Published: 28-Jul-2013
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I suppose that she had always lived there--or at least as long as I had lived near that trailer park. I first noticed her in mid June. I had been living in my small rented house for not quite nine months. I had moved to Northern Alabama to take a job with a well-known software company. It paid. And I generally enjoyed what I was doing. However, I was such a nerd and wall-flower, that I had next to no social life and there was no prospect of a girl friend either. In the words of the immortal Rolling Stones, "I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no girl reaction."
So I worked, saved my money and occasionally went out with some of the guys from work to a bar or to play Laser Tag.
But then I noticed her. She was a scrawny, ill-kept girl who rode her rusty bike up and down our street. What caught my attention first was the fact that she was singing along with a scratchy radio. And it surprised me *WHAT* she was singing: "If I was king for just one day, I would give it all away I would give it all away to be with you...."
Really? That was so mid-1980s!
But sure enough she came back down the street singing fairly loudly, "Love is all, love is all, love is all we need."
I got a good look at her then as I stood on my small porch. She waved and I waved back. She wasn't particularly cute--but she wasn't ugly either. Perhaps plain because of her unkempt appearance. But she did have a nice voice. Rather retro in her choice of genre, but, hey! I also liked the Thopson Twins since my parents had their CDs and other things from the 80s.
She rode up and down the street a few more times that Saturday afternoon before turning into the trailer park just a half block up from my house. I put it out of my mind and went about my afternoon--watched a baseball game and sipped my brewski.
It was about a week later that I heard a knock on my door. I was surprised to see that young girl standing on my front porch looking rather uncomfortable.
"Yes?" I asked, opening the door.
"I'm really sorry to bother you, mister, but our sewer's all backed up and I really gotta go. Can I use yours?"
I really struck me as odd, but I also recalled seeing the local RotoRooter guys in and out of that trailer park several times since I had moved in.
"Sure," I said. "Just down the hall."
She bolted past me and I decided to play it safe by stepping out on the porch, leaving the front door wide open.
A few minutes later she reappeared, walking much more calmly.
"Thank you, mister. That really helped. I'm Shelly." She held out her hand toward me.
I shook hers and said, "Glad I could help. I'm Mark. Mark Carlson"
"I don't usually go running around trying out other people's toilets," she said. "But it was an emergency."
"Is someone fixing yours?"
"Probably. Management will get around to it later."
"So, what do you do? Your parents out right now?"
She looked at me carefully then said, "Just my Ma. She's out. Debbie's off at the park with friends."
"My sister. She's only ten."
"Oh, and how old are you?"
"Twelve and a half," she replied, drawing herself up to stand tall.
"And you seem to act at least that old. And I really liked your singing the other day," I added.
"Thank you," she smiled and blushed a little. "And you seem to be a real gentleman, Thank you for not trying to take advantage of me or trying to spy on me while I was taking a dump."
Her directness caught me off guard.
"Yeah, well, I thought it best to step out here and wait for you."
"And that's real gentlemanly." She suddenly moved and jumped off the porch. "Bye, Mark. See ya' later!"
And then she was gone.
After that, whenever she would see me, she made a point to say hi or at least to wave. I started noticing that she really was a bright kid and rather cute underneath her layers of scruffy clothes and ragged hair. I started feeling bad for her too, figuring that her Ma was part of the over-worked, working poor.
It was a late Sunday afternoon, hot and more humid than usual, when a knock on the door jarred me from my near nap in front of the TV.
"Hi, Mark. Can we hang out for a while?" It was Shelly and her sister.
"Sewer troubles again?" I smiled.
"Naw, Ma has a client and it's always better to be out from under foot."
Client! That set off warning bells in my head. Trailer parks were not known for Mary Kaye or AmWay representatives.
"Client?" I asked, motioning them inside.
"Yeah, they stink," her sister said.
"From cigarettes?" I asked.
"Nope. BO." Shelly replied. And as Debbie giggled, she added, "And sometimes from drugs."
"Doesn't sound like a good scene," I commented, not certain how much they would tell me nor even how much I wanted to know.
"It ain't," Shelly agreed. "But it's the only way Ma can get some extra money for us."
Something clicked inside me right then. A mother's anguish at trying to come up with money to feed her children and keep them clothed -- and then driven to prostitution or selling drug? I shook my head and mumbled, "I'm sorry."
"It's not exactly your fault, Mister," Debbie said wrinkling her nose at me.
"So whatchya watching?" Shelly asked.
"A little baseball. But shouldn't you introduce me?"
"Oh, right. Mark, this is my sister, Debbie."
"Pleased to meet you, Debbie. Any friend of Shelly's must be a friend of mine." I stood and made a formal bow.
Debbie giggled. Shelly smiled. "See? I told you he was a real gentleman!"
"Well, let's not get carried away," I said, sitting down on my overstuffed chair and motioning to the girls to sit on the old couch.
They immediately began watching the game. I, however, couldn't recall what the score was or who was up. I had almost nodded off before their knock. And now that they were in my home and I knew that they were dirt poor, I analyzed them. At first I was just looking at how old and ill-fitting their clothes were. Ragged jeans with holes in the knees and frayed at the cuffs and the seat of the pants looking to be too thin; shirts that were obviously picked up at the thrift store quite a while ago and now were seemingly too small for their recent growth spurts. Both girls looked to be just girls--the Estrogen Fairy had not visited them with her gifts of curves and womanliness. Debbie still had a pudgy look about her like baby fat that hadn't gone away yet. Her thin tee-shirt showed pads of softness developing under her nipples. She had a right cute look about her that in a few years would threaten to turn heads. Shelly was thin, no baby fat anywhere. But her button down shirt was a little small so the buttons puckered allowing her merchandise to show. She had small little mounds of very smooth skin--I couldn't see the nipples, but I saw the raised bump on the front of her shirt where they reacted with the cool from my A/C.
"How long do you need to stay?" I asked.
Shelly wagged her head back and forth and answered, "Usually a hour. Ma's tricks don't stay that long unless they're paying extra."
I cringed inwardly thinking about these two girls having to live with that reality ever present in their life.
"Is that the only source of money your Ma has?"
"She's got food stamps and WICA," Shelly answered. "But I think she's really keen on bring in something extra for us."
A fear stabbed at my heart. "Has she ever asked you to help her with her clients?"
"Nope," Shelly replied. "Some dude saw us one night and asked about us. She slapped him and kicked him out."
Okay. Fear mostly alleviated--a prostitute with some integrity.
"You don't seem to have new clothes," I said--a huge understatement.
Debbie glanced down at her jeans then over at her sister. "Naw, we make 'em last till they're dead."
I caught her eyes and marveled that these two were functional with such a dysfunctional family life. An idea floated through my mind: what if I took them shopping? It wouldn't have to be much--just something nice. I also wondered what other family they had.
"You have family anywhere else?"
Shelly shook her head. "Naw. Ma says that her Ma had a couple of cousins but she ain't seen 'em in a coons' age or so."
"And you don't have a dad," I thought out loud.
"Had several. All were loosers."
Just then the rumble of thunder growled around the house. Outside rain started pelting the tin roof of the shed next to the back door. The rain would bring a brief respite from the heat and humidity before turning hot and muggy again.
"Glad we didn't go to the park!" Debbie said turning to Shelly.
"See?" Shelly tapped her head. "I have good intuition."
"So you have this all planned out?"
She nodded. "Ma's done this so often, and she doesn't want us caught up in it."
"Do you ever feel that somehow it might be bad or wrong?"
"Yeah, a little," Debbie admitted, her nose wrinkling up again.
"But don't go narking on Ma, please, Mark?" Shelly suddenly pleaded.
"What do you mean?"
"Ma really loves us and she's the only family that me and Debbie's got."
"I won't go narking," I promised, wondering if I would get in trouble for NOT telling. "You want something to drink?"
"Uh, sure!" Debbie said.
"Yes, thanks!"
"Whatchya want?" I asked. "I got Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer...."
"Dr, Pepper, please!" Shelly interrupted. "I haven't had one of those in, like, forever!"
"Me too, please!" Debbie added.
I quickly went to my kitchen brought out cold drinks for everyone and came back and sat down on my chair. I decided to have a non-adult drink to maintain a kid-friendly environment. The rain was really beating hard outside and the thunder rattled ominously. Just then a bright flash startled us and the power flickered then went off almost at the same time the angry growl of thunder rattled the house.
"Well, I guess that I'll have to read about the game later," I commented.
Shelly had her arm around her sister's shoulder.
"You don't like thunder?" I asked.
Shelly shook her head.
"I used to be scared spitless by thunder," I said. "But that was back when I was your age or younger."
"How old are you now?" Shelly asked.
"I'm 25."
"Wow. That's exactly two times my age."
"You're a smart cookie," I replied. "By the way, you hungry?"
They both nodded their heads so I went into the kitchen to find some snacks. But I was not alone. They both followed me.
"I'm not staying in there alone," Debbie whispered.
"Then go ahead and sit at the table," I said motioning to them. In a few moments I had Ritz crackers, carrot sticks and French onion dip. I laughed at how quickly they gobbled up the snack.
"You sure are hungry," I commented.
"Usually," Shelly replied.
Her comment haunted me. I resolved to see what I could do to help these girls. These really quite cute girls. I was suddenly struck with how cute their faces were. Debbie had a button nose with a light dusting of freckles over her cheeks. Her green eyes were striking with her dark eyebrows and light blonde hair. Shelly's hair was a darker brown, longer--to the middle of her back--and slightly more orderly than her sister's. Shelly's eyes were a golden brown, full of life and sparkle. Her had an olive complexion and very smooth skin.
A few minutes later the rain stopped. About twenty minutes after that, the electricity returned and my TV began broadcasting the game again.
"Well, thank you for your time, Mark," Shelly said. "We should get back now."
"Stop by any time," I replied.
Little did I know....
I was working on my pickup when Shelly came around one Saturday about a week later.
"Hi ya, Mark!"
"Hey, Shelly,"
"Can I help?"
"Maybe. I'm changing the oil and plugs."
"Cool. Show me how!"
So I showed her how, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She really dug getting her fingers dirty and loved prying on mechanical things. She thought it pretty neat that she could use a socket wrench and take the spark plugs out. Afterwards she asked if I was going to wash the truck.
"Yeah. It needs it."
"Let me help ya'."
"Okay. Go fetch a bucket filled with soapy water."
Soon she was scrubbing the truck and soaping up the sides. And then she thought she could spray me with little consequence. Wrong! I fought for the hose and turned it on her, dosing her thoroughly amidst laughter and giggles.
At that point I suddenly saw how vulnerable and feminine she was. Her clothes were soaked and her thin shirt was dripping wet thus outlining her beginning tits with little to the imagination. Her tits were little more than small apricot halves capped with lovely nipples, but suddenly I was captivated by her simple beauty.
She didn't wear a bra. And that made looking at her all the more obscene,
We cleaned up about then, but not before she doused me with a nearly full bucket of soapy water. I guess turn abouts fair play. I rolled the hose up and she said that she had to get on home. The air hung hot and humid. The bucket of water had felt good but since the air was so muggy, there was no evaporation taking place.
"We'll probably get a rain shower later on this afternoon."
"That'll be good," she replied. "See ya' later."
I watched her leave then turned inside to clean up and hunker down in front of my A/C. It was too early for dinner and nothing caught my fancy on TV so I lay on the couch and took a nap. Sure enough an afternoon rain began. I heard it vaguely through my sleep but ignored it and closed my eyes again.
Suddenly I heard a loud knock on my door. "What the Sponge Bob is that?" I muttered. I didn't want to deal with door-to-door sales people or surveys or canvassing for candidate so I lay still on my couch. But there was another knock. This time much louder and longer.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming," I muttered rousing myself from the living room.
I opened the front door and couldn't believe my eyes. Both Shelly and Debbie were standing there, absolutely dripping wet.
"Come on in," I finally said. I motioned them toward the kitchen and grabbed a couple of towels from the closet. "Your Ma have another client?" I asked as they stood drying their hair.
"Yeah. Something like that." Shelly replied tersely.
Both of the girls started shivering. "We're going to have to get you dried off." I said. Let me go get a couple of my long shirts for you to wear then you can stick your clothes in the dryer and be good as new in a jiffy."
I disappeared into my room, grabbed two shirts, picked up a couple more bath towels then walked back to the kitchen and, holy moley! Sweet Mother of Sponge Bob. Both girls had shed their wet clothes right in the middle of the kitchen! Shelly had her head down as was toweling her hair, but her body faced me and I saw her small beginner tits and her bald pussy slit. She was very thin. Her ribs were easily seen and her hips had only a small hint of the womanly flair that was sure to follow. Debbie was padded more gently with underlying baby fat. Her nipples were puffy and they were on small pads. Her pussy slit was framed with the cutest puffy pussy lips I had ever seen: absolutely hairless with a deep furrow running down from her mound to where the sun didn't shine.
I finally realized that I had been staring and I was in danger of sprouting wood below my belt. So I coughed then said, "Well, I didn't expect you to disrobe here."
"We're cold and wet," Shelly replied.
"Well, why don't you use the bathroom and you can get a warm shower at the same time."
"Warm would be good," she replied.
I handed the towels to each of them and they wrapped themselves in it for warmth. "Here are long tee-shirts and go ahead and use my shampoo--it's not anything fancy or girlie like."
"That's okay," Debbie whispered between chattering teeth.
I closed the door and in a few moments I heard the water start running. While they showered, I grabbed their stuff from the kitchen floor and threw it in the washer. I was surprised to see only old tennis shoes, tee shirts and jeans. No undies of any kind--no bra and no panties. Dang! that must really chafe the crotch. Yet another sign that they were dirt poor. I felt that I was going to HAVE to help them out somehow.
As the washer finished, I heard the shower stop. I transferred their things to the dryer and went out to the kitchen. It was late enough now that a bite to eat was sounding really good. As I looked in the fridge, Shelly and Debbie came up behind me.
"Thanks for the shower, Mark." Shelly's voice broke the silence.
"You're welcome. Want a little something to eat?"
"Sure," they both said.
I pulled the hamburger out and started cooking up some patties. Then I directed the girls to dish up some potato salad and open a new bag of chips.
"This is a regular feast, ain't it?" Debbie suddenly asked.
"Close. One thing more and it might as well be," I laughed.
"What else?"
I reached into the cupboard and pulled out a can. "Olives! Now it's a real feast!"
Debbie clapped her hands and Shelly smiled, but I could tell that something was bothering her.
We set the table and I dished up the burgers and set the buns out then watched the girls dive in as though they hadn't eaten all day. I made up my mind then that I would do something to help them.
"Thanks, Mark," Debbie said before taking another huge bite.
Shelly nodded.
The fire seemed to be out of her eyes, so I asked, using the lyrics to that song, "I know you well, And I can tell, Something's on your mind."
She looked up at me, stared, then smiled. "You know that song?"
"I do. I grew up hearing it. It's partly what caught my attention that first day when I saw you on your bike."
"You like Thompson Twins?"
"I do. Don't hear too much of them now--twenty years later."
She nodded then focused on her food again.
"But there is something on your mind?"
"Yes," she said.
I waited.
"I'll tell you later." She looked up at me. Her eyes looked moist like they were ready to brim over with tears.
"Okay. I'm here to help you."
Just then the dryer buzzed.
"And it sounds like your clothes are dry."
"I wouldn't mind staying in your shirt for a while longer," Debbie said. "Iffin you don't mind, that is."
"I'm not using it now."
Debbie giggled.
"Well, Shelly, why don't you help me take your stuff out of the dryer and get it ready for when you do change?"
I followed her into the laundry area and she turned to face me. "Mark," she whispered. "Ma's back on drugs. She's weirding out."
"She's done that before?" I asked in a low voice.
"A long time ago, but she was clean for years. She's having a bad trip now. Debbie didn't see her and I didn't want to scare her with the news, but I don't want to go back there tonight."
A light bulb clicked in my mind. "So you need a place to stay till your Ma feels better?"
She nodded.
"What if I took you two shopping for some better clothes? Yours look a little thin."
She stared open-mouthed.
"No, I'm serious. I think it's something that you need. Right?"
"I don't know what to say...."
"Would you like that?"
She nodded then hugged me. At that moment I was overwhelmed with a protective love for these young girls. I hugged her back and felt her ribs and her shoulder blades. Dang! Skinny as a rail! I hoped that she wasn't suffering malnutrition.
"Wanna go tonight? I know there are some places open late in Decatur."
"That would be so cool! Can we go now?"
"Sure. You'd have to change...." I stared to say, but she whipped my oversized tee-shirt off and jumped into her jeans in a flash. Her skin was so smooth and lovely. She didn't look to be underfed--just skinny.
She looked up at me and suddenly blushed a little. "I'm sorry. I should have changed somewhere else. It's just that I'm so used to next to no room at home and it don't matter who sees you there anyway."
"You're okay, Shelly. You may give me a heart attack if you keep flashing your equipment at me like that."
She giggled and slipped her old shirt back on.
"So you have no underwear?"
She shook her head. "Nope. And it really sucks sometimes."
"I can imagine."
"Plus, I'm not looking forward to the start of school."
"Why's that?"
"I'm going into 7th grade and I'm getting boobs. All the guys will be staring if I can't contain 'em inside a bra or something."
"It might start a riot," I agreed. "So we should make sure you get some underwear things too. Okay?"
She ran her fingers through her long hair. "You are such a sweet man. I don't know what we would have done if you weren't here."
I didn't either. And I didn't want to think about that scenario. I merely kissed the top of her head and whispered, "I'm glad that I'm here to help."
Shelly took Debbie's clothes off to her sister and I heard wild shrieks of joy. Debbie ran into where I was folding my towels and jumped on me, wrapping her arms and legs around me as she squealed, "Thank you!"
"You are most welcome, now go get ready!"
Debbie ran back into the kitchen and tore the large tee shirt off and dropped it on a nearby chair then slipped her jeans back on. The kid was cute--no mistaking it: shapely bubble-butt, cherubic face. She and her sister were both worming their way into my heart.
"Let's finish up our food and then stack the dishes by the sink."
In less than five minutes we were out of the house and headed off to Decatur with the girls excitedly talking up a storm on the bench seat beside me. The rain had let up and the sun was peeking out with about an hour before sunset.
"So why are you doing this, Mark?" Shelly suddenly asked.
"That's no answer," Debbie giggled.
"If I was king for just one day, I would give it all away," I replied.
Shelly smiled and filled in the rest of the lyrics, "I would give it all away to be with you."
"Really?" Debbie asked, looking back and forth between us.
"You are so sweet," Shelly finally said.
"You make me this way," I answered.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because 'Diamond rings, And all those things, They never sparkle like your smile,'" I answered with another quote from that song.
"You are too much!" Shelly said, giggling and blushing.
When we got to the shopping mall, both girls wanted to hold my hands so there we were--me almost 26 years old with two preteens prancing and skipping on either side of me. Other than getting a few weird looks from a few older people, I really enjoyed the energy and joy and love-of-life that surrounded the girls.
They were over-the-top excited about shopping at "The Gap"!
"Where do you normally get things?" I asked.
"Goodwill," Debbie answered.
"Or dumpsters," Shelly added.
I cringed. "You don't have to do dumpsters anymore. Okay?"
I was reward with a heart-felt hug from both girls. I began to understand the love that a daddy could feel for his daughters. I really wanted to protect these two and make the world as right as possible for them--shield them from harm and give them their hearts' desire.
But that had a price tag. I wanted to let them get whatever, but a practical matter came up. "White shorts."
"They're so cute!" Debbie gushed.
I had to agree. "But here's a practical thought," I said. "White? It gets dirty quickly. Are you going to be able to wash these regularly?"
Shelly put her pair back. "That's a good point. Dark colors hide the grunge."
My heart winced for their plight. "Do you have any washer in your trailer?"
"Nope," Shelly answered. "Just the sink."
I almost suggested that they bring their laundry over to my place every week, but I hesitated since it would lead to a host of unwelcome questions.
So they got a new pair of jeans, a nice pair of shorts, several tee shirts, an extra long tee-shirt that would serve as a night gown, a pack of panties and Shelly got a pack of training bras. Afterwards we stopped off at a Dairy Queen and I let the girls order whatever they wanted. Debbie asked for a blizzard and Shelly wanted a real ice cream Sundae. I had a cone and enjoyed watching them delight in their treats. They even shared with each other and offered me a taste of their desserts.
On the drive back, Shelly sat in the middle and leaned her head on my shoulder. Debbie leaned her head on her sister's.
"So you think your Ma will need you to be gone all night?" I asked cryptically.
Shelly replied, "Yep. Maybe I should leave a note for her. You know, telling her that we're okay and we'll be back later?"
"Good idea. You want to do that while I get you guys set up in my place?"
"Mark," she whispered then paused. "You don't know how much this is helping us."
"I can imagine."
"Do you have a girl friend?"
Shelly was silent for a little while before she replied. "Then me and Debbie will be your girl friends. And I don't think that you'll find anyone who could love you more than we do. You've done sooooooooooooo much for us already."
I patted her leg then put my arm around her. "You two are the best; you know that, don't you?"
"Thank you, Mark. I love you."
Those three words burrowed deep into my heart and inflamed my response and colored my thoughts from that time forward. They loved me! I would do almost anything to help them and protect them.
I set the girls up on my double bed and slept on the couch. I figured it would be best. Shelly ran back to her trailer and left a note for her Ma. She confided to me that her Ma looked to be asleep finally. "That's a good thing, I think. Maybe she'll sleep it off now."
We got to sleep sometime after nine and then slept till sometime after eight the next morning. I don't think that I had slept that much in a single night in years. I woke up first and started making pancakes. (Yes, I can cook. I had a box and could follow directions!)
As the scrambled eggs were started I went into to my bedroom and roused the two sleeping beauties.
"Are you going to sleep forever?" I whispered as I gently nudged their shoulders.
Shelly's eye opened suddenly and she looked at me, processed where she was then smiled. "It's so nice to see you, Mark," she whispered.
Debbie grunted and turned away.
"She's not really a morning person," Shelly explained.
I pounced on her and grabbed her up in my arms. She grunted and squealed then started laughing.
"Breakfast is almost ready," I said. "I hope you're hungry!"
"I am," Shelly said. "It smells great!"
The girls made it out to breakfast a little later and they were smiling ear to ear. "Because of the food!" Shelly explained. "And the new clothes," Debbie added.
After breakfast, I suggested that Shelly go and check back at their trailer. She came back with a long face and said, "Ma's got a client and it looks like they're doing drugs too."
"You're welcome to stay here," I said softly.
Shelly buried her face in my chest and whispered, "You're so nice. Maybe we could stay here forever."
I hugged her and wondered how *that* would work but didn't answer. "You should tell Debbie a little more since this is sounding more serious," I finally said.
"Yeah, you're right." But she stayed holding on to me and leaning into me for comfort. "I've heard it said Or maybe read, Only money makes the world go 'round."
I recognized the song again so I replied, "But all the gold Won't heal your soul If your world should tumble to the ground."
She became quiet but I knew that she was crying. I just held her and ran my fingers through her hair. I found several knots and tangles and then realized that I hadn't seen them with a brush or a comb. More stuff that I could help them out with.
"I think it's time for a little shopping trip."
She looked up at me.
"You don't have a hair brush or a comb, do you?"
She shook her head. "We just use Ma's sometimes."
"You need your own. Let's go."
Sometimes it really is the little things that count. Things like brushes and hair bow and combs; and Pop Tarts and KoolAid! Seriously! The girls were in hog heaven over the little things and my heart was bursting with joy at how much they were enjoying it. We stopped off at the local Kroger and picked up a bunch of supplies. I felt that somehow I needed to make sure that the girls' family had more.
I was glad I did. We arrived back at my home and it wasn't but a few minutes later that we heard someone out in the street yelling, "Shelly! Debbie? Where are ya'? Shelly! Debbie?"
"That's Ma!" Shelly said and bolted for the door. "In here, Ma!"
"Lands to Goshen! What for you being there?"
"Mark helped us out!"
I heard a shriek and then a loud, "Where'd ya' git them duds?"
"I told ya that he done helped us out!"
There was a stomping on the front steps then a barging through the door. "So who'd be taking my daughters?" The woman burst into my home and looked around. "Are your the kidnapper?
"No kidnappin', ma'am," I replied. "I gave shelter to a couple of young girls who had no place to go."
"You kept 'em from comin' home?"
"Hardly! I gave them a place to go while you were strung out on your drugs. Woman, I don't know you but you could be brought in on charges for child endangerment and prostitution."
She suddenly changed her demeanor and softly said, "Oh, please don't go bringin' the police in on this, okay?"
"I haven't called them in yet and I won't as long as you give your girls the best opportunity!"
She looked at me and I watched as she melted. She deflated in front of me and finally said, "I gotta asked. You didn't do nothin' to me girls, did you?"
"No, I haven't touched them. I've treated them as the daughters that I've never had yet."
She turned to the girls and barked, "Shelly, Debbie. Show me."
"Ma!" Shelly protested.
"I mean it."
"Right here?" I saw the angst of embarrassment spread over her face.
"Now!" the woman snapped her finger and pointed.
The girls obediently dropped their pants and underwear and sat down on my kitchen chairs then spread their legs and held their pussy lips open for this woman to inspect. It was so surreal--so bizarre--that I had no sexual attraction at all. It was rather gross. They sat and spread their pussies wide for this woman to view. Shelly held her outer pussy lips so that they formed a tunnel. Debbie grabbed her her inner lips and pulled them so that they formed a deep tunnel. It was obscene.
But this woman knelt in front of these girls and peered up each vaginal channel. She turned to me and finally said, "You hadn't done nothin' to them, have you? They're still cherry, ain't they?"
Both girls put their legs down and began to get dressed again.
"No I haven't," I said. "And you have an apology for this behavior?"
"I'm sorry," She replied. "You have to understand what I've come from."
"I think I do."
Shelly suddenly said, "Ma, you gotta understand how much he's helped us."
"Helped?" the woman repeated. "Help always comes with a price. Did you asked what he wants?"
"Ma'am, I'm not after anything. I just wanted to help these girls out. They seemed to need it. Besides," I said, pointing at the counter, "see those two bags? Them are for you."
She looked at me suspiciously then peered in the bags. "Groceries?"
"Yep. Treats, not a treatment."
"Well, that's a real howdy. Thanks, I guess. Come along, girls. Get your butts along home and leave this man to have a little peace and quiet."
She turned and started walking out; but Debbie hugged me and whispered, "Thank you."
Shelly gave me a full-body hug and I felt her tiny tits press into my abdomen. She stood on tip-toe then kissed my cheek and said, "Thank you for everything."
Then they were gone; and my day felt so much more empty.
I was glad to see Shelly riding her bike later shortly before sundown. I waved to her and motioned for her to stop. "Shelly, I think that you need to know how to get into my house if I'm not home, okay?"
She looked at me and thought for a few moments. "Okay."
"In case you need some place to go and I'm out--at work or something." I led her around to the back of the car port where a small tool shed was attached to the back of the car port. "Right up here?" I began, pointing at a small shelf with a flower pot. "This pot has the spare house key. You have my permission to use it anytime you need some place safe. Okay?"
She reached in the pot and picked up the key, turned it over several times then carefully replaced it. "Mark, I don't know what we'd do without you."
"Yeah? Well, you did a good job of making it this far without me. I'm just happy to be here to help you."
"And you don't want anything in return?"
"I've been paid a hundred times already," I said smiling.
She waited with a quizzical look on her face.
"Your smiles," I explained. "Nothing sparkles like your smiles!"
She hugged me and I was rewarded again with the feel of her little tits pressing into my body and then her lips gently touching my cheek. She was a little sweaty but there was still a faint hint of the morning's shampoo in her hair. I allowed my hands to enfold her, thus I felt her back and made note that she was indeed wearing her new bra. I also enjoyed the slim shape of the small of her back. I didn't DARE allow my hands to travel lower.
"And then there's that," I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "You are such a sweetie!"
She kissed me once again and said, "That one was from Debbie."
Then she left and after watching her pedal off toward her trailer, I turned back inside and wondered at how those two had wormed their way so effectively into my heart and my life. I pulled out my laptop and queried numbers to call. I wasn't going to report their Ma yet, but I wanted to do some preliminary behind the scenes work to see what could and couldn't be done. Knowledge is power.
Monday rolled around and I was at work bright and early. On my lunch break I went off site and placed a few phone calls to Child Protective Services and local law enforcement. Nothing specific--just general questions. And I found out that our county felt those sort of things were low priority--"We got real serious problems to deal with and big sortta fires to put out," one woman told me. Another person told me that if I got involved helping then I would be an accessory to a crime if there really were crimes involved. That seemed like a twisted perversion of the law. But I was determined to keep helping Shelly and Debbie as much as I could.
I didn't see them that night nor the next. I was a little concerned, but mostly I felt an emptiness since they weren't there. I mean, hey! Shelly said that they could be my girlfriends!
Thursday evening it was raining so I just stayed low in my place. Friday evening I still hadn't seen either of my girlfriends so I decided to take a little walk around the trailer park to see what I could see. I really didn't know which one was theirs and I didn't want to make an issue of it by asking around. I didn't see anything so I just moseyed on back home.
I tried watching TV but my mind was elsewhere. Along about 10, I decided just to go to bed. About a half hour later, I heard a knock at the door. My heart leaped into my throat as I jumped out of bed wearing only my boxers.
"Shelly!" I said. "And Debbie!"
Both girls entered without saying a word. They had on their new clothes but they each had a grocery bag with clothes in it. Fear and sadness outlined their eyes and weighed on their brows.
"I saw you walk by our trailer," Debbie said. "But then you kept going."
"I didn't know which one was yours," I replied.
"Were you looking for us?"
"Kinda. I hadn't seen you since Sunday."
Shelly finally spoke. "Ma got the bright idea to go looking for another place. So we've been camping out and living from dumpster to dumpster. I think Ma realizes that what we have now is better than what she can get. I guess she just had to prove it to herself. But, Mark?" She stopped and tears clouded her eyes and choked her voice.
I held my arms wide and she rushed into my arms. It felt good to have her near me again--I didn't like the situation that the girls were in, but I was happy that they were safe and were with me at that moment.
Debbie joined the group hug, the sudden added weight almost pulling me over.
"Let's sit on the couch," I said softly.
I sat down and they climbed up next to me and on me, trying to get as close as possible. My arms were around them both and I alternated kissing one girl's head or cheek then the other.
"Mark," Shelly spoke again. "I'm really scared for Ma. She hooked up with a druggie who's feeding her bad stuff. We got back last night and she was with clients off and on throughout today but she's taking hits on that dude's junk and she's getting weird. She was freaking and yelling stuff."
"Why didn't you come sooner?"
"Because she knows where you live and that we go here. She was screaming about how messed up you are for taking little girls into your house. Mark, I didn't want to put you at risk so we waited till Ma passed out. She didn't go down easy tonight."
That put a cold shudder in my spine in spite of the warm, muggy night. And here I was cuddling with two preteen girls whilst wearing only my boxers.
"Well, it's close to 11 o'clock now," I finally said. "We should get to sleep."
"Will you sleep with us?" Debbie asked.
Innocent enough question from a ten year old who was scared, but hardly appropriate especially given what Shelly had revealed about her Ma's rantings.
"No, that wouldn't be right. You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep out here."
"I really want to be with you," Shelly said.
"But you just said she was talking smack about me messing with little girls."
"I know, but what if we all sleep out here in your front room?"
"On the floor?" I asked.
"Sure. We sleep on the floor at home and on the dirt the last couple nights."
The concept of "dirt poor" became even more real in my eyes.
"Okay. That would work."
And shortly after that, I had a shirt on and had settle the girls on several layers of blankets near the couch and settled in on the couch myself. Two hands reach up to pat my arm. "Good night, my dear friends," I whispered.
"Good night boyfriend," Shelly replied and Debbie giggled.
"Two girlfriends. How could I have gotten so lucky?"
"I don't think you'll hear me in my dreams," Shelly went on, "You know, 'cause in your dreams The demon screams?"
I remembered the lyrics from her favorite song.
"Cause love is all we need to get us through," she finished.
I found her hand and then Debbie's and gently kissed each. "It will get us through indeed."
It was now Saturday morning and I awoke with a full bladder and a piss hard dick that was tenting my boxers like it was erecting a circus tent. It was nearly 9--I usually didn't sleep in that much. I glanced around, recalling the events from the night, and saw the girls were sleeping peacefully. I tossed off my sheet and rose to find the toilet. My dick was straining to lead the way. Once there, I decided to take a quick shower since I was so rock hard I couldn't piss to save my life! Besides, like George Seinfeld once said, "It's all pipes! What's the difference?" And finally as the warm water cascaded over me, my dick relaxed enough and the piss spurted out. Oh, sweet relief!
A few minutes later I heard the toilet flush. I glanced out through the foggy shower glass and saw Shelly pulling her panties back up.
"Hi, Mark," she said. "I had to pee."
She started to leave so I called out after her, "Wash your hands." I guess it was the daddy-gene that kicked in there.
She left and I thought it would be safe to exit my shower; but right then, in the middle of drying off, Debbie came in and said, "I gotta go." She dropped her drawers, pulled her shirt up and to the side then sat down with her legs spread a little so I had a good view of her absolutely cute pussy. Her piss started coming out and she looked up at me.
"What did you have in your shorts this morning?" she asked.
Oh geesh! She saw my morning piss-hard boner! "What do you mean?"
"They were all poking out funny."
"It was my dick," I answered, figuring that honesty would be best.
"Your dick? How come? I thought dicks only get woody when a guy wants to screw a girl."
Her language surprised me but I had to remind myself of just who her Ma was. "Well, sometimes in the morning when a guy has to pee, the process of holding the pee in actually makes the dick inflate."
"That's weird."
"Yeah, I know. Girls don't have that problem, do they?"
She giggled. "It doesn't look woody now."
"No, it's not."
She stood up and started to pull her panties up.
"Hey, don't you wipe yourself?"
"Oh, I forgot. We don't always have TP."
"You have it here, so use it. It keep you clean and keeps your clothes cleaner too."
"Okay." She sat back down, spread her legs and reeled off some TP, wadded it up then rubbed her pussy with it. Her legs were spread wide enough that it caused her pussy to open up--it was no slit, it was a gash. And my woody was threatening to make a repeat performance so I quickly turned and stepped into my clothes.
"Are you hungry?" I asked as she pulled her panties up.
I took them out to an IHOP and watched them pack away a large number of pancakes and sausages. From what Shelly had said, I didn't think that their Ma would be looking for the girls any time real soon so we moseyed back to my home somewhere near 11. It was shaping up to be another hot and muggy day--the type of day that screams "take me to the pool!" But there were no pools close by. And that may be why some many southern poor kids stay inside next to the A/C and get fat. I pulled my laptop out to see what movies were showing nearby when a siren attracted our attention.
Shelly looked out the front window and said, "Ambulance." A moment later she said, "Oh no!"
I leaped to my feet, still holding the laptop and saw that the ambulance had turned into the trailer park. A minute later another siren wailed and a sheriff car whizzed past.
Debbie appeared next to us so I put the laptop down and hugged the girls.
"Do you think...." Debbie began.
Shelly just nodded.
"We don't know nothing yet," I said. "It's no good to start fearing what you don't even know yet."
Turns out their fears were reality. Someone had seen their trailer door wide open and stuff strewn about their trailer so they went inside to check. She was dead. Police weren't certain of the time line but there was another set of fingerprints--adult fingerprints--and an obvious overdose.
I knew that the girls would have to deal with the police. I promised them that I would be with them the whole way and we would get through this together.
"Love is all we need to get us through?" Debbie whispered, repeating the lyrics to that song.
"That's right, honey," I answered. "Do you have any other relatives or family?"
"None. Like I told you," Shelly began, "Ma said her Ma had a couple of cousins, but we never met them."
"My Mom had some cousins that I never met," I said with a smile. "What if we're related?"
"That would be so cool!" Shelly said. "It's perfect!"
"I like that," Debbie said.
I liked it too. But what I wasn't prepared for was the fact that the police would want to take the girls and put them in a foster home.
"Thank you, Mr. Carlson for helping the girls, but they need to go to a foster home."
The words stung. They hurt. I saw the shock and horror in my dear girls' eyes.
"No. They need something stable and familiar," I argued.
"Are you family?"
"Closest thing they have to family," I countered.
"His Ma and my grandma had cousins that were related," Shelly interjected.
"That's pretty tenuous," one officer said.
"It's all they have," I replied.
"Regulations say that we need to place them in a foster home," the other officer said.
"If you have to place them in a foster home, they absolutely must be placed together and I absolutely must be placed with them."
"What?" The officer laughed.
"I'm serious. If you can't release these girls to my care tonight, then at least make sure that I am placed with them so that they have the stability of something familiar during this traumatic time."
I suddenly was inwardly pumping my fists and loving the fact that I almost was an English major. Score another one for the nerds and geeks!
"It's a truth," another woman nearby said, "I've seen him helping out these poor little girls--in fact, just last week he took 'em shoppin' for new things and bought 'em groceries 'nd all."
"What do you say?" one officer asked Shelly and Debbie.
"I druther be with Mark than go with some stranger," Shelly answered.
"Let me talk with headquarters," the second officer said with a hint of a smile.
A little later he returned and said, "We need to run a background check on you. And we need a statement of who you are from a couple of people."
"I'm good with that," I answered.
Shelly immediately started, "This is Mark. He has been very nice and helped me and my sister when our Ma was having problems. He even took us shopping so that we got new clothes and food!"
"Why didn't you report her problems?" one officer asked me.
"I did. Indirectly. I called within 48 hours of the initial encounter and received a number of conflicting instructions--including a woman who said that I shouldn't help them out at all."
"Who'd you call?"
"Dang! They always mess up."
The second officer said, "Let's run the check and I think you'll be good to go."
They let the girls go home with me--temporarily, they reminded me, until permanent relatives could be found. They also let the girls retrieve some items from the trailer before they sealed it off again as a crime scene. They returned with their new hair brushes. For some reason that choked me up. They had nothing memorable from their own Ma that they wanted to keep, but they wanted the little item that I had bought for them.
Several neighbors stopped by to offer condolences and sympathy. A couple brought dinner. That was a real nice Southern touch. Neither girl had said a whole lot since the police had left, leaving them with me. But as the last neighbor left, leaving us to clean up our kitchen, Shelly leaned against me and whispered. "Thank you."
I hugged her and was quickly joined by Debbie who buried her face in my chest.
I couldn't refuse their plea for me to sleep with them that night. Shoot! I needed to have them near me just for some emotional comfort. Seeing the lifeless body of their Ma and the ransacked hovel they lived in was emotionally draining. We fell asleep in each other's arms on my bed. Me in the center between too very tired and emotionally drained preteen girls.
I woke up with a raging hardon--seemed to be my morning problem. Piss hard and rigid enough to drive nails and break up concrete. It didn't help that I was on my back with both girls curled into me with one of their legs thrown up over my legs almost on my crotch. Debbie had her right arm over me and Shelly was hugging me tightly with her left arm. I was certain that her crotch was rubbing against my hip. And that only made my dick harder and twitch more excitedly. I lay very still and tried to ignore the ramrod in my shorts as well as the beautiful nubile forms next to me. It didn't work. I realized that I really ahd to get up to pee and I was going to have to crawl over someone. I moved their legs and almost groan as Shelly's knee grazed my dick. I sat up and climbed over Shelly. She grunted and looked up at me.
"Excuse me. Gotta get up now," I whispered.
She vaguely smiled and grabbed me, holding me close to her in a tight embrace. On one hand it felt incredible having my dick pressed tightly against girlie flesh (albeit separated only by two thin layers of cloth). I know that she had to have felt my steel hardened dick pressed against her. But on the other hand I really had to pee. So I kissed her and whispered, "Gotta go. Now."
Again, there was no chance of calming down Mr. Woody for a decent piss so I jumped straight into the shower and pounded my meat till I spurted cum all over the shower walls. My piss started a few moments later. I was still draining my lizard when I heard the door open and Shelly came in. She sat down on the toilet after dropping her panties and hiking her shirt up above her waist. She had an absolutely beautiful cunt. Nearly as bare as her sister's but not nearly as puffy.
"G'morning, Mark," she said.
"Hi ya, Shelly," I replied. Sorry to wake ya up."
"Just as well. I had to go too." She was quiet for a few moments then said, "So you had to pee?"
"I didn't hear you use the toilet."
"Uh, no. I didn't."
She was silent for a few more moments then giggled. "So you pee in the shower?"
I stuck my head out of the shower door and replied, "Shelly, it's kinda awkward being a guy and all, but sometimes guys wake up having to go really badly. But that pinching of the muscles to keep from peeing is very much like the muscles that cause a dick to become hard."
She smiled. "I saw your woody as you left the bed."
"Yeah, well, that's what I'm talking about. And if a guy has a woody, he can't pee. But not peeing is what gave him a woody in the first place."
"So what do you do?"
"Step into the shower and let the warmth relax ya'."
"So you pee in there?"
"It's all pipes. What's the difference?" I replied, quoting Seinfeld.
She laughed. "So guys really pee in the shower?"
"Yes. Don't girls?"
"Never thought about it before."
I laughed and turned off the shower. Pulling the towel off the rack I opened the door and wrapped the towel around me.
"Mark," Shelly said, rather sheepishly. "You're rather cute."
"I've seen my share of guys. Ma had her clients and friends come traipsing through. But, Mark, they were all ugly. You know U-G-L-E-Y -- they ain't gots no alibi! They're ugly!"
I laughed. "I'm glad that I'm not repulsive and a hideous monster that you'd have to put up with."
She stood up and let her shirt fall back over her privates. She stepped next to me and put her arms around my neck. "Mark. You are anything but repulsive. And you have been so sweet. I really don't understand why some girl hasn't picked up on you and made you their dream boat. Dang! You are the sweetest man I've ever met!"
I kissed her and felt my dick stirring under the towel. "I've never met a sweeter girl. Maybe that's why I never turned my charm on before."
She placed her face in my bare shoulder and pushed her tits into my abdomen. My dick was in near full-riot-mode as it threatened to push my towel further away from me. "I'm your girlfriend," she whispered. "And I always will love you!"
"I love you too, Shelly." And I was suddenly scared at what "love" meant! "Shelly, you know that we will be watched closely by the police and child protective services. They'll be looking for anything that will seem improper."
"I know. And you've been nothing but good and proper."
"So we'll have to have separate beds and take turns in the bathroom---no co-ed sharing."
"It's gonna be hard."
"Why's that?"
"'Cause we were so loosey-goosey with Ma. Of course, she protected us from her clients, but, well, you saw, she thought nothing of getting us naked in front of everybody."
"We'll make it work. And we should go shopping to get you and Debbie your own beds."
Her eye grew bright. "Maybe bunk beds?"
"Think that'll be neat?" I asked.
"Oh, yes! We've thought about that many times. We'd take turns being on the top and then we could make the bottom part into a secret fort with blankets."
I smiled. Suddenly there in front of me was a little girl--not a young woman with sexuality, but a little girl with excited joy for little things.
"Then let's see about a bunk bed for you two."
Shelly ran back to wake Debbie and tell her and I finished getting ready and started breakfast. I looked on line for a bunk bed and found a decently priced one off on the other side of Decatur. They even delivered and set it up. And true to her word, the first thing they did was make a fort with blankets. I left them to their imagination and went shopping for more bedding.
I took Monday off and CPS checked on us and found things to be okay. In fact I was on the phone with my Mom when the social worker came in. Shelly explained to the lady who I was talking too so she nodded and made a few notes.
There was a small memorial service for their Ma later that week; several neighbors came to support Shelly and Debbie. They each told me how good it was for me to step up and help the girls. I really didn't see that I had any choice. It was something that had to be done. I, of course, had the pleasure of seeing their happy smiles and infectious giggles as reward. I later found out that the social worker had talked to each of my neighbors separately and I had received a good report. My Mom even got a phone call from Ms. Nosy. Turns out that was a good thing.
The summer settled into a nice routine. I worked, they stayed home and played or did a few light chores. Shelly took it on herself to start dinner a few times. It was now August and school would be starting in less than a month. I wanted to do something special with the girls before sending them back to school so I suggested a small vacation.
"To the beach?" Shelly asked.
"Yes!" Debbie added.
I knew exactly what we were going to do. Waterville USA down in Gulf Shores and then some time at one of the beaches nearby. They were going to love it!
"That means we need swim suits," Debbie declared.
"Two piece suits, I would think," Shelly added.
And two piece suits they got. Nothing really skimpy--just two pieces. Dang! they were cute!
We got down to Gulf Shores on Monday night and checked into our motel. My reservation indicated that we would have two double beds. Nope. It was a single king size. I asked the manager about it and she said, "Sorry. All the other rooms are full. There's enough room for you and your daughters on the king size."
Yeah, enough room, but I was a little worried about propriety and what others thought. I should have been concerned also about what my girls and I would be thinking.
We ate out at a steak house then spent some time in the motel room watching TV. I decided to sleep on the outside, closest to the door. The bed was large enough that we each had sufficient room to toss and turn in. But I woke up and found Debbie was hugging me, my back to her front and one arm draped over my chest. I drifted back to sleep and vaguely remembered that she got up and pattered to the bathroom.
Along before dawn I woke up realizing that I was on my side cuddling a girl. Shelly! Her little ass was wedged back up against my crotch. My dick was achingly rigid and in danger of starting a riot. My left arm was around her and her hand had tucked my hand in between her tiny breasts. I was nearly ready to cum just from the light stimulation and the realization of how intimately I was touching her--and she touching me!
I carefully disentangled my arm from hers and rolled over trying hard not to stimulate my poor engorged dick anymore. She stirred, but I headed into the bathroom and sat on the john. My dick wouldn't bend to go in so I just beat it a few more strokes and a fountain of white lava erupted. I tucked my deflating dick between my legs and the piss started trickling out then gained momentum and roared.
I cleaned up and went back to bed--the king size bed--and lay down next to Shelly. I turned my back to her, and felt her snuggle closer then I dropped back off to sleep again.
We finally got rolling and had a good breakfast then walked around for a little while. I told the girls that we'd hate to get a cramp in our stomachs from trying to swim too soon after eating breakfast. When I first thought about the vacation, I was a little concerned about whether they could swim, but they assured me that they would go swimming in the old pool in their trailer park (I didn't even know they had one!) as well as sometimes in one of the local creeks that emptied into the Tennessee River. I even made them prove their swimming ability before starting the trip!
I planned to be at the water park from 10 in the morning through mid afternoon. I figured that we'd stop for snacks and the like. What I had not counted on was the overwhelming number of near-pubescent girls in skimpy two piece suits that left little to the imagination. I was in danger of having a large circus tent erected in the middle of my swim suit! Not good.
I spent a bunch of extra time swimming or standing with my waist covered thinking about computer code or how to conjugate Latin verbs. It usually worked and I was able to move on without attracting attention to myself.
It was after lunch-snack and I had just watched several 12 or 13 year old girls come rocketing down one large water slide then biff out at the bottom and loose parts of their swim suits. Seriously! And somehow the slide doesn't carry an "R-rated" warning! I saw boobs and tits pop out of their dinky bikini top and even saw one girl tumble over and lose her string bikini bottom. All I saw was a very cute pair of butt cheeks flash above the water surface then a screaming girl appeared a few feet away, wildly looking for the rest of her suit. She was clutching her top like it was in danger of leaving her too. Her friend found her bottom piece and after a lot of laughing handed it to her.
Just then Debbie and Shelly came down the slide on separate courses and splashed. Debbie saw me and made a bee-line for me. She hugged me and said, "This is the best day ever, Mark. Thank you so much!" She got a funny look on her face and whispered in my ear, "You have to go pee?"
I looked at her, not cluing in what she was talking about. "No."
"You got a woody. You gotta go pee?"
Oh, she was recalling my explanation of my morning piss-hard dick some weeks before. "No. There are other things that cause that reaction."
Shelly whispered so that we both could hear, "It's a way that a man salutes a woman and says she looks cute."
"Yeah, that's kinda the way it is," I agreed.
"But there's no women here," Debbie pointed out. "Just a bunch of girls."
"Yeah, well, that's enough," I said. "Wanna go down this slide again!"
"Yes!" both said and I raced them out of the pool--very glad that my dick had shrunk.
I controlled my reaction fairly well the rest of the afternoon--even though I saw PLENTY of near-naked girls of all ages. So many boob flashes and occasional pussy flash as the bikini twisted awkwardly while getting out of the water. And I lost count of how many camel toes I had seen. Shelly and Debbie were positively delicious looking too.
We headed back to the motel, showered and changed into street clothes for a trip to a restaurant and hanging out at a movie theater. The girls were positively wired they were having so much fun.
As I exited the bathroom, Shelly walked by me and whispered, "Mr. Woody feeling okay now?"
"That's embarrassing," I said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable."
"Uncomfortable is drawing attention to it," I replied.
"Oh. Sorry." And then she slipped into the shower.
As we walked to the restaurant, Shelly whispered quietly, "It's all new to us, Mark."
"Yes. But what in particular?"
"Having a guy around who is nice to us."
I gave them each a squeeze since I was in the middle.
"And it's kinda exciting thinking that somehow your reaction is saying that you find us cute."
Debbie giggled.
Awkward! I stopped and made sure that both Debbie and Shelly were looking at me. "There's a big difference between thinking you two are cute and what your Ma and her clients did. It is illegal for me to even think of that. And then where would you be?"
"I know," Shelly said.
"I don't want to lose you," Debbie added.
"So we have to make sure that we keep it legal and all. Right?"
They nodded.
And the rest of the evening was okay and pretty fun. We made it back to the motel and were far too tired to watch TV so we were asleep by nine-thirty or so.
I had apprehensions about another day in swim suits, but the day at the beach was just plain fun. Yes, the girls looked cute and all. Yes, I saw cute camel toes now and then, but it wasn't the intense, in-my-face, wall-to-wall teeny-bopper-tiny-tit-fest of the water park. I really made an effort to be a respectable "daddy-like" figure to them--or at least an older brother.
I had let my folks know of my new responsibilities. They were rather shocked at first. Then as they found out more about the poverty and filth (moral and physical) that the girls came out of, they were pretty pleased to see that their nerdy, shy, socially maladjusted son man-upped and did a noble thing. And they had talked with the social worker on a couple occasions and that seemed to be something in my favor.
They came out to visit and meet the girls the week after our vacation. And that turned out to be a BIG help. The social worker stopped by for an unannounced visit to make sure that things were still on the "up and up," as she put it. She liked my mom; she had already talked to her by phone, but now she met her in person. Mom was in the kitchen with the girls showing them how to bake cookies and the ingredients for a pie lay partially assembled on the table.
"What type of pie you be fixin' t'make there," the social worker asked Mom.
"Strawberry rhubarb."
"Get out! Lands sakes, I ain't have a bite of that in years!"
Mom smiled and quoted her favorite radio show, "A Prairie Home Companion" -- "One little thing can revive a guy, and that is a piece of rhubarb pie."
"Go on with ya, now," the social worker laughed. "That's one of my favoritest programs. I don't always get a chance to listen to it nowadays since I'm so busy and whatnot."
The next ten minutes, Mom and the social worker talked as if they were long lost school friends. And that was a turning point. From that point on, the social worker had nothing but high praise for how I was caring for the girls. Prior to then, she was looking for any infraction so she could pull the girls out of my home.
The second way that my folks helped was in what my Dad asked. "So, son, these girls' Ma was a whore? And now the whole community knows since it was in the news? Maybe they should move to another school district and have a chance to start over."
So I talked with the girls and after some time they agreed that they didn't have any real friends in the neighborhood--"just some kids that don't pick on you as much as the others," Shelly said.
My folks helped us find a nice apartment in a much better neighborhood, got us moved and even made sure that I was financially fit for the added responsibility. The social worker also thought that was a good idea. Thus we were all moved in and registered before the start of school and the social worker was giving me the green light if I wanted to think of legally making the girls my own. I didn't have to think it over very hard. It was the right thing to do. "Don't start something ya' can't finish," my Dad often told me. So I started the process. Shelly and Debbie were delighted. No, that's an understatement. They were freaking out joyous happy and bouncing sideways with excitement. And they couldn't stop talking about it!
Mom took me aside at one point and said she was amazed at how deep the girls' affection and attraction to me was. "It's like you've been their loving big brother their whole life."
"I know," I replied. "And I feel a strong daddy-like protectiveness for them. No one's gonna hurt 'em; no one's gonna take us from each other."
She patted my hand and said, "I know. I can see that. I had my doubts about what you were doing, but you and the girls have erased all those doubts. Now, Shelly.... How old is she?"
"Twelve and a half."
"She looks much younger. Now you're going to have to be a mom for them. They're gonna need someone to explain what's going on with they're bodies. Are you ready for explaining about their period?"
"Mom, I think that they already know a lot about those things--you know, living in that trailer. But I've already had to explain things to them and take them shopping for girlie stuff."
Mom nodded then smiled. "Give me a call if you need help. Have them give me a call if that would help. Good heavens, I never thought that I'd be a grandma already!"
We had a good laugh at that.
So school started; the girls, after some initial shyness, became good students and made some friends; and we all settled into a new routine in our new home.
Shelly celebrated her 13th birthday in early November and I made sure it was a small event, but a fun event. For the Saturday afternoon, she could invite two friends and Debbie got to have one. It was the first time that either girl had a real party with friends over. It also gave me a chance to see who they were hanging out with.
Debbie's friend was very similar to Debbie--about the same height and similar hair--but not as thick. Shelly's friends were small, twiggy girls like herself. I remembered several girls from my 7th grade who were some well-endowed that every boy talked about them. Of course, my puberty years were probably clouded with remembering only the exceptions and not the ones who were less obvious. Shelly and Debbie, having grown up under a cloud of ignominy and questioning frowns, recognized girls who were wall-flowers or down-and-out. But here, in our apartment, their friends laughed and giggled and enjoyed carefree moments of childhood friendships.
I noticed that one of Shelly's friends, Amber, did not wear a bra--but probably should have. I didn't notice anything when Amber came in. I didn't notice anything as they sat around and played games. But later in the afternoon, the temperature warmed up enough that she took off her sweater and sat next to Shelly in jeans and tee shirt. A thin tee shirt. A very thin tee shirt that looked a little too tight. Her tits pointed out like small traffic cones with Hershey's Chocolate Kisses affixed on each. It was all I could do to keep from staring!
Shelly caught my eye then smiled. She met me in the kitchen and whispered, "Kinda cute, don't you think?"
"Kinda surprising if you ask me," I replied. "Does Amber dress like that at school?"
"Yes, but she almost always has a sweater on. I've hardly ever seen her without one. I think she feels safe here."
"People pick on her cause she has boobs and no bra."
I scratched my head. "And she doesn't wear one because....?"
"They're poor. Can we help 'em?"
I was silent for a few moments considering my options. I seriously doubted if Amber's family wanted a guy helping their daughter out--regardless of how well-intentioned he might be. But if a friend like Shelly were to give a little gift..... I smiled. "What were you thinking?"
"Take her shopping."
"I don't think I would be welcome. I can't imagine what her parents would think if some guy took her on a shopping trip for intimate apparel."
Shelly laughed. "You make it sound so sinister."
"But if you were to go with her--alone--it might be okay."
"Ask her later when the others aren't around."
Shelly gave me a joyful hug. I noticed that *her* tits were growing a little as they pressed into my chest. Perhaps she would need some new intimate apparel too.
"You are so sweet, Mark. Thank you!"
After a dinner of pizza and soda and birthday cake and ice cream, the girls got ready to leave. Amber was the last one to be picked up and I saw Shelly talking to her quietly on the far side of the living room. I knew enough to stay away, but did glance up and saw first a look of disbelief then joy spread across Amber's face. I knew what that meant!
Sure enough, later that evening, Shelly told me, "Amber was really surprised. And excited."
"I felt the room warm up when she started smiling," I replied. "So when will you go?"
"Probably Monday after school. She has to ask her grandma."
"Oh, doesn't live with her parents?"
Shelly shook her head. "Nope. She never met her dad and the mom's a druggie in jail or something now."
Bummer of a childhood. A fleeting urge to try to fix it welled up within me, before I realized that I couldn't fix everything and Amber *DID* have a grandma who was trying to fix things the best she could. I would have to be content with giving a small gift by proxy.
"Are you going to have a party like this for Debbie?"
I nodded. Even had most of the things planned out for the last Saturday in November. "I told her to invite three friends but she may have a little problem since so many people like going away or being with family on Thanksgiving."
"Oh yeah." She was quiet for a little while. "We never celebrated any holiday."
"Shelly," I said, pulling her close to me, "those days are over. You and Debbie are with me now. You know that my folks want to come out here for Christmas?"
"Really!?" Her eyes grew large and she put her hands over her mouth as she stifled a little scream.
"What?" Debbie burst into the kitchen with us.
"Mark's folks are coming out again for Christmas."
"They want you to call them grandma and grandpa!" I added.
"We get grandparents for Christmas?" Debbie asked.
"Isn't it so over the top crazy wild?" Shelly asked. "I had only heard about Christmas and the magic and the joy and the presents and the family love and the...." She stopped and grasped Debbie's hands. Her face was smiling widely but her eyes were brimming over with tears.
"And the joy and the love?" I asked.
"And someone who's a daddy?" she whispered.
Break my heart!
Shelly did go with Amber to the mall on Monday after school. I came home in time to be greeted by my girls and Amber.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Carlson." Amber said reaching out to shake my hand.
"Just call me Mark. Mr. Carlson's my Dad!"
She laughed. Then she muttered, "Oh what the heck!" and she gave me a huge hug. Not a bear hug but an envelop you with firm grip sort of hug, a hug that pressed boobs into your ribs and dared you NOT to notice, a hug that grew awkwardly long with my hands having no safe place to rest.
I patted her back and said, "You're welcome."
She finally broke the hug, looked down and said quietly, "Shelly told me that it really was your money that bought these things for me."
"She told me that you needed a few items. I'm glad that we could help."
"Well, I gotta get home or Granny's gonna throw a conniption fit."
We saw her to the door and Shelly waved then closed it. "Mark, can we talk?"
"Sure," I said.
"I mean in the other room."
"Oh, so a long, serious talk?"
She nodded.
I sat on the couch and Shelly sat on my left and Debbie sat on the footrest in front of me.
Shelly sighed deeply looked away then finally began. "I guess that this is what it is. I was feeling jealous."
"Because of that hug?" I asked.
"Yeah, what was that?" Debbie asked.
"That was the last straw," Shelly answered. "No, it wasn't that she was doing anything wrong, it's just that she was commenting on you and saying that you were sweet."
"He is," Debbie agreed.
"And a hunk."
"Dat true right there."
"And sexy and she said that she was getting creamy between her legs just thinking about how cute Mark is."
Okay. That's awkward! "Uh, perhaps I didn't need to know that," I began.
"No, no, hear me out," Shelly said, waving her hands. "She's not going to get you, that's just how a lot of girls talk--and nothin' happens. But I felt so, so, so horrible when she was talkin' that way. I was jealous. I was all, like, oh no you won't! and I was wanting YOU to be my main squeeze, my daddy, my brother, my boyfriend. And then I thought you're Debbie's also. We're your little girls. We're your sisters, your daughters, your girlfriends and maybe in the future...." Her voice became so soft I didn't hear her even though I thought I knew what she said--or meant.
"What was that?"
"And maybe your lovers," she repeated without looking up.
Debbie sat staring at her sister then finally let out a long sigh. "Wow. Yes. Exactly!"
She saw the look on my face--my slack jawed, panicked, 'holy Sponge Bob not this again' look of fear--so she quickly added, "And I'm not proposing that we jump in bed together. I understand, my dear Mark. We can't do that. At least not yet. As much as I want to give myself to you and share you only with my sister, I know that doing that would break some stupid law and that would take you away from us and that would break my heart. That's the ONLY reason that I'm not propositioning you right now."
Oh. I see. That makes it all the more clear!
But my calm, rational adult voice took over and said, "I'm glad you understand the seriousness of the situation. I love you too much--I do not want to lose you for any reason."
Shelly was so worked up she was nearly crying.
"Come here, Shelly. Come here, Debbie." They both melted into my arms and held me, burying their faces in my shoulder or neck.
I started saying something--you know, the wise ol' dad speech-- but Shelly said, "Shhh. Just hold us."
So I held them. I listened to their breathing and Shelly's little sobs. I felt their backs and traced their spines from their necks nearly to their waists. I also started noticing Shelly's lovely little tittie orbs pressing into my side. About that same time I realized that I was feeling no bra straps on either girl. No surprise for Debbie who had not quite reached the need yet. But it meant for Shelly that she was au natural underneath her shirt. My eyes then wandered over her frame and I saw that her shirt was pulled up and her jeans, which were low cut, failed to cover her butt crack. Oh scheisskopf! I was suddenly looking at the tops of two luscious orbs of ass meat.
I finally tore my eyes away and looked over Debbie who was partly on my lap, partly kneeling on the couch with one knee to my right and one knee between my legs. She had changed out of her school clothes and put on her favorite long night shirt. Except it was bunched up and caught so that I saw most of her ass. Her bare, uncovered, not-a-stitch-of-cloth-on-it ass. My dick threatened to rip through my pants and spear her or anything in it way. I was suddenly very uncomfortable!
Shelly suddenly held me tighter. I think Debbie felt her sister move so she tightened her grip on me too. "I'm not going anywhere," I whispered. "I staying right here."
Shelly breathed deeply then looked up into my eyes. "I'm sorry, Mark. I didn't know how emotional I was about it."
"I don't know why I almost felt like crying," Debbie whispered.
"It's okay," I said. "You were caught up in the moment."
She sat up and hooked her arms around my neck. "And I think I'm caught up in you too."
The rest of the evening was low-key and innocent. Dinner and homework plus planning for Debbie's birthday party. The girls were sent to bed by 9 and I stayed up taking care of some bills and light reading. Some time after 10 I heard a sound and looked up. Sure enough it was Shelly.
"What's up? I thought you would have been asleep."
She smiled then came and sat next to me on the couch. "I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry for how emotional I was earlier."
I kissed her forehead and said, "You're okay, kid."
She sighed then said, "You are so nice. And I get all emotional sometimes when I think about how nice and sweet and special and perfect you are."
I touched her lips with my finger and said, "That's high expectations to live up to."
"No. It's fact."
I waited.
"Mark. I ache inside because I love you so much." Her face contorted into a smile and a grimace.
"I love you beyond words too, Shelly."
"No, you don't understand."
"Maybe I do. My Mom said that she saw that we were acting like we had been brothers and sisters our whole life. I feel there is something so special, so deep between us. I don't want to mess it up. I don't want to destroy it. You, me, Debbie--we have something that is so, so...."
"Yes. And unique. And rare!"
"Okay, maybe you do understand." She kissed me then laid her head on my shoulder. "But why do I want something more?"
"I know what you mean, my dear Shelly."
"When will it be time?"
"All I can say is I know it's not time yet. We gotta prove ourselves to the social worker and that agency."
"She kinda liked your Ma, didn't she?"
"Yep! That was a bonus, wasn't it?"
She looked up and kissed my cheek.
"Shelly. There are times when I want nothing more than to hold you and touch you and move my hands all over your skin."
She smiled and said, "I think you *DO* understand." She kissed me again. "I so love you, Mark."
Then she climbed up in my lap, her knees straddling on either side of my hips and her crotch pressing down hard on my groin. She placed her hands on either side of my face then kissed me softly on my nose, then on my forehead, then on each cheek and then softly and tenderly on my lips. By then I was rip-roaring hard and I know that she felt it. She gyrated her pussy against my sweatpants-enclosed, rigid dick.
"We can't do this, Shelly." My mind was spinning with conflicts of lust and responsibility.
"We're not," she whispered in my ear then started nibbling on my ear lobe. "I'm not certain what you're talking about."
"Oh, Shelly," I whispered back. "I could get into such deep trouble."
"No you won't. We're not having sex. I'm just kissing you like I mean it."
"Oh, Shelly!" I was quickly losing my resolve. I placed my hands on her hips--I was initially thinking of lifting her off me but as I felt the soft skin of her bare thighs, I glanced down and saw that her night shirt had ridden up. She was wearing no panties! Her bare little twat was rubbing against my inflamed and engorged cock--separated only by the thin fabric of my sweatpants. I lost all resolve at that point and pulled her gyrating hips tightly against my dick. My balls drew up against my body and jism boiled out of my dick soaking into my sweatpants. I gasped and nearly passed out.
She felt me grow tense and release. Her hips kept grinding against my cock and her voice purred in my ear as she kept sucking my ear lobe.
"Oh, Shelly!" I finally said, as the realization of what happened sank into my befuddled mind.
"Mark, I love you. I had to know if you really felt this way about me and Debbie."
"You know I do," I whispered.
"Words can be cheap. I had to know the depth of your love. Now that I know that you really do have an attraction to me and Debbie, I can wait. If yours was just going to be a big brother type of love, then I was going to get over you and look about to find love somewhere else. But your love is much deeper." She paused and kissed my lips again, playfully nibbling on my lips. "Deep love. Very deep love. I can wait. Doesn't matter one year or ten, I know that we are destined to be together."
She had me. The little vixen had me by the short and curly.
"You are a complex person," I finally said. "I barely know what to think."
"That's because you just had an orgasm. Your brain's a little loopy."
"And you're the rational one now?"
"Yes. No orgasm. But could you?" She suddenly looked cute and coy.
"Could I what?"
"Help me find my orgasm?"
"Isn't the point to stay away from this so that no one can talk smack about us at all?"
"Maybe, but you got yours and it looked incredible."
"You know how dangerous this is?"
"But Mark," she replied, "wouldn't it be more dangerous to let me go experimenting with some junior high boy?"
"You want me to give you an orgasm?" I repeated.
"Yes. Please?"
I was growing hard again just thinking about it.
She felt ol' Woody stirring and looking for another roundup. "Maybe if you just let me rub my pussy back and forth on your big dick. I mean, it feels like it's getting excited again."
"Go ahead," I sighed.
"No, it has to be slick. Your sweatpants are rough."
She pulled off me then pulled my dick out of my pants. It was still covered in white goo. "Oh, this is beautiful! It's nice and slick too."
Her hands were all over my dick and my brain suffered oxygen deprivation since all my blood rushed into my dick again. "You can't put it in you!" I protested.
"No. I'm just going to rub myself back and forth on it."
And then she swung back onto my lap again, hiked her night shirt up above her shoulders and sloughed it off. Her tits were suddenly there in front of me. My cock grew hard--rock hard--and she smashed her little pussy down onto its throbbing length. The combination of her pussy juice and my jism made for a very slick surface between us. Back and forth she rubbed. Her hips gyrated and ground into me. I placed my hands on her hips and thrilled at her slender form and soft skin. Her tits were so small and firm yet she moved so hard that they wiggled, almost as if they were beckoning to me. I reached one hand up to touch. I had never felt anything like it: so soft, so firm, so gravity-defying! She moaned as I lightly played with her nipple.
Suddenly it was a race to orgasm-land. I felt the jism building up pressure within my balls again. But I really wanted her to get her jollies too. I started rubbing both of her nipples between my fingers. As I pinch them both she gasped and slammed her pussy down hard against my cock. As she sucked in a large amount of air, my cock twitched violently and spewed my jism out between us. Finally we relaxed and she collapsed in my arms. There I was on my couch, holding a nude 13 year old in my arms with my cum-covered dick stuck between us. And I didn't care anymore. I was too tired to care. A nagging worry tried to say something but the sex-sated neurons just said, "Ah, shaddup!" So we stayed like that for maybe ten minutes.
"That was like nothin' that I have ever felt before," Shelly finally whispered but still not moving.
"I don't think I've ever had a more intense release," I agreed.
"See? We are made for each other. You, me, Debbie. This is our love."
I smiled. "I still don't see how this is going to work, but I will take you at your word that you said that you could wait--whether one year or ten."
"I sure hope it ain't that long!"
"You made me king for just one day," I began. "But I'm not going to trade it away because I'm here with you!"
She looked into my eyes, her own shining brightly, then she nestled her head back on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You are the sweetest man in the whole earth!"
We did clean up and we did go to bed--separately. And we did carry on with propriety and decorum as a dad should with his daughters. I don't know when Shelly told Debbie of our secret tryst, nor do I know just how much she told, but I do know that Debbie was aware and whispered to me one evening, "I will wait for you, Mark. Whether one year or ten, I will wait."
I picked her up in a big bear hug and kissed her neck and her cheeks then gently on her lips. "Just as I will wait for you."
Part of me felt absolutely horrible for allowing myself to go that far with Shelly. I was worried that somehow I was becoming a pedophile or a molester and somehow everyone in society would be able to see it on my face and in my eyes. But as day after day went along and nothing more happened between the girls and me, I felt less like a pariah and less likely to be arrested.
Debbie's birthday was a success too. A similar version of what we did for Shelly. I made sure that they got matching personal CD players. (No, mp3 players hadn't really caught on then.) I had the plan to get them some really special CDs for Christmas. I also had my eye on two nice bikes for them.
My folks came just before Christmas and the girls basked in the grandparent sort of love. Christmas morning was almost Norman Rockwell picture perfect. Mom even made her traditional Christmas dinner. And almost on cue the social worker stopped by.
"I just knew that your folks would be here," she said looking around with a smile on her face. "I am so happy that there really are happy endings to some of these stories."
"You've seen 'em all?" my Dad said, making small talk.
"Oh, Lawdy, don't even get me started 'bout that. There are so many that go from bad to worse or nearly the same bad. I'm so happy to see real family love going on here. The girls are definitely thriving."
I smiled but was beaming brightly on the inside.
After dinner Mom took me by the sleeve. I knew what that meant--a mother-son talk.
"Mark," she said as we sat in the living room. "Mark, your girls are angels. They are so sweet!"
I agreed.
"But Mark," she went on. "There's something more there. You know that, don't you?"
"What do you mean?"
She smiled and leaned forward toward me. "Those girls love you, son."
"I know that."
"No, I mean *love* -- not a father-daughter love."
My mind rapidly tried to fill in what she was thinking as well as what she had seen. "I'm not sure why you're thinking that."
"I can see it in their eyes. Especially Shelly's. Maybe you don't see it, but the way her eyes follow you and the twitch of a smile here and there and a coy little glance down. Oh, son, you have a young girl who is absolutely smitten with you. Probably two--I'm not as certain about Debbie."
"So, what do I do?" I decided to play dumb.
"Let them take the lead." She smiled at me then laughed. "You thought that I was going to say something else?"
"Um, yes, that does surprise me, Mom!" I paused and tried to read her face. "So how far am I to let them lead me?"
"As far as they want. You are their hero, their knight in shining armor, their Prince Charming as well as a Daddy that they never had. You have become the summation of everything good about being a man to them and they are fixated on you."
"As far as they want?" I repeated.
Mom nodded.
"You know what that could mean?" My voice squeaked.
She nodded. "And I know that you will be gentle and a proper gentleman with them if they ask you."
"Ain't that a bit, um, illegal?"
"Only if it's known widely." She smiled smugly. "I don't think those girls would talk. Let me feel them out and explore what their thinking."
I sat still--absolutely shocked by what I heard. I must have had a strange look on my face because Mom said, "Close your mouth. You're drooling."
And then the talk was over. She quietly had a little talk with each of the girls--probably separately, but I didn't really see when. And then she whispered in my ear two days later, "I was right."
I jumped because I didn't hear her come into the kitchen.
"Edgy?" she asked.
"No. Lost in thought."
"Mark Anthony Carlson," she said in *that* tone. "I was so right and you knew what I was talking about!" She put her hands on her hips and stared at me. "You know what I mean." Then she laughed and added, "I'd be cagey too, if someone were talking to me like that outta the blue."
"I'm lost, Mom. I'm in over my head and you ain't makin' sense."
"Mark, what I'm saying is that I know that you and Shelly have already experimented and come to a wonderful compromise. I think you are being very," she paused and waved her arms, searching for a word, "noble, chivalrous and gentlemanly about this." She took my hands in hers and added, "You are being the caring young man that your father and I trained you to be."
"So Shelly ratted me out?"
"No, I ratted you out and Shelly filled in the details. Son, she is in love with you deeper than what I had thought. But you're doing the right thing. Wait till the custody thing goes through. Then wait till they're through poking into your lives." She let go of my hands finally then said, "How sweet! 'I will wait for you.' Oh, my goodness, that is so sweet!"
I stared at my Mom, trying to understand what she was saying. Was she really giving her blessing to me to have sex with these young girls who were now my responsibility? Where did this side of Mom come from?
"You're staring at me," she said flatly.
"I've never seen nor heard this side of you before," I stated.
"You never had to. By the way, you father is in agreement. The girls are absolute angels and cute as bugs in a rug! I think he is rather taken with Debbie and she him." She saw my raised eyebrow then quickly added, "No, taken with as in a proper grandpa sort of way."
"Mom, I have to ask point blank. You're saying that you're okay with me having sex with these girls?"
"Heavens no!" she laughed. "But I am completely fine with you loving them and showing them all the nuances of love and making love and indulging their deepest desires to have you be their lover and intimate confidant."
I shook my head then rubbed my eyes. "You know this just upends everything that I have ever learned."
"Yeah," she smiled. "Pretty much. Welcome to reality."
We didn't jump into an orgy right away. We didn't even approach it after my folks left shortly after New Year's Day. We didn't even race for the common bed as soon as my adoption of the girls was complete. It was slow and methodical. And like Shelly said, she was waiting for me--but she was also planning and calculating and slowly putting her hooks into me so that I did not even have a desire to leave or run away. She and Debbie completely captivated me and won my heart over so that I was much more than a big brother, much more than a daddy. I was in love with them.
Shelly was quiet and reflective when she opened my Christmas gift. It was a CD of the Thompson Twins, the 1985 album feature "King for a Day." When she finally said something, she whispered, "This is perfect. It is the absolutely best CD that you could have gotten me!" Then she smothered me with a hug and kisses.
Debbie liked the CD that I got her too--a CD of Sigur Rós. She really liked the instrumental, ethereal music. (Gotta say, I did too. That's probably where she learned to like it.)
Adoption became official Spring of that next year. Yeah, wheels of justice turn slowly, don't they? Shelly was near the end of her 7th grade year and Debbie was finishing her 5th grade year. Both were sporting some tits. Yes, Shelly's were full-fledged real tits, albeit smallish, but Debbie's were pre-tits of a sort--nipples on soft mounds of promising flesh.
No, they behaved like young girls entering puberty should: vivacious, full of life and joie de vivre. They finished their school year well, each getting mostly "A's" in their subjects.
"It is kinda different for me," Shelly said one evening in June. "Both of us are getting good grades now."
I waited, watching her face because I sensed something more in her words.
"You know that we were lousy students last year?"
I nodded.
"You've changed that. You've given us everything. And we have you to thank for it. I can walk down the halls of my school and not worry about what people will say. They can say whatever they want, because I have you and my sister here for me. I have everything I could have ever hoped for." She paused and leaned forward in her seat. I could see that she had omitted her bra--her little tits poised deliciously on her chest, capped by small nipples. "I have everything with the promise of everything more," she ended cryptically.
Debbie slid closer to me and whispered, "Mark, remember when we said that we would be your girlfriends?"
I nodded, recalling that evening about a year earlier.
"So what's one thing that boyfriends and girl friends do?" Debbie continued.
"Kiss?" I answered, suddenly feeling very awkward as I realized where the conversation was heading.
"Yes," Shelly laughed. "And that's a very good start."
She got up out of her seat and joined me on the couch, planting herself on my lap with her legs straddling mine. She held my face in her hands and began kissing each feature, afforded each the same attention and tender caress. My forehead, my cheeks, my ears, my eyes, my nose, my chin were all treated to her slow and gentle osculation. When she finally found my lips she kissed each one separately then nibbled on each before planting a long passionate kiss on my lips. No French kissing, no tonguing, no deep sucking face--but it was as though I was plugged into ten thousand volts and millions of amps. I had *never* had a kiss like that before. (True, my dating life was rather pathetic, but I had kissed before, so I did have something to compare it too.)
Debbie stayed right beside me, watching intently what her sister was doing. Her arms were entwined around my left and her chin was against my shoulder.
I went from daddy to lover in no time. Zero to sexy in 2 point 2 seconds. I finally responded and kissed back and moved my hands so that I held Shelly closer to me. I felt her narrow but widening hips and her shapely butt. I felt her ribs and where her little tits merged along her sides to join her chest. I also felt my dick strain and threaten a Bruce Banner moment as it tried to rip its constraints off its back.
Shelly finally broke off the kiss and smiled coyly. "See? Isn't that nice?"
"So what's next?" I whispered, my voice dry and threatening to crack.
"We can take it slow. That's what Grandma said."
I still couldn't fathom that. My Mom counseling my newly adopted pubescent daughters on how to seduce and make love to me? Whoa! Blow all my circuits!
"I like that," I whispered.
"I like it too," Shelly replied.
"Can I kiss him too?" Debbie asked.
Shelly smiled and raised herself from my lap, letting her fingers trace the outline of my throbbing hardon. "You really did like it, didn't you?"
"I think so."
Debbie quickly moved onto my lap and ground her crotch down against my dick and giggled. "It feels so good." Her voice suddenly low and throaty.
She then took my face in her hands and began kissing each feature just as she saw her sister do a few minutes prior. I had my hand around her back, exploring the contours of her spine and ass. Suddenly she planted a big kiss on my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck.
I wrapped my arms around her and reveled in how much different she felt than her sister--softer curves, more padding, and an ass that was threatening to cause a riot. She wore her soft gym shorts that were too small and my hands played over the hemline and felt where her panties and crotch and legs all met together. Scheisskopf! I was feeling her butt crack through her thin panties. My dick twitched.
"I felt that," she whispered as she took her lips away from mine briefly. "That felt funny. Do it again!"
I flexed my dick in reply and she smiled then fell to kissing my lips again. I returned the favor and nibbled on her lips and massaged her spine and ass cheeks. She gyrated her hips and I felt the boiling eruption of cum thundering up from my balls. It hit me and overwhelmed me so that I groaned, closed my eyes and leaned away from her momentarily.
"Are you okay?" Debbie asked, holding my face in her small hands.
"I'm okay," I finally said. "That was intense."
She watched me for more information.
"But a good sort of intense," I added.
"I liked it too," she whispered as she snuggled in close. "I love you, Mark!"
Shelly snuck up next to us and joined the hug. "We both love you, Mark. And we'll take it slow for you. Neither of us want to lose you."
"Uh-uh! Not at all!" Debbie added.
My cock finally started shrinking amidst my cum-spattered shorts. I basked in post-orgasmic glow with a vague hint of guilt. "But I didn't do anything; it was all their doing," I argued and felt some better.
I didn't address the issue immediately. I didn't really know how to. So it was about a week later that Shelly and Debbie led me back into the living room late one evening. "We gotta talk," Debbie said matter-of-factly.
"I think you're right," I said. "You know why I've said nothing yet, don't you?"
"You're uncertain about this all?" Shelly asked.
"Yes. Very." I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. "If you were both older, I'd be all over this in a moment. But you're not and so I have to think very carefully about it."
"But Grandma said that it's okay," Debbie protested.
"Still doesn't make it correct in the eyes of the law or society," I countered. "We have to be very careful about this."
"So we can continue?" Shelly asked. "If we're careful?"
I looked back and forth between the girls. They were both on the edges of their seats with wide open eyes. Debbie had an open mouth partially hidden behind her hands.
"Yes," I finally said.
"Whoopee! Yes!" And then I was mobbed and attacked by both girls as they hugged me and kissed my cheeks.
"So how are we gonna do this?" Shelly asked finally.
"Can we continue to take things slowly?" I asked.
She looked at her sister and nodded.
"I think that you are both too young to have my cock inside your pussies," I continued. "I don't want to hurt or damage you. But...." I paused and smiled. "There are a lot of other things that we can do that will feel very nice. If you're willing, that is."
"Oh, yeah!" Shelly said.
"You bet!" Debbie added.
"So like what?" Shelly asked in a coy voice.
"You know how it felt so good when you were rubbing your pussies against my cock?"
They both looked at each other then giggled.
"There are other ways of making your pussies feel good and other ways of making my cock happy."
"Let try it!" Debbie said, standing up and pulling her shirt off.
"But first," I said. "We have to have some rules--some common understanding--so that we can trust each other and that we don't go to far too fast. Okay?"
They both nodded and Debbie sat back down, shirtless.
"First, we can only do this flirting while we're alone--we must never be seen as lovers, only as daddy and daughters or brother and sisters. Understand?"
They both nodded.
"Second, you have school as your priority. You must work hard so that you learn and be the best you can be. You must rise above where you were and what you came out of. Is that understand?"
"What?" Debbie asked.
"Debbie," I said. "You and Shelly are very bright. You can do much better than your Ma ever did. You will stay clear of drugs and prostitution and sleaze. Learn your subjects and then be smart and educated then you can claim any job you'd want. Then you will have more than enough money to live and be comfortable."
Shelly nodded. "He's right, Debbie. We can do much better in school."
Debbie thought about it for a little while. "But it's so boring."
"Then let's make it interesting," I said. "Are you game?"
"I am," Shelly said.
Debbie thought about it a little longer then said, "Well, I don't know about the school thing, but you have done so much for us that maybe I can do school better."
"I can help you with school," I encouraged.
"Then," Debbie said slowly, "I'm game."
"Then we're good to go?" Shelly asked. "I mean, we can be boyfriend and girlfriends?"
"Yes. I am your boyfriend. And are you my girlfriends?"
"Oh, yes!" Shelly said, throwing her arms around my neck.
"So what're we gonna do?" Debbie asked.
"We are going back to the bedroom and I'm going to show you that I can give you a little bit of pleasure."
"Yes!" Shelly exclaimed. "Com'on! Race ya'!" She shouted back to Debbie as she ran up the hallway.
Debbie pulled on my hand and said, "You're comin' too!"
"I am," I said and followed her into my bedroom.
She wore only her little panties and her butt wiggled jauntily as she trotted ahead of me. It was odd. I was about to "play" with the girls in naked games and I hadn't really processed it yet. My dick was only slightly inflated--I was being analytical about the whole procedure to that point.
When I entered my bedroom, I saw Shelly lying in the middle of the bed, totally nude and bare as the day she was born. Debbie giggled and quickly shucked her panties and joined her sister on my bed. Suddenly my cock sprang to life. I was no longer a dispassionate observer. I was a horny young man and these were my girlfriends that I had to pleasure. I was going to explore every square inch of their smooth skin and supple bodies. I slipped out of my shirt and shorts in very little time.
"Okay, I get the middle," I said as I slid out of my underwear and onto the bed. I leaned back against the headboard and pulled the girls toward me. "We're going to start out just touching and everyone getting the same touching. Okay?"
They both nodded.
And I was now deep into it. No backing out now. Probably wouldn't do any good to blame my mom either. But as soon as they leaned against me and I touched their bare skin all feelings of doubt and hesitation disappeared. Both girls sat next to me and snuggled against my bare chest. Their hands were drawn like magnets to my throbbing dick.
"It huge!" Debbie whispered as she wrapped her hand around my rod.
"We've seen bigger," Shelly said casually. She looked up at me then added, "Sometimes Ma had us hide in the back of the trailer when she had her clients."
"Bigger, maybe, but they stunk!" Debbie said wrinkling her nose at the memory.
While they lightly touched my quivering cock, I began touching them: their shoulders, their arms, under their arms and then lightly across their little titties. Their skin felt so soft and smooth.
Suddenly Debbie doubled over and pulled away from me. "That tickles!" she giggled.
"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't want to be the tickle monster tonight. What if you watch me and Shelly so you'll know what I'm going to do to you?"
She nodded and sat back against the headboard.
I moved Shelly so that she lay down with her head on my pillow. She smiled and sighed as I traced the outer edges of her thighs, feeling the crest of her hip bones and the flat plain of her taut stomach muscles. I bent over her and kissed her lips. She closed her eyes and kissed me back. I took her lips into my mouth and sucked on them. She immediately stuck her tongue out and I opened my mouth to accept it. After a few moments of her darting her tongue around my mouth, I pushed my tongue into her mouth and felt her suck on it. Electricity coursed through my body and my dick became even more rigid.
I broke off kissing her lips and tongue and moved my kissing down her neck and across her chest. She gasped as I sucked her puffy nipple into my mouth. It was only a mouthful, but it really turned me on to feel her tit in my mouth. I pulled off then gently sucked the other tit. She placed her hands on my head and rubbed my hair. I heard her moan and sigh. As I sucked on one, I kneaded the other with my fingers.
"Oh my gosh!" Debbie suddenly said. "Doesn't that tickle?"
Shelly quietly replied, her voice thick with raw emotion. "Nuh-uh! It's great!"
I resumed kissing her, moving down over her flat stomach toward the crest of her hip bone. I kissed each tip then kissed down each thigh to her knees then back up and repeated it on the other leg. I did that several times, moving closer to her inner thighs. She anticipated my coming and spread her legs even wider, drawing her knees up and letting them flop on either side. I now had full access to her beautiful pussy--her lovely gash that was coated with a light dusting of pussy fuzz across the top and a few stray, scraggly hairs along the crest of her pussy lips. Her outer lips were stretched open and the inner lips were already pink and flush with desire. Her clit stood at attention looking over the whole scene. A light sheen of moisture coated her lips.
I ran my tongue over the edges of her pussy. She bucked her hips back toward me and made a grunting-pleasurable sound. I teased her pussy by licking close to the center but never exactly in it for almost a minute before I lightly ran my tongue up and down the whole length of her slit. Her inner lips parted as my tongue moved through. I had only been near a live pussy twice before--both times in college, both times a twenty something young woman. There is no comparison between
"Oh, oh, Mark!" she gasped and grabbed my head, forcing it in more tightly against her cunt. "Yes!"
I concentrated on her gash then, tonguing her slit up and down for another bit of time before I latched onto her clit and sucked it into my mouth. At the same time I reached up and found her small breasts and gently rubbed each with both of my hands.
She suddenly stiffened and her legs trapped me in hard against her cunt. Her hips bucked upward and an extra wetness oozed out of her pussy. I stuck my tongue into her crack as far as it would go and felt her muscles spasm wildly.
Finally she relaxed and gained enough composure to speak. "Wow and wow!" She petted my head and played with my hairs.
I looked up at her. She was looking back down at me with a lazy, silly grin on her face. "Yes. wow!"
"Is that all you can say?" Debbie asked.
"Yeah," Shelly answered. "Your turn."
Debbie flopped down beside her sister then said, "It doesn't tickle, does it?"
"Not at all."
"Let's start with a kiss," I suggested as I slid up near her. I hovered above her and noticed how much larger I was than she was. She was not quite four foot nine and maybe 85 pounds. She had a healthy amount of padding that was turning into feminine curves and two lovely bumps that were growing on her chest. But she was much smaller than my six foot frame. I seemed grossly out of proportion to her small size. (I suppose that I didn't feel that way about Shelly then was because I had not hovered above her to give such a stark contrast.)
She greeted me with a hug and lips pursed together. I readily kissed her soft lips but she suddenly pulled away. "Yuck! I taste pussy!"
"So do I," I replied. "Let me make it so that you have a brand new start." And then I quickly ran into to my bathroom and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash.
"Ta-da!" I said, coming back in and landing on the bed next to her. "Now kiss me."
She smiled and said, "Tastes better!"
I resumed kissing her and she readily wrapped her arms around my neck. I gently pulled her lower lip into my mouth and tugged. She pushed her tongue into my mouth then giggled. I sucked on her tongue lightly then pushed my tongue into her mouth. She caught on and tugged lightly on my tongue then flitted her tongue back across my lips. We French kissed for a couple a minutes before I slowly began kissing her neck and shoulders. She laughed but not as though she was being tickled. I kissed her swollen areolas, feeling the puffiness that lay under each. She placed her hands on my head and rubbed my hair back and forth. I continued kissing each puffy bump--back and forth--pressing more firmly each time before gently taking the small nipple into my mouth and sucking.
She gasped and pulled my face up.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh, wow!" she whispered. "That was, wow!"
"I'll take it slowly."
She nodded and I went back to merely kissing her tender nubs. She relaxed and resumed rubbing my hair. I licked one nipple lightly and when she didn't protest, I licked the other one. Back and forth I licked each in succession.
Finally I moved down to her crotch. She had her legs together but as I approached she opened them up wide. This pulled open her young pussy lips. Her outer lips were somewhat puffy with wrinkles. Her inner lips were thin lines that met at her clitoral hood and splayed outward on either side of her inner pussy. I could see the entrance to her vagina and the partial block of her hymen with its crescent shaped opening.
I kissed along the margin where her leg joined her torso then down each thigh to her knee and back up again. Her skin was naturally darker than her sister's and had a light downy coating of blonde hairs across it. As I looked up toward her face, I saw a thin light of downy hairs in a line below her belly button as well as a light dusting of tiny hairs across the top of her pussy mound. Oh! and her pussy mound was very prominent. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to start partaking of her beckoning pussy.
I licked along the outside perimeter of her outer lips, first on one side then the other, from bottom to top. She wiggled and made a sighing noise. I was overcome with desire and then plunged directly into her slit and ran my tongue up and down its length. She tasted much different than Shelly, less musky, not as strong, but still feminine and womanly.
Right then I felt a hand grasp my cock--my throbbing and highly excited cock. Shelly wrapped her fingers around it and slowly pumped the skin up and down. "She's jacking me off!" I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt softness envelop my cock head. I tore my face away from Debbies beautiful gash to see what Shelly was doing. Sure enough, she had the tip of my dick in her mouth as she slowly pumped its length with her hands.
I returned to licking and sucking Debbie's slit and clit with renewed vigor. Every suck that Shelly administered to my dick was transmitted through my body out my mouth and tongue and onto Debbie's quim. I felt Debbie respond by pushing her hips back against my face. I pressed harder against her pussy and licked her clit with great fevor.
Suddenly my balls drew up and released a torrent of cum. I had no way of warning Shelly. I heard her give a startled yelp and gurgling with bubbles. But she kept pumping my dick and I kept pumping out strands after strand of cum as I licked and sucked Debbie's pussy hard.
My dick was spent but Shelly kept the tip in her mouth and her hands around its shaft. Debbie suddenly pulled on my head and wiggled her hips. I realized that she probably had enough. Eleven year olds may not reach orgasm every time. So I rolled over and lay next to Debbie, holding her close to me, my face at her stomach level.
"That was so good," Debbie finally said stroking my hair again.
"Very good," I replied. I looked down at Shelly and saw that she was covered in my spunk. "Oh goodness! You need a towel?"
"Maybe a shower," Shelly replied. "Wanna shower with me?"
"Yes!" I answered. "You too, Debbie?"
"Okay." She scooted around and planted a big kiss on my lips. She pulled back and wrinkled her brow then said, "I taste pussy."
"Your pussy," I pointed out.
"Maybe it's not too bad," she said slowly. She got a big smile on her face then kissed my lips again. "It's okay, she whispered. "I can get used to that."
Then we all got a shower where there was a lot of touching and giggling and laughter. I stayed semi-erect, but didn't feel the strong need to blast another load right away. The girls just enjoyed touching and being touched. We went back to my bed, cleaned up the sheets then lay down, still naked as the day we were born, and fell asleep in each other's arms.
And that's how I went from being single, to being a guardian to being a lover with two cute girlfriends. They truly made me king for more than just a day!
mom anne
That Guy
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