - hist.-slave - eunuch  Mt Mb tb tgoral anal mast – spank bd tort humil chast castr 51,000 / 102
179. BoyToys, Inc. Story was never finished Dirt - boy-slave  Mtb Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr 51,000 / 102
180. Green Grow The Rushes Work in Progress Eff Del - cons.man/boy  Mb Mt cons mast oral anal (implied) (51,000) / (102)
181. The Story of Tim Finished story Jack Rowan - cons.bdsm  MtMdom anal oral mast – bd chast tort enema pierc electr spank 51,000 / 102
182. Timmy Finished story Brian - boy-slave - eunuch  Mt Mb tb tgoral anal mast – spank bd tort humil chast castr 51,000 / 102
183. Gabriëls nachtmerrie Work in Progress Darkfire Knight - boy-slave  MbMdom Fdom anal oral – bd electr scat tort toys ws (50,500) / (111)
184. The Boys in the Field (The Program II) Finished story Howdy Doody - real-life  Mtb bb cons anal oral mast – prost
50,000 / 100
185. Rent-a-Kid Finished story Shakey Psyche - prostitution  Mb bb tb Fb Mgcons nc oral anal prost bdsm spank pierce elect 50,000 / 100
186. Sander's Story - A San Carlos Island Story Finished story Timothy, with Curious Guy and Slammr - prostitution - eunuch  Mb tb b-eunuch M-eunuch slave anal oral prost castration & nullification 50,000 / 100
187. The Scholarship Boy Finished story Skrimshaw extreme  Mt Mb bbslave mast oral anal tort bdsm spank ws 50,000 / 100