Sunbathing, Part 1

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by Ndelta

Published: 22-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

A really nice summer's day in England is hard to better. Hot but not too hot, no bugs or mosquitos as you have in so many other places and normally not humid at all.

Of course the down side is that this happens very rarely but when it does it is truly wonderful and a great chance to get a little colour on your skin and enjoy the warmth of the sun on you.

I am lucky to have a pretty secluded garden, screened on three sides with only one side where my neighbours can see in. As a result it is a great place to lie in the sun on a hot summer's day.

There is actually a gap in the low hedge between our properties, which neither of us have bothered to fill in, after all we get on well together and occasionally visit each other for barbeques when the weather is good.

These neighbours are a couple, a little younger than me (I am in my mid 40s), and their young daughter, Kirsty. She is a typical "Tom Boy" type of girl, into all sorts of sports but particularly football, after all it is our national sport and we did invent it. (that's soccer to any US readers).

Kirsty's Dad does shift work so is often around in the day time which is useful in the holidays for keeping an eye on her and her Mum works part-time in the local supermarket.

Kirsty is 12 or 13 with short cropped blond hair and a fine athletic figure which is just starting to blossom into womanhood. As happens with girls of that age her hips have swollen to a womanly shape rather ahead of her bust so that she still has modest little girlie breasts, clearly not yet full-grown.

On the day that this story is about the weather was near perfect. It was mid week in July. I had taken the week off to just chill at home and do daytrips out and had hit the jackpot on the weather. Having been out the previous day I decided to indulge myself in a little sun bathing in the garden and had set myself up with a sun lounger strategically placed to get the maximum sun, a large glass of water and the book I was currently reading.

As I wanted to improve my tan I was wearing just a brief pair of swimming trunks some shades and suntan lotion. I am pretty proud of my body and the brief trunks enabled me to get the maximum tan, however they were not very subtle and tended to rather display my endowment so to speak, particularly if I got at all aroused.

I had been outside for about an hour or so and was starting to feel a little dozy, the sun always has that effect on me, so I put my book down and was starting to drift into sleep when I became aware of sounds from next door. What I heard was a football being kicked around, and occasionally the sound of a goal rattling as a shot hit the target.

Without looking up or opening my eyes I concluded that Kirsty must have come out into the garden to knock a ball around. Her Dad had set up a goal and net backing on to our property boundary.

This worked well except that occasionally if Kirsty missed the target the ball would come over into my garden. I had no problem with this and normally she would nip through the gap in the hedge and come and get the ball for herself.

I didn't feel any need to open my eyes or acknowledge her so just dozed on. Knowing that she was there however I inevitably thought of her and how graceful she always looked when playing sport, she really was a natural athlete and had an elegance about her. She was also pretty easy on the eye and I had recently started to notice how feminine she was starting to look.

I am not sure how much time passed but through my doziness I realised that the football noise had stopped and I gradually got the feeling that I was being watched. One advantage of wearing shades is that no one else can see where you are looking, so without moving at all I very slowly opened my eyes a little.

I could see Kirsty standing in my garden at the foot of my sun lounger looking at me. She was holding her football so I guessed that she had come into my garden to collect it.

As I was trying not to let her know that I was actually awake, I could not clearly see what she was looking at but I had this funny feeling that she was looking at my trunks, or more to the point at their contents. This immediately caused me to stir a little particularly when I realised what she was wearing.

As she often did, she was wearing the football shirt of her favourite team - Tottenham Hotspur or Spurs as they are know - but instead of football shorts she was just wearing bikini bottoms and fairly brief ones at that and a pair of tatty trainers.

Although I was squinting I could clearly see that she very nicely filed her bikini and I even thought that I could see the shape of her womanhood. As they were quite highly cut I certainly was able to enjoy the very feminine swell of her hips.

This did nothing to help me manage the feelings in my own trunks and to my horror I could feel myself filling out. To avoid being caught I stirred slightly, as if just moving around in my sleep, which caused Kirsty to snap out of her reverie and quickly go back next door.

I was awake now fully and gradually moved myself on the lounger until I could see her kicking the ball around next door. I hoped that I had done this in such a way as to allow her to think that I was still asleep.

Only a couple of minutes later Kirsty chipped the ball over the hedge again and came through the gap to collect it. Again, having picked up the ball she lingered a few moments looking down at me.

Over the next 20 minutes or so she did this repeatedly becoming more and more obvious. She was no longer even pretending to be playing football but instead was deliberately kicking the ball over the hedge so that she could stand fairly close to me and eye me up.

The idea that this pretty young girl was staring at my trunks and the package they contained had a very natural and obvious affect on me. I could do nothing to avoid the fact that I was now at least semi erect. I also knew that with these particular trunks this would be very obvious.

On one of her now brief visits back to her garden I took the opportunity to casually move one hand down to my waist; not to hold my growing erection but to rest beside it and therefore draw more attention to it and even accentuate it.

This seemed to work. The next time Kirsty came back "to collect her football" she stood even closer than before and was clearly staring straight at my crotch. While she was doing this I deliberately flexed my semi hard cock so that it moved inside my trunks as it if was alive.

I was rewarded with the smallest of gasps from Kirsty. It was quiet but clearly audible. It was all I could do to stop myself from smiling knowing that I was now toying with her and that she was really not concealing what she was doing.

I decided to see if I could take this further, perhaps even confront her and see what happened.

I stirred, as if waking and then, without really moving, I said.

"Hello Kirsty, how are you?"

She nearly jumped out of her skin. Because of the shades she had not seen my eyes open and was surprised when I had spoken.

"Oh wwwwellll, I'mmmm fine Mr StStStevens." Her shock and her stammering were really quite cute - I could swear she even started to blush slightly.

"Are you OK Kirsty? You seem a little flustered" It was fun messing with her like this.

"Oh no, I'm fine Mr Stevens I just thought you were asleep and I came to get my football."

"Of course you did." I said this in a way that certainly implied that there might have been another reason for her visit.

"Yes, I'm sorry Mr Stevens, I knocked it over the hedge, I hope you don't mind that I came to collect it?"

"Not at all Kirsty, you are always welcome over here anytime you like, you know that." I was still lying on the lounger with my hand beside my semi hardness, which had not reduced at all.

I sort of stretched, as you do when waking up, and deliberately raised my hips, causing my cock to press against the tight constraint of the swimming trunks. I realised with a little bit of shock that there was actually the start of a darker damp patch at the end of my cock where some precum must have started to leak.

Rather than being bothered by this I decided to leave it fully visible to her, it would not have gone unnoticed by her any way and could now be a part of my teasing her.

"Is your Dad not at home to play with you?"

"No, he's got a day shift today and won't be back until this evening and Mum is also at work so I am on my own today."

"You poor think, all on your own at home. You should have invited some friends over."

"Well actually I quite enjoy being on my own and I wanted to practice my football anyway."

"Well there is no need for you to be on your own the whole time. I was going to take a break for lunch soon anyway, why don't to come and join me for a drink - I'm pretty hot and you must be after playing football." Actually she didn't look too hot, after all she had just been pretending to play as an excuse to stare at me.

"OK Mr Stevens, if that's alright with you."

"Right then, that's what we'll do. Can you give an old man a hand getting up?" Of course I didn't need a hand getting up but I wanted us to get closer as I was going to try and take things further and wanted to keep her off balance.

I held my hand up to her and she came over and stood beside the lounger taking my hand and pulled. I did not make it easy for her and she had to brace her legs wide, hold my hand with both of hers and lean back to get the leverage to pull me to my feet.

As I started to rise I came up quickly which caught her by surprise and she staggered back. I was expecting this and our roles quickly changed. I was now holding her hands to stop her falling backwards.

I reached my free hand behind her and pulled her towards me.

"Whoa, steady on there, you nearly pulled me off my feet. Just as well I caught you or you would have been flat on your back." I pulled her into me under the pretence of stopping her from falling over and we were pushed so close to each other that my front and my obvious erection pressed against her belly and I held us like that for a moment longer than was necessary.

She was instantly embarrassed and lowered her head and when I eased my hold on her she stepped back from me. Of course with her head lowered in embarrassment she ended up looking straight at my crotch again.

I took one of her hands in mine. "Come on Tiger, let's go and get that drink." I led her in through the back door of my house into the darkness of the kitchen.

"Right, what would you like? I have coke or water, I'm going to have a beer myself but I guess you are too young for that."

"Can I have a coke please Mr Stevens? Would you also let me try your beer?" I was a little surprised by this but thought that I might be able to use this to my advantage. It was time for me to see how far her interest in me would go.

"Oh, you want to try my beer do you? You think you are grown up enough now to drink beer?" While talking I opened the fridge, popped myself a beer and passed her a can of coke.

"I think I am old enough to try it Mr Stevens." She opened her coke and started drinking it.

"Oh so you're all grown up now are you?" I was using a teasing tone of voice and not being nasty to her so she laughed.

"I guess I am starting to grow up." Time for me to push her further.

"I guess you are Kirsty - is that why you kept coming into my garden?"

"How do you mean? I was getting my football." That may have been true but it did not explain why she was now blushing slightly.

"Really, is that why you came over? I thought it was so that you could stare at my crotch."

She was sipping her coke when I said this and she actually choked on it. She was really embarrassed and did not know where to look. She blushed completely her face like a red traffic light.

"I wasn't Mr Stevens."

"Oh but you were Kirsty, I saw you." I was standing across the small kitchen from her leaning back against the counter so that my crotch was pushed forward and my now obvious erection was plain for her to see.

I placed my hand beside it again almost holding it and making it much more obvious.

"You were looking at this weren't you Kirsty." After a pause she nodded silently her eyes drifting down to my erection.

"Did you like looking at it?" Again she nodded.

"Do you look at other men's cocks?" That shocked her, using the word cock was unexpected and her head shot up and she looked at me.

She nodded again.

"Tell me Kirsty whose cocks do you look at?"

In a very quiet and slightly croaky voice she replied. "I sometimes glance at my Dad's."

"Have you seen it properly?"

"Not really, just a glimpse once when he came out of the shower." Her head had dropped again so I gripped myself again to draw her eyes to my now fully erect cock.

It was actually pushing the waist of my trunks away from my skin and seemed to be trying to force its way out of my trunks. There was also now a very clear wet patch at the end of it.

I noticed that she had crossed her legs and was squeezing them together tightly, I suspect she was feeling very aroused herself.

"Do you want to see a cock properly Kirsty?" Without taking her eyes off my bulge she nodded again.

"Do you want to see my cock Kirsty?" She hesitated and swallowed hard before nodding again.

"You can if you like."

"Can I?" her voice even croaked a little and I think her mouth was totally dry with anticipation.

"You can but I want to hear you ask." Her head shot up again, clearly embarrassed.


"You have to ask for it Kirsty." She paused again and then very quietly.

"Can I see your.....can I see your....think?"

"You can do better than that Kirsty and you need to call it by its name." She hesitated.

"Can I see you cock please Mr Stevens?"

"There now, that wasn't so bad was it? Of course you can see it Kirsty. Come over here."

Kirsty closed the small gap between us; her head still down and her hands by her sides. As she stood in front of me I moved my hand from my trunks and placed both my hands on the kitchen counter beside me this pushed by crotch out in a very obvious manner.

"Here you are Kirsty, take a look if you want." Of course she was already looking right at it but there were still my trunks in the way.

"If you want to see it properly you will have to take my trunks down wont you?"

She looked up at me with a pleading and rather pitiful look in her face. She was torn between the desire that was obviously driving her and the fear of having to make things happen herself. I nodded to her.

"Go on Kirsty, if you want to that is."

She looked down again and tentatively reached out with first one hand and then both of them. She hooked her fingers in the waist back at each of my hips. I could feel that her hands were shaking but her interest and desire overrode her caution.

She was still looking down between our bodies and watched intently as her hands pulled my trunks downwards. She quickly realised that my cock was caught in them and so started to pull the trunks out from my body.

Suddenly my cock sprung free and she gasped as it bounced back against my stomach and made a wet slapping sound.

"Take them all the way down Kirsty, you will be able to see much better if you are on your knees." I of course had other ideas but she wasn't to know that. As she sunk to her knees her eyes remained fixed on my rock hard erection. I am not massive, perhaps 6 or 6 ½ inches but I have a lovely curve to my cock when it is fully hard, I am also uncut so have a very sensitive foreskin that many women seem to really enjoy playing with.

I gently put my hand on the side of her face and caressed her neck with my fingers. Then lightly cupping her chin I tilted her head until she was looking up at me.

"Do you like the look of it?"

"Oh yes Mr Stevens. It looks really nice and so hard, but why is it so wet at the end?"

"That's called precum Kirsty, men produce it when they are aroused as it helps them when they penetrate a woman."

"You mean when they put it in a girl's.....peepee place."

"Well, yes - although its not called that you know. Its proper name is a vagina but most people call it a pussy."

"I know, sorry, I should have used a more grown up name."

"Do you want to touch it Kirsty?"

"Can I Mr Stevens, really? I would love to." She seemed less nervous now and was keen to try more.

"Of course you can, I can show you how men like girls to touch them. Would you like that.?"

"Oh God yes."

My trunks were now round my ankles so I carefully stepped out of them very much enjoying the cool air on my hard cock. I pushed my hips forward as Kirsty reached out with one hand and took hold of my shaft. Her hand looked very small on my cock and her fingers did not quite reach around it.

"It's so hard Mr Stevens, its like its made of steel. And its so big, can it really fit inside a woman?"

"It's hard because you are very pretty and have aroused me Kirsty."

"Have I really Mr Stevens, you are not just saying that?"

"No you really have Kirsty, and I suspect that you are pretty aroused too aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I would bet that you are wet between your legs, that your pussy is wet." As I said this I could see Kirsty surreptitiously move her other hand in between her legs and onto her bikini bottoms.

"Would you like me to touch your pussy while you touch my hard cock?" She looked shocked, she raised her head to look at me, perhaps to see if I was serious. There was a long pause while she bit her bottom lip in a nervous way - it looked very endearing and made my heart skip a beat.

After what seemed like ages she very slightly nodded her head. It was the slightest of movements; I almost missed it.

She was still holding my cock and ever so slightly moving her hand up and down it driving me crazy with the nicest sensations.

"Sorry, Kirsty I didn't hear your answer, you will have to speak up."

"Yes, Me Stevens."

"Yes what?"

"Yes please Mr Stevens." She was so polite and well brought up.

"No I meant what do you want me to do?"

"Oh - Yes, I want you to touch my pussy Mr Stevens."

"Ok then young lady I think we should get you up and move somewhere a little more comfortable, don't you?"

I helped her to her feet, she seemed reluctant to let go of my cock but she did as it would have been awkward to walk around like that. I put my hand gently on her back and guided her from the kitchen into the downstairs corridor.

"Why don't we go upstairs into my bedroom, you can see out into your garden from there."

I was completely naked, my trunks were on the kitchen floor and Kirsty couldn't take her eyes off my cock as we left the kitchen.

As we moved along the corridor my hand moved down to cup and then squeeze her fantastic bottom, firm and muscular from all her sport but also deliciously curved as a young girl's bottom should be.

We climbed the stairs together, she leant into me slightly and I continued to stroke and fondle her bottom; enjoying the way it moved under my hand.

When I guided her into my bedroom at the back of the house she seemed impressed by the size of the bed and she was clearly very nervous.

"Kirsty, lets look out of the window at your garden."

I steered her across the room to the window still touching her bottom. I moved her in front of me and stood behind her trapping her gently between me and the window.

I was taller than her so my cock was now at the base of her back rather than her bottom. I placed my hands on either side of her hips and slid them slowly up taking her Spurs shirt with them.

As they came to her waist I moved them around to her front and onto her taut stomach before continuing up her torso.

"Do you want me to touch your breasts Kirsty?"

"Yes Mr Stevens, please." She pushed her chest out into my hands as they reached her small and barely formed breasts. Beautiful and tender little mounds that fitted comfortably into my palms with hard little bullet nipples on top. She had no bra on and really had no need for one.

She sighed as I fondled them and lightly pinched her nipples between my finger and thumb. Her head leant back against my chest so I was able to bend my neck down and kiss the tender and sensitive skin at the base of her neck. She let out an involuntary moan and reached behind to grab the sides of my hips and pull me into her.

She may have been young and totally inexperienced but she instinctively knew what to do and how to behave. She seemed to be trying to raise herself so that my cock would be lower than it was currently. She stood on her tiptoes and moved her hips back and up rocking her bottom towards my hardness but she was too short and could not reach me.

I lowered my hands from her breasts to her waist, holding her firmly I lifted her up until my she was high enough for my cock to slide between her legs and across the panel of her bikini bottoms. I could feel that they were soaking wet against my cock.

She was now leaning on the window sill on her hands taking some of her weight so that she could move her hips forward and backwards along my cock.

"Does that feel good Kirsty? Do you like my cock against your pussy?"

"Mmmmmm" was about all she could manage, her breathing was pretty ragged and I was sure that she had a climax building. We dry humped like that for a few minutes until I lowered her to the ground again so that she could stand. The moan she emitted was entirely one of regret.

I turned her so that she was now facing me with her back against the windowsill and my erection touching her belly.

"If I remember right you asked rather nicely for me to do something for you. Remind me what that was Kirsty?"

Her head was bowed in shyness or embarrassment and she was biting her bottom lip again.

"Would you touch my pussy please Mr Stevens."

"That was it, you wanted me to touch you while you were touching my big and hard cock." With that, I slid my hands from her waist - one passed behind her and started to lightly fondle her bottom again whilst I very slowly moved the other down the front of her tummy.

I was keeping a firm pressure on her to accentuate the contact. My fingers reached the top of her bikini bottoms and continued down on the outside of them. At the same time Kirsty reached for my cock again and explored it's length and girth with her delicate little fingers.

As she touched the bulbous end of my cock, which was now slick with precum, my fingers also reached her wetness. The crotch of her bikini was soaked with her juices.

"Goodness me, you are very wet Kirsty."

"Is that normal?" She sounded rather bashful.

"It is when someone is very aroused. Are you feeling very aroused Kirsty? Are you aroused by feeling my hard cock or by me touching your pussy?"

"Both. Your cock is fascinating, its so big and so hard and when you touch me I get a really funny feeling in my tummy, very low down sort of like I want to pee but nicer."

"You are also wet on your cock. Does that mean you are aroused too?"

"It certainly does Kirsty. You are a very pretty young woman and us touching each other like this has aroused me too. Do you want to find out what precum tastes like?"

"I don't know Mr Stevens, it is nice?"

"Most girls seem to think so but you should find out for yourself. Why don't you taste it on your fingers." With this Kirsty lifted her hand from my cock and slowly, perhaps nervously, brought it up to her mouth. Her tongue sneaked out between her lips and the tip cautiously touched her finger. She looked pensive for a moment or two and then smiled.

"Its OK, quite nice actually, a little salty but not nasty or anything."

"I'm glad you like it, perhaps I can show you how girls can make men very happy with their mouths and tongues. But first I think we should get your soaking wet bikini off young lady." With this I put both hands on the sides of her bikini bottoms and pushed then down.

This was not easy as she was so much shorter than I was and I had to bend down a little, Kirsty helped by wriggling her legs and in no time her bottoms had been kicked off and were on the floor beside us.

She was now only wearing her football shirt and trainers.

"That's better." I moved close to her again, she was back touching my cock, exploring it with her fingers lightly stroking it and for the first time I was able to have unrestricted access to her pussy and bottom.

As before I moved one hand behind her to stroke her perfect bottom and the other started at her hip and then moved down and across, sliding over her stomach towards her exposed pussy. The tension between us was almost palpable now, neither of us seemed capable of breath we were so intent on each other's touch.

My fingers continued downward, over the area where her pubic hair would shortly be growing, She was almost completely smooth with just a little downy hair starting and then I touched her engorged and wet slit for the first time.

Kirsty gasped, gripped my cock tighter and even flinched as my finger glided over her little clitoris protected in its hood of flesh and then down to run the whole length of her outer lips.

She was sopping wet and I could even feel wetness on the insides of her thighs she had leaked so much. As I drew my finger back up along her opening I pressed a little more firmly and my finger disappeared between her labia, totally engulfed in the virginal flesh of her pussy.

She seemed to wobble as if her legs were giving way and she passed her free arm around my waist to hold herself up and she let out a deep involuntary moan.

"Do you like that Kirsty? Do you like my finger touching you there?" She did not reply but just gripped my cock more firmly and started to stroke its length. It's funny how her increasing arousal caused her to focus on my cock more.

I found the smoothness of her pussy delectable and fascinating and I continued to gently explore her gradually allowing my middle finger to pass through her lips to the very entrance of her pussy. She started to make reflex movements with her hips, encouraging my finger to explore further.

In the meantime my other hand wandered up her back lifting her shirt with it and then round to the front to play with her breasts and nipples again. Kirsty was now not only pushing her hips forward onto my finger but was at the same time trying to bend my cock down towards her pussy.

Good luck with that, I thought. It was like an iron bar and there was no way she was going to be able to bend it but I understood what she was trying to do.

She clearly wanted more and it was now time to go the last remaining part of the way. To take her fully. Her pussy, although very wet, felt pretty tight on my finger and I was not sure she would be able to handle me but it was clear that this was what she wanted.

Using just my one free hand I managed to lift her shirt up and over her head, she was now just wearing her trainers and nothing else. With my finger still pressed into her pussy I wrapped my other arm across her bare back so that I could lift her and rest her bottom on the windowsill.

Anyone outside would have had a fantastic view but as there were no houses behind mine and her garden was empty there was no one to watch us.

Kirsty was now sitting much higher up and it was easy for me to bend over slightly and very gently and tenderly plant little kisses across her neck and on to the top of her chest. As my head moved down she arched her back pushing her small and pert little breasts forward and into my mouth.

I kissed, nibbled and sucked on them causing a reaction that I really think she didn't expect. Her head went back sharply enough to bang against the glass of the window and her moans had changed to a sort of mewing sound. She had let go of my cock and her arms were now around my back feeling its breadth and rubbing up and down the muscles of my shoulders. She had also wrapped her legs around my waist.

She was completely lost in the moment and was pulling me forward with her heels. As she was higher than she was before my cock was no longer pressing into her belly but was right by her pussy. Unfortunately, as I had bent to take her breasts in my mouth my hips had moved back but still the very tip of my cock was now nudging her lips.

Now was the moment.

I lifted my head from her chest and moved my hips forward slightly so I could straighten my back. I moved my mouth to her ear and whispered very quietly.

"Tell me exactly what you want now Kirsty. Did you just want to get your football?" She shook her head slightly.

"Pardon, I didn't hear that."

"No Mr Stevens."

"Oh right, so if it is not your football you want what is it? Perhaps you want to try my beer, seeing that you are all grown up now." Again she shook her head.


"No Mr Stevens ." As she said this I started to move my hips forward so that the head of my cock rubbed up the whole length of her wet slit and nudged her engorged clit before I moved back again.

"Well there must be something else you want." Again I moved my hips forward and ran the length of her pussy. She could take no more. She reached between us and again took hold of my cock and moved it until the bulbous head was right in the entrance of her pussy.

"Please Mr Stevens, I want this."

"You want this?" as I said the last word I pushed firmly forward and my cock head started to force its way into her pussy.

"Unggggh." Her back arched and she pushed forwards against me and the head was then in her. Just the head, nothing more. She let out a deep moan.

"Oh my God, its huge."

"What is Kirsty? This?" again I pushed forward on the last word and a little more of me entered her. She flinched but immediately opened her legs wider still, as wide as they would go.

"Oh God yes but so big." I moved my head so that my lips were only a fraction of an inch from hers then lightly touching and I started to very carefully move my hips backwards and forwards so that the inch or two of my cock that was in her was moving in and out of her.

After a few minutes she seemed to relax more and I started gradually lengthening my strokes, she was getting used to the feel and I was moving much more freely inside her but still only in the entrance to her pussy; and then I felt her barrier. She clearly still had her hymen in tact and I would have to change that.

"So if you don't want your football and you don't want to try my beer what do you want from me?"

She voice was breathless and small. "I want you in me. All of you, all the way."

"You want me in you? Do you mean you want me to fuck you?"

"Oh yes - please. I want you to fuck me to fill me, to take me."

With that I put my hands on her sides under her little beasts and lifted her off the windowsill. I was now holding her weight and she had her legs around my waist with about an inch of my cock still buried in her pussy entrance.

I leant forward and kissed her. With a little encouragement she opened her mouth to allow my probing tongue to enter. We melted into each other kissing passionately.

I started to slightly move my hips backwards and forwards again and then when I was almost out of her I broke our kiss and stayed with my lips almost touching hers.

"This might hurt for a moment Kirsty." With that I loosened my hold with my hands and at the same time thrust forward with my hips. I passed through her barrier with barely a hesitation and immediately had 4 inches buried inside her.

The pain hit her and she opened her mouth to cry out, I pressed my mouth to hers again to smother her pain with another deep and passionate kiss. I slowly pulled back again before plunging into her once more.

Over a half a dozen strokes I managed to get my full length into her. She was breathing in ragged gasps, she had broken our kiss when I had started to build some rhythm. Her head was now tilted back, her eyes were shut and her nipples were erect and raised from her chest like little bullets.

"So big, so full, oh my God that feels so good." I took control now and started to fuck her properly I wasn't sure we could do this standing so I turned and moved across to the bed without disengaging for a moment.

I lowered her down onto her back and with most of my weight on my hands I started to give her long deep and hard thrusts. I had lost all control and was pounding her tiny little pussy.

She was totally lost in the new sensations she was experiencing. She was making incoherent animal sounds, moans and mewing sounds and then when I thrust my full length into her she would grunt.

She started to writhe beneath me, her head rocking from side to side and I could feel her pussy get even more moist and start to spasm on my cock. She was nearly there, nearly at her first proper orgasm, whatever she may have experienced at her own hand was not comparable to what she was feeling now.

Her tightness was too much for me and I could feel my own climax building - that fantastic feeling that builds at the base of your cock and you know you are going to come soon.

"Oh God, more, fuck me, unggghh."

"I am going to cum Kirsty do you want to feel my cum in you?"

"Oh yes, fill me, cum in me, fuck me." Each word was punctuated by another thrust from my hips and then she came.

It started with her shuddering and shaking, her pussy started to spasm and squeeze my cock and she seemed to be able to open her legs just a little bit wider to enable me to get that little bit deeper into her. And I could hold back no more.

I felt my cum rising to that point of no return, with two last long deep thrusts I forced myself as far into her as possible and exploded; more cum than I had ever had and a stronger orgasm that I had ever experience. I forced rope after rope of thick cum deep into her newly opened pussy, leaving it right at the entrance to her immature womb as far in as possible.

It took a few minutes for us both to come down from the high and for our breathing to return to something like normal.

I rolled onto the bed beside Kirsty and wrapped her tenderly in my arms. She snuggled into my embrace, nestled against my chest with our legs intertwined. After a moment of contentment I lifted her chin with my hand and kissed her fully on the lips, intimately but without the passion, which had, for now at least, been released.

"Is that what you wanted?"

"More than I dreamt possible, if that is what sex is like why isn't everyone doing it all the time?"

"Perhaps they are but you are just not realising. And there is much more to it than what we have just done. I have only just introduced you to the subject and there is much for you to learn."

"Oh." Kirsty yelped and sat up suddenly looking between her legs.

"I felt something coming out of me."

We both looked at her beautiful, bald pussy and saw a trickle of my cum leaking from her - there was a little pink colour to it from her cherry when I had taken it.

"How does it feel?"

"A little sore and very stretched - I did not think I could take something as big as that. But it's a lovely feeling." Kirsty snuggled into my embrace again.

We kissed and explored each other's bodies for another hour or so and then Kirsty dressed and went home to make sure she was there when her parents returned.

Over that summer we met whenever she could safely get away, Kirsty was a very quick learner and had no limits to what she would try.....but that's for another day.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Great story look forward to more,


Great story. I loved the idea of her not knowing he can see her looking -at his cock. So beautiful young girls, so full of sexual potential. Thanks.


Excellent tale! Very sensuous.


Lovely story!!


Fantastic cock pulsating story hope there is more

Philip Spencer

Good initial seduction, but some of the worst dialog I've read in a long time.

Arsene Wenger

The story was ruined when you revealed kirsty is a spuds fan.


Do you want part 3 to involve humiliation by a gooner, Arsene?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.