Published: 24-Jul-2013
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Those were the idyllic days. We explored each other's bodies for hours at a time. We played with each other and touched each other and pleasured each other. I purposed to keep real sex out of the question for the time being.
Ginny was a little miffed at first, but I told her to trust me on that. "You're not quite mature enough down there to handle things properly."
But I think all the pleasure that I was giving her more than made up for the lack of a cock in her cunt. At least for the time being. I also figured out new ways of getting my rocks off--not just having her suck and lick me. Sometimes she would lay on her back and we would simulate the missionary position. A thick coating of K-Y jelly in her pussy crack and my dick sliding back and forth along the length of that luscious slit. It gave her a lot of pleasure too as seen by the several orgasms that coursed through her frame as I shot my load onto her belly.
Another way we simulated sex was having her on her tummy and I ran my dick through her K-Y slickened ass crack. She liked that when I would reach around and stimulate her little tits.
And generally we held to my rule of only on non-school nights. Of course that meant that Christmas break was a free-for-all of wall-to-wall pleasuring! Ginny grew a few more pussy hairs to make a small, short tuft at the top of her pussy mound and a few scraggly dark wiry hairs adorned the margins of her pussy lips. At first she was a little awkward about sprouting hair; then, once I said I thought it was cute, she was proud of each new addition.
Things went along very well. Until March. Jamie's mom would call occasionally--like for Ginny's birthday or Christmas--but I happened to be home in late March (Cesar Chavez holiday in California) and was in the kitchen when Ginny picked up the phone. I was surprised to hear that it was her grandma but was really concerned as I saw Ginny's face go from a "Oh, hi grandma" to concern to "waving the phone at me to take it!"
As I grabbed the phone from Ginny and said, "Hello? What's up?" I heard her say "you have to be honest with me and tell me what's going on."
She suddenly switched gears when she heard my voice. "Where'd Ginny go?"
"Mrs. Grant. I don't know what you were saying but I have never seen Ginny react in a stranger fashion to a phone conversation."
"It's because it's true then. Right?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Listen. You destroyed my daughter. I'll be damned if I let you destroy my grand-daughter!"
"Good day, ma'am." And I hung up.
Ginny ran to me and grabbed me. "She thinks that you've been molesting me."
"Where'd she get that idea?" I asked.
"She didn't say. I was so weirded out by what she was saying, I couldn't think straight."
"Oh, Ginny. Remember how I said to trust me?"
She nodded.
"I'm very glad now that we never had real sex. If your grandma gets it into her head to peruse this, we'd be in a world of problems if I had popped your cherry."
"Do you think that...." her voice trailed off.
"I have no idea what she'll do. But we have to be prepared in case she accuse me of something."
We didn't have to wait too long. By the second week in April, I was called out of work, arrested and Ginny was placed in a temporary foster home. By the end of that week I was out on bail and Ginny was back east with her grandma. I hired a lawyer and told him that this accusation was out of the blue and that I thought that it was just bad blood--Jamie's mom taking revenge on me for making her daughter pregnant. My computer came back clean and there was nothing that they found in my apartment that was incriminating.
After the long agonizingly slow months of "discover," my lawyer finally told me that a medical examination of Ginny had revealed no sexual activity and an intact hymen.
"Then why can't they drop charges and return Ginny?" I asked in frustration.
"I think that's coming," he replied. "But it takes time. And I'm going to get ready to set in motion a defamation of character law suit as soon as that happens."
"How long are we talking about?"
"Maybe 8 months to a year," he replied. "We are talking about parties in two states."
It actually took 16 months before the charges we dismissed. My lawyer immediately filed a lawsuit against Jamie's mom and at the same time petitioned the court to have all the charges expunged from my record due to the malicious nature of the accusation.
Three months after that Ginny was removed from her grandma's home and I was given full custody and rights of my adoptive daughter. (The courts still did not recognize that I was Ginny's birth father since it was missing information from the birth certificate.) So now, instead of a 12 year old, I met a nearly 14 year old at the airport. It was one month shy of her 14th birthday.
I hadn't seen her since she was removed from my house 19 months before. She *had* texted me on borrowed cell phones occasionally or sneaked a quick call to my phone just to say "Hello and I love you and I miss you!" Nothing more. Neither of us wanted to give any ammunition to her grandma's claim. It was about four months after that that there was an out-of-court settlement that gave me and Ginny some money and the legal requirement that her grandma never, ever contact us again.
Ginny met me at the airport running then flying into my arms. I hardly recognized her. She left as a scrawny 12 year old--nearly flat chested, no hips and kind of short (she was not quite five foot tall then). But here was this beautiful five foot four young woman. Her eyes were misty with tears of joy, her lips--oh, how I had missed those lips--were full and quickly planted themselves on my face and cheek and neck and any other exposed bodily surface. Her hair was very long--nearly to the small of her back.
I felt her breasts push into my ribs as she hugged me tightly. "Tits! Oh where'd those things come from!" I thought to myself as I finally returned her hug and cautiously allow my hands to play over her back. I glanced down and noticed her backside. She had a small, but distinctly womanly rump. I touched her butt briefly. I wanted to squeeze it and fondle it, but I quickly let go and just held her close to me.
She was crying happy tears. "Daddy! I thought that they'd take you from me forever."
"It's over, Ginny," I whispered. "We're back together."
She continued to hold me in a tight embrace for another eight or ten minutes. I felt a little awkward given the public nature of our location and how I had just been accused, but dang it! this was my daughter and it was my honor and duty to protect her and make her feel better! Of course, it didn't help that I hadn't had any sex except little dates with my own hand since Ginny was taken from me. No one I knew wanted to be mixed up with a guy accused of raping a little girl. Nor did I want to show up on anybody's radar--I just wanted the story to go away. But now, my daughter was back and I was recalling vividly how she had offered herself to me and how we thrilled at each other's touch.
She sat as close as possible to me on the ride home. She declined a trip to her favorite restaurant in favor of just getting home. "I don't want to be in public with you," she whispered. "I want to be alone with you!"
"I understand," I said, giving her a hug with one arm. "But we still gotta play it cool. Too many people are watching."
"I know," she sighed. "Besides I've started my period."
"Well, that puts things a little differently, doesn't it?" I hugged her again and added, "I bet you have a number of little differences that you could tell me about."
"And show you," she laughed. "I got hair down there."
I nodded and smiled. My dick stirred in my pants.
We were quiet for a long while before she suddenly said, "Why'd grandma go and do that to us anyway?"
"Weird vengeance, I guess. She never liked me and the fact I got your mom pregnant and then moved away."
"But that wasn't your fault."
"Nevertheless," I continued, "Since I wasn't there, it allowed hate and a big grudge to fester. But that's behind us now."
She was quite for a while. "You know I'm on the pill now?"
"Partly to spite grandma. She thinks that I'm a slut so I made sure to let her know that I'm on the pill." She was silent for a few moments as she made a fist and thought about Jamie's mom. "But the other reason is that eventually, I'm gonna have some man put his pecker in my pussy and I want to be prepared."
I squeezed her leg and smiled.
"So how are we going to continue loving each other."
"Carefully, cautiously, quietly," I answered.
"I so want to touch you, Daddy," she said, running her hands over my chest and groin. "And I missed your touch so much!"
"You don't know the half of it," I groaned as I quickly corrected for the near sudden lane change cause by her touch. "But let's go slowly. I want to make sure that no one's spying on us."
I suppose that her grandma had made me even more paranoid than ever.
She leaned her head on my shoulder and whispered, "As long as I have you next to me and I can hold you in my arms, I will be happy."
We did sleep together that night. Clothed. I didn't want to explore her nether region in the midst of her period. Turns out her breasts became tender during that time of the month too, so just light touching and gently holding was about all we could do. We started the night embracing each other face to face, then by the middle of the night she rolled over and I snuggled into her with my dick actively excited about its home in her butt crack. My hands enfolded around her tits. Oh, they were gloriously fleshy handfuls now! I was semi-awake and gently pumping my hard dick back and forth across her panty-covered ass. I pulled my shorts down to expose my rod. She started humping back at me as my hands fondled her tits.
She moaned.
I whispered, "I love you" into her ear then kissed her neck. I found her earlobe and began sucking on it.
"Daddy, dry hump me through my panties." Her voice was husky.
She rolled over and I crawled on top. It felt good to feel her arms and legs entwined around me again. I rubbed my bare cock along the furrow of her panty- covered pussy. There was no panty liner there so I assumed she used a tampon. She pulled me against her at the same time she bucked her hips up to meet mine. I did my best to keep up with her frantic rhythm. Her hands began kneading my shoulders so I leaned forward and took one of her nipples in my mouth. That did it.
Not even thirty seconds later she gasped, went rigid then pulled me even more tightly against her body. I kept rubbing my dick across her cotton panties knowing that I was just a few short strokes away from a powerful release. I was not disappointed. Cum spurted out as I grunted.
Ginny felt me cum and exclaimed, "Oh, Daddy, Daddy!" And rubbed my hair again and again.
I lay in her embrace for several more minutes as my dick went limp. I relished the feel of her small breasts poking up into my ribs. They couldn't have been much more than a pair of small oranges in size, but oh, so delightful!
She spoke first, breaking the silence. "I cum so easily when you're touching me."
"It's been too long, Ginny. Welcome home!"
After kissing my lips gently for a minute or so she suddenly said, "We're going to have to take this to the next level sometime, aren't we?"
"You mean, real sex?" I asked.
"Make me a woman sort of sex. Yes!" She giggled. I loved her giggles. I had missed hearing her happy laughs and innocent remarks. I also missed her lovingly giving herself to me as her way of helping her mamma.
"Ginny. Next month is your birthday. And right after that is Christmas. What do you say I give it to you as a big present?"
"Oh, yes!" she almost shrieked. "For Christmas! Gotta be for Christmas 'cause we'll be giving each other something very special."
Suddenly, I was looking forward to Christmas like a little boy again!
My! how the days flew by till Christmas. Sometimes it seemed like they were going SLOW and Christmas would NEVER arrive; other times it was so unbelievable how fast time had gone and how much had already happened! Ginny arrived back in my life mid-November. Thanksgiving was a simple event--she insisted on organizing everything. She was very good in the kitchen as well as being efficient at carrying out school work and house chores.
She was in ninth grade--high school--and seemed to fit right in. She told me that a couple of people remembered her from 7th grade. I was again very glad that the arrest & accusations did not make the news-- especially since that meant that Ginny did NOT have to fight that stigma with her return.
We made sure to follow the old schedule of school nights are non-sexual times. But the other days and nights: oo-la-la! On those evenings she would wear her terry cloth bath robe and fuzzy socks and nothing more. There is something so sensual about seeing woman flesh appearing out from underneath a bath robe. Especially her young woman flesh. I would often wear loose fitting sweat pants and a tee shirt, but ol' Mr. Woody would be permanently excited. "It looks like he's erecting a huge tent," Ginny said pointing at my ballooning pants.
And indeed he was erecting a tent. A BIG tent for a whole lot of action! Just looking at her on those non- school nights would make me stiff. Her tits were small handfuls capped by puffy nipples. Her right nipple was more puffy that her left. She was a bit embarrasses by that but I told her that it was cute--it gave reality to the beautiful picture that I saw in looking at her naked body each day. Her belly was toned and flat. I could see the tips of each hip just below the soft curve around her stomach. She still had a remnant of a tan that showed she had worn some form of a bikini; it formed a lighter triangle drawing attention down to her pubes.
She had a dark triangle above her pussy and a light smattering of hair along its side, but it wasn't enough to hide the slit or keep her inviting pussy lips out of sight. Just standing there, her inner pussy lips protruded through her puffy outer lips forming a crinkly, lacy fringe. If she spread her legs, both sets of lips would open up and the top of her inner lips would become taut where it joined into her clitoral hood. Her hips were not boyish anymore, yet they were not wide. Likewise her ass had taken on a womanly rounding but was not full yet. If she retained her mother's figure, she would stay lithe, slim, petite and very alluring.
For her birthday in December, I gave her five orgasms in a row: I nibbled on her tits and ate her pussy and even had one finger in her ass. It was so incredibly hot that I almost spurted my love potion without her touching me! I pulled her pussy lips apart and fingered her soft crevices. Her inner lips were extra red and excited by all the stimulation. I pulled them apart to reveal her vagina. A thrill went through my veins realizing that I would be inside that narrow tunnel in thirteen days!
I pulled a little harder and spread the vaginal entrance to see her hymen--that small little membrane ring sitting just at the start of her love tunnel. It was still intact with one large opening at the top and several smaller perforations near the bottom. I could stick one finger in past that barrier; it went in up to my second knuckle. Gently I pressed upward against the wall of her vagina under her clitoris. I felt her press her hips upward toward the heal of my hand. I left my finger in her pussy and started sucking on her clitoris.
My other hand found her ass crack and began working her juices into her anus. She had been holding my dick but suddenly let it go and grabbed my hips tightly. My finger slipped into her anus as I rubbed the wall of her vagina with my other finger. Her clit was caught in my mouth as I sucked and flicked it with my tongue. Her flavor was more womanly than before, but neither was it overly strong and musky--it seemed fresh and womanly. I felt her raise her head up as her legs clamped tightly together around my hands and head. Her face pressed into my groin and balls as she moaned. At the same time she actually squirted some pee--way different taste and consistency. I prefer pussy.
After she calmed down and rested from her workout, she put me on my back and massaged my chest and groin. I was so fired up that I actually came as soon as she started kissing my dick.
She laughed and said, "Looks like someone's a little excited." Then she kept rubbing my dick so it never got soft, working my cum all over its length so I was slicked up from top to bottom.
"Now for some more fun," she whispered as she straddled me, positioning her pussy above my quivering rod.
She lowered herself till her pussy smashed into my dick, her pussy lips wrapping around its sides. Between her slickness and my goo, the result was a very slippery connection. Back and forth she wiggled and slid; up and down the length of my still rock-hard rod she rode. Her downward pressure was matched by upward thrusts. She was moaning quietly in rhythm with our humping. Even though I had just blown a load all over not five minutes before, I was close to coming again.
She leaned over with her lips locking onto mine. Her breasts bore into my chest. I felt my jism rising. I knew she was getting close again too--her hands were stroking my hair in an increasingly frenzied fashion. I kept trying to prolong the experience until after she came, but that was becoming harder and harder. Her pussy was very wet and slippery--it was actually making noises as she slid back and forth: obscene noises like a dick plunging in and out of a wet pussy instead of just sliding back and forth. She was more fired up sexually than I had seen her before. That was part of why my dick never went limp.
Suddenly she gasped and clutched me hard, driving her pussy hard into my cock. That was my signal. I grabbed a hold of her ass cheeks and held her firmly as I rapidly rubbed my rod back and forth across her sopping wet pussy lips. Release swept over me as several blasts erupted, plastering the space between us.
She wiggled her hips and giggled. "That was so good, Daddy! Best birthday present ever!"
We embraced for ten or fifteen minutes more before we got up and cleaned up the cum-spattered mess. My dick was limp and worn out. We both fell asleep in minutes, nude and in each other's arms.
Interestingly enough, Ginny started her period that next day. Not that I like menstruation & things, but it did explain why she was so frisky and highly turned on sexually that night. It also meant that we would have little sexual touching until just before Christmas. Kinda would make the opening the Christmas presents a little more special.
Christmas morning arrived and Ginny was up before I was. That in itself was a bit unusual since she normally would have stayed in my bed. And if she DID wake up before me she would have then started to awaken me with kisses to my lips or my dick or gyrating her ass cheeks back and forth to cause my dick to arise.
When she did reappear, she had on her long robe, leggings and her fuzzy socks. "It's Christmas morning, Daddy!"
"I know, sweetheart, and I have a present for you!"
"Then go wrap it! I have my present wrapped for you."
Suddenly the lights went off in my head. *That's* why she put on clothes! Okay, I could play that game too.
"Okay, shoo then Let me get your present ready."
She giggled. "I'll be down by the tree!" Then she ran out of the room.
I put my robe on and then pulled on my sweat pants. My dick was mostly rigid, causing my pants to tent outward. "Well, if she wants it as a present," I thought to myself, "then let's wrap it up properly!"
So I pulled out some wrapping paper from the hall closet and wrapped my turgid dick up with paper, tape and a bow. I pulled my pants back up and tied the robe around. It felt weird, but I didn't care since I knew what was coming.
Down in the den, Ginny had the Christmas lights on and the tree all lit up. She had started the gas log fireplace and was sitting on the love seat by the tree. The den was the perfect place to do this too since there were only two windows high up on the north wall and they were covered with opaque drapes.
"Whatchya get me, Daddy?" she squeaked like a little girl.
"Something special. I don't think that you have one of these!"
"Ooooh, goodie!"
"Whatchya get me, Ginny?" I asked, playing along with her game.
"It's a pet," she whispered with a huge smile. "A very nice pet, cause I know how much you like furry little pets."
"Oooh!" I was my turn to act surprised. "Who goes first?"
"Oh, oh, oh! Pick me!"
"Okay, Ginny, you can go first."
"So where is my present, then, Daddy?"
I stepped closer and smiled.
"I'm liking it already," she said and she ran her hands over my robe. "Let's start taking this thing off."
She untied my robe and opened the front. She ran her hands across my chest and around my back as she kissed each of my nipples. My dick stirred and I started wondering if it was going to rip through the packaging that I tied it up in. She slipped my rob off and reached into my sweet pant to feel my buns. "I think I'm liking this already," she whispered into my ear and she playfully nibbled on my earlobe.
She pulled my pants down then shrieked with laughter at my manhood in a package! "Oh, that is perfect!" she said as she started removing bow and ribbon. She pulled the tape and only a couple of hairs were caught and then my rod was exposed in all of its turgid glory.
"For me?" she whispered. "How does it work?"
"I'll show you. But first I'd like to see my present."
She stood up and said, "Ta-da!"
"And I get to open this package now?"
I untied her robe and opened the front. She wore red panties and a red bra. I do not remember seeing either before. I smiled. "So far, I'm liking it. Something new?"
She nodded, smiling broadly.
I slipped her robe off her shoulders and it fell crumpled around her feet. She now stood in front of me clad only in socks, leggings, panties and bra. She fairly vibrated in anticipation. I ran my hands over the soft skin of her stomach then around to her back. I cupped her ass cheeks in my hands and squeezed.
I found the clasp of her bra and popped it open then off in a few swift movements. Her breast jutted out straight from her body, defying gravity and daring me to touch their delicious forbidden fruits. I yielded and ran first my fingers over the small half globe of her breasts then I used my whole hands, kneading and massaging her soft flesh. She whimpered and squeaked again in response.
"But there's more?" I asked as I hooked my fingers into the waist band of her panties and gently pulled down. I was only a little surprised when, instead of her pussy, I saw a large Christmas bow held in place by a thin, G-string panty. I smiled and worked her red panties down past her feet. I took her leggings off as the same time. She now wore only fuzzy socks and a G- string panty with a large red bow attached to it.
"So is this the present?" I asked, touching her pubes through the G-string.
"Yes, I hope you'll like it."
"I'm sure I will," I whispered, hardly able to make a sound at all with my mouth so dry. "I understand it is a one-size-fits-all sort of gift?"
"Sorta. More like one size only fits you, sort of gift."
I nodded appreciatively. I'm sure she had her choice of young bucks at school, but she only had eyes for me and she only wanted my cock and she only wanted my cock to be with her pussy. Mutually monogamous. Sweet kid. And I had no desire to change that either.
I removed the bow and kissed her pussy through the G- string. I could smell her nectar and feel the warmth of her love box. Keeping my face near her crotch, I pulled her G-string down to reveal her naked pussy standing there in front of me in its innocent splendor. The hairs along her pussy lips pointed inward toward the crack; the hairs along her pussy mound pointed downward toward her crack. All things pointed toward that hidden treasure.
I slipped the G-string all the way off and she leaned on my shoulders as she stepped out of them.
"This is the sweetest and most beautiful Christmas gift I have ever opened," I softly said.
"So, can I see how my present works?"
"I believe so. It's sort of one of those some assembly required kinda gifts, I chuckled. "You know, insert tab A into slot B."
"Then let's do it," she said huskily. "I am so ready for you, Daddy!"
I picked her up and laid her on my robe. She spread her legs wide and beckoned with her finger. "Just come on in, Daddy. I am so ready."
And ready she was. Her pussy glistened with her nectar. I knelt down between her legs, my shaft twitching excitedly, precum dripping from its tip.
She grasped my tool and rubbed it back and forth across her waiting gash. "I can't believe that this is really going to happen!"
"Are you really ready?"
"Plunge it in me, Daddy. Make me your woman!"
I placed the tip at her pussy entrance and pressed forward. It slipped past her labia and rested right up against her hymen. I saw her face grimace.
"Do it quickly!" she said through clenched teeth.
I pressed hard, backed up and drove it forward. My dick slid quickly past her broken cherry and bottomed out with my balls slapping against her butt. I couldn't believe it! I held myself still, reveling in her warm tightness.
She grabbed her arms around my back and hugged me tightly. After maybe a minute she said in a low voice, "Oh, Daddy! Daddy! You're in me!" Her voice was thick with passion and desire.
I started sliding in and out. I was fucking her. My own daughter. My own 14 year old daughter! Oh, her pussy was so tight--if I had enjoyed all the sexual stimulation by her hand or ass or mouth or even outer pussy lips from before, that all suddenly paled in comparison. Suddenly my dick was ensconced within bliss itself. Each motion gently caressed my dick with a billion tender loving touches. Soon her hips were matching my rhythm. She seemed as anxious to slam her groin into mine as I was to slam my dick deeper into her loving pussy. I felt her hand between us as she fingered her clit. It was only a matter of moments now. My cum was threatening to erupt with nuclear firepower. I kept pumping my hips in and out.
Suddenly she gasped and her legs wrapped hard around mine. I gave into the feeling and wave after wave of pleasure washed over my body. My dick spasmed. It had been several years since I had cum inside a pussy. I had forgotten how glorious and wonderful it was. Wave after wave spasmed; glob after glob of cum shot out deep into her pussy. Every part of my body twitched or spasmed. Even my toes curled!
We stayed conjoined like that till my dick went limp and plopped out. Even then, Ginny was reluctant to let me move. That little fourteen year old daughter of mine was such a vixen! We made love four times on that Christmas day plus twice the next morning.
That was five years ago. She did finish high school and started a local college. And once she was 18, we moved, and began living as husband and wife. Now we don't have to limit it to non-school nights only. I'm in my mid-30s now and she's not quite 20. I think that Jamie would be quite proud of her daughter if she could see her. I know that I am!
To be continued?
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