Published: 21-Jul-2013
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Things went along pretty much as usual for the next week or so, with Barbara being switched or spanked a couple of times a day, Andy getting frequent blow-jobs, and even Helen forcing her occasionally to lick her to orgasm. One day when she was slow to go outside to the street naked in the November cold to pick up the mail from the mail-box, Helen gave her a particularly long and painful beating with a hairbrush, even using the bristle side a few times. This left Barbie with a raw red pair of buttocks, a number of bristles had dug little bloody holes in her plump cheeks, and she had screamed harder than she ever had before.
As a result, Helen had let her stay in bed the next day and had even felt sufficiently guilty, that she had given her a blanket to cover her. Prior to this, she had been limited to a sheet to cover her, and the cold had caused her to spend sleepless hours trying to get warm.
That evening Helen unlocked Barbie's bedroom door to bring her some soup and crackers, only to find the window wide open. She set the soup tray down and crossed to the window. Looking out, some ten feet below, she saw Barbara, wrapped in the blanket and nothing else, lying on the ground moaning. Apparently, in dropping from her window she had hurt her ankle enough, so that she couldn't walk on it.
Helen went out to the living room, calling Andy to help her bring Barbara inside. Between them they were able to assist her to limp back inside. It was easy to tell she had been outside for some time, because her skin was like ice to the touch and her teeth were chattering like castanets. They sat her in the easy chair and Helen knelt to look at Barb's foot.
"Well, it's not broken. It appears to be a severe sprain or strain."
With this, she grabbed the ankle and twisted it enough to cause Barbara to shriek at the top of her lungs, and tears began streaming down her cheeks.
"You'd have been better off breaking it, Dolly, cause then I would have felt sorry for you. Now all you're gonna get for your trouble is, a sore foot, a sore ass and no blanket."
She then yanked the blanket away from the shivering girl's naked body. Looking down at her trembling figure, they could see goose-bumps all over her body, and her puffy nipples were sticking out like gun turrets. Barbie tried to curl herself up for warmth, but Helen pulled her to her feet and placed her nose an inch away from Barb's, almost spitting her words out.
"This is the fourth time you've tried to run away from us, you little bitch. I'm beginning to think you don't like it here. Now I'm going to warm you up with a little whipping, so you'll remember how much we want you to stay and keep us company. We'd be lost without you to care for. Andy, go close her window and bring me that belt in my closet that I use to teach recalcitrant little girls how to be good."
Andy left the room and Barbie looked with doe eyes at her tormentor and begged.
"Oh, please don't, Ma'am. My backside has bloody spots all over it from the last beating you gave me with the hairbrush. I think I'd die if you hit me there any more."
"Well then, I guess we'll have to find someplace else to smack you, won't we?"
Andy returned with the strap and handed it to Helen.
"We can't hit Barbie doll on her bum, Andy. Do you have any suggestions where else we might hit her?"
"Sure, Mom. How about on the tits? That ought to warm her up a bit."
"Good idea, Son. I sorta figured that's where you'd pick. I'm getting to know your proclivities pretty well. Tell you what, why don't you take the strap and get her started."
With a look of pure delight, Andy grabbed the strap and without hesitating swung it around to land smack across the top of Barbara's frozen titties. She was so taken by surprise that she stumbled back and landed on her injured foot, letting out a scream and tumbling to the floor, landing on her injured buttocks and causing her to scream even louder.
"Well, I guess I'm going to have to hold her up. Barbie seems a little unsteady on her feet. Come on, sweetie, let's get you up so Andy can show you how proficient he is at boobie smacking."
Helen bent over and picked the struggling girl up by her arm, then moving around behind her, took both her upper arms in her hands. She even pulled the helpless girl back a little, so that her chest was prominently displayed. Andy, standing at Barbara's side brought his arm far behind him and let go with a tremendous blow. This one caught Barb across the lower portion of her right breast and the upper part of her right. Taking more careful aim, he reared back with his arm and caught her directly across both nipples, to an accompanying wail and more tears coursing down her face. Now that he had his aim corrected he proceeded to lambast her perky nipples four times in a row, to an accompanying caterwaul each time, increasing in volume with each strike.
Andy didn't let up until Barb's breasts were a solid mass of crimson stripes, and he wouldn't have stopped then if Helen hadn't yelled for him to stop. Barbara's head had sunk forward and she was barely moaning now.
"Let's save our girl for more fun later, Son. I think she's pretty well out of it now. Besides, I don't think I can hold her up much longer. Let's get her in bed and you can apply the salve to her poor ta-tas."
They each took one of Barbara's arms and carried her back to her bed. While Helen got her placed on her back, Andy retrieved the salve and sat down on the bed next to his step-sister. Taking a blob of the ointment he spread it on one of her breasts and then began rubbing it in. When he had covered the entire breast, he grabbed the attached nipple and pulling it out as far as possible, to Barb's accompanying pitiful shriek, he grabbed the base of the breast and squeezed it hard. This brought a louder shriek from Barbie, as her eyes flew open in surprise. Andy then stopped squeezing as hard, so that the breast passed through his hand, until his hand rested against the one holding her nipple.
Barbie looked at Andy piteously, hoping to plead for empathy with her eyes. It had no effect on Andy, however, as he dipped his hand in the ointment jar and moved it over to the other boob. He performed exactly the same procedure on the other breast, reveling in Barbie's pathetic outcries. When he had finished, Helen and Andy moved to the doorway, and, as Helen was turning out the light, she said disgustedly, "Now I guess I'll have to get you to nail that window shut. That girl causes more trouble!"
Barbie awoke the next morning to the sound of Andy pounding a nail into the bottom of her window to prevent her from being able to try to escape that way. Helen came to the doorway to tell her that if she wanted breakfast, it was on the table. Barbara stupidly asked if Andy would bring her some. He looked at her, laughed and walked out of the room.
She had to use every bit of strength she had to get out of bed. Her ankle was killing her, her breasts still burned from her flogging and the blood on her buttocks had stuck to the sheets. She was finally able to pull herself around to sit up, put her feet on the floor and push herself up to a standing position. Walking was a whole different thing. She finally convinced herself that the only way she'd make it to the dining room was to hobble. She took one step to the doorway and then hobbled the remaining steps to the table.
Helen and Andy were at the table already and when she looked at the platter on which the eggs had been, the plate was empty.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you probably wouldn't be coming in, so we finished off the eggs. But there's a piece of toast there, if you'd like it."
With tears welling in her eyes, the naked teen sat down and retrieved the single piece of toast remaining. Both Helen and Andy commented on how red her tits were. Andy said he thought they looked better that way. Barbie lowered her head and said nothing at first. Finally she began to feel thirsy.
"Could I have some juice or coffee, please?"
"Sure, the juice is in the fridge. If you want coffee, you'll have to fix it yourself."
Tears beginning to run down her face, Barbie finished her toast and made a valiant effort to rise, but just couldn't find the strength to do it, so she just sat there and cried.
"Now, I believe it's been a dog's age since the kitchen floor has been washed, so before you go back to bed, bitch, you'd best get to it, and it had better sparkle."
With a quiet "Yes, Ma'am," Barbie made an extra effort and finally managed to push herself up and into the kitchen. In great pain she was able to fill the pail with detergent and hot water, find a scrub brush and hobble back to the kitchen from the utility room. When she went to put the pail down, she lost her balance and fell painfully to the floor, making a loud splat as her body hit frontwards. As she sat up trying to soothe her painful breasts which had just taken the brunt of the fall, Helen came in to see what had happened.
"Good! I see you managed to get down there. Now let's see some work!"
It took much longer to finish the floor than it ordinarily would have, but Barb managed to get the pail and brush put away, before she tiredly hobbled her way back to the dining room. Andy was sitting in the living room in the big easy chair.
"It's about time, Booby doll. I've been waiting here for you to suck on my flesh tube for ages. Come on over here and show me how much you love me."
"Oh, Andy! Please! I hurt so much and I'm so tired. Couldn't you wait a couple of hours?"
"Course, I hear you're now an expert with the poop chute. We could do that if you'd rather."
"With a muted sigh Barbara hobbled over to the living room. The hobbling accented the bouncing of her breasts, which made Andy even more ready for her visit. She finally reached his chair and used the chair arm to lower herself to her knees.
"Next time, don't touch this chair unless I give you permission, you inept whore! Got me?"
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, Master!"
Andy undid his pajama bottoms, and there before Barb's eyes was his semi-hard penis just waiting for attention. She moved her head forward, began licking up and down the shaft, as she had been instructed so many times, until he finally told her to start sucking. Her mouth opened and enveloped the head, which she sucked and sucked on, until Andy pushed her head down all the way to his pubic hair. She had begun to learn to take his full length in her mouth without so much gagging, if she had some warning or could perform without his help, but she wasn't prepared this time and she was forced to utter a"Phhhhft" as a result, as she attempted to get some air into her lungs.
The blow-job proceeded normally then, until the oncoming orgasm excited Andy to the point that he pressed Barb's head into his stomach and would not release her until his semen splashed down her throat. She was near fainting, when he finally let go of her head, and she flung it back and gulped down a lungful of badly needed oxygen.
She sat back on her haunches, breathing heavily, until Andy told her to get to bed now. He didn't need her anymore. She finally managed to rise, and, with bouncing boobs, she hobbled her way back to bed and slid under her sheet, curling into the now-familiar fetal position to keep warm.
Mrs Thomson
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