Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Durango
Daddy's Boys [ mm, Mm, Mmm, incest, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Jones's profile
As I sit here masturbating I dream of incest, fathers and mothers introducing their children into pleasing their mommy amd daddy. The seduction of the innocent into total depravity.
A Mother and Son [ inc, Mg, Fb, mb, ws, booze, drugs ] Reviews
Bushido Babysitter, Part 1 [ fb(7), slow, voy, inter, solo, squirt, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
TommyKnocker's profile
Love taboo sexual fantasy and writing about the same. Reader, Musician, Mythology freak. I enjoy power exchanges of all sorts. I will write bisexual stories in order to cross that taboo as well.
My Sister's Daughter, Part 1 [ pedo, femdom, consensual, group, incest ] Reviews
[ profile ]
pleitegeier's profile
Hi Leute. Ich schreibe und lese gerne Geschichten über Fußfetisch und Analsex mit kleinen Mädchen. Jedem das seine ;)
Mein Erstes Mal, Teil 1 [ Mg(6), slow, nosex, 1st, feet, het ] Reviews
Marcy, Part 2 [ Fdom, FM/f, humil, inc, spank, enema, nc, oral, anal, sad ] Reviews
Svetlana [ Mf(14), rom, oral, fond, cons, voy, 1st, slow ] Reviews
The Jaguar Ring, Part 2 [ Mg(12), mc, fant ] Reviews
The Jaguar Ring, Part 1 [ Mg(12), mc, fant ] Reviews
Pheromone, Teil 1 [ Mbbggggg ] Reviews
Sofie's Choice [ Mf, Ds, 1st, mast, pett, oral, anal, spank ] Reviews
Island Guy:
The Superpower, Part 1 [ b(12), f(12), fant, slow, 1st ] Reviews
The Superpower, Part 2 [ mgf(15)F, fant, slow, sis ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Jones's profile
As I sit here masturbating I dream of incest, fathers and mothers introducing their children into pleasing their mommy amd daddy. The seduction of the innocent into total depravity.
A Boy and His Mother [ solo, Fb, inc, Mb ] Reviews
Fun With Preteens [ pedo ] Reviews
Fucking With Kim [ pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Titbudman's profile
I love to write what I think are realistic stories about Adult-Child sex. In most cases, the kids have a lot of fun and everyone cums out happy. I love to hear from readers, so please write me. I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, or ideas.
Look What Happened At Camp, Part 2 [ M/g, g/g, M/gg, oral, pedo, stepdad ] Reviews
Virgil Blake:
[ profile ]
Virgil Blake's profile
I am a retired man who is twice widowed. I've always liked writing and decided to share my thoughts and fantasies with others. I have thought of publishing before but never considered publishing this type of literature. I just hope my stories are entertaining to the readers.
Sex is Fun [ ped, mast, inc, 1st, Ff, Mf, Mg, Fm, mfg ]
The Asian Race Traitor's Club [ mF, teach, student, asian, intr, preg, cheat ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Joe's Boys [ Mb, oral, anal, pros, inc, exhib, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
innocent_lust's profile
I'm a childlover. SO basically me and my stories are all about love. Sure, there's a little sex, but i'm not into things like rape, bondage or ideas that hurt children.
The Visitor, Part 5 [ Mg, celeb, timetr, slow, nosex, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
katieC's profile
I'm a girl who likes to write about what I know
Yes Please [ MgggmFMMg ] Reviews
Tom's Story [ mmmmmbb ] Reviews
[ profile ]
mesucks2012's profile
I write a diverse series of stories but in this site I will only post my Adult/Child stories my first series was Little cocksucker which I posted on a couple of other sites. My stories are mostly concensual bit with sometimes NC content woven within
Little Cocksucker, Part 4 [ Mm, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
A Mind Control Weekend With the Twins, Part 1 [ Mgg, 1st, gg, mc ] Reviews
Blackmailed by My Daughter!, Part 7 [ Mg, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, anal, strapon ] Reviews
Little Jo [ bg, gg, Mg, pre, ped, inc, 1st, rom, lolita ] Reviews
Call Me Daughter:
[ profile ]
Call Me Daughter's profile
I'm just past 30, but I've been enjoying erotic fiction for over half my life. My favorite fantasies always involve incest, and sometimes involve being back in my teens or younger. What can I say? I love to reimagine how great it might have been to learn about sex back in grade school or middle school from my dad or an older brother or uncle.
I've lost most of the stories I've written, and want to have a place to put anything else I write so that doesn't happen again. Maybe someone else will enjoy them this way, too.
If you like something I write, please please let me know! It'll make me want to write more, and then we'll both be happier.
The Game Show [ Mf, Mg, inc, preg ] Reviews
CarliTales - The Camping Trip [ Mf(13), cons, rom, oral, lolita ] Reviews
Sentry Point [ Mg, 1st, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FantasticFoxfire's profile
We've got some spare time, so read our shit, comment with helpful shit and if you don't like our stories then don't send your angry comments to us, we won't read them and even if we do we won't take much heed of them.
Birthday Girl, Part 1 Reviews
Little Brenda at the Rest Home, Part 1 [ MMMg(9), nc, sleep ] Reviews
Body Jumper, Part 1 [ Mg(9-12), Mg(3), nc, rp, scifi ] Reviews
Island Guy:
More [ Mb(10), mast, anal, oral, 1st, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JQHeart's profile
I love mom/son stories- most of my writing is coming of age and sexual discovery, usually with mom or members of the family. I like to have enough plot and interaction to make you care about the characters.
Mother Takes Control Final [ Fbb, FFMbb, Fb, inc ] Reviews
Rock On!, Part 3 [ Mf, rom, lolita, cons, anal ] Reviews
Lolita In Need, Part 1 [ lolita, cons, fg ] Reviews
Stepdaddy (2):
[ profile ]
Stepdaddy (2)'s profile
I have been writing under the name Stepdaddy since about 1997. 'Mandy' is not my work, but I think everything else under that name floating around is. My material is generally hebephilic (young teen), reluctant, naïve, and hot.
Stepdaughter: Spanked and Fucked [ Mf, inc, fath, dau, reluc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
First Prize [ Mf, Mg, cons, rom, pedo, het, group, 1st, oral, ws ] Reviews
Tony & Jessica, Part 1 [ Mg, slow, lolita, inc, exhib ] Reviews
Tanya Writer:
[ profile ]
Tanya Writer's profile
I am a middle aged lesbian woman. I enjoy and write stories mostly about about tweens,and teens most of them are bi or lesbian. As I am also a nudist, my characters are also sometimes nudist.
Trucker's Life: Megan's Story [ Mg(11), gg, mg ] Reviews
The Unsinkable Mex:
[ profile ]
The Unsinkable Mex's profile
Unfulfilled gay father-child fantasies about my father and myself materialized in hot tales of inter-generational love and sex.
Farmhands, Part 2 [ MMMMm, MMMb, gay, 1st, teen, inter, humor, cons, pedo, ws, gang, oral, anal ]
[ profile ]
dangerotica's profile
I love to share my fantasies of all things dangerous and hope you get enjoyment from them too!
The Erotic Babysitter [ pedo, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
succumballs's profile
Bi-man, get off on almost any sex, voyeur...
Patma, Servant of Priapus [ MgbMgbb, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Athrolan's profile
My interests are writing these kinds of stories (obviously).
Twincest Taboo [ mf, 1st, teen, cons, inc, spank, squirt, anal, oral ] Reviews
Discipline at Saint Barbara's [ Fm, nc, spank, sad, forced mast, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Cherry's profile
I'm heavily into fantasies about models in embarrassing situations. Please feel free to contact me with any comments you might have!
An Embarrassing Audition [ b, reluc, humil, exhib ] Reviews
Road Trip Stow Away, Part 1 [ Mg(12), rp, nc, mast ]
Ghost of the Schoolmasters House, Part 1 [ Mg(11), Mf(13), inc, mc, fant ]
[ profile ]
Frenchie's profile
I'm a transplanted Cajun from New Orleans to California, single male over 60 years old and I've always enjoyed literature; especially, short stories. I studied 'Creative Writing' in college and was the only author, in the class, that the professor read a story that I had written, to the class. I have published stories on the Internet on various sites, such as ASSTR. I hope 'y'all' enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing and will let me know what you think.
The Adventures of Eloise [ tg, g(9), pedo, inc, con, 1st, oral, rom ] Reviews
Jim D:
Josephine And Her Two Daughters, Part 1 [ M/Ffg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
LeonNeath's profile
Long-term lolita fan, plenty of erotica ideas that I will upload as and when they are written. Have plans for a couple of series and several one-off stories.
Jennifer's Camp-Out, Part 1 [ ggg, nude, nc, coer, les ] Reviews
Jennifer's Camp-Out, Part 2 [ ggg, nc, coer, preteen, humour, les, exhib ] Reviews
[ profile ]
PPixie's profile
PPixie (Paul Pixie) is just the same author who formerly has published some texts in the meanwhile closed Lolita Bondage board at asstr-mirror.org. Writing in German, he loves especially stories about girls from the early beginning to hit puberty on, with boys or men, better older than younger and better several or many of them than only one. The action should be consensual or reluctant, mild or even partly rough and painful, but excluding snuff or body destroying. Comments are warmly welcome also in English. If there should be any native English speaker who would like to translate one of PPixie's works, it would be very exciting, please make a contact in that case.
Vorzugsweise handeln die Geschichten vom wilden Treiben pubertierender Maedchen. Kommentare sind stets gern willkommen, bei Kritik wird um Sachlichkeit gebeten.
Ruth Ist Strebsam [ poem, Mg(11) ] Reviews
Phil Phantom:
Big Favors [ MFfg, Fdom, cuck, inc, bi, reluc, nc, ped, gangbang, oral, anal, fist, beast, ws, preg, extreme ] Reviews
Doing Everything [ MFf, Mdom, cuck, inc, bi, reluc, nc, ped, oral, preg, anal, extreme ]
Rat Tails:
Outsourced from the Reformatory, Tale 7 [ Mdom, Mm, gay, spank, anal ]
Math Class Ass [ Mg, pedo, cons, rom, 1st, oral, creampie ] Reviews
Candy For Sale [ g, 1st, pedo, cons, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
bigiebigie's profile
I'm a fan of a lot of the work I've seen on this site, and I decided to add my own efforts.
Fun With My Step-Sister And Sister, Part 1 [ b(12)g(11)f(13), 1st, cons, inc, bro/sis, bi, preg, mult ] Reviews
[ profile ]
illg's profile
A selection of stories involving young girls, taken from my main site at ASSTR: www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/illg/www . Most here at Loliwood are consensual, even romantic; ~illg has darker, non-consensual works. All, I hope, are entertaining.
Sabrina and Me [ Mg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
luvrukids's profile
I like reading good stories involving romance and love-making between young girls and young adult men. I also like to write them. Hope you like my stories!
My Niece Katy Seduced Me At Easter, Part 1 [ 1st, pedo, Mg, niece, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
succumballs's profile
Bi-man, get off on almost any sex, voyeur...
At The Pool, Part 1 [ MbMb, oral, anal ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
Tween Magazine: P. Ed O'Phile's Summer Fashion Advice for Tweenage Girls [ gf, nosex, humor, word pics ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 18 [ gfM, gang, lolita, cons, het, inc, exhib ] Reviews
Armer Poet:
Der Andere Mann [ poem ]
Chris Jorgenson:
The Little Monkey [ Mg(9) ] Reviews
Too Young to Party, Part 1 [ Mff, nc, sleep, drunk ] Reviews
Jokester 3D:
Bill's Story, Part 8 [ Mg, ped, cons, rom, nosex ]
Training My Dragon [ pedo, inc ] Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 1 [ Mg, pedo, lolita, oral ] Reviews
Oliver Harris:
Week With My Sister, Day 6 [ fff/g, bd, spank, humil, inc, beast, ws ] Reviews
Week With My Sister, Day 7 [ fff/g, inc, ws, puppygirl ]
Philip Spencer:
[ profile ]
Philip Spencer's profile
I'm a teacher of English as a foreign language, and I love my students.
The Unexpected Guest [ Mg11 ] Reviews
Storytime Sam:
Life Through and Alien Lens, Part 2 [ ScFi, mb, mf, bond, oral, anal, caution ] Reviews
[ profile ]
TommyKnocker's profile
Love taboo sexual fantasy and writing about the same. Reader, Musician, Mythology freak. I enjoy power exchanges of all sorts. I will write bisexual stories in order to cross that taboo as well.
My Sister's Daughter, Part 2 [ Mg, inc, lolita, femdom, cons ]
True Pedophile:
[ profile ]
True Pedophile's profile
I am a man who has always had a sexual attraction to young girls. I feel there is something magical in their young innocence as their explore their sexuality. I believe everyone should celebrate this passage with them. This forum allows me to celebrate that through the writing of fictional stories that involve young girls realizing the pleasures of sexuality.
I am always open to comments, questions, suggestions, and constructive criticism (NOT FLAMES).
Initiation, Part 1 [ g(10), g(10), f(13), MFg, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UnWarn's profile
I am a first time writer. Having been inspired by other authors I decided to contribute. My stories will mainly stick to the theme of this site. Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.
Chloe Becomes a Model and More, Part 1 [ Mg(9), photo, mast, finger ] Reviews
captain jack mehoff:
[ profile ]
captain jack mehoff's profile
I love the sexiness and beauty of the female form at any age, but the young ones exude an innocence that is hard to resist. These stories live in my imagination only, but they are very sensual and sexy. None of them are about pain or rape or scat. They remain in a sensual, pleasurable word where all parties are consenting, willing participants.
The Fifth-Grade Harem, Part 6 [ Mg(10),Mg(10), harem, pedo, creampie, oral, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Lakeland Clinic, Part 1 [ Mbg, oral, anal, humil, ws ] Reviews
Lakeland Clinic, Part 2 [ Mbg, oral, anal, humil, ws ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
Adrienne, Part 1 [ bg, inter, lolita, inc ] Reviews
Pretending To Make Babies, Part 1 [ mb, pre, reluc, mast ]
Pretending To Make Babies, Part 2 [ b-solo, b(11)g(4), pre, inc, bro/sis, cons, 1st ] Reviews
Getting to Know Step-Mother, Part 4 [ FFF/Ff, nc, les, ds, Fdom, spank, bd, humil, sm, oral, fist, toys ]
Getting to Know Step-Mother, Part 5 [ Fmf, teen, Fdom, spank, humil, sad, oral ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Camping With Suzy, Part 3 [ Mg, inc, anal ] Reviews
Camping With Suzy, Part 4 [ mg, oral, 1st, inc ] Reviews
Cherry Red:
[ profile ]
Cherry Red's profile
Male, mid-30s, struggling with the same things you do.
The Last Boy of Summer [ Mb, gay, slow, pedo, caution ] Reviews
Homeless in Seattle, Part 1 [ Mg(7), Mg(9), m(15)g(9), Mm(15), inc, rp, nc, oral, gay ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Jones's profile
As I sit here masturbating I dream of incest, fathers and mothers introducing their children into pleasing their mommy amd daddy. The seduction of the innocent into total depravity.
Little Jamie Wants Daddy's Cock [ inc, MF, Mg, wife, fath ] Reviews
Carmen [ pedo ] Reviews
Naked City:
[ profile ]
Naked City's profile
I love to write about public nudity. Most of my stories involve children either being naked in public or having sexual intercourse.
The Einstein Show - May 28, 2013 [ FFFgggg, ws, les, mother/dau, ffff, nud, fgg ]
The Einstein Show - June 28, 2013 [ g(8)MF, les, Mf, 5g(4-11), bb, Fg, Mg, mult, oral, fff, Ff, Mf ]
Simple Simon:
Tommy, The Reluctant Prostitute, Part 9 [ MF, b, mast, oral ] Reviews
Sammy, Part 20 [ Fm, teen, inc, group, les, anal, oral, bond ]
Baseball, Part 5 [ MMb(5), ped, inc, oral anal, gay ] Reviews
Uncle Chester, Part 1 [ Mg(7), oral, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Vander's profile
I write extreme stories about boys and their interactions with other boys and men. Expect a lot of juicy stuff from me.
The Best Mom in the World [ mb, anal ] Reviews
Etudes [ Mg(10), cons, oral, lolita ] Reviews
Miranda's Rites [ MMMMMg(9), nc, pedo, coer, humil, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Slave to Black Students, Part 1 [ Fm, humil, oral, anal, rape, slave, ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 8 [ pedo, Mg(12), cons ]
[ profile ]
old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
My Trucking Partner, Part 2 [ Mg, 1st ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
The Little Bunny-Rabbit [ Mg(9) 1st ] Reviews
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Durango
Daddy's Christmas Present [ mf, Mf, Mf, Mfm, incest, oral, anal ] Reviews
Daddy's Facebook, Part 1 [ Mf, inc, cons ] Reviews
Pheromone, Teil 2 [ Mgg, preg ] Reviews
Babysitting Justin, Part 1 [ mb, 1st, nc, pedo, spank, toddler, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ndelta's profile
I am fascinated to explore my fantasies through erotic fiction but I am totally content to leave them in the world of my imagination - as should we all. I welcome feedback when offered constructively so please feel free to comment.
Sunbathing, Part 1 Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 2 [ Mf, pedo, lolita, voy, oral, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 19 [ Fg ] Reviews
All Kinds Of Riches, Part 14 [ MMgg, nosex ]
De Gymleraar [ gM, pedo, fant ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 74 [ ggm, oral, fant, fet ] Reviews
Samantha AKA Sam is Shy [ g, nc, rape, anal, 1st ] Reviews
Stepdaddy (2):
[ profile ]
Stepdaddy (2)'s profile
I have been writing under the name Stepdaddy since about 1997. 'Mandy' is not my work, but I think everything else under that name floating around is. My material is generally hebephilic (young teen), reluctant, naïve, and hot.
Now You're Gonna Get It [ Mf, inc, fath, dau ] Reviews
Tony & Jessica, Part 2 [ inc, lolita, pedo, Mg, exhib, young ] Reviews
The Unsinkable Mex:
[ profile ]
The Unsinkable Mex's profile
Unfulfilled gay father-child fantasies about my father and myself materialized in hot tales of inter-generational love and sex.
Hank, The Teen Teddy Bear Cub, Part 1 [ gay, m, teen, M, pedo, size, slow, 1st, humor, cons, oral ]
The Blacksmith [ Mg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
pudman's profile
I'm just a horny older guy who likes to think about fucking little girls, from adolescents to pre-teens to young teens and live out my nasty thoughts through my writings. I do not act out these thoughts in the real world nor do I adovocate actually having sex with children. I write these stories simply for my own enjoyment and, hopefully, yours.
My Daughter's Gift, Her Daughter's Virginity, Part 3 [ MFg(6), grandfath/dau/granddau, inc, pedo, cons ] Reviews
Daisy's Diary - I Helped my Daddy at the Camera Club [ MMMf14, teen, fath/dau, beast, anal ] Reviews
Ginny, Part 1 [ Mf, teen, ped, 1st, oral, rom ] Reviews
Ginny, Part 2 [ Mf, teen, ped, 1st, oral, rom ] Reviews
Ginny, Part 3 [ Mf, teen, ped, 1st, oral, rom ] Reviews
Call Me Daughter:
[ profile ]
Call Me Daughter's profile
I'm just past 30, but I've been enjoying erotic fiction for over half my life. My favorite fantasies always involve incest, and sometimes involve being back in my teens or younger. What can I say? I love to reimagine how great it might have been to learn about sex back in grade school or middle school from my dad or an older brother or uncle.
I've lost most of the stories I've written, and want to have a place to put anything else I write so that doesn't happen again. Maybe someone else will enjoy them this way, too.
If you like something I write, please please let me know! It'll make me want to write more, and then we'll both be happier.
Siblings Reunited [ Mf, inc, preg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
The Woods, Part 1 [ g/dog, M/g, blkm, reluc, beast, ped ] Reviews
Eine Ladendiebin, Teil 6 [ MW/gg(gg), pedo, rape, humil, finger, bdsm ] Reviews
The Storytellers' Tales, Part 1 [ Mg(7), MMMMMMMg(7), nc, rp, fant ]
[ profile ]
HeelBoy's profile
Just a German guy trying to express his fantasies in English.
Mom' Heels [ fM, nc, reluc, inc, dau, fath, bd ]
Teddy Boy Pussy [ Mm ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Jones's profile
As I sit here masturbating I dream of incest, fathers and mothers introducing their children into pleasing their mommy amd daddy. The seduction of the innocent into total depravity.
Dr. Peter Treats Troubled Boys [ MMMb, gay, oral, anal, drugs ] Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 3 [ Mf, pedo, lolita, oral ] Reviews
Peter Rast:
Zuckerpuppe - Das Magazin aus der MOFA-Welt [ Mg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
Are You Sure You Don't Need to Use the Toilet [ Mg, pedo, loli, cons, humor, inc, fath, dau ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UnWarn's profile
I am a first time writer. Having been inspired by other authors I decided to contribute. My stories will mainly stick to the theme of this site. Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.
Chloe Becomes a Model and More, Part 2 [ MM/g(9), mast, finger, oral, video ] Reviews
[ profile ]
bigiebigie's profile
I'm a fan of a lot of the work I've seen on this site, and I decided to add my own efforts.
Fun With My Step-Sister And Sister, Part 2 [ mm(12), g(11)f(13)g(10), 1st, cons, inc, bro/sis, preg, mult ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Slave to Black Students, Part 2 [ Fb, humil, oral, anal, ws, bd, best ] Reviews
Slave to Black Students, Part 3 [ fb, humil, oral, anal, ws, bd, best ] Reviews
[ profile ]
mesucks2012's profile
I write a diverse series of stories but in this site I will only post my Adult/Child stories my first series was Little cocksucker which I posted on a couple of other sites. My stories are mostly concensual bit with sometimes NC content woven within
Little Cocsucker, Part 5 [ MMbt, oral, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
sam963's profile
I take requests or at least I consider them but only if e-mail.
My Parents are Weird [ anal, gay, bd ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Fucking My Little Sister, Part 1 [ mg, 1st, reluc, oral, inc ] Reviews
Fucking My Little Sister, Part 2 [ mg, inc, oral, 1st ] Reviews
Alexa and Uncle Jim [ M/f(13), lolita, inc, 1st, oral, rom, ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Danny's profile
I am a bisexual guy who likes talking and reading about kids.
Discovering My Son [ MMb, cons, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Davide's profile
Mi piacciono le storie con bambine dai 7 agli 11 anni, possibilmente consenzienti...
Confessioni, Parte 1 [ Mg, cons ] Reviews
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Durango
Fun With Hypnotism [ mf, mm, mfm, inc ] Reviews
Seducing Uncle [ Mf, Mff, MMff, inc, 1st ]
Marquise Masquerade:
[ profile ]
Marquise Masquerade's profile
Hello, salut! I am a 21-year-old female from Quebec. I am a student and I have fictional fantasies for the delicate youth. It's not a sexual preference, but a writing fetish, we could say.
Nymph Garden, Part 1 [ Mf, inc, reluc, spank, exhib, hist ] Reviews
Mom Anne:
[ profile ]
Mom Anne's profile
I am a 30 something mom who lives out her fantasy through stories. It was the stories that made me realize I still held on to the lusts of my younger days, and it is the stories that help me keep that lust down so I do not lose myself in my temptations.
Anne Remembers, Part 2 [ Fg, FfM, slow ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ndelta's profile
I am fascinated to explore my fantasies through erotic fiction but I am totally content to leave them in the world of my imagination - as should we all. I welcome feedback when offered constructively so please feel free to comment.
Sunbathing, Part 2 [ Mg, ws, oral, cons ds ] Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 5 [ MMMMf, pedo, lolita, oral, mast, anal ] Reviews
Paddestoel Avontuur! [ gM, pedo, fant ] Reviews
Laura's Family Vacation in Mexico, Part 1 [ g, 1st, cons, nc, pedo, oral, size ] Reviews
[ profile ]
old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
A Mind Control Weekend With the Twins, Part 2 [ Mgg, anal, spank ]
[ profile ]
qwerty's profile
I find stories about female pedophiles to be very exciting.
Family Day Care, Part 1 Reviews
[ profile ]
samsingh's profile
Stories involving hitorical instances of abuse of power, especially over young boys and girls.
Making Her My Personal Toy [ mf, hist, 1st, teen, rape, ds ] Reviews
Helping Out a Friend, Sort of, Part 2 [ Mf, Mdom, nc, reluc, spank, oral, preg ]
Brody's Story [ Mfg, lolita, inc, 1st, oral, rom ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
The Little Butterfly [ Mg(9), oral, lolita ] Reviews
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Durango
Fun With Lynn [ mf, inc, 1st, oral, anal, beast ] Reviews
Terri the Tomboy, Part 1 [ fg, bd, les, inc, cons, spank ] Reviews
My Internet Fantasy Man [ fant, pedo ] Reviews
Getting Into Emma [ Mg(8), 1st, cons, pedo, oral ] Reviews
Mutterfreuden, Teil 1 Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 6 [ Mff, pedo, lolita, lez, oral, voy, pee ] Reviews
Amy Wrapped And Tied [ bfg, bd ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sharpergirl's profile
I like to write about these situations and imagine myself as the victims. I have been a hopeless massochist/fantasist/cruel-dreamer since early childhood.
Confession At Home [ Mg, spank, tort, bond, humil ] Reviews
The Unsinkable Mex:
[ profile ]
The Unsinkable Mex's profile
Unfulfilled gay father-child fantasies about my father and myself materialized in hot tales of inter-generational love and sex.
In The Wee Hours Of The Morning Visits, Part 1 [ M(57), b(9), gay, pedo, inc, fath, son, oral, slow, 1st, cons ] Reviews
Tina Cream:
Kris and Megan, Part 2 [ fm(15/15), inc, brother/sister, cons, creampie, cum, fet ]
Kris and Megan, Part 3 [ Ffm(15/15), Mf(13), inc, bro/sis, fath/dau, cons, creampie, cum, fet ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Wishfuldreamer's profile
A man who loves to share his secret desires with like-minded people.
Man at the Park [ MMgggg, ped, cons, fant ] Reviews
[ profile ]
nudonyme's profile
Da ich gern Kind war, schreibe ich gern über das, was kinder zso tun.
Das Tor zur Vernunft [ gbfmFM ] Reviews
[ profile ]
old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
My Trucking Partner Part 2 [ Mg, MF, MFg ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Fucking My Little Sister, Part 3 [ mg, anal, gg ] Reviews
Fucking My Little Sister, Part 4 [ mgg, 1st, mg, anal, les, inc ] Reviews
Shelly & Debbie [ M/fg, rom, lolita, oral, 1st ] Reviews
David Stephens:
[ profile ]
David Stephens's profile
My stories are about adult/child sex, often within the family - the children involved are usually 8 and under. Typical story codes: MF/g, inc, pedo. Comments are welcome.
Trading the Kids, Part 3 [ MMFFF/gg, inc, pedo ] Reviews
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Durango
Fun With Santa [ ff, Mf, MMf, oral, anal, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Dwayne's profile
Likes writing fantasy erotic fiction.
Don't Ever Let Boys Do This [ Mg, 1st, inc, cons ] Reviews
Marquise Masquerade:
[ profile ]
Marquise Masquerade's profile
Hello, salut! I am a 21-year-old female from Quebec. I am a student and I have fictional fantasies for the delicate youth. It's not a sexual preference, but a writing fetish, we could say.
Nymph Garden, Part 2 [ Mg, inc, tease, pett, hist, sm, nc ]
Meneer De Groot:
[ profile ]
Meneer De Groot's profile
Kleine sletjes in sexy kleding zijn mijn forte. Stuur een me een email voor ideeën als je dat wil.
Etiquette Voor Kleine Meisjes, Zomereditie 2013 [ Mg, nosex, suggestive ]
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 7 [ Mg, pedo, lolita, oral ] Reviews
Het Pedo Paradijs! [ gM, pedo, fant ] Reviews
Sick Boy:
[ profile ]
Sick Boy's profile
I am a 24 year-old, gay, blonde girl who loves to fantasize about girls aged 10-15 in peril. I welcome ideas and comments.
Jessica's Ordeal [ Mg, nc, ped, tort ] Reviews
Sir Wankalot:
[ profile ]
Sir Wankalot's profile
I often fantasize about young girls
It Was A Hot Summer's Night [ g10g8, nosex ]
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 75 [ ggm, oral, fant, fet ] Reviews
Tina Cream:
Kris and Megan, Part 4 [ ffm(13,15,15), Fff, inc, bro/sis, cons, creampie, preg, cum, fet ]
[ profile ]
Wishfuldreamer's profile
A man who loves to share his secret desires with like-minded people.
Chance Treasure, Part 1 [ MMgF, ped, cons, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Slave to Black Students, Part 4 [ fb, humil, oral, anal, ws, bd, best ]
Astrids Tagebuch, Teil 1 [ Fb, pedo, mother, son, inc, preg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
The Letter - Daughter [ b/dog, 1st, beast ] Reviews
David Stephens:
[ profile ]
David Stephens's profile
My stories are about adult/child sex, often within the family - the children involved are usually 8 and under. Typical story codes: MF/g, inc, pedo. Comments are welcome.
The Pedo Passions of Reverend John [ MMMF/ggg, FF/gg, M/b, inc, pedo ] Reviews
Earl DeVere:
[ profile ]
Earl DeVere's profile
All of my stories involve fantasy consensual fun sexual relations between adults and children. It is all fictional.
The Phone Call, Part 1 [ MgMg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
LeonNeath's profile
Long-term lolita fan, plenty of erotica ideas that I will upload as and when they are written. Have plans for a couple of series and several one-off stories.
The Special Daycare, Part 1 [ Fff(16-28), ggggggg(2-4), slow, les, oral, exhib, loli, humour, cons ] Reviews
Mom Anne:
[ profile ]
Mom Anne's profile
I am a 30 something mom who lives out her fantasy through stories. It was the stories that made me realize I still held on to the lusts of my younger days, and it is the stories that help me keep that lust down so I do not lose myself in my temptations.
Anne Remembers, Part 3 [ FFgg, inc ] Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 8 [ Mf, pedo, lolita, oral ]
[ profile ]
Noodle2501's profile
I'm a writer who enjoys detail and all things sexual in stories. The imagination is a free world, to do in it what I please. I am new to this site but not to the craft. thanks in advance for reading.
Dark Secrets: Trap-Door [ Mb(9), cd, anal, creampie ]
Philip Spencer:
[ profile ]
Philip Spencer's profile
I'm a teacher of English as a foreign language, and I love my students.
Confessions of a Boy Babysitter [ bg, 1st, xdress, toys ] Reviews
Sick Boy:
[ profile ]
Sick Boy's profile
I am a 24 year-old, gay, blonde girl who loves to fantasize about girls aged 10-15 in peril. I welcome ideas and comments.
A Visit To The Doctor [ MFgb, bond, med, humil, tort ]
Sick Girl:
Whipping Little Kiddy-Cunts [ MF, gg, bond, whip, inc, tort ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Bobby's Photo Shoot, Part 1 [ Mb, exhib, oral, anal, voyer, ws, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
luvrukids's profile
I like reading good stories involving romance and love-making between young girls and young adult men. I also like to write them. Hope you like my stories!
My Niece Katy Seduced Me At Easter, Part 2 [ Mg, niece, inc, rom, cons ] Reviews
Hard to Describe [ Mg, oral, pedo ] Reviews
A Model Like Mama Was [ Mg/F, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
An Angel on a Bus: Serendipity [ Mg, ped ] Reviews
V-Day, Part 1 [ Mg, hj, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Davide's profile
Mi piacciono le storie con bambine dai 7 agli 11 anni, possibilmente consenzienti...
Confessioni, Parte 2 Reviews
Earl DeVere:
[ profile ]
Earl DeVere's profile
All of my stories involve fantasy consensual fun sexual relations between adults and children. It is all fictional.
The Phone Call, Part 2 [ MFgMFg ] Reviews
Ladro D'amore, Epilogo [ MMg(9), pedo, inc, fath, dau, oral, cons ]
Julie Damom:
[ profile ]
Julie Damom's profile
I love fantasy and while in real life I am a happily married, in fantasy I am a depraved and deeply disturbed person. I love to share stories and chat with like minded people, I will not however be doing anything illegal such as trading porn or making arrangements to meet in person. I like to keep my fantasy life just that, fantasy. I am new to writing and know that these skills have a long way to go. Hopefully with experience and time I will get better and be able to write as well as individuals like Ganymede and Dale10.
Confessions of a Mother [ MF, Mb, oral, anal, nc ] Reviews
Marquise Masquerade:
[ profile ]
Marquise Masquerade's profile
Hello, salut! I am a 21-year-old female from Quebec. I am a student and I have fictional fantasies for the delicate youth. It's not a sexual preference, but a writing fetish, we could say.
Nymph Garden, Part 3 [ Mf, inc, lolita, oral, reluc, humour, blkm ]
Nymph Garden, Part 4 [ Mgfm, inc, slow, sm, exhib ]
Mom Anne:
[ profile ]
Mom Anne's profile
I am a 30 something mom who lives out her fantasy through stories. It was the stories that made me realize I still held on to the lusts of my younger days, and it is the stories that help me keep that lust down so I do not lose myself in my temptations.
Anne Remembers, Part 4 [ Mf ] Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 9 [ Mg, pedo, lolita, anal, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Peachy's profile
Let me share my fantasies.
The Little Girl Lingerie Shop, Part 5 [ MFg(6)g(5), cons, lingerie ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Prostitot [ Mg, Fg, oral, anal, group, ped, inc ] Reviews
Boy On A Bench, Part 8 [ Mm, teen, humil, reluc, gay, oral, handjob ]
Cute Little Stephey, Part 3 [ g, pedo, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Wishfuldreamer's profile
A man who loves to share his secret desires with like-minded people.
Chance Treasure, Part 2 [ MMgF, bi, ped, cons, inc ]
My Daughter Needs His Cock [ Mg(9), Fg(9), inc, drug, anal, pedo ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
A World Away, Part 1 [ mf, scfi, timetr, cons, Fdom, bd ]