Terri the Tomboy, Part 1

[ fg, bd, les, inc, cons, spank ]

by LilFox


Published: 27-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Hi my name is Terri, Terri the Tomboy is what the mean kids in school used call me when they tried to hurt my feelings by teasing me. They stopped when they saw that I was actually proud of that name. Actually, my name is Tetrissa Anne Gleason, and no no relation to the fat guy in the old black and white shows on T.V. either. All my life, as little of it as there was, I always liked the same things as the boys. I liked wearing boy clothes, playing with boy toys even having my hair cut short like the boys. Everyone said it was cause me, my dad and my older brother were so close and that eventually I would grow out of it. Boy were they ever wrong as you will soon see in the following story. Which by the way takes place just a couple of weeks after my twelfth birthday.

But before we get ahead of ourselves let me continue. So yeah like I said I was real close to Jake, my brother who is three years older then me, and my Dad. Not that I wasn't close to my Mom or my little sister Susie, Susann Mari Gleason to be precise, who is five years younger then me. It's just that, like I said before, I always liked doing the boy thing and was always around them when they did those thing. I helped when they worked on the family cars, sat with them as they watch all kinds of sports on T.V. and even participated in sports when we went to the park. Jake was pretty good at basketball, he was one of the school team's MVP, while I was really good at baseball and I don't mean that girly softball stuff either.

Then one day when I was ten the worst thing that could happen to our family, hell to any family in fact, happened. Dad, even being as physically fit and healthy as a person could be, died from an embolism. I was devastated, not saying that the rest of the family wasn't affected. But even though Susie felt bad and missed her daddy, she was still pretty young to not be as affected as me. While Jake, who was twelve at the time, seemed to have his group of friends and the basketball at school that seemed to keep him going. Finally there was Mom who, despite the fact that she didn't need to work because dad made a lot of money at his job and being an investment consultant made some great investments for our family as well, had her job. She said that she just loved working as a head nurse in the city hospital near to the suburban community where we lived. Plus there was Uncle Don (full name Donald Nelson) and Aunt Steph (her name is Stephanie and is Donald's wife) to console Mom.

At this point you might want to get a piece of paper to start making a score card of the relationships between the people of my family. See Uncle Don is Mom's (her name by the way is Elizabeth but most people call her Elz) older brother while his wife, Aunt Steph, is Dad's younger sister. See Dad and Uncle Don where best friends in college and fell in love with each others' younger sister. But keep that score card handy as more people enter the story and relations are revealed not to be as they first appeared to be. Anyway, back to the story before I give away anything prematurely. Oh but first I should say that Uncle Don and Aunt Steph have two sons Edward (Eddy) that is my age Ronald (Ronnie) who was Susie's age while they also had a daughter Kimberly (Kim) that is Jake's age.

So now where was I, oh right dad died. Now I'm not saying they DIDN'T feel pain form Dad's death or that it was any less then mine. It just seemed that way to me since they had things to occupy themselves with. Now while Mom, Uncle Don, Aunt Steph and Jake did their best to comfort me it was still hard cause I had no friends. No really I mean it. See even though I loved being a tomboy and wasn't phased by the teasing or name calling it put kids my age off about me. Boys didn't want to be around a girl who acted like a boy (plus I usually was better at sports then they were) and the girls thought I was nuts for trying to out boy the boys. So like I said before I felt totally devastated by Dad's death.

Now to speed things along a little I'll get to the point of two years later and will do a flashback to a point one year after Dad's death. Anyway it was the last day of school for the year and me and my sister were having a little of our 'special play time' (I'll describe what we do during that time, if you haven't sort of guess by now what, in not just to much longer). It was risky for us to do it that morning, or any other time of day of any day in fact, but being it was so close in time when we had to be up and get ready for school it was always riskier.

Sorry to do this but it's time for a little description here (plus -snicker- I'm a bit sadistic). Like I said earlier Dad made the family a lot of money before he died so we lived in a big house, not humongoid or nothing, but big enough to have a second floor, a separate bedroom for each kid plus a guest and master bedroom.

Now to continue, this one life alerting day, and there's no other way to describe it than 'life altering', all start in my bedroom. My little sister Susie woke up real early and came into my room so we could get some 'Play Time' in before school. We were really getting into the good part when the thing we had been able to avoid for a year finally happened.

"Morning, Mom," I heard my brother's voice as he passed my room headed for the bathroom. Trouble is it didn't sound muffled as if coming thru a closed door like I knew I my left my bedroom door.

My body froze solid, breathing held, heart pounded, beads of cold sweat broke out on my back. I look up in that direction. The figure standing there was the clearest image then any I had ever seen in my entire life...Mom...shit...BUSTED!!!

Okay I admit I may not be the greatest mother in the whole history of motherhood but I did the best I could after my husband Jeremy died of an unexpected embolism. Yeah maybe I wasn't as supportive or comforting to my children as I could have been but I was hurting too. Oh by the way my name is Elizabeth, Elz for short, I'm Terrissa's...excuse me Terri's Mother. But I should have known that Jeremy's death would have and did hit her the hardest.

All her young life Terri was different, now before you get the wrong idea let me explain. When people usually say a child is different they mean it as a polite way of saying strange. But when I say Terri was different I mean she seemed exceptionally perceptive. She always seemed to be able to pick up on what people meant when saying certain things. She also seemed very mature and highly intelligent for her age.

Anyway as I said I guess I became a bit more self absorbed and less observant then I really should have. It's just like I said, I was feeling my own loss at Jeremy's death and found a way to cope by becoming more involved with my work. I worked, not that I needed to, as head nurse in a nearby city hospital. I found that the hours I was at work distracted me from feeling the loss of the love of my life. However when I was alone in my bed at night that was the hardest for me.

I met Jeremy when he became friends with my older brother in college and we fell in love the moment we saw each other. So we got married while we were still in college and enjoyed a very passionate and active sex life up till his untimely death. I had no desire to find a replacement for my husband in my bed but that left me wanting and desiring and down right horny as hell. Oh sure I masturbated, however a finger or piece of plastic was a piss poor substitute. So I was left quite a bit unsatisfied.

Now imagine a build up of that unfulfilled satisfaction over a two year period. It was the morning of the last day of the school year for the summer and I awoke after yet another fitfully and sexually frustrated night. I guess that would explain the reaction I had when I went to wake the kids for school. I sluggishly climbed out of bed wearing only the pair of panties I went to bed in. I grabbed my robe off the hook on the back of my bedroom door and slipped it on as I went thru the doorway into the hallway.

I heard low moans coming from Terri's room and instantly thought she was going to try and play sick to get an early start on summer vacation. I could not have been any more or completely wrong. I opened Terri's bedroom door ready to tell her she was going to school no exceptions. I braced my self to deal with whatever ploy she might try but what I saw completely immobilized me. The sight before my eyes not only caused me to feel shock but after two long years of unfulfilled desire and sexually satisfaction it also stir these up as well.

I witnessed the sight of my completely naked seven year old daughter, Susie, laying on her back on her older sister's bed. Her wrists were tied to each other with a piece of rope which was then tied to her ankles. Her legs were pulled up towards her naked buttocks with the soles of her feet flat against each other. The heels of both her feet were press against her small round butt cheeks while her legs were spread to the side and left her crotch openly displayed.

I was clearly able to see my youngest child's smooth hairless pussy mound with her legs spread and tied in such a manner. Finally, I saw that there was a small steel adjustable clamp attached to and pinching each of Susie's tiny baby chest nipples. But it was the other thing I saw that stirred up most of the amount of my pent up arousal and utter shock. While little Susie lay there naked and tied her older sister Terri was squatting over her face. Terri was just as equally naked as she had a foot on either side of her sister's head. She lowered her self down so that her own little bald beaver was less then an inch above Susie's mouth. Also Susie's cute little nose was snugly nestled into the crack of Terri's small rounded ass.

The sight was wholly arousing, as the growing wet spot in my panties from my leaking pussy could attest to, it was even a bit humorous. That is it would have been humorous if it wasn't for the shock factor of it being my own two under aged children. It was only because of the combination of shock and highly aroused state that kept me motionless. I remained frozen even as I watch Susie's little tongue begin to slid up out of her mouth as it reached for Terri's cunt.

It wasn't till my son Jake pass behind me and said good morning to me that my trance was broke. I realized that I had not only been standing there watching the erotic kiddie sex show, as I let it continue, but I had also at some point slipped a free hand into my panties. I had been rubbing and finger massaging my wet aroused pussy and clit. But after Jake passed and said good morning the spell was broken and now I stared into the eyes of Terri as she squatted in a position over her little sister's face so that she was facing the door to her bedroom. The expression on her face was akin to that of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.

Now me and my husband did quite a bit of sexual exploring in college and had become very liberal in our attitudes towards it. We had decided when we found out I was pregnant with our first that we wouldn't instill the same morally driven sexual stunted beliefs that the rest of society would have us teach them. So after I was broken out of my fervor my mind had no idea what to do, say or even think of except that I needed to talk. Not talk to the two children committing the sexual act before me but rather to liberally like minded people to myself so I would be able to decide how best to handle things with them. The only two people who I knew was my Brother Donald Nelson and his Wife, my husband's younger sister Stephanie. I simply left while closing the door to Terri's room.

So okay here is the point where I do the flashback part I warned you about earlier. It was one year after my Dad's death and everyone in the family settled into a routine, or should I say a RUT, of their own day to day activities. Mom went to work every day, came home made dinner, got us kids to bed, made us breakfast in the morning then got us off to school (this is not counting weekends, holidays or official school breaks.). Jake, Susie and I woke up, got ready for school (again this is on days we had school), did chores and homework when we got back from school, ate dinner, watched T.V. then went to bed. Like I said a rut.

On the weekends it was different. Mom still went to work but us kids did our own things. Jake would usually veg out in front of the T.V. if he weren't on the phone with some girl from school or out hanging with his friends somewhere. Susie would either be at home with me playing in her room (sometimes I would have to watch her AND my little cousin Ronnie) or she would be across the street at Uncle Don and Aunt Steph's house. Leaving me to knock around the house mostly since I didn't have friends to hang out with. I mean like I said the males and females my age didn't want to hang a round a TOMBOY.

Fortunately Dad bought me a personal computer before he died and we had cable internet so I surfed the web a lot. In fact I got a more extensive and fulfilling education from the web then from school (and don't strain your brain I do mean sex but that was just a part of what I meant). I had gotten pretty good at computers to the point that I had figured a way to get around the parental controls and hide all my web activities.

Okay I think you all suffered long enough so now I will start getting to the juicy stuff. One day I turned on my comp and did my usual routine by starting with a check to see if Mom had logged on to see what I had been up to. I usually left some fake web activity feeling she would be suspicious if the entire history was wiped clean. Yep she had done her parental duty and check my browser history, but there was something else. Someone (I was guessing it was Jake) had used the comp a few times as I noticed some of my carefully hidden file folders had been opened.

I felt furious, I felt violated, I felt like...OH SHIT WHAT IF HE TELLS MOM. I had to think of something and make sure I could keep him from doing that (telling Mom that is). Yeah, Yeah I know what you are thinking, -Hey stupid, just delete the folders with the incriminating evidence.-. But hey I was an eleven year old, albeit a pretty mature and clever one but an eleven year old none the less, who was suddenly panicking.

Now I should warn you that during my internet sexual self educating I came to two revelations about myself. One, I was definitely (in addition to being a tomboy) a lesbian and two I had a dominant persona, so in the lesbian vernacular I was a "Butch". In fact my persona was so Dominant that I got off looking at women in bondage pictures and reading stories of women being tied up, which turned me from simple butch to a domme (dominatrix for you layman's out there).

So okay I had a problem and needed to fix it fast. That weekend I decided to set a trap and catch Jake in the act and use it as leverage for his continued silence. See I Figured Jake had been jerking off while reading the stories or while looking at the pictures I downloaded from the net. All I had to do was catch him with his pants down, "LITERALLY". I left my comp on and the folders open as an invitation, then I got an instamatic camera and loudly announced a was going to take a looooooong bath (to subtle?).

I filled the tub with water then splashed the water to make it sound like I was getting in. I then went to the door and listened carefully. I could hear the T.V. Downstairs (Jake likes to use the Dolby Surround Sound Stereo feature a lot) then I heard footsteps coming up the steps. They didn't sound to heavy so I thought he was walking softly trying not to make to much noise. The footsteps went slowly past the bathroom then proceeded towards the bedrooms. Finally I heard the door to my bedroom creak as it was opened.

Okay calm down, don't get to anxious and jump the gun. You wanna wait for the right moment to make sure he's in a compromising potions to get the best possible blackmail photos you can. I was pretty good at judging things, people's reactions, people's thinking's (as expressed by the looks on their faces) and most importantly, since I was good at baseball, TIMING.

I had calculated the time I needed to stay in the bathroom and added in some extra to allow me to go down the hall to my room so I could bust in, finger at the ready on the camera's snap button, and then...SURPRISE!!!

Oh it was a surprise alright but just as much for the surprisor as the suprizee. I had snapped off like four pictures which fell out of the camera onto the floor before my mind was able to process the visual information my eyes got thru the viewfinder of the camera.

The bottom of the shirt was pulled up to the neck while the pants and underwear was all the way down at the ankles with a whole lot of naked flesh in-between. Yeah that was the position I wanted my victim to be in, but hold on let's carefully go over that visual info my brain has already received and processed. Something told me I had a case where you knew something wasn't right and had to figure out what, you know like that game "What's wrong with this picture".

Bare naked, hairless chest (not unusual as some guys get well into their twenties with no chest hair).

That's not it. Go on.

Clothes pins pinching tight on nipples (Kinky but not the "what's wrong" thing I was searching for).

Continue. Maybe work up instead of down. Yeah that might do it.

Two skinny hairless legs standing up. (Again not unusual enough to merit the "what's wrong" title)

Okay review, it's not the top and not the bottom parts. Ooo, Ooo, go for a vowel (sorry wrong game). Try the middle.

Okay flat naked tummy leading down to smooth hairless pubic area (yeah okay the lack of hair could be the signs of a more serious problem that will see my brother at some men's hair club or something but there is something even more wrong then that that I'm looking for).

Zoom in on the crotch.


Now unless Mom and Dad were totally gullible enough to believe a seriously incompetent Doctor the lack of a penis and testicles should have been a dead give away.

And more importantly then the lack of male genitalia that there was, with a finger against a clit (put that info to the side a sec to finish previously started analysis) a small pair of moisten pussy lips.

So either I was mislead about the meaning of what the word brother meant or...

Wait that's what's really wrong here!!!

It's not that Jake was missing his male equipment or my understanding of what the word brother means. No the thing that is wrong here is my incorrect assumption that my victim WAS my brother.

So now I feel better that I established it wasn't my brother who had a female pussy replacing his male genitals that was looking in the folders of dirty pictures on my comp. Whew what a relief.


"SUSIE," I said not feeling what happened the exact second later after I looked her in the face with both eyes.

Terri's ass meet floor, floor meet Teri's ass. Floor do your job and not let said ass fall any further down then already done, as hard as possible.

"Oh, Terri I thought you were taking a bath." my six year old little sister said in a very normal and undisturbed tone as she ever had before.

Oh My God, the nerve of that little twerp. Not only denying me of busting my brother jerking off, by being there in his place but that little minx was denying me satisfaction. What satisfaction? The satisfaction of seeing a look of shame and embarrassment at being caught.

Being caught naked, with nipples pinched in clothes pins (mind store that info with earlier one) in my room and masturbating to dirty pictures on my comp. Because she wasn't appearing ashamed or embarrassed, the fink.

"That was part of my trap to catch Jake in my room looking at my comp." I said trying to pick up the pieces of my blown mind from the floor, though I shouldn't have bothered.

"Oh, well I better leave so you can set the trap again."

Okay now, seriously? Was this happening, seriously?

"Susie," I said taking a few long deep breath thinking it would help. It didn't. "Why are you in my room with so much of your naked body exposed?"

"Cause I thought I could do some feel good rubbing while you were in the bath."

Aaaawwww, isn't it cute how she described masturbation in such a childlike way. Hold it...mental face slap needed here.

"First of all it's call masturbating, And second of all..." said in an informative, calm rational low tone. "HOW THE HELL LONG AS THIS BEEN GOING ON!!!" said in a not so informative, not so calm totally irrational and by no means a low tone.

"Ummm," she mused as she cocked her head slightly to the side as she looked out the corner of her eyes like she was trying to remember and calculate the mount of time. "Couple times a week for a few months. I get these good tinglys between my legs when I do it."

So okay my brain no longer needed to store that bit of info containing the finger on clit for later analysis anymore, which reminds me.

"Why do you have clothes pins on your nipples? I mean doesn't that hurt?"

"Mhmm," the way she said it sounded like a women in a porno movie (yeah have a few of those in the folders if you hadn't guessed already) "Makes the good tinglys between my legs feel even better"

Okay not sure if any of you comprehended the significant revelation of her last statement. I would have had not the still missing pieces of my blown mind weren't still rolling around the floor somewhere.

"Terri do you really like looking at that stuff on your puter?" she asked as her finger resumed rubbing her tiny clit.

"Uh, yeah," I said in my best 'what, are you stupid or something' tone. "That's why I saved them on the comp."

"Have you ever done any of that stuff?"

"No I haven't."

"How come?"

"Cause I don't know anyone I could ask that would let me tie them up and do that stuff to," I said as I looked at the monitor and saw that one off the slide show I made was playing. It showed various still pictures of dominant women in various forms of undress. From being simply pantieless to just simply wearing a pair of high heels. Mean while they had another female, also in various states of undress to completely stark naked, tied up. Sometimes they were in light bondage but a lot of them were in heavy bondage. Finally almost half of the bound women had gags or clamps on their nipples and or pussies.

"You really want to tie someone up and make them do stuff like in those pictures?"

"I sure would," I said as I stared trance like at the slide show on my computer screen.


"Okay what?" I said a little angrily as Susie was interrupting my fantasies as I watched the slide show which was getting my pussy worked up.

"Okay, you can tie me up and make me do stuff to you if you do the stuff to me that gets done in the pictures."

Now I know you can't give your self whiplash but when I turned my head towards Susie it sure felt like I did. I was so engrossed at looking at the picture slide show I didn't notice that my six year old sister had totally removed her shirt and stepped out of her pants and underwear. Now she was standing there with her arms at her sides totally naked.

"Are you really gonna let me tie you up?"

"Uh huh," she said as she shook her head up and down. "Are you gonna make me lick your naughty place between your legs?"

"Uh, it's called a pussy," I said completely dumbfounded, cause my little sister was standing there offering me her body to use to tie up. "And you don't have to lick my pussy if you don't want to." Hell I didn't really care if she licked me or not I would be just as happy to tie her naked little ass up.

"That's not how the game is played" she huffed.

"Uh, Susie that stuff you see in those pictures isn't a game." well not a type of game that I thought she might be used to or thinking it was anything like.

The expression on her face changed into one of someone who was about to do something bad that they shouldn't be doing, then said. "Well it isn't till you agree to do it right and play by the rules. That includes the pain stuff and the spankings." her eyebrows moved up and down in a really mischievous way after she said that.

Okay, okay I get it you can stop hitting me in the head with the sledge hammer already, I get it.

"Okay Twerp," I said as I got to my feet in front of her. "I think this is some kind of test you're pulling on me to see how far I'll go. So I'll tie you up. I'll spank you. I'll make you lick my pussy. Hell, I'll even cause you a little pain in your nipples and pussy. Only cause I think you won't go thru with it."

"Try me," she said with the cutest damn smug smile I ever saw as she held her arms up straight in front of her and her wrists together like she was waiting for the cops to slap the cuffs on her.

I took my clothes off as fast as I could without ripping them figuring she would chicken out when she saw me naked and ready for business. "Whatcha gonna tie me up with?"

And there it was...DAMN she's smarter then I thought. She found a way out without admitting she wasn't gonna go thru with it. But I'll show her as I got an idea of what to use quickly.

Now besides the fact I am about to tie up my naked little sister and do some sexual stuff with there is one thing really quirky about me. I have this sort of hobby. I, for some strange reason, like to collect ribbons. You know the kind used to wrap presents with. I had been collecting them for as long as I can remember. Ribbons from each of our Christmas presents, birthday presents even special occasion presents. I had like five or six shoe boxes full of them. I went to my closet and took out two boxes of ribbons.

"Oooo, goody you are gonna tie me up like a present." she said as she squealed happily and clapped.

Yeah I'll tie you up like a present...MY present.

"Okay get up on your knees on my bed and face the wall," I told her as I had the perfect position I wanted to tie her up clearly in my mind. While she got into the position on my bed a went to my dresser and placed the two boxes on top of it. With my back towards her I opened them and looked for the ribbons I would use. I found a nice large red ribbon which was long and thick enough that I could wrap and tie around her neck like a collar. I found another red ribbon I could tie around her waist just enough to make a nice sized bow. Finally I found two pieces of pink ribbon that would do nicely to tie each of her wrists to each of her ankles.

When I turned around I froze at the sight of my naked little six year old sister. As she knelt on my bed in it's center she had her knees parted about shoulders width from each other. I thought of how her hairless little pussy and asshole would be visible with her bent so her shoulders were against the mattress and tiny butt stuck on the air when I tied her into position.

"Hey you two I'm going to a friends for a bit before Mom gets home from work," Jake's voice said from the foot of the stairs. "I should be back in four hours, will you two be fine alone till then?"

'Oh we'll be more then fine alone.' I thought to myself as I watched the moisture growing on Susie's bald baby cunt lips. "Yeah go ahead we'll do alright."

"Okay if you need to just call across the street and Aunt Steph can come over to help."

'Oh no I wasn't going to need her help one tiny bit.' "Yeah I know."

I was climbing onto the bed behind my sister as I heard the front door open and close. I thought to my self 'This couldn't have worked out better if ten of me together had actually planned this whole thing out.'

WARNING: long boring descriptive narration ahead!

I place all but one of the ribbons on the bed next to me. Then take the one ribbon in both hands out in front of my sister. I place the middle of the ribbon against her throat and pull the ends towards the back of her, not enough to choke her or nothing (there will be ABSOLUTELY NO SNUFFING in this story) just enough so it was snug against her throat. Then I cross the ends behind her to the front again. I hold both ends in one hand as I free her slightly longer then shoulder length chocolate colored hair from where the crossing is. After releasing her hair I take one of the two ends in my empty hand and proceed to tie it. Having gotten a lot of practice on stuffed animals my father's deceased parents gave me (they kept hoping I would grow out of being a tomboy) I made a nice big bow.

I reached down, picked up the other red ribbon and brought it around to the front of Susie at her waist. The ribbon wasn't long enough to wrap around her like I did her neck. Well actually I did but not a whole lot and I wanted to make a really big bow with long lengths at the ends left over. So I just wrapped the bow around her waist and tied it off in back. That gave her a bow at her lower back and two tails made of red ribbon.

Okay you may be wondering why I tied a ribbon around her neck and waist. The ribbon around her neck I thought would be suitable for a make shift slave collar (every good slave girl needs a collar, right?). Since we didn't own a dog (well not at that time yet anyway. -Ooooops spoiler alert do not proceed further.-) that I could borrow a collar from the ribbon would have to do. As for the ribbon around her waist? Well I figured it would make it more game like (sorta like 'dress up'.) for my little sister so she wouldn't get to scared (wasn't the least be sadistic at that time.) and back out screaming at the last second.

Now we get to the good part, well at the time it was good for me because I would get to see my little sister's naked pussy and asshole. I told her to lean forward and place her head and shoulders on the bed but to keep her ass sticking up. When she did I had her move her arms to her side on the bed and back behind her. I tied her wrists to each ankle tightly, but not to tight as to cut off blood flow. After I finished tying off the last ribbon I sat my naked ass back on the heels of my feet to observer and admire the sight of my first real life naked female in bondage.

Now I know the pose was not very imaginative or the knots and bindings being intricately done, but what the hell did you expect from an inexperienced spur of the moment thing. I thought it looked pretty sexy for a first time amateurish job. My pussy got totally sloppy wet from seeing the exposed bald little girl pussy and asshole. The fact that it was my six year old sister's exposed little pussy and asshole seemed to make it hotter.

So okay let's check the sore board and review.

I am a Tomboy.

I am a Tomboy Lesbian.

I am a Tomboy Lesbian Domme.

I am a Tomboy Lesbian Domme that is incestuous.

I am a Tomboy Lesbian Domme and Incestuous Pedophile.

That sound about right to you? Okay just checking, let's move on.

So there I was looking at my first real live naked female that was tied up by my own two hands and getting more aroused by the second. I reached my hands out and started to caress Susie's little naked butt cheeks. My hands trembled slightly and they moved slowly forward till they finally made contact. I shook with sexual excitement at feeling of her small young ass flesh.

Oh sure there was the occasional touches when we were horsing around while playing or when we would sit and watch T.V. together. But this was different, this was sexual pure and simple. At this point I felt a lump in my throat, butterflies in my stomach and what felt like bees in my pussy (how's that for imagery?). I was so entranced by the fact that I was touching my little sister's ass in a sexual way almost hypnotized. I began rubbing the soft smooth flesh, then I started squeezing it between my fingers.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to spank me instead of just feeling me up back there," Susie complained as my hands played with her baby butt cheeks.

"Shut up twerp, let me enjoy this a few moments," I said annoyed that she was so rude as to interrupt me while I molested her backside. "Besides I don't think we should get into spankings yet or even ever."

"But you gotta," she whined.

"Why do I 'GOTTA', I asked really annoyed that she was interrupting my enjoyment of seeing her tied up little six year old naked body.

"Well cause I was in your room when I wasn't supposed to and touching your putor," she said in a solemn tone.

"Yeah well I forgive you for all that," I said as my eyes continued to absorb the sight of her small hairless cunt.

"But you said you always wanted to spank someone," she said as she continued to plead her case. But I was only half paying attention to what she was REALLY trying to tell me. You know that stuff you always hear about between the lines? I was to caught up in what was before my eyes for my mind to comprehend anything else. "And besides, you promised."

It was that last statement that broke me out of my hypnotic trance, mainly because it came out as a long screechy whine which was as bad as fingernails on a chalk board.

"What do you mean I promised," I asked her. "When did I promise I would spank you?"

"You said you would do everything to me like in those videos you got," my little sister said in that irritating whiny tone.

"Yeah but," I started to say as I tried desperately to remember exactly what I did or didn't promise. See the one thing about me is I always pride myself on keeping promises, mainly because I never make any that I'm not damned sure I can keep. So when I realized that I did say I would do 'EVERYTHING' that was in the videos to Susie that did mean the spankings as well. Trouble was I don't think she knew what those spankings she saw would feel like. Some of the Videos were pretty hardcore stuff and the spankings were so hard you could actually hear the smacks as well as see welts, handprints and bruises form on bare flesh. "Listen what you saw in those videos are hardcore and can really hurt a lot." I figured I could convince her to let me out of any promises I made to her if she knew they wouldn't be to her liking.

"I'm not really mad at you, in fact I'm real happy that you are letting me do this," I continued to make my case for appeal of my promise. "Plus I love you and don't want to hurt you."

"But what if I want you to hurt me," She asked. "Would you still love me?"

"Well of course I would," Geez what a silly question, but then again what can you expect from a six-year-old? Trouble was that I didn't think she knew how much a spanking would hurt. It's not like out parents ever spanked any of before. "Susie you really don't know how a spanking would even feel, especially on your bare butt."

"Yes I do," she said but she has been know to exaggerate things so she probably meant that during horsing around with me, Jake, our cousins across the street or her friends.

"Susie, all the times you been spanked while horsing around is not the same thing." I tried to explain to her. "You have not gotten a real spanking before."

"I have to," she insisted.

"Oh yeah," I asked knowing I would catch her exaggerating with my next question. "When, where and by who?" That should put an end to her exaggeration right there.

"There were a few times down the street by Mr. Daniels in his house," Susie told me in a tone full of determination to prove she was telling the truth. "He gives me five dollars if I let him spank my bare butt two times a week."

And just when I thought it was safe to put the pieces of my earlier blown mind back together she goes and drops that bombshell. See if Susie were exaggerating she wouldn't name names or give specific details. She definitely wouldn't name anyone like Mr. Daniels because he lived fairly close for her story to be checked out. She was always smart enough to say it was someone she didn't know therefore no one in the family would know them and couldn't talk to to find out what really happened. So that is how I knew she was telling the truth and now I was going to need to get a bit more info on this shocking admission.

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Nice story. There's some jumping around parts that make it hard to follow but the more you write, the better you'll get at that.


Good story, please continue.

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