Published: 18-Jul-2013
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My name is Jo. It's short for Jolene. To be sure, ours is a strange family. Wasn't always that way, though. I had a normal enough start to childhood--mom, dad, little sister--right up till I was 6. Literally. That was the day of my birthday party. We had a bunch of my school friends over. I was opening up one present and I thought it was so absolutely cool! It was a Barbie doll. I ran into the kitchen where my mom was and showed her.
"Yeah. Nice. A real slut!" she barked at me. "Now get outta my way!"
I'd seen mom and dad fight before but this was different, a new level of anger and animosity. I backed out of the kitchen and barely noticed anything else that was happening at the party. I heard crashing in the kitchen and a loud door slam. I knew things were not good.
Dad served the ice cream and cake. He helped me blow the candles out even though my heart was not in it. He met the parents at the door and said good-bye to all my friends. And after the last person had left he picked me up and hugged me closely.
"Mommy's not coming back," he whispered.
I didn't completely understand what he meant, but my little sister, Sherri, woke up from her nap then. Dad set me down to go upstairs and get her--she was just 3 and a half. I ran into the kitchen and stared. No mom. Broken plates on the floor and the curtain rod over the window was broken.
Dad came in and softly said, "We'll clean this up later."
Sherri was crying and had a real boogery nose, "Ma-ma!"
"She's gone now, honey," Daddy whispered then led us both out to the living room. He sat on the couch and cradled Sherri. I looked at him at a loss for understanding. He beckoned me come sit by him. I climbed up on the couch and leaned into his shoulder.
"Mommy's gone now. I don't know when she'll be back."
I never saw my mother again. Sherri cried; but I resolved at that point to be the opposite of what my mother was. She was a girlie, fancy dresser; I would be a tomboy. She spent a lot of time on hair and makeup; I would avoid that stuff at all costs. She loved shopping and the like; I chose sports and things that Daddy liked. In short, I did everything I could to become a boy since it was a woman brought so much pain into my life.
I even begged daddy to let me get my hair cut short--pixie style, they called it. I disavowed my name of "Jolene" and from that point on wanted to be called "Jo." I never wore a dress after that day and referred to my under garments as underwear--never as panties. I was a jeans and tee-shirt sort of rough-n-tumble, baseball & football loving tomboy.
Shoot, by fifth grade I was so good at any sport that if I wasn't the captain of a team, they would choose me first or second to BE on their team.
One afternoon right after school let out, it was a beautiful late September Fall day. Just a hint of cool in the air, the leaves had tinges of color but the afternoon sun beat down warm enough that we all were sweating. I was quarterback and called a play. The ball snapped to me and I pumped it, weighing my options. Johnny was open, but Danny was further down field. I hauled off and chucked the ball in a beautiful spiral. It soared through the air and Danny snagged it out of the sky then ran across the goal. We were all so stoked! I was absolutely elated! Everyone was congratulating me on that play.
"Great job, Jo." someone said. "Awesome pass, dude!"
Then I heard another voice. "Hey, son!"
I looked up. A man had stopped to watch our informal football game. He called out again, "That was a great pass, son! Keep up the good work!"
I was really stoked after that! That man didn't even know that I was a girl. My shortish hair and great arm allowed me to be one of the boys.
It was several weeks later, early October, if I remember correctly, that we were playing another game. The afternoon sun was lower in the sky, the air was a bit crisper and the leaves were much more colorful. It was the end of a warm spell so we were all still thinking that summer was still with us for another day or two so we thought nothing of playing a game of shirt-and-skins.
Keep in mind up to that time, I had been shirts and I had been skins. No biggie. I thought of myself as a boy and looking at my flat chest certainly would not have given anyone a clue otherwise.
Except we had a new boy in our game. Robert. My team was picked to be skins and suddenly he said, "Hey, wait, she's a girl!"
My shirt was already off and I just stared at him. I think I was imagining that was the rudest thing possible that anyone could have said to me.
"She can't go shirtless," Robert said again. "Can she?"
"She's done it half the games that we've ever played," Matt replied. "Probably since second or third grade."
"Besides, Charlie has bigger tits that she does," Rick laughed.
Everyone else laughed too. Even Charlie who was a little over weight and had flabby boy tits. Charlie swung at Rick good naturedly then said, "Should I cover up too?"
I finally found my voice and said, "I don't matter squat. I don't got girlie boobs. I can be skins. Are you playing?"
Matt stood beside me and reaffirmed what I said. "And if anyone has a problem, take it up with me or just go home."
We played. Our team whooped theirs.
As we gathered up our stuff to head on home, Matt stood nearby. "I'll walk ya' home."
"Okay." I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed my bag. It was just a little odd that he asked to walk home with me, but I didn't think much about it. We both lived a block apart and we had to cross the little gulley to get there.
"Great game," he said at length as we slipped into the cool of the woods by the gulley.
"I loved your fake block!" I answered.
We crossed a log and I was going to keep going but Matt sat down. "Got a moment, Jo?" he asked.
"I guess."
He pointed at the log next to him so I sat there too. That's when things really started seeming a little weird.
"Jo, you know how I stood up for you and all?"
I nodded.
"And you have the right to go shirtless if that's what you really want."
I merely stared at him, trying to anticipate what he was going to say next.
"But, Jo, I'd really like you to think about it differently."
"What do you mean?"
"Jo, you are a girl. And it really is different."
My head spun. I hadn't expected THAT! "You're crazy," I said. "I'm as flat chested as any of you."
"Almost," he replied. "But there's something different about it. A couple of the other guys have noticed and Robert really noticed today. And, well, shoot, I noticed too!"
"But I'm flat."
"Flat but different," he answered looking first into my eyes, then down at the little trickle of water below us.
"Different?" I repeated.
He nodded. "Just enough that I was looking at you throughout most of the game and thinking, gee!"
I swatted him on the back of his head.
"No, seriously, Jo. And I don't want guys talking smack about you. If they do, I'd have to beat them up; but I'm afraid that if you keep going shirtless, more and more guys will be talking and I'll have to spend more and more time beating them up."
He was serious. Dead serious! Everything that I had tried to avoid was sneaking up on me and trapping me.
"What do you mean different?" I finally asked.
"I dunno. It just looks different. Softer, maybe. Prettier, for certain."
"And other guys have been noticing?"
He nodded again.
"I'm sorry that it's been a problem." I turned and started to get up.
He put his hand on my shoulder. I paused.
"It's not a problem, Jo. I just don't want it to be a problem. And," his voice trailed off. I turned back around to look at him. He was smiling awkwardly. "And, Jo," he began again. "If you aren't offended or bothered none by it, I would enjoy looking at your chest again. And any time you'd like to show it."
My head spun. This was odd! Completely unprecedented! "You what?"
He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "I just wouldn't mind seeing your chest again. That's all."
"I thought you said that it needed to be covered up." I really wasn't understanding him. Up till that point I thought it was only girls who were illogical thinkers.
"In public? Playing football? Yes. In private? I would love it."
"What is it about my non-tits that is making all you guys go crazy?"
He just shrugged.
"I don't get you guys," I exclaimed.
"Wanna compare then I can show you?"
I thought about that for a moment and was suddenly curious what the difference was--if any. "Sure," I said and slipped my shirt off over my head.
Matt slowly removed his, barely taking his eyes off of my chest. "See what I mean?" he asked, his voice sounding hoarse and strained.
I looked down at mine then back at Matt's chest. He was muscular for a fifth grader--no fat covering up his ribs or sagging around his belly. His nipples were tight and compact: little grains bumping up otherwise not discernible at all. Mine, well, I was shocked to see that mine *HAD* changed. They were wider then I had remembered; and they stuck out--only a little, but it was HUGE in my mind. I wasn't supposed to have tits! No boobs for me! Boobs are for horrible women who are selfish and mean.
"This changes everything," I whispered. I really didn't know what to think or say. I felt my eyes stinging like tears were threatening to spring up at any moment. I sat downcast with my hands in my lap on my crumpled shirt.
"Maybe it changes things," Matt said then placed his hand on my hands. "But it doesn't mean that it changes things for the bad. You look very nice. So do your, um....."
"But now I have to be a girl and everything," I interrupted. Tears did run down my cheeks.
"Nothing wrong with that," Matt said softly.
"But girls don't play sports and run around in the woods. They hafta go shopping and wear stupid lacy dresses."
"Not necessarily. You can still play football with us as long as you want. You're better than most of the guys out there."
I looked up at him not completely processing what was said.
"Jo, you can have the best of both worlds," he said squeezing my hands. "Beautiful looks and great game!"
"You really think these are pretty?" I finally asked.
"Yes! And you are the prettiest girl in our class too! Hands down!"
Well, that was just awkward! "Thanks. I guess I gotta be going." I slipped my hands out from under his and put my shirt back on.
"Thank you, Jo." He stood up as I did. "Maybe we can do this again?"
"I dunno," I shrugged. "I'll keep my shirt on for game days though."
Matt then made things even more awkward. He leaned forward and kissed me on my cheek. "Bye!"
"Bye," I said and quickly walked home, not even noticing if he was behind me or not.
Dad wasn't home yet and Sherri was still at the sitter who picked her up from grade school. Since I was older, dad gave me more leeway and more responsibility. It was my job to clean any breakfast dishes, put away all the clean dishes, set the table and on some nights start dinner. Dad told me earlier that he was bringing something home--all I had to do was make sure that the canned veggies were on the stove.
This meant that I had a bit more time to myself. I spent much of it in my room, naked from the waist up, just staring at my chest from a hundred different angles. How had I missed that my boobs were beginning to grow? I suppose that either I was in denial, or since it was so far from my mind that I wasn't even thinking to look. But anyway, there they were: bigger than ever and threatening to get huge. I recalled with a shudder that I had played with one of my mom's bras when I was 5. I tried wearing it--even stuffed some of my socks and panties in it to fill it out. The thing was huge. (Of course, "huge" is relative. I much later found out that mom was only an A or an A-plus cup size. I also later found out just how much my Dad liked small breasts.)
I gently felt each tit. They were surprisingly sensitive. Underneath each was a knot or a bump that hurt to press on. I wondered if that is what cancer started out like.
When dad got home he had Kentucky Fried Chicken! That was a big deal for us. Sherri was talking nonstop throughout dinner. Dad finally looked at me and asked, "What's up, Jo?"
"Is it possible for someone my age to get breast cancer?"
"Possible?" He chuckled and wiped his hands on his napkin. "But not very likely. What brings that question?"
"I felt little bumps under my boobs," I said feeling a bit of relief. It was always good to talk it out with dad. He'd know what to do or say. He would fix it.
"You know there's another explanation," he said.
"What's that?"
"Your body's growing. And that mean your boobs will be growing too."
"How do you know which is which?" I asked. "I mean they're kinda sore and hurt to touch."
"We could look at them later, if you want, or maybe set up a doctor's appointment."
I shook my head. "Later's fine."
Sherri looked at me funny and wrinkled up her nose. "You're getting boobs?"
"I suppose."
After dinner I led dad off to my room and took my shirt off. I saw him smile funny and nod his head. "Well, Jo, I think that it's not cancer. You're just growing up."
"Then why's it hurt?"
I pointed at each nipple. "Right under here."
"Let's see," he said and gently felt my nearly flat chest. I jumped as his fingers pressed my nipple. It didn't hurt; it was just full of sensations. He pressed and he made contact with the lump under my breast. "Um-huh. You're just growing."
"Yep. Would it surprise you to know that sometimes boys get those lumps there too? Even though they don't grow boobs?"
"Your body is doing a lot of changing. Chemicals and hormones and new grow and girl's breast tissue is getting ready to develop real tits that can eventually produce milk. That's what that lump is. It's all those immature milk glands starting to stretch and grow and develop."
"But a guy?"
"He has the same plumbing up on his top side as you do. It's just that there are a whole host of different chemicals and hormones prodding his body to grow differently. Sometimes a guy's chest reacts a little to all of that before everything else gets straightened out."
"Charlie has boobs bigger than mine." I giggled. "Almost as big as Mary's."
"Does Mary wear a bra?" he asked.
I nodded. Mary started developing tits in 4th grade and was at least an A or A-plus cup now.
"Some guys are just a little over weight and the extra fat easily adds itself around breast tissue. Sometimes it takes care of itself as soon as his puberty kicks in."
"He's just over weight."
"You don't make fun of him, do you?"
"Not much. He usually laughs about it himself."
"Okay. Just be careful. Don't add to the problem. Sometimes guys are still sensitive even though they're laughing about it."
I was quiet for a few moments. "But I'm okay?"
"Dad, why do some guys like looking at a girl's tits?"
"Because they're pretty."
That was almost exactly what Matt had said, so I looked at my dad a little funny. "Do you think these are pretty?"
"Awkward question, Jo." Dad laughed. "I'm your dad. Of course I think everything about you is pretty. I think both of my daughters are absolute beauties."
I smiled and gave him a hug. "I love you, daddy!"
"I love you too, Jo."
His strong arms encircled me. I loved the feel of his hands on my bare back. That night in bed as I drifted off to sleep, I touched my just-starting-to-grow titties. I remembered my dad's hands touching my back, but instead I saw Matt's face. I was suddenly very excited and felt very strange feelings. Wonderful, powerful and desirable feelings. I had at least two different dreams that night--both involving Matt looking at my naked chest and touching my naked skin.
It wasn't the next day, but soon after that I really began thinking about Matt differently. Some of my alone time was spent looking at my developing tits and imagining what Matt would see and how he might touch them. Perhaps a week after that fateful afternoon when Matt had talked to me about my chest, we were again playing another game of football after school. It was a lot cooler--Halloween and the time change were less than a week away. There was the threat of a cold rain moving in. Matt said it was too cold for shirts and skins--"just remember who's on your team; it's not rocket science." We all laughed.
Afterwards, I hung around and started walking with Matt. When we were all along I quietly said, "I guess that I got to tell you thank you for what you said last week."
He nodded.
"And I think it was a real sweet thing you said about my tits." I stopped and he stopped too. I looked him in the eye and smiled. "And if you want to look at them, then I'd be pleased to let you."
Matt swallowed hard. "Really?" His voice squeaked.
I nodded. "Wanna stop by my house for a few minutes?"
So we practically ran through the woods, over the gulley and up the street to my house. I opened the back door and checked--there was no one else home yet.
"So do you really want to see my little tits and flat chest?" I asked.
I shucked my coat and lifted my tee shirt off over my head in nearly the same motion. Completely inelegant and nonsensual, but highly effective for fifth graders.
Matt stared hard at my tits for minutes before he finally spoke. "Prettier than I had remembered. May I touch?"
I was really hoping that he'd asked that or do something like that. It was a little like the dreams and daydreams that I had been having. I nodded and stepped closer to him.
He slowly raised one hand and touched my left breast with his right forefinger. I felt electricity course through my body. He pulled back at my jumping.
"Are you okay?"
I nodded again and said, "I feels weird. A good weird, but really strange!"
"Oh." And he gently touched my nipple again. He pressed against the lump under it and I jumped.
"I'm sorry, I keep hurting you," he whispered.
"Just be gentle," I replied. "And maybe, can I see you without your shirt too?"
He nodded and reluctantly removed his hand from my chest to slip his tee shirt off. I didn't give him time to touch me again--instead, I hugged him and pressed my barely-there tits against his body. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt his hands on my back--it was better than in my dreams! A weird sort of slow electricity coursed through my body beginning in my tits but working its way down through my belly and crotch. Matt kissed me again on my cheek. I turned my face up toward his and kissed him on his lips.
"I like that, Matt," I whispered. "I like that a lot!"
I pulled away, hardly able to think. I knew that we should stop and that I didn't want dad to come home with Mata and me in a half-naked embrace.
"We'll do it again," I said, holding his hand and squeezing it.
We didn't have a chance to be alone like that for several more weeks, but suddenly at school we were the new hot item. I HAD to be with him at lunch and recess. After school we would walk home or to the empty field to play a game--but we would walk slowly and holding hands.
One night out of the blue, Sherri suddenly announced at dinner, "Jo has a boyfriend."
I shot her the stink eye. Not that it did any good.
"What's this, Jo?" Dad asked, setting his glass down.
"She's been holding hands with him all week," Sherri blurted out again.
"Hush, Sherri," daddy said. "Let her tell her own story."
"Yeah, it's kinda like that," I said, self-consciously. "Matt and me have been hanging out together a lot."
"Yeah, Matt Riggley."
"Oh, yeah. I remember. Nice kid. Played short-stop in little league, right?"
I nodded.
"Nothing wrong with that." Dad eyed me carefully then smiled. "Is that why you wanted to let your hair start growing out now?"
I smiled awkwardly and nodded again.
"Well, keep me posted on it," he said at length. "And I should have another father-daughter talk with you here pretty soon."
"Soon" actually waited till that weekend I think. Dad took Sherri to a party and then he and me did a little shopping, had a milkshake and went home.
"So, I want to make sure that you understand what you're getting into," he said after we put the groceries away.
"'Bout what?"
"Boys," he replied. "Matt seems like a nice guy but you need to know things. Knowledge is power. It will let you make good decisions."
"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely not getting what he was saying.
"Jo, it probably isn't happening yet, but generally when boys and girls start liking each other, there's a strong tendency to want to explore sex. That's kinda normal, but you're a bit young for that plus you need to know what it is so that you are aware of things when they come up."
"What do you mean 'sex'?" I asked. "You mean like making babies and all?"
"That's a big part of it. Do you know about that?"
I wrinkled my brow and said, "Kinda?"
"Okay, here's the short version." Dad looked a little nervous and I think that made me feel a little odd too. "You know that it takes a guy plus a girl to have a baby, right?"
I nodded. "And they have to get naked together."
"Um-huh. And you know that guys and girls have different equipment?"
"Girls get boobs and guys don't."
"That's part of it," he answered. "But down between their legs there's a big difference too."
I nodded. I had seen brief glimpses of Dad coming out of the shower and his wiener flopping long and big amidst a forest of hair and a dark sac. I also had seen a few of my classmates whip their wieners out to take a leak out along the edge of the woods. Theirs were much smaller and completely non-hairy compared with dad's.
"So you know a guy has a penis," he went on. "Some call it a dick or a cock."
"Or a wiener?" I laughed.
"Yeah, well, that's not well taken by most guys." Dad laughed. "Anyway a girl has a slit and it's not just for pee to come out of. There's another hole in there. So if the guy squirts stuff from his penis and stuff then it could make a baby."
"He pees on her?" I asked incredulously.
"No, no. It's sperm. Sperm comes out of his penis."
"How's it do that? What keeps the pee from coming out too?"
"It's because the guy's penis gets stiff. That turns the pee off. He literary cannot pee if his cock is all stiff like that."
"What makes it get stiff?" I asked.
"He gets excited. He sees something beautiful or something touching him."
Bells went off in my head. Matt loved looking at my little tits. Was he getting a stiff penis?
"And what causes it to squirt the sperm stuff?" I asked.
"It's stimulated. It is rubbed and touched and all and that feels really good to a guy and then the excitement increases and the sperm just shoots out." He suddenly looked at his watch. "We gotta get over and pick your sister up. Okay?"
I nodded. I had suddenly learned a lot more, yet (in hind sight) learned practically nothing about what real sex is. Perhaps a dangerous combination. Definitely left me with a healthy curiosity about what Matt was hiding under his pants.
Turns out I had an opportunity the week before Christmas. Matt walking me home and I invited him in again. "Wanna see some more, Matt?" I asked.
"Hot dog, yes!" he smiled and closed the door quickly behind us.
I led him into the den and took my coat off. Matt whistled and slipped out of his coat and began unbuttoning his shirt. I giggled and slipped my shirt off. I really enjoyed Matt's attention. Sure enough Matt's eyes became glued to my tits. Still not much, but a little puffier than before.
"Jo, you are so beautiful," he said, his voice rich with emotion and passion. He touched one tit and, in spite of knowing how it would feel, I jumped and gasped. Matt looked up into my eyes and smiled.
I touched his chest and returned his smiled. "I love feeling your touch, Matt. And I love touching you."
He chuckled and ran his fingers over my breasts. "So wonderful," he murmured.
"I was wondering, though," I went on, "if I might see a little more of what you have."
His fingers stopped and he looked deep into my eyes. "What?"
"I want to see what you have under your pants."
He blushed then said, "You mean like totally naked?"
I nodded.
"And what about you?"
"You want to see under my pants too?"
"Oh, yes," he gushed. "Yes!"
I pulled back and kicked my tennis shoes off. "Okay." I unbuttoned and slipped my pants down then kicked them off standing before Matt only in my light blue little girl underwear. It was the one thing that I had little control over. I argued to Dad that pink was out of the question and why couldn't I use boy's underwear, but he drew the line there. "No, you have to wear girl's underwear. But they have other colors besides pink. Will blue or white be okay?" I acquiesced.
Matt just stared.
"Matt?" I said, smiling at him. "Your turn."
"Oh, yes." He kicked his shoes off then slipped out of his pants. And there he stood before me wearing only his white, boy's underwear. And yes, there was a stiff bulge in his shorts.
"Should we take our underwear off together?" I asked.
He nodded, barely taking his eyes off of me. I glanced down and noticed that my underwear had pulled tight around my pussy, showing the outline of my slit. I suddenly felt a little embarrassed but swallowed and dropped my underwear in one motion.
Matt jumped and slipped his down a few moments later, his penis catching on the waistband then springing free and slapping upward against his belly. I giggled, having never seen anything like that before. Matt just stared.
"Can I touch it?" I asked.
He nodded, never taking his eyes off my slit.
I gently touched the head of his penis. It jumped. It was about three or four inches in length, totally smooth and taut and almost rock hard. I was amazed that something could be so soft and hard at the same time. I grasped it entirely in one hand and squeezed. He groaned and finally looked at something other than my pussy.
"Oh, Jo, that feels so good!" He closed his eyes and leaned back against the sofa. "Oh, don't stop!"
I kept holding that stiff, hot rod, squeezing and stroking it a little. Suddenly his body stiffened and he gasped as his knees buckled. A small splurt of milky, semi-clear liquid plopped out of the top of his penis and ran down on my hand. I let go of his still turgid dick and wiped my hand on my underwear which was handily on the floor next to us.
"Jo, I don't know what happened. I almost passed out!"
I looked at him very concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. It felt so good. It was like, wow!"
I was intrigued now. What in the world could be so good about that feeling? But I just looked at him. He was, what I'd call now, a little dizty from his first post-orgasmic high, just smiling and not really moving. I knelt down beside him and kissed his cheek.
He kissed me back and said, "Can I touch you too?"
I nodded and sat back on the couch with my legs wide apart. I looked down at my bare slit. The ridges along either side were puffier than I had seen them before, wrinkled and widely pulled apart. In the crack was another ridge of flesh. I had never really noticed it before, but now it was very obvious--it looked so odd as though something was wrong with my pussy. There was not a strand of hair to be seen anywhere in my crotch except for a light dusting of downy blonde fuzz across my pussy mound. From my angle of looking down on the scene, my pussy mound looked weird and extra mounded up as though it too were swollen or disfigured. (I guess that I was suffering a bit of insecurity.)
Matt finally spoke. "Oh, wow! Oh WOW!"
"What?" I looked up expecting something going wrong.
"It's just so, so, beautiful!"
I blushed and closed my legs together.
"Come on, Jo! Don't hide it from me."
I smiled shyly and opened my legs slowly. He moved in between them so that I had no chance of closing them again. He touched my pussy lips with both of his hands and gently pulled them apart even wider than they were. "Oh, sheesh, I can see right up inside your pussy!" he said, almost squeaking. I wiggled my hips back at him and he laughed. He ran his fingers over the puffy ridges of my pussy lips from my pussy mound down almost to my anus. I sighed.
"Does that feel good?" he asked then started massaging my whole pussy with the palm of his hand.
He could have kept that up all day as far as I was concerned--except I heard the clock on the mantle chime 4 o'clock.
I struggled to get up. "Gotta stop. Dad's coming home soon!"
Matt gave me a sad, dejected looked and one more full hand rub of my pussy. "I really don't want to stop," he said.
"I don't want you to either, but we gotta."
We dressed and Matt was out of the house probably ten minutes before Dad came home with Sherri. But as Matt left, I caught a strange smell on his hand. I didn't say anything but I suddenly became embarrassed as I realized it was *ME* that I smelled on his hands. I hoped that he would wash his hands before he interacted with his family. I also hoped that he wasn't disgusted by my smell. I had placed my hands over my mouth as I realized all that--kind of in a silent gasp of shock. But at that moment I smelled a different smell. It wasn't me. It had to be Matt and my touching his penis and his splurting on me. I was suddenly immersed in *Matt*! His smell brought him right back to me and I re-lived my touching of him and his touching of me. I suddenly didn't want to wash my hands ever again!
But I took the garbage out and cleaned the kitchen and the den so that there would be no more funky smell around. I hoped that I didn't overdo it. Dinner was started and Sherri came bounding in through the door ahead of Dad. Dad gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and dropped his stuff off in the den. That night I was extra quiet and extra helpful. I made sure to clean up and spent extra time scrubbing dishes and the sink.
Later that evening Dad put Sherri down and came up behind me. "Jo, you've done a wonderful job of cleaning up tonight! Dinner was very good too!"
I turned around. "Of course it was. It was hamburgers and rice."
He kissed me on the forehead. "But you've been quieter than normal tonight. Something up?"
I nodded.
"Want to talk?"
I nodded again.
He led me into the den and I felt awkward realizing that it was right there by that couch that Matt's sperm had sprayed all over my hand and right there on that couch, Matt had fingered my pussy and left me feeling in need of more of his touch.
"What's up?"
"I really love Matt," I said at length.
"Why so?"
"He's a good listener. He's stuck up for me a couple of times too."
"How has he stuck up for you," Daddy asked. "I'd like to know how Prince Charming has defended my daughter!"
So I told him about playing shirts and skins and how Robert was put off by me being shirtless and Matt said, just cool it; it's okay. I also told how Matt really wanted me to not ever play skins again.
"Did he say why?"
I nodded. "Because he noticed that my tits were different and he knew that if other boys started talking about my tits, he would have to beat them up and he knew that he would be spending more time fighting than not if I kept going shirtless."
Daddy was quiet and thoughtful for several minutes. "You have a wonderfully considerate young man there, Jo. Not many boys would ever think that carefully to defend your honor and protect you from rogues like that. Shoot, the only thing I'm a little miffed at is that I didn't realize that you were still doing that skins thing when you played."
"Sorry, Daddy. It never bothered anyone and I never looked any different. In fact there was some guy a couple weeks before who saw me throw a long pass and thought I was a boy. He even commented 'Great job, son!' Just like that!"
"Well, probably no harm done." He pulled me closer to him and gave me a bear hug. I loved being enveloped in his brawny arms. But this time, I was suddenly aware that he smelled--not bad, just that he had a distinct odor of "Daddy-ness" and I realized that I really liked it.
"Daddy, you always make me feel better!" I snuggled into his embrace.
"That's what daddies are supposed to do." He kissed my forehead then asked, "So does this Matt like you too?"
"Oh yes!" I suppose that was a rather excited reply.
"So how do you know?" Daddy laughed.
"He's kissed me and he's told me that I'm pretty and that he really likes hanging around me."
"Gracious! And just a month ago you wanted short hair and boy clothes? And now you're boy crazy?"
"Not boy crazy, Daddy!" I protested. "I just like Matt. Most other boys are just boys."
"Hey, don't be upset, Jo. It's just a sudden change. Not bad--just different."
"Is it okay?"
"Maybe." He made a serious face. "Perhaps." He scratched his chin as if he were thinking. "If all you do is kiss, and if he continues to be a real gentleman looking out for your good, then I'm okay with it. Just keep me updated. Let me know what's going on. Okay?"
"I love you, Daddy!"
"I love you too, Jo."
It was several weeks later, right after Christmas, I was taken a bath. It was a steamy hot bath and I was remembering how Matt had touched me. My hands were exploring my tits and my pussy. The stimulation of my pussy was incredible. I kept touching and kept remembering his touch and I kept wanting more and more. Ours was an old fashion tub with the faucet sticking up above the rim. The tub itself was bounded only on two sides by walls and the narrow side with the faucet was right next to the door--in fact the door would form a third wall enclosing the tub if the door were open. But it was closed and I suddenly got the idea that I could hang my legs over the side of the tub and have the faucet run warm water directly on my pussy. Oh my goodness! I almost lost consciousness! I had to cover my pussy with my hands and slowly let the water play over my sensitive slit. Slowly I worked up to having the water drum directly on my wide open gash.
And that's when Sherri walked into the bathroom and stared at me. I must admit that it must have been quite a sight. My head was barely above the water line, my eyes half closed, my legs spread out on either side of the spigot and water gurgling over my wide open pussy with my fingers lightly playing in and out of that steamy gash.
"Oh my GOSH!" Sherri's voice brought me back to reality.
I struggled to sit up and get my legs back into the tub, "What are you doing, Jo?" she asked in a way too big of voice.
"Quiet," I tried to hush her.
"Uh-uh!" she said and ran down the hall. "Daddy! Jo's diddling in her pee-pee!"
Boy was I embarrassed. And worried. Now what?!
Not even a half minute later I heard Dad coming up the stairs and rushing down the hallway. "What's wrong?" He burst into the bathroom and looked around. I sat there demurely in the tub as ladylike as I could. "Are you okay, Jo?"
I nodded and before I could speak, my little sister announced her great find again. "She was diddling her pee-pee in the tub."
"Let Jo speak for herself, Sherri," Dad said sternly.
"I was just letting the water wash out my pussy," I explained.
Sherri giggled and hid her laugh behind her hands. "Pussy!" she repeated.
"And that's all?" Dad asked.
"Pretty much. Sherri came in and saw me with my legs hanging over the edge of the tub."
"Nah-uh! Show him!" Sherri suddenly said.
I shot her a glance then thought, "Well, why not!" I slid down and hooked my legs over the edge and had my pussy right under the spout.
"Oh, I see what you mean." Daddy said, then turned to Sherri. "Is there something wrong with that?"
Sherri was taken aback. "But she was diddling her pee-pee, err, her pussy!"
"So?" Daddy said. He picked Sherri up and sat down on the toilet with the lid down, placing Sherri on his lap facing him. "Look. Was Jo doing anything that was hurting you?"
Sherri shook her head no.
"Was she damaging something?"
Again a head shake.
"Or harming herself?"
Sherri shrugged her shoulders.
"No she wasn't. You came in on a private moment and you had the opportunity to be sweet about it but you chose to blab it as if she would get in trouble."
Sherri's face was close to tears now. The turn of the tables really surprised her. It surprised me too. "I'm sorry," she whispered.
Daddy kissed her cheek then softly said, "And what about Jo?"
"I'm sorry, Jo."
I had scooted back to sit up straight by that time. I reached over and patted her leg. She giggled at the wet hand print left on her pants.
"So diddling's okay?" I asked.
Daddy nodded his head. "Sure. Most folks do it at some point."
"You too?" Sherri asked.
"Most folks do it, but it's a private thing. You don't go asking about it and you don't go blabbing it around if you happen to find out."
Sherri looked back and forth between me and Dad. "Why do people diddle in their privates?"
"Cause it feels good," Daddy laughed. "You're certainly full of questions tonight, aren't you?" He tickled her ribs and she giggled and curled up in a ball with her legs kicking. "Any other questions that I can answer, Miss Tickle-me-Sherri?"
"I'm not Tickle-me-Sherri!" she protested with loud giggles.
"Oh, then who are you?"
"I'm Diddle-me-Sherri!"
Dad's face froze. I was caught between laughing and wondering what Dad was going to do. Sherri saw the change of expressions and knew she crossed a line.
"That's not good, Sherri," Daddy finally said. "Remember what I said about it being private? You don't go talking about it to other people. Perhaps you can talk with your sister if you both wanted to. Or you could talk to me if you had questions, but don't go around using those words and saying things like that. Okay?"
Sherri nodded.
"Why does it have to be private?" she asked.
"Cause that's what people expect. And since it's so closely related with sex, it has a lot of taboos built into it."
"What's a taboo?" I asked.
"Things that society holds as bad to do or say. Talking about sex is one; so also is little kids talking about sex or doing anything that is related to sex."
"What's sex?" Sherri asked.
"More questions?" Daddy asked. "Can I answer this with a tickle?"
"No!" she squealed.
"Okay, then I won't. Well, sex is a word that means a lot of different things. It refers to whether you're a boy or a girl, man or woman. It also means how babies are made."
"I know that," Sherri said proudly. "Babies come out of a girl's pee-pee, err, I mean, pussy."
I smiled.
"That's part of it. It takes a woman; but it also take a man. A man has a penis and a woman has a..."
"Pussy," Sherri excitedly filled in.
"Yes. And those parts of their bodies are can the sex organs because that's what makes them different sexes--you know, a man or a woman. And those are the parts of the body that are used to have sex and make a baby."
"So a woman just goes to pee and suddenly a baby comes out?"
I laughed. Couldn't help myself. That was funny! Sherri shot me a withering glance.
"No, not quite, hon," Daddy patiently explained. There's a lot more involved. In fact it takes nine months for the baby to grow and develop before it's ready to come out. By that time the mommy's tummy is pretty big."
"The baby grows in her tummy?"
"No, not her stomach, but in a special organ called a womb. It's right next to the tummy so when it grows big with the baby, the mommy's tummy looks to be big too." Daddy playfully tickled her again. She squealed. He then added, "I think it's time for you to get ready for your bath now, Miss Tickle-me-Sherri. Your sister's almost done. Right, Jo?"
"Yeah, I suppose so."
Sherri ran off to her room and Daddy handed me a towel as I stood up.
"You're not mad at me?" I asked.
"No. Should I be?"
I thought about it for a few moments then shook my head. I started drying my back and arms then caught sight of Daddy's pants. There was a definite bulge in his crotch. I didn't see it earlier cause Sherri was sitting right on it. But there it was. The thought hit me like a boulder! Daddy was getting a rigid penis by looking at *me*!
I kept drying myself suddenly wanting to show myself off to Daddy. "Thank you for helping talk to Sherri."
He nodded. I felt his eyes on me. "She's young and doesn't know a lot, Jo. But she does look up to you. I appreciate that you did a good job of not laughing at her too much tonight."
I looked right at him and laughed again. "But peeing out a baby?"
"Yes," Daddy laughed, "that was a bit of a surprise, wasn't it."
He turned to leave. I called out and asked, "Can we watch TV tonight?"
He looked back and smiled. "Yes, my dear."
I loved it when he called me that! "And maybe have some popcorn?"
I don't remember what we watched. I just remember sitting next to Daddy, eating popcorn and being disappointed that the bulge in his pants had gone down. Sherri was asleep before the hour was up. Daddy carried off to her room. While he was out I went to pee then decided to leave my underwear off entirely--I left it in the laundry basket in the laundry room. Now that meant I wore a long tee shirt which covered my butt and my fuzzy robe and my slippers. Looking back, I would guess that I was feeling rather randy, but at the time I just had a hankering to experiment with things. Sex, I believe is what Daddy called that stuff.
Daddy returned and winked at me. "Don't you have to be getting to bed?"
He sat down next to me on the couch. I curled up against his arm and said, "No. Not yet, Daddy!"
He chuckled and kissed my head. We watched a little more TV then Daddy asked me, "So what was your favorite Christmas gift?"
"The baseball mitt!"
"Doesn't surprise me."
"And the pack of note paper from Grandma," I added.
I nodded. I had to admit it was a little different for me, but somehow the flowery purple print on the stack of note paper looked nice. Perhaps grownup. Yes, perhaps a bit "girlie" but it was "girlie" on *MY* terms. "Yeah, I think it's nice. I like the purple flowers."
Daddy gave me a hug then said, "Well I guess you're doing a lot of changing, Jo. I wouldn't have guessed that."
"Maybe I'm just getting older or something," I reasoned.
"Maybe so, but not too old to give your dad a hug?"
"And a kiss!" And in a flash I was in his lap, my robe flopping open. I had straddled his legs with my knees on either side of his hips which meant that my tee shirt was riding up on my hips. And a big hug and kiss he got! I planted a big kiss on his cheek then buried my face in the nape of his neck. Again I smelled his "daddy-ness" and basked in the pleasant secureness it evoked. His jeans were stiff underneath me and chaffed against my pussy lips. I suppose that is another advantage to wearing underwear. I wiggled a little and realized that I didn't like how pokey his pants were, so I shifted. That's when I noticed something wiggling back at me. Oh! Daddy's penis was twitching underneath me! And it felt quite large!
I rubbed my crotch around on his again and Daddy grunted. "Excuse me, Jo, my pants are all bunched up and pinching me." Then he lifted me up a little with one hand and then he reached down into his pants with his other hand--I felt it down there!-- and suddenly things were different! When he pulled his hand out and let me sit back down, I felt a log under my pussy. Before there was a twitching something, now there was a thick log. It felt warm--very warm and it jumped and twitched under my gyrations. I settled back down and rested my head on his shoulder and just enjoyed the feel of his pulsating penis underneath me.
I was there perhaps a good five minutes, not moving much, but feeling a lot of pressure on my pussy from the log in Daddy's pants. Every once in a while I felt Daddy's penis jump or twitch. I tried not to move in response so that he wouldn't suspect that I felt it. But that was so hard! I really wanted to grind my hips down onto him--it was almost a primal instinct.
Suddenly Daddy picked me off his lap and said, "I gotta go pee."
He unceremoniously plopped me on the couch next to him and he was up and gone. I did see a huge bulge in his pants as well as a dark spot like he was starting to pee. (It never occurred to me till much later that the dark spot could have been his pre-cum or my pussy juices. No way to know now!)
A few minutes later he came back and clicked the TV off. "Bed time for reals, Jo."
"Carry me?"
He looked at me surprised then picked me up and carried me up to my bed. I held my arms around his neck. If I remember correctly, one hand was under my robe so he was holding me and my butt cheeks were practically on his forearm, my pussy not even an inch away. I was very aware of my pussy--all that stimulation made it feel puffy and sensitive.
Daddy dropped me on my bed and said in a pretend gruff voice, "There's your bed!"
I giggled and looked up at him. His face was frozen in a bit of shock as he looked down at me. When I hit the bed, I bounced and my legs went akimbo. He was staring right at my uncovered pussy. And what MUST have been going through his mind was how it was my naked pussy that was grinding down on his turgid penis just a few minutes before.
He suddenly snapped out of that trance and pulled my tee shirt down. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and whispered, "There's a chance of snow tonight and tomorrow!"
That took my mind off of my slit. I took my robe off and snuggled under my covers. "Good night, Daddy! I love you!"
He turned back around and said softly, "I know, Jo, and I love you very much too!"
Looking back on it, I think that Daddy was embarrassed by what happened that night. It was a long while before he invited me to sit on his lap again and he was more cautious about knocking before entering my room or into the bathroom either. That's the thing about our old house. It had one full bathroom upstairs and a toilet and shower off of the laundry room in the down stairs. That meant that Daddy had to share with us girls. And I don't think that it ever crossed his mind that it was a problem until that night. I can only assume that when he "went to pee" he actually had to relieve another load.
Matt and I didn't have as many opportunities to be alone either. I think that Daddy started watching out and was exerting his daddy-protection--which I guess is a good thing, though at the time, it was frustrating!
I was not until late April that we had a chance to be alone for a bit of time. It was a warm afternoon, the trees were in full leaf and many flowers were blooming. Matt led me into the woods and down to a section of the creek where I had hardly ever gone before. There was a little cliff and a small rivulet fell off a boulder maybe twelve feet high. Behind the miniature waterfall was a small cave. Matt motioned to me and we stepped in. Inside was darker and the noise from the splatting water echoed all around us.
"I have been thinking of you since Christmas," he began. "And I've been going crazy since we haven't had any time alone since then."
I laughed. "Did you miss these?" I asked as I pulled my shirt up.
"Oh, Jo, they're bigger," he said, "and prettier!"
I blushed then pulled my shirt the rest of the way off. My tits *had* grown. Still not much--I still didn't need a bra or anything. The nipples and areola were more puffed up than before, and now there was a small rise of flesh underneath it. Yes there was an actual start to a boob there!
"Show me the rest."
"It's about the same as before."
"But I haven't seen it in so long!"
I unbuckled my pants and slowly slid them down, hooking my underwear with my thumbs at the same time.
"Oh, Jo. It's prettier than I remembered!"
"You're just saying that," I said then kissed his cheek.
"Not just saying it, I'm knowing it!" And then Matt touched my pussy and I almost melted. My pants and underwear were at my ankles and his hand was all over my pussy. My knees almost buckled. I glanced down and saw his hand engulfing my still bare pussy lips. The sensation was overwhelming. I stepped back and leaned back against the rock wall. On one hand I didn't want it to stop, but I also knew we had very limited time and I wanted to see him naked too.
"Show me yours, Matt."
He smiled awkwardly then shucked his shirt and unbuckled his pants. "I missed you and so did this guy!"
His penis sprang out at attention--it was longer than what I had remembered. I had to touch it. He grunted as I grabbed it--it was so hot to the touch and it flinched as I wrapped my fingers around it. The tip of his penis was red and engorged. A drop of clear moisture formed at the opening. His balls were drawn up tight against his body making his sack really wrinkly. He had a little patch of dark fuzz growing above his dick.
"Pump it up and down, Jo!" he whispered, his voice charged with passion.
Awkwardly I stroked it up and down, back and forth. His hips tightened and he started grunting.
"Jo, Jo, Jo, Oh!" he almost screamed. Then his penis spasmed and spurted gobs of milky white stuff. Some landed on my hand, some landed on the ground in front of us. Matt reached one hand out to steady himself on the nearby rock. He placed his other hand on my head. "Oh, that was incredible, Jo! Incredible!"
"We've gotta find some more time like this," I said, reaching to pulling my pants back up. "Hopefully sooner than later!"
He nodded and started pulling his pants back on too. "I love being around you, Jo."
I picked my shirt up then kissed him on his lips. It was a bit awkward, but I felt tingling like electricity stirring through me. "I love being around you too, Matt."
Before I pulled my shirt on, I remembered his spunk on my hand. I sniffed it and closed my eyes. It was a deeper, fuller smell than I had remembered from the first time that I had touched him and smelled the fragrance of his nether region on my hands. Looking back, I guess that makes perfect sense since he had matured some and actually had a full-blown manly orgasm then.
I opened my eyes and saw him still looking at me intently. I smiled and said, "I like how you smell. I'm going to try to remember it tonight while I'm going to sleep."
He sniffed his fingers and smiled. "I hadn't noticed that before. So that's *you* that I'm smelling."
"That's me and my happy pussy. You made it happy."
"And you made my pecker pretty happy too." He embraced me and gave me a long, passionate kiss on my lips. My chest smashed tightly up against his. I felt his still rigid rod in his pants straining to get out and join the party again.
"We gotta go," I said, reluctantly pulling away. I washed my hand off in the little waterfall then slipped my shirt back on. Matt put his shirt back on too and we continued our walk through the woods.
But we didn't get much opportunity after that. It was almost like his folks and my dad *knew* that we were really itching to explore each other's bodies so they did everything they could to keep us from having alone time. Oh, we had lots of time together: playing sports, swimming in the summer, hanging out together with family or friends. Sherri had finished third grade so Daddy thought that both of us were old enough to spend time together without baby sitters or daycare during the summer. It also meant that I was *NEVER* alone--she had to tag along with me everywhere that I went.
But Daddy did arrange for some good things for his daughters too. We had a couple of day camps that were sports related--lots of swimming and playing baseball and the like. Sherri actually was becoming a good player too and she took to water like she was a fish.
But the best things were when Daddy took us camping. A couple of times we just went to a local historical site like Valley Forge or Gettysburg and then spent the night in a tent at a nearby camp ground. Once he took us on three day camping trip to Ricketts Glen State Park where we hiked and swam and camped in a tent!
The waterfalls were incredibly beautiful! During the time that we were there, we got to climb up the Grand View fire tower as well as swim in Lake Jean. I wore my simple one piece suit. Sherri had a two piece suit. I noticed that she had grown since the previous year so the suit fit her more snugly than before. Her little pussy lips were outlined very well. I saw Daddy's eyes stare right at Sherri's crotch. I turned and looked down at mine and realized that I was filling out the fabric more than before too. My tits were still not tits, but the nipples were poking right out. My pussy was also very pronounced.
I suddenly had a really randy idea. I swam a little ways away so I was out in deeper water. While I was standing there, I slipped one hand into the leg of my suit and parted my pussy lips. Then while they were still wide open, I pressed down on the front of the suit to press the fabric into the cleft. Then I took my hand out of my suit and felt along the front. There was a definite furrow there. I moved the elastic band of each leg opening so that it was closer in to my pussy thus showing more flesh. The cloth in my slit felt weird, but kind of exciting too.
A little later Daddy called us out to eat some food. Sandwiches and potato chips with soda pop really tasted good! After lunch Daddy said we should reapply the sunscreen. As I rubbed the lotion on, that's when Daddy caught sight of my pussy area. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his face freeze then he turned away. But only for a moment. He moved so that it might look more natural for him to stare into my crotch. I felt a little uninhibited for some reason and played it up for Daddy. Not that I went over the top or anything, just made sure that my legs stayed wide open and that the fabric of the suit stayed deep inside my slit. I even rubbed some of the lotion along the margin of the leg holes and pulled it to one side so that the edge of my pussy lip was just visible. Rubbed it in there, then repeated on the other side.
"Daddy, can you put it on my back, please?" I asked.
That broke his trance and he said, "Sure," and began rubbing it into my shoulders and back. He made sure to rub underneath my straps and then the backs of my legs, right up to my butt. In fact his fingers *DID* slide under my suit. I felt them on my ass cheek and just briefly touching the edge of my butt crack. I was practically tingling by the time he finished and I was back in the water. I also noticed that his swim trunks were tented out considerably.
We swam around for a bit longer then Sherri asked Daddy to toss her. So Daddy swam with her out a little deeper, picking her up and launched her a good ten feet into the lake. She came up laughing and sputtering and immediately wanted to do it again. It did look like fun. So I swam over to them and asked for my turn.
"I don't know, Jo. Might not be able to launch you as far," Daddy said. "You are a bit taller."
Daddy was always careful to never say anything disparaging about our weight or looks or height. I was a little under average height for an 11 year old girl. Still very thin with next to no feminine development other than little nubs on my chest.
I grabbed his hands and jumped up and down in the water saying, "Please!" maybe a hundred times.
He laughed and said, "Let's try it."
I jumped at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I felt his swim trunk between my thighs. He put his hands under my armpits and picked me up. His palms were right next to my nipples although I doubted he could feel them. He got me turned around so that one hand was under my butt, one hand was holding my shoulder and my feet were pressing against his ribs.
"Three, two, one!" And I was launched and landed in an ungangly splat.
That was fun, even if I didn't travel as far as Sheri did. Dad tossed Sherri than I climbed on to him once again. This time I felt his penis pressing back against my crotch as I climbed up. I felt his hand cradling my butt--the heal of his palm was pressing against my pussy and one of his fingers pressed into my butt crack. Thinking back, it was no wonder why his dick was a little excited.
Again another splash landing and again I waited for Sherri to be launched. I quickly jumped onto Daddy and wrapped my legs around him and was rewarded with a very large bulge pushing back at me. As I shinnied up, I wiggled my pussy against his turgid member. I distinctly remember feeling it twitch back at me.
As he held me just before launching me, Daddy said, "This will be the last time. My arms are getting tired."
I leaned forward and felt more pressure from his palm against my pussy. He shifted and I felt his finger press further into my butt crack. Hopefully there would be no skid marks there! But I definitely felt pressure right up against my anus itself.
As I landed I twisted sideways and I felt the water pull against my suit. I stood up and gave my suit a little twist back then decided to swim out to the buoy before heading in. But something felt odd. I stopped and felt my suit around the leg opening. One side was loose and floppy. I guess that the elastic had totally worn out. I also felt that the other side had bunched up and was almost *IN* my pussy slit.
I decided to help it and slid the elastic of that leg opening into my slit. Oooh, that felt weird! As I walked up the shore I didn't see anyone looking at me and staring at my half exposed pussy. I guess that most folks didn't really care about a skinny, bean- pole 11 year old girl. Or maybe it really wasn't that obvious. I grabbed my towel and started drying my hair and my face. My hair had actually started becoming long. It was down to my shoulders--probably the first time since my mother left us. Matt said that he liked the longer hair. Daddy too commented on it a couple of time.
A few minutes later Sherri came running up and Daddy was right behind her. He sat down on the bench and grabbed another soda, cracked it open and took a big swallow. "Anyone want something to drink?" he asked.
"Yes!" both Sherri and I said together.
Daddy laughed and got two more sodas out. One to Sherri then one to me and then he stopped and stared. I took the can from his hand then followed his gaze. Right straight down to my crotch. Barely two or three feet away from his face.
"Um, Jo, I think you have a problem," he finally said.
Self-consciously I ran a finger under the elastic to pull it out of my pussy. I stretched it back over my groin the way it was supposed to be. "I think the elastic broke, Daddy," I finally said.
He reached out and ran his fingers along the flaccid band of my leg opening. I felt his fingers brush up against my pussy lip. (Dang! Why was there so much electricity flowing everywhere right then?!)
"Well, it looks like you both need new suits," he said after a few moments. "Probably should have thought of that before the summer started, huh?" He looked up into my face and smiled. I loved seeing his big smile- -a smiled that seemed to make all problems melt away. "And it's a good thing we're through swimming today too. This suit rather leaves nothing to the imagination. Almost like skinny dipping."
"Did you ever skinny dip?" Sherri asked.
"Could we?" I asked
"A long time ago I did," he answered. "Back when I was growing up and there were very few other people around. So the answer is, no we can't here. But, Jo, why don't you either tie that towel around your waist or put your shorts on over your suit.
I used the towel.
When we got back to our camp site, Sherri and I changed while Daddy made sure that there was enough wood for a camp fire later. I was a little disappointed that he didn't want to change with us, but I suppose that's the best way.
We played a game of cards before it was time for making supper. Daddy actually brought a steak and we were cooking it over the fire "just like cave men did thousands of years ago!" he said to shrieks of laughter. After dinner we cleaned up then made sure the tent was ready for our use. Sherri and I planned on staying up all night--at least a good portion of it. Daddy merely said, "We'll see."
Along about 9:30 or 10 o'clock, it was still warm and humid but sleep was starting to take over in spite of our best intentions. Daddy made sure the fire was safe and put all our food away while Sherri and I got ready for sleep. All that meant was strip off all my clothes including my underwear--still didn't need a bra or even wear one yet, then put on an oversized night shirt which was one of Daddy's old tee shirts. Sherri did something similar but left her "panties" on. Yes, she always called them that. We had individual sleeping bags on top of air mattresses but it was too warm to be underneath yet. Shoot, the thought crossed my mind about sleeping in the buff on top of my sleeping bag, but I decided against it. Maybe "chickened out" is a better description.
Daddy came in with his flashlight and we were just lying on top of our bags. "There's a hint of a cool breeze out there. It'll cool off eventually."
He slipped his shirt off. I just watched. I loved looking at his muscular features--a bit of hair on his sculptured chest. I also noticed his nipples and thought that mine were not that much bigger, although mine had more of a bump behind them. He was only 21 when I was born which put him at the still young age of 33 at that point.
"Whachya lookin at, Squirt?" he asked and threw his shirt at my face.
"You!" I laughed, throwing his shirt right back.
He clicked the light off. "Now you can't."
Sherri and I laughed. I heard a rustling and a half minute later Sherri had found her flashlight and clicked it on. Daddy stood there in the middle of the tent completely nude. I saw his penis, flaccid and curved, hanging down over his large ball sack. He had a lot of hair down there; but he turned away from us and said curtly, "Sherri, please turn that off now."
"Sorry, Daddy."
The light went off quickly and Daddy finished getting ready in the dark, He lay down beside us, Sherri on his left side and me on his right. "Sherri?" he asked.
"Umm?" Her voice said that she was scared that she had done something wrong.
"You know why I turned the flashlight off now, don't you?"
"But you didn't know that earlier, did you?"
"It was my mistake for not telling you. You didn't do anything wrong. Okay?"
"Okay?" Her voice sounded relieved. He gave her a big hug and pulled her over on top of him. I leaned against him and immediately noticed he wore no shirt. It was warm, but I thrilled at the opportunity to touch my nearly naked Daddy.
"And lookee here," he said, putting his arm around me. "Here is your big sister." He kissed me on my forehead. I threw my leg over his and discovered that he was only wearing his underwear. My leg pressed up against Sherri's legs and his groin. "Hey, it's getting rather hot in here, okay?" He pushed Sherri back on her side and rolled over slipping my leg off of his. "Good night, girls."
"Night, Daddy!"
I did go to sleep relatively quickly. I suppose the day's activities helped. I woke up once in the dark of the night and realized that I had snuggled into Daddy. It had cooled off and I was getting cold. Daddy felt so warm. I found my sleeping bag and pulled it up over me. I was quickly back to sleep.
Early in the morning while it was still vaguely gray but with just a hint of light, I awoke and found that I had rolled over but Daddy had rolled into me and we were nestled together like two spoons in a drawer. I then noticed with a start that his penis also nestled in against me and it was very large and hard. I lay very still and concentrated on feeling his penis. It was wedged up hard against my butt. I was conscious of my anus being stimulated by something pressing against it. I suddenly remembered that I had no underwear on. And the *something* that was touching my anus was warm, fleshy and very firm. Daddy's arm was around me, over my shoulder. I heard his breathing soft and shallow.
I felt his breath lightly on the back of my neck. I was so aware of *DADDY*! He was touching me in the most intimate of ways and I was overjoyed even if he was asleep and not conscious of doing it. I would lay there still absorbing his love, doing nothing to disturb him. If he wanted to place his penis against my ass, so be it! I remember feeling "gooshy" feelings in the depths of my stomach down to my pussy. I had no idea what all it meant, except I was thrilled that Daddy was touching me.
That probably lasted ten or fifteen minutes--maybe a bit longer. I did drift off to sleep then as I was enjoying how delicious the sensation of my butt being touched was, Daddy roused himself and grunted. He was still rock hard, pressed up against my anal rose bud.
I remember his sudden realization of where he was. He stiffened then rolled away from me. I felt a void and great hollowness. Less than a minute later he sat up and reached for his tee shirt. As he slipped the shirt on, I rolled over, pretending that I was still asleep. I watched him from under mostly closed eyes. And saw that his penis was very rigid and sticking up out of his underwear. The head was red and swollen. A gooshy feeling swept over me centering in my belly and pussy. He tugged his underwear up and then pulled his shorts on before he zipped the tent open and departed. I remember feeling so very disappointed as he left. I wanted him. I wanted to touch him. I wanted him to touch me.
He dressed quickly and left the tent. He didn't come back in till after both me and Sherri were up, dressed and out helping with breakfast.
All through sixth grade I caught little glimpses of Daddy's manhood bulging up in his pants. Matt and I were able to spend occasional moments together where we could touch each other's intimate parts. But that's it. Rather boring, you might say--especially after such a good start. Well for me, living through it, it was frustrating to say the least.
It wasn't until the next May after we both were 12 that we had a genuinely delicious time of aloneness. His parents were gone all day--although I didn't know that quite yet--and Daddy had to take Sherri to her dentist appointment. (Normally I would have gone too, but the dentist called and had an emergency so he didn't have time for both of us.) Oh well. I told Daddy that I would stay at home and make sure that dinner was started if they weren't home by then.
I decided that I would try the life of a nudist. Well, why not? I was home alone and no one would interrupt me.
Except the doorbell rang.
That really startled me. I ran to the front door and peered out. It was Matt! I rushed to the closet a put a coat on. I opened the door a little and stood back in the shadows.
"Hi, Matt."
"Hey, Jo. Just wondering whatchya doing. My folks are gone all day and," he stopped and looked closer at me. "What's with the coat?"
I blushed then motioned him inside. I practically pulled him in and closed the door. As I leaned against the door I giggled. "The coat, my dear Matt, is because *you* rang the doorbell. I was pretending to be a nudist and suddenly I had to interact with the real world again."
"A nudist?" He laughed. "And that means...?"
I nodded. "Want to join me?"
"Yes!" And he was suddenly dropping pieces of clothes and shoes all over the floor. He was taller and his muscles more pronounced than before. His dick was a handsome rod strutting straight out at me. His pubic hair was thicker, darker and curlier. He had hair on his balls too. Starting to be man-like, I thought to myself. Nothing like Daddy, but getting closer.
I slipped my coat off and he whistled. "Jo, you're more beautiful than ever!"
I grabbed him and pressed my naked body into his as I kissed his face full and long. His dick was quivering, smashed in between us. My little tits pressed into his chest--I have no idea if he noticed, but I was VERY aware of it.
"Matt, I want you to touch me--AND I want to touch you." I laughed. "I guess I want it all and I want it now!"
He pulled me to the couch and embraced me--strongly embraced me. I loved his hands all over my back. I loved feel his dick pressing into my belly. I kept kissing his lips, sucking them one at a time up into my mouth then running my tongue over his lips. His tongue met mine and it felt like electricity! My hands were all over his head and neck. He held me closer and tighter. His hips were pulsing in and out, back and forth. Suddenly he became rigid and he moaned. I felt warm wet splattering all over my stomach and chest.
"Oh, my gosh! Matt! Did you just...?"
"I'm so sorry, Jo!"
I suddenly remember what Daddy had said about a guy's sperm--he squirts it out and it goes into a girl and that's what could make a baby!
"Oh, no, no, no!" I practically shrieked. "Get it off of me! Get it off of me NOW!"
"What? I'm sorry!"
"I don't want to have a baby!" I was up and running for the downstairs bathroom. I had gobs of white goo running down my chest and abdomen onto my legs. I grabbed a towel and started wiping. Then I used a wet towel to wipe it all off again. Matt appeared and stood in the doorway. His dick was limp and shrunken. It still had white goo hanging off the end and there was some of the stuff plastered on his stomach too.
"I'm sorry, Jo," he repeated.
"I know. I just don't want to get pregnant!"
I looked at me.
"Your sperm was all over me and running down my legs. That's too close."
"What are we gonna do?"
"Clean up, do a load of wash and then I'll ask my dad."
"You'll okay with asking him?" he repeated. "Are you sure about that? What will he do to me?"
"It's better to man up and take responsibility than to hide and be found out later!"
"If you're sure. Maybe I should move to Alaska."
I shook my head and smiled. "No. He'd find you there anyway."
"Boy! That really makes me feel good," Matt said.
Dad came home with Sherri who proudly displayed her perfect, pearly white teeth and the sticker that the dentist had given her. Dad was impressed that I had started a load of laundry as well as started dinner. He was equally impressed that I offered to clean up afterwards as well as finish the laundry and fold it and put it away.
"Jo," he said, giving me a kiss on my head. "It always amazes how you step up to help."
I smiled, though inside I was still scared spitless.
"But you're extra quiet again tonight. Got something on your mind?"
Do you think? But how to start!? How do you let your Daddy know that he might be a grandpa!?
"Yeah, I kinda do. Can we talk after Sherri's in bed?"
Daddy nodded and patted my shoulder.
It was after nine when Daddy reappeared downstairs and sat down next to me in the den. "What's on your mind, Jo?"
I took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid that I'm getting pregnant."
I was looking down as I said that, but I heard Daddy exhale. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw his shocked expression.
"What?" he finally asked.
"I think I'm gonna get pregnant."
"Why don't you explain what you mean?"
And then I told him how I had been naked part of the afternoon and then Matt came over then we were naked together and then he spurted his sperm all over my belly, chest and legs.
Daddy sat there looking at me for what seemed like hours. I couldn't read what was going on in his mind. Internally I was dying. I was scared of being pregnant and even more scared of what Daddy was thinking or going to say.
Finally he shook his head and laughed. "Okay, Jo. That's quite a shock on your Dad. But it's not as bad as what you made it out to be."
"What do you mean?" I asked, still expecting the worse. "He got his sperm all over my stomach and it dribbled down my legs too!"
"But he didn't put his penis *IN* you did he?"
I stared at Daddy. For some reason I had never even thought about a guy sticking his dick anywhere inside a girl.
"He didn't stick his penis inside you, did he?" Daddy repeated. "Not inside your pussy or anything?"
I shook my head. "No...."
"Then you're not going to get pregnant."
I'm sure that I gave a seriously puzzled expression. Daddy laughed at my face then said, "No, I'm serious, my dear Jo."
He called me "dear" so he wasn't mad--or at least not super mad! "But, I don't get it. His sperm was everywhere all over me and it COATED my stomach. It was a puddle in my belly button."
"Jo, where do babies come out?"
I thought for a moment then said, "Down here." I pointed between my legs.
"And that's where the sperm has to go in in order for it to have a chance to make a baby."
"How?" I was dumb-founded. "There's no way that his penis could go in there."
Daddy was quiet for a moment then said, "Looks like I get to tell you more about the birds and the bees."
I merely looked at him.
"Well, Jo, your pussy is not just a spot where your pee comes out," he began. "You have a lot of special things down there. Your outer pussy lips will eventually start growing hair and there will be hair above your pussy. Inside your outer lips there are thinner, more delicate lips. These are called the inner labia. They can be completely hidden sometimes, covered up by the outer lips--which are called the outer labia."
"I'm lost."
"You know what you look like down there, right?"
"Not really. I've never looked inside. Can you show me, Daddy?"
"Um, I suppose I could get a book from the library sometime," he said slowly.
"Or you could just show me by pointing to what I have."
The suggestion floored him. He was quiet for several moments. "I'm your Dad," he finally said. "You need your privacy. I don't want to take that away from you."
"But, Daddy. Who could I trust more than you?" I said rather strongly. I added in a softer voice, "It's not like I have a mom or anyone else to go to for help."
Daddy pulled me to himself and hugged me tightly. "Yeah, I know, Jo. You got the short stick on that deal, didn't you?"
He held me closely for several minutes. I enjoyed the feel of his arms engulfing me and the scent of "Daddy- ness" on his clothes.
"Are you sure you want me pointing at all your private parts," he finally asked. "I could get a book or something...."
"I'm sure, Daddy."
"Well, we should go up to my room to have a little more sure privacy." He kissed me on my forehead then looked at me with tender eyes. "You are such a trooper, Jo. You shouldn't have to do this, but you always make the best of whatever situation comes along."
I stood up and waited for him.
"Perhaps you should change into your robe," he said. "That way you'll feel a little more comfortable."
I ran off to my room, stripped then put my robe on, then rushed to Daddy's room.
He closed and locked the door. "Boy, you are the eager one, aren't you?" he chuckled. "I double checked: your sister's still soundly asleep; but we should be quiet nonetheless."
He pointed at his bed and said, "Go ahead and have a seat." He handed me a relatively large hand mirror then added, "Use this to see what I'm pointing at, okay?"
I sat down and allowed my robe to open. Daddy glanced at me then looked hard at my chest. "You really are starting to develop, Jo. Very pretty." I sat on the edge of the bed, spread my legs wide and rested my heels on the edge of the mattress. My pussy was prominently displayed for Daddy to see. I saw him swallow hard as he stared at my crotch.
"Are you okay, Daddy?" I couldn't believe how pale and tight his lips looked.
"Yeah, just a moment," he softly answered after licking his dry lips. "It's just that I'm struck with how pretty and nearly grown up my little girl is." He looked me in the eyes and added, "Daddies never want to believe that their little girls grow up. That's all."
I smiled and giggled.
Daddy knelt in front of me and said, "Okay, use the mirror. Can you see yourself now?"
I positioned the mirror so that I could see my pussy. I had never looked at it this way before. It was strange looking at the puffy lips on either side of the long crack. The crack itself had little folds of flesh sticking out. Down at the bottom was a mess of white stuff that looked a lot like wax or albino butter.
"What's that stuff?" I asked pointing at the white mess.
"Your vagina is constantly secreting stuff to keep it healthy."
"No, vagina. It's one part of your pussy. Your pussy really is complex. Lots of parts and there's lots of things oozing or secreting all the time to keep it healthy."
"So it's okay?"
"Yes. Quite okay. Normal, in fact!" He touched the white stuff then rubbed it between his fingers. "Take a feel of it--it's rather oily."
"Eeew!" I wrinkled my nose. Then after looking at Daddy and seeing he was serious, I stuck my finger tentatively in the white mess. It was thick and rather the consistency of lard. "Now what?"
"Wipe it off," he said with a chuckle. "Now let's show you what all is down here and why it's there. Here, you hold your pussy lips apart."
I was still holding the mirror with one hand and then I used my other hand to spread my slit wide. That I was already sitting with my legs spread did help, but I was able to spread the puffy outer lips a bit further.
Daddy smiled. "Okay, now you can see some of what's going on in here. See that?" he asked, pointing near the top of my pussy. "That is the clitoris--or at least that is the hood of the clitoris. The clit is protected by all those layers folded around it."
"What's it do?"
"Just sits there." He looked up at me. "And when it is touched just right it feels wonderful. Now I know that you've already been touching yourself." (He paused and I vividly recalled that day when Sherri ran out telling Daddy that I was diddling myself.) "Your clitoris has a pile of nerves that are wired to make you feel good. Now this little hole is where your pee comes out."
"I wanna watch that!"
"Not now on my bed, you don't!"
I laughed.
"You can watch it later if you want." He cleared his throat. "See how there is an extra set of lips that starts up by the clit and then goes down all along nearly to your butt?" He touched the edge of my inner lips and I felt electricity! It was more exciting than when Matt first touched me! I felt something deep inside me move as though there was a hole collapsing somewhere in my lower abdomen.
"Now here is your vagina--or at least the opening to your vagina," he said. I saw where he was pointing and I felt his finger there, but I couldn't, for the life of me, see much there at all--and I told him so.
"Hold the mirror a little lower, Jo."
That only helped a little bit. "Still can't see much, Daddy."
"Here, I'll spread your lips, you hold the mirror and then hunch forward and tip your hips up as much as possible."
And then he grasped my pussy lips, both inner and outer, with both of his hands and spread me wide apart. Oh, now there was a sensation! Wow! I felt so open, so exposed--and I was in full view of my Daddy! That collapsing feeling happened in my gut again.
Then after repositioning the mirror and shifting forward, I saw the hole that he was talking about. I also saw up INTO the hole. And I saw something blocking the hole.
"Is that better?" he asked.
"Now this is the cannel that the baby comes out of."
"But it's so tiny!" I protested.
"It can stretch. And because it is the place where the baby comes out, it's the cannel that the boy sticks his penis in to deposit his sperm to make the girl pregnant."
"I've seen a dick," I replied. "There's no way that it could fit in there!"
"So Matt has a good size shaft?" Daddy laughed.
I nodded. I didn't tell him that I was not just thinking about Matt's--although I seriously doubted that his dick could have fit in me without tearing me apart! No, I was also imagining Daddy's huge, inflated, erect penis which I had already seen and felt.
"You might be a bit young yet, Jo," Daddy said softly, "but it's amazing what a girl's vagina can hold! It is really able to stretch and accommodate a lot of different things--including a full size baby!"
"It looks like something is blocking it," I said, absolutely mesmerized by seeing parts of me that I hadn't really looked at before.
"This?" he said, pointing into my vagina.
His finger actually touched that barrier. I jumped. It didn't feel good.
"Sorry, Jo. I forgot just how sensitive that could be." He pulled his finger back but I reach down with my free hand and patted his. "Anyway, that's your hymen," he went on. Some people call it your cherry. It forms a barrier that protects the young girl's vagina from dust and dirt and germs and the like. You see, the vagina is open to the outside but inside it opens up into the womb--or uterus--where the baby grows. As your body grows it is constantly oozing stuff down these walls on the inside to force dust and germs out. This barrier is here so that less gets up there in the first place."
"Then how does a guy's dick get in there."
"The first time you have actual sex, his dick will have to break through this barrier. That's called popping your cherry or losing your virginity."
"Doesn't it hurt?" I asked. I think my eyes were wide open.
"Sometimes. But most women who really love the man they're having sex with put up with it as a little discomfort that quickly goes away."
I was quiet for a few moments. "So sex is something that a woman wants too? It's not just a guy who wants sex?"
"Oh, that's quite true. Sex is very pleasurable for both people. Otherwise there'd be a whole lot less of it--and maybe no children either!"
"Does popping a cherry hurt the guy too?"
"I don't think so."
"How 'bout you? Did it hurt you and, uh, um, mom the first time?"
"Well, Jo, that's a little personal, but if you have to know, neither of us came into the relationship as first-timers."
"Well, how 'bout the first time you every had sex?"
Daddy looked at me with a silly grin like he was remembering something embarrassing. "Oddly enough, my first time was with a girl who had done it before."
"Really!?" I looked at Daddy and tried to imagine him as a teenager. I'd seen a few pictures of him--longer hair, no mustache, wire-rim glasses. But what was he like UNDER all those old fashion clothes? "Did you ever pop a girl's cherry?"
"No, no I didn't."
"Is that sad?"
"I don't think so," he said. "It just is the way it is."
"Did you have many girls before you met mom?"
"Nah. Only five or so." He sat back and laughed at an old memory. "One girl who really was a novice and clueless about sex actually had no hymen at all. I didn't ask her about it, but I think it was because of all the horseback riding and motorbike riding that she did."
"What does that do?"
"All that bouncing and jostling and pulling on your pussy region stretches and pulls things so it could actually tear the hymen without anything penetrating into you." As he was saying that he took his hands and pulled and pushed and twisted my pussy lips back and forth.
I lunged forward, dropped the mirror and grabbed onto Daddy's head. "Oh, my gosh!" I hugged him so tightly that he stopped massaging my pussy, but his face was plastered into my belly. I felt my tiny tits pressing into his forehead.
Suddenly he was pushing me back. "I'm sorry, Jo, I shouldn't have done that."
I leaned back, almost overwhelmed with the feeling radiating from my pussy. "It's okay, Daddy. It just surprised me."
"Yeah, well, there's that, isn't there?" He stood up. "I hope that helped explain a few things to you."
"It did." I looked at him and noticed the huge bulge in his pants. I glanced down at my pussy and noticed a sheen of moisture on the inner lips. "But why does my pussy have something wet all over it?"
He looked closely at my slit. I noticed the bulge in his pants twitched. "That's lubrication." He was quiet.
"Lubrication?" I repeated after a few moments. I had an idea of what he meant, but it still was a bizarrely weird and foreign thought to my mind.
"Yeah, um, when a woman has sex and the guy is slipping his dick into her, it really helps if it is slippery. That's what the woman's vagina does when it is excited. It makes the slippery stuff so that sex is even more enjoyable."
"Oh, my gosh, you mean my vagina is getting excited?"
He nodded. "Run your finger through it and feel how slippery it is."
I looked back down at my slit and saw the inner lips were red and puffy in addition to glistening. I touched the folds tentatively. It really was slippery and it felt so good. I ran my finger upward through the fleshy, slippery folds. It touched my clitoris and I jumped.
Daddy laughed and said, "That's why some people call that the joy button. But I think I've shown you enough for now."
"Why do boys like looking at tits?"
"Because they're pretty," Daddy answered. "And you might find out that your tits are sensitive in a nice sort of way too--they will like to be touched." He held out his hand to me. "Let's call it a night, okay?"
I took his hand and he helped me up. My robe slid forward, mostly closing around me. I gave him a hug and felt his turgid dick twitching in his pants. I also felt the fires deep inside my pussy.
"Thank you, Daddy," I whispered then kissed his cheek.
He hugged me then led me out. I went to my room, lay on my bed and buried my finger back in my pussy again. Back and forth, in and out, up and down! Oh! That felt good. I lightly touched my breasts with my other hand and was shocked how it seemed like electricity flowed down to my pussy from my tits! My eyes were closed, but I kept seeing Matt's dick and imagining Daddy's dick outside of his pants! I also kept seeing the image of his hands on my pussy, opening those puffy lips up wider and wider.
My finger started spending more and more time on my clit. I felt a rush building even though I didn't know what it was. I focused on that sensation then suddenly it broke over top of me, cascading all over my body with rippling wave of joy and bliss and paroxysms of pleasure. I saw stars! I vaguely heard my voice gasping and grunting.
I lay there panting, basking in the glow when I heard a knock and a whispered voice, "Jo! Are you okay?"
The door opened and Daddy slipped into the room. I was nearly completely dark but I saw his outline against the doorway. "I heard you moaning and I thought something was wrong," he whispered.
"I'm okay," I answered dreamily. "I just was trying out how slippery my pussy was, like you said, and it exploded with wow!"
"Oh," he paused. "I'm sorry for interrupting."
I quickly reached out to catch his hand. "Not interrupting. It's all done now." He tugged to go away. "Please stay with me, Daddy. This is all so new. And wonderful."
I pulled him closer to me and he slowly sat on the edge of my bed. I turned so that my head was in his lap and his hand, still held fast in mine, was tucked under my chin. I smelled his musky scent and recognized it from Matt's explosion of sperm earlier that day. I realized that Daddy must have had his own release. I felt his penis under my cheek through his shorts. It was not nearly as rigid as it was a half hour before. He used his free hand to stroke my head and my hair.
"Don't leave me, Daddy," I whispered.
"I'm right here, my dear little Jo."
It had been years since he called me "little Jo"! I held his hand tightly and snuggled it close, again breathing in his manly scent.
"You are quite the little snuggler tonight, aren't you?" He took my hand to his face to kiss it. He held it there next to his mouth and I wondered if he was smelling the odors from my pussy that were still all over it.
"Maybe so," I agreed as he brought my hand back down. "But whatever you do, don't go away. This is nice!"
I felt his penis stir underneath me and he abruptly shifted my head to his other leg. "I'll stay here a little bit, but I'm tired too!"
"There's room here for you!" I said hopefully.
"Nah, you'll snore and if not, I will!"
He stroked my hair again and I closed my eyes, still revelling in his closeness and his smell. I vaguely remember him setting me back down on my own pillow, but I was basically asleep after that. And I slept late the next morning!
But more of that later!
Like I said, I awoke late. The memories of the previous night came back with a rush, cascading over my mind like pleasurable waves. I sniffed my fingers again, but the scent had changed--become old and stale; nothing like the fresh smell of "Wow!" from the previous night.
I lay with my eyes closed still, lightly touching my pussy, feeling the springy flesh and the little pieces of the inner lips that stuck up and out of the crack. I suddenly remember the hymen. I had seen it the previous night! It looked like a wall and Daddy said it was a barrier to keep things from getting up in my immature vagina. "How the heck was my period going to work then?" I thought to myself. "How's all that stuff supposed to get out?"
Only one thing to do. Ask Daddy.
I got up and caught sight of my naked pussy in the mirror. Not nearly as puffy and swollen as the previous night, but it looked caked with that white waxy stuff that Daddy said was normal. Better have a quick shower before getting dressed.
I found Daddy later in the garage. "Well, Sleepy Head, welcome back to the land of the awake!"
"G'morning, Daddy," I gave him a kiss. "I still have some questions about last night."
His face clouded and his brow furrowed. "Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that..."
"No, nothing wrong," I quickly interrupted. "I'm just wondering about this hymen thing."
Daddy stopped and looked carefully at me.
"So, if the hymen is a barrier, like you said," I forged on. "What's going to happen when I start my period? Will that stuff get backed up or is there another opening?"
"Your hymen is not a complete barrier," Daddy said still studying my face.
"It's not? It sure looked like it last night."
"No, it's not. In fact yours has several little holes across the bottom and a hole the size of a pencil near the middle. I'm surprised you didn't see it."
"Oh," I said. I was genuinely surprised and a bit relieved. I was also kind of honored that Daddy would remember exactly how my hymen looked--in detail. "So nothing's wrong with me?"
"Everything is fine," he said finally smiling.
I gave him a big hug. Everything was always instantly better after talking with him. "I love you, Daddy. You're the best!"
"Little Jo! I love you too!"
My heart melted as he used that pet name again. "You haven't called me that in ages!" I said still hugging him hard.
"I know, but is that okay?"
"Quite. Why did you stop?"
Daddy chuckled. "You wanted to be a tomboy, remember?"
Oh, yeah. That seemed like such a long time before!
Later that afternoon, Matt came by. He had a worried look on his face and he avoided eye contact with my Dad. I immediately remembered where our conversation had left off so I pulled him away and we disappeared around the side of the house off toward the woods that butted up to our yard.
"So did you talk with your Dad?" he asked.
"But he didn't look like he was going to kill me."
"Nope." I turned and took his hands in mine. "Everything's okay. I'm not pregnant and I'm not getting pregnant."
"I was wrong. You have to put all your sperm INSIDE of me. Doesn't do anything dribbling all over the outside of me."
"But you had stuff running down your pussy too."
"Near it," I answered. "But not in it."
"So we're okay?"
I nodded. "Completely. And I wouldn't mind doing that again sometime cause I have something I'd like to show you too."
"Oh, wow!" Obvious relief swept over his face.
"But you keep your penis and your sperm out of me. Okay?"
I kissed him and he hugged me back. "So when?"
"I don't know. But not now. I gotta get back and help Daddy."
He kissed me again and ran his hands over my rump. I loved feeling his touch. But at that moment I also remembered Daddy touching me the previous night.
Matt and I didn't get any alone time till the week AFTER school was out. I was able to go over to his house when his parents were out. We stripped out of our clothes in record time. I remember staring at his dick and thinking that it was longer than I had remembered it. (True, it was still nothing like Daddy's, but that's another story!) He had a clump of curly, wiry hair above his dick and a smattering of hairs on his sack of balls. It was a warm day so his balls hung low away from his body when he first pulled his clothes off. I watched in fascination as them moved all by themselves and slowly ascended to hug in closer to his dick.
Matt was fascinated by my pussy. "You have some hairs growing there," he said, running his fingers along the top of my pussy. And, sure enough, there were a handful of dark hairs growing there, pointing down toward my slit.
"Open it up, Matt," I said as I sat down on his couch. "Open my pussy up! I want to show you something!"
Matt knelt between my legs and gently pried my pussy lips apart. "What should I do?" he asked as he gently rubbed the outer lips up and down.
"Oh, Matt," I gushed. "You can keep doing that forever!"
So he kept rubbing me and pulling on my outer lips for another minute or two.
"Now what?" he asked.
Now what?! I thought. Why was he interrupting how good this was feeling? Oh, well. "Perhaps you can run your finger through the center of my slit," I finally said, using all my concentration power to come back to reality in order to answer him.
His first attempt was rough and definitely pulled me back to reality.
"Oooh!" I jumped.
He saw that didn't work. "I'm sorry, Jo."
"Like this," I said, using my own finger slowly tracing up and down through my very wet slit.
I grabbed ahold of his finger and moved it stiffly through my pussy. "Loosen up, Matt," I whispered.
"I'm sorry," he replied.
He relaxed and I easily guided his fingers up and down. Oh, my gosh! that felt so good!
"Feel this little bump here?" I asked as I guided his finger over my clitoris. I shivered as we made contact with that bundle of nerves. "That's my clit. It is the extra special part that can make me feel good."
I guided his finger back and forth a few more times. Up and down the length of the slit, mashing into the inner pussy lips, diddling around the pleasure bump. My pussy was buzzing with happiness. I let go of his finger and whispered, "Keep it up. Just like that!" My hands found my little breasts and began touching those sensitive nipples. I felt it coming--and it erupted, enveloping my whole body. I clamped my legs tightly around Matt's neck and back. I think I was making some sort of grunting or moaning noise.
Matt stopped touching me, probably because of surprise, but he couldn't pull back since I had him locked in tightly against me with my legs.
I finally relaxed and Matt sat back.
I opened my eyes and smiled.
"What happened?" he asked.
"That's what I wanted to show you. You just gave me incredible pleasure."
"I thought you were dying!"
I laughed. "Not all! Just like I gave you a bunch of good feelings yesterday, you returned the favor to me today!"
I reached out to touch him. I found his shoulder and his neck. I leaned into his lips. "Jo, I love you so much!"
"I know, Matt. I love you too!"
Just then we heard a car in the driveway. We scrambled quickly to re-clothe ourselves. And we just succeeded before Matt's mom came in.
"Oh, Jo," she said as soon as she saw me. "I didn't know you'd be here." She continued walking into the kitchen and set a bag down on the counter.
I felt uneasy. I moved toward the door to leave. "I gotta leave," I said.
"Bye, Jo," Matt said quietly and walked me to the door.
I was outside as I heard his mom say, "Are you leaving already?"
I kept walking down the sidewalk. I called back over my shoulder, "I gotta get home now."
As I turned onto the street I heard his mom ask, "What the hell is that smell, Matt?"
I knew. I ran home and looked for my Daddy. He was in the side yard trimming the hedge.
"Hey, Jo, what's up?" he asked. I just held onto him, scared of what Matt's mom would say and do. Daddy turned and saw my face; it must have been ashen. "Jo, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
I shook my head. "Matt's mom found out we were fooling around."
"What did she see?"
"Nothing. She came in right after he was playing with my pussy. I had a great feeling!"
"Then we heard the car. We scrambled to get dressed and we were just sitting in the living room when she came in. But I could tell she was thinking something was wrong. I left and that's when she asked Matt what the smell was. Only she was really angry when she was asking!"
Daddy hugged me. "So he was only touching you?"
I nodded.
"Did you jerk him off?"
"No. Didn't have a chance."
"You're okay. Let her call." He hugged me close again and stroked my hair. "I love you, Little Jo."
A few minutes later there WAS a phone ringing. I looked at Daddy and he winked then ran off to answer it. I followed him in, fearing the worse. I came into the kitchen and saw Daddy leaning over the counter talking intently at the wall.
"Mrs. Riggley, I understand what you are saying. But trust me, there is no problem. My daughter has already spoken to me of what was going on." He was quiet for several more moments. "How do you know that? Ah, I see." Another long pause. "But did you smell any tell- tale boy smells?" I blushed thinking about what she had just told Daddy. He nodded and raised his hand. "No, I believe that in the eyes of the law, your son is considered the aggressor. He is older and he approached an underage girl. Had his hands all over her from what I understand."
He laughed. "No, listen to me. I'm just saying. You were the one who brought up legal issues, but I wanted to remind you of how the law looks at these things. I am not considering any action. I just don't think that you should either." He nodded again and placed his hand on the counter. "Yes, I will talk with her. But she has already come to me. Open, honest communication is important. I hope that you and your son have that." He smiled determinedly then said, "Indeed, good bye."
He put the receiver back in the cradle and I rang and hugged him.
The next morning was rainy. Daddy went to work, leaving me home with Sherri. I still felt awkward about what had happened with Matt's mom. I also had a sense of foreboding--although I was still too young to know what that word meant.
Sherri wanted to play board games, so for a good part of the morning I absent-mindedly played Chutes and Ladders and Candy Land. It kept my mind occupied a little so that I didn't worry non-stop about things.
It was still raining around 11 o'clock and I went to the back porch, opened the door and just watched through the screen as the rain came down in buckets.
Sherri came up alongside me and softly asked, "You had a big problem yesterday with Matt?"
I shook my head. "Actually with his mom."
"What happened?"
I shrugged.
"I heard some of what Daddy was saying on the phone and I heard him talking with you. It's not like I don't know anything, Jo!"
It suddenly dawned on me that she would be going into fifth grade in the Fall--about the same age as I was when I first discovered that I loved Matt. I reached out and pulled my sister against me and whispered, "I figure you do know, Sherri. It's just hard to talk about. I'm scared."
Sherri was resisting my embrace at first then she gave in and hugged me back. "I'm sorry."
We stood like that for the longest time: the rain kept falling outside; a breeze blew through the screen door, playfully tugging our hair; and tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.
"Why are you scared?" Sherri finally asked.
"I think I'm going to lose Matt," I whispered.
"Cause his mom's so mean."
"I thought you liked her. Or at least you said she liked you."
"That was before yesterday. She yelled and cussed at Matt because of me."
And then we fell silent again.
We were still standing there when a flash of light followed quickly by a loud rumble startled us. Sherri shrieked. I slammed the back door closed.
"I wish Daddy were home," I said. "He'd know just what to do!"
Another flash and boom sent Sherri screeching into the living room. I followed and found her on the couch, under the pillows. In the past I had made fun of how scared she was of lightning and thunder. Today, I felt the need to help her, so I sat down next to her and held her. She shivered.
"Are you cold too?" I asked.
She nodded.
"C'mon," I said. "Let's get warm under the covers in my bed. Race you upstairs!"
Sherri was up and running in no time flat. I purposely let her win too. I thought that was real grown up of me. It was also pretty big of me to invite her into my room. I almost NEVER did that.
"I won!" Sherri exclaimed.
"Cool! Let's kick our shoes off and climb under."
Just then another rumble of thunder shook the house. Sherri squealed and dove into my bed. I kicked my shoes off then decided to slip out of my jeans which were far too stiff.
Under the covers Sherri hugged me tightly and whispered, "I don't like that! Why's it have to be so loud?"
"Maybe just to make little girls ask questions."
That sent Sherri into giggles because that used to be grandpa's favorite line.
After a few minutes I said, "Why don't you take your jeans off. They're rather stiff and pokey."
She skinned out of them and dropped beside the bed. She turned on her side and whispered, "Is this like what you and Matt did?"
"Nothing like it. We've never been in a bed together."
"What did you do with Matt?" she asked excitedly.
"A bunch of little things."
"Tell me. Please?"
I was quiet for a few moments thinking how strange it was that suddenly we were talking like we had been best friends forever and talking about things that I had NEVER ever talked about with any girls before. Never talked with any girl friends like this because I had spent most of my life avoiding girlfriends and establishing myself as a boy--or at least a tomboy.
"Jo?" Sherri's voice broke through my thoughts. "Don't be mad at me. You've been so nice to me today and..."
I touched my finger to her lips and smiled. "I'm not mad. Not mad at you. I'm just thinking about a lot of different things."
"Like what?"
"Like how I tried so hard NOT to be a girl or anything for years and then suddenly I'm a girl and I kinda really like this guy. But you've been doing a good job of being a girl your whole life."
"I think you're a very nice girl," Sherri said. "And I'm glad you're my sister. You're really pretty too."
I kissed her cheek. I was struck by just how sweet of a sister she was and I had been ignoring it all those years. "Sherri, you're very sweet and you're the pretty one."
"But no boy has ever said that to me."
"Only one boy has ever said that to me," I went on, "and I was just a little older than you when it happened."
"So what happened then? How did Matt tell you that he liked you?"
"Remember how I used to play sports and didn't care if I was shirts or skins?"
"Yeah, I thought that was weird!"
"Well, Matt told me one day that my tits were starting to be noticed by the other guys and I had better keep my shirt on."
"That was nice of him."
"Daddy said that too."
"You told him?"
"Yeah, I've told him pretty much all the main things we've done."
"Wow! And he's cool with it?"
I nodded. "Well, Matt also talked with me for quite a while about my chest. I didn't see any difference then he offered to compare chests and I was really shocked that there was so much difference then! But what he said next blew my mind. He said that he would enjoy looking at my tits any time that I wanted to show them to him."
"Seriously?!" Sherri squeaked and giggled. "Did you?"
"Yep. Often. And then we showed each other the other parts of our bodies."
"So what did he do when he first saw your tits?"
"He just looked the first time. And it felt so weird knowing that he thought these little tits were pretty!"
"Was that the night you thought you had cancer?"
I laughed. "Yes! Daddy had a good talk with me later and explained how breasts develop and why there are lumps underneath and why it's tender."
"He talked with me recently too about the same thing."
"Are you getting titties?"
Sherri nodded and smiled broadly. "Wanna see?"
"Well, show me yours too, Jo!"
We both sat up and shucked our shirts off. Neither of us needed bras yet by any stretch, but I was surprised at what I saw on Sherri!
"Sherri! You really are getting tits! They're pretty!"
She blushed a little. But it was true. Her tits were cute! They were almost the same size as mine. Seriously. Hers were small mounds topped by wide areolas. And she had just finished fourth grade! Me? I had just finished sixth and mine were only slightly larger but with much narrower nipples.
Her nipples, on top of each areola, were very pointy. I should also add here, that Sherri was a blonde. Where my hair was dark brown and shoulder length, hers was always light colored and was long for years, coming down to the small of her back. She had light green eyes and a cute, slightly upturned nose with a smattering of tiny freckles across the bridge.
I reached out and touched one nipple. She jumped.
"I'm sorry, Sherri, do they hurt?"
"A little. It's like little knot under each."
I nodded. "Sounds familiar."
"Did Matt touch your boobs?"
"Yes. And it felt so over the top wow!"
"Show me!"
"Well, you'll have to pretend that I'm some boy."
"Like Matt?"
"No!" I said sharply. "He's my boyfriend."
"Oh, sorry." She was quiet a moment then asked, "What if I think about Daddy touching me."
I choked then said, "Um, not a good idea since he's my Daddy too!"
"Then who?" she whined.
"How 'bout some boy in your class or at school?"
She was quiet a moment then smiled and said, "Kevin."
"Kevin? The Kevin Smith in my class?"
She nodded and smiled sweetly.
"Well, okay. Kevin is going to touch your tits now. Close your eyes and pretend it's his hands that are finding your boobs to be fun to play with!"
She lay back down, closing her eyes and holding her body still. She wore only white socks and pink panties (yes, hers were real panties) with tiny flowers all over it. Her panties were a bit small and worn--her pussy lips were outlined well through the thin fabric. I leaned over and touched first one breast then the other, making sure to avoid the nipples for the moment. Her breasts were just spongy enough to have "cush" as I pressed into them. I traced around their perimeter and felt each of her ribs. She was holding her breath and her skin was tight against her ribs and sternum.
After a minute or two of lightly teasing her tits, I touched her nipples. She gasped then laughed. I gently plied them between my fingers then rolled each nipple back and forth. Her mouth opened wide in a silent "Ooh!" and her body stiffened.
"Oh, my goodness, oh my goodness! Jo!" she finally gasped. "Oh, oh wow!"
I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Amazing, ain't it?"
"And you and Matt would do that?"
"And other things too," I replied.
"What?" She opened her eyes wide and grasped my hands in hers. "I was thinking that I was almost going to die of happiness! Wouldn't anything more kill a person?"
I laughed. "Not really. But if you don't want to, then we can stop."
"Oh, no. I'm not stopping!"
"Okay, the next thing that we tried together was seeing each other completely naked."
She sat up and looked deep into my eyes. "You saw his wiener?"
"Yep, and he saw my pussy!"
"Oh wow! Did he touch it?"
"Yes, and I touched his dick."
She sat silently for a few moments. I could see that her mind was racing. "Can we pretend that too?"
"I don't have a dick so we can't do that part."
She giggled. "What? Can't you pretend that part too?"
"Probably not. But we'll have get completely naked now and you'll have to trust me, and I'll try to recreate how it felt when Matt first touched me. But you can't think of Matt, remember?"
And then we both slipped out of our underwear. The sight of Sherri's little pussy excited me. I really hadn't seen any other pussy up close and personal. Sure, I had seen Sherri's before; but always in passing and never in the context of "This is what a boy can do to you!" Her outer lips were not as puffy and full as mine were--even when I was her age. But her inner lips formed a wrinkled bump around her clitoris which stuck out like a little finger beckoning to someone. She had no hair down there other than a hint of fine, blonde downy fuzz over her pussy mound.
"You're getting some hair now, Jo," she commented.
I nodded. "Okay, lie back down and close your eyes and pretend that what you're feeling is Kevin touching your pussy."
She giggled and lay back down then shivered in excitement. I ran my fingers over her vulva, lightly pressing on the cushy lips. Her legs were still together, which forced her lips together forming a deep and pronounced slit. The inner lips which had stuck out so prominently were almost all hidden except for a tiny piece. As I traced the outline of her slit she shivered again.
"Okay, now open your legs up wide," I directed.
She spread her legs and I knelt between them. Her pussy fell open like a flower blooming in the sunshine. The outer lips pulled far apart and the inner lips splayed open to reveal the hidden tunnel of her vagina. Her lips were pretty dry so I licked my finger and ran it over her inner folds. I repeated that a couple of times and soon she was very slippery in between her inner labia.
"Wow, that feels good!" she whispered. "Don't stop!"
I smiled, knowing exactly what she meant. I kept running my fingers over her thin, inner pussy lips, occasionally bumping against her clitoris. Back and forth, bump and rub. She spread her legs even wider apart. She was only nine and a half, but she was eager for the feeling. Remembering how much I enjoyed my clit being rubbed, I started spending more time on her clitoral bump. With all the agitation it was experiencing, her clit and inner lips were becoming red and swollen.
Suddenly she grabbed my hand and pulled it away from her. "I can't take any more," she whispered.
I held her hand and squeezed.
"It was feeling real good, then suddenly it was too much. Almost a hurting sort of too much."
"That's okay," I said. "I don't want to hurt you. There's one other thing that you and a boy could do."
"What's that?"
"Lay next to each other so that he's holding you tightly."
I had her lay on her side and then I snuggled in so that I lay tight up against her back and butt. I reached around and held my hand over her little tits, cupping one entirely. We lay like that for several minutes, before she quietly asked, "Is that all?"
"Just a moment. I'll be right back."
I jumped up ran down the hall to the closet, grabbed a candle and came back. I hid it behind my back so that she wouldn't see it.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Shhh. Close your eyes and pretend that Kevin is snuggling up behind you."
I resumed my position behind her and held the candle under my armpit to get it warm. After several more minutes, I took the candle and slipped it down between us so that it was lying in her ass crack. "There, if a guy is behind you, you'll eventually start feeling something."
I felt her wiggle her ass back and the candle wiggled against my own pussy. I got an idea. I slipped the candle down then repositioned it so that it went between her legs. I'm sure the top of it was next to her pussy. The base of it was right next to my pussy. Every time she moved, I felt it jostle on my cunt and clit.
"Sometimes, he might let his dick slid up between your legs like this."
She wiggled her hips back at me and I held her tit tightly.
Suddenly she stopped and said, "Does this mean that we're lesbians?"
Dang! Where did she get all that extra information. I didn't know what that was. "What?" I asked.
"You know, girl lovers."
I thought for a moment then asked, "What were you imagining when I was pretending a dick was there? Were you thinking of Kevin's penis?"
"No, not really."
"Then what were you thinking of?"
"Daddy's penis," she answered quietly.
"Why?" I struggled to keep from yelling at her. Perhaps I was a little possessive of Daddy? Jealous? Yep. I swallowed hard and made an effort not to freak out nor freak her out. "Why were you thinking of Daddy?"
"Cause his is the only wiener that I've ever seen."
I laughed. Couldn't argue with that logic. "You're not lesbian. You are a true girl."
She held my hand close to her breast.
"So when have you seen Daddy naked?"
"When we were camping," she replied. "And I turned the light back on while he was dressing."
"Oh, yeah!"
"And the next morning when he got up, his dick was all hard and poking up out of his shorts. I couldn't believe it! I wanted to touch it and find out what it was like! It looked so painful."
"I have it on good authority from Matt that it is definitely not painful!"
She giggled again. My stomach growled. I looked at the time and said, "Good grief, it's after noon! Let's get something to eat!"
"Then afterwards can we make forts out of the blankets like we used to do?"
"Great idea!"
Daddy came home and was really surprised to find that his two girls were playing so well together. Not that we would fight before, but it was more like "same planet--different worlds." But here we were playing and Sherri was *IN* my room at *MY* invitation and we had an elaborate blanket fort set up! We begged Daddy to let us eat dinner in there under the blankets. Daddy thought that was fine so he cooked something up then we all brought it up to my room and we all crawled under the fort and ate.
Of course, it was a bit small for Daddy, but Sherri and I really thought a lot of Daddy doing that for us. It was just another feather in his cap as far as I was concerned. So we weren't surprised when Daddy begged off and left after finishing his food quickly. But I also think that he might have felt a bit awkward since Sherri and I only put long tee shirts back on after our little earlier escapade. That meant a lot of bare rump and flashing pussy in addition to outline of tits and the like.
But I still had Matt on my mind. The whole week went by and I saw neither hide nor hair of him. Not even on Saturday morning! But the next Monday there was a letter for me. Me! I couldn't believe it. I quickly opened it and saw that it was from Matt.
"Dear Jo," he began. "I'm so sorry that things turned out this way. It's not your fault. I do love you, but my parents are keeping me grounded and away from you probably all summer. I know it's not the same thing, but if you wanted to leave me a note, put it in the hollow of the tree by our log."
I knew exactly what log he meant. It was the log that we sat on when he first talked to me about my chest and then he dropped the bomb shell that he actually liked looking at my chest. I immediately wrote out a note. I don't remember what all I said, but I told him that I loved him and that I was worried that this would turn out all wrong and I couldn't wait for summer to be over. Then I rolled it up, placed it in a sandwich bag and hid it in the hollow of that tree.
I watched and waited but never saw when he took the note. It was there a day later, but gone the day after that. About a week after that I got another letter that tore my heart out. He said that his family was moving. He would write as soon as he knew the address or a good place that I could write without his parents intercepting it.
I was still crying when Daddy came home. Sherri had tried to cheer me up but gave up trying to say anything at all; instead she merely sat next to me and alternatingly laid her head on my lap or held my shoulders. We were in a mutual embrace when Daddy found us. I just handed him the letter. My blood shot eyes and tears said the rest.
Daddy sat down next to me and hugged me. "Jo, my Little Jo. I'm so sorry."
I melted into his arms and sobbed some more.
A little later, I overheard Daddy calling the Riggleys and his discussion with them. Boy! That almost got overheated! Turns out they did not want their son ever to be around me again. Daddy tried to have them have a descent resolution and say nice good-byes and then leave on good terms, but they would have nothing of it.
Matt DID make it over to my place shortly before they moved out. "Doesn't matter. I have to say good-bye in person. Just ain't right unless I do." I held him and hugged him, hardly knowing what to say, other than a trite "I'm going to miss you."
And then by the end of July he was gone. My Summer was ruined. And Daddy took me aside and said that I was going to have to get over it so that I didn't ruin Sherri's Summer completely too. He was right. Sherri had just become a person to me and then I shut her out of my life while I was in mourning.
I made sure to take Sherri with me on an all-day trek around the woods one Saturday. We explored creeks and trees and water falls. I even showed her the special log and hollow tree where Matt had first talked with me. I was brave. I didn't cry. Not until Sherri found another message in the hollow tree! Sherri hugged me as I read Matt's last message to me. I was an emotional wreck when we got home.
Daddy was on the phone and I couldn't figure out who he was talking to. I could see that he was concerned or maybe sad and serious. It just added to my general feeling of melancholy. I went into the living room and sat on the sofa and just stared out the window or re-read Matt's last letter to me. Sherri sat with me for a while then went off to her room. I didn't not hear Daddy come in.
"Well, that was an interesting phone call," he said. His voice made me jump. He sat next to me and laughed a little. "Didn't mean to make you jump like that. Were you deep in thought, Little Jo?"
"Uh-huh. I just got one more message from Matt." I showed him the letter. "He had left it in our hollow tree."
Daddy took it and read it, then kissed my forehead. "Life sometimes gives you a pile of lemons, doesn't it."
Looking back, I am surprised that he didn't say crap or shit. But instead he said lemons. He was always like that. A careful, well-thought-through gentleman who never (to my knowledge) cussed or spoke bad words!
He sat down beside me and sighed deeply. "I think I understand some of what you're going through."
I looked at him through eye made puffy from crying. At first I thought he was just being "daddy"--trying to understand things from my perspective and then help me through it. Then all of a sudden!--it dawned on me that *HE* had been through something even worse! And up to that point I don't ever think I thought about how bad it was for Daddy, I just saw how wrong it was for me when my mother walked out of our lives.
"Oh, Daddy, I'm so sorry!" I gave him a big hug.
"Hey! What's this?" he said, caught off guard by my response. "I haven't said anything yet."
"No, I just got it. After all these years, I just realized that *YOU* went through a lot of hurt when mom walked out on us."
Daddy was silent for almost a minute as he looked at me then looked away. He pulled me in close to him and whispered, "Yeah, well, there was always that, wasn't there? And it's funny that you should suddenly bring it up today."
I was quiet, waiting for him to go on. I could hear extra emotion in his voice. It kinda scared me a little not knowing what was coming.
"I just got off the phone with your grandma."
"Granny Fran?"
"No, your other one. The one we haven't heard from in a long while."
Oh, my *other* one. That would be my mother's mom. I suddenly saw why Daddy was somber.
"You know who I mean?"
I nodded.
"Well, it turns out that your mother died last week. Your grandma said that she had been sick for quite a while and had lived back at her house for the last year. She also said that your mother wanted to apologize to us for all the hurt she caused but she was too sick to do so other than write a really long letter."
I sat and stared at him. I don't know what all was going through my mind. Things like I thought that she was already dead so why do I feel all these emotions again? Or why do I even care? Or why the hey didn't she just stay gone?
"I'm sorry to bother you with this, Jo. I wasn't planning on saying anything now. It's just that your comment was right in line with what I was already thinking."
"Daddy, you had to tell me. And I'm glad you did. I'm also glad that I figured out just how much it hurt you too."
"Oh, honey, you've done nothing wrong, and you certainly didn't deserve any of this."
I placed my finger on his lips and said, "Shhh. Don't say anything. I love you, Daddy. Let me help you in whatever way possible. Can I help you?"
Daddy was a little surprised at my actions but after a few moments he got a funny look in his eyes and a smirk on his face. "Don't say anything? Yet you want me to answer you?"
I laughed at the implausibility of what I had set up.
He kissed my cheek. "Little Jo. What am I going to do? And what am I going to do with you?"
"Keep me?" I smiled coyly.
"No doubt!" He hugged me again. "But there is some unfinished business that I have to take care of."
"What's that?"
"Your grandma said that there were a couple of legal papers that needed to be signed. You mother willed the rest of her estate to you and Sherri." He saw my look and quickly added, "Don't get your hopes up. It's not much. But I also have to bring a few of those items up or oversee the sale of them." He scratched his face. "And what am I going to do with you and Sherri?"
"We could help!"
"I'm thinking of letting Granny Fran watch the both of you."
"At least bring me," I protested. "You need to have someone with you on the trip. Someone that you can talk to and who could help you stay awake while driving."
"Let's see about that. Now where is Sherri?"
"Probably in her room," I said suddenly remembering how she had tried to help me be happy, but I wouldn't let her. "Daddy?"
He looked at me.
"Sherri was trying to help me this afternoon, but I was being a real butt. I didn't want to let her help me be happier. I was wrong. I should have listened to her. Are you doing the same thing I was? I'm trying to help you. Please don't reject my help."
"Jo, I don't know what you've been eating, but suddenly you sound a lot wiser and more mature than someone your age. You make a lot of sense. Now, why don't you run up and tell Sherri that you were glad that she was trying to help you. And let her know that I'm home too."
Well, like Daddy thought, Sherri wanted to go visit Granny Fran. And he agreed to let me come with him. That meant a long road trip with Daddy!
Evidentially my mother and her mom had moved to South Carolina. Granny Fran lived in southern Pennsylvania so dropping Sherri off was on the way. It was a hot August day and Daddy said we were about a half hour away from Granny's house. "But would you like to see the stream that I used to play in?"
"Sure!" We both said together.
He turned off the main road onto a country road, followed that for a ways then turned up a small dirt road and parked at a small wide spot. "You know that I grew up around here," he said, leading us up a path and around a hill. As we wound down the back side of the hill, I saw a stream and a large swimming hole.
"You used to swim here?" Sherri asked.
"Yep!" Daddy answered.
"Skinny-dipped?" Sherri pressed further.
"Well, yeah, sometimes." Daddy actually blushed. "But that was then."
I looked around. "I don't see anybody else here. And it is rather hot." I smiled and pleaded with my eyes.
"We can go dip our feet in the water," he replied. "Come on. I want to show you the rock we used to jump from."
A couple minutes later we were barefooted standing in the cool water. Sherri and I had on shorts and tank tops. Daddy had his jeans and tee shirt. Sherri asked again, "Can we just try it, Daddy?"
"No one's around," I put in.
"Well, okay," Daddy said. "Put your stuff here on this branch and stay low. We'll be quick about it."
In a flash Sherri and I were out of our clothes and were into the water. I turned around and saw Daddy easing himself into the stream. His dick was not all that stiff and pointy. In a moment he was submerged and I couldn't see anything anymore.
We swam around and giggled. It felt so free to have nothing on at all. After several minutes of swimming and splashing, it was possible to forget that we were all nude under the water. I swam over to Daddy and he splashed me. I fought back and latched onto him with my arms and legs wrapping around him. He grabbed ahold of me and tickled. I held on tighter. By this time my leg was rubbing all over his penis which was rapidly becoming stiffer. Sherri came along to help me.
Soon Daddy had two nude preteen girls wrestling and touching all over his body. Finally he dunked under and held himself down there for a while. Neither Sherri nor I could hold our breath that long so we let go and he swam away. I followed and caught up to him just as he turned around. I launched myself into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his back. His dick was rigid and poked up against my pussy. It felt so good. I really wanted more.
But Daddy suddenly said, "We need to be moving on so we can get to Granny's house for dinner."
"How are we going to dry off?" Sherri asked.
"Shake," he laughed. "Shake like a dog!"
"Really?" Sherri laughed.
"No. We can use our shirts and then put on new shirts back at the car."
When we got out of the water, both Sherri and I had a hard time NOT staring at Daddy. He was obviously embarrassed by his rigid cock, but there wasn't anything to be done about it except dry off and cover up. He avoided looking directly at us.
Back in the car, after putting on new shirts, Daddy finally said, "Well, you both got a little more education about how boys look, didn't you?"
Sherri and I giggled.
"That's the odd thing about a guy. Sometimes he can't control what his penis is going to do. And it is never good to make fun of him or to stare at him."
"Sorry, Daddy," I said.
"And you shouldn't go talking about him either." He glanced over at us. "Don't go telling Granny that we went skinny dipping. That will only open up more trouble than we need now. Okay?"
We both nodded.
We had a good visit with Granny Fran. And Daddy and I got going early the next morning to be on our way. Almost ten hours later (with stops for lunch, snacks and do-do as Daddy said) we were in South Carolina. Five states plus the District of Columbia in one day! Daddy checked us into a motel and said he'd call my *other* grandma in the morning.
Daddy and I were bone tired from all the driving. The motel had a pool so we changed and enjoyed the water. For me it felt good to move around. Daddy just lazily swam back and forth or floated. I noticed him looking at me several times, especially when I pulled myself out of the water to jump back in. I didn't say anything, but I kinda liked that he was watching me.
I glanced down at my two piece suit and noticed that my boobs had been busy growing. I hadn't really noticed since most of the summer I was in mourning over loosing Matt. I thought it looked kinda nice and, well, sexy with the tips pointing out and noticeable away from my chest. Not much yet, by any means, but more than ever before!
Daddy promised me a real dinner at a nice restaurant so we went back to our room, showered off and changed. I wasn't worried about covering up in front of Daddy, but he was making sure that he kept his equipment hidden from view.
"Jo, I'm noticing that you're definitely maturing," he said after stepping out of the bathroom. He had his pants on but his chest was bare. He was so handsome! I stood in front of the vanity mirror, brushing my hair and drying it. I wore nothing yet.
I glanced over at him.
"Are you going to be needing new bras or anything?"
"Maybe. I don't have any yet." I glanced in the mirror and noticed that my tits were really noticeable. Nice and pointy nipples with gently sloping areolas. My pussy had a deep slit with a fuzzy patch along the top and a few scraggly hairs along the side.
"Then it's time." He looked at me and smiled then raised his eyebrow.
I laughed. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means hurry up and get dressed girl. I'm hungry!"
We had such a nice time together. Didn't have to go very far at all either. Just walked two blocks to a steakhouse. Daddy had steak and lobster, so I thought I would try it too. I loved it. And Daddy couldn't believe how much food I put away!
"And you're what?" Daddy exclaimed at one point, "barely five foot tall? And you're eating as much as I am! Where are you putting it, Jo?"
I giggled and pointed at my belly. True, it was very taut and distended. But I didn't hurt. Yet.
Daddy had a couple of beers. "I ain't driving so I don't need a designated driver."
On the walk back to the motel, he held me close and said, "You know, Jo, I may have to start protecting you from all the young boys who are going to want to start dating you."
I smiled but shook my head. "I don't want any dates right now."
Daddy nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Still a sore subject?"
"Yeah, kinda. Besides, all I need is right here." And I gave him a big hug.
"Little Jo, you are so sweet." He unlocked the door to our room, then swept me up off my feet and carried me in then dropped me on the bed. "You are so sweet and I am so tired. It's time to crash!"
I went into the bathroom, took care of business and reappeared only wearing underwear and a tee shirt. Daddy had stripped down to his underwear and made a bee-line for the toilet. "That's the thing about beer," he said on the way in. "It is filled with vitamins. Vitamin Pee!"
I laughed as I brushed my teeth.
We shared the one double bed and I snuggled close to him and kissed him good night. He kissed me in return. I left my hand draped over his bare shoulder. He was breathing deeply in just a few minutes. I fell asleep soon after that. I remember at one point in the night slightly waking up as I scooted in closer to him and hung my arm around him. I vaguely remember being cold from the A/C blowing in the room all night long.
But along toward morning, I woke up facing the opposite direction; but it was Daddy who was hugging me and holding me close. I distinctly remember a smile spreading across my face as I felt his hand on my breast and his dick--his very rigid dick--pressed in against my butt crack. I wished that I had not worn any clothes and I definitely wished that his dick was not encased in his shorts.
I lay there wondering how I might manage slipping my underwear down or possibly moving Daddy's hand into or under my shirt. But there was no way without waking Daddy up. I didn't want that, so instead I just concentrated on how good it felt to have him touching me.
I felt his dick twitch. I slowly moved my hips to feel it rub along my butt crack. I felt it tingling against my ass hole. Dang! Was that thing sensitive too? I wanted to rub my pussy, but I was still afraid of waking Daddy up. So I contented myself with slowly moving my hips and feeling his steel hardened dick press back against me.
Suddenly he started and I heard him gasp. He quickly rolled away from me and sprang up out of bed. I saw him as he moved quickly around the bed to the bathroom. His shorts were tented and he had his hands in front of him pressed hard into his shorts. In a moment I heard the door close and the shower start. I reached behind and felt my underwear along the crack of my butt. There was something moist there. Bringing my fingers to my nose I smelled that tell-tale odor of man sperm!. Gee-whiz! Daddy must have gotten rather excited by my rubbing!
I lay on my side with my finger in my pussy gently rubbing that little clitoris button. My eyes were closed, but I kept seeing Daddy's erect cock. I kept imaging it was his erect cock that was rubbing along the length of my pussy crack. I also started thinking of laying my face across Daddy's lap and sucking his erect cock. That's when I had my orgasm! It had been a while since I had such a good release as that one. I'm glad that the shower was running because he would have heard my moans for certain otherwise.
It was right then that I decided that I would make a play for Daddy's cock soon. I suddenly wanted nothing less than him! I suddenly *HAD* to go pee. And poop. All that food from the night before! Daddy hadn't locked the door and he was still in the shower so I quickly went in and sat on the toilet.
After I started peeing really good, I said, "Morning, Daddy!"
"Morning, Little Jo!" Through the glass I saw him look at me then turn his body so that I couldn't see his penis. "You're up early."
"I think I ate too much last night!"
Daddy laughed. "You certainly packed it away. So you don't want breakfast?"
"I didn't say *that*!"
The day was relatively boring. Met my grandma again-- barely remembered her. She was nice and all, but real cagey and I couldn't get a good read on her. Daddy was being all business like and only giving out info that needed to be known. We finished with all those papers just before noon and by 2pm we had pulled out of grandma's driveway with a few items of value: a couple of stock certificates, a real diamond ring and necklace and a couple of heirloom pieces of china. There was even a photo album of when Sherri and I were really little. Daddy thought that those pictures were lost for good!
On the way out of South Carolina, Daddy wanted to make sure that I had a chance to swim in the ocean. He found a non-descript beach somewhere south of the famous Myrtle Beach and we parked and walked along the sand. There was next to no one on the beach at all. The sky was gray and the swells were occasionally large.
"Still like to try out the ocean, Jo?"
"Yes!" I answered.
"There's a hurricane that is rumbling off shore and a couple days away. That's why it's deserted here."
I looked around then back at Daddy. "Are you coming with me?"
"Then let's go!"
We raced back to the car, found our swim suits and ran off to change in the restrooms. We had a grand time. Perhaps only an hour or so. But then Daddy said that we really needed to be on our way.
We pull a tee shirt over our swim suits then hit the open road again. It was a couple of hours before dinner time and Daddy wanted to make inland and North Carolina before then. Dinner was a quick burger and shake then a long drive. As Daddy drove I asked him about my mother.
"I think that she was sick," he said. He went on to explain that she had some sort of condition that required her to take medicine every day. He didn't realize that she had stopped taking it until almost a month later. Well, that meant that she was unbalanced and a little unhinged. But she had another problem.
Before they got married, she was a druggie and a sex- o-holic. Daddy's words. I think that he meant that she was a prostitute or something. I don't know for certain, but he wouldn't explain. Anyway, she became unstable, reverted to drugs and wanting to do her sec- thing again and she became upset with everything that Daddy did.
"But your grandma said that she was very sorry for what she did."
"Why didn't she return or apologize?" I asked.
"I think that it's really hard to return sometimes. And she was very sick by then and didn't want us to be burdened with her problems. At least that's what grandma said."
"What was she sick with?"
"I think it was AIDS."
AIDS was relatively new in the lexicon of society. And it was weird to think that my mother died of it. I was silent for a long time thinking about the mother that I barely knew and the Daddy that I loved so much.
Daddy finally put his hand on my leg. "Whatchya thinking, Little Jo?"
I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder. "Just thinking how lucky that I am to have you as my Daddy."
He patted my head.
"No, seriously. Sherri and I are very lucky! You are so sweet and caring and...." I actually choked up. Cheesy to say, I know, but I choked up.
"Jo, it's what any Dad would do for his children."
"Maybe," I replied. "But not every parent does it."
Daddy was silent. I glanced up at him and saw him stifle a tear and quickly wipe it away.
The miles rolled along under us and the sun slipped down below the horizon.
"I'd like to get a little further up the road. Are you okay with that, Jo?"
"Sure. I'm not driving."
He laughed. I stretched then laid down across his lap. I felt his dick under my ear. It was a soft mound of flesh. I placed my hand next to my cheek but made sure to rest it upon his bare inner thigh. I felt his dick move and grow a little underneath me. The miles rolled by and I waited.
I glanced at the dash clock. It was about 9:40pm. I moved my hand closer to my cheek, making sure to pull it along his bare leg. I felt his penis stretch underneath me. I really wanted to reach under his pants and caress it.
"You still awake?"
"Yeah. I'm just thinking."
"About what, Jo?"
"About boys."
He chuckled. "What about boys?"
"Why is it that their penis inflates?"
Daddy was quiet for a few moments. I felt his dick move under me. "Well, usually that means that they're getting excited--like they see or feel something really sexy."
"Is that why your penis was inflated this morning?"
Dead silence.
I turned my head to try to look up at him. From the dashboard lights I could see that he was staring off at the road. But I couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"And you're penis seems a little excited tonight too," I finally added.
"Jo, these things are not supposed to be."
"What things, Daddy?"
"Jo, we aren't supposed to have sexual feelings for each other!"
"This is sex?" I asked, incredulous that he actually said it.
"No, but it could lead to it. And that's wrong. I don't want to hurt you."
Boldly, I snaked my hand up the leg of his shorts to feel his penis. "I don't believe it's wrong. And you aren't hurting me."
He moaned as I touched his dick. It was hot to the touch. But it didn't feel much like what Matt's had felt like. I moved my hand around then realized that I had a hold of his balls. Dang! they were huge! And hairy! I *really* wanted to see his equipment after that!
"Jo, you shouldn't be doing that!"
"Daddy, I just want to give you as much pleasure as possible."
He groaned. "Oh, baby, please don't."
"Daddy, I know that you've gotten some pleasure off of feeling me. Even this morning. Right?"
"That doesn't count, I was just waking up...."
"It counts because you left your sperm all over my underwear."
"Geesh, I'm sorry, honey."
"Don't be sorry, Daddy. I was enjoying it. And I think you were too."
Daddy was silent for a minute or two. I kept my hand on his balls and cock. I could feel it moving underneath my head. It felt so large and hot. The skin of his cock was smooth and tight. I could feel large veins in its length. I tried hard to imagine it in my mind as I lightly touched it.
"Jo, you realize just how dangerous this is?"
"You thought Matt's mom was over-the-top weirded out about you two touching each other? Society is even weirder about daddies touching their daughters."
"I know that. And I'm really good at keeping secrets."
"You'll have to be even better then you were with your relation with Matt."
"I will. Does this mean....?" I could scarcely believe what I was hearing.
"Jo, you have your hands on my balls; I can't think straight!"
I gently squeezed his sack and then grasped the length of his cock in my hand.
"Oh, Jo, Jo!" he murmured. "My dear Little Jo! What am I going to do with you?"
"Love me," I cooed back. "Love me and touch me and feel me all over!"
He placed his hand on my head and stroked my hair for a few moments. "Oh, sheee!" He suddenly said. "Jo, we can't. What's Sherri going to think?"
"Daddy. Can I tell you a story?"
"What do you mean?"
"You'll see." I stayed on his lap with my hand on his dick. I was this close. There was NO way that I was going to give it up! "Do you remember at the beginning of summer when you came home and Sherri and me had our forts built out of blankets all over our rooms?"
"That came about *after* we had a very long talk. Sherri wanted to know what all Matt and me had been doing. She wanted to know what all a guy would do with a girl so I explained. And as I explained, she closed her eyes to imagine it. And you know what she was thinking of?"
"No," he said. "Matt's body?"
"Not at all. She was imagining you and your lovely penis."
"Crazy, huh? Except that's the only penis that she had ever seen. She's seen you when we were camping and she caught you with the flashlight with your pants down. That was a complete accident. But she also saw you the next morning--just as I saw you--with a big ol' huge dick sticking up out of your shorts. That's what she was imagining when I was describing what Matt did with me."
"Oh, my...." Daddy's voice sounded far away and dry.
"And she's told me that she thinks about what it would be like to have you touch her in a close and intimate way."
"And I think of that too, Daddy. And tonight is closer than I've ever been."
"But, Jo," he started protesting again.
"Daddy, please don't reject me. Don't reject my love. I've had everyone I've ever loved either walk out on me or be pulled away from me. Everyone except you. Please don't reject me."
"Jo, I'm not rejecting you. I love you very much."
"'re going to reject my love?"
"Jo, don't say that. This is so weird. It's so opposite of what I've ever been taught."
"Daddy, I love you!" I gently squeezed his cock and kissed it through the cloth. I looked up at him and saw he was staring off at the road. The glare from occasional passing cars highlighted his face then plunged it back into the shadows of the night.
He placed his hand back on my head and stroked my hair. I took his hand and moved it to my breasts. As he lightly touched it, I moved my shirt up and out of the way. His dick grew two sizes under my head. I gasped as his fingers touched the bare of my tit.
"Oh, Daddy!" I almost cried. "That feels so good!"
"Baby, I'm going to drive straight off the road, this feels so good. Are you sure you want this?"
"Oh, yes, Daddy. Yes!"
"There's a motel at this next off ramp. Let's spend the night."
"You weren't thinking of sleeping, were you?"
Daddy chuckled and massaged my tit some more.
The motel was a cheap place, something like a scaled- down version of Motel 6. It was nearly ten o'clock and the motel clerk was old and moving slow.
At one point he looked hard at me then back at Daddy. "You be needing a bucket of ice for Champaign?" He snickered.
Daddy looked up. "Uh, no!"
"Well, don't soil the sheets too badly. That's an extra charge."
"Sir. This is my daughter!"
"To each his own."
"And I'll thank you to keep your own opinions to yourself."
The old man nodded then said, "Check out is by 10:30 am. Office is open at eight."
"And if we leave earlier?"
"Key drop is right next to the office door."
Daddy took the key and then we drove to park in front of our motel room. He grabbed both our suitcases, locked the car then let us into the room. The room was small, smelled stale, had old worn furniture but was at least clean. During this whole time I had said nothing. I didn't really understand the implications of what the old man had said until later, but I saw Daddy's shocked response to the comments.
He laid the suitcases on the dresser than sat on the bed.
I sat next to him and hugged him. "What did that man mean?"
"I think that was just his idea of something humorous," Daddy began. "But he was joking that I brought you to the motel to fuck you."
I knew what "fuck" mean but I had never heard Daddy say that or anything that strong before. "Isn't that kinda what we were thinking about?" I finally asked softly.
"No, my dear Jo. We were thinking of making love. Not fucking. That word is too, too... gross or shocking for something so tender and loving."
"Well, I love how tender and loving you are, Daddy!"
"But I can't make love to you, Jo." He looked pleadingly into my eyes.
"Why not?"
"What if we got caught?"
"We won't. And what if I just made love to you?" I countered. "You could pretend to be asleep and I just did this to you."
Daddy smiled. When he smiled, it was as though the sun came out. "You are a silly knuckle head. You know that?" We embraced in a hug that was somewhere in between a father and daughter hugging and two lovers hugging. He kissed me tenderly on my lips then said. "Gotta go pee. Then lights out and I'll meet you under the covers. Okay?"
I nodded and smiled broadly.
A few minutes later, both of us had peed and stripped and slid under the covers. I scooted over and hugged Daddy tightly, smelling his "Daddy-ness" and almost vibrating with happiness.
"Are you shivering," Daddy asked in a whisper.
"No. I'm excited!"
I felt his hands rubbing my back, up and down my spine--down to my butt then across to the edges by little tits. I massaged his chest and back. He pulled me in closer to him and my tits mashed up against his abdomen. Between us, his dick throbbed and pressed hard against my thigh. It was so hard and warm. I giggled as it twitched. His hands were all over my back; he seemed more intent. I felt his dick rubbing back and forth against my inner legs.
"Jo, we can't get this on the sheets," Daddy whispered. "Let's turn over."
He rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. His log-sized dick was wedged under my stomach. He motioned for me to rock back and forth. Soon, I felt him matching my rhythm and he grasped my hips in his strong hands guiding my efforts. Suddenly he pulled me tightly against him and I felt his sperm shootout between us. He reached up at the same time and found my face and began kissing my cheek and lips and then sucking on my lips. It was an incredible rush of emotions and sensations. I suddenly began crying softly.
Once Daddy realized what was happening, he was very concerned. "Jo, are you okay?"
I nodded, then thought how dumb that was in the dark. "Uh-huh," I lamely answered.
"But you're crying?"
"I'm so happy," I finally vocalized. "I have my Daddy right here and I made him very happy."
He hugged me tightly again. "Very happy indeed, Little Jo."
We lay like that for a few minutes more before he pushed me into a sitting position. "Gotta clean up," he whispered. His fingers traced across my tits and I tingled. "Then I can return the favor."
"Let me just enjoy this memory first," I said dreamily. "Then maybe tomorrow morning?"
After cleaning up we were asleep in each other's arms in just a few minutes. I had never been happier. My dreams were filled with joy and warmth and Daddy.
I woke up to Daddy stirring. It was still early--the street lights were still on. I snuggled in closer to him, putting my leg up and over his torso. His dick grew at my touch and sent thrills through my body as it crept higher and higher toward my pussy.
"We gotta get going, my dear," Daddy spoke in a whisper.
I just hugged him closer and ground my pussy into his thighs.
"Oh, baby!" He kissed my cheek. "We can't risk it. Especially now that it's getting morning time. See how the curtain doesn't really cover the window all the way?"
I looked at the window. Sure enough, you *could* see a bit of the outside--which meant that someone *could* see right back inside too.
"So that it?" I asked. I guess that my face must have shown great disappointment.
"We can't do it here!" Daddy whispered, then kissed me again.
I longingly watch his naked form leave the bed, cross in front of me then enter the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard the shower start. I had to pee so I went in too.
As I sat on the toilet, Daddy stuck his head out of the shower and whispered, "But I don't see why we couldn't save water and time and shower together!"
I was up and in the shower in no time at all! I had my hands all over Daddy. He was already so warm from the shower. As I stepped closer to him, his dick twitched and started growing. I took it in my hands--it was so large! At first it felt heavy, then as it continued to grow, it lifted off my hands and pointed right up at me.
"It looks happy," I whispered.
"It is. Are you?"
I looked up at him and smiled. "You make me happy, Daddy!"
Daddy then pulled me into the water with my back to him. His dick rested in the small of my back and twitched manically. His hand were all over my front--but especially on my tits.
"I can't believe how beautiful these are, Jo. And I can't believe how beautiful you've become!"
He kept massaging my tits and rubbing my nipples between his fingers. I could not believe the sensations that were radiating out from my breasts! My knees almost buckled.
"Oh, Daddy!" I softly purred.
"Baby, I want to give you some real pleasure!"
He had me sit on the back edge of the shower and he knelt in front of me. I opened up my legs to him and he lifted my feet up and placed them on his shoulders. Then he dove into my snatch and began licking. I doubled up and grabbed a hold of his head just to keep from falling. The sensation was so overwhelming! He was holding my ass cheeks in his hands, and pulling me forward onto his mouth. And his tongue! Oh! His tongue went INTO my pussy.
It was like liquid fire flowing around every fold of my labia. I felt it even press against my hymen. I jumped and I think Daddy must have known it was too much since he didn't press back there again. But instead, he concentrated on my clitoris. He even took it in his mouth and sucked. I almost passed out. I certainly lost track of everything else.
Then it hit! I had an orgasm before. A few times at my own hand. But *NOTHING* prepared me for the rush of *WOW* that overwhelmed every fiber of my body. I collapsed on top of Daddy and it was merely the fact that he was still there and holding onto my butt that I didn't slip off and land on the floor of the tub.
The one thing that I was conscious of was trying not to make a sound. Instead, I held my breath or sucked in a large amount of air. Once the intense rush was over, I released the air in my lungs with a slow gasp.
"Oh, Daddy, my Daddy!" I finally mouthed the words in a bare whisper.
He unhooked his face from my pussy and found my lips. The shower was still splattering all around us and I remember tasting and smelling myself on his lips. Then with a rush of joy and appreciation I remembered again where his lips had just been and I drunkenly kissed him back,
"Daddy, can I kiss your penis?" I finally asked. "Just like you kissed my pussy?"
"Oh, baby!" Daddy groaned. "Yes! Please hurry."
He stood up and I was suddenly staring at his very red and engorged dick. I tentatively took it in my hands and he moaned, "Yes, Jo!" I started kissing it, beginning at the tip and continuing all the way down to his balls. The hair on his balls was wiry and stiff; it tickled my nose.
"Lick it, Little Jo. Lick it!" Daddy's voice was a whisper but very far away and odd sounding.
I took a long lick, starting at its base right up to the tip. I tasted manliness as my tongue touched the opening at the top. Daddy grunted and his dick twitched at the same time.
I remember hearing girls talk about "giving head" or a "blow job" and hearing that maybe someone's older sister had stuck a boyfriend's dick in her mouth. At the time I thought how weird! But there in front of Daddy I couldn't imagine NOT trying it.
I engulfed the whole tip of his dick and began sucking gently on it. I couldn't put much more in so I let my tongue snake around all over the part I could fit inside my mouth to the closer parts that were just outside of my mouth.
Suddenly Daddy grabbed the back of my head and pressed his dick further into my mouth. I didn't like the near gagging feeling so I back up. But not before he blasted gobs of his sperm all over my mouth and chin. Several huge volleys of his spunk filled my mouth. I let it dribble out, not really liking the taste or the gagging sensation.
After a few moments, I realized that what Daddy had done was almost involuntary and I had made him very happy. I let his dick fall out of my mouth and I kissed his belly repeatedly. A few minutes later, in much colder water, we finished washing off. We were out of the motel by 6:30 or so. Daddy made sure that we didn't even stop for breakfast till a town or two later.
It was okay. I was still sleepy and curled up against Daddy as he drove. Daddy acted a little weird for a good part of the drive. I think that he was having second guesses as well as feeling a bit of guilt. I tried to let him know that it was all okay and that I loved him dearly, but it seemed that those sort of things took time to work through.
We pulled into Granny Fran's driveway mid-afternoon. Sherri came bounding out to meet us and had a hundred questions and things that she wanted to tell us. She and Granny went shopping and saw a matinee show as well as visited Philadelphia for a day.
Granny had a wonderful dinner for us and dessert was to die for! After dinner, she sent Sherri and me off to bed and set down with Daddy for a long talk. Now I only know this because I happen to overhear part of the "talk."
"So you have two girls who love you very much, William." (Daddy's name was William Ryan Smith. Most of his friends called him Bill, though. His Mom always called him "William.")
"Yes, I do. And I am so fortunate to have that," Daddy replied.
"But do you really realize what you have?" Granny asked.
"What do you mean?"
I stayed in the shadows of the hallway.
Granny replied, "You have two girls who love you beyond what you imagine."
"I don't understand," Daddy replied.
"I suppose not. They love you and they want your love in return?"
"I do love them!"
"All the way?" Granny shot back.
"What do you mean?"
"They crave physical love and touching just as much as your emotional attention," she answered.
Daddy was silent for several long moments.
"You know what I mean, William," Granny said at length.
"So you want me to show them about sex?"
"No. They want and desire to be shown about love. There's a huge difference. They can get sex from any pimply faced boy in their school. They need to know love--your love for them."
Daddy was silent for quite a while before he said, "It's so weird hearing you say that."
"I suppose it is. You didn't have any sisters so you don't know firsthand how devoted a girl can be to her father."
"And you're saying this out of firsthand experience?"
Granny chuckled. "Perhaps more than you'd know."
"And I turned out okay, didn't I?"
"I suppose so."
"Now, William, I know how society looks at such things, but I can read your daughters. They are trust- worthy. And they have the highest regard for you. You should hear it in the way Sherri talks about you. And did you see the way that Jolene was watching you? She adores your every move. I can see that she wants more than a good-night kiss."
"Well, if you can see that, what's going to keep the rest of the world from knowing about it?"
"The rest of the world is not me," Granny laughed. "It takes someone who has been there and done that to read the emotions and subtle signs. Now, William. Don't go disappointing them. They've already suffered a huge loss when Maggie left you--especially Jolene."
My mind, by then, was reeling! Granny was advocating that Daddy go and make love to and with his daughters! And she even used the same argument that I did--that I had already suffered loss and rejection from Maggie (my mother) and "don't reject my love, Daddy!"
I didn't hear much of what else they talked about--I sure didn't want them to see me in the hallway right then. But I really DID want something more than a good-night kiss from Daddy.
We left Granny's the next day and arrived home midafternoon. The whole morning at Granny's and the ride home was marked by normality. Which, given what I had heard Granny & Daddy discuss the night before, was really odd! Although, I did detect Daddy trying to be "extra normal" if you know what I mean. He seemed to be trying too hard to make things be exactly as they were before.
It was a normal afternoon and evening, though, with each of us helping with laundry or making dinner and the like. After dinner, Daddy showed Sherri a few of the things that he brought back from our mother's house. Sherri really enjoyed seeing the pictures of when we were young. While looking at a picture of Dad after he got married, she even said, "Daddy, you had to have been the hunkiest and cutest guy around!"
I laughed. Daddy turned a little red then hemmed and hawed before saying, "Thank you, Sherri."
After sending us off to bed, I decided that I would make a move later that night. So I went to bed wearing only a thin tee shirt. It was all I could do to keep from touching myself under the covers while I waited for the right time to make my move. The trick was to make sure that either I stayed awake, or I woke up late in the night so that I could slip into Daddy's room and his bed.
I fell asleep and awoke with a start sometime around 1 or 2 in the morning. All was quiet and very dark. Excitedly I slipped out of bed and quietly made my way to Daddy's room. He was sleeping heavily, breathing in a rough near-snore. I slipped off my tee shirt then crept into his bed and lay still, hoping that he wouldn't notice--yet!
Daddy still slept in a queen sized bed--the same one that he and my mother had. Daddy was on his side facing the far window on the far half of the bed. My half was still cool to the touch. Even though it was a warm summer night, the A/C was on so I decided to wait till I warmed up and warmed up my half of the bed before I moved in. I was getting sleepy again in spite of my being so excited.
I finally thought I was warm enough so I moved in next to Daddy. He moved slightly. I snuggled so that we were like spoons in a silverware drawer with his ass fitting right in to my lap. I laid my hand over his hip and thrilled realizing that he was sleeping in the nude. I was so excited but tiredness won out and drifted off to sleep.
I suddenly woke with a start, realizing that someone else was moving next to me. Yes, I was still in Daddy's bed and we had rolled over so now *MY* butt was nestled in his lap and his hands were engulfing me around my chest. But more than that, his penis was large and stiff and resting in my butt crack. Oh! My! Goodness! I was suddenly so VERY awake. It was almost as if electricity flowed from his dick through my butt crack up through my abdomen and out his hand that was resting on my tit.
I started rocking my hips against his dick and pulled his hand close into my breast. That went on for a couple of minutes. I felt his dick get even harder and thicker in my ass crack. It was seriously pushing against my anus and I was getting excited!
Suddenly Daddy moved and rolled away from me. I was scared that he was waking up or that he was reacting to my presence. But after a moment, I realized that he merely rolled onto his back. So I rolled over too and gently threw my leg over his torso so that my pussy was inches away from his rigid man tool. I draped my hand over his chest. I suddenly noticed that my pussy was wet and dripping. Moving back and forth across Daddy's hip left a slick trail. Needless to say, I was being stimulated! My leg was over his rigid dick and I felt how hot and turgid it was.
Suddenly Daddy was awake. He grasped my hand which was on his chest and he gasped slightly. "Jo? Is that you?"
"Yes, Daddy," I whispered, keeping up a slight pressure and rhythm on his dick with my leg and pussy.
"What are you doing?"
"I want more than a good-night kiss," I replied.
He was silent for a long time. I was beginning to be worried that I had pushed too far too fast.
"Sounds like you've been talking with your Granny," he finally said. "Now, Jo, you know how much I love you, but you also know just how wrong everybody thinks this is."
"But we've already been this far and both you and me loved it." I stroked his chest and kept up the pressure on his dick with my leg and groin. "And Daddy, I love you. Very much!"
"Oh, Baby!" He whispered in a half moan sort of way. "Your Granny said that you were wanting this."
"I don't know how she knew," I said. "But it's so true. I want to love you and touch you, Daddy. I want you to touch me and love me and lick me."
He groan again and humped his hips back toward my crotch. "Oh, Jo! My Little Jo!"
"I want to feel your hands and tongue on my pussy again."
He grunted--a happy sort of excited grunt. And then he moved. Suddenly the covers were back and he was on top of me with his dick poised above me, slapping me in my face. I giggled at it and took it in my hands. He moaned again and placed his head between my legs. Pure electricity! His hands pulled my pussy apart and his mouth was plastered all over my wet slit. I started moving my hips back and forth then up and down in response to his ministrations.
I felt his fingers work themselves further down my crack--down, down, down closer to my ass hole. He traced his fingers up and down my slit down the crack, making the whole way slicker each pass. Finally he played with the anus itself. I never thought of my butt being something that was sexual or sensual. But now I was experiencing major pleasure emanating from my butt as well as my pussy. All the while he was licking my increasingly wet pussy slit and nibbling and pulling tenderly on my labia with his lips.
I almost forgot about his throbbing cock that I had my hands wrapped around. His dick jumped and he pumped his hips in response. He kept licking my pussy and clit while his fingers ran back and forth, up and down my crack. More and more frantically he licked and sucked. More and more frantically he pressed along the length of my crack and against my anal sphincter.
More and more frantically I squeezed his cock and licked its head. All the while I felt something growing deep within me--growing and building and drawing me closer toward that orgasmic edge. It was as though I suddenly noticed a colored light in the distance and I kept focusing on it and willing it to come closer. I wanted it to be. I could see the colors moving and rippling; I kept focusing on them as Daddy kept strumming my pussy and ass.
Suddenly he groaned. He jammed a finger *INTO* my anus and clamped down hard on my labia and clitoris. At about the same time my face was flooded with his gooey sperm. But at the moment he jammed his finger into my butt hole, the colors that I had been imagining broke over my head in a sheer blinding brilliance of white followed by wave after wave of various colors. At the same time, I gasped and began violently spasming. I'm sure if Daddy were any lighter, I would have tossed him off the bed.
I was vaguely aware of some noise--some sort of grunting, animal-like sound mixed with some yelping. Daddy later told me that noise we me. He also said that it sounded like I was trying to say "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" again and again, except it came out more like "aDEE, aDEE, aDEE!" where the "DEE" was the weird little yelp.
Whatever it was, I finally calmed down and lay still. I was so overwhelmed with how good it felt. Daddy stayed above me the whole time I was coming back from Orgasmic Land. I loved feeling him closer around me and his face still nestled into my crotch. Of course, I had his spunk plastered all over my face and neck; but I had Daddy with me and we had given each other such loving pleasure.
At long last, Daddy crawled off the bed then came back a minute later with a warm washcloth and towel. In the light from the master bath room, he gently cleaned me off before turning the light off and crawling back into the bed with me. WITH ME! We held each other close. I nibbled on his ear and rubbed his side from his hips to his shoulder.
"I can't believe what we just did, Jo," he finally whispered.
"Nor can I!"
"No, I mean, it's...."
I put a finger on his lips and said, "No. Don't go there. Does this feel right? Does it feel good?"
He was quiet for a few moments.
"You know it's right, Daddy. Besides, there's no going back now. I sure don't even want to try. I want to spend every moment I can with you, naked and in your bed!"
"You're right, Jo. I do love you and I am honored that you want to give yourself to me. But we have to think about your sister too."
"She can share the bed too. I'm good with that."
Daddy kissed me again--a slightly daddy-like kiss with a huge dollop of Lover-passion throw in. "We'll talk more in the morning."
"Okay. But we'll do other things in the morning too won't we?"
He kissed me again--this time without a shred of daddy-ness. "If we ever get to sleep."
We fell asleep and stayed entwined like that the rest the night.
to be continued?
Sam Vimes
Kmodo Rex
baseman 12
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