Published: 25-Jul-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Kris and Megan had always been quite close. The twins lived with her mother Jane in a house in one of the better corners of their town. Jane did not exactly consider herself wealthy, but with the money they received from Kris and Megans father, they had quite a good living. The house was also a gift from the twin's father, mostly for keeping his short relationship with Jane a secret, but also because he felt guilty and in the end, he could just afford it. Kris and Megan neither knew nor missed their dad and Jane did never even tell them his name.
Her relation to him was quite short and, if nothing else, an illegal affair. He was forty and impregnated Jane when she was sixteen. When she found out she was pregnant, he overwhelmed her with gifts and money to make her keep quiet about him. With seventeen, her kids were born and he was gone, leaving her the house and a monthly rent for her and the kids. She never told anybody about him, not even her mother, who played a caring and helpful role in raising the kids during the first ten years.
Jane was natural blond, with Scandinavian roots in her family. She was athletic with maybe two or three pounds too much on her hips, and had firm breasts and almost no visible marks left from giving birth to the twins.
Kris and Megan were both natural red heads, just as their father. They very much resembled each other. Both of them had fire red hair and green, lovely eyes and when Jane covered up everything else on a family photo, leaving just their face, she could only distinguish between them when she closely looked at the different position of the freckles in their face.
When our story begins, the twins were fourteen and puberty was setting in. There was no public hair yet, on neither of them, but Megans breasts were clearly developing and starting to grow. While her body was soft and smooth, Kris became athletic like his mom and had had a very well developed penis, longer and thicker than average for his age.
Jane always assumed that it was the lack of a father that caused the strong bond of her kids. They shared everything and where other siblings were fighting like cats in a sac, Megan and Kris cared for each other. At lunch, they screened their meals for what the other one liked most and traded it. Any time when Kris screwed something up, Megan always vouched for her brother and when she wasn't treated well by someone, Kris was always there to protect her, even if the other guy was stronger than him.
When puberty set in, Jane was glad that the kids hadn't insisted on sharing even their bedroom. But as it turned out, having their own room didn't keep them from discovering new and fascinating sides on each other.
One evening, Kris broke in on his sister when she was playing with herself on her bed. She hadn't noticed him and he watched as she continued to touch her small developing breasts and her caressed the slit between her legs. That was when it started. They didn't really decide when it really got serious.
Kris enjoyed watching his sister masturbate and finally Megan noticed her brother, but instead of getting mad with him for spying on her, she just smiled at him and continued playing with herself. Kris just stood there and watched until Megan came. It was a neat and silent orgasm, her body stiffened and she let out a quiet whimper. He was rock hard when he left her door and disappeared in his room. Next time, when their mom was out in the evening, Megan left her room door open and positioned herself on her bed so that Kris could get a really good view between her legs. Soon he showed up and this time started to fondle his penis while he watched his sister and quickly became hard.
They liked watching each other and after that night it became some kind of an unspoken agreement. When Megan was about to masturbate she wanted Kris to watch.
The agreement developed and grew more and more intense. On evenings with Jane out of the house either Megan visited Kris or he showed up in his sisters bedroom where they masturbated themselves to orgasm in front of each other. The next step was masturbation while they were holding hands, then they began to play on each other.
Megan always avoided sliding a finger in her slit when she played with herself and she made sure that Kris would not do so either. She only allowed him playing on the outside and massaging her clitoris. Her pussy seemed to be become extremely sensible shortly behind her inner labia. She had tried to push her fingers in with a lot of salvia, slowly, gently, but it always made her orgasm within 15 seconds. These were intense orgsams indeed, but she thought it kind of spoiled her mutual masturbation fun with her brother when she came so quickly.
Their sessions went on for quite some time and eventually Megan agreed to some kind of training program, having Kris very slowly and carefully slip a finger in her. He used a very slippery lube that he got from the mall, telling the shopkeeper he would need it for some tinkering with his model railroad - which he didn't have, by the way.
Slowly and after a lot of premature orgasms, Megan managed to hold back longer. They found out that she could bear the feelings of his finger in her as long as he didn't move it. Wiggling his finger around and very light pumping in and out were OK, but only very slightly.
Kris found it quite arousing to have his finger in his sisters pussy, balancing her carefully on the edge of her orgasm while Megan played with his boner.
They did this whenever their mom was out of the house. Masturbating themselves was out of the question by then, It just didn't feel OK to leave the other one out. Once, Megan even tiptoed into Kris's room while their mom was asleep, but Kris didn't dare to make out with her with Jane sleeping next door. He knew Megan was not always able to keep quiet when she came, and for nothing in the world did he want to wake their mom by Megan noisily orgasm on his fingers.
Both of them were looking forward to next month, when their mom would be out on a job training for a whole week.
To Be continued
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