Marcy, Part 2

[ Fdom, FM/f, humil, inc, spank, enema, nc, oral, anal, sad ]

by Banshee

Published: 17-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Marcy was sound asleep in her new bed, the one that Sam had brought her to on their wedding night and once again "raped" her, as far as she was concerned. Sam did little to make the experience at all pleasant for her, and she was ruing having to go through with this farce of a marriage, but she had no choice in the matter. Edna and Ernie had decided she was to go through with it, and, as their "ward", she had no control over the matter.

It was ten in the morning on the Monday following the wedding. Sam had gone down to the seed store to work with his sister, and Marcy had no responsibilities, as far as she was concerned, and the bed was so comfortable. The doorbell rang, and she sat up for a moment, figured "screw it" and dropped her head back down on the pillow.

She was jolted awake moments later by a jab on her arm and looked up to see Sam's mother standing next to the bed, her arms akimbo. The look on her face told Marcy she was not a happy camper.

"What the Hell are you doing still in bed, you lazy floozie. Get the Hell out of that bed right this minute."

Marcy knew better than to argue. She slipped her legs around to the side of the bed and pulled herself up to stand almost nose to nose with Mama.

"Now what's this I hear about you refusing to suck my boy off last night? Who the Hell do you think you are?"

"Well, in the first place I'm surprised to hear he told you about something that intimate between us. In the second place, I hate giving blow-jobs, and in the third place I don't think it's any of your business, lady!"

Mama grabbed a handful of Marcy's hair and pulled her head over until it was almost at right angles to Mama's face, which was now actually an inch from Marcy's nose.

"You listen here, little bitch! In the first place, my son tells me everything, 'cause that's the way he was brought up. Number two, I don't care how much you hate suckin' dicks or anything else Samuel wants to do to you, on Saturday you said you'd 'love, honor, and obey', and you ain't goin' back on that, not if I have anything to say about it. Finally, 'in the third place' anything that has to do with my son or daughter is my business, and you better learn that fast. Now, we're goin' down to the feed store and get this straightened out right now."

Mama began pulling Marcy's hair with her as she moved to the bedroom door.

"Well, at least let me get dressed. All I've got on is this nightgown."

"It don't matter. We're not wasting time so you can get yourself all dolled up. Now, I can either keep holt of your hair, or you can come peacefully. Which is it?"

"Okay, I'll come. Please let go of my hair."

As soon as Mama let go of Marcy's hair, she tried to make a run past her, but Mama stuck her foot out and Marcy tripped and fell flat on the floor, partially knocking the air from her lungs. Mama stepped forward, grabbed Marcy's hair from behind and actually pulled her up by it, with Marcy screaming in pain. She then marched her down the stairs, out the front door and down the sidewalk to the feed store three blocks away. They passed a few folks on the way, who smiled and nodded to Mama as they proceeded.

When they reached the feed store, and Mama had forced Marcy inside, they saw one customer, who looked a bit askance at first, but when he recognized Mama smiled and bade her a good morning. Mama nodded at him, saw Sam and his sister, Martha, behind the counter, and ordered her son to go into the store-room and pushed Marcy in after him, shutting the door behind her.

"Now, first I want you to apologize to Samuel for being a lazy, good-for-nothing wife and tell him, from now on you'll do whatever he tells ya'."

Marcy said not a word until Mama yanked on her hair so hard Marcy was afraid she'd pulled some out by the roots.

"Ahhggghh....Ohh, all right, all right! Let go and I'll tell him!"

This only caused Mama to pull her hair a little harder this time.

"Ooookkkkaaay! I'm sorreee!"

"Say what I told you, bitch, word for word. I apologize, Samuel, for being a lazy good-for-nothing wife, and from now on, I'll do anything you tell me to! Say it!"

"IIii...apologize..Sam ("Samuel, say it, bitch!"), Saaamuel, for being a....laaazy.. Oh please, let go...good-for-nothing...agghh...wife, and from now on I'll do....Ohhhgoddd...whatever you tell me to."

Mama pushed Marcy against a large bag of seed and ordered Marcy to take off her nightgown.

"Wha...not here! Can't this wait until he gets home?"

Mama balled her hand into a fist and slammed it into Marcy's solar-plexis. Marcy went down for the count, gasping for breath and looking up at Mama in shock.

"The other thing ya' gotta learn is to do whatever I tell ya' as soon as I tell ya', or your gonna be one sore little shrew. Now get up and TAKE THAT NIGHTGOWN OFF!"

Of course everything that had transpired was audible through the thin door, and the customer and Martha were smiling at one another and listening intently. Still gasping, Marcy rose from the floor slowly, and, grasping the hem of her gown, raised it over her head and dropped it beside her. Still not completely convinced Mama had the right to order her around, Marcy glared at Mama in hatred.

Mama's hand came up out of nowhere and slapped Marcy right across her left nipple with enough force to knock the teen sideways. Marcy gasped in pain.

"Don't you look at me that way, bitch. The sooner you learn to respect me, the better off you're gonna be. Now, Samuel, remove your overalls and underpants, and you, floozie, get down on your knees!"

Sam immediately did as ordered and stood there in his tee shirt with a growing hard-on. Marcy, on the other hand, watched Sam strip in disbelief, but continued to stand with her back to the seed bag. Mama's hands sprang out and grabbed both of Marcy's tits, squeezing them with all her might. Marcy's scream was long and piteous, as Mama continued to apply great pressure to her breasts. With a final screech, she sank to her knees before Mama. Mama moved aside, motioning to Sam to move in above Marcy.

"Now, I want you to give Samuel the best damn suckin' you possibly can, and, if it isn't, your ass is in for it, girl."

Sam placed his penis up against Marcy's lips, and she quickly opened her mouth. He stuck it in her mouth, but she grabbed hold of the base of it, to make sure her mouth wasn't forced down far enough to make her gag. She continued in this manner, moving her mouth halfway down his rod and then pulling back to the head. She moved her hand back and forth, as well, believing that the faster she could get this over with, the better.

Sam placed his hands behind her head and tried to apply force to move further down on his prick, but with her hand in the way, he was not having much success. He finally looked over at his mother, disappointedly.

"I can't get her to get it all in her mouth, Mama. She's got her hand in the way."

"Well, God-damn-it, Son, do something about it. Grab her hair and pull. That should do it."

And it did. As soon as she felt her hair being pulled again, she dropped her hand and allowed Sam to pull it to the root of his hard-on, but not happily. She immediately started coughing and gagging, as he held her head against his stomach for what she believed was an interminable amount of time. Finally they got into a rhythm, allowing her to breathe naturally, and only occasionally requiring her to gag. Since, unbeknownst to Mama or Marcy, he had gotten Martha to give him a blowjob shortly after they opened the store, it took Marcy over ten minutes of hard sucking to finally get Sam to reach an orgasm. As he reached that point he pulled his rod from her mouth and let his jism spurt all over Marcy's face and drip down onto her breasts, much to her disgust.

Mama reached over to get a couple of rags and threw one to each of them. After they had cleaned up and Marcy was once again standing, Sam moved to his clothes and began dressing. Marcy reached for her nightgown, but Mama waved her off.

"That was not a good suckin', obviously, and I told you it better be, or else, didn't I?"

She grabbed Marcy by the ear and moved over to an old rocking chair. As she sat, she pulled Marcy over her lap, and without warning began swatting her with her hand. It began falling on Marcy's slightly bruised buttocks with great force, and Marcy began crying out immediately, and in just four spanks was in tears. The blows continued for well over one hundred smacks before Mama decided her hand had had enough. She stopped and looked down at the deep red texture of Marcy's skin and with a final spank pushed Marcy to her feet. Tears were streaming down her face, as she moved her hands behind her to ease the awful pain she was feeling back there.

"I don't ever want to hear from Samuel that you didn't give him a top-notch suckin' from now on, ya' hear, girl, or next time you're gonna get it with my paddle. Get Samuel or Martha to tell you about my paddle some time. Now, lets' get you back to the house, so's you can do some of the housework that comes with bein' a wife."

Mama picked up Marcy's gown, grabbed Marcy's ear between her finger and thumb, and pushed her out into the store. Martha and the customer began to look as if they were completing a transaction as Mama spoke.

"Sorry for the interruption, Mr. Fields, but my daughter-in-law needed a lesson in behavin'. I'll see you later, Martha."

Mr. Fields nodded knowingly at her, as Mama pushed the naked teen-ager out onto the sidewalk, pulling her along toward the house, as Marcy moaned, and the pedestrians on the sidewalk chuckled and said good morning to Mama.

Chapter 2

When Sam returned home at 5:30, Marcy was sitting on the couch in the living room, and, as soon as she saw Sam, she burst into tears. Sam went and sat next to her, putting his arm on her shoulder and asked what was the matter.

"It's your mother! She's been here all day, making me do housework. I had to scrub the kitchen floor, wash all the windows, sweep the whole house, dust, and water and weed the garden. She stood over me the whole time, giving me "suggestions" of how to do things better. She spanked me two more times, real hard, once because she thought I was "dilly-dallying" and once because she thought I was sassing her, when I told her I'd never done any of this before, and I didn't think I should have to do it all at once. I'm so sore and she told me when she left that she'd be back tomorrow and show me how to do your laundry. I hate her!"

"Now, baby, you've got to learn this sometime, and Mama wants to make sure you do it right. I know, 'cause she used to spank Martha and me for the least little thing, always naked, and sometimes both of us at the same time. She's pretty much left me alone, since I got this house and moved away from hers, but she still spanks Martha all the time. Martha showed me her boobs today where Mama had spanked them with a fly swatter thirty times. That was 'cause she'd left the door open, by mistake, when she was bringing in the groceries. Mama gave her thirty 'cause she said that was probably how many flies she'd let get in the house."

"Why would she spank you both at the same time?"

"Well, Mama has this funny rule that it's all right for Martha and me to suck and lick each other, but fucking is incest as far as she's concerned, and she caught us doin' it a couple of times."

"Do you still do it with her?"

"Fucking, you mean? Naw!"

"But can't you talk to her and tell her you don't want her coming over here, unless you ask her?"

"Oh, no, baby. She'd tan my hide right here. Mama don't take orders from nobody. Everybody in town knows her, and respects her, but they stay out of her way most of the time. No, no, don't you even think of anything like that. She'll slow down, when she thinks you're finally doin' things the right way."

Marcy rose from the couch and turning her back to Sam, lifted her nightgown to show him her buttocks. They were flaming red, still, and she rubbed them softly.

"But look what she did. I couldn't sit down until a half hour ago."

"I'm looking, baby, and I like what I see! What say we go on in the bedroom?"

Sam rose and, grabbing her arm, began to pull her towards the bedroom.

"No, please, Sam, I hurt bad. I don't want to right now."

"Just remember what Mama said to you this morning, 'love, honor and obey', and I need it now!" NO, no, please, not now!"

"Unless you want that butt of yours a shade redder than it is, you better get that nightgown off now!"

As he was saying this he was tearing his own clothes off, and soon he stood in the middle of the room without a stitch on and his penis at 90 degrees from his body. Marcy reluctantly shucked her gown and stood facing him as naked as he. He pointed to his penis.

"I need you to get me more in the mood, baby. Get to suckin'."

Marcy wanted more than anything to tell him to go fuck himself, but she also didn't want any additional spanking, so she moved forward and dropped to her knees. Fortunately for her, Sam really only did want a mood-enhancer, and, in less than two minutes, he was pulling her up and pushing her to the bed. Pushing her to her back on the bed, Sam had his prick buried in her within thirty seconds. It was not pleasant for Marcy, because no attempt had been made to warm her up, and her vagina was as dry as the Mohave Desert. It took less than two minutes for him to spurt his seed into her, and then he laid on her and rested for another five. Considering he'd had two full blow-jobs and fucked Martha once earlier at the store, no one could question his virility.

After he had rested, he rose from the bed and slipped his undershorts on.

"Did Mama help you get my dinner, too, baby, 'cause I'm starving.?"

"Yes, she taught me how to make pot roast with all the trimmings."

Marcy rose and started to put her gown back on.

"Naw, baby, I like it when you're naked. Leave the nightgown off. I might want another go before the night is over."

Marcy, disgusted, moved to leave the room, but not before Sam had given her a hard swat on her butt as she passed, bringing tears to her eyes.

Chapter 3

Sam was surprised when Marcy rose with him at 7:30 and fixed him breakfast. As he requested, make that required, she remained without clothing while he was there, putting an apron on while she was frying his eggs, but otherwise, nude. She thought he was going to try to make love to her again before he left, but he had some orders he had to fill before 8:30, so he gave her a deep kiss, fondled her breast and swatted her still sore behind before he swept out the door.

As soon as he left, Marcy hurried to get dressed and, with the $40 she had taken from Sam's wallet after he fell asleep the night before, was out the door before 8:30 herself. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she was staying away from the house and Mama as long as she could. She figured if Mama waited an hour or so, she'd probably give up and go home.

She spent an hour or so dawdling in a diner, drinking coffee and eating a doughnut. Then she went shopping at a few of the dress shops and found herself a couple of pairs of shorts, and three blouses. She went back to the diner for lunch, having a sandwich and Coke. At 1:30 she sauntered home. She was relieved to see that no one was on the front porch, but surprised when she found the front door unlocked. Walking into the living room, she was even more surprised to find Mama sitting on the couch.

"Bbbut how did you get in? I locked the door before I left."

"Well, either I'm magic or I've had a front door key since Samuel moved in here. Where have you been and what have you there?"

"I went shopping and I bought a few shorts and blouses. I think I have a right!"

"Not when you steal the money to buy it from Samuel! So, you're a thief and a floozie. Take your clothes off this minute."

"I'm tired of you giving me orders. Yes, I took money from Sam's...Samuel's wallet, because I didn't have any, and when I asked him for some the other day, he said 'We'll see.' And I haven't gotten any since. I think I have a right to buy some of my own clothes."

"The sooner you learn you don't have any rights, the better off you'll be. Now take those clothes off immediately."

"I won't!"

Mama was on her like a tiger, and before Marcy knew what was happening, Mama had jerked all the buttons off of her blouse, and she watched as it flowed down her arms. Almost as quickly, she had yanked the catch on Marcy's shorts apart and it fluttered to her feet. She tried to bring her arms up to protect her bra, but Mama reached around and unhooked it in a second, and they both watched it drop to the floor. Marcy reached to hold her panties up, but Mama was too fast and ripped them down the front. Defeated, Marcy let go of the torn garment and it, too, dropped to the floor.

In one fell swoop, Mama grabbed the bags Marcy had brought in, as well as the clothes at her feet, and, crossing to the hearth, threw them into the fireplace. Grabbing a match from the mantle, she quickly lit it and set the clothing on fire.

"No, noooo, you can't do that! Those are my clothes!"

Marcy rushed to stop the fire, but with unexpected strength, Mama held her off. Shortly they both stood and watched as the bags caught fire and everything was aflame. Not done Mama rushed upstairs and was soon carrying an armload of dresses and underwear back downstairs to dump in the fire, in spite of a valiant attempt by Marcy to stop her. Before long, Mama had a mini-bonfire of most of Marcy's clothes going. Just to make sure, Mama again went upstairs and went through Marcy's bureau, and even the dirty clothes hamper and retrieved anything she hadn't gotten on her first trip.

Mama and Marcy, now in tears and moaning mournfully, watched all of the clothes burn down to ashes.

"Why did you do that? What am I going to wear now?"

"You don't wear clothes any more. Samuel told me, when I went down to the store looking for you today, that you had taken money from his wallet. He also told me he likes for you to be naked, so you don't need any clothes any more. You've lost the privilege. Now, the first thing we're gonna do after your spanking is to give you a nice big punishment enema. I went home and got all the paraphernalia while I was waiting for you."

Mama pulled the reticent teen to the couch and in spite of pleas that she was too sore, turned he over her lap and began a long and painful hand spanking. The nude girl twisted and turned trying to break free until Mama grabbed her hanging right breast and squeezed. Marcy cried out, but Mama, ordering her to stop, held on tightly and the squirming girl gave up fighting her. The beating went on and on and Marcy's buttocks, still reddish from yesterday's beating literally turned purple. Mama had even extended her range down to Marcy's thighs and they were a vivid red when Mama finished.

By the time she was done, Marcy's tears had produced a large puddle on the floor, mucous had begun to drip from her nose, and she was whimpering as Mama placed her on her feet. As soon as she was on her two feet, she began to do a little dance as her hands slid to her backside to try to rub away some of the pain.

"That spanking was for trying to outlast me today with your shopping trip. The enema is for stealing money from Samuel. Have you ever had an enema before?"


"Well, you're in for a nice surprise then. Come on. Upstairs! Now!"

Chapter 4

As they climbed the stairs, Marcy leading the way, Mama had an opportunity to see firsthand what her handiwork on Marcy's tush had wrought. Being directly behind the young tearful teen, her face was almost on a level with Marcy's vermillion buttocks. Mama believed she could even feel some of the heat from Marcy's flaming backside radiating in her face.

When they reached the bathroom upstairs, Marcy saw that, even though she didn't recognize what all the equipment was for, Mama had set everything up in preparation for her victim. As Marcy stood watching, Mama turned on the hot water spigot and let it run until she could see a bit of steam emanating from the faucet. She then filled the two quart enema bag almost to the top, and poured some dish-washing soap in, as well as a bit of glycerin from a small bottle Mama had placed on the sink. Twisting the stopper attached to a long hose into the top of the rubber bottle, she ordered Marcy to get down on all fours on the tile floor.

Embarrassed, and still in tears, Marcy proceeded as ordered, putting herself in the very undignified position, with her ass sticking well up in the air. Mama applied a little jelly to the large prong at the other end of the hose and very unceremoniously jabbed the menacing black probe between Marcy's hind cheeks into her rectum. As she felt this foreign object being jammed into her bowels, Marcy gave a cry of surprise and then a startled howl as she felt the probe going farther and farther up her colon. When she had inserted the prong as far as it would go, she hung the bottle up on a hook and flipped the lever holding the water in the hose.

Soon Marcy felt a stream of hot soapy water flooding her bowels. At first, though she could feel the heat of the water, it wasn't an unpleasant sensation. But as the stream wended its way through her colon the heat and capacity of the water began to expand, and she began to whimper and beg Mama to take the hose out. Mama just stood above her suffering prey and smiled broadly.

Eventually, to the tune of repeated cries and blubbering, all of the soapy water had filled Marcy's bowels and Mama flipped the lever to close off the hose. Mama ordered Marcy to stand up, and with straining and pulling she was eventually able to manage to get herself up into a crouched position. The pain from her bloated stomach prevented her from standing straight. Mama reached down with her hand and ran it roughly over the front of Marcy's distended stomach.

"Feels like you're four months pregnant, girl. Probably could have gotten another pint in there, but I think this'll do."

"Oh, please, let me go to the bathroom. It hurts so much. Please!....Pleeease!"

"Oh, no, little doxy, we need to keep it in there for a good fifteen minutes more. When I used to give Samuel, and still give Martha enemas, I never let them evacuate before ten minutes, but, then, they didn't steal any money. That deserves another five minutes, at least, don't you think?"

Each minute seemed an eternity to Marcy, as the soapy water roiled around in her stomach. She moaned and groaned and pled, but Mama was enjoying it all. As the minutes dragged by, Marcy sank to the floor once again and tried to inch her way toward the toilet, but Mama stopped her by reaching under her stomach, slipping her hands together and yanking Marcy back to where she had been. This action had the effect of putting additional pressure on her already aching stomach, and Marcy let out a shriek that could have been heard across the street. Eventually Marcy slipped down to lie on the floor on her side, blubbering and muttering.

"You better not be cussing me out, girl, or your butt's gonna feel my wrath once more!"

An interminable time later, Mama told Marcy she could go to the john, and she crawled over to the toilet. Mama followed her over and after she was seated, Mama pulled the plug out of Marcy's rectum, and the flood of soapy brown water began to swoosh into the bowl. Marcy's embarrassment at having Mama watching this procedure was just an added part of the punishment.

Mama ordered her to wipe herself (as if she didn't know, already) and soon, still crying, she arose from the toilet and Mama looking into it, nodded her head knowingly and flushed.

"Now, let's go down and get some dinner ready for Samuel. He should be home in an hour or so."

Chapter 5

Mama showed Marcy how to prepare and cook a meatloaf and roast potatoes and gravy, and it was waiting for Sam when he got home. Mama had stuck around and couldn't wait to tell him about what had transpired, since she had left the store. She was particularly interested in telling him about the enema in great detail, much to Marcy's great embarrassment and Sam's great interest.

Interestingly enough, Marcy had gotten used to being naked in front of Mama now, but was still self-conscious showing herself off to Sam. He loved it, taking great delight in pinching her butt every chance he got, and even stopped her at one point while she was serving his meatloaf and latched onto one of her nipples, sucking away, while Mama was still there. She just chuckled and watched intently as he sucked and fingered Marcy between her naked slit.

After supper, Mama and Sam retired to the living room, while Marcy washed, dried and put away the dishes. While they were in the living room, Mama pointed out that tonight would be the perfect evening to break in Marcy's virgin anal passage. Sam explained he'd already thought of that and planned to take advantage of her clean passage. Having finished the dishes Marcy joined the two, but, before she could sit down (gently, mind you), Sam called her over to his chair and ordered her to turn around so he could see how bad her spanking had been today. She obeyed, and Sam spent one or two minutes studying her buttocks carefully, poking, prodding and smacking them occasionally.

"Not too bad. I guess it's gone down some since Mama spanked you, but I've seen Martha's butt when it was a lot worse than yours."

Marcy sighed and sat down. Sam said he thought it was interesting that Martha had found a steady boy-friend, finally. Mama said she liked this new one, too, because he was very forceful with Martha, and she thought he would make a good husband for her. Marcy wondered why someone as docile as Martha was, apparently, would end up picking someone who dominated her. She did not express her feelings though.

Mama finally went home around eight o'clock. Sam indicated he wanted to take a shower and invited Marcy to join him. She indicated that she'd rather not, at which point Sam explained he wasn't asking her, he was telling her.

He took her hand and pulled her up the steps with him. When she still demurred, he indicated he could begin the process with a spanking if she liked. She became much more docile and followed him into the bathroom after he had disrobed.

The water felt good running over her body, and she was partially turned on by Sam's bathing her whole body with soap and then rubbing it off with the wash cloth, until he started working on her buttocks, at which point she screeched and he stopped. It took some encouragement to get her to reciprocate with the soap and wash cloth, but a stern look from him was all it took to convince her to minister to his needs, as well.

Out of the shower they dried each other off and moved into the bedroom. Marcy was hoping against hope that Sam would decide to just go to sleep, but knew in the back of her mind, he wouldn't. She thought "Well, I can put up with a little love-making tonight, if I have to, but God, I don't know what all the to-do over it is all about. I can take it or leave it." She was about to find out how wrong she could be.

"Marcy, I want you to get on all fours on the bed, with your butt right on the edge."

Marcy knew enough about sex to know that one way to do it was "doggy-style." "Okay, I guess it shouldn't be any worse than the missionary position, if that's what he wants to do," she thought, and promptly positioned herself as Sam had directed.

"Wait a minute, why is he rubbing goop on me?" That was the last logical thought Marcy had for the next fifteen minutes.

She suddenly felt Sam's rigid prick poking in the same area where she'd had her enema today, and Sam was a lot larger than that damn probe had been. She started to protest, but she only got the word "Wait..." out before the head of Sam's penis was battering at her back door. A moment later her anus began to separate and, in spite of Marcy's screams, Sam's penis began its insidious path into her rectum. This was the worst pain Marcy had ever felt, and she began begging Sam to pull out, but he wouldn't have, even if he had been listening. He was pushing with all his strength and the progress was minimal. Pulling back an inch or so, he rammed his prick a little farther into Marcy's colon. She was now squealing and trying to pull forward as much as possible, but Sam had her hips firmly in his grasp.

After another two attempts at pulling back and burrowing forth, Sam was finally halfway there. Marcy's tears were streaming down her cheeks as the pain became excruciating. Sam finally gave one more burst and his penis sank all the way in and he sighed in relief. Marcy, on the other hand, shrieked at the top of her lungs. A few of the neighbors heard the commotion but thought better of doing anything about it, since it was Mama's son who lived in the house.

Sam remained with his prick fully inserted for a minute or so, gathering his strength back. Finally he began an in and out motion, which started Marcy's agonized suffering once again. There was one advantage to her being so tight, however, because the friction on Sam's hard-on was such that he came in less than three minutes, once he started the in-out motion. Marcy was conscious of the stream of sperm shooting through her bowels, but no happier about her situation. Sam still had to pull out and that involved more pain.

She felt the prick's recession and heard the plop as his prick finally broke free, and said a little prayer of thanks, as she lay flat across the bed. Sam came around the bed and stuck his dying hard-on in her face.

"Clean it off for me, baby."

"Are you crazy? You almost kill me with that thing of yours after sticking it in my ass, and you expect me to clean it off. Go to hell, Sam!"

"What did Mama say? 'Love, honor and OBEY!' Would you rather I spank you now and get Mama over here tomorrow to continue it? It ain't gonna be that bad, hon, cause you're all cleaned out inside. Now, I think you better do me, if you know what's good for you."

Marcy found the whole idea repugnant, but she'd had enough spankings today to last a lifetime, so she moved her lips up to Sam's prick, opened it and he did the rest. Soon his wilting penis was ensconced in her mouth and she was unwillingly sucking on it. She was relieved to find no excrement on it, just the remnants of the petroleum jelly he'd used and a little secretion. After a minute or so, Sam pulled his still-limp prick from her mouth and went to put his pajamas on.

Marcy lay there on the bed totally exhausted. Sam came over to the bed and ordered her to get on her side so he could get under the covers. He climbed in, gave her a peck on the cheek and, as he was turning over to prepare to sleep, he had some final words.

"I think the next time we try that, I'll use mineral oil instead. Maybe that will work better. "Night, baby"

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Pedo Bear

You Need To Learn To Spell Right.

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