Don't Ever Let Boys Do This

[ Mg, 1st, inc, cons ]

by Dwayne

Published: 28-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"I'm going now," whispered Tami as she leaned over her husband's dozing form in the bed to kiss him softly on the cheek.

"'Kay," Stan mumbled grumpily. He opened his eyes to regard his blond, shapely wife in the pre-dawn gloom, and attempted what he hoped was a winning smile. "You sure can't stay just a few minutes longer?" He waggled his eyebrows meaningfully.

"No, you insatiable lecher," she sighed with exasperation, though she smiled to take the sting off it. "The taxi's already here." She reached down to playfully stroke the thick, hard cock between her muscular husband's legs through the thin sheet and swallowed despite herself when she felt the familiar weight of his erection. Her eyes turned smoky. "Believe me, big guy, this isn't any easier on me. But you know I have to go - this convention is the biggest thing we do every year, and this is the first time they've let me go. I can't screw this up."

"I know, I know," Stan grumbled. "It's just - being without you for a week..." He let his voice trail off wistfully.

"Well, just take care of yourself whenever it gets too bad, honey," Tami whispered softly, "And I'll be back to take care of you just as soon as I can. And please," she added in a firmer tone, "Do look after Amy, and make sure you spend some real time with her. She's growing up so fast. I know this maybe isn't how you would have chosen to spend a week of your vacation, especially in the summer, but we've been over this all before. There isn't anything else we can do. She's got her swimming lessons every afternoon starting Monday - please don't forget. And try to take advantage of the time to get to know her. She's never going to be eleven again; she's already a young lady. You need to really get to know who she is right now, and show her some real closeness and affection."

"Yeah, all right," the thirty-four year old man promised, though a bit sulkily.

"It'll be all right - you'll see," Tami promised. "Now please, give me a kiss. I want to say goodbye to our girl before I leave." She bent over and their lips met. "Now go back to sleep, love. It's way too early for anyone on vacation to have to get up." She moved to the door, pausing to whisper, "Bye, honey," one more time before leaving, pulling the door closed behind her.

She stepped softly down the hallway to their daughter's bedroom, pushing the door open and gazing in at the girl in the bed. Amy, her dirty-blond hair tousled with sleep, raised her head at her mother's entrance in the dim dawn light. "You should be asleep," her mother whispered with a smile.

"Are you leaving now?" the girl asked, her pretty - if somewhat round - face marred only by a small, concerned frown.

"Yes, sweetie," Tami murmured as she bent to kiss the eleven-year-old girl. "The taxi's already here, and I've got to go."

Her daughter flung her arms around her mother's neck and clung for a moment. "Will you be safe? You're coming back in a week, right?"

"Yes, I'll be fine," the slightly plump mother said reassuringly, "And yes, I'll be back a week from tomorrow, next Sunday." She paused. "Amy?" she said in a more serious tone.

"Yeah, Mom?" the girl asked.

"Try to be nice to your dad, okay? I know you two haven't always been getting along, but it's not all his fault, you know. Please try to remember that he doesn't get much vacation and he's still spending it with you. So try to make sure you let him have some time to do things that he wants to do and don't make him entertain you the whole time, all right? But just try to spend some time with him, cuddling and being close, okay?"

"All right, Mom," the pre-teen girl promised.

Just then a car horn honked insistently outside the front of the house.

"Oh, all right!" hissed Tami, "I'm coming!" She strode quickly to the door, blowing her daughter a hurried kiss before vanishing. Her steps retreated down the stairs, followed by the sound of the front door opening, closing, and the lock being turned.

As the taxi drove away a moment later, Amy turned back on her side and was asleep in minutes.

Stan, on the other hand, lay awake for some time after his wife left the house. Though he'd tried to be good about it, he was not happy that his wife was going to be away for more than a week. The fact was, Stan was the sort of man who got really cranky unless he got to come two or three times a day. He'd been that way since he was twelve and first discovered the joys of fucking with a cousin who was willing and equally curious.

Since then, he'd been generally fortunate enough to find cooperative girls often enough to keep him satisfied and, in those dry spells between girlfriends, there had always been the hookers in the local massage parlors to help. And once he met and married Tami, most of the time it had been everything he'd ever wanted. When she was well and rested, she was as enthusiastic about frequent fucking as he was, and even when she wasn't, she was usually a good sport about it, allowing Stan to quietly empty his semen into her cunt or asshole, pumping away while she slept or groggily rocked back and forth in response to his eager thrusting.

In fact, it had become a standing joke between them, and Tami often teased her husband about being her horny alarm clock, jolting her awake with his cock plunging in and out of her. They kept a bottle of hand lotion conveniently on their nightstand so that Stan could lubricate and fuck her ass or cunt hole with a minimum of fuss. She claimed to enjoy being woken up that way, but Stan still much preferred her to be awake and a willing participant. She was a tigress in bed, always ready to take his load in her mouth, pussy, or ass, and she appreciated having her own cunt licked just as much. In short, she was everything an incredibly horny husband could desire.

Until the past couple of months, that is. Once she learned she'd been chosen to represent her company at the biggest trade show of the year, she'd thrown herself into her job with single-minded determination to make a mark for herself. Stan understood and didn't really begrudge her the opportunity, but lately she'd spent so much time working that she wouldn't even come to bed until the wee hours each night and collapse exhaustedly into his arms. She tried to still respond to his lewd advances but often she would simply remain asleep, snoring softly while Stan pumped and thrust away atop her. After a while, even he didn't have the heart to risk disturbing the sleep his overworked wife clearly needed.

The upshot was that Stan hadn't actually fucked her more than five or six times over the preceding three weeks, which was some kind of record for him, he realized petulantly. He toyed with the idea of taking his wife's suggestion and jerking off, but he'd learned from experience that jerking off didn't make things better for him. It was only a momentary relief, and the raging lust would come surging back minutes later, stronger than before. It wasn't until he'd actually shot his thick, creamy wad of come into or onto a woman that he felt any sort of relief.

And now his woman was gone for a week and he was stuck babysitting their daughter, which meant that there weren't going to be any chances to sneak out and pick up a willing broad in a local bar or even find a whore to ease the urgent pressure in his balls. And to make matters even worse, that daughter he was supposed to be spending more time with was at the point of blossoming into womanhood, her hips and breasts swelling tantalizingly under the thin nighties and revealing two-piece swimsuits she often wore in the hot summer weather. Stan had noticed, oh hell yes, he had noticed. Though it wasn't something he could ever discuss with his wife, the reason he'd been so distant with their pubescent daughter lately was that he didn't trust himself not to let his growing sexual arousal in her presence become obvious. So instead, he'd retreated into the garage, tinkering with his various woodworking projects or just listening to the ball game on the radio while swilling bee r.

And now he was supposed to spend a week with the girl, somehow ignoring her budding little tits and smooth, pearly skin, her adorable smiles and all the soft, plump curves of her body that the skimpy clothing she wore revealed. An entire week of pretending he wasn't going out of his mind with perverted, incestuous lust for his sweet, innocent daughter and no way to relieve himself. He groaned aloud with frustration and then, in the time-honored male tradition of dealing with insoluble problems, rolled over and went back to sleep.

Stan awoke several hours later with a start, warm sunlight streaming into the room through the gaps in the window blinds. He blinked groggily at the clock and cursed soundly when he realized that it was past ten in the morning. Shit, he thought to himself, Amy was probably already up and doing Lord knows what downstairs. He stumbled out of bed and fished a pair of gym shorts out of his drawer - he could tell by the temperature in the bedroom that it was going to be too hot today to wear much else - and padded down the hallway.

To his relief, Amy's door was still closed. He pushed it open softly and peered in. His breath caught in his throat. The girl was lying in bed, the thin sheet pulled up just over her legs. She was wearing a soft, sheer nightgown of a pale green that set off her skin wonderfully, and the slinky material traced the outline of her developing breasts perfectly. Whether in response to the faint noise of her door or because she sensed someone watching her, Amy opened her eyes shortly after Stan entered the room. "Hi, Dad," she said with a sleepy smile. "Is it time to get up?"

Swallowing hard, Stan put on what he hoped was a cheerful grin and said, "Not if you don't want to, princess. I just wanted you to know that I had just gotten up. I-I'm going to take a shower, and then I'll be downstairs in a little while if you'd like some breakfast."

The pubescent nymph in the bed languidly stretched, casually draping one arm over her head in a gesture that was so innocently seductive and feminine that Stan found himself beginning to sweat and praying that the swelling bulge in his shorts wouldn't become blatant before he could escape his daughter's bedroom.

"Okay, Daddy," she said lazily, "If it's all right, I'm gonna' stay in bed a little while longer. I'll be down in a bit."

"All right, gorgeous," her father murmured, turning just a shade too quickly and beating a retreat out the door. "Whenever you're ready," he called over his shoulder to the disturbingly arousing little girl behind him.

Stan took a long time showering, resisting the temptation to jack off but strangely reluctant to end the stream of water and have to deal with these incestuous desires that were mounting within him. Eventually, when his fingers and toes began to develop prune-like wrinkles, he sternly told himself he was being ridiculous and forced himself to step out of the shower and dry off. He shaved carefully, something he normally wouldn't do on a Saturday, but he rationalized that it wouldn't do to be looking like a slob if he and Amy decided to go somewhere.

Finally, though, he ran out of excuses and tugged his gym shorts back on before heading downstairs. He busied himself in the kitchen, setting out some possible choices for breakfast, but it wasn't long before he heard his daughter's footsteps on the upstairs floor.

She traipsed into the kitchen and beamed at her father, still wearing only the thin, pale green nightie. Stan did his best not to gawk at her while he described the various choices for breakfast and she selected buttered toast and fruit. He could feel himself starting to perspire as he turned away from her and his skin inexplicably felt like it was on fire. He couldn't swear to it, but it almost looked like the girl wasn't even wearing panties - he couldn't see any kind of line marring the smooth curve of the young girl's hip and ass. He found his hands shaking as he tried to prepare his daughter's breakfast.

As he set the food in front of Amy, she asked brightly, "What are you going to eat, Daddy?"

"Uh, I had a bite or two before you came down, sweetheart," he answered in an oddly strained voice as he sat down across from her at the kitchen table. The truth was, his stomach was fluttering so much he couldn't think of eating just then.

There followed a few moments of silence as the girl methodically ate and Stan mulled over the fact that twice now this morning, his girl had called him 'Daddy'. She hadn't done that since she was five years old - he'd been 'Dad' to her since then. Yet now, when they were alone together, she was suddenly reverting to being a little girl? Stan shook his head, puzzled.

"What? What's wrong?" Amy demanded curiously.

"Nothing, nothing," Stan demurred, "I was just thinking about something a long time ago."

"Oh," she said, apparently satisfied. After another moment, she asked, "What do you want to do today?"

"I didn't have any plans," Stan answered, remembering his wife's admonition to spend some time with Amy. "What do you want to do?"

"That's not fair!" she protested, "I asked you first. Besides," she went on, "Someone has to say, otherwise we'll just spend all day saying, 'I don't know - what do you want to do?'"

Stan burst out laughing and soon Amy joined him, pleased that she could make her father laugh.

"So, seriously," Amy asked again as their chuckles faded, "I know you're stuck with me for your vacation." Stan started to protest, but she waved him into silence. "It's no big deal. I understand. So tell me," and she fixed him with an intent gaze, "What would you be doing if I wasn't here?"

Going downtown looking for floozies or hookers to help get my mind and my hard-on off of you, thought Stan, though he wasn't about to say that out loud. Instead he temporized, trying to sound casual, "Oh, I don't know. Probably kick back in front of the tube, watching a ball game over a couple of beers."

"Okay," his daughter agreed simply.

"Okay? What?" stammered Stan, thoroughly confused.

"Okay, like, it's okay to do that. I don't want you to have an awful vacation, so today, that's what we'll do. Maybe tomorrow or later we can spend a day doing something I want. Deal?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

"Okay, I understand," her father laughed, nodding. "Fair enough. If you can stand to spend a day with me being a slug in front of the TV, I can sure as hell, uh, heck can spend tomorrow doing whatever it is you'd like to do. It's a deal."

"Okay," the girl said with a satisfied smile, her tone suddenly business-like. "So why don't you go get comfortable in front of the TV and I'll bring you your beer. And don't worry," she added with a glance at the kitchen table, "I'll clean up in here. You just go relax."

Stan was scarcely able to believe his ears, but he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity. Maybe the girl would go up to her room and read or play music or something. He couldn't imagine her really wanting to spend the day watching baseball. He settled himself into his favorite chair in the family room, snagged the remote from the coffee table, and quickly found a game on the television.

Stan had just begun to relax and get into the game when Amy padded in, carrying an open beer bottle and a coaster.

"Who's playing?" she asked, glancing at the TV.

Stan, whose jaw had dropped to see his daughter actually making good on her offer and serving him a cold beer, recovered enough to stutter, "Um, uh, B-braves and the Yankees. I can't tell if there's any score yet."

Amy nodded and leaned across him to set the beer and coaster on the stand on the far side of the chair, apologizing for blocking his view.

As the girl bent over him, the top of her thin nightie fell away from her chest, treating Stan to a perfect shot of his daughter's right breast, the tiny mound graced with a soft brown aureole and the most perfect little bud of a nipple. He assured her with a gulp that his view was fantastic.

She gave him a quick glance and for one awful moment, Stan was afraid she had caught him looking down the front of her gown. But she suddenly flashed him an innocent, girlish grin and Stan felt himself exhale slowly.

"Is it okay that I gave you your beer in the bottle?" the plump eleven-year-old asked, her brow suddenly furrowed. "I know that's how you usually have it, but then I thought maybe you'd like it better in a glass."

Her father chuckled at her solicitous concern and assured her that the bottle was just fine.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you alone until I'm done cleaning up. Just let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

A blowjob would be perfect, thought Stan to himself before he savagely squelched any further thoughts in that direction. He quietly pulled at his beer and tried to focus on the game.

Some time later, he heard Amy's footsteps heading up the stairs and nodded, feeling his suspicions about her level of interest in baseball confirmed. But to his surprise, she came back down a few moments later, holding a book in her hand.

"Any score yet?" she asked brightly as she proceeded to flop stomach down on the carpeted floor in front of him, spreading her book out where she could both read and glance at the TV screen.

"Um, I think it's 5-4 Yankees at the top of the fourth inning," her father informed her, his voice oddly tight.

"Okay," Amy said, and then turned to gaze at Stan in his easy chair. "Are you all right?" she asked. "You sound funny."

"I'm fine," he said, trying to feign a nonchalance he didn't feel. Sweet Jesus, he thought, she's planted herself so I can see just about all the way up her legs to her ass. If she's really not wearing panties, I don't know if I can take this. "I, uh, I just had a frog in my throat. First fresh meat I've had in days," he joked feebly.

"That's gross, Daddy," his daughter giggled, turning her face back to her book.

Again with the 'Daddy', thought Stan as he allowed his eyes to trace the length of the pubescent girl's flawlessly smooth legs. Though he tried to focus on the game, his eyes would keep wandering over her young, luscious body. The thin, silky fabric draped perfectly over her plump little bottom and by now Stan was virtually certain that she had no underwear on, nothing but that sheer, soft bit of cloth between his eyes and his own daughter's naked ass.

'Stop it!' he admonished himself silently. 'You've got seven more days to get through.' He wrenched his eyes away from the view up his young girl's nightgown and clenched his teeth. He took a long swallow from his beer and forced his attention back to the game.

Amy was true to her word, reading silently, occasionally glancing up at the television and asking a question or two about the game before returning to her book. Stan somewhat doggedly kept watching that TV screen, sternly reining in his eyes whenever they started to wander over Amy's prone body in front of him.

After thirty minutes or so, she looked back at Stan and asked, "You ready for another beer, Daddy?"

"Um, sure, sweetie, if you don't mind," he answered after glancing at the bottle and noting with surprise that it was empty. Funny, he hadn't remembered finishing it.

As Amy struggled to her feet, it was all Stan could do to stifle a yelp, for in the process of arising, the girl had given him a very brief but unmistakable glimpse of a bald little cunt. Well, that sure settled the question of panties once and for all. He handed her his empty beer bottle in stunned silence, his heart pounding in his chest as she disappeared into the kitchen. Shit, that was incredible, was all he could think to himself.

Part of him knew that he really should ask, no, demand that his daughter go upstairs and put on something more substantial. But another part of him knew that he was enjoying this far too much to ever put his foot down now. Besides, he rationalized, if he insisted and she wanted to know why, he wasn't sure he could come up with a plausible reason, one that didn't sound ridiculous. And he sure as hell wasn't going to tell her the truth. He could just imagine the conversation when Tami called home that evening - 'Yes, Mom, I'm fine but Dad made me go put on some clothes so he wouldn't rape me.' Yep, that would go over well.

Cowardice - and an embarrassingly stiff prick - held him silent as he accepted the fresh, cold beer from his daughter's hand. He thanked her in what he trusted wasn't too strained a voice and she returned to her place on the floor. To his simultaneous relief and disappointment, there were no more flashes of bare flesh from between her legs as she settled down once more with her book. He took a long swallow from the beer bottle and tried once more to focus on the game.

Fortunately, the ball game had reached an exciting point - New York had two men on base and only one out - so he was able to stay quite absorbed with the TV for some time.

But when the inning was over and he once more glanced down at Amy, his heart froze. While his attention was on the television, the girl had somehow wriggled around enough on the floor that her nightie had worked its way completely above her hips. He was staring right at his eleven-year-old daughter's perfect little, round little, naked little ass.

It was several moments before Stan even remembered to breathe. He felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and his goatee and moustache began to itch fiercely as perspiration welled up between the hairs. Great God in heaven, he thought to himself, if that isn't the sweetest sight he'd ever seen. The thought entered his head unlooked for that his daughter was exactly the same age his cousin Claire had been when the two of them fucked for the first time. That thought made the erection under his gym shorts begin to throb, straining against the white, cotton fabric. Was that why his daughter had been making him so uncomfortable lately? Hell, yes, he realized. Shit, Amy's body was almost exactly like Claire's had been at the same age. Amy's hair was lighter, but...He let the thought trail off.

Understanding why he has having these uncomfortably perverted, incestuous desires for his daughter unfortunately did nothing to help reduce them. If anything, the clear memory of what it was like to fuck a sweet, innocent eleven-year-old girl was making his current fantasies shift into overdrive. He took another long swallow of his beer and glanced down at Amy once more.

This time, he almost had to laugh. She had turned on her side, but had pulled her legs up as she nonchalantly lay there reading. Only now instead of just her ass being uncovered, he could see right into her glistening cunt slit. She glanced back at him and Stan quickly averted his eyes, desperately trying to pretend he'd been watching the television.

His daughter gave no visible reaction, though he thought he might have detected the faintest hint of a simile cross her face. She did give a half-hearted tug at the hem of her nightie, but the effort only succeeded in covering most of her upper ass cheek, leaving her pussy and lower ass cheek just as nude as before.

Stan could hardly believe his eyes. Once was an accident, twice was coincidence, but she couldn't really be so naïve as not to realize that part of her most private places were bared to the full gaze of her father. Could she? Was she actually teasing him? Stan felt the bottom drop out of something inside him, and he took another long swallow of his beer, draining it.

Amy looked up at the sound of the empty beer bottle clinking on the stone coaster. "I'll get you another one," she said softly, an unfathomable expression in her green eyes.

This time she made no attempt at modesty whatsoever as she pulled herself to her feet, treating Stan to a good, long look at her hairless cunt in the front as she turned and rose. A faint smile crossed her face.

That same Mona Lisa smile continued to grace her face as she retrieved his empty bottle and padded softly on bare feet into the kitchen. Stan heard the sound of the garbage cupboard door under the sink opening and closing, then the sound of the refrigerator door opening.

There was a long pause, then Amy called out, "Is it okay if I have one, too?"

Stan nearly laughed out loud. Was that what all this was about? Amy had been trying out her feminine wiles on him, trying to butter him up so he'd let her try a beer? Well, hell, that performance was worth a beer if he ever saw one, and he called out, "Sure! Why not?"

Amy was back around the corner in a flash, her eyes wide with delight and amazement. "You mean it? It's really okay?"

"Yeah, I meant it. I said it, didn't I?" he answered with a chuckle.

A suspicious look grew on her face. "You wouldn't tell Mom, would you?" she asked in a tone both meaningful and concerned.

"Definitely not!" Stan assured her. "Mom's don't have to know everything."

The suspicious look on his daughter's face was replaced immediately by a conspiratorial expression. "No, they sure don't!" she nodded emphatically.

Hmm, thought Stan to himself, I wonder what else she's been doing that she doesn't want her mother to know about. Maybe just the shameless cock teasing she had done to earn the chance to try a beer with her dad - or maybe something more. He filed that thought away for now. Aloud, he said, "I'll let you try a beer and I promise I won't tell Mom on two conditions."

The suspicious cloud once again descended on her face. "What two conditions?"

"First, you have to promise not to tell Mom either," he started.

"Not to worry," she said with a defiant thrust to her chin. "I can keep a secret."

'Can you now?' Stan thought to himself, intrigued. What are you really promising here, I wonder? Aloud he said, "And the other condition is that you have to drink the whole bottle."

"Why?" she wanted to know, her lips pursing. "What's the big deal about that?"

"It's just," explained her father, "That a lot of times people don't like the taste of beer at first. So I'm not going to have you wasting a beer after one sip. Your mouth gets used to the taste after a while. So if you don't ever want another after you finish your first bottle, that's just fine with me. But you're going to finish the first bottle. Deal?"

"Sure, okay," Amy said with visible relief.

"So are you going to stand there or are you going to fetch us our beers?" her father wanted to know, giving her a wink.

A quick grin flickered over his eleven-year-old girl's face as she darted back around the corner into the kitchen. She re-emerged moments later after a bit of clanking and clinking with a frosty brown bottle in each hand and a proud smile all over her face. She handed one of the cold, damp bottles to her father, who raised it to her in solemn salute.

Stan expected his daughter to take her beer back to her place on the floor and was interested to see if her blatant game of prick teasing would continue now that she'd apparently gotten what she wanted. So he was both surprised as well as momentarily panicked when Amy plopped herself without warning into his lap and draped her arm around his neck.

Stan blinked at her, stunned, and she in turn beamed at him, snuggling her soft, slightly plump body closer to his bare chest in a way that instantly started the swelling in his cock, which had momentarily receded, to resume with a vengeance. He squirmed uncomfortably, but the girl had her bottom - her bare bottom, Stan realized with a gulp - jammed firmly into his lap and there was no way he could move without calling even more attention to his rapidly growing erection. He gritted his teeth and tried to smile calmly at his teasing little pubescent daughter.

Amy still held the beer in her hand without having sipped it yet. "Are you going to drink it, or are you having second thoughts now?" her father asked.

"Oh, I'm going to drink it, for sure," she said determinedly, then asked, "But I didn't know if there was some sort of, you know, thing you're supposed to say first."

"You mean like a toast?" Stan asked, amused.

"Yeah, I guess," she shrugged, a little uncertainly. "I just saw, you know, in movies and stuff, where they say something before everyone drinks."

"Okay, sweetie. That's called making a toast, and we sure can, if you want. How's this?" and he raised his beer bottle, motioning her to do the same. "To trying new things!"

"Yeah!" the girl agreed, adding vehemently, "And not telling Mom!"

"Now that, I'll definitely drink to," agreed Stan, and he took a long pull at the cold brew.

He watched with interest as the plump, budding sexpot of a girl in his lap took an experimental sip, made a face, but bravely swallowed.

"Hmmm," she said, the distaste obvious on her face, "You actually like that stuff?"

"Like I said," Stan reminded her, "It takes a while for the taste to grow on you. So go on - drink up. Remember our deal. And," he relented, "If it gets just too awful for you, you can always hold your nose."

"Naw, 's all right," the girl said with a grimace. "I made a deal." She took another small sip.

"You may as well take a big swallow as a small one," her father advised. "Taking small sips just prolongs it."

"I guess," she agreed, and took a bolder swallow. Her face reddened momentarily and her eyes got a vaguely glassy look, but she held on.

She belched suddenly and deeply. Both father and daughter were silent for a brief moment before bursting out laughing as if her burp were the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

"That's the spirit, girl," Stan encouraged. "A couple more swallows and burps like that and you'll have it licked."

He stopped suddenly, the image of his daughter having him licked making his stiff cock twitch. He could feel the head of it pushing through the cloth of his shorts right into the crack between her legs. There was no way she couldn't be aware of it, but she appeared to take no notice whatsoever, concentrating completely on another swallow of the cold, bitter brew.

Stan could feel the last shreds of his self-control slipping away. Here he was, wearing nothing but thin cotton gym shorts, holding his young, nubile and very sexy daughter (who was wearing only slightly more than he - and considerably less where it really counted, truth be told), getting her drunk, and having extracted her promise to keep their activities secret from his wife. What more did he need? Shit, what kind of a pervert did that thought make him? A very lucky one, apparently, he answered himself with a smile and a rueful shake of his head.

He was clearly beginning to feel the successive beers he'd consumed, because he knew he would have had some restraint before. Now, however, all he could think about was how to convince his pubescent daughter to wrap her sweet, soft little lips around his whang and suck him dry.

While her father was occupied with such lascivious and incestuous yearnings, Amy was gallantly finishing her bottle of beer. She tipped up the bottle in an exaggerated motion to demonstrate that she had truly drained it, and then set it down firmly with a look of triumph on her face. The effect was immediately spoiled by another raucous belch that welled up from her plump tummy and caused both father and daughter to laugh hysterically. They both were obviously feeling the beer.

"You're right," Amy said at last, her cheeks red with laughter, the last swallow wasn't as bad as the first." She looked at her father with a strange expression on her face. "Thank you," she said at last. Without preamble, she kissed him, square on the lips.

Stan was so startled that for a moment, he didn't react at all. Fortunately, his daughter persisted long enough for him to return the kiss, and for a moment they simply hung there, suspended in time. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled his lips more tightly against hers; Stan reciprocated by quickly setting down his half-drunk beer and sliding his arms around the girl's soft, tender waist.

The kiss, for all that it was on the lips, had started off pretty chaste, his daughter's inexperienced lips pressed dryly and closed against his. But as the kiss wore on and their hands began moving of their own volition over each other as they embraced, Stan cautiously allowed his jaw to loosen and his lips to work softly back and forth over his young daughter's, kissing first the top lip, then the bottom until he was actually sucking each lip in turn in between his own lips. Amy began to imitate his motion and soon they were trading lip-locks, their saliva beginning to mix.

Stan could feel his daughter's heart pounding, frantic with growing excitement, but it was matched by his own thundering heartbeat. He wondered how long the kiss would go on, and how far it might go. He allowed his hands to roam up and down Amy's smooth back, dropping lower each time until they were almost below the hem of her nightie, ready to touch the bare, warm skin of her thighs and work back up to her ass. He wondered if he dared actually slip his tongue into her mouth, but chickened out at the last minute, deciding to let her make the next move.

But the moment his fingers actually drifted beneath the edge of her nightie in the back, she broke off the kiss. Stan froze, waiting to see if she was going to react or protest. The blond eleven-year-old just looked at him, green eyes wide and her breath coming rapidly through flared nostrils, but she said nothing.

Finally, Stan said simply, "You're welcome," and smiled.

Amy smiled back and laid her head on his shoulder with a deep sigh of happiness. Her father moved one of his hands up from his daughter's bottom and caressed her head, running his fingers softly through her slightly scented hair. The other hand, though, stayed impudently where it was, cupping her naked ass where it met his lap, and she did not protest.

They held each other in silence for a moment, Stan relishing the feel of his girl's tender body against his. Finally, he raised his head and regarded her. "Congratulations. You survived your first beer."

She giggled contentedly and ran her hand possessively up and down his chest. "Thank you for letting me try it."

"And thank you for that kiss," Stan ventured. "Where'd you ever learn to kiss like that?"

"I don't know," the fifth-grader shrugged, her voice and expression suddenly shy. "It just seemed right."

"It was fantastic," Stan assured her. "You're going to be a great kisser, I can tell. Very sexy."

"Really?" Amy sat up, her expression interested. "You think that was a sexy kiss?"

"Very much so," her father nodded with a grin.

"Oh," she said, and then fell silent for a moment as she pondered this latest information. Finally, a mischievous gleam entered her eyes as she said, "So I guess that kiss is another thing we don't tell Mom about, huh?"

"You're a very smart girl, as well as a very sexy kisser," Stan agreed, hoping he wasn't laying it on too thick. "That's right, that's another thing we don't tell Mom."

"And," Amy went on, her voice suddenly too sweet, "I suppose we don't tell her about your hand on my bare bottom, either?"

What are you up to now, Stan wondered? So she had noticed after all. Nevertheless, he was not about to be intimidated by this girl - she'd been playing a dangerous game up to now and it was apparent she knew it.

"That's also right," he said coolly, "And we won't tell her that your bottom was bare because you're not wearing any underwear." He fixed her with a meaningful gaze. He didn't move his hand from her ass, either.

His daughter gasped. "What's the big deal about that?" she protested. "No one ever told me I had to wear underwear to bed!"

"You're not in bed now," Stan pointed out evenly. "Didn't your Mom ever tell you to be careful not to let boys see between your legs, especially when you're not wearing panties?"

He'd scored with that one, because Amy blushed furiously. "Maybe. Maybe she told me something like that a couple of times," she admitted, before blurting in a rush, "But I don't understand what's the big deal. I mean, why not? Why can't I let boys see what's between my legs? And why can't I see what boys have between their legs?"

Stan swallowed hard. His little girl was certainly growing up fast now. Maybe she really was ready to learn some new things. He asked, "Didn't Mom ever explain about boys and how if they see things they shouldn't, it makes them want to do things they shouldn't?"

"Like what kinds of things?" she wanted to know, clearly interested.

"Oh, all kinds of things," he answered, "Things like touching you where they shouldn't touch you, or kissing you like they shouldn't kiss you, you know what I mean?"

"You mean like, sexy stuff, like you said my - our - kiss was?" she asked, her voice dropping to almost a whisper.

"Yep, exactly," Stan confirmed. "Sexy stuff. Your Mom never talked to you about all the stuff boys would want to do, all the stuff you aren't supposed to let them do?" he demanded. "She never talked to you about sexy stuff?"

"Well, some, like where babies come from and things like that," she answered with a shrug, "You know that."

"But she never told you about all the different kinds of things you were supposed to not do, or not let boys do?" he persisted.

"N-no, not really," she said slowly. She looked up into his eyes. "Teach me. Will you teach me all about all the stuff boys aren't supposed to do? Will you show me?"

"Wh-what?" her father stammered, hardly daring to believe his ears. "You want me to actually show you? Are you sure you know what you're asking?" His cock began to throb insistently, threatening to tear right through the tightly strained cloth of the gym shorts and bury itself in his daughter's hot, moist cunt right then and there.

And that cunt was hot and wet, he realized. He could feel the unmistakable sensation of heat and moisture oozing from her young, pubescent pussy where the head of his turgid cock was pressed into it. Sweet Jesus! Stan nearly moaned aloud with obscene desire. His little daughter was getting turned on by this! She really did want him to show her, was practically begging him to show her all the things boys weren't supposed to do.

"Yeah, I think so," she said in a voice grown suddenly husky yet pleading. "I mean, how else am I supposed to learn, right? If there's all this stuff that I'm supposed to know that I'm not supposed to let boys do, well, I don't know any of that. I might accidentally let some boy do something he shouldn't just 'cause I didn't know any better, right?"

"That's a very good point," her father conceded gravely, trying not to obviously bite his lip. "I'd never really thought of it that way. So you just want me to show you about all that kind of, you know, sexy stuff that boys might do? So you know for sure what it is you're not supposed to do, huh?"

"Yeah, that's right," she enthused, her breathing growing deeper and faster, and now Stan could feel her hips begin to grind unconsciously, causing her wet little pussy to move slowly against his swollen organ. Stan took the opportunity to cup her firm, round ass cheek even more tightly, amplifying the rhythm of her pelvic undulations against his hard cock.

"Well, I have to say, you're very persuasive," Stan told her, his voice hoarse with rapidly growing lust. "You do understand that anything I show you - anything - has to be more stuff we don't tell Mom, right?"

"Oh, heck yeah!" she said, "I understand, believe me." She giggled suddenly. "Since we're already not telling Mom anything, does that mean I could have another beer?"

Stan shook his head ruefully, "God! I've created a monster." He found his own bottle and picked it up to drain it rapidly. "You might as well get me another one, too. It wouldn't hurt for us to be just a little tipsy for your 'lessons'."

"What's 'tipsy'?" she wanted to know.

"Do you feel any different after drinking that beer?" he queried in return.

"Like how?"

"Like, a little warm, or light-headed, or like everything's funny?" her father clarified.

"Yeah, I do, a little," the eleven-year-old admitted. "Is that from the beer?"

"Partly," Stan nodded, recognizing that his daughter's pounding heart and very wet pussy had very little to do with the alcohol. "Are you going to get our beers?" he reminded.

"Yes, Daddy," she giggled, and removed her arm from around her father's neck.

But instead of swinging her legs down to the floor, some liquor-born or childish silliness persuaded her to try to slide backwards and headfirst down Stan's legs. She ended up with her head resting on his feet and her smooth, round legs splayed wide apart on either side of his thighs, giggling hysterically. Stan found himself staring straight down into his own daughter's wide-open and very naked young cunt.

An audible sigh escaped his lips. His eyes drank in every detail of her pussy. The fleshy outer lips were puffy and slightly pink, and Stan could see the first, faint blush of downy, blond pubic hair that was beginning to sprout from the peak of her small mound. The cunt slit was pulled partly open from her spread legs and both his eyes and his nose informed him that she was oozing thick, glistening cunt juice - a pronounced, adult aroma very unlike the fresh scent of a little girl filled Stan's nostrils. His daughter might be only eleven, but Stan knew that he smelled the odor of a sexually aroused young woman. He groaned aloud as he noticed the small, purple button of her juvenile clit poking proudly out from between the folds of pussy lips. He desperately wanted to bury his face between his daughter's legs and suckle that hard little clit for hours.

He looked up to see Amy watching him. "Woo! Look out!" she said in mock alarm. "Naked cunny! Careful, it'll make you want to do stuff to me!" she giggled once more.

"That's right," Stan admitted frankly, "It does. Very much."

Amy's eyes grew wide. "Really?" She appeared fascinated. "Just looking at my cunny makes you want to do sexy stuff to me?"

"You mean, does it turn me on? Make me horny?" he asked with a tight smile. "You bet it does. That's how guys are made. Of course," he added in a much softer voice, "It doesn't hurt that you're growing up into an incredibly sexy young woman. So yeah, looking at your body definitely turns me on and makes me want to do stuff to you. Pretty sick and perverted, huh?" He held his breath, waiting for her reaction to his blunt confession.

His daughter struggled to her feet, a process that involved flinging her legs over her head in a slow, backwards somersault, gracing Stan with a nice view of nearly her entire naked body as the nightie slipped towards her head while she rolled.

Amy got to her feet, smoothed her nightie self-consciously back into place, her face glowing red. She regarded her father seriously for a moment.

"No," she said at last, "I don't think it's sick or perverted. I like it. It's cool! And kind of funny," she added with a chuckle. "No one ever told me I was sexy before." Her green eyes were large and intense.

"Well, something tells me you'd better start getting used to it, love," her father said dryly. "And thanks for the view," he added affectionately. "I liked it very much. I liked it when you were putting on a show on the floor earlier, too."

"What are you talking about?" she protested weakly, but she was blushing furiously.

"You know what I'm talking about," he said with a throaty laugh. "It's okay. I told you I enjoyed it."

"Oh, crap!" his daughter sniffed, shaking her head. "And I thought I was being cool about it."

"Oh, you were," Stan hastened to reassure her. "I thought it was just an innocent accident the first couple of times."

"It was," the fifth-grader confessed, "The first time. But then I noticed you looking at me and, well..."

"You got curious?" suggested her father.

"Yeah," she said with a shy smile. "I got curious."

"Well, Miss Sexy Curious," Stan commanded with a grin, "If you're curious to learn all about the stuff you're not supposed to let boys do, why don't you get back here with those fresh beers so you can start finding out?"

Amy smiled eagerly in response and skipped out to the kitchen, returning moments later with two more chilled bottles. This time she unabashedly straddled her father's bare leg as she settled into his lap, worming her right knee all the way up into his crotch where it rested snugly against his swollen prick, and wriggling her bare, very wet young pussy onto his thigh.

"Now that's just plain cruel," Stan groaned as he accepted the fresh bottle from his eleven-year-old daughter's hand.

"What?" Amy batted her eyes innocently. "Am I doing more things I'm not supposed to?"

"Oh, no" growled her father sarcastically, "Not unless you count drinking a beer while pressing your knee up against a man's privates while you're rubbing your naked pussy against his bare leg. Gee, not more than four or five things you're not supposed to do, all at the same time."

"Oh," she grinned mischievously, "Then I guess I'm learning already, huh? And what did you call it - a pussy? You mean my cunny?" She ground her now oozing slit against his leg for emphasis.

"Yeah, your cunny," her father nodded, swallowing hard and wrapping one arm around her back to cradle her. "One of the things you'll learn today when you're learning about sexy stuff is that there are all kinds of names for things. Fact is, a lot of the words you probably already know as 'dirty words' are really the names for sexy stuff, the kind of words men and women use when they're having sex."

Amy's eyes grew wide with interest. "And my cunny's called a pussy?"

"That's just one of the names," Stan answered, blinking. His head was starting to spin. Three beers on an empty stomach were definitely beginning to tell. He'd have to pace himself or he would end up passing out and missing the opportunity of a lifetime. "Cunny's probably a baby word from 'cunt', another name for a woman's privates. Some people call it a twat or a snatch, too. But if you're talking about it with your doctor, the right name for it is 'vulva'."

His daughter's lips moved silently as she tried out the various names. "Cool!" she exclaimed. "So putting my pussy," she said the word carefully, "on your leg is one of the things I'm not supposed to do?"

"Definitely," Stan agreed.

"And does it make you want to do things, sexy things, to me?" she pressed, moving her hot cunt lips wetly against his leg again.

"Oh, baby, you have no idea!" her father moaned.

She ground against him a few more times. Her breathing was starting to deepen. "It feels good when I do that," she commented.

"No shit!" Stan spluttered. "Sorry, you wouldn't know that, I realize," he apologized in a softer voice. "See, that's the thing. Almost all the stuff you're not supposed to let boys do, or do yourself, all that sexy stuff? It feels good. It's supposed to."

"Then why am I not supposed to let boys do it if it feels so good?" she asked, starting to rock her pelvis rhythmically against his thigh.

"Oh, God, sweetie, you've got to stop that!" her father groaned. "I'd love to answer all your questions and teach you all the stuff you want to know, but when you do that, it gets me so fucking turned on that I can't even think straight."

His young daughter giggled, biting her lip in suppressed pleasure at the disturbing effect she was having on him, but she relented.

"That's the thing about sexy stuff," Stan went on once he could focus his eyes again. "When you let boys see stuff they're not supposed to see, then it makes them want to do stuff - you know, touch you in ways and places they're not supposed to. And when they do, it feels good, so you want to let them do even more stuff, and that feels even better, and next thing you know, you're in big trouble."

"Big trouble? How do you mean?" she demanded.

"Big trouble as in, do you remember about where babies come from, how they get made?" he asked with an intent gaze.

"You mean like, when a daddy puts his seed inside a mommy's body...Oh!" her voice trailed off as she made the connection. "You mean, really doing it?" she whispered.

"Yep," the older man confirmed with an indulgent grin. "Doing it - the whole enchilada, fucking."

"Fucking?" the pubescent girl asked, trying out the obscene word. "Is that what fucking is? I just thought it was, you know, a bad word."

"It's like all those other words, like 'pussy' or 'cunt'. They're only bad when they're used at the wrong time," he explained.

"What's the right time?" she wanted to know.

"When you're doing sexy stuff with a boy - or man," he added, trying to let her know that it was okay to use those dirty words now with him. "Any other time, it's the wrong time, and I don't want to ever hear you using them, got it?"

"Uh, okay," she promised with dubious sincerity. Stan decided not to press the point.

Amy suddenly noticed the neglected beers in their hands. With a sly gleam in her eye, she suddenly raised her bottle. "To being curious!" she declared.

"And sexy," countered her father, clinking his bottle against hers and taking a small sip.

The plump, blond pre-teen in his lap beamed at his response and tipped her own bottle back, taking a long, full swallow.

"Oh!" she grimaced, sticking her tongue out with distaste, "You say it gets better?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Stan admitted. "Some people never do like it, and that's okay."

She took another long swallow, grimaced, and set her bottle down on the end table beside the chair. "So, start from the beginning. You're saying that if I let boys do the sexy stuff that I'm not supposed to, I'll end up wanting them to, you know, do it to me and make a baby inside me?" She shook her head, "God, that's hecka serious! Why don't they tell people about that?"

"Well, a lot of people are really uncomfortable talking about sex, even with their own kids. And a lot of people really can't believe that kids your age are already having sexy feelings and need to understand," he answered. He stopped, frozen by the unabashed look of lust he saw reflected in his eleven-year-old daughter's eyes. "A lot of people are stupid," he muttered to himself, shaking his head at last.

"But just so you know, women don't necessarily get pregnant every time they fuck," he went on. "People fuck for a lot of reasons; sometimes to make a baby, but mostly just because it feels really good and it's great to share that feeling with someone you love. But always remember that unless you're using some kind of birth control, there's always a chance you'll make a baby every time you fuck."

Amy was obviously finding this conversation both interesting and arousing, because she was listening wide-eyed but also surreptitiously trying to grind her hot, drenched pussy against her father's leg without attracting his notice. Stan noticed, but decided that he could handle it as long as she didn't get too carried away and chose to ignore it.

"So how do I get - what did you call it - birth control?" the fifth-grade girl wanted to know.

"Well, sweetie, fortunately, you're still too young to have to worry about it. You can't get pregnant yet, probably," he added under his breath.

A look of what appeared to Stan to be disappointment flashed momentarily across his daughter's face. Sweet Jesus, thought Stan, does she actually want to get pregnant? He was having a hard time dealing with all this.

"So when will I be old enough to have to worry about it?" Amy asked, imperceptibly increasing the rhythm of her pussy grinding against her father's bare thigh.

"Did your Mom tell you about having a period and stuff?" he asked.

"You mean like when she bleeds and has to wear those funny pad things in her panties? Yeah," the girl confirmed.

"Yeah, exactly," he nodded, slowly allowing his hand to drift down her back and cup his daughter's ass once more. A hint of a satisfied smile crossed the girl's face as Stan continued, "Once you have your first period, then you can get pregnant any time you fuck. And judging by the way your body is starting to grow and get all sexy, I'd say it won't be too much longer before that happens."

She smiled gratefully at the complement, and then grimaced, "I hope it's not too soon; it looks like a real pain for Mom. Having a period, I mean."

"Well, it isn't very comfortable or pleasant," he acknowledged. "But it's part of being a grown-up, sexy woman who can have babies."

His daughter was thoughtful for a moment, the only sound being a soft squeak of the chair springs as she rocked slowly back and forth, straddling his well-muscled thigh.

After a bit, she brightened. "So I guess you'd better get started teaching me all the things I'm not supposed to let a boy do. In case, you know, some boy wants to..." she trailed off lamely.

"Yeah, just in case," her father agreed with a dry smile. "Well, gee, there's so much, I'm not sure where to start. First, I guess you better know that you shouldn't let a boy touch your breasts - your tits, if you want to use the bedroom word."

He brought his free hand up to her chest and matched his actions to his words, cupping and caressing the small, firm mounds, one after the other. He marveled at the feel of them, so tiny and smooth under the sheer, silky fabric of her nightie, yet promising so much more as she grew in the years to come.

"Don't let boys touch my - my tits. Right," she nodded, her breathing growing quickly deeper. "Oh, Daddy, that feels good, too," she whispered. She abandoned any pretense at subtlety and began to slide her slick cunt flesh back and forth along his mid-thigh.

"It's supposed to, remember?" Stan whispered. He began to tease and tweak her pre-teen nipples over the shielding nightie. "And especially, don't ever let them touch your nipples and squeeze and pinch them like this."

He demonstrated, pinching each nipple softly in turn, eliciting a gasp of surprise and delight from the squirming eleven-year-old in his lap. To his amazement, he felt the small nubs stiffen and grow under his touch, just like an adult woman's. He pointed this out to Amy, who grinned from ear to ear when she learned that she was behaving like a sexy, grown-up woman. She reached her own hand up to feel what he was talking about, and the hand remained in place, unconsciously continuing to caress and squeeze her own breast and nipple.

"And that's one of the ways a boy can tell if you're getting turned on, too," her father added, his cock starting to throb insistently as he watched his pre-teen daughter play with her own tit.

"Am-I getting turned on?" she asked, panting now as she rhythmically thrust her sopping young pussy against his now-dripping thigh while she squeezed her breast in time with her lewd pelvic motion.

Stan had to bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud at the naivety of her question. "Yes, love," he whispered gently, "You look very much like a woman who's getting really turned on. Is your heart beating fast? Do you feel really good inside? Like you're really excited, feeling like something incredible is going to happen?"

"Yeah!" she gasped wonderingly as Stan continued to tease her young, firm breasts and nipples. "How did you know?"

"'Cause that's what it feels like when you get turned on," he answered. "Can you feel how wet your pussy is right now?" he asked, and smiled because the skin of her cunt and his leg had now become so drenched with her cunt juice that it made an obscene, wet, smacking sound each time the deeply aroused girl slid herself back and forth along his leg.

"Yeah," she panted, somewhat uncertainly. "Is that bad?"

Now Stan did laugh out loud. "No, not at all, baby! That's just another thing that happens when a woman does sexy stuff and gets turned on."

"Oh, God, Dad!" she exhaled, pausing her lascivious motions for a moment, "I'm so glad you told me that. It's been happening to me, like, all the time lately, but I really thought there was something wrong with me. I tried to ask Mom about it, but she was, you know, really busy, and I chickened out. So it's really okay? I'm not bleeding or leaking or peeing or something?" she asked in a rush.

"Not at all," her father assured her gently as he surreptitiously slid his hand under the hem of her nightie and reached back up to caress the bare flesh of her ass cheek. "That's a perfectly normal thing to happen. It's one of the ways a woman's body gets her ready to fuck."

"No kidding?" Amy asked, her face starting to redden from her lewd exertions. "How do you mean?"

Stan gave a low chuckle. "Think about it. What happens when a man and woman fuck? Do you remember?"

The obscenely gyrating eleven-year-old narrowed her eyes a moment as she considered, then opened them wide, exclaiming, "The man puts his, you know, thing inside her. Is that why?"

"That's why," her father nodded slowly, his eyes gleaming as he drank in the sight of his young daughter masturbating her slick cunt on his leg while they shared the job of fondling her small, developing breasts. "When a woman gets turned on, her pussy gets wet so a man's cock will slide inside easily and feel good. But of course," he added with a smirk, "That's definitely one of those things that you should never let a boy do."

"Yeah, of course," she agreed, nodding with a too solemn look. Her breathing was now starting to get ragged, and an occasional soft moan would escape her flushed and parted lips. "What else should I never let a boy do?" she gasped, attempting to smile despite the distraction from the erotic sensations between her legs.

"Well," mused Stan with a droll expression, squeezing her bare butt cheek to emphasize his point, "You should certainly never let a boy touch, fondle, or squeeze your cute little ass."

The horny pre-teen giggled at the compliment. "And I guess that goes double for letting him touch it when I'm not wearing panties, huh?"

"Oh, right, right," her father agreed, pulling an exaggeratedly serious face. "In fact," he said, raising his eyebrows as he suddenly slid the hand up under her nightie from her ass, caressing the smooth, soft skin of her back, "You should absolutely never let a boy touch you anywhere under your clothes."

"Ohhh, Daddy, that feels nice, too!" Amy moaned, as his fingers roamed at will under the thin material, touching and caressing her body everywhere they could reach. "I can see why that would be bad." The tempo of her lewd pelvic thrusting increased and her breathing had turned into short, hoarse pants.

"And for sure, you should never let a boy touch your bare tits under your clothes," Stan murmured softly into his daughter's ear as he leaned forward to work his hand around to the front of her body under the pale green nightie. As the one hand found her firm, naked breast bud, eliciting a groan of pure obscene pleasure from the eleven-year-old, he removed his left hand from her other breast and slid it under the raised hem of her gown in front, worming quickly back up past the soft flesh of her plump tummy to fasten back on the tit it had just abandoned, only now with no interfering cloth to dull the sensation.

Amy squealed with delight and threw both arms around his neck, pulling him close and kissing his neck, ears, and cheek as his fingers squeezed, milked, and caressed her pubescent breasts and nipples. "Ohhhhhh!" she moaned, "Don't stop, Daddy! Aaaaagghhh! That feels so totally amazing. What else? What else should I never l-let a boy d-do?" she stammered between panting breaths.

Stan was nearly desperate with lust for his hot little girl by this point. She was still playing the game they'd started, pretending that he was only teaching her what not to do, but now she was practically begging him to do anything he wanted, anything that would make her experience the orgasm that was building, though she didn't understand what was happening to her yet.

But Stan also was faced with the growing realization that he had a real problem. Every time his horny little daughter slammed her cunt upwards along his thigh, she also pushed her knee firmly into contact with his iron-hard and straining cock. He'd tried to ignore it for as long as he could, but the incessant rhythmic pressure on his turgid member was starting to really get to him. He was starting to gasp and pant himself, and he knew that if he didn't do something, he was going to end up squirting his entire load into his pants instead of his young daughter's mouth, and he definitely didn't want to waste a really big cock-full of come that way. On the other hand, she was really, really close to coming - he could tell - and he didn't want to miss witnessing her very first climax.

He looked down and realized that he'd lifted Amy's nightie up nearly to her shoulders, exposing her entire nude body to his lewd, incestuous ogling from her armpits down. Her slightly plump tummy jiggled in a tantalizing way each time the pubescent girl squirmed. Christ, he could even see her little cunt lips sliding over the glistening skin and hairs of his leg! His balls gave a warning twitch - he knew he had only seconds before he was going to blow his load inside his own shorts.

He made a sudden decision. She'd asked him to show her what else boys shouldn't do. Well, he'd show her a new trick. Moving his hands away from his daughter's tiny breasts, he seized her under each armpit and lifted her up, high up and away from his body. Ignoring her sudden gasp of outrage and disappointment, he quickly turned her body sideways and lowered her back to his lap. She started squirming, fury building in her face the moment her bottom touched down, but he simply ignored her and overpowered her efforts to resist. With his left arm, he cradled her back and pulled her close to him; with his right, he reached under her knees and pulled her legs free, allowing her calves and feet to dangle freely over the armrest of the easy chair.

Once he had her situated, he pushed firmly up between her legs with his right hand, parting her thighs widely. Amy began to relax, realizing that there might be something interesting in store for her, and actually helped by spreading her legs even more and scooting her bottom forward across his lap so that her bald, drenched eleven-year-old cunt was pushed up and open, inviting her father's easy access.

"Oh, yeah, sweetie, that's right," Stan whispered in his young daughter's ear, "You know, don't you? You know you should never, ever, let a boy touch your beautiful, naked little pussy, huh?" His fingers began a teasing glide up the last few inches of her full, smooth, pink thighs toward her waiting cunt. "And you know you should definitely never spread your legs apart for him and raise up your hips so his finger can slip inside you, too, don't you?"

Stan could feel that his young girl's heart was pounding frantically with excitement. She tried to speak, parting her lips, but no sound came out except the hoarse, dry rasping of her breath. Instead, she simply did as her father suggested and raised her hips, turning her head to stare at him with eyes as round as half-dollars, silently begging him to touch her eager young cunt for the first time.

He did not keep his lascivious little girl waiting long. Her body twitched at the very first contact his finger made with her slippery cunt lips, and he probed, easily locating the opening to her tender young cunt hole and started to push his way inside the sopping, velvety passage - so incredibly tight, he realized. Amy's eyes screwed shut in ecstasy and she turned her head to the side, a long, loud moan emerging from her slack, open mouth.

Amy's nightgown had remained pulled up to her armpits throughout the entire change of position and Stan unabashedly ogled his daughter's nearly nude body as he slowly and gently wormed his finger up into her very tight but incredibly wet vagina. He simply could not believe how incredibly lucky he was - less than an hour ago he'd been feeling so sorry for himself, thinking he was going to have to somehow learn to live without sex for more than a week. And now he was holding a nude, pubescent girl in his lap, fingering her cunt and helping her towards her very first orgasm.

Stan watched his writhing daughter's face carefully as he continued to push his finger slowly but steadily into her young, slippery cunt hole. Her eyes remained shut and her breathing continued its short, ragged gasping as unfamiliar waves of erotic pleasure coursed through her juvenile body. He felt the narrowing of her internal opening as his finger encountered the tighter ring of her still-unbroken hymen. Her eyes opened as he pushed against it, but fortunately, his finger was small enough to work its way through without causing her too much obvious discomfort - she closed her eyes once more and luxuriated in the sensations.

Her father slowly let his breath exhale. He had wanted to finger-fuck his young girl very much, but he didn't want to have to deal with the pain of taking her virginity just yet; at least, he wanted her to experience a climax first. He'd have to deal with her cherry soon, though, he realized with a wry smile.

Stan slowly pushed his finger into his daughter's tight, moist vagina the rest of the way, thrusting as deeply as he dared and stopping only when Amy's eyes opened widely once more, letting him know he'd reached the back of her tunnel and was starting to cause discomfort. He cautiously began to slide his finger in and out, moving very slowly at first. His eleven-year-old rewarded him with a deep sigh of erotic pleasure and she began to rock her hips back and forth in natural response. Her eyes were half-lidded and unfocused as waves of unfamiliar obscene joy started to course through the fifth-grader's inexperienced body. Her breathing had been reduced to sharp panting, interspersed more and more frequently with low, hoarse moans.

Her father grimaced as he felt his own hard cock, buried under his daughter's bare as she humped against him, start to tremble in turn as her soft young ass cheeks moved against the stiff organ, separated from her nubile flesh only by the material of his cotton gym shorts. Damn, but his little girl had turned out to be one hot, sexy slut! He shifted her body slightly to reduce the stimulation of her grinding ass cheeks against his straining erection. The last thing he wanted was to blow his load now - he was determined to make sure his first big wad of thick, creamy jism got emptied inside Amy's body somewhere, somehow. He ruthlessly clamped down on letting that thought go too far to keep his poor, overfilled balls from exploding right then and there, and concentrated instead on giving his daughter the best finger-fucking he could.

Amy was groaning constantly now, and her steady humping against his thrusting finger had increased to a nearly frantic rhythm. Her skin was flushed and covered with drops of glistening sweat as she writhed in his lap. With a smile, Stan pulled her body close to his and began to softly kiss the side of her face, whispering in her ear what a hot, beautiful, sexy girl she was and how much he loved her.

The panting girl unexpectedly flung her arms around his neck and began kissing him with awkward but ardent passion, pressing her lips into his with fierce determination. Though taken by surprise, Stan quickly recovered and began to kiss back with equal lust, parting her lips with his tongue and gently but firmly pushing it into her mouth. He worried as he did that his panting daughter might be offended or disgusted, but to his delight, she responded instantly, opening her mouth and allowing his thick, saliva-coated tongue inside, sucking on it greedily. Stan felt his rigid prick give a plaintive twitch as he imagined the way his sexy eleven-year-old's mouth would feel wrapped around it in a blowjob.

He thrust his tongue even further into the pre-teen girl's eager mouth, practically shoving it down the back of her throat. She made a momentary, strangled sound and Stan relented, but Amy continued to suck on his tongue as if it were sweet candy. Stan worked his lips against hers, trying to show her how to maximize the passion in a French kiss, and she proved a willing student. Without any more encouragement, she snaked her tongue into her father's open mouth and for a long moment, the two tongues wrestled, sliding wetly against each other as their slick spit mingled in their mouths and spilled down the corners of their tensely laboring lips to run down their chins in long streamers of drool. The man and his young daughter were completely oblivious, lost in a haze of rapidly building lascivious fervor.

By now, Amy was thrusting her hot, wet pussy against her father's hand with crazed abandon, and her desperate breaths whistled through her small, button nose as they continued their lewd, incestuous kiss. Stan could feel that his young, squirming daughter was now very, very close to coming for the first time. He allowed his thumb to come in contact with her juvenile clit, so gently at first that the touch was almost imperceptible. Trying hard not to break the rhythm of his finger plunging in and out of his daughter's stretched cunt hole, he began to press against the hard little button his thumb had located in the slick wet folds of her pussy lips.

Amy pulled away from their perverted kiss to gasp loudly, opening her eyes to regard her father as the corners of her mouth turned up in pleasure despite continuing to pant heavily. "Ohhhhh, Daddy!" she moaned between short intakes of breath, "That feels g-good!"

"It's supposed to, baby," murmured her father. "Now do you see why you should never let a boy touch you like this?"

"Oh - hunnnggg! - Oh, yeah!" the writhing girl grunted as Stan began to circle his thumb around the stiff, protruding clit between her legs. "I - hoh! I can see I'd - ohhhh, my God! I'd be in big trouble if I - oh God! Oh, God! Oh, God! If I let any boy do that!" she moaned, her head lolling from side to side as her hips ground in lewd response to her father's incestuous manipulation of her engorged clit.

Amy clung desperately to her father's neck, moaning and gasping as he increased the tempo of his thrusting finger and rotating thumb. "That's right, baby," Stan whispered in her ear, "Just like that. Daddy's gonna' make his little girl come big time." He tweaked his thumb back and forth rapidly over the swollen, hard nub of her clitoris and plunged his finger into her body faster and faster.

Suddenly the profusely sweating girl's back arched spasmodically and a high series of mewling squeaks emerged from her tortured young throat, ending at last in a shrill keening that persisted for several long moments as her pubescent, plump body began to shudder and convulse uncontrollably. Stan could feel the rhythmic constrictions of her virgin cunt hole tightening around his finger along with a similar slow, pulsing throbbing of her firm clitoris, and he knew that his eleven-year-old daughter was experiencing her very first orgasm. Her eyes were screwed tightly shut and her legs flailed weakly, the toes clenched as she shuddered and shook. A bright red flush spread over her body, and he noticed that her small nipples had grown impossibly hard, protruding like twin pieces of light brown chalk from her taut, juvenile breasts.

Amy's breathing grew quick and shallow and it began to seem to her father that she was beginning to struggle for air. He slowly allowed his intruding finger to relax and withdraw from her soaking wet pussy and pulled back his thumb from her still-throbbing clitoris. Only then did her body begin to slump back into his lap, her breathing deepen and become normal panting, and her face lose the rictus-like grimace it had held as the climax wracked her pubescent form.

Stan held his young daughter in his lap and gazed at her, his face an improbable mixture of surprising tenderness and raw lust. He was inordinately pleased with himself for being able to produce and witness her first orgasm, but at the same time, his own erection was throbbing between his legs, pushing upwards towards his daughter's body as it lay limp in his lap. He knew that they had crossed some sort of a divide now - there would be no going back. He also knew that he was going to make damned sure she learned all about sucking and fucking before the day was out, because if he didn't shoot several big loads of come into his luscious young daughter's body, he was certain he was going to literally explode. He could feel his incestuous desire for her gnawing into his guts like a ravenous carnivore, and vowed that the hot little slut in his arms was going to pay for her naughty teasing and slutty behavior in a big way very soon.

But for the moment he waited, biding his time until she at last opened her eyes. The smile she gave him was full of such wonder and gratitude that Stan felt his heart melt. It didn't lessen his lust for her, but it cemented his desire to teach her all about sex in the most loving manner possible. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

Amy gazed at her father languidly for a moment before answering, still obviously under the spell of the gut-wrenching orgasm she had just experienced. "I-I think so," she muttered at last with a slight shake of her head. "What happened? It felt like my whole body kind of exploded!"

"You came, baby," her father answered simply with a slight smile. "You had an orgasm. That's what happens when men and women do sexy stuff together."

"Really?" his daughter asked, an incredulous look on her face. "Every time?"

"Well, not every time," Stan admitted, "But that is kinda' the point of doing it. Did you like it?"

"Yeah!" she blurted with a nervous laugh, then frowned, "At first I was scared, 'cause I didn't know what was happening to me. But then I figured you wouldn't let anything bad happen to me, so I just relaxed. And then - wham! I didn't know what hit me," she giggled softly. Her voice took on a decidedly smoky purr, "But it feels great now."

Stan raised his eyebrows. "Would you like me to make you come again?" he asked, his voice suddenly husky and thick with lust.

"You can do that?" his daughter asked with delight.

"Any time you'd like," he shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant though his heart was pounding and his neglected hard-on twitched incessantly.

"Wow!" Amy breathed, looking thoughtful for a moment. When she looked up at her father again, there was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "And I bet that's another thing I should never let boys do, huh? So I guess I'd better let you. But - ooh! Not just yet," she added quickly, squirming with ticklish discomfort as Stan touched her swollen, overstimulated clit again. "That kind of - I don't know - it's kind of sensitive."

"No problem, baby," her father laughed. "I said, whenever you want."

"I'm gonna' hold you to that," she giggled, then smacked her lips dryly once or twice. "God! I'm hecka thirsty. Can I have my beer?" she asked archly.

With an indulgent chuckle, Stan tugged his right hand free from between his daughter's plump thigh and reached over to the end table and retrieved first his daughter's half-empty bottle, then his own. He drained his in two large swallows. Amy sipped hers more slowly, making a face each time. As she did, Stan noticed the faint, musky scent of his young girl's pussy on his fingers. Almost without thinking, he brought his fingers under his nose, savoring the delicate aroma of his daughter's come-soaked cunt and then began to lick the juices from his hand and fingers. He stopped suddenly when he noticed Amy looking at him with a bewildered expression.

"You like the way my - uh - my pussy tastes?" she asked, genuine puzzlement in her voice.

"Oh, yeah!" her father confirmed, smiling as he continued to probe with his tongue into the space between the fingers. "Absolutely delicious, 'cause you're my sexy woman!"

That caused the eleven-year-old to giggle and her cheeks to color slightly. "Let me see," she suddenly demanded. "I want to see how it tastes, too!"

"You sure?" Stan goggled. She nodded vigorously so her father, with a shrug, extended his quim-drenched fingers to his young daughter's lips.

Amy began to lap at his fingers, working her tongue around them so softly and sensuously that Stan had to swallow hard, and a soft groan escaped his lips.

"You okay, Dad?" the pubescent fifth-grader asked as she paused to look at him in mild alarm.

"You bet I am," he answered throatily. "It's just that - the way you do that, you. Well, you're just so God damned sexy that I don't know what to do; so incredibly naturally sexy. I just - ahh! I can't even say how you make me feel," he gulped at last.

"That's good, isn't it?" she asked with a smile suddenly shy.

"It's not supposed to be," Stan shook his head ruefully. "But that's the way it is, and I can't say I'm sorry."

"I don't understand," she said, turning her attention once again to licking her own pussy juices from his come-soaked fingers.

"It doesn't matter. Yes, the way you make me feel is a good thing, baby," he said softly as he flashed a weak smile and watched her complete her self-appointed task of licking his fingers clean. His stiff prick swelled even more and he could feel the head of it pushing into the crack of her naked ass as she lay in his lap, restrained only by his shorts. Stan wanted so badly to rip those shorts aside and bury his rock-hard, straining prick in her tight little bunghole, filling her rectum with his hot, sticky semen. Once again he had to squelch those thoughts before his imagination led him to blow his load right then and there. Patience, he reminded himself.

"What do you think?" he asked his daughter as she finished her tongue bath of his fingers. "Do you like the taste of your pussy as much as I do?"

"It's better than beer," she commented deadpan then spoiled the effect by bursting into giggles. Stan couldn't help chuckling himself.

When their laughter subsided, Amy looked up at her father with a more serious expression. "Dad?" she ventured.

"What, love?"

"When you were making me have a - what did you call it?"

"An orgasm? Making you come?"

"An orgasm, yeah," she nodded. "Did we really put our tongues in each other's mouth? Is that, like, part of having an orgasm?"

"Well, yes, we really did," Stan said, stifling a smile, "But that's just a sexy way of kissing - definitely something you should never let boys do," he added with a grin. "It didn't really have anything to do with making you come, but it seemed like the right thing to do just then. I hope you didn't mind?"

The plump eleven-year-old crinkled her nose charmingly. "It's funny," she admitted, "I'd heard about people kissing, you know, like that, and it always sounded gross to me. But it was different this time. You're right," she smiled, "It did seem like the right thing to do to me, too. So yeah, I liked it. Do grownups always kiss like that when they're doing, you know, sexy stuff?"

Her father flashed his eyebrows upwards in good humor. "No, not always, but a lot of the time. It's just a really sexy way to kiss, and it feels good to do it with someone you really love. And not just when you're doing sexy stuff," he added.

"C-could we try kissing like that again?" she asked with a bashful look. "I didn't really get to pay attention the last time, 'cause I was, you know-" her voice trailed off.

"About to come like crazy?" grinned her father, "Absolutely. We can kiss like that any time you want when there's no one else around."

"That's 'cause it's another one of those things I'm not supposed to let boys do," she nodded in understanding. "But it's okay with you, right?"

"It's definitely okay with me," he assured her solemnly. "It's okay to do any kind of sexy stuff you want with me, because I'm the teacher."

Amy had a mischievous, almost predatory look in her eye as she pulled her father's face close to hers. "So teach me," she whispered softly. "Teach me to kiss sexy."

Stan didn't need any more encouragement, and he bent his lips to his daughter's, parting them as they met hers and slid his tongue softly into her waiting mouth. She relaxed her jaw to accommodate the large wet male flesh between her lips and suckled it playfully.

"Um-hm" her father encouraged in a muffled tone, working his lips passionately into his little girl's as they ground their mouths together in their lewd embrace. Amy followed his example and allowed her lips to twist and writhe against her father's, and pushed her own tongue into his mouth for good measure. For several moments, their kiss grew more and more impassioned. Amy turned her body to face her father and pressed her firm, budding breasts against his bare chest. She began to moan softly as their tongues wrestled in each other's mouth and she pulled her father's face even more tightly into her own.

Stan could feel his self-control slipping away in the face of his pubescent daughter's lascivious onslaught, and he began to allow his free hand to explore every inch of her soft, creamy exposed skin, traveling from her breasts down her back and around the curve of her perfectly round, smooth ass cheeks. The girl only moaned even more with pleasure as he took these incestuous liberties, and she pulled her legs up so they were pressing into his side, pulling their bodies even more tightly together.

Stan ran his hand down her legs and back up again, each time allowing his fingers to stray more deeply into the dank slit of her ass crack. The erotically squirming girl made no protest whatsoever, so he boldly pressed his fingers all the way between her ass cheeks and touched the soft, wrinkled rosette of her asshole. Amy simply groaned loudly and plunged her tongue into her father's mouth with even greater fervor. Thus encouraged, he pressed a finger steadily into the tightly puckered opening, burying his finger up to the first knuckle. A faint, musty aroma filled the air, a mixture of the young girl's spread ass cheeks and the heady scent of pussy juice from a highly aroused young woman with rapidly developing sexual desires.

Amy pulled away from their lewd kiss to gasp, "God, Dad! Do you have your finger in my butt?"

Stan wriggled the impudent finger tellingly. "I sure do, baby. Do you like it?"

She looked at him wide-eyed for a short moment before answering, "Yeah, I do," in a wondering voice. "It feels funny, but at the same time it feels, you know, sexy, kinda' like. Does that mean I'm some kind of sex freak or something?"

"Definitely," chuckled her father, "The very best kind." And he pushed his finger, lubricated by his daughter's copious sweat and freely flowing quim, all the way into her anal cavity, causing her eyes to roll up in her head and a long, throaty groan to emerge from her lips.

"Are you gonna' make me - ohhh! Make me come again?" the plump eleven-year-old panted as she clung to him, eagerly pushing her ass down onto his intruding finger to impale herself as much as possible.

"Sure, if you want," Stan grunted. For the past several minutes, the four beers he had drunk were making themselves known to his bladder with increasing insistency, but he wasn't about to stop what he was doing now. He'd rather piss all over the easy chair than miss the chance to finger-fuck his horny young daughter's ass. "Do you think you can come just from this, or do you want me to do something else?"

"I - uhhhh! I - keep doing that!" the pubescent girl panted. "Ohhhh! God! That feels so good!" she moaned as her father began to move his finger slowly in and out of her tight, virgin anus. "Only - haaarrrghhh! C-could you touch me - hunnngggghhhh! Touch me like you did before? When you made me come? Ohhhhh, Daddy, that feels good!"

"You mean when I touched your clit?" prompted her father.

"Whatever you did!" she moaned between quickening pants.

"I touched your clit," he confirmed. "Would you like me to do it again?"

"Yeah!" the writhing pre-teen pleaded, her voice almost a whimper.

"Then tell me," Stan demanded, "Let me hear you say it! Let me hear you say the bedroom words."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Amy groaned, a look of desperation creeping into her eyes.

"Say it!" her father persisted, "Tell me, 'Please fuck my ass with your finger and touch my clit and make me come'!"

"Please, Daddy, do it," she begged frantically, rocking her hips to shamelessly hump her sopping cunt against her father's hand.

"Do what?" Stan asked, a wild glint in his eyes, "I want to hear you say it."

With a loud groan of frustration, the erotically stimulated fifth-grader blurted, "Please, Daddy! Please fuck my ass with your finger and touch my cunn- my clit and make me come again!"

"That's better," her father said with a gulp as he felt his raging erection leap up again in response to his pubescent daughter's lewd obscenities. Careful not to interrupt the rhythm of his finger as it continued to ream his little girl's tender bunghole, he wormed his thumb up through the slippery crevice of her cunt, trying to locate her clit despite his awkward angle. With each new probe between her virgin pussy lips, Amy moaned with erotic pleasure and clung even more tightly to him, wrapping her virtually nude body around the bare flesh of her father's torso.

After only a few frustrating moments, Stan finally was able to twist his arm and shift his daughter's lewdly contorting body into a position where he could keep thrusting his finger into her ass while tweaking her hard little clit vigorously. Amy gave a happy squeal of sexual bliss when his finger made contact with her swollen button at last, and they quickly blended into a mutual rhythm where she pushed her crotch down and forward as Stan slid his fingers up and backwards, increasing the obscene intensity of the stimulation.

"Ohhhh! Hunnggggghhhh!" she grunted hoarsely between ragged gasps for breath, "It-it's working. Oh, shit, Daddy! I can feel it! Hohhhh! It's happening again, so fast! Haaaarrrrgghhhh! Do it, Daddy! Fuck my ass and make me come, Daddy!"

Stan could hardly believe the words he heard coming from the mouth of his formerly innocent eleven-year-old. She was turning into the horniest, hottest little bundle of sex he could imagine, right before his eyes. Gritting his teeth against the twin urges to piss and come that were warring inside his iron-hard prick, he muttered, "That's right, baby. You're gonna' come really hard, I can tell. You were still hot and horny from before, and now you're gonna' come all over your daddy and he's loving it. C'mon, baby, just relax and let it happen - don't fight it!"

He was plunging his finger in and out of her moist asshole as fast as he could, not caring anymore if it was causing her any discomfort. Not that her flushed and sweating face nor pitiful gasps and moans gave any sign that she was feeling anything but pure, raw lust. He could already tell that this climax was going to be a whole lot more intense than her first one. Now that she knew what to expect and knew it wasn't going to hurt her, she was really getting into it. She clung to his neck with dogged desperation as she humped her ass and cunt into his obscenely thrusting fingers, her breath now rattling dryly in her throat with a ragged sound.

Stan could tell that his young daughter was right on the edge and only needed a slight push to send her spiraling up into another climax, but he deliberately refrained from shifting to the rapid buzzing of her clit that he knew would drive her into orgasm immediately. Instead, he prolonged the moment of tension for as long as he could, keeping the same rhythm despite the rutting girl's attempts to increase the pace with her pelvic writhing.

"Hunnnghhh! Oh, God!" she panted, her face squashed against his muscular chest, "Huhhhnngggg! Oh, shit! Fuuuuuuuuck!" She was nearly sobbing now as the need to climax continued to build within her plump, nubile body, her back arching with sexual tension. Stan finally relented and began to diddle her hard, quim-slick clitoris as fast as he could, making each of his anal thrusts with his finger deep and slow.

"D-daddy! I'm so c-close!" she cried as the new, intense wave of erotic sensation jolted through her young body. "Haaagggghhh! Oh, God! Oh, God!" she moaned, her voice rising almost to a shriek, "Oh God! Oh God! OhGodohGodohGodohGodohGod! Aiieeeeeeeeee!" she screamed as her plump young body started to shudder and convulse in orgiastic ecstasy.

Stan jammed his finger all the way into her rhythmically constricting butt hole, burying it to the knuckle while keeping steady pressure with his thumb on her rigid, throbbing clit. He held her body close to his as wave after wave of hot, orgasmic joy washed through her, supporting her body as her arms and legs twitched spasmodically. Both their bodies were slick with sweat, and their skin slid against each other freely as Amy writhed in his arms. Stan looked down, watching his daughter's face as she climaxed, noting her tightly clenched eyes, slack mouth, and her dirty blond hair plastered with perspiration against her head. She looks just like her mother when she comes, he realized with a start, and found the thought both disquieting and strangely arousing.

It took much longer for this orgasm to relinquish its grip on Amy's juvenile body than the first one had, but Stan held her patiently as the involuntary spasms receded and her breathing gradually deepened and slowed. Finally she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Whooo!" she exclaimed with a weak chuckle, "That one was even better than the first one."

"Told you it would be," her father nodded. He gradually pulled his finger from his daughter's rectum and eased his hand away from her overheated and dripping crotch. He hoped she wouldn't be too offended by the sudden reek of shit that filled the air, and he positioned the rank finger carefully some distance away from either her body or the chair.

"Hmmmmm," she sighed with a wistful smile as his finger left her ass. Her eyes had a very grown-up, smoky glow that Stan found a bit disconcerting in such a young face.

"How are you doing?" he asked softly.

"Okay. Definitely okay," she chuckled as she started to struggle into a sitting position on his lap. Stan helped her up with the arm that remained wrapped around her back. "But now I've got to go to the bathroom so bad!"

"Yeah, me too," admitted her father, "That's what happens when you drink beer. I had to go even before we started kissing and got carried away again." Amy laughed wickedly in response. "But I didn't want to miss the chance to make you come again."

With obvious reluctance, his daughter clambered to her feet. To his surprise, she turned and took his hands, oblivious to the befouled finger, and pulled him to his feet as well. "You like making me come?" she asked, her eyes glinting.

"Very much," her father laughed, "In case you couldn't tell."

"I'm glad," she smiled, "'Cause I'd hate to think you'd never do it again. C'mon," she urged, tugging his hand, "Let's go to the bathroom."

"Together?" Stan asked, bemused.

"Well, yeah," she answered as if she thought he'd been afflicted with a sudden case of stupidity. "Even I know that I'm not supposed to let boys see me when I pee." She shrugged matter-of-factly. "So I guess that's something we'd better do, huh? Just so I know for sure what not to do."

Stan laughed at his daughter's droll grin, but followed her around the corner to the downstairs toilet. "Besides," he ventured, "Maybe you might want to see me pee, too, huh? Since that's another thing you should never let boys do - show you their cocks and all," he clarified.

She turned her head to look back at him as they passed the bathroom door, "Oh, right. Definitely," she said with such mock solemnity that he laughed out loud.

Amy was laughing, too, by the time she sat down on the toilet, hiking her short nightie back up around her waist without the slightest embarrassment. Stan guessed that after being all but completely naked in his lap for the last hour or so and letting him put his fingers into her pussy and ass, she saw no point in trying to be modest now, a quite reasonable attitude, he thought.

"Ahhhh!" she sighed with unabashed relief as the toilet resounded with the tinkle of a long restrained stream of urine. "Man, did I need that!" She looked up to see him watching her intently. A sly look crossed her face. "You want to see?" she asked boldly.

"Sure, baby," her father answered without hesitation, "I love to look at your sweet little pussy."

She giggled and blushed slightly at the compliment, but scooted her butt back along the toilet seat and rocked her pelvis upwards to display her still pissing cunt. She miscalculated, though, because a stream of pale yellow liquid shot over the rim of the seat and splashed onto Stan's feet.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Daddy!" she gasped at once, covering her mouth with her hands in mortification as she adjusted her position to once again direct the flood of warm piss back into the bowl.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart," her father said with a dismissive laugh. "It wipes up. Besides," he noted with a rueful smile, "I've got your poop all over my finger already. A little bit of your piss on my feet isn't going to hurt anything. Besides," he admitted, raising his eyebrows, "I kind of liked it. Turned me on, kind of."

"No kidding?" she said with an interested gleam in her eye. "Maybe I'll do it again some time. I like knowing what turns you on," she said with a meaningful expression before continuing. "And yeah, I wasn't going to say anything about your finger, but since you brought it up, it really does stink. Maybe while I'm finishing up here you could, you know, wash up in the sink there?"

"Fair enough," Stan laughed, turning to the lavatory and beginning to run the water. "But remember, it's your shit, after all," he pointed out over his shoulder.

"I know," she shrugged with a grin as she daintily wiped her crotch with toilet paper, "But I never said my shit didn't stink." She was clearly enjoying getting used to being able to use vulgar and obscene words around her father.

He laughed and finished washing the offending finger thoroughly before turning back to the toilet, anticipating his chance to finally empty his bladder. But to his surprise, Amy had not risen from the toilet seat. Instead, she had scooted back as far against the tank and spread her legs widely, leaving her nearly bald cunt fully exposed at the head of a small open gap into the toilet bowl.

"C'mon, Daddy," she urged, your turn. When he hesitated, swallowing hard at the unobstructed view of his daughter's virgin cunt, she leaned forward impatiently and, to his amazement, quickly tugged his sweat- and quim-dampened gym shorts to the floor around his ankles. His huge erection, finally freed of its last restraint, jutted proudly toward the ceiling, the head purple and glisteningly smooth, the shaft a lighter flesh color but laced with throbbing purple veins.

For one moment that stretched into stunned silence, neither father nor daughter moved. Amy's eyes remained locked on his rigid hard-on, while Stan watched her face for sign of any reaction.

"Whoa!" the eleven-year-old girl breathed at last.

"Not what you expected?" her father asked gently.

"Uh, no," she shook her head. "Not so big. Is it always like that?" she blurted in a rush.

"No, it sure as hell isn't, but it's like that whenever I get really turned on, and you really, really turn me on," he said frankly with a nervous swallow.

She reached her hand out towards his raging erection, stopping just short of actually grazing it with her fingers.

"Can I - can I touch it?" she asked in a weak voice.

"Oh, God, girl!" her father groaned, "You bet you can touch it. That's definitely something you should never do with boys, and believe me, they'll all want you to."

Her fingers made contact with the smooth flesh and gently traced the length of it with a single fingertip. "Why?" she wanted to know.

Shuddering with pleasure at the touch of young female fingers on his hard cock, Stan did his best to answer, "Well, um, you know how good it felt when I rubbed your clit?" She nodded, her eyes bright and somewhat dreamy at the memory. "Well, a man's cock is like a woman's clit. When it gets touched, or licked, or moves in an out of her pussy or ass, it makes him come, just like you did when I rubbed your clit."

"Oh," she said, her face thoughtful as her fingers and hand continued to explore every inch of his stiff prick. "So does that mean that if I keep rubbing it, I'll make you come, too?"

"Ohhhh, God, Amy!" he groaned in pleasure as her fingers ran lightly up the side of the shaft and circled the swollen head, "Yes, that's exactly what it means. In fact," he went on, trying to keep his voice even despite the fact that a young girl with a naked cunt was sitting in front of him fondling his rigid cock, "That's kind of a problem that you can help me with."

"You see," he explained in response to her look of inquiry, "When this big guy's all hard and stiff like this," he gestured down at his turgid erection resting in his daughter's hand, "I can't even pee, no matter how much I want to. So, since making boys come is definitely one of those things you should never do, I think maybe the best thing for both of us would be if you made me come right now, don't you?"

"Yes, Daddy, I think you're right," she said in a low voice grown suddenly husky. "What do I do?"

"Well first," Stan said, throwing all caution aside, "There's something you should know that's different about what happens when men come. They squirt stuff out the end of their cocks when they do."

"Stuff? What kind of stuff?" she wanted to know, a look of lascivious interest gleaming in her eye.

"Stuff, like, well, it's hard to describe. It's kind of a thick, creamy stuff, kind of like glue, I guess." She raised her eyebrows but said nothing, so he pressed on. "Anyway, when you make me come, it's liable to squirt all over, so maybe you'd better take that nightgown off. It's easier to clean a man's come off your skin than it is clothing."

Amy flashed him a look that told him he wasn't fooling anyone, but she readily tugged her thin nightie up over her head and dropped on the floor beside the toilet. She looked up at him with a triumphant grin, as if she thought he hadn't expected her to call his bluff.

"God, you are so amazingly beautiful, and so fucking sexy!" he muttered, ogling his daughter's naked body with leering grin.

To his delight, she raised one hand behind her head and struck a frankly erotic pose, while the other hand continued to stroke his cock. "I'm glad you think so," she said with a husky cast to her voice. She glanced down meaningfully at the gym shorts still gathered around his ankles. "Don't you think you should take those off, too? I mean you wouldn't want to get your stuff-"

"My come?" he prompted.

"Yeah, your come on them either," she completed her suggestion.

"You're right," he chuckled as he stepped out of the shorts and kicked them over to join her gown on the floor. "And of course, getting naked with a boy is another thing you should never do."

"I didn't think so," she answered with a wide smile. She pulled on his cock gently, urging him wordlessly to step closer, which he readily did. "So," she asked, studying his iron-hard organ from her new, closer vantage point, "What do I do to make you come?"

"Baby, there's all kinds of ways," he murmured, shuddering as her fingers toyed with the sensitive skin at the base of the head, "But one of the best is what's called a 'blowjob', where you lick and suck it."

"Really?" she asked. "You want me to do a blowjob to you?" She leaned forward and began to part her lips in anticipation of his answer.

"Oh, baby, you wouldn't believe how much I want you to give me a blowjob," he said tightly.

She grinned up at him, clearly delighted to be able to do something that pleased him and then opened her mouth and slowly wrapped her lips around the head, sucking slightly, then pulling back away and asking, "Like that?"

Stan felt his head swimming from the four beers and the unbelievably erotic excitement of feeling his sexy young daughter's lips on his yearning prick, but he did his best to collect himself and answer, "Pretty much. Don't worry - just listen to what I tell you and you'll give me a fantastic blowjob."

"It doesn't taste like anything, just kind of rubbery," she said thoughtfully, almost to herself. She looked up at him then, frowning as if something just occurred to her. "Wait a minute - if you squirt your - your come when you come - that's weird, huh?" she shook her head at the confusing multiple use of the word, "I mean, won't that mean you squirt it into my mouth?"

"Yep, that's exactly what it means, lover, and that's what makes it so great," her father answered, torn between wanting to get on with being sucked and wanting to make sure his trusting daughter understood what might happen.

"You want to squirt in my mouth?" she persisted.

"Very much," he said, his tone nearly pleading.

"Does it taste bad?" she wanted to know.

"Some women say it tastes funny, others learn to love it because they know it means they've made their man really happy," he explained.

"Okay," she shrugged simply, leaving Stan dumbfounded. Just like that? When he thought of all the coaxing he'd had to do to get even college-age girls to swallow, and here his eleven-year-old daughter just accepted the idea without question. He was beginning to wish he'd hit on her a lot sooner than this.

He shook his head in wonder, and then added with a grin, "You'll probably like it better than beer."

"Then it can't be that bad," she giggled nervously. "So what do I do?" she asked in a more serious tone, leaning forward to seize her father's protruding erection in both hands.

"Well, there's only one ironclad rule - no teeth," Stan began, "The skin is sensitive and teeth hurt. So always keep the skin away from your teeth with your lips and tongue."

"Like this?" she offered as she opened her mouth and once again took the head of his swollen cock gently between her lips. This time, she pushed more of it inside, keeping her small mouth opened widely so as not to touch it with her teeth.

"Oh, yes, baby," Stan sighed, "That's just right." He couldn't believe how soft and warm her mouth felt around his prick. His earlier urgent need to piss had faded into the background, lost in the welter of new, lewd sensations. "Now, just relax, and I'll talk you through everything you need to do, okay?"

"Hmm-hmm," she agreed as best she could with her mouth full. She looked up at him with large, round eyes and her father smiled encouragingly back.

"All right, so first you need to tease it a little while you get it all wet," he instructed, reaching out to caress the side of her face. "So why don't you start with a bunch of little licks around the head while you suck it, and then try licking up and down the shaft like it's a big lollipop."

She giggled softly in a muffled sort of way and started in, running her tongue gingerly around the rim of his engorged prick head, suckling lightly.

"That's right, baby, that's good," Stan encouraged, "But you don't have to be so delicate. As long as you don't bite it or try to actually bend it in half, there's not much you can do to hurt a man's prick with your mouth or fingers. Yeah, that's better," he sighed as she began to lick the head with more vigor. "Oh, yeah, just like that," he moaned as she tongued the sensitive tip and even pressed into the slit. "You're a total natural sexy babe, you know that?"

He could feel her smile at his compliment, and she redoubled her efforts, enthusiastically turning her head from side to side as she suckled the head of his hard-on and drawing happy gasps of pleasure from her father. He continued to coach and cajole her, and within minutes he had her running her tongue up and down the shaft and returning to lick and suck the head of his cock like she'd been doing it for years.

"Now, baby, it's time to use your hands, too," he told her once she'd repeated her 'lollipop' exercise enough to have his entire stiff prick glistening with her slick saliva. "You've got it all slippery, so now I want you to wrap your hand around it and suck as much of my cock into your mouth without choking, and as you do, slide your hand all the way down the rest of the shaft so you make the whole thing feel good. Then slide back up and let it come almost all the way out of your mouth and go back down again. Yeah!" he sighed as she executed his instructions to the letter, "Oh, fuckin' yeah, baby, you're doing it perfect!"

She glanced up at him and he could see her eyes were shining with pride at being able to please him so much. He placed both hands aside her head and began to pull her into him, guiding her oral strokes in the rhythm he needed. Once he pulled too hard and forced more of his swollen manhood into her mouth than she could handle, causing her to gag and cough, but he apologized profusely and soon she was hard at it again, taking nearly half the length into her mouth and pumping the rest with her hand.

"When your hand starts to get too dry, just lick the whole thing like it's a Popsicle and get it all wet again," he advised after a bit.

She broke off her sucking to comply, looking up at him to quip, "Well, you are my Pop, so I guess that does make this thing my Popsicle." She giggled at her pun before falling to her task of moistening the shaft of his prick and resuming her blowjob. Stan just shook his head, grinning like crazy at the entire scene. He let his hands drift downwards from holding her head and began to caress her firm, budding breasts, toying with the hard little nipples and earning a series of lewd moans from his plump, horny daughter.

They fell into a rhythm that Stan could feel was going to start working soon - he could feel his balls start to tighten in anticipation of shooting a great big load of semen into his little girl's mouth. "One more little trick to learn, baby," he grunted, his breath beginning to quicken as his arousal intensified. "Take your other hand and grab my cock around the base and push in hard towards my body - yeah, like that. Oh, God! Yeah, just like - hunnngghhh! Just like that! Feel how it stretches the skin and makes it even more sensitive?"

She nodded absently, concentrating on doing all the various motions with her mouth and hands her father had requested.

"Fuck, yeah, baby!" he moaned as she instinctively began to increase the tempo of her mouth and fingers around his straining erection. "Just like that! God damn! You are so incredibly good! Haaagghhh! Shit, yes, baby! You're gonna' make your Daddy come real soon! You want to make your Daddy come, baby?"

"Hmm-hmm!" she grunted with enthusiasm, her eyes raised up to watch his face as she blew him.

"Okay, baby, just about there!" he panted, "Okay, now, baby, keep pumping with your hand and lean back and open your mouth! Get ready! You can watch me come on you! Hohhhhh! God! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Hunnngghh!" he grunted like some kind of wounded animal as what felt like a gallon of hot, thick jism boiled up from inside him and arced out the end of his cock to land on his daughter's nose.

As she watched wide-eyed, her mouth open as he'd instructed, he grabbed his cock with his own hand and adjusted his aim, landing the next spurt dead on into her waiting mouth. Without being prompted, Amy leaned forward once more and wrapped her soft, wet lips around the head of his ejaculating cock and took several more squirts, swallowing without even pausing to think about it.

Stan was in complete ecstasy. His head was spinning and he felt his knees start to get wobbly, so he put his hands out to brace himself against the narrow bathroom walls. His daughter, thinking he was done, pulled her head back to look at him, and so got several more thick white jets of come landing on her - her cheeks, hair, shoulders and tits. At first, she looked like she was going to be annoyed, but eventually decided it was funny and started giggling like mad. Within moments, Stan was giggling right along with her, filled with joy, love for his amazingly hot and sexy little girl, and overwhelmed that he'd actually been able to come in her mouth.

Amy leaned back once again and Stan followed her gaze down to his rapidly shrinking cock. "See, once a man comes, his cock goes back to its normal size," he noted with a wry smile.

"It's interesting," she said, her eyes never leaving the almost flaccid organ. She reached out to catch a large, gooey drop of jism that was forming on the tip of his downward hanging prick. "You left some," she said in an amused tone, then looked up at him with an intense gaze as she deliberately brought the come-coated finger to her lips and licked it clean. "Isn't that what you wanted me to do?" she asked, "You said you wanted to squirt your come in my mouth."

"I sure did, lover," her father said, shocked but quite aroused on by his daughter's brazen behavior. "So what do you think of the taste?"

She smacked her lips a moment in consideration, and ostentatiously swallowed before answering. "You were right," she said at last. "Better than beer."

Stan laughed and asked in an offhand tone, "So you wouldn't mind tasting it again some time?"

She giggled at his blatant ploy, but shook her head, "No, I think I'd like that." Her smile turned suddenly shy. "Did I really do good? You weren't just saying that?"

"Baby," her father said with feeling, "I can honestly say I've never had my cock sucked better!" She grinned, and he gave her a look of mock suspicion. "You sure you've never done that before?"

"Daddy!" she spluttered, her outrage clearly genuine, "I've never done anything like that in my life!"

"Okay, okay, I believe you," Stan said quickly, "Then it really is true that you're the most naturally sexy woman I've ever known. It's like you were born to be a totally hot and sexy babe." He smiled at her in honest appreciation.

She allowed herself to be mollified, changing the subject suddenly. "What happened to you needing to pee? I thought you needed to go as much as I did earlier."

"Well," her father shrugged a bit sheepishly, "I did, but once you started sucking me, you got me so turned on, I kind of forgot all about it." Now that she had brought it up again, though, he realized that he did have to piss incredibly badly. "But you removed all the, hmm, blockage. So now I do have to go. Do you want to get up?"

"Uh-uh," she shook her head in the negative with a sultry smile, waggling her eyebrows meaningfully as she scooted her bottom back along the seat, leaving the same small gap into the toilet bowl between her widely parted legs as before. "I want to watch it from right here," she said with an emphatic nod.

"Okay, but I apologize in advance if my aim isn't so good," he said with a half smile as he stepped up and grabbed his now soft prick to aim it into the dark hole between his eleven-year-old daughter's legs.

Amy shrugged philosophically, though with a mischievous gleam in her eye, "You said it was easy to wipe up."

Stan had a moment of panic when nervousness over having to piss on command, especially for a very naked young girl seated inches in front of him, left him unable to get the stream started. Fortunately, his bladder really was full almost to bursting, and the need to piss quickly overcame any shyness. Amy's eyes widened and a smile spread across her lips as he began at last. Several drops, especially at first, fell on her legs, but she didn't seem to mind.

After watching him direct the flow for a few seconds, she asked, "Can I try - can I hold it?"

Her father was too astounded to object and could only nod mutely. With a happy giggle, the naked fifth-grader quickly grabbed his still urinating cock and began guiding the outpouring of pungent yellow liquid back and forth into the toilet bowl. Even more amazing to Stan, within moments, his daughter was laughing as she aimed the golden jet first onto her legs, then stomach, and finally onto her bald cunt, leaning back so the hot fluid landed directly on her re-emerging clit. Her eyes shone with a look that he recognized as raw lust. The plump eleven-year-old rubbed the fingers of her other hand into her urine-drenched cunt, relishing the feel of the warm slickness on her sex organs. She was actually getting herself turned on again as he pissed onto her pussy!

Stan swallowed hard, feeling his balls twitch in renewed arousal. This hot little bitch that his daughter had suddenly become wanted to try everything she could about sex and physical pleasure, he realized, and wanted to try it all today. He almost laughed out loud as he realized that he didn't need to worry about there being some sort of problem taking her virginity. If he didn't do it himself in the next few hours, she was likely to run out in the street and demand that the first man she found fuck her on the spot. Of course, the beers they'd consumed together certainly helped get her in the mood, he reflected. He had a moment's twinge of conscience about getting his young daughter drunk so he could fuck her, but something in the lascivious look in her eyes made him suspect that the alcohol may have had less to do with her suddenly libidinous behavior than he thought.

Amy wasn't done surprising him, either. As he squeezed the last golden spurts of piss from his relieve prick onto her soft, tender flesh, she pulled her glistening fingers free of her soggy slit and brought them to her lips. As Stan watched, incredulous, she experimentally licked some of the bitter juice up with her tongue.

"Ugh. Definitely not better than beer," she said, making a face.

"Hey, I didn't say you had to do that," her father said with a bemused expression, still astonished at her audacity.

She shrugged with a good-natured smile. "I just wanted to try it."

"Well, nothing wrong with that," the older man grinned mischievously. "This seems like a good day to try new things."

She regarded him through lowered eyes, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, it sure does." Something about the look in her eyes made Stan's cock begin to stir in his young daughter's hand. She noticed the movement and looked up at him quizzically. "Does it move all the time like that?"

"Not usually," her father snorted. "But you seem to have this effect on it, O sexy one."

She giggled but, to Stan's disappointment, released his cock and made to rise. He backed up to give her room.

"I'm sorry," she explained, "But that toilet seat gets hard after a while. She stretched, treating her ogling father to a magnificent view of her nubile, developing body. She sniffed and wrinkled her nose. "I think I need a bath now."

"Okay, if that's what you'd like to do," he answered with an indulgent smile. His eyes wandered down her body, taking in her sweat-matted hair, the large, gooey drops of jism on her shoulders and breasts, and the glistening coating of piss on her belly, cunt, and thighs. "I guess that might be a good idea at that," he chuckled understandingly.

She gave him look that was shy but with a definite gleam in the eye. "Take one with me," she blurted.

"What? Are you sure?" her stunned father half chuckled.

"Yeah, why not?" she said in a voice that tried to belie her nervousness. "It might be fun," she added with a sidelong glance.

"All right," he agreed, "You've got a deal." He bent and picked up their discarded clothing from the floor. "I guess I can put these in the hamper. There doesn't seem to be much point in putting them back on, does there?"

"No, I guess not," the precocious fifth-grader agreed with a naughty grin.

Then father and daughter trooped, hand in hand and completely naked, up the stairs to the bathroom.

As Stan started the tub filling, Amy plopped down on the toilet, commenting, "Jeez, I've got to pee again!"

"That's beer for you," her father chuckled. "They say it goes through you so fast 'cause it doesn't have to stop and change color first."

In her slightly inebriated state, the eleven-year-old girl seemed to find his droll joke the funniest thing she'd ever heard, and she laughed until tears formed at the corners of her eyes. Stan found himself laughing at her laughter and it was several moments before they regained their composure. When they did, they both looked at each other, holding their gaze for a long time. The mood had quickly shifted, and the older man reached down to grasp his young, plump daughter's hands and pull her to her feet, sweeping her into his arms in an incestuous embrace.

"Daddy," she protested with a giggle, "I didn't even wipe myself."

"Oh, for Christ's sake," he said with a tender chuckle, "You're just going to get in the tub anyway. Now shut up for a minute and let me hold you, 'cause I love you so much and I haven't told you so nearly enough." He caressed her back and ass, kissing the top of her head while she squeezed him tightly.

"I love you, too, Daddy," she murmured. "Thanks for teaching me all about sexy stuff."

"Thanks for letting me teach you," he answered with genuine feeling, "I'm glad you picked me instead of, well, trying to discover it on your own with, you know, someone else."

"Who would be a better teacher than you?" she asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Like I'm gonna' go ask some kid my age who wouldn't know diddly? Or some strange man who doesn't even love me? Yuck!" she explained with a soft shake of her head.

"You're absolutely right, baby," Stan said, surprised at her logic, "I'd never thought of it that way before."

"Well, you should have," she blurted, "I sure have!" She stopped suddenly, blushing furiously at her inadvertent confession.

"Have you, lover?" he asked, keeping her in his arms but drawing his head back to look at her face. "I guess I should have noticed sooner."

"I guess you should have," she agreed in a level tone. "Um, I think the bath may be.."

"Oh, shit!" he cursed, releasing her and whirling to dive for the faucet before the tub could overfill. "Sorry," he apologized as he reached down to release the plug and drain some of the excess, steaming water.

"'S alright, Daddy," she giggled. "I distracted you."

"Yeah, you do seem to have that effect on me," Stan answered dryly. He stood. "Your bath awaits, my princess."

"Hmm, I like it better when you call me 'baby' or 'lover'," she said with a raised eyebrow. "'Princess' is what you used to call me when I was little."

"All right, lover," her father grinned, "You're definitely not a little girl anymore."

"Don't forget it," she said meaningfully. She gestured at the tub. "Maybe you should get in first. Age before beauty and all that."

"I'm not that old," he protested as he stepped into the tub and lowered his nude, well-muscled body gingerly into the hot water.

"No, you're not," Amy said softly with a smoky look as she waited for him to get settled before stepping in as well. She sat down in the water with innocent grace with her back to the faucet, facing him. She draped her legs atop his and scooted closer, candidly studying him. "You've got a nice body," she remarked with a shy smile.

Her father returned her unabashed ogling and replied, "So do you, baby, so do you." He let his eyes wander over her incredibly smooth, creamy skin, the soft rounded curves of her slightly plump tummy and down to her tender young cunt, visible under the water between her partially raised thighs, the a few wispy, blond strands of emerging pubic hair standing out from her flesh. He felt his prick begin to swell.

The eleven-year-old noticed the change in his cock and raised her eyebrows inquisitively. "There, it's starting to get big again. Is that because of me?" she asked.

"It sure is," Stan declared. "Looking at your beautiful, sexy body gets me turned on."

"Well, I like looking at your beautiful, sexy body, too," she admitted shyly, "And I'm starting to feel sort of, you know, turned on, too." Her cheeks colored delightfully.

"Well, maybe we'd better get washed first before we get so involved in something that we forget to," her father said, swallowing hard.

"Something like what," Amy asked with interest as he took the soap from the tray and began to lather it up, leaning forward to start washing the gobs of his semen from her shoulders and breasts.

"Whatever you'd like to try," grinned her father. "I can almost guarantee that anything you can imagine in this situation is something that you're not supposed to let boys do."

She smiled, then giggled at the sensation as he fondled and caressed her firm, small breast mounds and quickly demanded the soap to begin washing her father as well. Amidst a great deal of giggling and splashing, they took turns lathering and rinsing each other's bodies. Amy giggled in pleasure when she was able to make his cock grow completely stiff and hard in her hand as she soaped it up, and her eyes glazed somewhat when he returned the favor and slid his lathered fingers into her cunt. By the time he probed his finger into her ass, her breathing had deepened noticeably. She gave a small sigh of disappointment when Stan had his young daughter turn her back to him so he could shampoo her hair.

"Mmm, that feels nice, too, though," she murmured as his fingers massaged the frothy, sweet-scented lather into her hair. "I should have you wash my hair every time."

"I'd love to," he replied, guiding her body forward and tilting her head back to cup water in his hand over her hair to rinse it. "And until your Mom gets back, we can take a bath together every day. More often than that if you'd like." He gently lifted her back upright then cradled her in his arms.

She snuggled up against him, hugging his arms more tightly around her, but her mood had grown pensive. "Yeah, what about that?" she asked after a moment's reflective pause. "What are we supposed to do when Mom gets back? I can't exactly see her saying, 'Go on, dear, and take a bath with your dad. Go on, dear, go and do sexy stuff with him while I make dinner.'"

"That's very true," Stan nodded. "All this sexy stuff we have to keep just between us two. You can't ever tell anyone about it, not your mom, not even your best friends at school who promise they 'won't breathe a word of it to anyone, honest'. You understand? This is serious, baby."

"Yeah, I know. I kind of figured that," she said in a resigned tone. "But that's gonna' suck, Dad, really. I like doing this sexy stuff with you." She laid her head back against his chest and sighed. "And I'm supposed to just pretend I'm the little innocent girl, too young to know anything once Mom gets back. It's not fair."

Stan kissed the side of her face softly before responding. "I know it doesn't seem fair. But would you rather we hadn't started this?"

She shook her head mutely, but hugged his arms even more tightly around herself.

"Well, we'll just do what we can, when we can. Your mother's been really busy with work lately, so we'll find some times to be alone together. And in the mean time, we've got a whole week to spend, just the two of us, learning all about all the things you're not supposed to know or do with boys. And who knows," he added with a half-hearted chuckle, "Maybe by the time the week is up, you'll be so tired of me, you won't want to do any sexy stuff with me ever again."

Amy turned in his arms so that she was sideways and could look up into his eyes. "That's not going to happen," she said with such utter certainty that her father could only gulp and nod.

"Could - could we," she hesitated a moment before continuing, "Could we try kissing again like we did before? I liked that a lot."

For answer, Stan cradled her cheek in his hand and planted his lips firmly against his daughter's. Her response was eager and immediate, and she sighed with contentment as their tongues ardently slid into each other's mouth, their lips working and nibbling as their hands began to freely slide over the wet skin of each other's body. Their bodies gently wriggled into a more comfortable position, Amy lying nearly atop her father's larger body while he cupped her firm, rounded ass cheeks in one hand to keep her from sliding away while his other hand caressed and kneaded her back occasionally.

They kissed for several minutes, their lewd tonguing growing more fervent and Stan's fingers taking more and more liberties, sliding around her damp, slippery sides to squeeze her diminutive breast mounds and a finger on his other hand worming inexorably into the dank crack of her ass. She was lying with her soft, rounded tummy directly on top of his now rigid prick, and the feel of her warm, wet skin sliding back and forth over it as they kissed and writhed against each other soon had him panting and moaning along with her.

When Stan's finger finally slid into her butthole, Amy gasped and pushed herself up on her forearms with a look of delight and surprised lust. "Oh, you!" she said, shaking her head in mock severity. Then, biting her lower lip in a suppressed grin, she wrapped her legs around him so she straddled him, putting her very warm - and very wet - pussy right on top of his rock-hard prick.

Now it was her father's turn to gasp with erotic delight, though he didn't remove his finger from where he'd buried it deep in her anus. With a look that dared him to stop her, she deliberately moved her cunt slowly, excruciatingly slowly along the length of his erection. His shaft of his prick was now completely enfolded by her dripping young labia, and he could feel the hot quim lubricating the length of it as she slid her hips back. His heart was pounding in his chest with excitement, and even his daughter's eyes suddenly looked a little glassy.

She nodded to herself and said, "I thought that might feel good." She pulled her hips forward again, dragging her pubescent twat along the length of her father's turgid prick once more. "Does it feel good to you?" she asked, rather breathlessly.

"Ohhh, God, it sure does, baby!" he groaned, gazing up at the naked woman-child astride him. "You are a total natural; you know just what will feel good and sexy!"

She grinned at the praise, though her expression made it clear that she found the newly discovered erotic sensations from between her legs a bit distracting. She experimentally slid her pussy back and forth a few more times, falling into a steady rhythm before long. "I think," she panted after a moment or two, "I think maybe I could come again this way." She giggled, looking down her arms that were propping her up, resting on his shoulders.

"Go for it, sexy lover," growled her father, moving his other hand around behind her ass to help her incestuous gyrations. "I think maybe I could too. Just keep doing that - you're doing great!" Indeed, he was thanking his lucky stars that his pubescent daughter had already sucked him off less than an hour earlier, because otherwise he was sure he would have shot his load already. The girl was stroking his rod with her pussy lips so perfectly that his head was already spinning.

He began to thrust his hips up to meet his juvenile lover's obscene rhythm, plunging his finger all the way to the palm into her asshole every time she moved up his body and his hand could reach fully. Amy moaned loudly each time his impertinent finger shoved into her anus, but as Stan looked up at her face, she showed no sign of being hurt or put off by his incestuous ass reaming.

On the contrary, her face was lit up in the most amazing expression of pure animal lust and erotic desire he'd ever seen on a woman of any age. Her eyes were screwed almost shut most of the time as she ground her cunt along her father's pumping hard-on, though they would occasionally fly open as some new wave of sensual ecstasy would course through her tender young body, and she would sometimes glance quickly down at him to see if he was sharing her sexual bliss. She was panting hard now with effort and excitement as she slid her crotch back and forth, and grunts and moans were spilling from her lips with increasing frequency.

Despite his recent orgasm, Stan could feel his arousal rising quickly, and knew he needed to do something to avoid blowing his load before his erotically precocious eleven-year-old could reach her next climax. So he slowed down the rhythm of his thrusting to a gentler pace, and at the same time, used his hand on her hip to encourage her to ease her frenzied tempo.

He had another idea, and slipped his finger from inside his daughter's virgin asshole long enough to grab the soap and lather up both her anus and his first and middle fingers, causing her to open her eyes and give him a disappointed, longing glance. But as she slid forward the next time, he worked his soap-lubricated hand quickly around under her slippery buttocks and wormed both slimy fingers into her tight, round anal sphincter. As she slid back once more, he used the force of her own body weight to drive them deeply into the pubescent girl's rectum, burying them to the palm at once despite the extremely tight constriction.

"Ohhh!" Amy gasped, her eyes snapping open and her mouth rounded in surprise. "That feels - that feels..." she hesitated as Stan slid the intruding fingers part-way out then pushed them into her asshole once more, wriggling them as he did so to help stretch the distended young flesh. His daughter gasped once more, but this time the tone conveyed more aroused pleasure than the startled discomfort of her first exclamation.

"Do you like it?" grinned her father with a smoldering expression as he plunged the twinned fingers in and out of the eleven-year-old's butt hole yet again.

"I - uh - I -I think I do," she panted, a look of marvel and astonishment on her flushed and sweating young face. "It - ohhhh!" she moaned as he thrust his raging hard-on up through her slick and quim-drenched slit at the same time his fingers sank into her yielding anus again. "It-it does feel good," she breathed, her voice shaky. "It hurt a little at first. Hunnnnghhh! Oh, God, Daddy! But now it - it - oh, God, Daddy! It's going to make me - haaaggghhh! Make me come again! Oh, Daddyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!" she shrieked, slamming her cunt back and forth along the length of his iron-hard cock as fast as she could, oblivious both to her father's incestuous fingers raping her ass and to the water that was now splashing out of the churning tub and onto the bathroom floor beside them.

With a groan of relief that he could stop trying to hold off now that his sexually precocious daughter was so obviously starting to climax, Stan thrust his hips up and down as fast as he could in an attempt to match the frantic tempo of her pelvic gyrations, trying desperately to keep his fingers buried in her bouncing ass. They were both gasping for breath as if they were at the end of a sprint, and moans and guttural cries were continually being wrenched out of their raw and tortured throats.

Suddenly Amy's frenzied pelvic thrusting ground to a halt and she froze in position, her body wracked with shudders as a gut-wrenching climax slammed through her plump, pre-teen body. Her face was screwed into a tight rictus and she kept crying, "Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!" as she shook with spasm after orgasmic spasm.

Through his own delirious haze, Stan noticed that his daughter's nipples had once again hardened to an improbable length in response to the lewd waves of ecstasy rolling over her. He gave a few more manful thrusts of his swollen prick through the throbbing, slippery fold formed by her young, nearly bald cunt wrapped atop his rod and then felt the familiar tightening in his balls and the base of his cock as his own climax started.

The young father shoved his cock up and out as hard as he could, driving the straining organ so it stood free and visible against his taut belly as it emerged from beneath his daughter's pussy and shouted, "Oh, baby, watch now - Daddy's coming too. Watch all the come you made squirt out now!"

As the still-climaxing fifth-grade girl atop him wrenched her eyes open to observe the promised spectacle, Stan gave a long, low grunt and squeezed out the first thick, white gobbet of jism, shooting the pungent semen so far that it landed on his chest beyond his nipples. He groaned with pleasure, puffing hugely as each new orgasmic spasm resulted in another large spurt of come to jet from the swollen, purple head of his throbbing prick to land on his belly and chest. He could feel his daughter's young, virgin pussy still pulsing from her own orgasm and the sensation sustained his own climax longer than he would have ever believed possible. Even when his balls had thoroughly emptied, the rhythmic contractions in his crotch continued, emitting weak dribbles of gooey fluid from the tip of his prick that diminished in force and quantity each time.

His wrenching climax finally subsided and his hips sagged, lowering his body back into the now tepid bath water. He looked up to see his young daughter looking down at him with a very adult, hungry expression that was so intense Stan's first thought was that he now knew exactly what a mouse saw just before a cat pounced on it.

"You came, too," she marveled in a somewhat breathless voice, the look in her eyes softening and becoming tenderer in a way that left Stan's heart as disturbed as her previous expression had. "You really did. I made you come with me!" she announced proudly, an impetuous grin spreading across her young face.

"You really did," Stan nodded with a weak, happy smile. "You're a beautiful, sexy woman who knows how to please her man."

Amy laughed with delight at the characterization, and lifted one hand from his shoulder to tenderly stroke his bearded cheek, which made the butterflies in her father's insides flutter once more. He was falling in love, he realized, thunderstruck. He was falling in love with his own daughter! He'd thought that he already loved her as much as he possibly could, but this was something entirely new, a feeling of intense love and desire that added another layer to the feelings he already had for his young girl without supplanting any of the previous emotions. He swallowed hard. This was a complication he hadn't counted on, and he instinctively knew that it was going to change everything.

He did his best to master the upwelling of love and emotion that threatened to reduce him to a blubbering idiot, and said with attempted nonchalance, despite the tears he could feel forming in the corners of his eyes, "Did you see it happen? You were coming so hard, I wasn't sure you could see at all."

"Yeah, I did - come really hard, that is," she nodded with a giggle, "But I saw it squirt and everything. It was hecka cool! It was like it was my, you know, my cock," she hesitated slightly with embarrassment over the use of the obscenity before continuing, "It was like I was the one squirting it all over you. I liked that!" she said, raising her eyebrows briefly with an evil chuckle, causing her father to laugh indulgently.

Her face sobered. "But what is it you're doing to my, uh, you know, in my butt?" she asked with an uncertain frown, leaning forward.

Stan took the hint and slid his fingers out of her now distended asshole with a slimy plopping sound. He quickly dunked them in the soapy bathwater to rinse any residual foulness away and looked up at her with a bland expression. "What do you mean?" he queried. "I thought you said you liked it."

"I didn't say I didn't like it," she mumbled, blushing furiously. "I mean, it hurt, kind of, at first. And then it felt like I was taking a really, really big poop," she giggled, her face still reddened, "But then it felt - oh, I don't know; it's hard to explain." She paused a moment, reliving the experience. "It was like it just sort of went together with what I was, you know, doing elsewhere."

"Sliding your sweet little pussy back and forth along your Daddy's big cock, you mean," prompted her father teasingly. He was rewarded with another blush from the eleven-year-old girl straddling him.

"Yeah, that," she mumbled, looking downward, but then looked back into his eyes. "But, yeah, it felt really good. Really good, if you know what I mean, all of a sudden," she added significantly.

"Yep, I could tell," laughed her father. "That would have been right before you started coming like crazy and making me come, too?"

"Yeah!" she said, her eyes bright. Then she looked at him with mock severity. "So what did you do, really?" she demanded.

Stan shrugged. "Not much, lover. Just put two fingers instead of one inside you. Some especially sexy women really like to be fucked in the ass. From what I can see, I'd say you're probably one of those women." He refrained from observing that if she was, she came by it honestly; Tami liked taking it up her ass every bit as much as she liked it in her hot cunt hole. But somehow, he suspected that his daughter wouldn't appreciate being compared to, or even reminded of, her mother at this point, and he wisely kept silent.

Amy positively preened at his flattery and giggled embarrassedly. "Maybe I am," she allowed at last, with a very grown-up smile. She looked down at his chest and, changing the subject abruptly, noted, "You made a mess all over yourself this time."

"Well, I had a lot of help," protested her father with a laugh. "I seem to remember this hot, sexy little babe doing a number with her cunt all over my poor, defenseless hard-on. And since it was all your fault, you could make amends by licking it up off of me. That would be incredibly sexy - and definitely something you should never do with boys so..." he let the suggestion trail off, a hopeful expression in his eyes.

The eleven-year-old snorted at his blatant ploy, but she smiled, murmuring as she slid back down his legs to lower her face to his chest, "Well, I suppose I do need to really practice - I mean, I should really get to know all those things I'm not supposed to do, huh?"

"Exactly," her father agreed and then sighed as her warm, pink tongue began suckling his flaccid but still oozing cock, licking it clean before working her way up his belly and chest until she'd lapped up every drop of the sticky fluid.

Then, without warning, she lunged forward, planted her lips on his and forcefully thrust her tongue between his surprised lips, giving him a mouthful of his own thick jism. He was so startled he couldn't even protest, and the wider he opened his mouth to try, the more semen Amy pushed into it. For one awful moment, he was afraid she was going to pull away, leaving him to deal with the entire load of slimy come in his mouth, but she relented - or else decided she didn't want him to get it all - because she began to work her tongue in his mouth, gathering the strong-tasting goop up and taking it back into her own mouth. He could tell she was swallowing it, too, from the sounds she was making and from the fact that the amount of jism in his mouth was gradually going away.

He pushed his tongue back into her mouth to help transfer some of the semen and saliva mixture into his daughter's mouth once more, but in the process, a very large dollop slipped down the back of his throat. He had no choice but to swallow it with good grace. With a mental shrug, he remembered that she'd had no compunction about tasting her own cunt juices from his fingers earlier he guessed turnabout was fair play. He did his best to keep from gagging, though the expression on his face must have been something, because Amy was laughing at his obvious discomfort the minute she broke away from their incestuous kiss.

"Okay, okay, you got me," he grumbled half-heartedly, smiling in response to his daughter's palpable delight despite himself.

"Serves you right," Amy announced smugly before shivering, "Jeez, I'm getting cold."

"Yeah, 'fraid you're right, lover," Stan agreed, feeling the rapidly cooling bath water. "Definitely time to get out and get dried. Uh, you have to get up first," he added when his somewhat plump daughter made no move to rise from her position lying atop him.

"Yeah, I guess so, huh?" she nodded with a sheepish grin and struggled up out of the tub.

By the time Stan had emerged in turn and had popped the drain, his daughter was vigorously rubbing her smooth, pink skin down with one of the large bath towels. He stepped up behind her and began to dry her as well with a loose end of her towel. With a giggle, she relinquished her towel and grabbed another from the rack, turning to begin drying his body off at the same time. When they had dried the front of each other, they both reached their arms around to dry each other's backsides, pressing their naked bodies against each other in the front.

"Mmm, that feels nice," the blond eleven-year-old said with a naughty wriggle against her father's large cock and balls where they were squashed against her rounded tummy.

Her father could feel small, erotic tingles course through his prick as his pubescent daughter rubbed her body against it, but after having shot his load twice in the last hour, it remained deflated. Still, he enjoyed the feel of her incredibly smooth, soft skin against it as he finished drying her hair.

As he backed away once she was dry, Amy stretched and yawned hugely. "Oh, wow, I'm totally tired," she announced. "I don't know why," she added with an apologetic look.

"It might have something to do with drinking two whole beers and making wild-ass crazy love to your man for the past couple of hours. Just a guess," Stan noted with a droll grin. "So why don't we lie down on my bed and take a nap together and rest up for the next lesson."

"God, there's more? What else-? Oh. Oh!" she stopped suddenly and turned bright red as it occurred to her what else they had yet to try. "Uh, yeah, okay, a nap would be good," she said quickly, biting her lip as she turned on her heel and strode down the hall towards her parent's bedroom. Trying not to laugh, her father padded after her, admiring her bare, plump little bottom as it jiggled and bounced tantalizingly before him.

In the bedroom, Amy stood by with an expression that had turned suddenly shy while Stan turned down the bed covers. He glanced at his daughter, but seeing that she seemed rooted to the spot, climbed into bed first and patted the mattress next to him in invitation. She giggled nervously, but complied and promptly snuggled her body up close to his, resting her head on his chest and draping her soft, cool thigh over his legs, placing her still damp pussy in firm contact with the side of his thigh. He chuckled and pulled the sheet up over them for, despite the growing heat of the summer afternoon, they had become chilled from their long stay in the bath.

Amy gave a huge sigh of contentment and, to her father's indulgent amusement, reached out and possessively circled her fingers around his flaccid prick. For a moment, Stan thought she was going to try to start another "lesson" but within less than a minute, her breathing slowed and she was soon fast asleep. Her father held her closely for a long time, feeling her body gently moving against his as she slept, then kissed the top of her head tenderly and allowed himself to drift into slumber as well.


When Stan awoke, he suffered a moment of bleary disorientation and took several moments to get his bearings. He suddenly remembered that he'd been having sex with his own daughter and - Amy! Where was she? He lifted his head in alarm but collapsed once more into the pillow, relieved to see that she was still sleeping beside him. However, the room and their bodies had both grown warmer - he could tell by the angle of the light coming through the drawn blinds that it was now late afternoon - and they had somehow thrown off the covering sheet in their sleep.

His eleven-year-old daughter lay spread-eagled next to him, her nude body sprawled across the wide bed. He allowed himself the voyeuristic luxury of ogling her nubile, pubescent form. As his eyes roamed down over the perfect little mounds of her budding breasts with their milk chocolate colored aureoles, then lower across her smooth, rounded belly with its dark dimple where her navel interrupted the expanse of curved flesh, and finally to her downy pubic mound, the downy blond hair just beginning to darken and lengthen, he felt his now rested cock begin to swell insistently.

He reached out and gently touched the flesh of her smooth cunt lips, watching her face to see if she would awaken. She stirred slightly as his fingers softly stroked her vulnerable young skin but remained asleep. Feeling a surge of incestuous arousal at the feel of her pussy and the knowledge that her nubile, sleeping body was his to possess, Stan slid carefully down towards the foot of the bed and gently levered her plump thighs apart, leaving her clean, tender cunt completely exposed to the ravishment of his eyes. He gazed for several moments at his young daughter's pussy, his eyes drinking in every detail as his face moved closer and closer. When he was no more than a few inches away, he could detect the soft, clean smell of her, a scent that hinted at the promise of mature sexuality that was already beginning to blossom.

The horny young father pushed his face in as close as he dared to Amy's eleven-year-old cunt and gingerly extended his tongue, anticipating some sort of negative reaction when he actually made contact. But his daughter only emitted a soft sigh as he tasted the faint saltiness of her virgin pussy for the first time, slowly letting his protruding, moist organ lap upwards through the crevice of her slit until it reached her buried clitoris. As he did, the fifth-grade girl moaned faintly in her sleep and shifted her body slightly. Encouraged that she wasn't annoyed by his lewd oral assault, Stan began to cautiously slide the tip of his tongue up and down his young, plump daughter's moist cleft, probing gently into her tight vagina and returning to tenderly caress and tease her small clit.

Stan continued to lick and suckle his youthful daughter's cunt for several minutes, keeping a slow, regular rhythm so she would not be startled into wakefulness too soon. He reveled in the delicate, fresh taste of her pussy, so different from the more pronounced aroma of a more mature woman, and he worked his way quietly into a comfortable position with his arms under her thighs to keep them supported and lifted out of the way. He wanted to keep licking his preteen girl's cunt for a very long time.

As her naked father kept up his lascivious tonguing, his head bobbing slowly and repetitively between her spread thighs, the drowsing eleven-year-old gradually began to rouse. Even before she was fully awake and able to comprehend what was happening, her body was automatically responding to the perverted stimulation of her still virgin cunt, for her hips had begun to rock and twist in lewd accompaniment to her father's relentless cunnilingus. Her breathing started to deepen and soft moans escaped her flushed and parted lips. Stan, delighted at his daughter's uninhibited erotic responsiveness, gradually began to increase the tempo of his obscene ministrations.

A low groan arose from deep within Amy's juvenile throat and her eyes opened, blinking several times rapidly as she groggily attempted to understand what was happening to her. She struggled to raise her head, glanced at the sight of her father's head buried between her legs and then propped herself up on her elbows with some urgency to gaze down at the man. Stan raised his eyes and noticed that his pubescent daughter had awakened; he winked slowly at her but, since she had made no move to push him away or escape, resumed his rhythmic cunt-licking with renewed enthusiasm.

The nude fifth-grader watched her father's lewd activity for some time, her hips continuing to involuntarily rise up to thrust more of her now oozing young cunt into his ravening mouth with each stroke. Her eyes grew wide as she finally reached full wakefulness. "Are you - are you licking my cun- my pussy?" she panted softly at last.

Her father paused his incestuous oral molestation long enough to raise his head and flash Amy a rather unrepentant grin. "I sure am, sexy baby," he answered somewhat breathlessly. "Do you like it?" His chin glistened wetly with saliva and cunt juice.

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I do," his young daughter answered with a wondering giggle. "You don't mind? I mean, you don't think it's gross or anything?" she asked, her tone a bit uncertain.

"Oh, not even a little bit," Stan answered fervently. "I love the way you taste, and I love licking you and making you feel good. This is one of the best ways to help a woman come," he added with a mischievous smile, "And is absolutely one of those things you should never let boys do."

"Ha! Yeah, I can feel that," the eleven-year-old snorted with a short chuckle. She sighed huskily, "I can feel that it could make me come again, big time."

"That's great," murmured her father as he lowered his face to her sopping cunt once more. "Why don't you just lie back and relax and let's see how many times in a row we can make you come, okay?"

"Really?" Amy cried with delight. "It's a deal!" She spread her legs even more widely and asked wickedly, "Anything I can do to help?"

Her father raised his face again with an appreciative twinkle in his eye. "Well," he said with an unabashed leer at his virgin daughter's exposed cunt below his nose, "If you'd like to get the full effect, you could pull your legs up towards your chest - and hand me that pillow next to you there."

The preteen eagerly hastened to comply, passing her father the pillow and instantly grasping her own legs behind the knees and pulling them against her body, leaving her glistening, drenched vulva completely exposed. Stan laughed at her randy enthusiasm and worked the pillow in under her ass, raising her hips and opening her entire crotch from her clit down to her soft brown, wrinkled butt hole to his ravaging tongue.

With a groan of lascivious pleasure, Stan plunged his face into his eleven-year-old daughter's pussy and began slowly sliding his tongue down the length of her gaping crotch, teasing her puckered asshole.

"Oh, God, Daddy!" the girl cried with astonishment, "Are you licking my butt?"

"Um-hmm," the man grunted in a muffled tone, continuing to run the tip of his tongue around her recently bathed anal sphincter.

"Jeez!" she marveled with a giggle, "Before today, I prob'ly would have thought that was too gross, you know? But now I like it. I guess you're right, maybe I am one of those women who likes to, you know, be f-fucked in the ass..." she trailed off with embarrassment, and then added quickly, clearly nervous her father might actually try it. "I mean, you know, some time."

Stan snorted gently at her discomfiture but kept licking her butt until his daughter squirmed with pleasure. Once she had relaxed and become accustomed to the sensation, he dragged his tongue slowly up her crack and pushed it firmly into the dank hole of her vagina, causing her to gasp with erotic gratification. Encouraged, he plunged his tongue in and out several times and was rewarded with a long moan from the fifth-grade girl as her back arched involuntarily. Her father then shifted his attention to her clit, which had swollen into a hard, solid nub that now pushed free of the enfolding cunt lips from rapidly increasing sexual arousal.

"Oh, Daddy! Oh, God! That feels g-good!" Amy groaned as her father lashed the tip of her clit with his tongue, flicking it back and forth quickly.

As her body began to writhe reflexively, Stan groped up her body with his hands to squeeze her small, budding breasts, finding that her nipples had contracted into tight nubbins, the aureoles wrinkled with arousal. She moaned loudly with excitement as his fingers kneaded the shallow fleshy mounds and firmly pinched the erect nipples. His tongue continued to flay her juvenile clitoris, and he could tell that she was on the verge of climax. He intensified the sensation by sucking hard on the length of her clit, pulling it between his lips while waggling his head from side to side at the same time his tongue rapidly buzzed the young girl's swollen organ.

Within seconds, Amy was thrashing wildly, her body bucking furiously as she shrieked, "Ohhhh! God! Daddy! Hunnnggghhh! Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! It's - it's happening - I'm coming, Daddy! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucckkkkkkk!" She released her hold on her legs as all her limbs began to jerk spasmodically, the orgasm seizing her body with sudden, overwhelming fury.

Her father held her firmly in place as he continued to suckle her throbbing clit, feeling each orgasmic wave pulse rhythmically through it. He only ceased his frenzied oral flogging of her cunt when he heard her breathing begin to falter and realized that she would soon be struggling for air if he persisted. He kept his daughter's nearly hairless pubic mound covered with his mouth as her orgasm gradually subsided, only raising his head at last when he felt her body relax.

"Whoo, yeah!" Amy exclaimed at last, exhaling loudly. "That was - amazing!" She propped herself up on her elbows and gazed down at her father, her face flushed and perspiring. "That's like, the best way to come yet!"

"I'm glad you liked it," her father grinned before giving her clit another soft lick.

"Woah!" the young girl squirmed instantly. "Tickles!"

"Sorry," Stan apologized, "Maybe a little too soon for that just yet." He raised his eyebrows suggestively and then he licked his own finger and slid it quickly into his daughter's cunt hole. "How's that? Okay?" he ventured suggestively.

The eleven-year-old girl's breath caught sharply as her father's finger penetrated her vagina. "Yeah, that's okay," she said huskily, "I mean - it doesn't tickle, it feels - ohhh! It feels good!" she whispered weakly as Stan slowly moved the intruding finger in and out of her slippery hole a few times.

"That's good," murmured her father, "It's supposed to. Now why don't you get comfortable and let's see how fast we can make you come again."

"Okay," she giggled then moaned sharply as the man's tongue touched her still turgid clit as softly as he could manage. He pressed gently against the fleshy nub and slowly ran the tip of his tongue around it, careful not to over stimulate her sensitive button. She writhed involuntarily, her hips rotating in unconscious encouragement of her father's incestuous cunnilingus. Stan increased the tempo slightly while keeping only the lightest pressure on her clit. At the same time, his finger began to drive in and out of her virgin pussy hole in a steady rhythm.

A hoarse grunt welled up from Amy's eleven-year-old throat and she reached down with her hands to seize her father's head on either side and pull it more firmly into her squirming crotch. "Oh, God, Daddy!" she panted, her voice husky with arousal, "Hunnnngggg! Hoh, yes! Unnnghh! Shit, that feels so good!"

Stan felt his own arousal beginning to surge through his stiff cock and balls as he listened to his daughter express her wanton enthusiasm for his lewd assault on her tender young cunt. He began to lick her clit in earnest, causing the fifth-grade girl to gasp and moan loudly. She continued to tug his face firmly into her pussy and her father licked and sucked her swollen clitoris with abandon. The notion crept into his mind that she was so wet and horny now she might actually allow him to fuck her. The thought made him groan with anticipation and pleasure and he ground his face into Amy's juvenile pussy fervently.

As his daughter's moans and gasps grew steadily more frenzied under his incestuous tonguing, Stan surreptitiously slid his second finger alongside the first that was plunging repeatedly in and out of her oozing cunt hole. He worried that she might be so uncomfortable that she would be turned off, but the loud moan of pleasure that escaped the girl's parted lips assured him that his fears were groundless.

"Haagggggghhh!" Amy cried as her hips undulated in ecstatic response to her father's additional penetration. "Oh, Daddy, that feels so good, too!" She began to pull his face into her cunt in the same rhythm as his paired fingers were thrusting into her vagina, groaning with obscene delight.

Stan began to wriggle the fingers against each other inside his eleven-year-old daughter's pussy each time they plunged deeply into her quim-drenched hole, trying to stretch the walls of her vagina enough to be able to accommodate his thick, swollen prick that was jutting out proudly between his upraised hips.

"Oh, yeah! Do that!" his flushed and aroused young daughter squealed with erotic bliss. "Huuuuhhhhnggghhh!" she groaned as his fingers plunged back inside to fill her tight young cunt and writhed lewdly against her vaginal walls.

"You like that, do you?" her father lustily growled, his chin glistening as he raised his head from her nearly hairless snatch. "How about now?" And without further warning, he slipped a third finger into her virgin cunt hole, stretching the opening so tightly that it felt like a steel cable was wrapped around his fingers.

"Aiiiiieeeee!" his daughter shrieked, and Stan paused for a moment, waiting to see if she would protest in pain. But to his amusement, she demanded, "No, don't stop! It-it hurts, kind of, but it feels good, too. Like when you had your fingers in m-my butt. What are you doing to me?" she asked at last, her voice breathless and weaker.

"I've got three fingers inside you, baby!" her father said in a voice he hoped sounded nonchalant. "That's as big as a man's cock would be. You won't have any trouble fucking a man when you're ready." He pressed his fingers into her taut cunt hole even further. Sweet Jesus, he realized, his fingers were buried past the second knuckle. The preteen girl was beyond ready for a real fucking!

Almost as if she read his thoughts, Amy suddenly pulled his face upwards with her hands so she could look him in the eyes. "Fuck me," she said simply, her voice shaky but her eyes shining with intensity.

"What?" Stan blurted, too shocked at her audacity to even rejoice in his unbelievable good fortune.

"You know, put your-your cock inside me," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"Are you sure?" he asked intently, scarcely daring to breathe. "I mean, you don't have to."

"I want to, Daddy," she breathed huskily, her eyes boring into him. "I'm ready. I want you to teach me everything! Isn't that something I'm not supposed to let boys do?" she added as a glint of very mature lust flashed in her eyes

"It sure is, baby," Stan agreed, his heart pounding in his chest as he levered his body up and atop hers. His fingers withdrew from her stretched cunt hole with a wet, sucking sound. "As long as it's what you really want."

"It is, Daddy," she repeated, "I really want you to. I want to know what it feels like and I want you to be my first, you know..."

"Lover?" prompted her father.

"Yeah!" she sighed with a coy smile. "Only - I don't know what to do," she added as her smile faded to a worried frown.

Stan's voice caught in his throat at the innocent admission. "Don't worry, my sexy baby. You don't have to do much - I'll take care of everything. All you need to do is let me know if it starts to hurt any and I'll stop for a minute until you're ready again. Just spread your legs apart wide and wrap them around me; I'll do the rest."

The eleven-year-old flushed with nervous excitement but hastened to comply with her father's instructions. As Stan positioned his body above his heavily breathing daughter, she enveloped his torso with her smooth, plump legs and dug her heels into his ass, firmly pulling his straining cock towards her pubescent, virgin cunt. Her father reached down and grabbed his prick, guiding it up to her hot, oozing opening.

Despite wanting nothing more than to thrust forward and impale his juvenile daughter's pussy, he paused with the throbbing head of his tumescent organ pressed against the portal to her virgin hole. "Last chance to say no," he said softly, searching her face.

"No!" she blurted, then added in a panicked voice as she saw her father's face fall and he started to pull back, "No! I mean no, I don't want to say no! I mean yes! I want you to do it!" Her eyes began to fill with tears of frustration.

Her father, who had nearly resigned himself to disappointment, felt his heart lurch into his throat once more. "You mean that?" he croaked, barely able to get the words out.

She nodded mutely.

"Then let me hear you say it!" he demanded, not wanting any confusion. "Let me hear you ask me!"

"Ask you? Ask you what?" she queried, a startled look on her face.

"Ask me to fuck you," he whispered thickly, his chest pounding.

"Please fuck me," she said in a tiny voice.

"Say it like you mean it, my lover!" her father demanded, "Say, 'Please fuck my cunt with your big, hard cock!' Say, 'I want you to fuck my cunt with your big, hard cock and shoot your come inside me!'"

The eleven-year-old girl's eyes grew wide, but she swallowed once and blurted, "Please f-fuck my cunt, Daddy! Please fuck me with your big, hard cock and shoot your come inside me!" Her tone was one of desperate pleading.

It was all Stan could do to keep from blowing his load right then and there, so amazed was he at way his daughter's desire had made her drop any vestiges of fear or dignity. It was his turn to swallow hard, but he managed to gasp, "With pleasure, my sexy lover," before he once more pressed the head of his rock-hard prick against the opening of his little girl's cunt hole.

This time there was no pause. He continued pushing, slowly but inexorably into the fifth-grade girl's pussy, made slippery from his saliva as well as her own highly aroused cunt juices. Her eyes remained wide open and her breathing was rapid but she said nothing as he thrust slowly into her, burying his shaft further and further with each passing moment. Stan was in an almost other-worldly state of ecstasy. He couldn't believe how tight his little girl's pussy was! He'd never felt something squeezed around his cock so hard, not even the first time he fucked Tami's ass - and his soon-to-be-wife had shrieked like a stuck pig then. And yet his little slut of a daughter wasn't raising a word of protest, just watching him with huge, round eyes as he incestuously violated her.

Stan finally encountered some additional resistance as his prick had penetrated about half the length of the shaft. Amy's eyes narrowed and her father instantly paused. "You all right?" he murmured gently.

"Y-yeah," she said a bit vacantly. "It-it hurts a little, but it's okay, I think."

"You're doing incredibly, baby," her father encouraged. "You want me to stop for a minute?"

The fifth-grader blinked rapidly a few times as if she were trying to get her eyes to focus. "Naw," she said with a frown of concentration, "I want you to do this. I mean, it's supposed to hurt the first time, right?"

"Maybe a little," Stan shrugged, giving her a comforting smile, "But you're doing fantastically. Just a little more and I'll be all the way inside you. You ready to become a real woman?" he grinned, trying to mute the desperate lust in his voice.

A look of determination built on the face of the perspiring eleven-year-old girl beneath him. "Yeah," she said at last, "Yeah, I am! Do it, Daddy! Go all the way!"

"Okay, baby, hang on!" her father cried as he pushed into her vigorously. To his astonishment, he felt his daughter's heels dig into his ass violently at the same time, pushing his hips forward even more rapidly than he'd intended. He felt the slight bit of additional resistance inside her drenched young cunt give way suddenly, and before he'd even realized what had happened, his prick was buried completely inside his daughter's hole, his balls slamming rudely into her anal crevice.

Her eyes rolled up in her head and Amy just sighed a single "Oh!" as she felt the head of her father's prick crash into the back of her vagina. Stan held that position for the longest time, not daring to move as his daughter adjusted to the sensation of having her cunt filled by a grown man's cock. He felt like his prick was being constricted in the coils of a soft, wet python and he wasn't sure he'd even be able to pull back out again.

After what seemed to be an eternity, his daughter's eyes cleared and she looked up at him. "Is it in?" she whispered faintly.

"It sure is, baby," her father murmured, smiling down at the plump young girl whose body was thoroughly impaled by his rock-hard prick. "It's definitely all the way in you. You're not a virgin anymore - you're my beautiful, sexy, grown-up lover woman now!"

She gave a tentative smile, "Really?" Her eyes were shining with emotion.

"Really," Stan confirmed. "How's it feel? Does it hurt?"

"No, not really," she whispered in a wondering tone. Her face brightened. "It really doesn't! I mean, it feels, like, well, like I'm all filled up. But not hurting; not exactly." A sly gleam crept into her eyes. "So what happens now?"

"Now," her father said, trying to suppress a grin as he began to tug his compressed erection slowly out of his eleven-year-old girl's excruciatingly stretched cunt hole, "Now we start rocking back and forth together, sliding in and out. You can lead - just pull me in with your feet like you just did anytime you want me to go in deeper and relax when you want me to pull back out. That way you can control what's happening, okay?"

"Okay!" she said with an impish smile, "I like that!"

Stan chuckled wryly, "Yeah, I kind of thought you might." He pulled his turgid cock back out almost to the opening of his preteen daughter's cunt hole as he felt her heels slack their pressure.

"Like this?" she asked coquettishly as she dug her feet firmly into her father's buttocks once more. "Hoh!" she exhaled suddenly as the man plunged his iron rod all the way inside her again, burying the shaft until his pubic bone ground roughly into the girl's tender clit. "Oh, God! That - that's really cool, isn't it?"

"You like it?" Stan grunted as he withdrew once more in response to the release of pressure from her feet.

The fifth-grader pulled him into her body again, moaning involuntarily with pleasure before answering. "Oh, yeah! I definitely do." She grinned weakly up at her father, her eyes a bit glassy. "It feels even better than having your fingers in me." She released him for another thrust.

"It's - ohhhh!" the man groaned with obscene delight as his daughter pulled his throbbing erection deep into her cunt again. "It's supposed to. Your body was made for this - this is the way that lover's make love to each other," he gasped a bit breathlessly as the girl directed his body through another cycle of thrust and release.

"I'm really your lover now, aren't I?" she demanded suddenly, temporarily halting their incestuous rutting.

"You sure are, baby. You're my sexy, grown-up woman lover now!" he grinned lasciviously.

"And you're my lover, too!" she announced firmly.

"Absolutely, my angel," he agreed.

"Kiss me!" she commanded without warning, "Kiss me while you fuck me, lover!"

"My pleasure," he smiled, lowering his face to hers to cover her lips with his own. His tongue slid into her eagerly awaiting mouth and they both moaned in unison as she led him in another plunge, his cock burying itself in her slippery cunt hole as his tongue plunged deep into her throat. Their lips and tongues worked lewdly in and out as they slowly fucked, Amy holding his face against hers with a firm grip around his neck. Stan noticed that his daughter had begun to gradually increase the tempo of their incestuous fornication, the rhythm picking up along with their breathing.

Finally, the preteen girl released her hold on his head and they parted, both breathing heavily. "Whew!" she said with a panting chuckle, "Your beard smells funny!"

"It smells like the cunt of an unbelievably hot, sexy woman," he growled in answer. "If you like me to lick your sweet little pussy, you can't complain about the smell afterwards."

"Who's complaining?" she moaned as he buried his cock to the hilt inside her eleven-year-old cunt. She pulled his face close to hers and brazenly licked his beard and cheeks. Stan swallowed hard and felt his cock give a little warning twinge. Damn, but his little girl had turned instantly into a fucking firecracker! He could hardly believe this was the same little girl he'd kissed goodnight to the previous evening.

She began to grind her hips erotically against his continued thrusting, whimpering softly with pleasure each time his large, thick cock drove into her newly opened cunt. Despite the fact that he'd already come twice earlier that day, Stan was beginning to feel the initial stirrings of another orgasm. While he would prefer to hold off until his horny little daughter could come with him, he decided not to worry about it - after all, she'd just come when he licked her pussy. He began to plunge as deeply as he could into her tight, wet cunt hole with each stroke.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" the plump preteen grunted as her father slammed his cock up into her repeatedly, "Ohhhh! Daddy! That feels really good when you d-do that!" Her hips were writhing constantly in a lewd dance, desperately trying to prolong the contact between her pussy and her father's body each time he shoved his prick deeply into her. She was sweating heavily now, as was he, and their flesh slipped against each other, lubricated by the steady stream of perspiration that poured from their bodies. The eleven-year-old girl's breathing was reduced to ragged gasps, cut short with each new rough pounding against her spread crotch.

Stan could tell he was almost at the point of no return - he'd been fantasizing about this moment for longer than he cared to admit and now that he was actually plunging his rigid cock in and out of his little girl's cunt, he knew it wouldn't be long before he was filling up her belly with his incestuous seed.

To his relief and delight, at that moment Amy began to shudder and flail beneath him, shrieking, "Ahhhhggggghhh! D-Daddy! Hoh! Shit! I'm c-coming again! Hunghhhh! Hunnnghh! Oh, Daddy! Fuck me! Fuck me, Daddy!"

With such perverted encouragement, Stan needed only two more hard, deep strokes to bring himself to match his daughter's climax. He groaned deeply as the first hot jet of thick semen shot from his cock, buried to the pubic bone in the pubescent girl's amazingly tight cunt hole. She was thrashing and yelling so frantically that all her father could do was hold himself in position, his cock completely enveloped by eleven-year-old pussy while wave after wave of white hot pleasure seared through his groin. He felt like all of him was emptying itself into his beloved daughter, each throbbing pulse of orgasm pumping more and more of his very essence to join with her body.

Stan weakly attempted to keep holding himself propped up on his arms above the spasmodically flailing girl beneath him, but when he heard her wild shrieks taper off and her breathing resume a more regular pattern, he could only collapse in a heap onto her soft, plump body. She gently wrapped an arm around his neck and caressed his head softly, their chests heaving together as they gasped for breath. He could feel the rhythmic, throbbing pulses of her orgasm that clenched around his still buried cock finally abate and her body relaxed so suddenly it was as if a balloon had deflated.

For the longest moment, neither father nor daughter moved, the only sound being their heavy breathing. At last, Amy stirred and her father struggle upwards on his arms once more to relieve the pressure of his weight on her. She looked up at him and smiled weakly. "Oh, man! That was - that was..." she shook her head, struggling to find the words, "That was the most incredible thing I've ever done!"

She looked deeply into her father's eyes, her head slowly moving side to side in disbelief. "Thank you," she murmured finally, then pulled his head down to hers and kissed him soundly and tenderly, their tongues automatically searching and probing into each other's mouths as if they'd been lovers for years.

"You're welcome, and thank you, too," Stan smiled as they parted once more, his breathing still heavy from the exertion. "I can honestly say I've never been fucked better."

"Yeah, me either," his daughter giggled, causing Stan to snort with amusement. Her face grew serious once more. "But I'm glad to hear that you liked it. You did come too, right?" she asked uncertainly. "I mean, I thought you did, but I was, uh, you know, kind of out of it for a couple of minutes there at the end."

"Yeah, you were, and yeah, I did," her father laughed. "You've got a pussy full of come now," he added, waggling his eyebrows.

"That's not all I've got a pussy full of," the eleven-year-old girl reminded him, giving him a sultry look through lowered lashes that made Stan swallow. "I love the way it feels when you're inside me. Can you just, sorta, you know, stay inside me like that all the time?"

"Oh my God!" her father groaned, tempered by the twinkle in his eye. "I've created a monster!"

"Maybe," the girl answered, raising her eyebrows and smiling.

"Well, I'm really, really sorry, lover, but even though it feels incredibly good to me to be inside you, too," Stan answered with a tender look, "After coming as hard as you made me come, the big guy's going to need a bit of a rest." In response to her immediate look of disappointment, he quickly added, "But I'll stay right here inside you for as long as I can right now, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed happily. They remained motionless for several long moments simply gazing at each other. But when Amy shifted her body slightly, her father's shriveling prick slipped out of her jism-slick hole with a faint plopping sound.

"Awww..." she sighed in disappointment as Stan levered his body off of her and lay down beside her. The heady aroma of male and female sexual juices filled the air.

The eleven-year-old girl turned sideways and propped herself up on one elbow to study her father's now flaccid cock, still glistening with her quim and a thick drop of leftover jism forming on the tip. She reached out her hand and toyed with his soft organ, flopping it slowly from side to side. The drop of come dislodged and flew onto her hand; she pulled the hand to her lips and licked the semen away without a moment's thought, much to her father's bemusement.

Amy turned her eyes towards her father's face and asked with a sly grin, "When will it get big again?"

"Probably not right away," Stan had to admit, though at that moment he honestly wished for nothing more than a return of his previously raging hard-on so he could fuck his obviously eager young daughter once again. "A man needs a little time to recharge the batteries, if you get what I mean."

"Oh," she murmured, disappointed. Then a mischievous gleam grew in her eye. "But I could try to get it big again, couldn't I?" Without waiting for an answer, she leaned forward and took his wet, soft cock into her warm mouth, suckling eagerly.

Stan was so startled by his daughter's incestuous brashness that for a long moment he couldn't even react. But the feel of her lips and tongue caressing his now excruciatingly sensitive cock head was more than he could take. Though he tried to stand it for a moment or two longer, he finally had to push her head gently but firmly away, squirming and gasping, "Sorry, baby - tickles!"

"Oh yeah?" the plump fifth-grader giggled, delighted at her father's temporary vulnerability. She flung herself atop him and seized his sticky, soft cock, thrusting it into her mouth and tonguing it rapidly.

Stan instantly began laughing and wriggling uncontrollably, attempting to escape his deflowered daughter's cruel assault on his susceptible prick. He grabbed her slippery flesh and tried vainly to wrestle her away from himself, but she squirmed and clutched just as determinedly, and he found that he was so weak with laughter from the ticklish torment she was inflicting on him that he couldn't bring his greater strength to bear.

Suddenly, whether by accident or deliberate maneuver - Stan strongly suspected the latter - his erotically awakened little girl managed to scissor his head between her legs and the man found his face confronted with his daughter's semen-oozing cunt slit. Realizing quickly that the only way to get her to relent in her sadistic fellatio was to shift her attention to her own hot little pussy, he bent his head forward and thrust his tongue as hard and as deeply into her come-filled vagina as he could. He plunged his tongue in and out rapidly and savored the unique salty-sweet flavor of mixed male and female come.

"Oh!" gasped Amy, raising her head in surprise. Then, "Ohhhhhhh!" she purred in a lower, throatier tone, her hips unconsciously beginning to grind in erotic response to her father's incestuous cunt-licking. She relaxed her grip with her legs, parting her creamy, thick thighs to allow him easier access to her highly aroused pussy.

Stan smiled to himself without a break in his cunnilingus; his wife Tami loved to be licked into another orgasm or two after he'd fucked her and it seemed that their daughter would be no different. Mother and daughter seemed to be similar in a lot of other aspects of their sexuality, so this made sense. He began to intersperse the deep plunges of his tongue into her recently fucked cunt hole with side trips to her already engorged clit.

Amy lay firmly atop her father's body, trapping him beneath her. Her hand was still wrapped around his limp prick but she had temporarily abandoned her attempts to torment him by sucking it - all her attention was on the deliciously obscene sensations he was eliciting from her overstimulated young pussy. She spread her thighs even more widely, straddling his face with wanton shamelessness, rocking her plump, smooth bottom backwards to push more and more of her yearning cunt into contact with her father's hot, wriggling tongue.

"Ohhh, Daddy!" the eleven-year-old woman-child moaned as Stan thrashed her hard little clit with his tongue then plunged it deeply into the slippery hole so recently occupied by his incestuous cock. "Th-that f-feels so good," she stammered, beginning to pant heavily. "You're licking up all your come, huh?"

"Um-hmmm," her father agreed in a muffled voice, slowly increasing the tempo of his cunt-licking in response to the faster rhythm of his young daughter's pelvic thrusts into his face.

"Ohhhh, God! That just makes me - Hoh! Makes me so - hunnngghhh! So totally hot, Daddy!" the aroused eleven-year-old cried excitedly, grinding her crotch into her father's face frantically. "I can't believe you just f-fucked me - aaaaagghhhh! And-and now you're l-licking me where you fucked me! Hohhhhhh! God, Daddy! You're making me - huunnggg! I'm gonna - haaaaggggghhhhh! Daddeeeeeeeee! I'm commmminggggggg......." her voice rose into a piercing shriek as another orgasm slammed through her pubescent body.

Stan was finding it difficult to breathe as his plump young daughter's thighs constricted around his face with her onrushing climax, but he manfully kept on lashing her pulsating clit with his tongue, sucking in air whenever a pocket opened up from the girl's spasmodic squirming. He was amazed at how fast she'd come again and realized that she was riding a crest of extreme erotic arousal now that she was no longer a virgin and her body was completely awakened to the possibilities of grown-up sexuality.

The thought dawned on him with a self-pitying groan that he was going to have to keep making her come until she was completely worn out. Not that he would have ordinarily minded. But his body was starting to tell him that it was now late afternoon and all he'd had to eat all day was four beers - he was hungry.

With a sigh that was completely drowned out by his daughter's continued screams and grunts as her plump, nude body thrashed atop him, he held her tightly, waiting for the orgasmic throbbing to abate before starting to gently, very gently probe her cunt lips with his tongue, careful not to touch her swollen and sensitive clit.

Amy, who had pushed herself up on her arms as her body writhed through the climax, suddenly collapsed in a warm, sweating heap onto her father's abdomen, giggling uncontrollably between ragged gasps for air. Her cheek was lying across Stan's prick and he was amazed to feel it start to stir from the contact.

The incorrigibly horny fifth-grade girl felt it too. "Hey!" she panted, a note of pleased surprise in her hoarse voice, "It's starting to get big again!" Her exhaustion suddenly forgotten, she raised her head to study her father's red and still sticky cock, stroking it softly with her fingers.

Stan's cock instantly twitched and began to swell in earnest as his pubescent daughter toyed with it and he halted his cunt-licking long enough to allow, in a voice quite muffled by eager cunt being pushed into his face, that she seemed to have that effect on it.

Amy laughed proudly at her father's mute demonstration of the way she turned him on and bent her face close to lick up the drop of jism that had welled up from the tip of his now half-rigid prick, saying mischievously, "I guess you didn't need as much battery charging as you thought, huh?"

Her father could only groan with pleasure as he felt his eleven-year-old daughter's tongue touch the sensitive flesh of his cock head. In answer, he resumed seriously licking her now deflowered cunt, plunging his thick, muscular tongue deeply between the walls of her vagina and retreating to lash the tip of her engorged clit in a slow, steady rhythm that soon had the girl groaning and writhing, pressing her nearly hairless cunt hard into his face.

"Ohhhhh, God, Dad!" the eleven-year-old moaned, "I can't believe how good you make me feel!" She began to rock her pelvis slowly back and forth in time with her father's incestuous tongue work, sliding her drenched, smooth cunt across his lips and chin as she did. "You weren't kidding, were you?" she whispered huskily.

"About what?" Stan asked quickly between strokes of his tongue along his daughter's slippery crevice.

"About how much I'd want to do even more sexy stuff if I let boys do those things I'm not supposed to. You know," she paused to pant rapidly as a particularly intense wave of obscene pleasure made her shudder involuntarily. "Like, all the things you taught me today. Hunnngggg!" she grunted as her father plunged his tongue as far as he could up into her dripping pussy hole.

"Yeah?" the older man prompted, taking the opportunity to grab a few badly needed breaths. "You want to do more, do you?"

By way of answer, the plump, naked pre-teen brazenly pumped his cock shaft while her tongue swirled lazily around the tip, even probing into the opening slit. Finally, when Stan felt like he was about to lose his mind from his daughter's unrepentant cock-teasing, she raised her lips and turned her head towards her father, though his face was hidden beneath her undulating crotch.

"You're all hard again, Daddy," she said simply. "I want you to fuck me again like you did before, okay? Will you?" Her voice was so plaintive that Stan felt his heart melt with love even as his prick jumped to a rock-hard salute at the brazen lewdness of her request.

Her father gently lifted her left thigh and wormed his head underneath it so he could see his young daughter's face. His lips and chin glistened with a thick coating of saliva and young girl's cunt juice as he said in a husky voice, "I would love to fuck you any time you want, sexy woman; you don't have to ask. Though," he added quickly, "I can't even start to tell you how much it fucking turns me on to hear you ask!"

The nude, pubescent girl atop him giggled and grinned proudly before lowering her lashes and asking in a startlingly mature voice, "So will you fuck me, Daddy? I want you to. Something tells me I'm gonna' want to fuck you all the time now!" She grinned a bit sheepishly at the confession.

"Well, that's sure as hell all right with me, beautiful," her father growled, "'Cause I feel like I'm gonna' wanted to fuck you all the time, too!"

"Even when Mom gets home?" she asked archly, then smiled to show she was teasing - partly, anyway.

"Every chance we get, I promise you that," her father answered seriously. "You're grown up enough to know when those times are and be sweet and innocent all the other times."

"Yeah, I know," she mumbled, then pointedly gave her father's stiff cock a couple of firm pumps with her fingers. "So now's one of those times!"

"It sure is, sexy baby," Stan chuckled. "So why don't you try something a little different?"

"Like what?" she asked, her eagerness spilling all over her face and causing the older man to laugh.

"Like you being on top this time. I think you might like it that way; lots of women do," her father answered.

"Um, okay," she answered, grinning somewhat hesitantly. "What do I do?"

"Just turn your sweet little cunt around and plant it on top of my cock instead of on top of my face," he encouraged.

"You mean, uh - what do I do?" she asked, still clearly a bit uncertain about what was required of her.

"I mean, sweetheart," her father answered with a gentle smile, "Turn your body around to face me, spread your legs and straddle my cock and I'll guide it up inside you. Then you rock back and forth on top of me while I push in and out of you."

As she finally comprehended his suggestion, Amy's face lit up with libidinous enthusiasm. She wasted no time in scrambling around to position herself above her father's swollen prick, nodding at him with a huge grin to indicate she was ready. The older man seized his turgid hard-on and guided his daughter downward with a hand placed against the small of her soft, fleshy back. She gave a small, sharp intake of breath as she felt the tip of his prick make contact with her reddened, puffy cunt lips. Stan slid the tip back and forth through her slit to moisten it - though it was still very wet from his daughter sucking on it moments before - and also to definitely locate the opening to her vagina.

When he felt the resistance against the head of his straining cock give way slightly, he knew he was in perfect position to ram it up inside her eleven-year-old body and it was all he could do to resist the temptation to slam it into her cunt as hard as he could. He wanted her so badly by this time that it was almost making him cry, but he restrained himself with the reassurance that if his randy little daughter was as sex-crazed as she seemed to be, she was likely to give him the ride of his life if he allowed her to take things her speed.

So instead, Stan looked up at the slightly plump girl poised above him, taking in the hard, erect nipples, flushed cheeks and red, parted lips, realizing that he was looking at the ultimate picture of awakening erotic womanhood. He swallowed hard with lust and emotion, then nodded to his daughter, saying through teeth gritted only slightly, "Ready to fuck me, baby? Then let yourself down as slow as you want."

The pubescent fifth-grader took a deep breath then, looking intently into her father's eyes, began to lower herself onto the monstrous prick waiting to impale her young cunt hole. Her eyes widened noticeably as the head entered her slick canal, filling the opening completely and stretching the skin to excruciating tautness, but she said nothing. Only the quickening of her breath gave a hint of her discomfort and her eyes were still shining with pure lust; the level of her arousal was so deep that she was oblivious to any pain by this point.

Stan, hardly daring to breathe as the amazing sensation of warm, wet, erotic constriction enfolding his throbbing cock seared its way into his groin, kept a firm but steady downward pressure on his daughter's back, urging her to keep up her incestuous descent. He pulled his hand away from the shaft of his rigid prick now that the head of it was firmly buried inside her juvenile pussy and reached up instead to fondle her firm, erect nipples.

"Oh!" she giggled at the unexpected, erotic sensation in her breasts, and the distraction caused her cunt to relax just enough for her weight to drive her body downwards the rest of the way onto his iron-hard cock, aided by a discreet but solid upwards pelvic thrust by her father. "Ohhh, God!" she groaned throatily with pleasure as she felt the older man's prick slam into the back of her vagina and fill her young pussy completely.

"There you go, baby," whispered her father with a smile, his own eyes half-glazed with obscene ecstasy. "You're really fucking me now!" He started to slowly pump his hips to slide the huge erection in and out despite the tightness of her cunt's grip, shifting his hands from her breasts to her hips to aid in his incestuous rutting.

The eleven-year-old girl gasped in lascivious pleasure as her father's large prick slid rhythmically in and out of her distended pussy hole and her own hips began to rock in automatic response to the urgent messages of growing arousal that were emanating from between her plump thighs. Her eyes, which had nearly closed when the older man's cock had totally impaled her, flew open with pleased surprise as she discovered the way her clit was being brought into titillating contact with his pubic bone with each of her father's thrusts.

In less than a minute, the eleven-year-old was moaning between heaving gasps, "Oh, yeah! Yeah, Dad, I do like fucking this way!" She looked down at him and leaned forward, placing a hand over each of his nipples which were poking through his thick chest hairs, bearing some of her weight on her arms as she undulated her hips to increase the rhythmic stimulation of her engorged young clitoris.

By now, Stan was plunging away, his daughter's tight young pussy loosened to the point where his cock was able to slide freely up and down. "I thought you would, sexy baby," he grunted, his own breath starting to shorten markedly.

He studied her body as it shuddered and jiggled with each new hammering of his stiff erection into her vulnerable hole. "I love the way your body looks when you fuck me like that," he murmured, almost to himself. "You've got the most beautiful, sexy body and the way your tits jiggle just about drives me crazy."

"Daddy!" she giggled breathlessly, her face reddening even more. She shook her head in mock disapproval, but a satisfied smile that wouldn't leave her face betrayed her secret pride at his bold compliments. Her head drooped as she worked her cunt against her father's pistoning hips and beads of sweat formed on her lip as she panted. Her face was flushed and her eyes were beginning to glaze with a far away expression as hot twinges of lust coursed through her eleven-year-old body.

Stan could tell his pubescent daughter was nearing another climax and groaned with excitement and relief; he was near the point of no return himself. He couldn't believe how damned hot and sexy his young girl had turned out to be or how much she turned him on as well. The sensation of her unbelievably tight little cunt hole squeezing his raging hard-on was almost more than he could stand. He knew that he was seconds away from emptying his aching balls into his fifth-grade daughter's pussy and prayed that he could hold out until she started coming.

To his dismay, he could feel the tell-tale signs of erupting jism inexorably rising from the base of his pumping cock. "I'm sorry, baby," he gasped hoarsely, "But you turn me on so fucking much! I'm coming again, right now!"

"'Salright," Amy puffed as her eyes opened to watch the straining older man beneath her, "Hunngggghhh! Oh, Daddy! I'm coming, too! Oh, God! Haaaaggggghhhh! Ungh! Ungh!" she grunted incoherently as her plump abdomen began to shudder with the orgasmic convulsions washing over her.

Her father moaned with obscene relief and allowed himself free rein to pump jet after jet of incestuous seed into his young daughter's cunt, slamming his cock into her so hard and fast that the eleven-year-old's cheeks jiggled, her mouth slack and open, her breaths sucked in through great, heaving gasps. Stan felt like his entire body was concentrated at that moment at the tip of his squirting prick, buried deeply inside his little girl's pubescent body, every spasm of his balls emptying more of himself into his beloved daughter, returning the semen to her that had begun her life eleven years ago.

Amy suddenly collapsed onto her father's heaving chest, still writhing convulsively, her own chest and tummy slick with sweat against his hairy, muscled torso. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, panting heavily as their climaxes gradually waned, then kissed the top of her head tenderly, breathing in the scent of her sweat, the natural perfume of her hair, and the pungent aroma of aroused woman that filled the room from her oozing cunt.

"I love you so much, Amy," he said softly, a lump rising in his throat. He caressed her perspiring back, allowing his hands to drift lower and cup her soft, rounded ass cheeks. "So much it almost hurts," he whispered, almost to himself.

The fifth-grade girl raised her head to regard him with a weary smile. "I love you, too, Dad," she said a bit breathlessly. "Was that good?"

Stan chuckled weakly, "Oh, yeah, sexy woman, that was real good," he assured her, raising his head to kiss her lips tenderly. His daughter instantly opened her mouth to admit his tongue and for a long moment neither said anything as they kissed, their passion more languorous than urgent now.

Finally, Amy broke away from their incestuous tonguing and dropped her head against her father's chest once more. "God, I'm so tired all of a sudden. Would it be okay if I took a little nap?" she whispered, a contented smile on her face.

"Of course, sexy baby," her father murmured, "You earned a rest. You just fucked incredibly good and hard two times in a row and made your Daddy feel so good, too." He rolled her gently off him and laid her head on the pillow. "You just get some sleep and when you wake up, I'll have something to eat for you."

"Sounds good," she mumbled, almost inaudibly. By the time Stan had pulled himself out of bed and draped the sheet over his daughter's smooth, rounded body, she was fast asleep.

He stumbled into the bathroom, a bit unsteady on his feet after the incredible fucking he'd just experienced and looked at himself in the mirror as he emptied his bladder into the toilet. A light sheen of perspiration still coated his skin and his hair was unkempt, his eyes looking a bit glazed. But he also noticed that the corners of his mouth turned up in a smile that wouldn't go away no matter how much he tried to tell himself that he ought to feel ashamed. He knew that by society's lights, he had just done something terrible - he'd had sex with his own daughter, and a girl so young she had just finished the fifth grade to boot. But he couldn't understand why, if what he'd done was so awful, it felt so damned good.

And not only did it feel good to him, it clearly felt really good to Amy as well. No doubt about it, the girl was ready to be sexually awakened. And wasn't that what parents were supposed to do? Parents were supposed to teach their children all about life when they were ready to learn. The more he thought about it, the more the taboo against incest seemed incredibly wrong and misguided to him. If Amy had been reluctant, or if he'd pressured her into doing something against her will, that would be a different story altogether. But the girl had been just as ready and eager to learn all about lovemaking as he'd been to teach her, so what could be wrong with that? Furthermore, he realized, he felt closer and more loving towards his daughter than he ever had before; in fact, his love for her was so intense now that he hadn't even known it was possible to love another human being so much.

He shook the last few drops of urine from the tip of his prick and considered taking a shower. But he found he was strangely reluctant to wash the scent of his young daughter's sex from his body. He'd just experienced something so unexpectedly profound that he wanted the feeling to linger as long as possible. Instead, he turned and padded downstairs, reveling in the freedom to walk through his own home naked despite the presence of his daughter.

In the kitchen, he rummaged through the cupboards and refrigerator to see what he could find for a meal, but quickly decided that he was too weary from the unexpected day of amazing sex with his hot and horny little daughter to want to expend any energy on cooking, and somehow the occasion seemed to call for something more than microwaved leftovers. With a resigned half smile, he turned to the number of the local pizza delivery store scrawled by the kitchen telephone.

By the time the pizza arrived forty minutes later, Stan had returned upstairs to retrieve a bathrobe and some cash from his wallet, pausing to linger awhile just watching his daughter's peacefully sleeping face before descending once more to await the doorbell.

The delivery boy, a young man in his early twenties, looked at him oddly - perhaps he could smell Amy's cunt juices from beneath Stan's bathrobe - but Stan couldn't care less what the delivery boy thought. He paid for the pizza and even tipped him generously before firmly locking the front door once more. After snagging a couple of sodas (reminding himself to pick up some more beer at the earliest opportunity and smiling at the memory of what his daughter's first experience with being tipsy had led to), he headed back upstairs, balancing the cans on top of the steaming pizza box.

In the bedroom, he set the pizza box on the foot of the bed and pulled up a chair alongside the bed, not wanting to disturb the sleeping eleven-year-old. Since he was ravenous by this time and didn't know how long his young daughter would sleep, he allowed himself the discourtesy of digging in immediately. As he wolfed several pieces of the hot pizza and washed them down with the soda, he kept his eyes on Amy, bemused by the loving, protective feelings aroused by her innocent sleeping face and the unrepentantly lustful feelings aroused by her plump, curved body concealed under the thin sheet.

He realized that Amy would never be just his little daughter again; while that relationship had not gone away, there was now a new and much deeper level that went beyond just being her father. Now he was her first lover, and always would be. It was almost as if they were newlyweds. That thought sobered him as he remembered with a somewhat guilty twinge that he already had a wife, one who would likely become insanely furious if she ever found out about the incestuous goings-on between her husband and her daughter.

He was pondering the problem of how he was going to be able to continue to fuck his young daughter without his wife becoming aware when the girl on the bed stirred and opened her eyes.

"Hi, Daddy," she murmured sleepily, and then her nostrils flared as she caught the aroma of pepperoni pizza. "God, that smells good. I'm starving!" she grinned, struggling up into a sitting position.

Stan laughed indulgently and handed her slice of warm pizza on a paper napkin, followed by her can of soda once he'd popped it open. The eleven-year-old wasted no time and was soon munching happily. At the same time, she shamelessly ogled her father's nude body, her eyes lingering on his large cock and balls. The older man returned her lustful appraisal with interest and stared at the girl's pubescent breasts, noting the way their nipples began to harden under his gaze.

"You like me to look at you, don't you?" he asked with a warm smile to show that he wasn't mocking her.

"Yeah, I do," she admitted with a charming blush, lowering her eyes before adding, "The expression on your face when you look at me makes me feel, I don't know - all funny inside."

"The expression on my face makes you feel that way 'cause you know your lover is getting really turned on by how beautiful and sexy you are," Stan murmured. He reached out and began to slowly pull the sheet down from where she had gathered it above her plump waist. The pubescent girl smiled and her eyes widened but she did nothing to stop her father's impudence, allowing him to gradually tug the thin cloth all the way off her smooth, naked body.

"So this turns you on?" she prompted, gesturing with her free hand down the length of her plump body, her thin pussy hair the only interruption to the expanse of smooth, creamy young flesh.

"You'd better believe it, sexy woman," her father growled, leering unabashedly. Were it not for the fact that he'd already come four times that day, twice in the last two hours, he knew that his cock would be swelling uncontrollably at that moment, and told his daughter so.

Amy laughed, "That's okay, Daddy. I don't mind waiting - at least a little bit," she added with a mischievous smile, drawing a deep chuckle from her father. She licked her fingers and demanded another slice of pizza, noting as she did that he hadn't waited for her.

"That's true, I didn't," Stan admitted. "I hope you don't mind."

"Naw," she shrugged and flashed him a dazzling smile. "Besides, since you're mouth isn't full," she went on with her own mouth full, "You can tell me about all the other stuff I should never let boys do." Her eyes gleamed in anticipation. "Or was that everything?"

"Oh, no," her father assured her with a wry smile, "There's a whole lot more. And that's just the things you should never let boys do. We haven't even gotten into the things you should never let girls do."

Amy's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Well," explained the older man, not quite sure why he was even bringing this up now except that it seemed to feel right, "Some girls like having sex with other girls."

"Oh, right," she nodded quickly, "You mean like lesbians."

"Well, yeah, like lesbians," he chuckled, a bit nonplussed at her unexpected sophistication. "You know about lesbians?"

"Oh, sorta," she shrugged. "It's like, at school, if some girl doesn't act like she likes boys, then sometimes people call her a lesbo or something like that."

"Yes, well, it's a bit more complicated than that," her father explained. "A lot of girls your age don't like boys just because they're not ready yet, but they will when they get older. But some women only like sex with other women, and those are what we call lesbians. But a lot more women," he went on, "Like having sex with both men and women; the proper name for people like that is bisexual, 'cause they get turned on by both sexes."

"Do you think I'm bisexual," the eleven-year-old asked, her face guarded.

"I don't know, baby," he answered seriously, adding gently, "Only you can answer that question. If the idea of having sex with another girl doesn't seem gross or turns you on a little, you might be. But I want you to know that whether you are or you aren't won't make a bit of difference in how I feel about you."

The young girl was thoughtful for a few moments. Stan suddenly realized that it was quite possible that his sexually precocious daughter was very much a bisexual. After all, she seemed to take after her mother's sexual proclivities in everything else and Tami had confessed that she'd had a couple of affairs with girlfriends before she'd met him. He'd been trying to hint that a threesome with another woman would be a real turn-on for him, but so far she'd been cool to the idea; jealous, he supposed.

"I think I might be," Amy suddenly announced without preamble. "I mean, I hadn't really thought that much about sex with a man before today. Well, I'd thought about it," she confessed, her ears reddening slightly, "But until today, I didn't really know what I was thinking about, if you know what I mean."

Her father laughed and told her he understood indeed. The eleven-year-old continued, "But if I think about doing some of the things we did today with a girl, it's not like it grosses me out or anything. So I don't know, but maybe I am."

"Would you like to see what it looks like when women make love?" Stan blurted suddenly.

"S-sure," his daughter stammered in surprise, "How?"

"Oh, I've got a few adult movies hidden away." Now it was Stan's turn to flush with embarrassment. For some inexplicable reason, he felt nervous about confessing that to her, perhaps because he feared she'd think he was a pervert. Then he almost laughed out loud as he realized that any man who would eagerly fuck his own eleven-year-old daughter was a pervert.

To his surprise, the girl grinned, "Oh, those ones in your closet?"

"You - you knew about those?" the man spluttered.

"Oh, heck yeah," his daughter said, enjoying her father's discomfiture. "I saw them there a couple of years ago and asked Mom about them. She just said they were yours and they weren't for kids. She wouldn't say anything more, but I always figured they were about something naughty." Her eyes gleamed with interest. "So that's what they are? Women having sex with each other?"

"Well, not just women," Stan admitted, "Both men and women having sex. Would you like to see one? You would definitely learn a lot more things that girls your age aren't supposed to let people do to them."

"Really? Heck, yeah!" the fifth grader blurted eagerly. "But," she paused, "Could you hand me another piece of pizza first? I don't know why I'm so hungry."

"Probably," her father chuckled as he complied, "Because you haven't eaten anything today. Instead, you spent the whole day teaching your Dad about sex."

"Silly," she shook her head with a grin, "You've been teaching me!"

"Maybe," he said with a serious expression as he got up off the bed, "But you've been teaching me just as much. I never realized how ready for sex a girl your age could be. And," his eyes softened, "I never realized how much I really love you before this. And I definitely never expected that before the day was out you would have fucked my brains out and made me come four times!"

His daughter laughed happily as he turned to rummaging in his closet for one of his porn videos. He settled on one that was pretty much a straight-ahead orgy; he figured his little girl was most interested in actually seeing some of the different ways people could fuck and would just be distracted or put off by what passed for a plot in most of that type of film.

As he turned back to the bed having started the video running, his heart leapt up into his throat. Amy was lying there, propped up on the pillows, her legs parted invitingly. Dear God, he realized, he could see by the way her juvenile cunt slit was glistening from across the room that the girl was already incredibly aroused. He could scarcely fathom his good fortune. His own daughter had turned into the most eager, desirable lay he'd ever had, and he had an entire week with her.

"Like what you see?" the pubescent girl asked with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, baby, you have no idea," her father promised, his voice thick with growing lust.

"Then you'd better get back her on this bed, huh?" she cooed.

Stan needed no more prompting. He practically raced back to the bed and got in beside her. She instantly snuggled up under his arm and placed a hand possessively on his cock which was trying valiantly to struggle into semi-erection despite the unreasonable demands placed on it already. He hugged her close and let her continue to fondle him as the movie on the screen across the room dispensed with the brief credits and immediately opened on a room full of grunting, writhing, naked bodies.

"What are they doing?" Amy asked, clearly fascinated.

"They're fucking," her father answered with a chortle.

"I can see that," the plump girl snorted. "Why are they all fucking like that?"

"It's called an orgy," the older man explained. "That's like a party where everyone has sex with each other."

"Really? Cool!" she murmured. She watched in silence as the camera zoomed in on various couples, threesomes, and in one case, a woman who was being simultaneously fucked by three men, one with a cock in each available orifice.

"Dad?" Amy asked after a moment.

"What, baby?"

"Can I have an orgy for my next birthday party? Just kidding!" she laughed with glee as her father instantly began to splutter incoherently. "It would be fun, though," she murmured, almost to herself."

At that moment the phone by the side of the bed rang, the noise shattering the quiet in the bedroom.

Stan looked at his daughter with a stricken expression. "It's probably your mother!" he hissed, "Just be quiet." He fumbled with the remote while the phone rang a second and then third time until he could get the sound of frantic fucking from the television muted and pick up the receiver.

"Hello?" he answered in what he hoped was a calm voice despite the jack-hammering of his heart in his chest.

"Hi, honey," Tami's voice responded from the other end of the phone line. "I landed safely and finally got into my hotel room after dinner with the group. How are you two getting along?"

"We're, well, we're getting along pretty well, sweetheart. I'm glad you got there safe. Everything okay with you? How's the hotel?" Stan knew he was talking too fast but he was desperate to steer the conversation away from exactly how well he and their daughter were getting along.

"The hotel's a hotel; what can I say?" she replied. "And aside from the people in the group being boring, everything's okay with me. I miss you guys a whole lot. What did you do today?"

"Uh, not much, really," Stan temporized. "Watched a baseball game in the morning. Amy took a bath. Got pizza for dinner. Watching some more TV now."

"Really? What's on?" his wife demanded. Her voice had an odd edge to it.

"Uh, jeez, I don't know, really," he mumbled, becoming rapidly alarmed at her line of questioning, "We just turned it on."

"We? She's there with you?" Tami wanted to know.

"Yeah, she's right here. Would you like to talk to her?" Stan asked while fervently praying that she wouldn't.

"In a minute, maybe. So, did you fuck her yet?" she asked suddenly in a sweet voice.

There was a long, stunned pause as a million panicked thoughts rushed through his mind. "Wh-what did you s-say?" Stan finally managed to stammer. His daughter, who up until this point had been engrossed in studying the writhing bodies in various erotic acts on the silent TV screen, looked up at him with apprehension.

"You heard me," his wife said coolly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he said, too loudly.

"I'm talking about Amy - you remember, our daughter?" she said in a tone whose patience was belied by the sarcasm, "Have you fucked her yet?"

"Wh-why would you say something like that?" he demanded, conscious that he was beginning to sweat. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Hah!" the voice on the other end of the phone line pronounced triumphantly, "I knew it! You have fucked her already! How long did it take?" she persisted in a tone that sounded curiously eager. "Was she hard to convince? I'll bet she wasn't, was she?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Stan in an attempt at expressing wounded dignity.

"Don't I?" Tami asked in a level tone before adding in a much different voice, "Relax, big guy, you're not in trouble."

"What do you mean?" he managed to eke out, now feeling like he was being attacked from an unexpected direction.

"Just what I said, love. You're not in trouble, and I'm not angry that you fucked her. It's what I wanted you to do."

For the second time in less than a minute, Stan was completely floored and at a loss for words. "You'd better say that again," he finally managed to say in a tone that sounded distressingly like a squeak. "I'm really not sure I heard you right."

Tami finally relented. "Let me make it real simple for you, you big horny bozo, so even you can understand. It's been painfully obvious for the last six months that you and Amy had a major case of the hots for each other."

"You're kidding!" the man said in astonishment, his mouth hanging open.

"Oh, don't try and act all innocent, you moron," she said, though her tone was affectionate. "I know that both of you were trying to pretend it wasn't happening, but really, it was so fucking obvious some days it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud."

"Really?" Stan murmured. While it was true that he'd been noticing his daughter's rapidly maturing body and fantasizing about what it would be like to seduce her, he thought he'd done a good job of keeping his feelings to himself.

"Stan, honey - who knows you better than me?" his wife asked. "But seriously, sweetheart, I didn't have to be psychic or anything. For the last six months neither of you've been able to keep from staring at the other when you thought no one was looking. And the way you'd always get up and leave the room whenever she'd come in? I knew something had to give real soon. That's why I worked so hard to be picked for this trip - to give you time to let what was going to happen sooner or later, well, happen sooner."

"I-I don't know what to say," he answered weakly.

"Say, 'You're right, my love, and I'm sorry I didn't trust you enough to talk about how I was feeling'," his wife answered softly.

Stan swallowed hard and looked down at his young daughter beside him. She was watching him intently with a puzzled expression. It was obvious to her that something of major importance was happening between her parents but she couldn't tell what it was just from her father's end of the conversation. Taking a deep breath, he said into the phone, "You are right, my love, and I am sorry I didn't trust you, but - I mean, how could I? I mean, how could you not be hurt and angry?"

"I was at first," Tami admitted softly, "But only at first. It was really clear to me from the beginning that she wanted you just as much, so it wasn't like I had to worry about you taking advantage of her or scarring her for life or anything. And I finally realized that I love you both so much that I just couldn't," her voice broke for a minute, choked with emotion before she was able to continue. "I just couldn't deny either of you something that I knew you both wanted so much and it was something that I could give."

"My God, woman," Stan breathed. "Have I told you that I love you incredibly much and that you're the most amazing woman I've ever known?"

"Not nearly often enough, and you'd better never forget it again," she murmured, and Stan could tell that she was crying.

She sniffed loudly a couple of times and went on in a more composed tone, "Besides, I had a few selfish reasons of my own," she admitted. "I love sex with you more than just about anything, so don't get me wrong when I say this. But you've always been the kind of guy who needs sex two, three or more times a day. It was one thing when we were young and we didn't really have any other responsibilities. But love, sometimes between my job and trying to take care of the house and Amy, I get really tired! I've always tried to be there for you, but some times it's been really hard. And my job really is starting to take longer hours and the travel really is going to get more frequent and, well, I just didn't know what to do. I wanted to be able to keep you happy, but I was so scared I wasn't going to be able to keep up that I - well, I seriously thought about telling you to go and find a mistress."

"Tami! You're kidding!" Stan exclaimed, thunderstruck.

"No, I really did consider it," his wife admitted, her voice once again choked with emotion. "But I was so scared that if you did, you might find someone you liked better than me, someone who wasn't so - well, someone who could keep up with you better than me, you know?" She sniffed loudly again. "Anyway, when I noticed how much you and Amy were mooning over each other even though you were trying to hide it, I realized that it was the answer to my prayers. If she became your lover as well as your daughter, then one of the two of us would always be ready for you, you big-dick, horny man." She laughed weakly. "But I really thought you two would get it together sooner than this and then I'd let it go on for a little bit just to make sure you were both okay with it, and then I'd sorta' catch you at it and let you know I was cool with it - maybe even join in, you know?" she asked in a very small voice.

"Shit!" Stan marveled, "You'd want to? Really?"

"Oh, yeah," she confirmed, her tone growing huskier. "I've been fantasizing about that for about as long as I realized that you two were into each other. But then you never did anything! For months, all you'd do was slink away with your tail between your legs when it was so obvious to me that your own daughter was becoming a woman and wanted nothing more than to be shown all about it by the man she loves!"

"Oh, God, Tami, if only I'd known," he groaned.

"Yeah, well, if only you'd have trusted your own wife enough to talk to me about it, huh?" she answered pointedly. "No, that's not fair," she reversed herself. "Especially in this day and age where everyone's always talking about sexual abuse and everything, I know you were just trying to be noble and do the right thing. But sweetie - even if I didn't approve of you fucking our daughter, if you'd have talked to me about how you were feeling, I could have helped you deal with it, you know?"

"Yeah, you're right," he had to admit. "I'm sorry," he added, and meant it.

"Well try and learn the lesson here, okay?" she demanded before continuing, "Anyway, when it was pretty clear that you weren't going to do anything on your own, I realized that you needed a little nudge. So I pushed to go on this trip, so you two would be sure and have plenty of time alone together for nature to take its course, you know what I mean? And just to be sure, I made sure I was way too busy to screw for the past several days, just so you'd be out of your mind with horniness by the time I left."

"Well, that part definitely worked!" Stan shook his head ruefully, "And thanks for explaining that, too. I was beginning to think you didn't care. Which," he added quickly, "Just goes to show how wrong some people can be."

"So no hard feelings either way? It sounds like maybe things worked out at your end," Tami asked softly.

"Definitely - to both," he confirmed, "No hard feelings and yeah, things really did work out like you thought."

"Is she alright?" she asked, a note of motherly concern creeping into her voice. "You didn't hurt her or anything, did you? I mean, you were careful and gentle and all?"

"No, everything seems to be absolutely fine on that score," Stan confirmed, not sure how much his wife would want him to say with Amy right there. "You might even say taking to it like a duck to water."

"Ho, ho!" his wife chortled, "Why doesn't that surprise me, considering who her parents are." Her tone became more businesslike. "Can I talk to her now? Don't say anything to her - just let me handle it, okay?"

Stan handed the phone receiver to his daughter. "It's Mom. She'd like to talk to you." Without giving any overt hints, he tried to nod reassuringly, but it was apparent the eleven-year-old girl was suspicious.

"Uh, hi, Mom," she said uncertainly into the phone.

"Hi, sweetheart," her mother said brightly, then in a more hushed tone said, "So, how does it feel to be a real woman now?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" Amy stammered.

"I mean, after your Dad fucked you, you're not a virgin anymore. People say that makes you a grown-up woman."

"What!! D-daddy! What is she talking about? What's she saying?" The girl's voice revealed rising panic.

"Wait! Sweetheart, listen to me!" commanded her mother from the phone. When Amy paused, she asked, "Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Mom," the desperately worried fifth-grader said, attempting to school calm into her shaky voice.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Tami said in her most soothing tones. "You're not in trouble. I know what you and your dad did today and it's okay - I wanted you two to make love to each other."

"Y-you did?" Amy glanced furtively at her father, who nodded reassuringly. "Did Dad know about that beforehand?"

"No," admitted her mother, "But he does now and he understands. And I'll tell you the same thing I told him. It's been really obvious for months that you two really wanted each other - no, wait, let me finish," she shushed her daughter as the girl started to make protesting noises. "Trust me - I know you both probably better than you know yourselves, and it was really obvious. Really, really obvious," she added with a snort before continuing. "And I'll be honest with you; I was a little hurt and angry at first. But then I realized that I love both of you so much that I couldn't deny either of you the love you really wanted and needed from each other. And I realized that if you became his lover, too, I wasn't really losing anything, just sharing the man I love with the woman I love. And you are a woman now, whether you realize it or not." Amy smiled hopefully at her mother's compliment.

Besides," she added a bit sardonically, "In case you hadn't noticed yet, your Dad is the kind of man who needs sex a lot, and with my job and all, I know I can't always be there to keep him happy. But with two of us on the job, I'm pretty sure we can keep him so worn out, he'll never have to look outside the family, don't you think?"

Amy blinked several times in disbelief before answering, "Uh, yeah, I guess you're right about that. And maybe I had noticed how much Dad likes to, um, you know, fuck, now that you mention it," and she winked nervously up at her father. "You're really sure you're not mad?"

"Not a bit," she reassured her daughter, "Though I can't tell you how much I miss you and wish I could be there right now with you. I guess I'm feeling a bit left out, is all."

"Oh, Mom," gushed Amy, relief surging through her voice, "I'm sorry you're not here, too. It'd be cool to watch how you and Dad do it," she blurted.

"Hmmm," her mother murmured, "You'd like to watch, would you? Well, I think I'd like to show you then." Her voice had dropped to a smoldering purr. "So where are you now? What were you really doing when I called? You'd better tell me everything, or I will feel hurt and left out."

"Uh, actually, Daddy was showing me one of his adult movies," the plump eleven-year-old confessed, glancing apprehensively up at her father to see how he was going to react to her revelation.

"It's okay, sexy baby, you can tell her everything," Stan reassured his young, naked daughter beside him on the bed. "Everything. Mom's part of this, too."

"I heard your father," Tami told her daughter over the phone, "And he's right; tell him not to ever forget that again!"

"Mom says to tell you not to forget that," the fifth-grader said to her father in a stage whisper, who nodded vigorous agreement.

"And that goes for you, too, young woman," her mother warned, her voice serious again. "If you ever again have any feelings, sexual or whatever, that you think are bad or so terrible that you can't talk to anyone about it, you remember that you can't fool your mother anyhow and that I love you with all my heart. You should know from this that you can come talk to me about anything, anything at all, and I'm going to understand. Okay?"

"Okay, Mom, I promise," Amy said, and meant it.

"Okay, so give, girl," Tami commanded eagerly. "I want to hear about everything, everything you did today and how it felt, and all the details. But first, I want to know why you're watching porno films. The real thing wasn't good enough?"

"No, no, nothing like that," the young girl laughed. "The real thing was plenty good! But I'd asked him about what else there was to learn about sex and we got to talking about, you know, women with women, bisexuals and stuff. And he asked if I wanted to see what it looked like when women have sex with each other so maybe I could figure out if I'm bisexual, too."

"Really?" her mother sounded unexpectedly intrigued. "And what do you think? Are you?"

"I don't know," Amy shrugged, "Maybe. There's a couple of women on the screen right now that are, uh, you know, licking each other's, um, pussies, you know? And I don't know, it looks like it might feel kinda' good. I'd like to try it, you know, when you get home, if you wouldn't be mad. Would you?"

"Would I? Would I what?" demanded her mother with a throaty chuckle. "Be mad? Or would I like to try licking your pussy?"

"Uh, both!" blurted the eleven-year-old girl.

"Well I sure as hell wouldn't be mad - I told you that you can tell me anything you want. And yes," she went on in a softer voice, "I'd love to lick your pussy when I get home. Did your Dad lick your cunt yet?"

"Yeah, a couple of times," the pubescent girl giggled. "Is he good at it? He made me, you know, come like crazy every time. God!" she exclaimed, "This is so cool to be able to talk about this with you; weird, but really cool!"

"It is, isn't it?" Tami agreed. "And yeah, the big guy there is pretty much world class when it comes to eating pussy; I ought to know. But you're in for a real surprise when I get home. I promise you you'll come so hard you'll piss right in my face! Women just naturally know what another woman wants and needs, you'll see."

"Are - are you a bisexual, Mom?" her daughter asked hesitantly.

"You bet I am, sweetheart, and I have to tell you, this talk about licking your pussy is getting me really turned on!" the older woman confessed.

"Well then I guess I am, too," the plump young girl said fervently, "'Cause I'm getting really wet between my legs right now. That means I'm getting turned on, right?"

"Yes, it sure does," laughed her mother huskily. "Like mother, like daughter, it seems."

"Mom, would you really make me come so hard I'd pee in your face?" Amy wanted to know. The conversation, coupled with the continued vision of lewdly coupling bodies on the television screen across the room, was getting her really turned on again. Her fingers stole down her plump tummy and crept into her damp crevice, working in and out slowly. "Wouldn't you be mad, or like, grossed out if you did that?"

"Mmm, maybe not," confessed her mother, "Sometimes I like it when people pee on me. Does that shock you?"

"No, not at all," Amy giggled. "I held Daddy's, you know, cock while he peed and let all the piss spray all over me. It kinda turned me on, too, so I guess I'm like you that way. But I didn't like the taste of it at all!"

"My God, sweetheart, you have been adventurous today, haven't you," her mother breathed, her voice thickening with arousal. "I swear, hearing you talk like this is one of the most erotic things I've every experienced, do you know that? Can you guess where my fingers are right now?"

"Probably the same place mine are," the precocious fifth-grader giggled wickedly. "I've been touching my pussy for the last five minutes."

"Ohhh, God, baby," sighed the woman, "I should have known. What's your Daddy doing? Is he there?"

"Sure, he's right here, Mom. He never left. He's just listening to me talk to you and watching me stick my fingers inside myself," Amy said, waggling her eyebrows at her father, who was ogling her unabashedly. The girl's eyes drifted downward along her father's body. "And his cock is starting to get big again, too." She laughed with mischievous delight. "I wasn't sure it was going to again. I mean, after all we did and everything."

"Is that right?" Tami asked. Amy could hear her mother's breathing starting to deepen noticeably and even thought she could occasionally pick up the wet, smacking sound of fingers working inside an oozing cunt. "How many times did you make him come?"

"Um, lemme' think," the eleven-year-old smiled thoughtfully, "Four."

"Wow!" breathed the older woman, clearly impressed. "How'd you do it? Fucking each time?"

"No, I sucked his cock first, while I was sitting on the potty," Amy said in a rush, glad for the chance to brag about her sexual accomplishments. A soft moan escaped her mother's lips. "Then we sorta' - well, I don't know what you'd call it. It wasn't fucking - not really, not quite. We were taking a bath together and I got on top of him and kinda', you know, just slid myself up and down on top of him, and the next thing you know we were both coming. It was pretty neat - it looked like I had a cock and was squirting all that white stuff all over him. Served him right for squirting it all over my face and tits and hair when I gave him a blowjob earlier, too."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! My God, baby!" her mother panted hard, "You're turning me on so much! You're gonna' make me come so hard; I can feel it coming!"

"That's hecka cool, Mom! Go ahead and come! I wanna' listen to you!" the plump girl whispered, her own fingers starting to work furiously between her legs. "I'm gonna try and come when you do!"

Stan had been watching the unfolding phone seduction of their daughter by his wife with amazement and rapidly growing lust. He still could barely believe his incredible good fortune - one minute he thought he was doomed, practically on his way to jail for child molestation, never to see his wife or beloved daughter again, and suddenly not only was everything forgiven but mother and daughter were egging each other on into orgasms while he watched! He hardly dared to breathe for fear that he would wake up suddenly and find it was all only a dream.

His young, naked daughter was writhing on the bed, her back arching upwards as her hand plunged up and down into the crevice between her legs, and she was moaning and grunting like some mad thing, her creamy, impossibly smooth skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. His wife was panting and crying out in pre-orgasmic fervor so loudly that he could hear her clearly through the phone receiver a couple of feet away. Unconsciously, he began to stroke his half-erect prick, urging it out of its well-earned lassitude and rolled onto his side to face the thrashing fifth-grader beside him. The tip of his cock grazed the bouncing side of his daughter's ass and twitched uncontrollably, growing a bit larger once more.

Suddenly a series of sharp shrieks from the telephone earpiece announced the arrival of Tami's climax. Amy was seconds behind her, collapsing without warning back down to the surface of the bed and convulsing spasmodically, soft, animalistic cries escaping from between her clenched teeth as her head rolled rapidly from side to side.

"Huunnggghhhh! Unnghhh! Unnhgghh! Oh, fuck, Mommy! Oh, God! Oh, God! Haaggghhhhh!" she grunted over and over as wave after wave of orgasmic ecstasy jolted and shuddered through her heaving, young frame. Yet despite her apparent lack of control, she clung tightly to the telephone handset, pressing it against her ear so as not to miss a second of her mother's noisy climax.

Her father lay next to her as her quivering subsided and her breathing returned to normal, slowly stroking his growing hard-on, not daring to hope what might happen next. He was beginning to envision the wild threesomes he was going to experience when mother and daughter were reunited in the flesh. Best of all, he realized with something close to ecstasy, he was going to be able to continue to share all the love he had just discovered for his daughter without having to sneak around behind his wife's back - incredibly enough, she would even help him do it!

He reached out with his free hand and gently caressed Amy's belly. She immediately withdrew her hand from between his legs and seized his fingers, squeezing them tightly. Stan drew her hand up to his face and tenderly began to lick the sweet girl-come from her fingers.

"I heard you, Mom," the pre-teen said hoarsely into the phone while keeping her eyes glued to her father's face as his tongue probed every fold and crevice of her quim-slick fingers. "I could hear you coming while I did. Did you hear me coming with you?"

"Oh, holy fuck, did I, baby?" Tami groaned. "You wouldn't believe how hard you made me come. Hearing about what you and your Dad did got me so fucking hot, I can't believe it. I'm still way too horny for words - I can tell I'm gonna' have to come about a gazillion more times tonight before I can even think about sleeping, so I hope you're not going anywhere, sweetie."

"I'm not going anywhere, Mom," Amy promised. "I love being able to tell you about all this. That was the only thing I didn't like about it - you know, when I thought I'd have to keep it a secret from you. I hated that."

"Well, like I said, I'm sorry either of you felt like you'd have to keep it a secret from me in the first place, but I'm already over that," her mother sniffed in a tone that indicated she wasn't quite as over it as she claimed. "But I sure as hell hope that you both know how stupid and pointless trying to keep anything secret from me is. Like I wouldn't know what was going on in my own house with my own family."

"Yeah, you're right, Mom," her daughter said contritely.

"Well, okay then," the older woman said, somewhat mollified. "So what's your Dad up to now? Did he enjoy the little show you just put on for him?"

"I guess you could say that," the young girl said with a soft chuckle. "Right now he's lying next to me playing with his cock that's got so big it feels like it's trying to poke a hole in my side, and he's licking all the, you know, stuff from my pussy off of my fingers."

"Ohhh, my God!" Tami moaned. "Fuck! I wish I could be there to see that. How many times did you come today?"

"I-I don't even know, Mom," the eleven-year-old said in a bemused tone. "I lost count, I really did."

"So much as that," her mother whispered wonderingly. "You really are your mother's daughter; your father's too, for that matter," she added with a wicked giggle. "Well, I think you'd better just start right at the beginning and tell me everything that happened today after I left the house. And tell your big, horny father to start licking your sweet little pussy for you while you talk. Tell him I said so. I'm going to keep fingering myself and we're both going to keep coming over and over again until you get through every single detail, and you'd better not leave anything out, you hear me?"

"Okay, Mom," Amy laughed, and looked at her father. "Mom says you're supposed to lick my pussy while I tell her all about everything we did today and we're going to keep coming and coming until I've told her everything, okay?" She flashed him a smile filled with such relief and love that Stan felt a lump rise in his throat.

Stan leaned over and spoke directly into the telephone mouthpiece, "It would be my pleasure to lick our little girl's cunt and make her come until you can get back here and do the same."

"Oh, baby, I love you," he clearly heard her say from the earpiece.

"I love you, too, hot mama!" he grinned. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got one of the two sweetest, most beautiful cunts in the entire world to lick now. Wouldn't want to keep either of my sweet lovers waiting." And with that, he slid down his daughter's soft, rounded body and wormed in between her legs. Amy sighed as soon as his tongue touched her still swollen little clitoris.

"Oh, God, Mom, that feels so good when he does that," the fifth-grader announced to her mother over the phone. "I can't wait for you to get back, either, and show me how you do it." She hesitated for a moment. "Mom?" she asked shyly.

"What, sweetie?" Tami encouraged.

"Would you - uh - would you let me try licking your pussy, too? When you get back home?" she asked hesitantly.

"Ohhhh!" her mother moaned, "You wouldn't believe what hearing you say that just did to my insides! I'm already half coming! Of course, you can lick me, sweetie! You can lick me any time you'd like, and I guarantee you I'll do the same for you. If you want, we can just stay in bed all the time licking each other's cunts and your Daddy can just fuck whoever's on top at the time. How's that sound?"

Amy could hear the unmistakable sounds of her mother's fingers squelching noisily in and out of her obviously drenched twat. She could hardly believe the lewd obscenities her own mother was suggesting, but it was turning her on just as much. She began to rock her hips back and forth in unconscious rhythmic response to the insistent pressure of her father's tongue between her legs. "That sounds - that sounds fucking fantastic, Mom!" she blurted, shocked at her own language.

Her mother laughed throatily. "That's my hot little slut of a girl - just like her mother! Now start talking, baby. Tell me how you got your father to get you into bed. And don't think for a minute that I don't know it was you who started it - your Dad doesn't have the guts."

"Well," the plump pre-teen began with a laugh, though she was finding it hard to keep focused on talking while her father's tongue was doing a slow tango with her sensitive clit, "He didn't need much encouragement. I just came downstairs wearing nothing but the top of my nightie, with no panties. And then I sort of lay down on the floor in front of him and 'accidentally' let him see more and more of me."

Tami giggled lasciviously and even her father raised his head for moment from his incestuous cunnilingus to snort and shake his head at their daughter's confession. He lowered his head once more, and Amy proceeded to describe the morning's activities - starting with the way she'd coaxed him into letting her try a beer.

"Oh, ho," chortled her mother who was now panting heavily, "Trying to get you drunk, huh? The oldest trick in the book!"

"No, it was my idea," she confessed. "I didn't like it too much at first, but the second one was a little better."

"You had two beers, one right after the other?" Tami said somewhat incredulously, "No wonder you got so adventurous so quickly! So after you drank a couple of beers, then what happened?"

And Amy proceeded to describe to her mother the conversation about needing to learn what she shouldn't let boys do, the way she turned her father on by rubbing her pussy on his leg while he felt her tits and her ass and finally her cunt, and the way he'd made her come for the very first time, right there in his lap. By the time she described the way she'd licked her own cunt juices off his fingers afterwards, the conversation was forced to pause as both mother and daughter were wracked by another pair of shattering orgasms.

Stan ceased flicking his daughter's clit with his tongue momentarily and rested his tired mouth muscles while still keeping pressure with his lips on her pussy. He could feel the rhythmic pulsations of her orgasm throbbing through her clit and labia. Streams of quim and saliva trailed down into his beard, but he hardly noticed; he was still incredulous at the turn of events and his good fortune.

After her breathing recovered somewhat, Tami asked her daughter, "And that was the first time you ever had an orgasm? You'd never played with your pussy and got yourself off before that?"

"Yeah, that was my first time," Amy confirmed, "I didn't even know what was happening. It kinda' scared me at first, but Daddy was holding me tight and kissing me the whole time, so I didn't think he would let anything bad happen to me. I'd touched myself - my pussy, I mean - lots of times before, but nothing like that ever happened. I was scared that there was something wrong with me when I'd play with myself 'cause of all the wet - you know, the juices that would come out of me when I did. So I never did it long enough for anything to happen."

"Well, now you know you're supposed to get wet between your legs when you're horny, huh?" her mother asked.

"Yeah, Dad explained it to me, about how a woman's pussy gets wet so his cock can slide in easier," she responded matter-of-factly.

"Oh, he did, did he?" Tami asked. "What else did your Dad explain to you? Or is that when he fucked you?"

"No, Mom, that was a lot later," her daughter said, and went on proudly, "First he made me come again in his lap with his finger in my butt, and then I gave him a blowjob in the bathroom and tasted his come and everything, and then we took a bath together and he came and I came like I told you - he put two fingers in my butt that time - then we took a nap. But when we woke up, first he licked my pussy and then he fucked me for the first time. And after that we fucked again, with me on top of him. And then I slept some more, and we had some pizza, and we were watching an orgy video where women were licking each other, and then you called and you know the rest. That's what happened today."

"Oh, baby, you have been learning all sorts of new things today, haven't you?" her mother said, her breathing indicating that she had resumed fingering her own pussy once more. "Well, you'd better tell your father to keep eating your hot little cunt, 'cause I want to hear about all of it!"

Amy wordlessly pulled her father's face firmly into her crotch once more. He took the hint and began to gently lap her twat, sliding his tongue into her slick crevice and probing her cunt hole with the tip.

"Okay, Mom, he's licking me," the eleven-year-old moaned softly.

"Lemme' hear, sweetie!" her mother enthused. "Hold the phone down there so he can hear me talking and so I can hear him licking you!"

With a giggle, her daughter complied, moving the handset away from her ear and holding it against the side of her father's head, carefully positioning the mouthpiece as closely as she could next to his lewdly working tongue.

"Stan? Oh, baby, I can hear you! I can hear you licking our little girl's pussy!" Tami's voice emerged softly from the phone earpiece. "Can you hear me?"

"Unh-hunh!" Stan grunted with his mouth full, not wanting to break the slow, sensual rhythm he'd started unless he had to.

"That's right, lover," cooed his wife, understanding, "Don't stop licking her! I can't believe how fucking hot you two are making me! I keep coming, but I want more and more. I've practically got my whole hand jammed up into my cunt right now, and I can't remember being this wet in years!"

Stan enthusiastically but incoherently acknowledged her, feeling his cock swelling to prodigious size between his legs. He was willing to go to practically any lengths to keep his wife happy in these circumstances, but his tongue was starting to tire and he was growing considerably aroused once more. He really wanted to be able to bury his prick deep into their daughter's incredibly tight pussy once more. Nevertheless, he kept on worming his tongue in and out of his young girl's pussy while listening to the matching wet, sloppy sounds of his wife's masturbation.

After a few more moments, his wife spoke again. "Hey, big guy - I've got an idea."

"Hunnhhh?" her husband prompted between slow thrusts of his tongue into their daughter's vagina.

"Maybe I'm imagining things, but it sounds to me like our little girl kinda' likes it up the ass - maybe as much as her momma does. What do you think, baby?"

Stan chuckled wickedly.

"Oh, yeah, baby, I knew you'd like that idea," his wife said, her voice husky with lust. "You didn't do that yet with her, right?"

"Unh-unh," he answered in the negative without pausing in his incestuous cunnilingus.

"Okay," she laughed, "Leave everything to me. You just keep licking her real slow - don't let her get off again. We want her so crazy horny that she'll be begging you for it. Can you do that, sweet lover?"

"Hmm-hmm!" Stan agreed without reservation.

"Okay, baby, then give phone back that hot little slut of a daughter of ours," she commanded, with a low groan of anticipation.

Stan handed the phone back up to his daughter without raising his head. It was a moment or two before she realized it was her turn to talk again for she had lain her head back into the pillow with her eyes closed, luxuriating in the obscene sensations being elicited in her cunt by her father's tongue and he had to pointedly shake the handset at her a few times to get her attention.

When Amy at last had the phone cradled comfortably beside her ear once more, she said a bit breathlessly, "Hi, Mom."

"Hi, baby. You all right?" inquired her mother. "I thought I'd lost you both for a minute there."

"Uh, sorry, Mom," the eleven-year-old giggled weakly. "I was really kinda' gettin' into what Dad's doing to me. I think having my, you know, pussy licked is about my favorite kind of sex."

Her mother sandwiched a chuckle in between her own increasingly deep breaths. "It's pretty good alright. But there's a couple other things you still haven't tried yet, baby," she promised. "Now I told your dad to keep licking you nice and slow, 'cause I want to finish hearing you tell me all about everything you did today."

So for the next half hour, Amy tried to relate all of the events of the day in detail, though it grew increasingly difficult for her to keep focused on speaking and her mother had to keep prompting her with questions. The orgy video, long ignored, finally finished but Stan kept slowly running his tongue up and down his daughter's oozing cunt slit, teasing the clit for a moment or two before backing off. It became almost a duel between him and his daughter. She would try to rock her hips or arch her back to grind her pussy more firmly into contact with his taunting tongue; he would bob and weave his head, always keeping his tongue touching her sensitive, young flesh but never pushing hard and allowing her to be driven over the edge. She tried grabbing his head and pulling his face in tighter; he pulled back even harder and would only lick the tender inside of her plump, smooth thighs until she relaxed her grip.

By the time she was telling her mother about how she'd ridden her father's cock, straddling him on top the second time they fucked, the pubescent girl was nearly hysterical with lust and could only gasp out the words intermittently and her whole body was writhing as she moaned and panted with sexual frustration. Stan could tell that she was hovering in a borderline world of erotic stimulation, and he waited for his wife to implement their plan to introduce the girl to anal sex. He didn't have long to wait.

"That's really amazing," Tami panted to her daughter. She had worked herself into a frenzy of lewd excitement as well hearing about their girl's sexual awakening and the incredible eagerness with which she had responded. "I'll bet you're good and ready to be fucked really hard now, aren't you. I can hear it in your voice."

"Ohhhhh, Mom!" she moaned hoarsely, "I do. I want to come so bad and Daddy wouldn't let me! Hunnggghhhhh! Oh, please lick me hard and make me come, Daddy!" she cried out pathetically.

"That's because I told him not to," her mother explained. "We wanted you to be incredibly turned on when you tried the last big thing you still hadn't done with a man."

"Wh-what's that?" she asked desperately, arching her back once more in another fruitless attempt to jam more of her father's tongue into her yearning cunt slit.

"Well, it seemed like you got pretty turned on today when your dad shoved his fingers in your ass," her mother reminded her.

"H-he told me - haaagggghhhh!" she grunted, "He told me I'm probably one of those women who likes to be fucked in the ass - oh! Oh. Oh, my God!" she gasped as she suddenly realized what was in store for her.

"That's right, baby," answered her mother with an evil chuckle. "And you know something? I'll bet you are, too, because I sure am and you seem to love everything about sex and fucking the same way I do. So are you ready? I promise you, you're going to love it, and I'm going to listen to you getting your sweet little asshole fucked and I'm going to come right along with you, okay?"

"Huuhngggghhh! Yeah, okay, anything!" the desperate eleven-year-old agreed. "Just let me finally come!"

"Oh, I think you're going to come big time, you horny little slut," her mother moaned, "And I'm going to shove my fingers up my own ass right here so I can feel what you're feeling. Now tell your dad to get the lotion and fuck you in the ass. Tell him we both said so!"

"Dad! Stop!" Amy commanded, her voice husky with incestuous lust and frustrated desire. "Mom - and me - say to get the lotion now and fuck me - fuck me in my ass! Now! Please!" she added piteously.

With a huge sigh of relief for his weary, aching tongue, Stan scrambled up from between his squirming daughter's sweaty thighs and practically lunged for the nightstand drawer to retrieve the bottle of slippery lotion. His cock was jutting proudly out in front of him, hard and purple, the tip glistening with drops of pre-come, and the girl followed it with wide eyes, obviously contemplating fitting its enormity into her young, virgin anus. Her father smiled reassuringly, pouring out a generous dollop of the thick, white lotion and applying it to his erection.

"Don't worry, sweetie, you'll be fine," he comforted her, "The lotion helps everything fit nicely, and I'll stop if it hurts too much, okay?"

Through narrowed eyes, she whispered back, "The only thing I want you to stop is talking - and start fucking me!"

"Well alright then," her father said, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise at her boldness. He moved in between her legs once more, pouring another large gob of lotion into one hand before tossing the bottle aside and roughly pushing her legs up and back against her heaving, sweat-coated breasts to give himself unfettered access to her small, round sphincter. He slapped the handful of lubricating cream up into her ass crack without preamble and began to quickly work it in, first around the crinkled, brown opening, then pushing it into her rectum with one, then two, then three fingers.

The hopelessly aroused young girl began moaning with pleasure the moment she felt herself penetrated. "Is he doing it?" asked her mother from the phone breathlessly. "Is he fucking your ass?"

"N-no, just his f-fingers," her daughter mewed, "But it feels so good! I love him being in my butt! Oh, God, Mom, I think he's ready to put his - his cock in my ass!"

"Okay, baby, just relax your butt muscles, just like you're taking a poop, okay? Just let him work it inside and don't fight it and you'll be fine, alright?"

"Alright, Mom. Go ahead, Daddy. I'm ready now," she whispered to her father.

Her father licked his lips in anticipation as he removed his fingers from the girl's butthole. His heart was hammering in his chest with excitement and his prick was harder than he'd ever known it could be despite the number of ejaculations he'd already had with his lascivious young daughter that day. He gazed down in amazement at the picture his panting, perspiring eleven-year-old girl below him made, relishing the wide-eyed combination of eagerness and uncertainty, fear and desperate lust he saw playing across her juvenile face. He traced the curves of her young, soft body with his eyes, taking in the tender mounds of flesh that were her budding breasts, their small size only hinting at the fullness to come as she grew in the years ahead. The flawless skin of her quivering abdomen was glistening with a sheen of sweat, the bit of plumpness adding a precociously mature appearance to her figure. He swallowed hard as his eyes drank in the soft, faint down emerging fro m her recently deflowered pussy, the cunt lips swollen and purple with arousal and oozing liquid from his incestuous tonguing. The unmistakable scent of feminine sexual arousal wafted up to his nostrils, confirming that the figure below him was a young girl no longer but a rapidly maturing woman, anxious to experience every sexual sensation she could.

The young fifth-grader helpfully tugged her knees up to her chest, opening her entire crotch to him in complete, vulnerable surrender and he finally let his gaze fix on the tiny, brown anal sphincter nestled between her satiny ass cheeks. The orifice was working of its own volition, rhythmically clenching and gaping in anticipation of the penetration to come, the creamy lubricating lotion making obscene little wet, smacking noises clearly audible in the stillness of the bedroom.

Stan returned his eyes to his daughter's face, nestled in the pillow with the phone receiver cradled comfortably against her ear. The young girl returned his look with such a level of lewd intensity that her father had to smile, scarcely able to believe the events of the day. Here he was about to ream his own daughter's tight little asshole, removing the last vestiges of her virginity, and his own wife was actually helping him do it, whispering incestuous encouragement from thousands of miles away through the telephone.

Amy said nothing but nodded encouragingly, impatiently. Stan lowered his body over his daughter's and guided his cock to the slick brown rosette of her asshole. When the tip of it was pressed firmly against the rubbery flesh, he whispered to his girl, "Don't worry, my sexy little woman. Just tell me if it hurts, and I'll stop and let you get used to it, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy," she whispered back hoarsely, her voice trembling with anticipation and excitement, "I know you'll take care of me, and I want you to do this!"

"What's happening?" her mother demanded eagerly over the phone. "Is he inside you yet?"

"N-not yet, Mom," Amy answered breathlessly. "He's on top of me and his c-cock's pushing up against m-my, you know, my asshole. Oh! Oh, God!" she exclaimed suddenly as, without warning, her father pushed his hips forward and slowly but inexorably began to slither his huge hard-on into the excruciatingly tight opening. "Oh, God, Mom!" she whimpered, "He's doing it! I can feel him going inside me! Oh, shit, wait! Wait! Daddy! It hurts!" she cried suddenly as the dangerously swollen head of his cock suddenly forced its way past the constricting barrier and lodged completely inside her eleven-year-old rectum.

"Just relax, pumpkin," her mother encouraged over the phone, the rhythmic shuddering of her voice betraying the frantic speed at which the older woman must be ramming her own hand in and out of her cunt. "Just try not to fight it and make yourself relax. It won't hurt if you relax. And you should be frigging your clit, too, baby. The more turned on you are, the less it hurts," she added with an audible groan, the sound of fingers wetly ravishing a pussy or asshole distinctly audible over the phone.

Stan froze the instant his daughter cried out but didn't pull back, leaving his cock, rigid and throbbing with just the head firmly wedged into her asshole. He watched her face carefully for signs of real distress, but it appeared that his wife was handling her coaching task well, for while Amy's brow furrowed in concentration and beads of perspiration formed quickly on her upper lip, she didn't make any further sounds of pain. He held himself suspended over her body, willing his straining cock not to come too soon from the erotic excitement of actually being able to fuck his own daughter in the ass.

To his great relief, the older man felt his young daughter's overstretched sphincter relax a bit as the painful grimace melted away from her face. Barely waiting for his girl's acquiescing nod for him to continue, he began to slowly, inexorably push his iron-hard prick deeper and deeper into her unyielding anus.

"You're doing fine, baby," he grunted in encouragement and the young girl smiled weakly up at him. Her fingers had begun to tease and work at her young clit. Stan guessed that had been his wife's suggestion - she liked to finger her own clit while he fucked her ass, saying it intensified the orgasm and that once she got turned on enough, she wouldn't care if he drove a Caterpillar tractor through there.

As his pre-teen daughter fingered herself with rapidly increasing urgency, her breath quickening in response to the lewd stimulation, Stan continued to slowly force his unbelievably stiff prick up into the girl's grudgingly accommodating ass. He watched her face carefully for any sign of additional discomfort or distress, but it seemed that once the full diameter of his organ had stretched her virgin anus the generous lubrication from the lotion was helping to ease inch after inch inside her without further difficulty.

"Talk to me, baby!" gasped Tami over the phone. "Tell me what he's doing and what you're feeling!"

"H-he's just slowly shoving more in," the eleven-year-old grunted with a proud grimace, her fingers busily continuing to diddle her clit. "It feels - I don't know - it doesn't hurt, exactly, anymore, but it feels like - unnnggghhh!" she moaned unexpectedly as a wave of hot erotic pleasure suddenly coursed through her. "Ohhh! Mom! It's starting to feel good!" she groaned. "It's like, um, like it sort of hurts but sort of doesn't, if that makes sense."

"Oh, yeah, baby, it sure does!" her mother whimpered, panting heavily. "I know exactly what you mean, 'cause that's what I'm feeling right now! You want to know what I'm doing to myself 'cause you've got me so fucking turned on?"

"What, Mom?" Amy responded just as breathlessly as she felt her abdomen swelling from the gradually increasing pressure of her father's large cock forcing its way into her bowels.

"I've got four fingers of one hand shoved up my ass!" the older woman groaned into the phone, "And I've actually got my whole other hand squeezed into my pussy!"

"God, Mom! Doesn't that hurt?" her daughter wanted to know, obviously impressed despite the distraction of her father's incestuous ass-fucking.

"Kind of, and kind of not," Tami panted. "After all, you were a lot bigger than that when you came out of there. Besides, right now you and your Dad have got me so horny I don't even care!"

"Congratulations," interrupted her father with a big grin, "I'm all the way in! You're officially no longer a virgin anywhere!" He looked down with satisfaction to where his pubic bone was jammed all the way against his daughter's ass cheeks. She was so damned tight, even more than her virgin cunt had been. He held himself very still, as much to avoid shooting his load too soon as to let the girl adjust to the massive intrusion.

"Mom!" the pre-teen announced loudly with delight, "He's inside me! I mean, all the way! And it doesn't even hurt!"

"Oh, fuck, baby, that's great!" her mother whispered huskily. "I'm pretending my fingers inside me are your Daddy's cock, too, so I can feel what you're feeling. So if it doesn't hurt, tell him to start fucking you. Just go slow at first 'till you see how it goes, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," the pubescent eleven-year-old agreed eagerly. "Daddy, you're supposed to start fucking me slow now," she instructed her father with a proud leer.

"You got it, sexy baby," Stan groaned as he pulled his cock part way out of his daughter's rectum and then slid it slowly back in all the way again. "Oh, God, Amy, your ass is so tight! You wouldn't believe how good this feels!"

"It feels good to me, too," his daughter whispered as her father's large prick retreated and then buried itself to the base in her willing young asshole once more. "I think you could go a little faster if you want," she grinned nervously as she increased the tempo of her masturbation, rubbing her fingers over her clit and down into her wide open cunt hole.

"What did he say?" her mother wanted to know. "I couldn't quite hear him."

"He says he can't believe how tight my ass is and that it feels really good," she giggled. "So I told him he could go faster. I'm starting to get pretty close to coming already," she added with a low moan.

"You got it, lover!" Stan said with a lascivious grin and began to pump his iron-hard prick steadily in and out of the fifth-grader's butt hole. "Oh boy, are you gonna' get it. I'm gonna' fill your ass up with all my come! Would you like that, baby?"

"Yeah, Dad," his daughter moaned, "I'd like that a lot! Fill my ass up with your come, Dad! Hunggghhh! Oh, shit, that's good - just like - haaaggghhhh! Just like that, Dad!"

Spurred on by his young girl's lewdly incestuous encouragement, Stan began to thrust harder, plunging his stiff rod into her slick, pliant asshole more and more rapidly. His daughter released the grip behind her knee with the hand that wasn't already occupied frigging her own cunt and let her legs wrap around the small of her father's back and immediately began pulling him into her, matching his rhythm and complementing his obscene anal rutting.

He leaned forward to press his body onto her hand that was rapidly thrusting in and out of her pussy crevice and had a sudden idea. Supporting himself on one arm, he fished around on the bed and located the discarded bottle of hand lotion. Grinning mischievously, he upended the bottle and began to liberally squirt thick, white cream all over his daughter's body, making sure to coat her small, budding breasts as well as shooting a thick dollop down into her crotch, coating her fingers and cunt lips. She opened her eyes wide as she felt the sensation of added slickness and the way it intensified the erotic feelings already rolling out of her young groin.

"Ohhh, Dad!" she moaned, "Th-that's really good!" She gasped loudly as her father touched her breasts and nipples, spreading the slippery lotion all around them before starting to work it in up and down her entire torso. "Huuhhhngggg!" the girl grunted in pleasure, "Yeah, Daddy! Touch me everywhere!"

"Sounds like he's really getting to you, huh, baby?" her mother gasped from the phone. "You like getting fucked in the ass, don't you?"

"Ohhhhh! God, I do, Mom! I do!" Amy moaned. "I can't believe how filled up I am! It feels like his whole body's inside me. Huhhnnggggh! Oh, shit! Aaaaggghhh! I'm really close to coming! Hohh! Shit, Mom - he put more lotion all over me and he's rubbing me everywhere! Haggghhhhh!"

"That's right, sweetheart," her mother panted, "Go ahead and come. Mommy's right behind you. Let me hear you come, baby!" Her voice sounded strangely tight as she strained her body into her own wanton masturbation.

"Daddy!" the eleven-year-old suddenly shrieked, "I'm coming! Hoh! God! Daddy! Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Come in me, Daddy! Haaagghhhhhhh! Aaaaaiiiiieeeeeeeee!"

Her voice trailed off into in incoherent scream as her father, freed of any further constraints, began to furiously pump his cock in and out of her impossibly tight little bung hole, slamming his hips rudely into her. He no longer cared about being gentle; he only wanted to empty his aching balls into his daughter's ass. Faster and faster he thrust, straining and grunting with the effort as the pubescent girl writhed and flailed beneath him, shrieking and moaning like a wild animal as her orgasm shook and shuddered her young frame.

Stan could feel a gut-wrenching climax starting to build within him, but because he'd already come so many times already it seemed to take forever to arrive. For one long, agonizing moment as he frantically thrust his iron rod into his daughter's ass, puffing loudly with the exertion, he hung suspended on the edge and the panic-stricken thought started to creep into his brain that he wouldn't be able to come.

But at last the desperately pumping man felt his balls draw up tight against his body as he passed the point of no return, and with a loud cry of relief and incestuous pleasure, he abandoned himself to his climax. He buried his cock completely into his eleven-year-old daughter's anus, forcing himself in deeper than he thought possible, and then held himself firmly in that position as he emptied the last few squirts of his semen into the girl's bowels. He could tell that he didn't have much of the thick, creamy fluid left in him but for some reason the orgasm was the most intense he'd ever experienced in his life. All his consciousness narrowed down to that hard organ lodged deep inside his daughter's rectum; he vaguely knew that the girl was continuing to thrash and tremble beneath him with her own orgasm, her anal sphincter contracting rhythmically around his swollen cock as she came; the orgasmic cries of his wife, echoing small and tinny from the telephone handset, even registered slightly on his fevered brain, but beyond that he knew nothing except the feeling of emptying everything he had to give into his beloved daughter's nubile young body. Spasm after wrenching spasm contorted his face and body, pulling up the final drops of his incestuous seed and squirting them deep into the fifth-grade girl's abdomen, until there was nothing left in his convulsing groin.

Stan suddenly found himself collapsed down onto Amy's lotion-slick body as his elbows turned rubbery and gave way. His face was very close to his daughter's and one ear was filled with her post-orgasmic panting; the other was near enough to the phone handset that he could hear the soft gasps and moans of his wife as her own climax subsided. He lay there, stunned, almost overcome with the intensity of emotion that flooded through him, breathing heavily but otherwise motionless.

The enormity of what had occurred began to register - he had not only completely seduced and ravaged his own, underaged daughter, violating her in every possible orifice in the space of a few hours, but he had actually completed the perversity with his wife's eager approval and encouragement! A deep sigh welled up within him, partly from exhaustion, partly from satiated contentment, and mostly from sheer amazement at the turn of events. He knew that the lives of all three members of his family had just taken an irrevocable new turn and that, whatever else transpired, nothing would ever be the same again. His young and innocent daughter was no more; in her place was a sexually awakened and aroused young woman, bold and brash, innocent still only in her wanton, unfettered eagerness to learn and try and experiment with her newly conscious mind and pubescent body. The niggling fear began to intrude that he might not even be able to keep up with the precocious young girl, and the thought brought a rueful chuckle to his lips at last.

As if cued by the sound, Tami's voice suddenly intruded into his reverie from the telephone, "Hey! Anyone still alive there?"

Stan attempted to answer, and found he needed to clear his throat a moment before he could find his voice. "Huff!" he coughed, "Yeah, I believe we are, my love. You okay, baby?" he asked of his daughter, whose breathing was gradually waning to a regular tempo.

"Uh, I-I think so," she giggled weakly. "Whoo! That was - was - incredible!" she murmured at last, at a loss for words to convey all she was feeling.

"We're fine, love," Stan reported into the phone. "How about you?"

"Oh, good," she responded in a thick and husky voice, "I can hear you both. I'm doing quite well, thank you. You two got me off amazingly. I just wish I'd been there to see it in person!"

"So do I, baby," her husband assured her. "Maybe we can perform a reenactment when you get back."

"Hmmm. Maybe," she agreed dryly. "But only after you've given me a bit of everything Amy's going to get this week. You both owe me some serious fucking and a whole lot of personal TLC when I get back!" Her voice was light in tone but there was an edge to it that let them both know she was dead serious.

"You got it, Mom!" their daughter giggled affectionately.

"Absolutely," Stan agreed at the same time.

"Don't you forget it, either," Tami said with mock severity, though they could tell she was somewhat mollified.

"I can't believe you got your whole hand inside you, Mom," Amy added, clearly still impressed. "Have you ever done that before?" Stan's ears pricked up - he hadn't realized that his wife had apparently been fisting herself while he was ass-fucking their daughter.

"No, baby, I hadn't," her mother admitted, "Though not because your Daddy didn't want to try. He's always had this fantasy about fisting me, but I never let him."

"It's true," her husband confirmed with a wry grin.

"I guess it took the two of you to get me hot and horny enough to try it. But I really did it, and you wouldn't believe how hard it made me come," Tami sighed in pleasure at the recollection.

"I don't think I could ever do that," Amy shook her head wonderingly.

"Well, I agree that for now, you're still a little too young," her mother agreed quickly. "But you may feel differently when you're a bit older. Until then, you can try it on me, though."

"Really? Cool!" her daughter enthused. "You wouldn't mind?"

"Baby, I'm getting this picture in my head right now of your Daddy ramming that big cock of his up my ass while you shove your whole hand into my cunt and lick my clit until I come so hard I piss. How's that sound to you?"

"Yeah! We could sure do that!" Amy enthused, and her father heartily agreed.

"I'm really glad, my loves," the woman said, her voice suddenly choked with emotion. "I knew I was taking a big chance letting you two get it on together. I was so afraid that all you'd care about was each other and you wouldn't even think about me, much less want to include me."

"Oh, Mom, we love you!" protested her daughter, "And I can't wait to do sexy stuff with you and Daddy together! I really want to see what it looks like when he, uh, you know, fucks you in your ass," she trailed off, embarrassed by her admission.

"Well, I think that can definitely be arranged, baby," her mother whispered. "In fact, just thinking about it starts my pussy flowing again. If it weren't so damned late here already I'd be tempted to get myself off a couple more times just fantasizing about all the things the three of us are gonna' do together. But I've got to get to sleep now, or I'm going to be a wreck in the morning and I've got a full day setting up our show booth. So I'm going to have to say good night now, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," her daughter assented.

"Alright, my love," Stan agreed. "Please take care of yourself so you can get home and join us. I don't suppose," he added hopefully, "That you could take off out of there a bit early? You could say you've got a family emergency - your whole family wants to fuck your brains out!"

"No, baby," she answered regretfully, "I really wish I could; you have no idea how much I wish I could! But I've got to stick with this until it's over - I really can't waste the opportunity to show them I'm more than just some dumb woman."

"Yeah, I suppose not," Stan acknowledged, "And I know you'll do great, too."

"It was sweet of you to ask, though," his wife whispered. "That means more to me than you can possibly imagine." There was a brief pause, and Stan thought he could detect a slight sniffle on the other end of the phone line. "But," she went on firmly, "I really do have to try to sleep now. Promise me you'll take care of each other, okay? Be good to each other and make each other happy. I'll call tomorrow night and every night at bedtime, and you can tell me all about all the nasty, wonderful things you did to each other that day, and you can help me get myself off here in my lonely hotel room," she added with exaggerated pathos. "That will be the best I can do until I get back home."

"It's a deal!" father and daughter both promised sincerely.

"Okay, then," Tami said, "I love you both more than you'll ever know. Good night, my beautiful loves."

"I think we've got a pretty good idea just how much you love us," her husband said thickly, a lump unaccountably growing in his throat. "Good night, yourself. We love you, too, and we'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Yeah, Mom," Amy added, "That goes double for me. I love you just - just an incredibly whole lot! Good night, Mom."

"Goodnight, my angel," her mother sniffed once, and then was gone with a click.

Stan picked up the receiver gingerly between two fingers, trying not to get too much lotion on it as he returned it to its cradle. He stretched out to hang it up and, as he did so, his now flaccid cock pulled free of his daughter's distended anus with a wet, slippery sound. The girl made a disappointed face, but as he moved across his daughter's body while shifting himself back to the center of the bed she giggled in pleasure at the slippery, sensuous feel of their skin sliding against each other in the lotion that still coated her front.

"That feels good," she giggled again, wrapping her arms and legs possessively around her father's body and wriggling in a decidedly naughty fashion to enhance the feel of their skin together.

"Oh, baby, it does," her father groaned, "But don't get any big expectations up, all right? Your poor old dad has just about worn his willie to a frazzle. I almost couldn't come that last time, and that was in spite of you getting me more turned on than I've ever been in my life."

"It's okay," the eleven-year-old said with a gentle smile, "I know you said you need to rest afterwards."

"Well, just so you know, and you should feel very proud of yourself," he said with a half smile, "I don't think I've come five times in one day since before I was twenty years old. So that means you're an incredibly sexy woman and an amazing lover."

"I am, huh!" she agreed readily, unburdened with any false humility. She wriggled her slippery body some more against his, savoring the feel of their slippery flesh together.

"God, you're really something, you know that?" Stan shook his head ruefully. He glanced over at the clock, which now showed that it was after 10:00 p.m. "Aren't you the least little bit tired, too? After all, you came even more times than I did today."

The girl shrugged unrepentantly, her body starting to writhe in a slow, sensuous grind, her legs and arms pulling her father tightly against her. "I can't help it. Besides, you've got no one to blame but yourself. And maybe Mom," she added thoughtfully. "I still can't believe she actually wanted us to do this."

"Yeah, I know," her father nodded in hearty agreement, looking down at the young girl squirming slowly and obscenely beneath him. "I thought I was going to shit all over myself when she just asked me - right out of the blue - if I'd fucked you yet."

"She asked you that?" Amy squealed. "Oh, God! No wonder your face looked the way it did. I couldn't tell what she was saying to you, but all of a sudden you looked like you'd just swallowed a toad whole, or something." She laughed in amazement, though her hips continued their lewd, rhythmic grinding against her father's crotch without interruption.

"I didn't know what to think," he admitted. "I think I actually saw my life flash before my eyes. All I could do was imagine that I was going to jail and I'd never see any of you again."

"I guess we lucked out, huh?" the pubescent girl nodded, a serious expression flitting across her brow.

"We sure as hell did," her father agreed vehemently. "And she wasn't kidding about needing some TLC and attention when she gets back."

"Yeah, even I could tell that," Amy nodded, her eyes large, then shrugged matter-of-factly. "I don't mind. I think it could be kinda' fun," she offered with a mischievous grin.

"Hmmm. I think you could be right," Stan allowed himself an evil chuckle. "Your mother's always been a holy terror in bed - you come by your enthusiasm naturally, let's just put it that way. But she surprised me totally tonight."

"Yeah, like talking about wanting be - what did she call it? Fisted?" She shook her head in disbelief. "It still sounds like it would hurt like crazy to me," his daughter mused.

"Yeah, for you it would," he agreed, "But it sure as hell sounded like she wanted to try it again as soon as she gets through the door."

"She wanted me to try it," Amy reminded him teasingly. "She still didn't say she'd let you do it to her."

"Huh! You're right about that," he acknowledged with a momentary frown.

"Don't worry, Dad," his daughter assured him, "She won't stick to it. You weren't listening to her making herself come the way I was. If she gets that turned on again, she'll let you do anything you want!" The girl gave her father a lascivious smirk and dug her heels into his ass cheeks to bring his heavy but still resolutely limp cock in full contact with her lotion-slick pussy, rocking her hips back and forth in blatant invitation. "Besides," she went on, "I'll soften her up for you first, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I think I do, sexy little woman," Stan murmured. He gazed down at her and pointedly let his eyes travel down between their bodies. "What are you doing, hmmm? I told you the big guy needs a little rest."

"I know, Dad," the eleven-year-old pleaded coquettishly, "But I still want to come some more!" She paused and then looked up at her father with huge, liquid eyes full of innocent charm. "Would you touch me like you did before? With your fingers, the way you made me come the first time downstairs in the chair? I don't think I've quite got it right; I mean, about the stuff I'm never supposed to let boys do. Don't you think you'd better show me again, to make sure I really learn it?"

"I can tell that until I do, neither of us is going to get any sleep, are we?" With a broad laugh of surrender, her father shifted his muscular body to be alongside his young daughter's naked figure and slid his fingers into her very wet, very slippery cunt.

She sighed happily as her father's fingers began to stroke her clit and rhythmically probe her vagina, her back arching in unconscious response to his incestuous liberties. "And Dad?" she asked dreamily, her eyes half closed as she luxuriated in the erotic sensations.

"What, baby?" Stan prompted, working his other hand down her back in order to reach her smooth round ass. To his amazed delight, he found that her anus was still distended and gaping from being fucked there so recently and he was easily able to insert first two, then three fingers into the slick opening.

Amy gasped with surprise that turned to a moan of erotic happiness as her father's fingers began to slide in and out of her ass, complementing the rhythm his other hand had established in her cunt.

"Ohhhh, Daddy!" the no-longer-virgin eleven-year-old whispered huskily, "You make me feel so crazy good!"

"I'm glad, sexy baby," her father answered, "'Cause you sure make me feel good too. What was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Hunnnghhh! Oh, God, yes, Daddy, just like that!" she groaned in encouragement as he buried fingers simultaneously in both her ass and cunt hole and began sliding them against each other deep inside her young body. "I-I was just wondering if, after you - hoh! After you make me come like this, would you - hunnnggghhh! Would you show me how I'm not supposed to let boys lick my-my pussy again? I think I need some more lessons on that!"

Stan smiled to himself as he nodded wearily in agreement. It was going to be an interesting week.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s

Baseman 12

Very,very good story. you had me cumming loads of times


Very nice! I love the mom's long distance participation! What a loving family!

A Purvversion/The Purvv

Having written nearly 200 stories myself, and receiving high praise for a goodly portion of them, I think I recognize a good daddy-daughter story when I see one. This one is OUTSTANDING, possibly the best of its genre as I've ever run across. If this is a first effort, I'm in awe. May I humbly suggest that you not let whatever praise you may receive on this, guide you on your future endeavors...let your own mind be your guide, lest you end up in a rut. Congratulations.


Chapter two?


God damned fantastic...


hot is not the word for this story outstanding and full of fun! thank you!


This is a very HOT story, hope to read the updated version when the Wife/Mother gets home.


*blink* *drool* *horny giggle* I'd clap but my hands are shaking.


The eroticism of this story alone was amazing! Yet the quality of the writing allowed the scenes to come through wonderfully! I came buckets.


This is an awesome story. Keep up the great work


I have been a fan of this site for years. I have read many a dad/daughter story. I have never written a review...until now. OMFG! This is THE best story I have read since discovering this site. Bravo!! and thanks for all the fun! Keep it up!!!!


I've been a fan of this site for a long time now, but I've got a bit bored with it lately, same old same old, read it before, same old 12'' cock in a grateful 5 yo bollacks, but this story has renewed my appreciation of the whole thing! Brilliant writing, a different plot, brilliant twist with the wife being into it, fucking stroke of genius and nice and long. I gotta check what else you've done man, you are an excellent writer. Thanks

The reviewing period for this story has ended.