Published: 24-Jul-2013
Word Count:
Sarah: Wow, there you are.
Kyle: Hello :)
Kyle: Ha!
Kyle: How are you?
Sarah: Pretty good, how are you? :)
Kyle: Very good thank you.
Kyle: What time is it there?
Sarah: Ha
Sarah: 12:40 at night
Sarah: There?
Kyle: Wow. 8:40
Sarah: Jeez that's almost as far away as possible.
Kyle: How long has it been?
Sarah: lol
Sarah: Like I remember
Sarah: I think I was like 2 when you and Dad left?
Kyle: Right. So that makes it...
Sarah: 11 years :P
Kyle: Damn
Kyle: You're probably a lot different from the last time I saw you.
Sarah: Well I should hope so!
Kyle: I bet you're a beautiful young lady now.
Sarah: Aww thanks
Sarah: I have no memories of what you look like :P
Kyle: Well I saw a photo of you a couple years ago, you looked so beautiful then. I can only imagine now.
Sarah: Gonna make me blush big bro
Sarah: How old are you now?
Kyle: I'm 33
Sarah: Wow
Kyle: Wow?
Sarah: It's sort of weird having an older brother who's more than twice my age.
Kyle: Weird? Like how?
Sarah: Good weird, cool weird. You definitely need to come visit. How have we not seen each other in a million years?
Kyle: Oh it's a million now? How the time flies.
Sarah: Well pretty much my whole life :P
Kyle: Maybe you should come visit me instead, I live on my own here.
Sarah: Oh come on, Mom's not that bad.
Sarah: BAHAHA okay I can't say that with a straight face.
Kyle: That bad, huh?
Sarah: I used to hate you and Dad so much for leaving me with her.
Sarah: She's just so controlling.
Kyle: aww
Sarah: But I bet she'd let me visit you!
Kyle: Doesn't let you have any fun with boys eh?
Sarah: HAHA um no comment!
Kyle: hehehe
Kyle: Go on, tell your big bro
Kyle: Has any boy tried to get it on with you yet? Better not have.
Sarah: She actually put a nanny cam in my room to spy on me since she's away at work all day.
Kyle: Whoa
Kyle: So you can't even masturbate either?
Kyle: Sorry, I shouldn't be asking things like that.
Sarah: OMG so weird talking to you about this stuff
Sarah: but
Kyle: sorry sis
Sarah: that's actually how I found out about the camera, she saw that I'd been masturbating and freaked out.
Kyle: Wow
Sarah: So the camera's gone now, but all of our neighbors spy for her so no way I could ever have a guy over.
Kyle: You must be going crazy there!
Sarah: Yep
Sarah: Sorry if it's weird knowing your little sister masturbates :-/
Kyle: haha no it's cool
Kyle: How old were you when she caught you?
Sarah: 12...I've been doing it longer but that's when she put the camera in.
Kyle: Wow. You must have developed early.
Sarah: Why am I telling you this stuff LOL, god it's just spilling out of me.
Sarah: I guess you make me feel safe :)
Sarah: It's nice to finally have someone who can maybe understand how nuts Mom is.
Kyle: It's okay. I'm glad you feel safe telling me this stuff.
Kyle: And I remember what it was like growing up with her. Without Dad around she probably was even worse for you, though.
Sarah: :(
Kyle: Well when you visit here you can masturbate all you like! Haha
Kyle: Oh god sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
Kyle: Phew, glad you didn't take it the wrong way :)
Sarah: I'm not sure I could ever masturbate all I like :-X
Kyle: Sure you could. Why not?
Sarah: Because I'm horny all the fucking time! You maybe forgot but being 13 sucks.
Kyle: hahahaha!
Kyle: That's cool, I'd go into the next room.
Kyle: Wait
Kyle: Does that mean you're horny now?
Sarah: :-X
Kyle: What's :-X?
Sarah: It means "holy shit I shouldn't have said that" or "fuck now what do I say?"
Sarah: LOL
Sarah: It's like, covering your mouth.
Kyle: Well don't worry about it sis, I'm pretty laid-back :)
Kyle: Besides, I was horny all the time when I was your age too. Must be the genes ;)
Sarah: Oh thank god, so it wears off eventually?
Kyle: Er, no.
Sarah: !
Sarah:'re horny right now too?
Kyle: ermm, I might be...
Sarah: Well on that awkward note, I have to leave :P
Kyle: Going to masturbate?
Sarah: OMG!! I'm going to sleep!
Kyle: Haha j/k
Sarah: (...after I masturbate...)
Kyle: LOL
Kyle: Hello again :)
Sarah: OMG Mom said I can come visit!
Kyle: Excellent! I can't wait.
Sarah: Well maybe you don't have to...she said if I want and it works for you, I can come next week!
Kyle: Wow, that would be amazing. I will make it work.
Kyle: So, did you take care of everything you needed to the other night?
Sarah: What do you mean?
Sarah: OH
Sarah: HA
Kyle: Sorry, just giving you a hard time
Sarah: I wish someone here would give me a Hard time.
Sarah: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Kyle: You're just horny thinking of all the masturbating you'll be able to do while you're here! Hehe
Sarah: As long as I don't get arrested for fingering my pussy on the flight over!
Kyle: Oh you naughty girl! Hehe
Sarah: Oh god, I don't think I'll be able to look you in the eye when I finally meet you.
Kyle: Haha sorry! I'm sure we'll be fine.
Kyle: Are you sure you'll be able to go on a 10-hour flight without masturbating? Hehe
Sarah: We'll see! Haha
Kyle: There's always the toilets ;) How quiet are you?
Sarah: Are you going to pick me up at the airport or should I get a cab?
Kyle: I'll pick you up, don't worry about that.
Kyle: Don't want a taxi driver to see you fingering your little pussy do we? ;) haha!
Kyle: sorry
Sarah: Jeez I hope you have cool stuff planned for us besides sitting around your house frigging ourselves.
Kyle: Hahahaha! I'll think of stuff, don't worry.
Kyle: Anyway, what's wrong with frigging ourselves? :P
Sarah: I want to see the sights of England! Go to restaurants! Visit museums! And cum in those restaurants and museums!
Sarah: I cannot believe I'm saying this stuff
Sarah: What the hell Kyle.
Kyle: hahaha You want to cum in restaurants and museums sis? Really?
Kyle: Sorry sis, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
Sarah: No, it's weird, I've never felt MORE comfortable!
Sarah: I don't know where this stuff is coming from, it's like, talking to my brother I finally have someone safe I can talk as dirty as I want with and not get in trouble or feel weird sexual tension.
Kyle: Oh that's nice :)
Sarah: You're pretty great Big Bro :)
Kyle: Awww way to make your older brother feel sappy!
Kyle: Do you really want to cum in restaurants and museums?
Sarah: Well
Sarah: Okay, I'm going to tell you something, you have to promise not to make fun of me.
Kyle: Sis of course I won't :)
Kyle: You can tell me anything
Sarah: We went to the art museum last year
Kyle: ok
Sarah: and I was already reallllly horny...and then all the naked pictures and stautes...
Kyle: ahhh yes
Kyle: You didn't mount one of the statues did you?! :P
Sarah: No not that bad!!
Sarah: But...all the statues were cordoned off...and I pressed myself against one of the cordon posts...
Kyle: wow
Sarah: grinded myself off on it
Kyle: With people around you?
Sarah: Yeah...I just pretending I was staring at the statue.
Sarah: and really, I was...imagining the statue's cock inside me.
Kyle: Did, did you orgasm?
Sarah: ...yeah I did
Kyle: Oh my god sis.
Sarah: :-\
Kyle: That's really hot. Sorry
Sarah: Oh thank god, I thought you might think I was a nympho freak or something.
Kyle: No! It's okay.
Kyle: I can't believe I think my little sister cumming in public is hot, but that so is!
Kyle: I'll make sure I line up plenty of visits to museums, restaurants, and other places then! ;)
Kyle: Right now I gotta get back to work, though. Talk to you soon!
Sarah: I can't wait, I'm gonna start packing right now!
Sarah: So my flight lands at 4:30 tomorrow!
Sarah: OMG Kyle I'm so excited!
Kyle: Wow! I can't wait to see you sis!
Kyle: Let me know if you need to finger your pussy in the car on the way home though, and I'll put some plastic on the seat! ;) hehe
Kyle: god I can't believe I just said that
Sarah: Jeez you're worse than me big bro!
Kyle: sorry
Sarah: I have to stop myself saying all the messed up stuff I think all the time
Kyle: Don't worry about it :) Say whatever you want to.
Sarah: Anytime one of my friends says they "got a ride" from someone I immediately imagine them riding that person's cock!
Kyle: hehehe!
Sarah: Gets a little awkward when they're talking about getting rides from their dads LOL
Sarah: Hence having to keep my mouth shut!
Kyle: Is that why you want me to give you a ride back to mine? Haha!
Kyle: oh god I'm sorry!
Sarah: :-O
Kyle: I shouldn't have said that
Kyle: or even thought it
Sarah:'ll see you tomorrow...
Kyle: Oh god I'm sorry sis.
Kyle: Fuck.
4:37 PM, GMT
Sarah couldn't believe how good it felt to walk again. Even as excited as she was, she was feeling tired. Her day had started far too early and the flight had been exhausting. She had tried to sleep but just ended up with a stiff neck and sore back. Staring at the wall of signs, she stretched and yawned before trudging off in the direction of the exit.
At least it was as warm as her brother had promised. When she got dressed she'd pulled a set of sweats on over her short skirt and low-cut blouse, both to stay warm in the cold Seattle morning and to prevent judgmental comments from her mom about the skimpiness of her attire.
Kyle had promised to pick her up at the airport, but their conversation had ended awkwardly. Sarah felt so stupid, not knowing how to reply to her big brother's joking. Sometimes talking with him made her feel like an adult, while other times she felt like a stupid little girl. When the tall, handsome man near the exit caught her eye and she realized he was holding a sign with her name on it, she felt herself deflate even more. He didn't look like the old pictures she had of her big brother; he must have hired a driver to pick her up instead.
Standing by the airport exit, Kyle nervously checked his watch as he scanned the crowd, looking for his little sister to appear. The most recent picture he had of her was a couple years old, but he felt pretty confident that he could pick her out. The only problem was he kept getting distracted by all the women in short, tight outfits. He'd scan faces for a minute, then find himself jumping from one set of tits to another, then to a nice ass, then...
Kyle shook his head to stop himself. If he didn't start averting his eyes, he was going to end up with a hard-on by the time Sarah arrived, which would just make their last awkward interaction even worse. He was furious with himself. He just didn't know when to stop sometimes! His little sister had opened up to him about some very embarrassing stuff, and he'd gone and crossed the line while they joked. Sometimes while talking with her she seemed as mature as an adult, and it was easy to forget that she was a young girl.
Kyle tried to think about something else, but his eyes had a mind of their own, and they locked on to a gorgeous pair of breasts straining against a tight button-up blouse. Enough buttons were undone to show off a good amount of cleavage, and the top button looked like it was about to pop. They weren't actually that big, but on the woman's small frame they looked it.
Goddammit, look at faces! He kicked himself and looked up at the woman's face instead, a split second before her eyes drifted over to his.
Naturally, it wasn't a woman. It was his baby sister, all grown up.
The fact that the driver was a hot older guy only made Sarah feel even more young and stupid. Avoiding his eyes, Sarah caught herself staring at his broad shoulders, then his strong arms, his lean frame... Was that a bulge in his crotch? Probably just the way the fabric folded. He looked so relaxed and confident, which didn't help.
"Well, hello there," he said when he finally caught her eyes again.
"Oh, hi. Did my brother send you to pick me up?" Sarah tried not to act disappointed.
"Huh? Sarah, I AM your brother. It's me, Kyle!"
For a moment, Sarah didn't believe him, but as she looked at his face longer the resemblance to the pictures of the skinny teenager she had became more obvious. The same jawline, the same eyes.
She exploded with excitement, all of the tension and exhaustion of the past 24 hours melting away.
"Oh my god!"
"Heh. Hi, sis! You look amazing. You've really grown up!"
Sarah squealed with delight, dropped her bags, and jumped into her big brother's big, strong arms, hugging her own arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist. His arms squeezed her to him, holding her tight.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!"
"It's so good to see you sis!"
"I can't believe I'm here, and you're you, and you're here, and...I just can't believe it!"
"Heh, yeah it is pretty incredible." Kyle grinned at her, then kissed her on the cheek before lowering her to the ground. "Come on, let's get your stuff into the car."
"Lead the way!"
"Right, let's go."
The car wasn't far at all, and soon the bags were loaded in the truck - which Kyle called the "boot" in an incredibly sexy accent, much to Sarah's delight. Everything he said sounded sexy, though. When he opened her car door, her heart melted.
"Nobody has ever opened the door for me!"
"Really? Well I'm glad to have been the first then."
Sarah stepped on her toes to peck her brother on the cheek, then settled into the passenger seat. She never noticed his slight blush. Moments later, they were on the road.
After such free and easy conversation when they had reconnected online, neither sibling was prepared for the five minutes of awkward silence that passed between them at the start of the drive. Sarah fidgeted with her seatbelt and the hem of her skirt. Kyle gripped the steering wheel tightly and stared straight ahead. Sarah tried not to notice how good his muscles looked, casually flexed and just inches away. She had no idea that Kyle was flexed due to the tension and an active will to keep his body and eyes pointed straight ahead instead of drifting his attention over to her chest, where her nipples poked out against the thin fabric.
"So how was your flight?" he finally asked, breaking the silence.
"It" Sarah replied, staring out the window to avoid eye contact. "It was...satisfying..."
"Satisfying? You didn't... Did you?"
Sarah glanced back at Kyle, and when their eyes met for a moment she blushed bright red. Her head snapped back to stare out the window.
"So...uh...are you hungry? Did you eat on the plane?"
"Um, I don't know. I mean yes I ate, but I don't know if I'm hungry. Whatever?"
"Okay, well let me know when you get hungry, yeah?"
"Okay," Sarah said, and finally was able to just look at her brother and smile. Mundane conversation was perfect for that.
"This is so cool! Of course I always knew I had an older brother but since you and Dad were gone my whole life I pretty much thought of myself as an only child - and when I finally decide to email you, you turn out to be awesome, and nice, and funny, and have a sexy accent, and..." she drifted off, realizing she'd just referred to her brother as sexy. "...and, um, yeah."
"Aww thank you sis! I'm really pleased to finally see you again. You're lovely too, and you have a pretty nice accent yourself!" Kyle replied, graciously ignoring her use of the word "sexy."
"Wow, I guess I'm the one with an accent here, huh?"
"Heh, you sure are! Everyone will comment on it. Especially yours; it's pretty hot!"
Kyle's eyes were locked on the road, so he didn't see Sarah smile. It felt so great to have an attractive older guy say nice things about her, even if it was just her big brother.
"Thank you so much for not making me take a cab. I was nervous you'd say I should do that, and I really wanted you to pick me up and give me a ride."
"Ha! Now you have me thinking what you were saying about that."
Dead silence filled the car for the next few seconds. When Kyle slowed the car and pulled into a space, Sarah was afraid they were going to have a terrible, awkward conversation. Instead, he pointed to the building in front of which they'd parked.
"Uh, sorry. Here we are anyway. Welcome to my home, and yours for the week!"
Sarah undid her seat belt, then was startled when Kyle hopped out of the car and ran around it to her side. It took her a moment to realize he was only hurrying to open her door for her and not for any actual emergency. As she climbed out of the open door, she stared at the ground, fighting back tears. Her entire life she had felt unloved by her mom and abandoned by her dad, and with a few simple gestures her big brother was making up for it.
Once inside, Kyle set her bags on the floor and turned, smiling broadly at his sister. Instead of smiling back, she looked away and covered her face with one hand, an odd choking sound in her throat. Kyle was confused and worried until she rubbed her eye and sniffed loudly. When she looked back at him, her eyes were watery, but she was laughing.
"Oh god I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying! I'm really happy to be here I swear! It's just been a really emotional day...month..."
"Hey, no, I understand!" Kyle almost felt like crying himself. He barely knew his baby sister, but seeing her cry was tearing him up. "Come here, kid." He spread his arms and leaned down, wrapping her up in his warm, safe embrace.
Sarah felt so stupid, but that wasn't a new feeling today. What started as a few choked tears became a flood when her big brother held her tight. She latched onto him tightly, pulling him closer. Every part of her body screamed at her to hold on for dear life, to never let go. Inch by inch she pulled herself up until her legs were wrapped around his hips, her arms around his back, and her chin tucked over his shoulder.
It was almost the same hug they'd shared at the airport, but instead of energy and enthusiasm it was all warmth and comfort. Kyle hadn't been ready for her this time, and even though his little sister seemed to weigh practically nothing, the hunched-over position he'd began the hug in was hell on his back now. He straightened a bit, then stepped forward until Sarah was pinned between him and the wall.
Though both of them tried to ignore it, certain elements of the hug started to become decidedly non-sibling-like. To pin Sarah against the wall, Kyle had to drop his hands down, and now one was on her bare thigh, while the other was holding her up by her ass. With the strong, rough hands touching her in such sensitive places, Sarah couldn't help the flush of arousal that darkened her cheeks, nor the hardening of her nipples as they pressed into her brother's chest.
Kyle's first thought was that he had to stop squeezing his little sister's ass, and without considering the implications of it, he pushed forward into her more firmly. Pressing her against the wall with his body allowed him to relax his hold on her butt, but now he could feel her tits more acutely.
"Goddamn it, Kyle, stop noticing those parts of Sarah! She's your own sister, and she's less than half your age!" he yelled to himself in his head.
Sarah's crotch was a little higher than Kyle's, and when he pressed harder against her she had to fight her instinct to push back. She realized he was just trying to hold her up better, but it felt so good to have him squeezing her body so hard, to have a man's body so close to hers, rubbing her in small ways. She didn't even care that it was a blood relative. She looked over his shoulder to the kitchen, and for some reason started picturing her brother with a woman, fucking on the kitchen countertop.
As confused as Kyle was about the mix of feelings and thoughts he was having, his cock was not confused. As it grew, the tip pushed against Sarah's ass. When she felt the pressure and realized where it was coming from, her eyes got big. She could totally feel her big brother's cock through his pants, and she was pretty sure it was huge!
Somehow the moment ended, and Kyle lowered his sister to the floor, uncomfortably attempting to hide his erection and will it to subside. Sarah gasped when she saw the small wet spot her damp pussy had left on her big brother's shirt, and blurted something out to distract him from noticing.
"Can I have a tour of the house?" she heard herself say.
"Of course!" Kyle laughed and turned away, thankful for an excuse to hide his erection from her. "This is the living room, and through here is the kitchen and dining room."
Sarah calmed her breathing and followed her big brother from room to room, soaking it all in. She and her mom had lived in a series of shitty apartments her whole life, and Kyle's house was amazing by comparison.
"Your house is fantastic!"
"Well, thanks, I guess. It's not always this of a bachelor, you know...but I tried to straighten up for you."
"Oh yeah, I know all about being a bachelor," Sarah teased her brother. "But seriously, you didn't have to clean up for me. I'm just your little sister."
"Well I wanted to make a good impression. Didn't want you thinking I'm a slob." Kyle said, finally able to turn to face Sarah again now that his erection had subsided.
"Don't worry, good impression made."
"Brilliant. Come on then, follow me upstairs," Kyle said.
At the top of the stairs, he turned into the first door on the right. Inside was a tastefully decorated bedroom, with pine furniture, a king-sized bed, and lots of space.
"I seriously can't believe how nice everything is here."
"Thank you! I am proud of the decorating. Come on, though, I'll show you the guest room, where you'll be staying."
He led her down the hallway to another door. The room was only about half the size of the master bedroom, but it was still twice the size of Sarah's room back home, and everything in it was much nicer.
"Oh my god this is my room?!" Sarah squealed with delight. "Seriously?!"
"Yes - I hope you like it," Kyle said with a grin. He had been nervous she wouldn't like his house, and it was great to see how excited she was about everything.
"I LOVE IT!!" Sarah cried out, jumping backwards onto the bed. She squirmed her arms and legs around, reveling in how soft and comfortable it was. The next moment she was a blur as she hopped to her feet on the bed and then leapt back into her big brother's arms...
...oblivious to the fact that the movement had caused her skirt to ride up all the way to her hips. Kyle staggered but held his ground when he caught her, hugging his arms around her back. When he regained his balance he saw in the mirror that his baby sister's butt was on display. The thin thread of a purple thong obscured her asshole, but just barely. Once again he was fighting down unbrotherly thoughts.
"Do you want to see the bathroom?"
"I have my own bathroom?!" Sarah dropped down, her eyes wide. Every time she thought this place couldn't get better...
"No, sorry, it's a shared one - my house isn't that big! It's the door we passed, and it also has an entrance to my room."
"Oh okay. That's all right, I don't mind sharing with my big bro."
"Come on then. Or do I have to carry you there?" Kyle teased.
"Hmmm, now that you mention it - carry me!" Sarah laughed.
"Ha, I suppose I did ask," Kyle grinned as he stared at his pretty little sister. "Do you want to ride my back, or with you legs around me like when we were hugging?"
Sarah couldn't explain why she loved being wrapped up in Kyle's arms as much as she did, but she did. Just before she asked to be carried that way, though, she remembered the damp spot she'd left on his shirt last time her pussy had been pressed against him for more than a couple seconds and thought better of it.
"I'd like a piggy-back ride, sir."
"Yes, ma'am. Hop on my back then."
Kyle turned and Sarah pulled herself up, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lightly held her thighs.
"Yeehaw, ride 'em cowboy!" She cried, leaning back and waving one arm in the air.
Sarah wasn't heavy at all, but Kyle still had to fight to keep his balance as she rocked back and forth, pretending she was riding a wild bronco instead of her brother. Ducking under the doorway to the bathroom was especially tricky, but once inside he got to appreciate the look of wonder on her face in the mirror as she gazed around the big sparkling bathroom. She gaped at the large, walk-in shower.
"Holy shit, are there jets on the walls of your shower? I bet your girlfriends LOVE to fuck in there, huh?"
The siblings' eyes met in the mirror, and Sarah blushed brightly.
"Jeez, I thought I'd be better at not putting my foot in my mouth when we were together instead of just typing to each other." "It's okay, sis. But to answer your question, surprisingly not. I'd love to fuck in here, but they all preferred the bed or the sofa."
Sarah slid down off her brother's back, still looking at him in the mirror. She'd finally made up her mind. She wanted to ask him a big question, and somehow the mirror made him seem further away and less intimidating.
"So, you know that one thing? That we talked about a lot?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper.
"You mean that you're always horny?"
"Well, uh...yeah...that too. But, you masturbate a lot."
"Oh, uh, yeah. What about it?" Kyle too was thankful for the sense of distance that the mirror provided, but he was also acutely aware of the warmth of his sister's body pressed against his back.
"Well, I was thinking," Sarah started, muddling her way through the request. Her eyes dropped away, breaking their shared gaze. "I mean, I was hoping...or, wondering...See I've never actually seen a real cock before? And I thought...maybe, since you're my big brother...maybe I could watch you masturbate?"
"Oh wow, sis. I kinda figured you'd already had sex. I guess I misjudged that one. I, uh, I guess I could let you watch, if that's not too weird for you?"
Sarah bit her lower lip, continuing to avoid Kyle's gaze, but somehow ended up staring at the reflection of his crotch in the mirror instead. Kyle saw where she was looking and turned to face her.
"Do you want to see me masturbate now?"
"Ohmygod really?!" Sarah beamed, looking up into her big brother's eyes hopefully. One of her hands absently squeezed a nipple through her shirt.
"Well I am kinda horny, so yes, I guess so!" Kyle noticed the pinch and felt his bulge grow in response.
"YES!" Sarah shouted, then felt self-conscious about how eager she sounded. "I mean, okay, whatever. Where do you want to do it?"
"Well we could... I mean, I could do it here, or on my bed."
"How about your bed, that sounds easier."
"Yeah, it'd be more comfortable. Do you want me to carry you through there too?"
"Sure!" Sarah laughed, and climbed back up into his arms. "I feel like a princess, getting carried around everywhere."
Kyle carried the young girl through to his bedroom, staring into her eyes. He couldn't believe he was going to let his little sister watch him masturbate. Maybe it wasn't so weird, though; it was better for her to learn a little from her brother who loved her and would never hurt her than from some jerk who wouldn't care at all about her.
Sarah gazed into her big brother's eyes, and couldn't remember the last time she felt so much love. Even as horny as she was, she'd always been too nervous around guys for things to go very far - not that much would have been impossible with how closely her mom kept an eye on her. She felt so tiny and safe in Kyle's strong arms.
"Sorry if you can feel my cock underneath you, sis," Kyle said, looking down towards where his cock was. Of course, with his sister in his arms he instead found himself staring into her cleavage, wondering at how well developed she was for a girl her age.
Distracted, Kyle felt his grip on his sister loosen for a half second. He corrected the mistake immediately, but she had slid down just enough that her pussy was pressed against her brother's cock through his pants. The tiny fall also jostled her clothes a bit; another button on her shirt was undone and her bra was pulled to the side, so that on one side the bra was very visible and on the other side her nipple peeked out.
"It''s okay..." Sarah whimpered. Before the slip she was going to reply that she couldn't actually feel his cock, but now that she could, her only thought was "ohmygod my big brother's cock is only separated from my pussy by an inch and some thin fabric!"
It wasn't a far walk, though, and Sarah didn't have time to think that before Kyle tossed her gently onto the bed. He climbed on next to her, leaning back and looking at her nervously. She crouched eagerly next to him, her hand finding its way to that half-bare nipple. She watched his hands as he undid his belt and trousers.
"Tell me if this is too weird for you sis," Kyle said as he pulled his pants down enough to expose his boxer shorts. His thick cock pushed the boxers up, his cockhead peeking out above the waistband.
Sarah bit her lip, breathing shallow and fast. She said nothing, just stared captivated, eyes locked on the bulge and the bit of cockflesh she could see. Kyle pulled his boxers down and his hard cock sprung free, standing to attention as she stared at it.
"Holy shit, bro!" Sarah gasped, licking her lips without realizing she'd done so. "It's huge!"
"Thanks!" Kyle laughed. "I guess if you've never seen one before it'll be a bit strange."
"I mean, I've seen dicks in pictures and videos before, but my friends always told me normal guys dicks aren't that big, but yours almost is!"
"Do you like it?" Kyle heard himself asking as he began pulling gently on his shaft.
"I love it..." Sarah said, not thinking about the fact that she'd just said she loved her brother's dick.
Kyle leaned back and started to masturbate. Sarah took in everything, the sight of it making her somehow even more raging horny than she already was. His hand sliding up and down along his thick shaft, the way the skin of his inner thighs stretched and relaxed with each stroke, the darkening of the head as more blood rushed up the veins of his cock...all of it was enthralling and arousing.
Kyle stared at his baby sister's face as she watched him jerk himself off. She was so beautiful he couldn't believe it. Just a couple of weeks ago he had barely known his sister, and now he was letting her watch him masturbate. He finally admitted to himself how sexy she was and allowed himself to stare at her partially-exposed breast and use the sight of her pulling on her nipple as the focus for his masturbation. Then, without thinking, he heard himself speak.
"You won't ever have touched a hard cock before then, will you?"
The question pulled Sarah's attention away from her brother's cock, and she looked into his eyes, then followed them to where his gaze landed on her chest. The moment she realized that her hot older brother was staring at her tits while jerking himself off was one of the proudest moments of her young life. She pulled a little harder on her breast, bringing it more into view. Kyle inhaled sharply and smiled, and Sarah's heart danced.
Eager to get more positive feedback, Sarah reached up with her other hand, undid a couple more buttons and pulled her bra more out of the way. It was still an awkward tangle of shirt and cups and straps and boobs, but both of her pert young mounds were fully exposed now.
The whispered "oh my dear lord" from Kyle sent a wave of warmth through Sarah. A huge grin broke her face when he started jerking faster, confirmation that he thought her tits were hot.
"Do you...uh, do you want to fell it, sis?" Kyle asked, unable to believe he was being so bold. Clearly, all the blood rushing to his cock was starving his brain.
Sarah shuddered. She'd wanted to ask if she could touch it but didn't dare ask. Nodding silently, she reached forward and rested her hand on Kyle's as it slid up and down. She wasn't actually touching his cock, but was incredibly close.
"Oh god," Kyle moaned. "Touch it Sarah." He was so horny that he was beyond caring about the fact that they were related or that she was less than half his age. Kyle moved his hand out of the way, and Sarah took over, keeping the same rhythm and pace he had been using. While her hand was too small for her fingers to wrap all the way around his cock, he still had to fight to not cum immediately as his young sister jerked him off.
"Am I doing it right, Kyle?"
"Oh god sis, this feels amazing! You're a fucking natural, kid. You were born for this."
"I was born to jerk my big brother's cock?" Sarah asked, laughing. "I wonder what my guidance counselor would say if I told her that."
"Oh jeez, don't listen to me, I'm not making any sense. You have my brain all mushy with your sexy tits and your amazing goddamn hand."
Sarah laughed again and started to jerk her brother's cock even faster, excited at the possibility of making him cum. He reached up and slowed her down.
"Pace yourself, Sarah, it's not a race," he told her. "It actually feels better when it takes more time to build."
"Sorry! I knew I'd do it all wrong." Sarah frowned and slumped a bit.
"No, no, you're doing brilliantly! It feels absolutely amazing Sarah."
Kyle guided her hand a bit more, and she soon found the right rhythm again. Once she did, she slid her legs out from under her so that her crotch was flat against the bed with her legs bent out to the sides and back. Gently, she began grinding her pussy against the soft sheets of the bed to the same rhythm she was using on her brother's dick.
" god this is fantastic, sis! I don't know how long I'm going to last. You turn me on so much! I hope you're liking this as much as I am, but I don't think that's possible."
"Seriously, Kyle? I am so horny right now I could explode. See?" Sarah pulled up her skirt and lifted herself up off the bed just enough so that her brother could see two things: there was a big wet streak on the bed where she had been rubbing her pussy, and she was no longer wearing her thong so her her bare cunt was on display.
"Oh fuck that turns me on even more, knowing how horny you are...and god damn do you have a beautiful pussy. How the hell did you get your thong off without me noticing?"
Instead of answering, Sarah just winked at her brother. He expected her to drop back down to the bed and start grinding again, but instead she just sat there, one hand rubbing his dick, the other holding up her skirt to keep her smooth slit on display. She looked at him expectantly and he finally took the hint, reaching forward to touch her young pussy.
When Kyle's fingers touched his little sister's wet pussy lips, her excitement took over. She pushed her hips towards his hand, and when his fingers brushed her clit she lost control. She grunted and groaned as her orgasm hit her, washing over her body. She dropped her hips back down, pinning his hand under her, grinding hard against it as she came.
Kyle had never seen a more glorious sight than the look on his sister's face as she received her first orgasm from a man. Through it all her hand kept working his cock, and he couldn't restrain himself any longer. With a shout, he let loose, spurt after spurt of jizz spraying the air and landing across her hands and both of their thighs.
Sarah fell over onto a pillow, laughing uncontrollably.
" fucking amazing!! I can't older brother...just made me cum..." she panted out between breaths and giggles.
"It was amazing for me too! You turn me on so much, sis. Look at how much you made me cum."
"Your cock is more than twice as old as I am, and you just shot cum all over my legs with it. That' goddamn weird...and dirty and wrong...and HOT!"
"Sarah I can't believe it, but I love how much younger you are than me. I can't believe how much I love my own sister's gorgeous tits and wet young pussy. Fuck that pussy must be so incredibly tight."
Kyle collapsed next to Sarah, who snuggled up onto him. When he pulled her in close and kissed her on the lips, her heart did backflips.
"I love you, sis. I love everything about you," he whispered between kisses.
"Oh my god big bro, I've never cum that hard in my life! Thank you so much, Kyle. You're the best big brother ever. I love you so much!"
"It was my pleasure, sis. I loved making you feel that way." "But...jeez, how fucked up is this: I just got the best orgasm of my life, from my own big brother, and instead of being tired and happy, I'm MORE horny than I was before."
"Oh don't worry, I know exactly what you mean. I'm already getting hard again, which never happens this quickly."
"We are fucked up. I guess being horny all the time really does run in the family." Sarah joked, licking her fingers. Kyle looked at her quizzically and she held up a glistening finger. "It's your cum!" she said. "I've never tasted cum before...I like it!"
"Well then you should get it all off your legs if you like it so much." Kyle laughed, winking.
"I already did, see!" Sarah climbed up to straddle Kyle's belly and pulled her skirt up to her midsection so her smooth, cum-free thighs were visible to him. "God, this is so uncomfortable!" she muttered, finally yanking the twisted mess of her clothes over her head in a tangled lump.
"You are glorious," Kyle declared as he looked up and down his sister's tiny, naked body. His gaze landed at her bare cunt, lips spread open and kissing his belly. As beautiful a sight as it was, he couldn't help but interfere; Sarah gasped as he gently rubbed her clit, fingertips dancing over her nub as he touched her young pussy. She bit her lip, arched her back, and reached around to find his cock, now resting against her ass. Kyle's other hand went to his sister's chest, squeezing a tit and pinching it lightly.
"How many fingers can you fit inside yourself?" Kyle asked as he pressed one up into his sister's slit.
"Only a couple...oh fuck Kyle this is so goddamn wrong...but...I want you so bad. I want to feel you inside me...I want you to take my virginity, big bro.
"Oh...oh Sarah..." Kyle sighed, pulling his baby sister down and kissing her neck softly.
"Please? Will you stick your big cock up in my tiny pussy and take your little sister's cherry?"
"Of course I will, Sarah. I want you so badly. I want to slide my thick cock deep inside your tight young pussy and take your sweet virginity. Now, be a good little sis and slide down me a bit more so my cock is rubbing against your pussy lips."
Sarah lifted her hips up so her brother's cock fell underneath her, then lowered back down, pressing her pussy against his shaft. She rocked her hips back and forth, coating his member with her wetness. Kyle's hands found her ass, and he squeezed her cheeks while pulling her down against him with more force. One hand slid up her back, sending chills back down her spine, and he pulled her down into another kiss.
The older brother continued to guide his young sister, pulling her up his body and freeing his hard cock in the process. He flexed it, causing it to raise up off his belly at a slight angle, and then gave his sister the slightest nudge back down.
When Sarah felt her big brother's cockhead slip between the open lips of her smooth, wet cunt, she stopped. She closed her eyes and held her palm against his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart both under her hand and at the entrance to her virgin temple as he throbbed inside her.
"Oh Sarah you are incredible. I've never wanted anyone as much as you," Kyle said, smiling up at the gorgeous little nymph that was his sister.
Kyle's smile widened as Sarah moved his hands to her hips and nodded at him.
"This is probably going to hurt some, but I promise it will get better," he warned her. She bit her lip and nodded again.
Slowly, Sarah slid down onto Kyle's cock, grimacing as he stretched the walls of her virgin pussy. Half way in, Kyle stopped for a moment to relax; his sister was so tight that even having cum just minutes before he was afraid of losing control and cumming early. Sarah felt completely full, and gasped when she looked down to where her brother disappeared into her body and saw so much of his length was still outside of her.
She wanted more.
Gritting her teeth, Sarah raised herself up higher, held her breath, and plunged herself down hard onto her big brother's fat dick. She cried out in pain as her hymen tore, and collapsed down onto Kyle's chest, crying.
"Holy shit sis!" Kyle groaned. The thrust had felt unbelievably good, as did being balls-deep in his teenage sister's twat, but he knew it must have hurt her. "Are you okay? That was a little too fast! Your little pussy is too small to take my cock that fast."
"I just needed you inside me too much, I couldn't wait," Sarah whimpered, wiping away tears. "Just...just fuck me, Kyle. Fuck my cunt until it feels good."
Sarah clung to her brother for dear life as he began rocking his hips. The slight movements increased the pain she felt inside, but she had never been happier in her life. More tears came to her eyes, but now they were tears of joy instead of pain. She loved the smell of his body, the feel of his lips on hers, the sting of his teeth on her nipples. His powerful hands gripped her ass with his thumbs tucked around her front, and he lifted her pelvis up and down to meet his slow thrusts.
With each thrust, Sarah's whimpers eased a little from pain towards pleasure. " YES KYLE, FUCK ME, FILL ME UP WITH YOUR THICK COCK, FUCK YOUR LITTLE SISTER'S CUNT!"
"Holy shit Sarah, you are incredible!" Kyle gasped as his sister began to thrust with him, riding his cock like an experienced whore. "Goddamn girl, yes, ride that fucking cock!"
In response Sarah sat up all the way, bouncing straight up and down on her brother's dick. She waved her hand in the air, whooping and hollering like she was riding a bronco, just as she had when she'd been riding his back.
The both started laughing, and Sarah dropped back down to a more comfortable angle for the siblings to resume their incestuous fucking.
Kyle wished they could fuck like this for hours, but he knew he'd never make it. He prided himself on his control and longevity in bed, but all of that was out the window with his little sister, especially with the tight grip her formerly-virgin pussy had on his cock. He felt his orgasm rising and knew he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.
Then the realization hit him like a cement truck.
"Oh god, Sarah," he grunted, scared but unable to stop himself from thrusting up into her. "Are you on the pill?"
Sarah met her big brother's eyes, unsure of what to say. She knew that not only was she not on the pill but that she was ovulating. If her brother came in her, she was almost certain to get pregnant - but she didn't want him to stop. What she truly wanted was for her brother to fill her with his cum.
Despite that desire, she couldn't lie to him. She shook her head just a tiny bit.
"Oh fuuuck!" Kyle moaned. "I don't want to stop! I need you too much, sis!"
"Don't stop, then, Kyle," Sarah begged him. "God Kyle, your cock is so perfect inside's like we were made for each other, brother and sister. Cum in me, big brother. I need to feel your cum deep in my pussy."
Kyle started to relax. Maybe his little sister was right. Maybe they were made for each other. He couldn't believe how good his cock felt inside her; she was better than any girl he'd ever fucked before. And, he could barely admit it to himself, but the thought of getting his baby sister pregnant excited him.
"Aaah yes big bro, I love you so much! Your cock is perfect inside me...inside my little pussy. Cum with me Kyle, cum with your little sister, fill me with your jizz!"
Sarah leaned forward, pressing her tits against her brother's chest. She scratched Kyle's big strong arms with her nails, biting his neck as she tried to hold back her orgasm, waiting for him to finish with her.
"Cum in me Kyle, cum in my virgin cunt and make me pregnant! Fuck me with the cock that was made for me!"
The pair cried out together as they lost control. Kyle exploded inside his sister, filling her tight pussy with his hot, sticky cum. Sarah spasmed inside and out, shaking as the ecstasy of the moment overtook her. The rhythmic clenching of her cunt around her big brother's fat cock kept his orgasm going, and he knew he was cumming more than he'd ever cum before.
The biggest load of his life was being deposited on the door of his baby sister's fertile womb.
Sarah had intended for them to finish together, but as the intensity of their mutual orgamed subsided she realized she wasn't yet done. She sat up and spun around, never letting her brother escape her fuckhole. Her hands on his knees, ragged with desire, she started bucking her hips up and down.
"FUCK yes Kyle, fuck your little brotherfucking sister's tiny cunt! Cum more in my pregnant belly!"
"Ohhh god yes Sarah, my little nympho sister. You fucking love my thick cock making you pregnant, don't you? You want to have my baby, then for me to make you pregnant again, don't you?"
The thought was so dirty, so wrong, yet so right at the same time. It sent Sarah over the edge again, and she collapsed into another orgasm.
For a long while, the brother and sister pair just laid there, awkwardly entwined, panting for breath. Sarah felt her big brother's cock softening inside her, allowing some of his cum to leak out past the lips of her pussy, but she knew most of the load was deep inside her nethers.
She let out a long, contented sigh.
"This is going to be the best visit ever."
This story was based on a roleplay I did with a guy who sadly does live halfway around the world, so we were almost never online at the same time. We continued this story in a few different scenes as my big brother showed me around the city. If there are enough fans of Sarah and Kyle, maybe I'll type of some of those adventures too. While daddy/daughter fantasies are my favorite, I've enjoyed the occasional dirty sibling fantasy too. What are your favorite fantasies?
Mr. Q
Happy Daddy48
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