Published: 21-Jul-2013
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"Maybe today will be the day", Anna thought as she sat waiting for the lesson to begin. She raised her butt off the piano bench and pulled up the back of her yellow sun dress ever so slightly so that when she sat back down it elevated the hem in front an inch or two on her legs.
Mr. Hardin entered from the kitchen carrying a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Bachelorhood had made him a good cook.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, hon, but I thought maybe you might like a little treat". He set the plate on the petite table next to the grand piano. "That is, if you do well with your etudes."
Both of these statements were spurious. Ten year old Anna was a chunky little girl. She would certainly enjoy the cookies, especially chocolate chip, her favorite.
As far as her exercises were concerned there was just as small a chance she wouldn't do them well. Being a little overweight and exceedingly smart meant being picked on in school. Having no real friends she spent most of her free time studying and practicing the piano.
She was as gifted with musical talent as she was with intelligence, Mr. Hardin's top student. This was not the reason, however, he plied her with goodies.
Anna was also an intuitive child, picking up on the slightest nuances of speech or behavior. The pats on the knee, touching her chest and lower back (to adjust her posture), dropping his pencil, or fixing a sticky pedal under the instrument, and the numerous indulgences of cookies, brownies, and cake brought her to the conclusion he had an extra special interest in her.
She didn't understand it, but it was more than acceptable to her. No one else gave her that kind of notice. Because of that she generally wore skirts or dresses, making it easier to show some leg, or give him a better look as he picked up his pencil.
She was always ready to go a little bit farther. She wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but she was always ready. Hence the thought, "Maybe today will be the day".
Mr. Hardin, at sixty-one, was a retired music teacher. Not old enough to draw Social Security he lived off a small teacher's pension and the money he made giving music lessons. Early on he recognized the potential in the chubby youngster. She was a exceptional little ten year old with a high IQ and was seemingly unconscious of his prurient advances.
He had seen hundreds of little girls come through his classroom at school and developed a fascination for them. Years of standing in front of classes of young legs spread in such a way that not catching a view was all but impossible had given him a libidinous desire to enjoy the scenery. Retirement was no different.
For the most part he behaved himself, but with Anna he took a few liberties. "She just thinks of me as a very friendly, somewhat clumsy old man," he thought. No harm. No foul. He certainly had no further intentions.
Half way through the lesson Anna had performed amazingly, as usual, and Mr. Hardin gave her permission to partake of the rich reward. Not one to pass up chocolaty goodness she grabbed a cookie and began to snack.
Just as she neared the end, a piece, loaded with a gob chocolate, fell into her lap.
"Oh, no", she wailed," Mother will skin me if I get stains on this dress!"
Mr. Hardin was quick to try and save the day. Delicately picking the fragment from her skirt he disappeared for a few seconds, returning with a damp cloth and a bottle of club soda. Slipping his hand under the material and, lifting it a little more than required, he began to scrub the stain.
Anna was sure he probably had a very good view of her panties. Her throat became dry and her respiration quickened. She wasn't sure why that thought excited her, but it did.
After a few minutes of concentrated work he sighed and ceased his efforts. "It's not as noticeable as it was," he said, "but it's still there."
"I'm going to be in so much trouble," she moaned.
"It's too bad you don't have a jacket or something else to put on," he said. "I'd toss it in the washer with some stain remover and it'd be as good as new".
[Brilliant ideas come in an instant. Often one wonders afterward how they came about. They are truly like the light bulb image above one's head flicking on.]
Anna jumped off the bench and chimed, "Oh! Would you! That'd be so great!"
As the statement came from her lips she was quickly slipping out of her dress. It was an easy fluid move. Shoulder straps down, arms slid out, swiftly pulled over the hips, and stepped out of before Mr. Hardin even knew it.
"Oh! Oh, my!" he stammered as the realization hit him.
Even at her tender age she knew she had to keep him occupied with the task at hand or he would balk at her being in her present state. She wadded the dress up and shoved it in his shaking hands. "Thank you, so much," she mewed, purposefully making her eyes watery with mock emotion.
"Yes. Um, well. Um, yes. Okay," he spluttered as he headed toward the kitchen with the soiled garment.
In his absence Anna began making plans. "This IS going to be the day," she muttered under her breath.
She wore a pair of pink bikini briefs which she tugged down a touch and sat on the bench. With her back to the kitchen door she knew he would have to notice her butt crack peaking above the tops of her panties. She trembled with anticipation for... well, she had no idea, really.
When Mr. Hardin reentered the room he was carrying an old flannel shirt. He stopped short in the doorway as he caught sight of her. A small, plump, round shouldered little thing sitting on the piano bench, her legs crossed at the ankles, swinging freely, and the baby butt crack caused him to reconsider his determination to clothe her. He tossed the shirt over the back of a kitchen chair and came back to his seat.
As soon as he was near her he became exceedingly nervous, realizing he was taking his hobby to the next level. "Anna," he said, his voice quavering, "You really shouldn't be here like this. I couldn't get in any more trouble than if you were completely naked".
[Light bulb!]
"Oh, okay," she replied. Sliding off the bench her panties were down and off in a flash.
He marveled at how quickly this little girl could undress, or maybe he was just slow to react. Or, maybe, he wondered, did he simply not want to stop her?
At any rate, here she stood, wearing nothing but a smile.
He was completely flustered as he tried to protest. "Oh! No, Anna. Oh, my stars! What are you doing?"
"You said you couldn't be in any MORE trouble if I was bare-naked, so I thought that was what you meant," she lied. "Besides, you always said it would be so much easier to check as person's posture if they weren't wearing clothes."
"Sweetie, if anyone ever found out about this they would lock me up for the rest of my life."
The smile faded from her lips as she got serious. "No one will ever find out," she vowed. "Mr. Hardin, I would never ever get you in trouble. Besides, the way you pat my knee and touch my leg, and look up my skirt when you think I don't notice I think you WANT to look at me and touch me."
He didn't deny anything about what she just said. He knew she had a higher than average IQ. He realized he hadn't been as discreet as he gave himself credit for.
He was about to apologize for his indiscretions and beg forgiveness when she added in a very quiet tone, "Now you can".
She stood back, giving him the full view. He could no longer keep up the ruse of objection. He gazed at this prepubescent little wonder. Her "dirty" blond hair hung just past her shoulders with light curls and bangs that framed her face like an oval Victorian portrait. But this was no Victorian image that stood before him. This was the aura of a preteen cherub; the bud of femininity just before it bloomed.
Anna's face was red with excitement and, yes, a little embarrassment. The pale blue eyes probed his expression for some hint of what he was thinking. He knew he would have to say something soon, but for now all he could do is drink in her essence like a fine wine.
She had a beautiful, albeit pudgy, face with a slight double chin that gave it that look of tenderness. Her shoulders sloped weakly in a way that made him want to put his arms around her. She really hadn't begun to develop breasts yet, but her pudginess gave them the impression of small burgeoning titties. The aureolae were pink and puffy, and protruded somewhat with exhilaration. She had a little spare tire around her middle, and her tummy made a little roll over her pubis. The only hair she had below her waist was a light coating of peach fuzz on her lower legs. Her mound was completely bald and her cleft was plump and pouty, the labia just peeking out.
"I know I'm fat and ugly. I hope you aren't disappointed," she said, breaking the silence.
He had no choice but to speak, now, but from his heart he declared, "Sweetheart, don't ever say that. Don't ever think that. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen".
Her smile returned with fervor and her eyes became moist again, but this time for real. She threw herself into his arms which accepted her in earnest. He caressed her back. One hand strayed to her buttocks, finding them soft and pliable.
He could feel the moistness of tears through his shirt and felt the throes of her sobs. Pulling her away he asked, "What's the matter? Are you scared? Do you want me not to touch you?"
"No. Oh, no," she replied. "I'm happy. I'm very happy, and I want you to touch me."
The next few minutes were spent with Mr. Hardin exploring every inch of Anna with his fingertips. These were the fingers of a musician, skilled in coaxing the most beautiful of music from any instrument, and he played her with all the passion of a Beethoven sonata, all the emotion of a Mahler symphony.
For Anna, it was just what she needed; someone to accept her as she was and display it in a concrete way and loving way. She reveled in it, and when he touched her between the legs she spread them to allow access. She drew in her breath and held it.
His fingers gently manipulated her outer lips, parting the folds, exploring their depth. Anna released her breath in a gust of pent up feelings.
Mr. Hardin moved her to the end of the bench. She sat and he gently laid her back. He got down on his knees and spread her legs.
"If you don't like this, or feel funny about it, just tell me to stop. It's okay," he told her. He lifted her legs onto his shoulders and brought his face close to her virgin pink mound. Gently he placed a kiss on it, and on her now exposed labia. His tongue traced along each side of it then entered the cleft searching for the clitoris.
At first it tickled, but she managed to keep from laughing. Feeling a tongue playing down there was a new sensation. She wasn't sure what to make of it. When the initial impulse to laugh faded she found herself wanting to squirm. Emotions surfaced she had never felt before, somewhat wonderful, somewhat scary.
Anna raised her head slightly to look. From this angle she noticed his graying hair was thinning on top. This thought made her want to laugh again, but took her mind off her angst. She relaxed and let the feelings he was arousing in her play their course. She did not achieve and orgasm, or even know what one was. That would be many lessons away. But, it was enjoyable in a way she had never experienced before.
After a while he stopped and sat back on his chair. She sat up and faced him. Neither spoke for a long moment, an uncomfortable silence. They sat like two teenagers after their first exploration of each other not knowing how to proceed.
Eventually he said, almost in a whisper, "What now?"
[Light bulb]
Anna got a huge grin on her face and slid off the stool. She grabbed the buckle on his belt and started undoing it. "What are you doing?" he asked, nervousness rang in each word.
She didn't look up at him, but continued her task, hoping he wouldn't stop her.
Not knowing exactly how to phrase it she chimed, "I want to see little Mr. Hardin".
The innocence of the statement made him laugh, staying the possibility of stopping her.
"There's one thing you should remember," he chuckled, "when talking about a man's organ, never refer to it as little."
The joke went over Anna's head. She shrugged. By now she had his belt undone and his pants unzipped. She was about to reach into jockeys and find his penis. This was a momentous occasion for her. It was better than Christmas and birthdays rolled into one.
The first time she grasped the shaft she was amazed by the thickness and the hardness of it. When she pulled it out her eyes grew to twice their normal size. It was so big, so regal, so proud. Her hand wrapped around it and slid slowly up, then down the length.
Mr. Hardin closed his eyes. The feeling was beyond description.
Anna kissed the tip, and then picked a wayward hair off it before taking the head in her mouth. He moaned. Using both her hand and her mouth she began to fellate him in earnest. He stopped her. Anna looked into his eyes with an expression that asked, "did I do anything wrong?"
He asked, "Do you what happens when you do this to a man's penis?"
"I've had a computer of my own since I was seven, "she answered. A playful, naughty look danced around her eyes. "I've seen lots of men and girls do lots of stuff. I know it squirts into their mouths." The answer exited her mouth as if she were answering a question in class.
"And that wouldn't bother you?" He didn't want to take advantage of his young protégé even though his whole being ached for such a treat.
"Oh, no," she chimed. "I want to. I really do. I've seen how much the guys on the computer like it. Wouldn't you like it that much, too?"
Her innocence made her that much more desirable, but he wanted to make sure she was clear on what was to transpire. "I just want to know you won't be grossed out by it," he said, truthfully.
"I won't be," she said. "I promise". With that assertion made she bent her head to his throbbing member and began again. Her hand worked the shaft while she took mostly just the tip and a little more into her small mouth, then sliding back.
She must have watched a lot of porn, he thought, because she does it like a pro.
Anna never seemed to tire, working slowly, using her tongue in an occasional twist about the head of his dick that sent shivers down his spine.
Most of his adult life had been spent in masturbation fantasies concerning the young ladies of his music classes. Now he was experiencing the real thing. It was better than he ever imagined.
His breathing became more rapid as he neared orgasm. She could feel the muscles of his thighs tighten and instinctively picked up the pace. His moans were music of their own to her ears.
She knew she was pleasing him and that was all that counted. This man, who had given her a way to escape the pressures of being a "smart" kid, to express herself through the art of music, to excel in something so soul-enriching, she was paying back in a way that seemed natural to her. She understood grownups would think this was the most perverted thing imaginable. As far as she was concerned they need never know. For her, it was simply right.
There was a slight contraction of the shaft she noticed, a spasm of sorts, and she prepared herself for what she knew was coming. She was utterly surprised, though, by the force of his orgasm. It flooded her mouth so quickly, the volume and pressure were more than she anticipated but she struggled to keep up with the flow. Swallowing in big gulps she managed, but just barely.
She was also shocked that it was so warm and salty; however this did not bother her.
Finally when the torrent of cum slowed and ceased she pulled her head back and smiled up at him, a dribble of sperm trickling down her chin. "Was it okay," she asked.
"Sweetheart, it was magnificent," he replied.
"I guess now I have played your piano AND your organ," she giggled.
She did the rest of the less naked. From that day all her lessons were done in the nude. He never tired of watching her. He never again took her ten dollars, instead, making her secretly save it. When she graduated, at sixteen, with a full scholarship to a prestigious music school, she had a clandestine bankroll of over three thousand dollars.
The baked treats gave way to other treats and she grew into a lovely, shapely young woman. At the age of eleven she had her first orgasm. At twelve he took her virginity. By fifteen, at her insistence, they experimented with anal sex. Whenever she returned home from college she made a point of looking him up, though, by then the sex had all but ceased due to his age and health, which was failing.
He managed to live long enough to see her perform with a full symphony at Carnegie Hall.
When he died she was very sad, and grieved for the loss of a friend; for the one who took a misfit and gave her the tools to make the world fit around her; for the one who opened the doors to the beauty and power of music and sexuality, all through his etudes.
Howdy Sam
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