Published: 24-Jul-2013
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My body's pain told me I could not endure any more. I had not slept properly in over a week. I was stiff and sore. My throat was raw from having long thick cock shoved down it ceaselessly. No woman, not even the most horribly treated prostitute could put up with the treatment I was forced to undergo. On this particular evening, I had been fucked by eleven black boys, ages 12 to 16. Six of them had shot their teenage nigger scum up my sore cunt, and another five had fucked me in the ass. That was just in the evening, after I had cooked dinner for six young black thugs. In the afternoon, after school, I had sucked off nine black boys and been cunt fucked by another five. I couldn't remember the last time I had not had a black dick in my face. You cannot comprehend what it is like to live constantly surrounded by black thick skinned negro dick and full young scrotums. The stench of unwashed black dick filled my house. Derek would laugh and say it was my job to keep that "nigga' dick" clean with my mouth so it didn't smell. I spent whatever time I wasn't being fucked or giving suck jobs, cleaning out under the long thick foreskins of these black teens. They didn't wash very well down there, and I had to lick out and swallow all of the putrid head cheese. Usually while I was "resting" and doing this, some black thug was shoving a beer bottle or a candle or a flashlight up my cunt or asshole, sometimes both at the same time. Derek believed in keeping me always stuffed with something. He said that was to keep my cunt hot and ready. I believe it was simply to hurt and humiliate me. And I was supposed to be the teacher of these boys.
I complained to Derek that if I was constantly fucked, I would have no time to correct the boys' homework. It was a weak attempt to get myself some relief. Derek just laughed with that sexy, cute thick lipped smile of his, and told me I didn't have to correct 'nothing." I could just give all the boys As. I told him, I couldn't do that, because the school would fire me, and the boys would then lose me. Another weak ploy of mine. Derek slapped my ass in a friendly, casual way and said, "all right teach, den you can grade da boys in your class on their fucking. Da ones what fuck you da best get A's, da ones who fuck you da worst, get Bs. I shut my eyes and sobbed. I was being fucked by my students. Fucked by my black fourteen and fifteen year old black students. Fucked in my mouth and cunt and ass. The most degrading part of my nightmare was that I was having ten or eleven violent orgasms every day. Those black boys certainly do know how to fuck. My nipples were so sore, I couldn't even touch them. That did not stop the negro boys from tugging, yanking, twisting, and chewing on them. Derek, who loved to maul them, kept saying he could not wait until I got pregnant and had two big udders filled with milk for the boys.
Of course I dreaded getting pregnant from a black teenager, and I dreaded having huge milk filled breasts for the boys to play with, but something in me put all of that off because I honestly doubted I would last that long. I looked terrible and felt worse. Nobody can be fucked this much day after day and stay sane and healthy. And if I wasn't absolutely focused and enthusiastic about every single fuck or suck job, Derek would punish me. I had to give every single black dick my total undivided attention and love. I had to kiss and lick each dick and balls as if I worshipped it; as if it was the single most important thing in my life. When a new black boy walked into the house, I had to crawl naked over to him and lick his dick and balls through his trousers, begging to be able to serve his beautiful cock. They treated me like a dog. I had to nuzzle and sniff at their crotches. Young Black Nigger Dick totally ruled my life.
On the particular evening I was telling you about, I had been brutally fucked in the cunt by six well hung muscular high school black boys, and I had been ass fucked by another five. Of course I had been made to clean each of the big slimy spent dicks with my mouth. A girl learns quickly that part of her "sexual pleasure" is being allowed to lick and suck the dirty dicks clean after they fucked. After all, it saves the negro youth from having to wash. I never got the taste of nigger dick out of my mouth, even after I brushed and gargled. When you suck enough of it, it stays with you for life.
I asked Derek for permission to go to the bathroom and evacuate myself. I had to ask permission to piss and shit and empty and wash my just fucked parts. Sometimes Derek gave me permission. How I cherished those moments in the hot shower or bath tub. I was not allowed to piss or shit without at least one negro teen "monitoring" me. It meant they would follow me into the bathroom and watch me go to the toilet. More humiliation. I had to sit with my legs spread wide, so they could see the piss shoot out of my pussy. I had to slide forward a bit so they could see the turds slide out of my asshole. I was allowed no dignity. One of the things I hated the most was when they would make me lie in the bath tub and they would stand around me fingering their big black fuckers and piss on me. I had been so enthusiastic about teaching. I was going to be the best teacher every, one who really connected with her students. Now the connection I had was the torrent of black teen boy piss cascading down on my body and face. It must be a thrill for a fourteen year old boy to be able to piss on his young white female teacher.
I suspect there lots of boys who would love to piss on their teachers. Why did God make boys with such filthy dangling pissers anyway? Huge, thick meaty sausages spewing piss onto my face and body. And of course, they made me open my mouth, so they could try to piss into it, playing pissing games with each other.
First they would try to hit my nipples with their strong sprays of piss. My poor sore tit tips were so sensitive, I would writhe in the tub and be ordered to lie still and spread my legs. Then some of the boys would piss on my cunt. That was humiliating but not so horrible as when a boy finished fucking me and then pissed up my cunt or up my ass. I hated that. Next the boys would aim at my face. They would try to get their piss steam to enter my mouth without splattering all over my face. It took some time, and soon the teenage piss filled my nostrils and stung my eyes. I was not allowed to swallow. When my mouth was filled with piss, I would have to gargle it for them, and only then was I allowed to swallow. I know many of these black teens came from bad homes and deprived backgrounds, but is there any excuse for black boys of fourteen to be pissing in the mouth of a white woman?
However, on the particular evening of which I was speaking, Derek did not give me permission to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. Instead he handed me a clear glass bowl. "Here you go, Bitch, shoot all of dat nice thick, creamy Afro-Aemrican dick scum out of your fucked pussy into dis here bowl!"
Ten teenage boys, most of them high on weed, some dressed, some partially unclothed, and some totally naked with big black dicks swinging had gathered to watch. I chewed my lower lip, tears running down my cheeks.
"Please Derek, I am so tired. I am so worn out. Please, I cannot take any more abuse." I tried to sound sweet, calm, logical.
"Squirt out dat negro spunk from your cunt, or you sure to get pregnant. Come on Bitch, you wastin' time." Derek sucked on a joint. He was dressed in white boxer shorts, but his massive dick hung loose and flopping from the fly. He was so handsome, I couldn't help but feel he could make some girl a wonderful boyfriend, if only he would straighten out his life. I lifted the glass bowl to my hanging pussy lips. My cunt was in pretty bad shape by now. The cunt lips were swollen, but also hanging down, and the clit was thick and long from the black boy's pulling on it. I tried to turn away from where most of the boys were gathered. I spread m legs slightly and lowered the bowl to my cunt.
"You fucking stupid dick-breathed piece of shit. Dat's not how to do it. You put dat bowl on da table and squat over it so we can all see our cum squirting out of your fucked cunt." My shoulders slumped in defeat. "And get your tits up and out. Don't let them sag like an old whore. Stick your tits out for us."
I was still young. I kept telling myself there was still hope for me for a normal life after this nightmare ended. I might even be able to have some kind of reconstructive surgery on my pussy and asshole. I just had to get through this. I stuck my tits out as far as I could. Then I squatted on the table with the bowl beneath me. Once again, I started to cry, unable to control my emotions. I squeezed and the cum of six black boys began to run, then squirt out of my fucked cunt into the bowl.
"Dem thick lumps is mine..." one fourteen year old black imp bragged, and all the boys laughed. In so many ways, these boys were still children. in the way they teased and played. In the way they worked their video games. In the way they ate and their giggling enthusiasm. But in many other ways, they were animals...vicious, nasty, corrupt animals. I pushed until most of the cum had squirted into the glass bowl. I was amazed at how much sperm six black boys could produce. My legs arched. I began to stand up, but Derek stopped me.
"I didn't say stand, Pig. Stay squatting. Now wipe the drops of black baby batter from your cunt with your fingers and lick them off." Some of the boys cheered. The others just said things like, 'way to go.'
I used my finger to scoop up the dick slop clinging to my cunt lips. My cunt was shaved as smooth as a baby's ass...Derek had seen to that on the first night he stayed over. It made me feel even more vulnerable, more degraded.
I raised my glop covered finger to my mouth and sucked off the boy sperm. How could I do it? Have you forgotten that I was swallowing more than a dozen loads of cock slop every single day. The taste was bitter and salty and starchy. Derek ordered me to do it again, but to stick my fingers up my cunt to really scoop out any remaining sperm. I cleaned my cunt with my fingers and sucked off the spooge. I tried to stare at the floor, but Derek ordered me to look at the boys and smile. Finally I thought I was finished.
"Now slide the bowl under your asshole and shit out the cum up your rectum!" This time, all the boys cheered loud and long. Still squatting, legs aching terribly, I slid the bowl back under my ass. the boys shifted around for a better view. Then I squeezed and shat the cum from my ass. It was mixed with brownish ass juice and looked totally gross. It filled even more of the bowl. Finally the flow of cum from my ass stopped.
"You know what to do..." Derek said in a low, smooth voice. He looked at me in an almost seductive flirting manner. I could see his thick teenage dick was hard as a rock once again. My God, he was well hung for a fourteen year old. I stifled a sob and ran my fingers over my wet asshole, scooping up the cum. I lifted them to my mouth, gagged at the sickening thought of eating cum that had been up my ass, and then closing my eyes, sucked on my fingers.
The taste was horrible, brackish and sour and burnt and bitter. I froze there, the taste in my mouth, looking at Derek with eyes that begged for mercy.
"Clean out of the spunk up inside your ass," he said, lifting his head as if to impress his teen friends. His big black dick throbbed.
I dug my fingers up inside my ass and came away with more negro spooge and my own ass juice. I licked and dug, licked and dug, and licked and dug and licked. Finally, Derek seemed satisfied.
"Dats a good little bitch. You see how easy it is if you jus' do what I say? Everything easier dat way. Everybody happy. Now, lift up dat bowl and drink down all dat cunt and ass sperm!"
I couldn't do it. i collapsed. I shook with sobs, I curled up into a fetal position. Derek beat me with his belt. He whipped my titties until they were covered with welts. Then he whipped my cunt. He told the other black boys there that one of the best ways to discipline a girlfriend was to whip her cunt. He whipped me until I begged him to allow me to drink the bowl of sperm. I held it to my lips...squatting as before, legs spread, cunt on display, and chugged the thick slime with the texture of wallpaper paste. It coated my teeth and bums and tongue and palate and throat. it clung to the roof of my mouth. and I snorted negro sperm and it ran from my nostrils.
After I finished, I sat on the edge of the table, legs spread, head hanging, my long thick hair covering my face. I only wanted to sleep. I needed to sleep. I begged Derek to allow me to get to sleep. I had to teach the next day, and I could hardly move. My tits heaved with my labored breathing. Sperm clung to my lips and dripped from my chin onto my tits. I burped and globs of nigger cum returned to my mouth again, only to be swallowed a second time. Even Derek had to see that I could take no more. I asked him again to be allowed to go to sleep.
"Dumb Bitch. It's only ten-thirty. I got six more bros coming over to fuck you tonight. Nice big black dick. You want dat, don't you? One of dem is nineteen and hung like a fucking elephant. He going to bring along his eleven year old brother who just had his first wet cum. You going to be da first bitch the eleven year old nigga' ever fucked. Won't dat be fun. You can be his teacher! But I promise you, after you give dese six niggas really good first class sucks and fucks...den we gonna call it a night. You can shower and cleanup, and we crawl into dat big bed of yo's and I gonna let you suck my ass for half an hour or so, den I fucks you good, and den you can sleep."
Just then the door bell rang, and my hopes of rest vanished.
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