Published: 18-Jul-2013
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Tony struggled to wake up. He was trying to get out of a bad dream, filled with wolf-dogs chasing him as he ran along an unfamiliar grassy field on a very dark and misty night.
He kept trying to rouse himself; he was sure this was just a horrible dream; if he could only wake up, he could get out of this crazy dream and find himself safe in bed, next to his loving wife.
But he could not awaken. He could not open his eyes. He could not get out of this fearful dream.
For a very long time, this struggle went on. At long last, the darkness lifted somewhat, but the dream kept going. The wolf-dogs had changed into big ugly thugs with guns. He had to keep running and hiding from them, or he knew he would surely die.
Tony's mind was in an unfocused, misty fog. And though he still could not open his eyes, through the dream, he thought he could hear some strange sounds. He could feel the texture of the bed and he knew it was not the one in his bedroom. It was stiff and narrow.
The room smelled funny, with a scent of disinfectant and a strange, sickly-sweet smell too. And the sounds seemed louder. The clack of shoes on a tile floor. People talking in hushed voices. And the annoying sound of a repeating beep, beep, beep. Over and over it kept repeating.
Tony sensed someone getting close to him as the dream finally faded away. Suddenly the soft but deep voice of a man nearby cut through the fog in Tony's head.
"Tony? Hello, Tony? Can you hear me? I'm doctor Braxton. You're in the hospital, in intensive care, you've been hurt badly ... and I am afraid I have some terrible news to tell you."
Tony came to realize he may have awoken from a bad dream, but now he was living in a much worse nightmare - and it wasn't going to fade away.
Hours melted into days and days drifted into weeks. Slowly his body began to heal, but his heart and soul were forever torn apart - once he was able to comprehend what had landed him in the hospital in the first place.
It began and ended on a beautiful July day about three months earlier. Tony, his wife Sara and their nine year old daughter Jessica got an early start on a long anticipated vacation trip. Tony had been up all night, packing their RV motor home and checking the RV itself to be sure it was road-ready. When they hit the road at daybreak, Tony was exhausted, so he took a nap in the back of the RV while Sara took the first turn behind the wheel.
Jessica was sitting nearby on the couch, watching her Finding Nemo DVD for the millionth time. Not quite an hour later, everything changed. Forever.
A speeding drunk driver ran a red light just as Sara entered the intersection. The blinding, shattering crash killed Sara and the drunk instantly. Jessica was tossed about, but suffered only minor injuries. Tony was not so lucky. Ejected out through the back window onto the highway, he had a broken leg, four broken ribs, internal injuries and a severe concussion.
His doctor said he was now on the mend, but there was no bandage for his depression. Friends and family offered sympathy, but Tony was numb with shock - their words were hollow echoes.
Jessica stayed with Tony's sister while he recuperated. She flew to California from New York to care for Jessica.
About three months from the crash, Tony was released from the hospital. He hobbled slowly with a crutch, but at last he was at home. The bed he shared with Sara seemed too big now. Too many things to think about at once.
Once Tony was able to get around without his crutch and was able to drive, his sister returned to New York. Sara's family were in Texas, few bothered to even visit.
Always a "daddies girl" Jessica now clung to Tony even closer. They spoke little about the crash and Sara's death. They mostly cried a lot and snuggled.
In the aftermath of Sara's funeral, Tony new it was time to focus on whatever future was ahead, with the goal in his life now to provide the best he could for Jessica.
In terms of the cold-hearted bottom line aspect of money, they were now well off financially. Life insurance paid off their home, with a hefty chunk left over. The drunk driver was the owner of a multi-million dollar chain of businesses, most of which were liquidated to satisfy the court ruling for a huge settlement.
So Tony no longer had to work at a regular job, his new job was to make things as best as possible for Jessica. In this way, he thought me might find a little happiness too.
When he first started to look around for ways to accomplish this goal, he could never have imagined it would include buying, renovating and running a nude resort - and this would be at the request of Jessica. But that's getting ahead of things a bit. More on this in future chapters, please forgive the digression.
Tony should have picked up on the clues Jessica had been giving him, largely in part because she had been giving these clues for a very long time now.
Simply said, Jessica was a determined home nudist. Once potty-trained, Jessica would love to scamper about naked, playful and giggling most of the time. Sara and Tony thought she would grow out of this. They figured it was a silly phase. Not so. At home, it was hard to get Jessica to keep her clothes on.
When Jessica showed no signs of gaining modesty as she approached kindergarten, Sara and Tony had the first of many talks with Jessica on the subject of running around naked at home.
She told her parents she didn't like the feel of clothes, preferring the comfort of being nude, liking the air on her body and such. Not wanting to dampen her creative spirit and self esteem, Tony and Sara told Jessica it was okay to be naked at home with them, but not out in public or whenever they had visitors at the house. Wise beyond her years, Jessica understood.
So having a home nudist little daughter became the norm for Sara and Tony, often to their amusement and bewilderment. They did not join their daughter in home nudity, but accepted it as simply Jessica being Jessica.
When Jessica was about to celebrate her eighth birthday, Tony found himself looking at Jessica from time to time with an admiring eye. Maybe too admiring. He realized he sometimes stared at her flawless body, firm and sweet.
He let his mind drift sometimes and he found himself getting hard as he daydreamed of caressing her softly, licking her pink nipples and wondering what it would be like to lick deeply into her perfectly smooth pussy.
Tony would "come to his senses" and shrug these thoughts off, but the feeling grew more intense as the days went by. Often he would have to excuse himself to jack off in the bathroom or take a chillingly cold shower to ease his cock down. But the urges remained, as delightful fantasy images in his head.
He figured if he just looked and only had private thoughts, well, what was the harm? So Tony decided to just go ahead and look - look all he wanted, sometimes totally staring while he let his mind go wild. Often he had to wear baggy sweat pants around the house, over his boxers, to try to not let his hard cock be too obvious.
He would often look directly at Jessica's pussy as she sat and talked with him. His heart would pound when her little lips would partly open and expose the tiny nub of her budding clit. At these times he wanted so much just to pull out his cock and jack off in front of her, to shoot gobs of cum onto her hot naked body, but somehow he had so far stopped himself from acting on these urges. Meanwhile, Jessica seemed to enjoy more and more showing herself off to her dad.
If Sara was suspicious, she never showed it. Often, inspired by staring at Jessica, Tony would wildly fuck Sara silly, which made her feel like a horny teen prom queen all over again, so she wasn't complaining.
But now it was just Tony and Jessica, alone home together. He once again allowed himself to enjoy the amazing beauty of his daughter's fine body. Jessica was still totally flat, no breast buds yet, still with a totally smooth perfect pussy.
He began to try to find a way to ask Jessica if she would mind if he became a home nudist too. But he didn't want to freak her out. She would probably say it was no big deal, but he wanted to be sure, wanted to be careful. He did not want to lose his precious daughter.
He decided to test the water with her, slowly and casually. At 38, he was still in shape, so his body would not likely repulse her. He just had to find a way to let her "discover" him naked and see how she reacted.
Tony placed a small mirror on the dresser in the master bedroom. For several days in a row, he would excuse himself from Jessica, saying he was going upstairs to take a shower. He left the hallway door to the bedroom wide open. He went into the master bath, stripped down, and peeked out to look and listen if Jessica came near. For the first three days, no luck. Then the ice was broken on the fourth try.
Tony thought he heard her trudging up the stairs, so he quickly got wet, then walked out from the bathroom to the dresser as he rubbed his hair dry with a fairly small towel. Once at the dresser, with his back to the hallway door, he looked in the mirror to see Jessica standing there, naked as usual, but now frozen to the spot as she stared at her daddy - not ten feet away and totally naked himself.
Tony's heart jumped when he saw her looking. She didn't move an inch, just kept looking at him. He draped the towel over his shoulder as he rummaged through a dresser drawer, as if he was looking for something, all the while looking at Jessica in the mirror. His cock was about half hard as he turned just a but, to be sure she saw it standing out from his body, swaying back and forth as he continued to look through the drawer.
Jessica was feeling her heart pound as she saw her dad's cock like that. She couldn't move. She didn't want to make a sound, she just was transfixed with what she saw.
Tony felt dizzy and his cock began to get harder, so he turned and walked back into the bathroom before it got totally hard and started spewing cum on its own.
Once in the bathroom, now out of Jessica's view, it took only a simple touch to start the cum flying. Stream after stream of jizz splattered on the tile floor. If Jessica was still in the doorway, she would have heard it. Tony had to sit on the toilet seat quickly, for his knees were suddenly turned to rubber as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him.
When he recovered and cleaned up, he once again walked to the dresser naked, but with a deflated cock. Jessica was nowhere to be seen.
Was she downstairs, freaked out? Had she left the house in terror? Was she in her bedroom? Was she on the phone to the cops? All these thoughts and more swirled in Tony's mind as he dressed. Where was Jessica? What lays ahead for them?
The answers to these questions and much, much more will follow in chapters to come ... if and ONLY if readers want to experience more of Tony and Jessica's adventures together. Give me some feedback, send me a private email, let me know if I should keep going on, or just stop now.
With a stiff one dreaming of Jessica, I hope all your dreams and desires come true!
old timer
Earl DeVere
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