Sunbathing, Part 2

[ Mg, ws, oral, cons ds ]

by Ndelta

Published: 26-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

When Kirsty left after our first sexual encounter I stayed naked and wandered from my bedroom to the lovely big shower I had in my en suite bathroom. As the hot cascade of water washed over me I had some moments of guilt, had I coerced her, had I pushed her to do something she did not want to do?

Then I played the encounter over in my head again and realised that whilst I did push things forward, she had been a more than willing participant and after all she had initiated everything with her apparent need or desire to stare at my crotch as I sunbathed. Of course reliving the event in my head caused me to harden as I soaped myself and before long I was fully hard again.

I leant against the tiled wall of the shower and brought myself to another climax. I was surprised at the intensity, my knees almost gave way, also that I had managed to cum again so soon after I had filled Kirsty. It normally took me far longer to recover; I was clearly hyper-aroused by the whole affair.

As I stood at my bedroom window towelling myself dry I watched Kirsty come out into her garden with her football again, this time she was wearing shorts as well as her Spurs top. I wondered if the bikini bottoms had been just for my benefit?

I spent ten minutes or so admiring the grace with which she moved and the obvious skill she had with the football - there was definitely no need for the ball to have come into my garden so often earlier. Kirsty glanced occasionally towards my garden and once looked up to the window I was standing in. I smiled down at her and a knowing smile drifted across her face.

Before she could properly acknowledge me her head turned sharply towards her house, a moment later her mother came into the garden and gave her a hug, clearly just back from work again. As Kirsty hugged her Mum she looked over her shoulder and blew me a very obvious kiss.

I think that was all the answer I needed. I had no need to feel guilt about forcing her to do something she didn't want to do. She was of course so young that I could still get into a heap of trouble but I clearly had not coerced her.

Once dry I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of light trousers and spent the rest of the day between the garden and the kitchen, occasionally seeing Kirsty over the low hedge between our gardens but mostly just getting on with the jobs I had to do.

When I went to bed that night I had to, again, bring myself off to release the sexual tension I felt. The experience with Kirsty had been so intense that I could think of little else and I wondered, and hoped, that there may be other chances over the last few days that I had off work.

The following morning I woke refreshed after a good night's sleep, one of the best nights I had had for a while. I decided to stay at home again as there were a number of jobs I had to do, to mow the lawn and to do a few little DIY jobs around the house that had stacked up.

The weather was glorious again so I just wore a pair of canvas cut offs that came just below my knee and a baggy shirt. The cut offs were the sort you could wear if you wanted to look like a pirate and indeed I had worn them before at fancy dress parties. They were lovely and baggy and loose, so loose that I could pull them down without undoing the buttons or fly if I wanted to.

Ideal for doing jobs on a hot summer's day.

About mid morning I was pushing my mower around the garden when Kirsty's father John called to me from across the hedge. I turned the machine off and wandered over to him.

"Hi David, how are you?"

"Fine thanks John, and you?"

"Oh I'm fine although I have a really messed up schedule this week. I had a full night last night and have not had much sleep as I am back in after lunch for a late shift so I will probably be totally exhausted by the time I get home late this evening."

"The downside of shift work I suppose."

"Exactly, but I was thinking, as the weather is so good I thought I would fire up the barbie for Kirsty and me at lunchtime and wondered if you wanted to join us?"

"That's a really kind offer, if you are sure it's ok I would love to join you. Can I bring anything?"

"No need, I am not doing anything fancy, I'll give you a shout when it's ready."

"OK, if I'm not in the garden I will be in the house somewhere so either give me a shout or send Kirsty over to come and find me."

"OK, I'll see you later."

I went back to finish the lawn and then went into the house to wait for lunch. I didn't want to be in shouting distance as it would be fun to have Kirsty come and find me. Not only did I still feel horny but I also felt naughty and adventurous, this might be fun.

About 30 minutes later I smelt freshly lit charcoal - like me John did things right, no lazy gas barbecue for him but good old fashioned charcoal. I knew that in about another 30-40 minutes it would be ready and he would be calling me.

I popped up stairs and had a quick shower to freshen up, when I dressed I put a pair of tight, figure hugging, trunks on under the cut offs, something that would show my package off well if I pulled my cut offs down. I really hoped I would have a chance to show Kirsty.

I was upstairs when, right on cue, I heard John calling from the garden. I watched through my bedroom window, out of sight from him until I saw Kirsty weaving her way through the gap in the hedge to come and find me.

I moved to the stairs and started down towards to kitchen. I could hear Kirsty calling for me and was most of the way down when she walked through from the kitchen.

"Oh, there you are Mr Stevens. Dad says that lunch is nearly ready."

She stood at the bottom of the stairs looking slightly up at me as I hooked my fingers in the waist band of my cut offs and slowly pulled them down to reveal my mostly erect cock tightly constrained in my trunks. The shape of it was clear to see in a rather crude way.

Kirsty gasped and then looked nervously back through to kitchen to see if her father was in sight. When she turned back to me I had come down to the very bottom step. I reached out and lightly held her right wrist and moved her hand forward and straight onto my erection.

She moaned and immediately started to feel the outline of my manhood staring straight at it.

"So, you want more of this do you?"

She swallowed audibly and after checking again through the kitchen she looked at me and nodded.

"You want my hard cock?" again the slight nod.

"When is you mother home today?"

"She is working later than usual Mr Stevens and won't be back until nearly 7.00"

"In which case Kirsty, I think you can have this later after your father goes to work. If you really want it that is."

Her reply was as much a moan as it was spoken words and was accompanied but a further stroking of me through the material of my trunks.

"Oh God yes Mr Stevens, I have thought of little else since yesterday."

"OK let's go and join your Dad."

I pulled my cut offs up again, checked that my hard on was not obvious (another advantage of the tight trunks) and walked past Kirsty towards the garden.

"Come on then." and with that I was through the kitchen and into the garden.

"Sorry John, I was doing some jobs upstairs and I think Kirsty was a little shy to come and find me. Bless her."

"She's a good kid and growing into quite a young lady."

"I'm sure she is and she does you credit."

"That's kind of you David; did you hear that Kirsty? David thinks you are become quite the young lady."

"Thank you Mr Stevens, that's very nice of you."

"Please, call me David, we are neighbours after all."

Kirsty looked at me and blushed as only young girls can, cute enough to melt an old man's heart.

"David, we have burgers or hot dogs or both, they are nearly ready if you want to get your buns ready."

I went to the table where everything was laid out but on the way I realised that neither John nor I had a drink.

"John, I'm going to pop a cold one for myself, would you like one?"

"I'd love one but am off to work straight after lunch so I had better had a soft drink thanks all the same."

"No problem. Kirsty, would you be a sweetie and pop into my kitchen and bring me a beer from the fridge and cans of pop for you and your Dad."

Kirsty turned and went back through the hedge to my kitchen. She was only a moment or two and then was back out with a can of larger for me and a coke each for herself and her Dad. She came and joined us where we were at the barbecue and squeezed in between her Dad and me.

She held our drinks up to us and while her Dad leant over to kiss her on the cheek I ran my free hand over the curve of her bottom and down into the gap between her legs. Even through the skirt she was wearing I could feel the heat of her pussy. I guessed that she was pretty aroused. I certainly was.

I only touched her for a brief moment before returning my attention to the meat cooking on the barbecue as if nothing had happened. John dished up the burgers and hotdogs and we all moved over to the table on the decking at the back of their house.

Kirsty sat next to her Dad and I was across from them on the other side of the table. We chatted easily between us, John made sure that we included Kirsty in the conversation and asked her to tell us how her football season had gone.

Once we had finished eating John went and made himself a coffee and Kirsty brought another beer for me and a coke for herself this time from their fridge.

"Kirsty, are you sure you want another coke dear, it will go right through you, you know. You'll be peeing all afternoon if you are not careful" John admonished her as he sat back and enjoyed his coffee.

"I'll be fine Dad, stop worrying about me." this was accompanied by typically teenaged raised eyes, as if he was always going on at her.

"Sorry dear, I know you are much more grown up now but old habits die hard." Kirsty leant back in her seat but she also brought her feet up to the seat beside her bum. They were demurely kept together so her modesty was protected but it gave me a lovely view of the length of her legs.

I should explain what Kirsty was wearing. She had a simple white blouse that came to her waist but not long enough to tuck into her skirt, she did not seem to be wearing a bra or vest of any sort. The simple denim shirt she had on was not short and fell just about to her knees.

As she sat with her feet in the seat beside her bottom and her knees hugged to her chest she was able to pull her skirt down so that it was just over her knees. With both her thighs and her shins pressed together she was protecting her modest and although I could admire how long and slim her legs were I could not see anything more.

I was chatting to John about nothing very much, just enjoying a few minutes rest after a good feed, I was conscious that she was staring at me quite intently. I glanced over to her and she choose that moment, no doubt deliberately, to move her feet apart so that they were at opposite sides on the chair seat. Her thighs were still held close together but her shins were now not. Instead they were framing a triangle through which I could look straight at the gusset of her panties.

As her Dad was sitting a little behind her he saw nothing untoward but from where I was I had a fabulous view of her panties, bulging obviously with her sex. They were simple plain cotton knickers with a little piece of lace edging, they were faded pink as if they were not new and had been washed pretty often. The sort of knickers that any young girl would wear and in no way "sexy". It was not easy to concentrate on what John was saying with such a delectable view in front of my eyes but I don't think he noticed.

After a couple of minutes he got up and went to the barbecue to make sure the coals were bedded down nicely and he took all the dirty cookware in to the kitchen. No doubt, like most blokes, he expected his wife to clean them later.

While he was away from the table Kirsty took the opportunity to part her knees as far as her skirt would allow. She created a sort of tent with the skirt and I was able now to also see the front of her panties and the base of her tummy. I nearly choked when I realised that on the front panel she had the Rolling Stones logo, large red lips with a long tongue sticking out, the tongue came nearly to the top of her very obvious cameltoe. Maybe not girlie and innocent knickers after all. It looked like a very direct invitation.

"OK David, I am going to have to head to work now. No need for you to rush away if you want to relax with your beer. Kirsty will be fine here on her own until her mother gets back at about 7.00. Is it OK for her to come over if she needs anything?"

I was locked eye to eye with Kirsty as I replied. "Of course John, anytime. I would be delighted to help." As John was not looking at me I raised an eyebrow in a clear signal too her. The way she blushed made it clear that she had understood the double meaning.

"There you are Kirsty, you heard David, if there is anything you need or if you are not comfortable on your own just pop over and see him. Right, well that's me done. I'm off to work. Bye."

He kissed Kirsty on the top of her head, of course her legs were demurely together again, he waved at me as he disappeared into the house for the last time. Kirsty and I were still looking at each other when we heard the front door slam followed by the car starting and heading off. As the engine noise died away in the distance an intense silence fell on the garden, you could have cut the air with a knife.

Without breaking eye contact Kirsty slowly parted her knees again. This time she also reached both her hands above her head and stretched pushing her small budding breasts against the near transparent material of her blouse. I was aware of this in my peripheral vision as vague movement. I slowly allowed my eyes to drift down her body taking in her nipples pressed against her blouse and clearly erect and then moving down to her panties tight pressed against the mount of her sex with her lips and mons clearly discernible.

I was also pretty certain that there was a darker wet spot in the middle of her gusset. Was she really getting wet just sitting there and showing her panties to me? Was it me staring at her that aroused her or the act of flashing herself or perhaps it was the knowledge that we were alone for the next 5 hours or so until her mother came home?

It was warm now and my second beer had slid down without resistance, the idea of time alone, without interruption, with Kirsty was delicious and I was now pretty hard just sitting there looking at her. I was sure that if I just asked her we would pick up where we had left off yesterday but I wanted to repeat the process of a slower seduction. I had enjoyed making her initiate the contact between us yesterday and wanted to play a similar flirting game today.

Still holding Kirsty in an intense gaze I stood up, making no attempt to hide my obvious erection I walked around the table to stand in front of her looking down at her. I casually rested my hands on her knees allowing my thumb to gently caress the skin at the top of her lower leg.

"I have some jobs to do in the garden. Do you have any plans this afternoon? If not you can help me if you like."

She smiled slightly. "OK if you think I can help you."

"I am sure you will be fine."

I turned casually away and headed towards my garden. "Come on then Kirsty, no time like the present."

She followed me through the hedge and onto my property. I really did have jobs to do although I would have been perfectly able to do them on my own but I wanted Kirsty near me. I wanted to be able to discretely admire her but most importantly I wanted her to see me and be close to me. I wanted her to admire my strength and I suppose my body too.

We did of course find reason to casually touch each other in passing, absolutely nothing sexual but charged all the same and then as I started to get hot with the work and I felt my sweat start to run I took off my top. I could have sworn that I heard a sharp in take of breath at the sight of my muscular chest and stomach. We had been working for perhaps 45 minutes when I called a break.

"Right Kirsty I think we have both earned a reward, could you pop to the kitchen and get us both a drink?" she dutifully went into the house and emerged a moment later with another beer for me and a coke for herself.

We stood in the sun enjoying the warmth, both of us hot from the work, we were quiet but not distant from each other. I liked the fact that she seemed comfortable with silence between us. She fairly quickly finished her coke, perhaps she was thirsty after our work.

"David? Could I try your beer? Dad has never let me try it before."

"Feeling all grown up again today are we?" she blushed at the clear double meaning.

"Am I not grown up enough in your eyes?" a good answer and a delight that she was wanting to play this flirting game with me.

I took the beer bottle from my lips and looked at her. "Sure, why not? But I warn you that you may not like it."

I held the bottle out to her which meant that she had to come over to me to get it, as she reached for it I brought it back slightly towards me so that she had to stand pretty close. I could smell her clean hair and although she was also sweating she had a clean and fresh odour that was rather attractive.

She brought the bottle to her lips and took a tiny sip. She paused and took another longer pull.

"Hey, that's not bad, I wasn't sure I would like it but it's nice."

I laughed "Funnily enough I rather like it myself, and that's my beer you are scoffing."

I reached for it but as I did she pulled it back from me. We were now almost touching, very close.

"You're not going to deprive me of such a small amount of your beer are you, I was just starting to enjoy exploring this whole grown up thing." Again a comment loaded with double meaning.

The bottle was only half full and I thought it would do her no harm. "Oh go on then but you had better get me a replacement as I am still thirsty. I turned her by her shoulders pointing her towards the kitchen and patted her on her bottom to send her on her way.

She giggled and almost skipped her way back into the kitchen clearly very pleased to have been given the rest of the bottle.

While she was away I peeled off my cut offs and sat back in my lounger to enjoy the heat of the afternoon. She came out and stood in front of me to the side of the lounger, about level with my waist. She gave me my fresh beer and took another sip of hers. I was pleased to note that she had not rushed her beer and there was still plenty left. I didn't want her being sick or anything and I was pretty sure that his really was her first beer.

"So you like the beer huh?"

"Yer, it's not bad actually, a bit bitter and I am more used to sweet drinks but I guess I could get used to it."

"Probably best not to tell you Dad I gave it to you. He may not think you are ready for that."

"I think there is quite a lot that he wouldn't think I am ready for.....but he would be wrong." The message was clear enough, yesterday's fun was something she definitely thought she was ready for and wanted to repeat.

While we were chatting I noticed that she was a little uncomfortable standing there, she was sort of moving from foot to foot. I guessed after three cans of coke and almost half a bottle of beer that she was needing a pee. This could be a good tease, see how long I could make her hold out. I can be pretty juvenile sometimes but I thought it would be fun.

Standing where she was the sun was almost directly behind her but not quite, so I was having to squint up at her and to hold one hand above my eye to block the sun out.

"Kirsty, could you move to your right a bit so that the sun isn't directly in my eyes?" She leant over the lounger but couldn't get quite far enough and looked very uncomfortable.

"A bit further please. Look, it might be easier to stand across the lounger." She reached her right leg over the lounger and was then perfectly placed to completely block the sun from my face and I was able to look at her without squinting. This was, naturally, no accident as I had placed the lounger deliberately so that this could happen.

"That's perfect, thank you." she was still up by my waist but now with her legs parted, straddling the lounger. She was actually right above the top of my thighs, just below my crotch. With my tight trunks on she could clearly see that it was again hard and showing very obviously.

I noticed her attempts to subtly glance at me, not very subtle really as she tried to enjoy the view. Time to increase the teasing.

"You know Kirsty you really have very nice legs, must be all the football you play, such a pity to hide them with that skirt." As I said this I put my beer down and reached up with both my hands and started to caress her lower legs, from her ankles up over her calf muscles to behind her knees.

"They looked better when you were wearing you bikini bottoms yesterday."

"Really, I didn't think you had noticed David." There was a knowing smile behind that comment and she rather blatantly looked at my trunks.

"You do seem to be rather enjoying the view." As she had been before she was starting to wiggle a little from side to side, I think her bladder was sending her increasingly urgent messages.

"Why don't you raise your skirt so that I can admire your legs, you do like me looking at them don't you?" She nodded and moved her hands to the hem of her skirt.

"You mean like this?" with which she slowly raised it until it was bunched up around her waist and I could again see her pink panties with their very suggestive lips and tongue.

"Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking of. Such lovely legs but such naughty knickers. If I was your father I would put you over my knee and spank your bottom for being so naughty." She dramatically raised her eyebrows at this and again the hint of a smile, so she had thought about that sort of thing too, worth noting for the future but for now I had other ideas.

She was looking increasingly uncomfortable now and had started to bite her bottom lip.

"You look uncomfortable, are you OK?"

"I'm fine, it's just the coke and beer working its way through, I really need the loo. Can I go in and use yours?"

"No." That surprised her.

"I want you to stay and finish your beer, call it a punishment for wearing such naughty knickers, it would serve you right if you wet them."

"Oh God, I don't think I can, I really need to go."

"Stay there and finish your drink." I sat up, so that now my hands could run up and down her thighs both stimulating her and also holding her where she was. It also brought my face to a level with her panties and only a few inches away.

"Go on, drink your beer."

She actually moaned when she raised the bottle to her lips again but she drank some. It took her a good 5 minutes to drain the bottle and she was really jiggling about now. My hands were running up and down the back of her thighs and reaching through to the sensitive skin on her inner thigh right up by her panties.

"There, can I go now?"

"No, I want you to stay longer, to see how long you can hold out for. See if you can last while I count to 100."

"You're kidding. Please no."

"One, two, three...." I was in no hurry and was dragging it out. Kirsty was moving her hips back and forward and side to side to try and ease the pressure on her bladder and had a really pained look on her face. She was still holding her skirt up so I still had a fabulous view to enjoy.

"Twenty one, twenty two, ...."

"Are you going to make it?"

"No way, I can't."

"Just think how heavenly it will feel to let go, the pleasure and relief will be intense. Such satisfaction."


"The release of pressure, your bladder emptying."

"Pleeeease, this is too much, let me go."

"Thirty five, thirty six....."

"Imagine how good it will feel to let go."

"I can't hold any longer. I have to go and now."

"Don't move." I was very stern and at the same time I gripped the back of her thighs to hold her still."

"Arrrrrggggghhhh. No......" With my face just a few inches from the front of her panties I had a perfect view as she finally lost control. I had never even thought about 'water sports' before and never thought that such a thing would be erotic, but it was fascinating to see the darker patch appear just below the tongue on her panties. It quickly spread between her legs and then after a short delay I could see it running down her thighs.

I could smell its saltiness and warmth, it wasn't strong and was probably very dilute due to everything she had drunk. It didn't seem dirty at all but it was massively erotic and I was very hard indeed. Kirsty's head was bowed in embarrassment and she was biting her lip again but she couldn't stop herself from sighing deeply as the relief washed over her.

"Sit down Kirsty, now." I pulled her down onto my lap, making sure that she landed right on top of my erection and as she sat I pushed my hips up so that my arousal was pressing against her. I could feel the warmth of her pee running over my trunks and between my thighs.

"I bet that feels fantastic, all that pressure released, such a feeling of satisfaction." she moaned again as she continued to pee and ground her hips forward over my cock, now wet with her piss. Still she continued to pee, there seemed no end to it and my crotch and thighs were now also soaked.

"I can't describe how good it feels, it's such a relief, and you feel so hard, does it turn you on?"

"To my surprise it does, it feels warm and very erotic. Does it turn you on too?"

"Yessssss, more than I can believe. I think I am wet and I don't mean from the pee." She finally stopped and relaxed into my lap.

"Stand up now, here beside the lounger." she stood with her legs slightly apart because her panties were drooping in the crotch due to the weight of the wet material.

"Let's get these off you before you start to get cold." I reached up and peeled her soaking knickers down until she could kick them off. I reached behind her and unzipped her skirt which also fell to the ground at her feet.

"My trunks are also wet, take them off for me." it was an instruction rather than a request. She used both hands to grip the waist and I lifted my hips to ease their passage down my legs, as they came down my cock sprang up, as hard as I had ever been and shiny wet with her urine.

"Stand across the lounger again Kirsty." Another instruction which she complied with immediately. This whole experience seemed to have given me a different level of control over her. Of course she was young and I was an adult, even a father figure but this was different. It was a sort of compliance that had a sexual edge to it as if she would do whatever I asked of her.

She was now stood in front at me, still level with my waist but now with only her thin white blouse on. I leant forward again gripping her thighs from behind, I pulled her towards me and moved my head forward at the same time until I was almost touching her nearly hairless pussy. She was definitely aroused, her lips were puffy and there was a moist shine further back from where she had peed.

With my nose just millimetres from her I took a long deep sniff, and gave a deep and satisfied moan. My tongue snaked out and licked up the front half of her slit catching the last few remaining drips of urine waiting to drop. The taste was surprisingly pleasant, slightly salty but not pungent or dirty, it was actually a rather subtle taste.

She reached down and pulled my head forward with her hands increasing the strength of contact between us. She pushed her hips forward and my tongue traced further back and into her pussy. There was a different taste and feel here, more slippery and a clear flavour of arousal, there was no hiding her reaction. After licking her clean, all around her pussy including the inside of her thighs, I could not wait a moment longer, my desire was a physical ache.

"Sit down Kirsty." My hands on her hips helped her to lower herself down and onto my lap. My cock lay trapped between us, lined up perfectly along the line of her pussy. With guidance from me she started to slide and grind herself along my length delivering stimulation directly to her clitoris. Without reducing the contact between us I pulled her forward until her head was resting on my chest. I kissed her hair and ran my hands over her bare bottom while allowing her to continue stimulating herself against me.

Both of us revelled in the memory of what had just happened. The build up of tension in Kirsty as her need rose and then peaked with the joy of release tainted by natural embarrassment and then surrender. Through this there had also been a change in the balance between us. Despite her rising need she was absolutely obedient to me. It was something more than the fact that I was a grown up, it was far more of a submission, an acceptance that what I asked or her, no, demanded of her, was ultimately for her good.

She felt that through the pain of denial when her instinct was to simply go to the toilet in the house and then the almost orgasmic release when she finally overcame her inhibitions and emptied her bladder on us both. The combination of pleasure from the release and rising sexual arousal added another element. I was sure that she would play similar games again, perhaps on her own but hopefully with me also.

I had also learned through this, I had never sought sexual pleasure through water games before, I had never felt any desire to. I'm not a prude and it's not that I disapproved but it had never been something that attracted me, I now realised that the dominance element was arousing for me and the act of controlling her so firmly that she had no choice but to wet herself was stimulating. The fact that she then released herself over me too was a surprising additional pleasure. I enjoyed the feeling of her warm urine running over my crotch. The subtle and mild taste of the small amount I tried was also unexpectedly nice.

"Mmmmmm" Kirsty sighed, vibrating against my chest, I was sure that she had experienced as much pleasure as I had. We lay there for a few minutes, the only movement between us the slight back and forth of her hips over my crotch, I did not want us to loose the high that we had just experienced , indeed my contentment did nothing to reduce my aroused state which was being reinforced by her continued stimulation.

"Take your shirt off Kirsty." Obediently she sat up and took her shirt off over her head. I moved my hands from her hips to the sides of her chest just under her now exposed breasts. I pulled her forward until I could take first one nipple and then the other into my mouth, running my tongue around its erect shape to ensure that they sat up pert and hard. She moaned and leant her head back.

With my mouth still running over her chest I moved my hands back to her hips and gripped her firmly and guided her back and forth along the length of my cock. Much though I wanted to penetrate her again as I had yesterday I did not want that to happen here in the garden. Although private there was always the very slight risk that one of her parents would return unexpectedly or that we would some how or other be seen.

"I think we should go inside now don't you?"

"Yes David. Are you going to put it in me again?"

"Not if you don't use the right names I wont. Ask me properly."

"Will you put your big hard cock inside me again David?"

"Better but what is that called?" As we were having this discussion I swung me legs over the side of the lounger without disturbing Kirsty from my lap.

"Will you fuck me with your big hard cock David?"

"What a good idea Kirsty. Would you like that?" In response she leant forward and kissed me fully on the lips - nothing "little girl" in this kiss.

Without breaking our kiss I cupped my hands under her delectable bottom and in one movement stood and took her weight. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we continued to kiss as I walked with her across the garden and into the kitchen. All the time my fully erect cock was nudging at the entrance to her pussy and I cold feel her vaginal juices running down my cock and onto my balls.

Carrying Kirsty like this was no problem at all, she was so small and light that it took almost no effort and anyway she held some of her weight on with her hands around my neck.

Once we were in the kitchen and out of sight of any accidental interruptions I leant her back against a blank piece of wall, moving one hand under her bottom to take her weight I moved the other to my cock so that I could hold its base and guide the head to the entrance of her pussy.

Like this I first rubbed the head up and down her pussy smearing it with her juices so that it was nicely lubricated, at the same time it forced her lips apart in readiness for what was to come. Taking my hand away I gentle lowered her down onto my cock. She sighed as the first couple of inches pushed into her - much easier than yesterday but still very tight.

It felt fantastic to have the head of my cock buried in her pussy and I had to resist the urge to just plunge my full length into her. But that was not what I wanted - I wanted something more delicious more tender and something that would tease at the same time.

Once my cock was securely in the tight glove of her pussy I moved back off the wall and took her full weight again. After a little adjustment I had my arms underneath her knees taking her weight. Like this I walked down the hall to the stairs.

"Do you want to come to my bedroom again Kirsty?"

"Oh yes David, I want you to fuck me on your big bed."

"Alright, seeing as you have asked nicely..."

I started up the stairs; now I could have glided up smoothly but instead I took very deliberate steps almost bouncing my way up so that with each step my cock thrust further into her and then withdrew. By the time we were half way up I was giving her my full length again and she was grunting and gasping each time my pole embedded itself in her little pussy.

She was stretched, she was massively stimulated and she was clearly starting to build to her first orgasm. She was now vigorously bouncing up and down on my cock impaling herself rhythmically as I topped the stairs and walked towards my bedroom.

When I was standing by my bed I pulled her up off my cock which reluctantly left her with a clear slurping sound, she was so juiced up and groaned in frustration as I withdrew. I dropped her on the bed and then quickly turned her slight body until she was face down on her hands and knees.

"Something a little different for you today Kirsty." I lifted her hips up until her bottom was sticking up as much as possible and then I knelt behind her and started planting tiny, delicate little kisses all over the back of her thighs. I approached her sex and even tasted her juices on the inside of her thighs but I avoided actually touching her expectant lips and pussy.

I raised my hands to her buttocks and rather forcefully pushed her buttocks apart exposing her tight little brown rosebud. It was so pretty, puckered and hairless that I could not resist tickling it with the very tip of my tongue. She was incapable of stopping herself from moaning.

"Oh God David that feels amazing. Don't stop, please." I continued to tickle her, just touching her puckered ring with the tip of my tongue and then I stopped, moving my head back a little. She wiggled her bottom trying to find my tongue again.

In response I just blew gently on her ring and down across her pussy - she moaned. Then with no warning I licked firmly from just behind her pussy up and across her rosebud and on up her bottom crack. Then down again to repeat, pushing firmly with my tongue. Always licking from front to back and gradually increasing the pressure of my tongue. Then on the 4th or 5th pass I made my tongue narrow and rigid and pushed hard against her ring, managing to get it to open ever so slightly.

She groaned with pleasure and rolled her hips. I hummed while my mouth was still in contact with her and she moaned again.

"So you like that do you Kirsty?"

"It feels wow David, I never imagined my bottom cold give me pleasure but I want more, please don't stop."

"Seeing your pretty bottom sticking up like that have given me other ideas Kirsty." With this I stood up and firmly grasped her by the hips, she was the perfect height for my cock to slip into her well lubricated pussy and she was ready for me courtesy of our little walk up the stairs.

I touched my cock against her pussy entrance which was still a little open from when we have come up the stairs and felt the intense heat radiating from her. It was delicious as my cock head slipped easily into the warm and moist tightness of her sex. I paused with just my head inside her and teased her with a few tiny little short strokes.

"Does that feel good?" She nodded as she buried her head in the bed cover.

"Do you want a little more?" I was still teasing her with slight movement.

"God yes David, please don't tease me, I want all of you in me."

"You want all of me, every little bit of me? Do you think you are ready for that?"

"Oh yes, please."

"OK then I think this is what you are after." On the word -this- I pulled back with my hands on her hips and pushed forwards with all my strength and buried my cock to the very hilt with one long stroke. Her head shot up and she let out a cross between a yelp and a long gasp.

I didn't give her a moment to recover or to adapt to the extra penetration that doggy style gives before I withdrew again until I almost came out of her and then slammed back in again. She felt no less tight than before but it was clear that there was little pain for her and lots of pleasure, she grunted like an animal as I reached bottom inside her.

We rapidly built a strong rhythm of long and deep strokes, no holding back, no tenderness, just animal lust, rutting like beasts. It did not take long for her breathing to start to catch and become ragged and I could feel her flow of juice increase and her pussy to start to contract around my cock. I knew she would not be long in getting her orgasm and at the same time felt mine start to build.

I just love cumming doggy style, that moment when your body instinctively wants to get even further into her so that it can deposit your potent seed as near to her cervix as possible is just exquisite and the penetration is so much better in this position.

I felt the pressure building in my balls and move to the base of my cock, the rhythm of my strokes changed.

"I going to fill you now Kirsty, do you want my cum in you?"

"Oh God yes, fuck me, fill me, I want yooooouuuuuu, oh God I cummmmminnng tooooooo." She started to grunt with every thrust and I was at her like a jack hammer now. Sweat was pouring off us both and we were making sordid wet slapping sounds as we coupled.

I came first, those last few long and deep strokes, then the pause at your deepest penetration, and then you explode inside her. Rope after rope of cum propelled out of my cock deep inside her womanhood and all over the entrance to her uterus.

It was too much for her, she could feel that juice splash against her insides and she let go herself as waves of intense feeling washed over her, she was making incoherent sounds now, just totally surrendered to her own pleasure.

I could see her hair was stuck to her neck and shoulders by a sheen of sweat and her breathing was irregular and gasping. As we both came down from our orgasms I reached out and held her shoulders, still buried deep in her and I rolled us both over onto our sides.

Spooning like this I was able to add a little tenderness and started to gently stroke her sides and round to her immature chest, feeling and stroking the raised tenderness of her nipples. I could feel myself soften in the drenched sleeve of her pussy, no longer tight as my cock shrunk and before long I popped out with an obscene wet slurping sound, which caused us both to giggle.

"You felt so big and so deep like that, it was amazing. I love it when you fill me with your cum, my mind starts to float and I think I am going to pass out."

"I am glad you like it but there is so much more for you to learn. Do you want to learn more?"

"God yes, it feels amazing and I want it all the time - I thought of nothing else since yesterday and could hardly sleep last night."

"Good, we will have to try and find occasions when we can be alone - your parents must not know as they would not approve and would put a stop to it and I don't think you want that do you?" I tweaked her nipple as I said this and she yelped and rubbed her back and bottom into my front.

"Right young lady, we should have a quick shower after your little accident outside and then you need to get back before your parents get home. I'll just get your things from outside and come and join you in the shower in a minute."

We both got up from the bed, I pointed Kirsty to the shower and pulled some shorts on. I quickly went down to the garden and collected her clothes from beside the lounger where we had abandoned them and went back up to the bathroom - I couldn't resist taking a sniff of the soaking wet knickers. Despite being drenched in Kirsty's urine they did not smell bad - this seemed like a new line of sexual adventure for me.

So I was able to learn something from my rather young neighbour despite all my years of experience. I dropped her skirt and blouse on the bed as I passed and took the knickers into the bathroom with me. The shower was running and Kirsty was in already so I peeled off the shorts I had so recently put on and joined her, knickers in hand.

The first thing I did was to thoroughly rinse her knickers, once I had squeezed them out and draped them over the heated towel rail to dry I turned to my beautiful young companion. She was quite irresistible standing there in the cascade of water, once my hands were properly lathered up I set to helping her to wash thoroughly. It's true that I may have paid particular attention to her bottom and pussy but of course that was just to make sure she was completely clean.

Our shower ended up taking a full 45 minutes as we both seemed to be easily distracted. Before we had finished Kirsty was holding another deposit of my thick semen deep inside her and had a dreamy satisfied smile on her face by the time we had finished.

She finally made it home at about 6.00 pm to make sure that she was there when her mother returned. Although my holiday time was coming to an end we both knew that this would not be the end of our meetings as we were both incapable of stopping what had started the day before. We would have to work on ways to get some private time together.


To be continued.... please add comments if you like how this is developing and please feel free to suggest how it might continue.

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Amazing. Love the urine play.


Her mums sister comes over to stay with her 8 year old daughter who Kirsty feels would be a willing companion to help in the garden, until Kirsty finds her masturbating in the shower, and has other ideas. They find water sports are fun and continue with the 8 year old, venturing out in the evening to the park.




it was so hot to read this story love every line would love to have the mom join in the fun


really enjoyed especially the urine play

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