My Niece Katy Seduced Me At Easter, Part 1

[ 1st, pedo, Mg, niece, inc ]

Published: 19-Jul-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I came home from the grocery store, and just as I was balancing 2 bags in my left arm and hoisting a third from the car, my phone rang! Never one to miss a call, I put everything down and wouldn't you know it--it was mom.

Every time she calls, it seems like I'm in the middle of something physically challenging. And it always ends up in the conversation involving me coming home for a few days. DREAD!

The best part about going home was seeing my little brother, my older sister, and her 3 children. They were a great bunch to hang out with, always something fun going on.

"Brennan, I really think you should consider coming home for Easter this year. You've missed the last 3 and to be honest I don't know if your dad and I are going to make it another year," my mom said.

"Oh, mom, you're always being so dramatic. Like the whole world is just caving in on you."

"Well, someday you'll be a parent and then you'll understand how much it takes to run an entire family. You can't even begin to understand how tired I am."

"Okay mom, I understand. Let's not argue. I'll be home for Easter and I can't wait to see you guys!"

I was actually planning on going home anyways, so I just waited to make it seem to her like it was her idea...and she bought it. Mom's always least she thinks so. I was excited about seeing everybody, but especially my little niece, Katy.

I've watched Katy grow up since she was born. I was 16 when my sister had her, so I was just beginning to drive. I used to take her and the other 2 boys down to the local ice cream/hamburger hangout and get them all food. Katy and I especially bonded at an early age.

I've played guitar since I was 5-years-old so people always tended to gather 'round me at the holiday get togethers.

-- Let's rewind and go back to 7 years ago, just for a short story within.

Seven Years Prior

When Katy was just 3, and I was home from my first year of college for Thanksgiving, we were all singing songs, Christmas songs I think, she started really singing and getting into it.

We stayed up way past everyone else and sang about 3 dozen songs. I was amazed at how interested she was. Most kids can't stick to something more than a few minutes before moving on. Here we were 3 hours into it.

I could tell Katy was starting to get tired. Her little 3-year-old eyelids were beginning to grow weepy. I asked her if she wanted to go lie on the couch in her playroom together and watch a movie.

"Yes, but I wanna be in front and I wanna watch Jumangi," she said, pouty.

"Ok sweetie, whatever you want is fine with me. It is your house and TV, after all."

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Such a little cutie," I said to her. "Let's make a rule, though. If I fall asleep first I have to give you a massage, and if you fall asleep first you have to give me a massage."

"Okay Uncle Brenn, but you always fall asleep first in my room."

"Well, maybe this time you won't get so lucky--for my sake! I don't want to have to give you a massage!"

Of course in my mind, I had kind of figured out I was attracted to little girls, although never anyone as young as Katy. I mean, 3-years-old is barely old enough to speak correctly much less to lust after sexually. No, I was usually into girls more along the age of 14 or 15, maybe 12 or 13 but they had to at least have a few hairs on I thought.

*** SIDE NOTE: The youngest girl I was ever actually with since my 18th birthday was 15 and she was a bombshell. Her name was Danielle, I was 23. I didn't have sex with her, but we came awfully close. Instead, in the heat of a moment of passion, I rubbed the knob of my cock just inside her pussy and came on her camel toe. It was really hot and one of my fondest masturbation fantasies. Especially the part when I first kissed Danielle. I reached around behind her, she had on gym shorts over the top of a bikini. Her behind was nice and round, but small. She was altogether a smaller girl, but cute as a button with blonde hair, green eyes, freckles and perky little b cups.

(switch to present tense):

"As I french kiss her, she frenches me back even deeper. We are standing at the edge of the house, in the yard, by a tree. She's about 8 inches shorter than me, so I have good leverage on her ass. I grab her butt cheek with my left hand, palm forward and start to waver my fingers toward under her light-weight shorts towards her bikini-covered little pussy.

Her tongue mashes against the top of mine and we are in a very heated kiss. I begin rubbing her pussy through her bottoms and she gets even hornier. I can feel the heat and moisture rising through her bottoms. I decide to take the plunge, and I slip my 3 middle fingers under the material, and they dip right into her little 15-year-old honeypot. And she's soaking wet, practically dripping. I'm already hard, but I instantly become steel and I myself start dripping precum. I see a stump, even though it's dusk and has become a bit dark. I pick her up while still fingering her and kissing her, and I place her on this stump. This puts her at the perfect level to mount whilst we both stand in place.

I push aside the material of her bottoms, and pull the front of my trunks down to my ankles. "I can't believe we're right in your yard," I say as I pull away for only a moment. She doesn't respond, only bobs her head in agreement and lust.

"I'm not going to put it inside you, I'm just going to rub it on your so we'll both cum."

"Please, just kiss me some more before it's lost."

I stop talking and get back to it immediately, rubbing my naked penis through her sopping crack a few times, and then assuming the same position again, this time with me holding my cock in my right hand and her ass with my left, all the while our mouths glued together. My cock head grinds her clit and she instantly starts to moan. I begin to moan when I feel the inside of her little clam shell dripping like fiery water onto my penis head. I plunge forth, slightly, and the tip of my cock lodges just inside her depths. She and I are both in heaven. I take 10 or 15 tiny strokes inside of her and just as she begins to cum, just nudging the tip of my hard penis in and out of her tight pussy's warm, wet grasp, my spewing penis bursts, just coating the walls of her fertile little cunt, making her go into an even deeper orgasm. Cum drips down from her pussy, around my cock, from where I had just spewed a huge load inside her. We both slowly separated, my 15-year-old lover, Danielle, and me. My sperm dripped from her pussy and I went down and licked up and down her entire gash, then I kissed her so deeply. We both said, "I love you." Unfortunately, we never were in touch again.

- Forever etched in my mind as one of the hottest scenarios I encountered. Until Easter of 2011.


Katy and I snuggled on the couch for the first 20 minutes of Jumanji before I decided to 'fake sleep' so I would have to give her a massage. I was always curious if girls her age could get wet.

I was fake sleeping for about 5 minutes before she even realized it and woke me up.

"Hey! Uncle Brenn, you fell asleep! You have to gib me massage," she said in her cute little 3-year old voice.

"Oh no, Katy, it's so late. I'm too tired."

"But you promised! You said it was the new rule! Uncle Brenn, Uncle Brenn."

"Alright," I said, playing along, stringing her the whole way. "Where do you want your massage? You can have 2 total options and I'll go for 3 minutes each, unless I'm enjoying it and want to go more." I gave her the options: "Your shoulders, your back, your legs, your feet, and your thighs. Pick 2"

"Hmm, let's start with my back Uncle Brenn. Then, I'll decide where next, okay?"

"Okay sweetheart, flip over on your tummy," I told her. "That's it, now raise your shirt so I can do it good." The 3-year-old didn't even hesitate. Kids that age have no sense of modesty.

I worked my way from her shoulders to her mid back and back up. I could tell by the time I got to her neck again, she was beginning to relax. Her light brown hair was splayed out over the top of her head, with the shirt. She looked so sexy, wearing only her little pink, cotton pajama pants and a light yellow top with white spots.

After the first minute of Katy's massage, I began to press into her muscles with more strength. She began to lightly mew as I tenderly caressed her skin and strongly kneaded the deep tissues of her shoulders and back with the pads of my fingers pushing on detailed spots, and the bottom of my palms smoothing.

After another minute or two of this, I became a bit bolder and pulled the back of her pj pants down just to the top of her butt crack so I could massage at the tops and bottoms of her little hips. She didn't object in the least. In fact, she asked for more.

"Uncle Brenn?"

"Yea sweetie?"

"Would you mind making just that area my second ok-shun?" she said, mispronouncing 'option.'

"Sure baby, I don't mind at all. I was going to keep going anyways," I agreed. "I'm really enjoying this baby, are you?"

"Yes, but I'm not a BABY Uncle Brenn. I'm a big girl!" she reminded me.

She was right. She hates when I call her 'Baby.'

"Okay, sugar. I won't call you that anymore, I promise!" I told her, hoping I could keep my promise if things progressed to the stage where she was my BABY. "Roll back over and I'll rub your little bottom a little bit too if it feels good," I said to her.

"Mmm hmm..Ahhh...Brenn, that feels so good." I was rubbing with both hands flat on her butt cheeks.

I crept down a little further, my hands actually went under the waistband of her pajama pants. I rubbed her little ass steadily for about 2 minutes. I got even braver and went all the way down her behind to the backs of her thighs, where I grabbed and rubbed along the sides--my hands and forearms completely covered by her pant bottoms. On my way back up her body, I rubbed all the way upward until my thumbs were in the V of her legs. Her small, yet covered, innocent vagina.

"It tickles Uncle Brenn, but that felt really good!" she said pulling my hands out.

I figured it must have surprised her a little too much when the backs of my thumbs touched her immature pussy.

"Sorry hun, My hands were really starting to get tired. Phew, I wish I could get a massage now!" I said, acting in agreement with her so as not to alarm her in any way.

"I wouldn't mind Uncle Brenn, I'll give you a 3 minute massage to return the favor."

"Oh, Katy! That would be so sweet. I am, after all getting OLD!!" I joked. I was only 19. Of course to her I seemed old. After all, she was only 3. What I was really thinking was, 'Holy shit, I just touched a 3-year-old's vagina through her panties.' And the fact that it was driven with lustful intent, I was even more appalled. I mean, after all she is my niece.

I rolled over onto my stomach, knowing if I didn't, I may risk her noticing my erection. She pulled my shirt up a little, then I pitched in and helped her get it up to my shoulders. She laughed a little when she saw my tattoo from senior trip last summer. It was a leprechaun drinking a frosty mug beer in a bar called Shenanigan's. A three color, black, green, and red drawing. I actually like it a lot, and so does everybody that sees it, including Katy.

I lay my head down and she began to massage me in earnest, although she wasn't really helping the actual soreness between my shoulder blades.

"Try pushing more with you thumbs, Kat," I begged, wanting her to really try harder.

"Ummph! Umpphhh!" she panted, trying as hard as she could by holding her breath. She was a cute little thing, had to give her that.

"Brenn, let me try your bottom a little. I think I can make it feel better there like you did for me," she said, baffling me a little.

"Okay sweetheart, whatever you think would help I guess. Yes, That would be fine. Should I pull my pants down just a little so you can get to my bum better?" I asked her.

"Maybe just a little." She giggled at the thought of seeing my ass.

"Okay, here goes. Don't be looking' at my behind though 'cause I didn't look at yours," I said, feigning embarrassment.

I pulled my jeans down just past the swell of my cock in the front, and equal distance on the back. I wanted to free it in my boxer-briefs as much as possible at this point. I was all boned up over the expectations of my 3-year-old niece rubbing my ass! What 19-year-old straight guy wouldn't be? Age really isn't involved when my ass being rubbed is involved. I told her I would keep my underwear on because I have a hairy behind. But, she wanted to see it.

"I thought you weren't going to look anyways?" I joked with her. She snickered for a second and rubbed me through my underwear. Then, out of nowhere, she just shoved her hands down under the waistband of my boxers and full-on grabbed both cheeks. Then, she jerked her hands out and ran out of the room screaming. And woke everyone on the second floor up in the process. Her mom came into the play room and asked what was going on. I was absolutely 'caught with my pants down,' at least, about a quarter of the way down.

"What's going on in here?" my sister asked.

"I came out of the bathroom and was about to change into some shorts when Katy walked into the room and then she laughed, and ran out of here screaming," I told her. "Don't worry, go back to bed, I'll tell her I'm sorry. I had no idea she was going to walk in, plus it wasn't like I was naked so she didn't see anything."

"Okay, well...y'all keep it down. Mom and dad are asleep downstairs and the twins are in their room asleep too. Me and Billy are in our room watching the Bulldogs replay if you need me," she told me.

"We'll be fine. I'm going to bed soon and I'll put her down by 10:30." Goodnight!" And I was off to track down the little girl who grabbed my naked ass and screamed about it.

I walked around for a couple minutes upstairs, checking her bedroom, her closet and her bathroom. No sign of Katy. I quietly walked downstairs so as not to wake up mom and dad, and found Katy was locked inside the bathroom. She potty-trained earlier than most kids so I assumed she was just going potty.

"Katy, sweetie, are you in there?" I said in a hushed tone.

"Yes, Uncle Brenn, I'm just going number 2. I'll be out in a minute, please leave me alone for a minute, ok?"

"Okay baby, I'll be upstairs."

"Uncle Brenn!!"

"Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean it! But, I do want to know why you screamed. I'll be upstairs when you're ready to talk about it."

In the meantime, I fixed some of the leftover Thanksgiving turkey, dressing, and rolls.

About the time I began eating my second dinner, she came out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her; careful not to leave a trace of her scent. Seeing me in the kitchen eating, she grabbed a piece of bread herself and joined me on a stool at the counter.

"Wanna tell me why you screamed punkin?" I asked her. "You know you woke up mommy?"

"No, I didn't know that. I didn't mean to, it just surprised me."

"What did Honey, all the hair on my booty?"

"No, when I grabbed it, you flexed it and I saw your penis peeking our of the top of your undies. It was HUGE!! And, it had a big clear drop of juice on the end of it. It looked very angry, kind of like a short, fat snake or something."

I was stunned. I didn't even realize it was poking out. I tried to fix myself so fast when I heard my sister open her door, I guess I wasn't paying attention.

"I'm sorry sweetie, sometimes that happens I guess. Especially when a girl is touching me..or any man for that matter. If a girl is rubbing or touching a man, usually it is because she likes him, and by nature, that thought automatically triggers that to happen to a man's penis."

She had a blank stare on her face, a halfway bitten down piece of bread held by her hand, and a look of captivation on her face. Then, she finished the bite and began chewing, now with a thought or question in mind.

"Go, ahead sweetie, you can ask me questions if you want to. There's no reason to ever be embarrassed or ashamed in front of me--I promise you that!"

"Well," she started, "I guess I'm just kinda confused. Does it always look like that or are you saying it only gets that big when a girl is rubbing you?"

"No honey, that's not the only thing that can make it get big, and no it's not always THAT big." In truth my penis is only about 6 inches long, so it's not that huge. "Most men can also make theirs get big by thinking about a naked woman, or by kissing a woman," I told her.

"Do you think we could try that Uncle Brenn? Would you try kissing me for real, like I saw mommy and daddy kiss on the beach last Summer?" she asked me.

"Well Katy, I would love to, but that really wouldn't be right. I'm an adult and I'm also your uncle. None of this is right actually. Honey, I need you to make me a promise. Can you do that?" ask her. She nods her head.

"Okay, I will show you how two adults would kiss, but you have to promise me you won't tell mommy or daddy or grandma or grandpa or anybody else about what happened earlier or about the kiss."

"Okay, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Okay, then. it's a deal. Now, let's go back up to your room and we'll snuggle and I'll show you how to kiss a man."

I put away my dish and finished my milk, and we walked back upstairs. Well, I walked, she kind of skipped/jumped the whole, kids.

"I'm just going to brush my teeth and I'll be there in 5 minutes sweetie!" I told her, pausing at her door. "Don't start without me!"

She giggled at that and then said, "Okay uncle pooper." She knew me all too well.

I went back into her room, my 3-year-old niece sitting on her bed, brushing her hair and watching a cartoon. 'So innocent,' I thought to myself as I sat down beside her on the bed.

"So, you still want to learn how adults kiss each other?" I asked her. She nodded her head, her eyes glued to the television. I could tell she was getting really tired.

"Okay, I'll tell you what, you look really sleepy right now honey. This would be better when you're not so tired. Why don't we wait until tomorrow, after we've both gotten a good night's sleep?"

"Yes Uncle Brennan, that sounds good."

The next day came and went, just as the others before it, and nothing ever came of 'the kiss' we had both wanted to try, even if for only a split second. But, little did I know what was coming just a few years down the road, no less, on Easter.


Chapter 2 up Next! Please leave your comments on my story.

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Great story waiting for chapter 2


keep your little girl in character, she suddenly grows up and starts talking like an adult. good basic plot, like the tension you create with her waking everybody up. keep up the good work.


Very good, waiting for the next ch.


need more! great plot so far cant wait for part 2


Thank! Part 2 is up now. I apologize for my writing being a little sloppy. I will try to do better!! ;>)

The reviewing period for this story has ended.