Daisy's Diary - I Helped my Daddy at the Camera Club

[ MMMf14, teen, fath/dau, beast, anal ]

by sparkle


Published: 22-Jul-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Hi there, I'm Daisy, today I had a great day with my Daddy helping out at his Camera Club, so I'm going to write all about it in my diary so I don't forget. I always forget stuff, Daddy says I'm a silly dumb blonde girl but I don't mind because he always gives me a really big hug when he says it.

Let me describe myself, right now I'm 14 years old, I have natural straight blonde hair which is just a bit longer than shoulder length. I've just reached 5 feet tall in my bear feet. My boobs have grown quite a bit lately; I now need a 34c bra. I'm quite skinny but my bum and hips are starting to get bigger now as well so all my jeans are really tight, but I actually like the feeling of tight jeans and I think my bum looks good in them so I don't mind that.

Today Daddy asked me to come with him to his camera club, he said I could earn some money making cups of tea for everyone and stuff like that. I'm rubbish at making tea, I always spill it or put coffee in or something but I didn't care if I could make some money to buy some nice clothes to wear.

I didn't really know what to expect, I'd never been with Dad to the camera club before. Dad took me in his car, when we got to the place there was quite a few people there already, about 15 people I would say. It was all men, mostly quite old men; I guess woman can't be interested in taking boring old photo's LOL.

I asked Daddy what pictures they were going to be taking, he said it was a special night and that a lady was coming to be a model for them and that more people were at the club than usual because of this.

Daddy took me into the kitchen area, there was a hatch into the main hall where all the men were, and he showed me where everything was so that I could make everyone the hot drinks they wanted.

After about half an hour doing this, Dad came in and told me the model hadn't turned up. I had been so busy I hadn't even noticed. I was a bit worried that I wasn't going to make any money now because everyone would just go home. Then one of the guys I was serving suggested to my Dad that I could be a model for them. He said I was really pretty and that I would be great, I didn't think that I was good looking enough to be a model but my Dad seemed to think it was a really good idea and told me to go and brush my hair and do my make-up while they all got their cameras ready.

I went into the ladies loo feeling a bit nervous; I wasn't really dressed in anything special. I just had on some faded blue jean, they were way to tight on my bum and a lacy white cotton blouse. I made myself look as pretty as I could with what make-up I had with me in my hand bag and went back into the main hall.

When I came out of the toilets and into the main hall where everyone was they all turned and looked at me, this made me feel really scared but excited at the same time. My Daddy came over and guided me onto the stage which can slightly raised up above the floor. The stage was completely empty apart from a big light, which was shining brightly on me; there was a plain white sheet at the back as a background and my Dad. He put his arm tightly around me whispered in my ear telling me not to be nervous and just to do whatever he told me to do.

They began by getting me to just stand near the front of the stage looking out into the crowd of men who started flashing away taking pictures of me. Because I was on the stage I was slightly higher than them, I could see the tops of their heads, most of them were either bald or going bald. I think my Daddy was the only one who still had all of his own hair.

Dad was sitting on the edge of the stage just to the side of me telling me what to do. He told me to turn sideways, then to stand with my back to them. I was glad that I was wearing my really tight jeans because I think my bum looks really good in them.

Dad got up and came over to me, he told me that my bra was showing through my blouse and said I should take the bra off. I was a bit worried they would be able to see my nipples through my thin blouse but he told me not to worry about that. I managed to get my bra off without taking off my blouse, they where all clicking away taking pictures while I was doing this.

After I'd managed to get my bra off I gave it to my Dad, they then took some more pictures with me facing them again and with me sideways on. I had to keep moving and turning so they could all get the pictures they wanted. Dad then suggested some pictures with me and Bill. I didn't know who Bill was but he turned out to be this really fat guy, he was nearly bald and was about 50 or 60. Dad said it would be a good contrast between us, I didn't really mean what he meant.

They brought a tattered old armchair onto the stage, Bill sat down on the chair, he was so fat I thought he was going to break it. My Dad told me to sit down on Bill's knee and put arm around his neck. I'd never sat on someone so fat before, it felt a bit weird. He was a bit smelly but I guess he couldn't help that being so fat.

I had to sit sideways one way, the sideways the other way, Bill had his massive hands around my little waist. Then with me sitting sideways Dad told me to put both arms around his big neck and to kiss Bill on the lips. Dad told me to open my mouth and keep kissing Bill so they could all get a good picture. This seemed a bit weird, especially when Bill started pushing his tongue into my mouth. No one had done this to me before, but after the first shock I started to quite enjoy the feeling. Then Dad got me to sit on Bills knee facing the front him with his fat legs together and me with my legs parted either side of his legs. This was a bit uncomfortable with my jeans being so tight and his legs being so fat. While I was sat like that the guys were all taking pictures, then Bill started unbuttoning my blouse, I looked at my Dad expecting him to tell Bill off but he just smiled and nodded at me. While Bill was undoing the buttons, his fat hands kept on brushing against my nipples which are very sensitive and this was really getting me turned on, I could see them sticking out through the material of my white blouse.

When Bill had undone all my buttons Dad told me to put my hands over my boobs to cover them and the he told Bill to open up my blouse. He pulled the blouse out of my jeans and then took it right off me. Dad told Bill to put his hand over the top of mine, they where massive compared to my hands, and then Dad said for me to put my hands down onto the arms of the chair. So I was left sitting on the arm chair, on Bills knee with my legs spread wide apart and just Bills big fat hands covering up my boobs. He gradually started to slowly massage my bare boobs with his big fat hands. It felt really amazing, while he was doing this my Dad stepped forward and said that we should try some more pictures with me just in my knickers. I wasn't really listening; I was just concentrating on what Bill was doing to me.

I felt Dad unbutton my jeans, a couple of the other guys stepped forwards and lifted me off Bills Knee so my Dad could pull my Jeans off me. I was just wearing a little white thong underneath. The guys sat me back down in onto Bills knee, my Dad told them to lift my legs up so I had one leg over each arm of the chair. My legs were stretched out really wide now I could feel my wet knickers disappearing right up into my slit.

Daddy must have seen how wet my knickers had got because he came over to me and told me off for getting turned on, he said I was supposed to be modelling not enjoying myself. I said I was sorry to my Dad; he took my wet knickers off me because he said he didn't want me to get sore. Bill put his hand over my soaking wet pussy so that everyone couldn't see as I still had my legs stretched out over the arms of the chair. I was so slippery now that his big fat middle finger had slipped right up inside of me. I was so horny now I couldn't help thrusting away with my hips onto Bill's hand.

Daddy said this wasn't fair on everyone else because they couldn't help but get turned on with the way I was behaving. He told me to lie down on the floor on my back and play with myself while they all stood around me, dropped their trousers and pants to the floor and started wanking off their cocks until they came all over me. There was so many of them that they had to take turns as they couldn't all get around me at the same time, while some were rubbing their big dicks others were taking pictures.

In the end I was covered in their spunk, it was all over me, Dad said I would have to clean myself up, but I didn't how I was going to manage to get it all off as they didn't have a shower there. One of the other guys, I don't know his name said he had something in his car that would help.

He came back in into the hall a couple of minutes later with his dog, which was a lovely big brown Labrador, apparently he was called Winston. He was really friendly but I didn't know why he had brought the dog in until its owner brought him over me. I was still lying on the floor, Winston immediately started licking my face the way dogs do, I guess he must have liked the taste of all the guys goo that was on me because he kept licking me like mad and had cleaned my face up in no time and was now moving down to my boobs. When his rough tongue reached my sensitive nipples it felt amazing.

He kept on licking like crazy, gradually moving down my body, next licking all the cum off my tummy. I could see him getting closer to my soaking wet pussy, I knew I needed to push my legs together before he got there, but I just didn't seem able to. Instead my hips seemed to be pushing me towards his tongue which was getting closer and closer to my snatch. When he finally found it he went wild, he was licking like mad between my legs, I could see he shiney red cock and balls just above my head. His tongue was really rough, and he seemed able to get it right inside of me, he was driving me crazy.

After what seemed ages Daddy finally stepped in and pulled Winston off me, I thought my cleanup was over, but Dad said some of the cum had dripped down to my bum and Winston couldn't get to it. He told me to roll onto my front, then he lifted my bottom up so it was sticking right up in the air. He told me to keep my head down low and spread my legs apart so that Winston could clean my bum up with his tongue. I could hear some of the men taking pictures of my bum when I did this which seemed a bit weird.

Winston started licking away again, he seemed to get right into my bum hole and my pussy crack, it was driving me wild again, I never wanted it to stop. Then he seemed to be trying to jump onto my back. Dad was cross with my again, saying this time I'd got the dog all excited and that he couldn't let Winston fuck me because I was still a virgin. The man who owned the dog suggested that instead Winston could cum in my bottom, I think he said arse hole. Dad seemed to think this was a good idea, I guess dogs can't wank themselves off. Daddy kindly put some sort of cream on my bum so it wouldn't hurt me, then he helped Winston get his front paws up onto my back. He was going crazy, Daddy was helping to calm him down enough so that he could guide his cock towards me. Then I felt Winstons cock bumping against my bum hole. He was pushing like mad, Daddy told me to try and relax which wasn't easy. He was thrusting in and out stabbing my bum with his hard cock, before I new it he was right up inside me humping like crazy. His cock seemed to be getting even bigger. I could see all the guys taking pictures of Winston, they all seemed to have got hard cocks again.

Winston kept on humping away like mad into my bum, I don't know how long it went on for, but it seemed like ages. At the same time all the guys where pumping away on their hard cocks with there hands. Soon they started spunking all over me again then I felt Winston shooting his spunk in side of me. We both seemed to collapse exhausted, Winstons cock was still stuck inside of me. It was a few minutes before he got small enough so he could pull his cock out of me, then he started licking the guys spunk off me all over again.

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You said she was 5 feet tall in her bear feet, how tall is she in normal feet? lol. should have been 'bare' feet. Other than that it's a good story. Tell us more.


Short, sweet, simple and fun; an excellent piece that never overstays its welcome! You should be immensely pleased, and thank you for sharing.


I love the diary aspect of this, objective yet clueless, fun stuff. Looking forward to more from Daisy's Diary.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.