Published: 24-Jul-2013
Word Count:
I know you think that things could not get much worse for me. Here I was, young, quite attractive, if I do say so myself, fresh out of school and at my very first teaching job, And within days of starting out, I had become a sex slave to my very own fourteen and fifteen year old black students. These were boys...just boys, who sexually abused me in the most degrading and humiliating ways possible. And once I had fallen into their trap, of course, I could not get out. I was an adult, a teacher. They were "innocent" children that the entire world would think I had corrupted. The truth of course was just the opposite. They may have been young, but they had the sexual drive of animals and the equipment to support it.
I was being regularly fucked by sixteen boys. They took over my home, eating, sleeping and fucking to their heart's content. After a long grueling day of teaching, they fucked me until some time after midnight. Derek, the cutest black boy in the class was their leader. He was lean and cocky with a winning smile that could turn cruel at a moment's notice. Usually, he slept with me in my bed at night. I had to sleep naked of course, I was kept naked in my own house most of the time. I was forced to sleep with my head down between his strong, slender thighs and his massive teenage cock in my mouth. That's right, I had to keep his thick black nigger dick in my mouth all night. Sometimes he fucked my face, half in his sleep, half awake.
I should explain about my use of the N...word. I have never been a racist. I never used that word. I would shun those who did. But these black teenage boys threw the word around like a soccer ball. They called each other "nigger" all the time, and I guess I picked it up from them. I also began to feel there was a distinct difference between African Americans and Niggers. African Americans were decent, intelligent, hard working, caring citizens. The boys who had sexually enslaved me were niggers. They would have been the very lowest of any race. They were sadistic, rotten scum. At fourteen years of age, they were animals.
But I was about to tell you how things got worse for me. First, Derek began to tell other black boys at the school where I taught that my white twenty-two year old cunt was available to whomever wanted it. So other freshmen boys as well as sophomores, juniors and seniors began to come around to have me suck their huge dirty black dicks and fuck me as well. Derek warned me with a painful tit slapping session that I was never ever to refuse any black man or boy who wanted my worthless white cunt. I knew that no one could take the amount of cock that I was taking and last for long. My entire body ached, my throat was sore and raspy, and my cunt and asshole were swollen and raw. For some reason, these black boys enjoyed fucking me in the ass almost as much as in my pussy.
I was sucking off two or three boys between classes in my room, sucking boys at lunch in the Boys' Toilet, and sucking them during my free period. These were supposed to be children. I was supposed to be a competent adult. I was on my knees licking their sweaty teenage balls sacks and sucking the cock slime from their erect young hunks of leaking fuckmeat. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to report them to the principal, or to the police. I can't tell you how close I came to screaming out for help to my colleagues. I began to wonder how many of them knew about my situation. And I felt certain they thought it was I who had seduced the boys. Derek saw to that.
They made me wear the most obscene clothing to school. Skirts so short that when I bent over in the slightest, my entire ass or cunt would show. That's right. They forbade me to wear panties. They also forbade me to wear a bra, so my large brown nipples showed through the sheer material of the blouses they had me wear. I spent most of my class time exposing myself to my students. I would try to lecture, while they shouted obscenities at me.
"Show us your tits, Miss Bitch..." a boy would yell, seated with fourteen year old legs spread, fingering the large dick in his trousers. And I would have to bare my tits for the entire class of boys. They would wolf whistle and rub the lumps in their pants. Derek had warned me that I had better follow the orders of any one of the boys. If he heard differently, I would be punished. My name is Birch...but the boys called me Bitch.
Have you ever seen the cock of a fourteen year old black boy? Well, in most cases, it is fully as large as the fully developed penis of a white adult, sometimes even larger. A few of the boys, like Derek were almost freakishly hung...their small fourteen year old bodies hardly able to support so much dick.
And then came a day even more degrading than the rest. We had a kind of career day at our local schools. Teachers from the high school went to speak at the lower school and vice-versa. I was to teach a seventh grade class of boys at a nearby grade school. I looked forward to this, as it would give me a reprieve from my daily torture. One day of bliss. One day of escaping the humiliation and torture. But it was not to be.
You see, Derek came along with me as a "student Monitor." He had somehow arranged to be assigned my "Student Aid." That morning after being fucked by six black students, two in the asshole and four in the cunt, I dragged my abused twenty-two year old body to the shower. I went back to my bedroom to discover that Derek had set out a "special" outfit for me to wear to the Seventh Grade Lecture. The skirt was the shortest yet.
When I stood straight, it came down to within a half inch of my cunt lips. If I moved wrong at all, my swollen labia were fully on display. Derek had made me shave down there, so my pussy was smooth, but red and swollen and sometimes turned almost inside out from all the fucking. In the back, the bottom of my ass cheeks showed. At the top, the skirt rode down so low that my pubic bone was visible. My stomach was naked and showing. ON top, I was allowed a tube of material to cover my breasts...a tube of such thin white material that my large brown nipples showed clearly through. On my feet, I wore six inch stilettos.
"My God, Derek, they will never allow me into the school like this. You must realize that. This is obscene!" That got me a back-handed slap. Derek informed me that he had everything under control.
On the way over to the school, Derek drove my car. That's right, at fourteen, he did the driving...I sucked dick. My breakfast had consisted of toast covered in black boy sperm and coffee with nigger jizz instead of creamer.
I had the taste and smell of negro spunk with me always. In the car, Derek ordered me to unzip him and suck him while he drove over to the lower school. It seemed to me like I was never without black dick in one of my holes. I had come to think of my mouth as just another fuck hole. I wondered if this is how black men treated their women, of if this "special" treatment was reserved for white bitches. Derek pulled out of my mouth and shot his heavy morning load all over my face, just as he was pulling up into the parking lot of the school. All kinds of black boys were playing outside. Derek's cockslop splattered my face. He hopped out of the car and ran around to open the door for me.
"Come on, haul your lazy whore ass out here Miss Bitch," Derek announced loudly enough for a dozen boys to hear." I reached up with my hand to wipe the trails of running cock slime from my face. "Don't you dare wipe dat off...Fucking Whore!"
I climbed from the car, surrounded by black boys from eight to thirteen. They began laughing and pointing at me. Cum ran down my face and dripped from my chin. Thick globs of Derek's spooge coated my lips.
Derek ordered me to walk in front of him toward the building. The boys screamed and whistled and called me "Fucking Bitch," "Dirty Whore," and "Cocksucking Bitch." Like a celebrity, Derek smiled and high-fived some of the boys.
Just as we reached the entrance, her threw me a kind of Artist smock to put on. It buttoned in the front and hung to almost my knees. I was not very attractive, but it was the most wonderful piece of clothing I had seen in weeks.
It covered me. I spoke to the Principal and vice-Principal, hoping they would think the dried cum on my face just a bad make-up job, introduced Derek as my "Aid," and went to my assigned classroom.
Inside, waiting for me, were eighteen twelve year old black boys. As soon as he shut the door behind us, Derek told me to strip off the smock.
"Please, Derek, let me wear it while I teach these boys. It's not right for me to teach children in..." He slapped me, right in front of the boys. And they cheered! The boys applauded and howled with laughter. I removed the smock, and the cheers turned to cat-calls.
"Look at can see her big fat nipples..." one twelve year old boy shouted, and everyone laughed. " I like ta be her baby and suck da milk from dose..."
"Fuck dat shit, look at dat skirt! I think I saw some cunt lip..." another twelve year old said pointing. These were little boys...children! I almost fainted from shame.
"Boys...dis here is Miss Bitch! She gonna teach you today."
I cleared my throat and began to talk to the boys about a career in teachers were needed and how important they were. I knew the boys were not listening at all and were staring at my hem line and my tube top. I saw a few of the twelve year olds spread their legs and dig a hand down into their crotches. I was a sex object for twelve year old black boys. How had it come to this?
"Hey, Teach..." Derek said. "Why not take off dat top and show da boys here your big fat titties?"
"Oh, God, Derek, please, for the love of Jesus, don't make me do this..." I was trembling so badly I could hardly stand.
I heard the boys giggling in that way that little boys still do from time to time. Derek frowned. "We gonna have a serious punishment session when we get home. You dare to dis me in front of dese boys?"
I was more terrified of Derek's punishments than I was of exposing myself. Another time, I'll tell you about his punishments. You wouldn't think a fourteen year old boy could come up with such disgusting, perverted, sick performed on a grown white woman's body. An image of some of those games flickered across my mind, and I removed the tank top. I prayed the room was soundproofed because the kids went wild.
They shouted and laughed and yelled things and rubbed their twelve year old dicks in their jeans. Fucking little black animals.
"Go on, Miss Bitch...go on wit yo lecture." I tried. With tears running down my face and mixing with the glaze of dried black boy cum, I went on talking. Derek allowed to stammer on for a few moments and then said, "Go on talking teach, you not making a very good impression. Oh yeah, reach up and pull on your nipples and get dem nice and hard for my little bros here!"
It was like I was hypnotized. I had no idea what I was saying. My fingers went up to my large breasts and I grabbed a nipple with the fingers of each hand and pulled and twisted. The classroom had grown very quiet. Just the panting breath of eighteen twelve year old boys as well as my own labored breathing. I stood there tugging and twisting my nipples for the children. I knew what was coming next and prayed for some kind of divine intervention. I prayed for help. But none came.
"Take off da skirt," Derek almost whispered, his thick lips forming a cute smile. He was one adorable fourteen year old black boy, no doubt about it.
Like a Zombie, my fingers went to the button on the skirt, and it dropped to my ankles, showing the roomful of twelve year old boys my naked cunt. Not a sound, except the rubbing of small black hands on hard nigger dick.
I stood there naked except for the high heels, trembling with shock. I could smell young black male sex in the room. The smell had taken over my house. It was musky and sweet and hung in the air. Derek took over my lecture. He told the little boys that what they were seeing was fine white bitch cunt. He explained that the cunt lips were all red and swollen because I had been taking so much nigger dick. Do you want to heard something terrible. Something I am ashamed to admit. At that moment, I actually think my cunt got a bit wet. I don't know why. It just got wet. My clit gave a little throb as well.
Most white girls of my age are leading wonderful, healthy, normal lives. Perhaps they have a steady boyfriend, or perhaps they are looking. Some were planning their weddings. I was standing naked in front of eighteen black twelve year old boys, while a fourteen year old thug told them about all the black cock I was fucked with every day. He ordered me to open my mouth and stick out my tongue. He told the boys what a first rate cocksucker I had become. He told the boys that he had had to teach me how to suck black dick properly...and it was true. He had taught me.
Then, even worse. He ordered me to sit up on the desk and put my heels on the edge and spread my legs as wide apart as possible. I knew this would open my cunt totally to the boys. I was giving these twelve year old black boys a "CUNT SHOW." I could hear my ragged breathing as I opened my most private part to eighteen little boys. But Derek wasn't satisfied.
"Use your fingers and spread that fucked up cunt for dese here men!" Like something inhuman in a zoo, I reached down and spread my cunt lips for the panting boys. Derek retrieved a pointer from the map board and proceeded to point out the areas of my cunt for the boys. He pointed to my clit and flicked it with the tip of the pointer. He shoved about five inches of pointer up my cunt and told the boys this was my fuckhole. He fucked the pointer in and out and I began for some reason to tremble. Then he removed the pointer and held it up to my face, so that I could suck the cunt juice off of it. Several of the black children had taken their dicks out of their pants.
"What a fuckin' slut. She sucking her pussy juice off of dat pointer..." One black boy explained to the others, as if they could not see. He stood right up out of his desk and began to masturbate his black twelve year old dick. I started to cry harder. I think Derek enjoyed that. He seemed to really get off on making me cry. Next he shoved the pointer up into my asshole, explaining to the black boys that "white bitches" loved to get fucked in the ass. He forced the pointer about eight inches into my asshole, forcing a long, tortured groan out of me. Then after fucking in and out for a few seconds, he pulled the pointer out of my ass.
"She goin' to suck dat too?" the masturbating black boy int he aisle asked.
For an answer, Derek raised the pointer once again to my lips, and I sucked on it.
"She trained pretty fucking great..." another boy said, releasing his dick from his pants.
Derek smiled and nodded. " You boys grown up now. Time for you to get a white bitch of your own to play with. Go out and get some nice little ten or eleven year old white bitch and train her real good."
"But dey ain't got no tits at ten or eleven."
"Dey goin' ta have tits real soon. You start trainin' dem now, by da time dey gots tits, dey be real good dicksuckers! Until, den, you can have Miss Bitch here. I goin's to gib you all her address, and you can come over any time you wants to fuck her or hab her suck you. Only da older boys got first dib, so you gots to be polite and wait yo' turn."
My mind was racing. How could I add eighteen twelve year old black boys to the growing numbers who were already fucking me? It wasn't possible. I would be ruined, fucked to death. I knew these boys would spurt in just a few minutes, true, but think of my poor sore cunt and ass and mouth. I couldn't take it. I looked at Derek wildly, tears streaming down my face. He just smiled.
"Now you boys wants to come up here and get a good close look at her fine white cunt? You can pokes yo' fingers in her pussy too if you wants."
The boys lined up like they were going on a field trip. One by one they took a close-up look at my cunt. Each boy shoved two or three fingers into my cunt. They wiggled them and fucked them in and out. And Derek instructed me to thank each of the boys.
Then a couple of the boys shyly asked Derek if he would please show them his dick. He laughed and dropped his pants, revealing his beer can thick, eight inch flaccid fuck monster and egg sized nuts. The boys cooed like they were allowed in the presence of a rock star.
"You gonna have one like dis some day. Us nigger is hung huge. Part of da secret is to start fucking young. You boys should be fucking cunt three or four times a week by now. You know you wants it. Go out and get it! Make da bitches take it if dey says no. Dey is some nice seven, eight and nine year old white cunt at dat school right down a few blocks. Go pick up some of dat young white meat. Dey may put up a fuss at first, shit, even dis bitch put up a fight at first, but soon, dey is craving all da black dick dey can get. Dis bitch can't get enough black cock. Ain't dat right, Cunt?"
"Yes, Sir, I love black cock..." I replied like a robot, while yet another twelve year old black boy fingered my labia.
So, now you know. Now you know that things could get worse. Now, I am certain you are as I was that they could not become worse than this. Adding eighteen twelve year old black boys to my fuck schedule. But let me tell you, you have no idea. My nightmare was just starting.
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