The Einstein Show - May 28, 2013

[ FFFgggg, ws, les, mother/dau, ffff, nud, fgg ]

Published: 21-Jul-2013

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

show Story Summary
Although some elements of a true nature are mentioned, the following story is a work of fiction. The story is copyrighted to me and may not be reproduced without my permission.

Hour 1 - Sarah's Slumber Party with Dylan and Liza


EINSTEIN: Hey, kids! What time is it? (sounder: "It's Einstein time!") That's right! And I'm glad we're back after a long weekend!

STACI DYLAN aka DYLAN: Oh, me, too!

EINSTEIN: I'll bet! How much pussy did you and Liza have last weekend?

DYLAN: A lot!

EINSTEIN: Awesome! Did you get pictures?

DYLAN: Yes we did. In fact, we got nude pictures of everyone.

EINSTEIN: Everyone?

DYLAN: Yes, I said everyone. Even me.

EINSTEIN: Oh my God! Dylan fucking nude?!

DYLAN: Oh, yeah! Nude and fucking.

EINSTEIN: And guess who else is here? Liza!

LIZA FRANKLIN: Hi, Einstein!

EINSTEIN: So we have two sexy lesbians in the studio.

JAY HART: When was the last time we had two sexy lesbians in the studio?

EINSTEIN: Evidently, you forgot last Thursday already.

JAY: You mean when that teacher and the student were here.

EINSTEIN: Yeah! You mean you didn't know?

JAY: Sorry. I think it was the long weekend.

EINSTEIN: I see. Frankly, I'm with Milli Vanilli. I'd blame it on your brain. (giggling) Anyway, in this hour Dylan and Liza will tell us all about the slumber party they went to. And Sarah from Connecticut is supposed to be joining us by phone shortly. I can't wait to hear all the juicy little details.

DYLAN: I hope her mother calls in, too.

EINSTEIN: Why is that?

DYLAN: She was getting down and dirty with us.

EINSTEIN: WHOA! I see! Holy shit! This is going to be great! I wouldn't be surprised if this took up the whole hour. In the second hour, Mikey D is promising us a fun game.

MIKE DANIELS aka MIKEY D: We're working on a game of "Strip Poker"

EINSTEIN: I see! Now how is this going to work?

MIKEY D: We've arranged two girls from The Beacon and two from Park West. They will be answering trivia questions to win cards and improve their hand. And if they miss a question, the team has to take something off.

JAY: Yeah, baby!

EINSTEIN: I see! Then I guess the first team to get naked loses?

MIKEY: Well, it's a bit more structured than that. You'll see when we play it.

EINSTEIN: And, in the third hour, longtime Playdate model Michelle Wallace will be in to grace us. She'll hopefully tell us about what she's doing.

CHRIS COOPER: Is she graduating this year?

EINSTEIN: Next year. So we got one more year. So, once again we pretty much have a full show. Which means we better get it started. Here's Katy Perry's classic "I Kissed A Girl" on "The Einstein Show".

("I Kissed A Girl" plays)

DYLAN: Leave it to Einstein to find an appropriate song.

EINSTEIN: Yep! Katy Perry on "The Einstein Show". So, last week, a young girl called in about a sleepover she was having at her house. Now the first time was on Monday. And the sleepover would have been on a school night. Of course, that was a mistake. So, she called back on Thursday, for a Friday party. Dylan accepted the invite to go and brought along her girlfriend, Liza. Now, I understand that they took a lot of pictures. And that a bunch of them were...naked pictures. I can't wait to see them. In the studio are Dylan, of course, and her sexy girlfriend, Liza.

DYLAN: Hi, everyone!

LIZA: Hey!

EINSTEIN: So for a change, we get to talk about someone on the staff other than me.


EINSTEIN: Alright. And on the phone from Connecticut are Sarah and her mom, Lisa.

SARAH: Hi, Einstein! Hi, Dylan!

LISA: Hi, Einstein! Hi, Dylan and Liza!

EINSTEIN: So, I gotta ask Dylan the first question. Why did you want to go to this?

DYLAN: Well, obviously it's a way to meet with our fans.

EINSTEIN: Yeah, but at their house?

DYLAN: Well, that's true. But Sarah wanted us to come.

SARAH: Yeah! It's why I call.

DYLAN: So, you know Liza and I went to one of the local stores and bought a couple of vibrators. Small ones, of course. And we also got some small dildos.

EINSTEIN: Where do you find these things?

DYLAN: At Lenny's Lolishop. They have all of the dirty magazines and books, as well as the dildos and vibrators.

EINSTEIN: Aha! I'm gonna have to make a visit there.

LIZA: Yeah, so of course after we left on Friday, we went up to Connecticut to the party.

EINSTEIN: Okay, now Sarah, you were listening on Friday and knew they were coming. Did your other friends know someone from the radio was going to be at the party.

SARAH: Oh yeah, I tol' 'em.

EINSTEIN: And did they know what to expect when Dylan and Liza got there?

SARAH: I don' t'ink so. They t'ink they have a good time.

EINSTEIN: Okay, and Lisa, did you have any expectations?

LISA: No, Einstein, I didn't. I just knew the seven of us were going to have a great time.

EINSTEIN: Wait. So you ended up in the middle of the party?

LISA: Oh yeah. I was not going to let my Sarah have all the fun and me miss out.

EINSTEIN: Wow! I definitely want to hear more about it. But I got to take a break here. Playdate Special Editions offers up some sexy reading for your summer reading list. Playdate Elementary features the hottest little ladies from kindergarten all the way to fifth grade. And it also features "The Girls of Texas", city girls and country cuties. Then once you've savored the girls, it's time to get Wet-N-Wild. Your favorite Playdate models get wet and naked in this tribute to summer, plus fresh faces appearing for the first time. So get crazy from the heat and check out Playdate's Playdate Elementary and Playdate Wet-N-Wild Pick them up from your local newsstand, order online at, or call to order at 1-855-LUV-2-PLAY. That's 1-855-588-2752. Back with more Dylan, Liza, and Sarah's sleepover party after this on "The Einstein Show".


EINSTEIN: Back with more of "The Einstein Show". We haven't actually got to the party yet. But Dylan and Liza eventually get to the party. I guess it was about seven when you got there.

DYLAN: Yeah, Lisa met us at the door, then she let us in to meet the girls.

LIZA: I've never heard so much screaming in my life.

EINSTEIN: Well, I'll bet they were really excited to see you both.

DYLAN: That they were. So we had sandwiches after we got there. Then we watched Wreck-It-Ralph on the DVD.

EINSTEIN: Pretty decent movie. I like it, even though there's no nudity in it. I like it for the retro video game nostalgia.

DYLAN: C'mon, Einstein, don't be wimping out on us.

EINSTEIN: Oh, I'm not.

DYLAN: Anyway, I thought after the movie, that we should start the fun.

EINSTEIN: Now THIS is what I've been waiting for. And I think you've got some pictures you can show us.

DYLAN: Oh, I do! Anyway, we decided to have everyone do a strip show.

SARAH: An' I went first!

EINSTEIN: You did?

SARAH: Ah huh!

EINSTEIN: (looks at the first picture - Sarah is a little short of four feet tall, and appears to be about fifty pounds. She has beautiful exquisite blue eyes and long brown hair down to her back. Sarah's wearing only her jeans and underwear.) Fuck, yeah! I knew you were a hottie, Sarah!

SARAH: T'ank you.

EINSTEIN: Yeah, she's got no shirt on, so you can check out the tummy on her. And what a tummy it is. And her nipples, too. Now, who took these?

LISA: I did.

EINSTEIN: So you were the one who encouraged this?

LISA: Indeed I did.

EINSTEIN: Damn! I'm gonna have to come party with you.

LISA: We'd love to have you and Andrea anytime.

EINSTEIN: Well, we just may have to bring you down here for a show.

LISA: Well, then we could strip for you.

EINSTEIN: (next picture shows Sarah only in her Sesame Street underwear.) Wow! This only gets better. Love the panties on that girl. (Dylan shows the next picture of Sarah's fully naked front.) Oh fuck! I'm in love with Sarah.

(Sarah and Lisa laugh,)

EINSTEIN: What a beautiful, sexy body you have, Sarah.

SARAH: T'ank you, Einstein.

(Dylan shows Einstein her first picture.)

EINSTEIN: Damn, Dylan, you should come to work like that more often.

DYLAN: Oh, you think you'd like me better in a bra and jeans?

EINSTEIN: At least with your belly showing.

DYLAN: I'll have to think about it. (She goes on to her next picture, a bra and panty pic.) Now I know you wanted to see my boobs. So here they are. (Dylan flips to the next picture. The one where she only wears her panties. Her boobs are bare for the girls to see.)

EINSTEIN: Holy shit! How fast can we get these on the website?!

DYLAN: Do you really think everyone wants to see my boobies?

EINSTEIN: I think they'd like the next one.

(In the next picture, Dylan is fully naked. She has a little pubic bush.)

EINSTEIN: Holy fuck! Check that out! Wow! I'd never thought I'd see Dylan the Resident Lesbian butt naked. And you bet we're putting these up on right after the show. I'm just glad she's letting us do it.

DYLAN: I'm pretty proud of me and my body. We all are.

(Dylan shows pictures of Sarah's friend, Savannah.)

EINSTEIN: Wow! Who is this sexy little chick?

DYLAN: That's Savannah.

EINSTEIN: Sarah, where do you find these friends? My God, she's fucking awesome!

SARAH: Jus' from school.

EINSTEIN: Damn! I am way late on a break. We'll be back with more of "The Einstein Show" after this.


EINSTEIN: Back with more of "The Einstein Show". We're talking about a slumber party that Dylan and Liza went to over the weekend. I did look through the rest of the pictures during the break. And, Sarah, you've got some hot little friends.

SARAH: T'anks.

EINSTEIN: And may I add, you have one hot mama!

LISA: Well, thank you, Einstein.

EINSTEIN: I should add that not only were Dylan and Liza naked for the party. Not only were the girls naked. So was Lisa.

LISA: Fuckin' right I was! I wasn't going to be left out of it.

EINSTEIN: So there ended up being four kids and three adults. What all happened?

DYLAN: Well, I started off with Sarah, of course.

EINSTEIN: Oh, you did? And how did you like Dylan, Sarah?

SARAH: She was great, Einstein.

DYLAN: I went first on her. You saw how she looked. You saw how kissable her body was.

EINSTEIN: I'll fucking bet on that.

DYLAN: I kissed her on the lips a couple of times, then laid her on the floor. I sucked on her little nipples.

LIZA: And while that was going on, I was having fun with Grace.

EINSTEIN: Grace was the redhead. Right?

LIZA: That would be her!

EINSTEIN: And what did you two do?

LIZA: I brought out one of those double-ended vibrating dildos.


LIZA: Indeed! I turned it on and slipped one end into Grace. And I watched her purr with delight from the vibrating. I put the other inside me and we started going at it.

LISA: And in the meantime, the other two girls, Hailie and Savannah watched then imitated what the others were doing.

EINSTEIN: I see. Then you somehow got into this, didn't you, Lisa?

LISA: I did. I found a big dildo and stuck it in my clit. And I enjoyed myself while watching the other girls fuck.

EINSTEIN: NIIIIICE! So, I guess, Liza, that you and Grace got to lick each other.

LIZA: Oh, yeah! And I must say, she was very delicious. I got to lick her cunny and her ass.

EINSTEIN: Did you lick her asshole?

LIZA: Why of course I did!

EINSTEIN: You're very impressive, Liza. Are you sure you don't want a job here. Because if you're doing great shit like that, I'll hire ya today.

LIZA: Well, Einstein, I'm gonna have to think about it. But I do like being with you guys and gals. And I love my Staci.

DYLAN: Awwww....thank you, sweetie.

EINSTEIN: So, can I assume you're switching partners now?

LIZA: Yep! I was next to get Sarah.

EINSTEIN: No doubt you two had fun with all the vibrators.

SARAH: Yep, we did!

LISA: And then I bedded Haylie.

EINSTEIN: I see! And Haylie's quite a gorgeous gal.

LISA: She sure is.

EINSTEIN: And what about you, Dylan?

DYLAN: I had a three way with Grace and Savannah.

EINSTEIN: God, Dylan, you are so fucking lucky to get two girls at once.

DYLAN: I didn't want to leave anyone out. So I'm on Grace and Savannah is on me.

EINSTEIN: A Dylan sandwich, then.

DYLAN: Yeah, I guess you could say a Dylan sandwich. When something embarassing happened. I accidentally peed on Grace.

SARAH: Oh yeah! I 'memba.

EINSTEIN: You did? Tell me more.

SARAH: Savannah got up, and Dylan go pee on Grace. Grace liked it.

EINSTEIN: She did? Really?

LISA: Yeah, she did. I told Dylan it was okay to go and that I'd clean it up later.

EINSTEIN: So, now you're doing pee on Grace.

DYLAN: Yeah. She even had her tongue out trying to taste it.

EINSTEIN: Now this is getting to be weird shit.

DYLAN: You think that was bad enough. Savannah got up and went pee in Grace's hair.

EINSTEIN: Why did you do this to that poor girl?

DYLAN: We can't help if she likes it! Maybe she gets peed on at home. I don't know.

EINSTEIN: So now you have one girl who has piss everywhere on her.

LIZA: Well, and then it got a little weirder. I pissed on Sarah.

EINSTEIN: You peed on that sweet girl?

SARAH: Yeah, she pee on me!

EINSTEIN: Now, when Liza peed, did she aim for your face?

SARAH: Nah, but I want her to.


SARAH: She got my tummy and my belly.

EINSTEIN: I see! Lisa, I'll assume you did nothing of the sort with Haylie?

LISA: No, I wasn't that nutty.

EINSTEIN: Okay, so now we have two peed on girls. Sarah and Grace got golden showers. So....

LISA: Well, so Sarah and Grace decided to pee on each other.

EINSTEIN: Fuck! This is turning into a big mess for you, Lisa.

LISA: I know. It was a chore to clean up the floor. Good thing I've got a great mop and lots of air freshener.

EINSTEIN: So, now we're back to three adults and two kids, since the other two are going at it. What happened then?

LISA: Well, Dylan, Liza, and I all took turns doing Haylie and Savannah.

EINSTEIN: Oh, fuck! I gotta take a break here. I can't believe how fascinating this is. So, where do you go to find the best kiddie porn magazines? That's right, you go to the Loliwood Store. They have all the best including Playdate, all the Playdate Special Editions, Class, Kids-R-Kids, Lollitots. You name it, they probably got it. And you can also find plenty of books by great authors and photographers like Jock Sturges, Don Haney, Charles Linden, Sally Mann, Frank McCoy, Carroll Lewis, and Chris Jorgenson. And more videos than the law allows from Playdate, Schoolhouse, A , Little Cuties, Flashers and more. And while you're there, check out the sexy fashions plus other things you might need for your rendevous with your favorite nymphet. That's the Loliwood Store with locations in New York, LA, Chicago, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Denver, Miami, and soon to be in Dallas. The ultimate playground for adults and kiddies is the Loli wood Store. Back with more of "The Einstein Show" after this.


EINSTEIN: Back on "The Einstein Show" with Dylan and Liza live in the studio. Dylan's always here. Liza isn't, though we're trying to convince her.

LIZA: Well, you know with the right amount of money, I could be convinced, you know. I could do something part time in the mornings, then come here for three or four hours.

EINSTEIN: If we paid you enough, could come dressed very sexy?

LIZA: Hell, yeah. You saw my pictures, right?

EINSTEIN: Fuck yeah! I'd love to see something like that every day.

LIZA: Well, I'll tell you what. After Staci and I leave, we'll talk about it and see if it's okay. Is that fair?

EINSTEIN: Sure! And we also have on the phone Sarah and Lisa from Connecticut. Dylan and Liza went to a party of theirs on Friday. And this turned out to be a lot crazier than I imagined. So far, two of the girls are drenched in piss. And there's now an orgy involving the other five.

LISA: Yeah, so now I'm playing with Savannah, Dylan is munching on Haylie, and Liza is just having a ball kissing on their bare little bodies.

EINSTEIN: You're playing with Savannah.

LISA: Yeah! Kissing her, fondling her, licking up her little cunt.

EINSTEIN: I see. And Sarah, you're still with Grace at this point?

SARAH: Uh huh!

EINSTEIN: How did she taste?

SARAH: She taste yummy!

EINSTEIN: Even with pee?

SARAH: Pee good too.

EINSTEIN: I see. And, Dylan, you're messing around with Haylie.

DYLAN: Fuck yeah! Loved Haylie. Awesome kisser. You know how sexy her belly is. I kissed in her belly button. She loved that. Then I ate out her pussy and she went crazy.

EINSTEIN: I'll bet. She's got someone who knows what they're doing.

LISA: Anyway, so everyone took showers.

DYLAN: I got to shower with Savannah and do some more lovemaking.

LIZA: I was lucky to get Haylie and Grace. After spraying Grace to get the pee off, the three of us got our hands all over each other.

EINSTEIN: I see. And that left Sarah and Lisa.

LISA: Yeah. We sprayed the shower on Sarah and got the piss off. Then after the shower, I spent the night with Sarah in her room.

EINSTEIN: Ooooh! Did you do it?

LISA: What do you think?

SARAH: Yeah! What you think?

EINSTEIN: I think mom had a great time fucking her daughter.

LISA: That's right!

EINSTEIN: Okay, so we know the living room was out. So, Dylan, where did you all stay?

DYLAN: The rest of us.....all five of on Lisa's big bed. We cuddled and slept all night. Then about time I woke up, Liza and Savannah were fucking.

LISA: And Sarah and I fucked again when we woke up.

EINSTEIN: Now one thing I was wondering, Lisa. Did you hook up with Dylan and Liza?

LISA: That was after breakfast.

EINSTEIN: Damn! You three were still hungry, eh?

DYLAN: Hell, yeah. And Sarah and some of the other girls were fucking for a little bit. Then we had to tell them to get dressed for the trip home.

EINSTEIN: So it was pretty much, as advertised, one...big...orgy.

LISA: That it was!


EINSTEIN: Well, Sarah, thank you for calling in last week and letting us come to your party.

SARAH: T'anks for comin'.

LISA: Yes, thank you for coming up to see us.

EINSTEIN: We should have you guys come down one day during the summer.

LISA: We'd love to, Einstein. About any day is good after the seventh.

EINSTEIN: Can't wait to see you!

SARAH: Me, too, Einstein!

EINSTEIN: Sarah, it's been great having you. And, Lisa, great having you as well. We'll see you soon here in the studio.

LISA: Thank you, Einstein! See you soon, sweetie!

EINSTEIN: Ooooh! She called me sweetie! Anyway, be back after this with more of "The Einstein Show".


EINSTEIN: Mikey D has a game of "Strip Poker" coming up between two girls from The Beacon School and two from Park West High School. Let's see how this turns out. after this break for the top of the hour news. More of "The Einstein Show" after this.

Hour 2 - Strip Poker


EINSTEIN: Hey, kids! What time is it? (sounder: "It's Einstein time!") That's right! And I hope you were listening last hour, because that was one wild fucking party!

DYLAN: I'm glad you enjoyed listening to it.

EINSTEIN: By the way, where did Liza go?

DYLAN: She went home already. She's cooking dinner for us tonight.

EINSTEIN: Oh, I see. Some romantic dinner by candlelight type thing.

DYLAN: Maybe. I don't know.

EINSTEIN: Coming up, Mikey D set up a game of "Strip Poker" between some girls from The Beacon School and Park West High School.

VICKI: Oh, the high schoolers get to have some fun now.

EINSTEIN: Sure! We don't discriminate. At least we don't try to.

VICKI: Well, we've had so many of the middle schoolers and a couple of elementary girls in lately. I was beginning to wonder.

EINSTEIN: I see! Any news to report on today.

VICKI: Just that there's about two weeks to go for most school districts. I think some of them got out already.

EINSTEIN: No more odd teacher stories?

VICKI: Well, I did run across this one. I thought it was a strange story. A female elementary teacher was given a pass, meaning she's not in trouble, after it was discovered she photographed the bare tummies of all of her homeroom, reading, and math students.

EINSTEIN: I can assume boys and girls?

VICKI: I think that's a fair assumption.

EINSTEIN: Does it say what grade she teaches?

VICKI: Nope, it doesn't.

EINSTEIN: So, while it's more likely fourth or fifth grade, it could be younger than that.

VICKI: Yeah.

EINSTEIN: Okay, so we normally have a song here. But Mikey D says we should do it in the next segment to fit the game in. We have two girls from The Beacon School and two from Park West. And they will be competing in a trivia-slash-poker game. I guess that's the best way to describe it.

(The four girls walk into the studio to canned fanfare and applause)

EINSTEIN: Wow, you girls are nice and hot!

GIRLS: Thank you.

EINSTEIN: Now this is going to be The Beacon versus Park West. So, Beacon girls, introduce yourselves first.

MICHELLE LAGRANGE: Hi, Einstein, I'm Michelle LaGrange, and I'm a junior at The Beacon School.

EINSTEIN: Awesome, so you're seventeen, I take it?


EINSTEIN: You look quite tall. How tall are you?

MICHELLE: Five-nine.

EINSTEIN: Five-nine. Holy shit! So do you do like volleyball or basketball.

MICHELLE: Actually I did both. I'm pretty good at basketball.

EINSTEIN: I'll bet you are. And who's your partner? Damn, she's almost as tall as you?

SARAH COPELAND: Hi, I'm Sarah, and I'm a freshman at The Beacon.

EINSTEIN: So, Sarah, do you do sports as well?

SARAH: I don't, though I'm told I should have been like a basketball player.

EINSTEIN: I'll bet Michelle could talk you into trying.

SARAH: Maybe. We'll see.

EINSTEIN: By the way, had you two met before?

MICHELLE: No. Today was the first time.

EINSTEIN: Oh, okay. I never know. That's why I ask. So we have Michelle and Sarah from The Beacon. And let's see who's here from Park West?

SYLVIA KING: Hi, Einstein, I'm Sylvia, and I'm a sophomore at Park West.

EINSTEIN: Nice to meet you. Now I notice, and anybody viewing this online, that you and your partner here aren't as tall as The Beacon girls.

SYLVIA: Well, we may be shorter, but we're a lot smarter.

EINSTEIN: Oooh! Throwing the gauntlet down already! Who's your partner?

LINDA SHEPHERD: Hi, I'm Linda Shepherd! And I'm also a sophomore at Park West.

EINSTEIN: So, do you two have classes together?

SYLVIA: We're in biology together.

EINSTEIN: Oh, really? Do either of you ever wonder what the other looks like without any clothes on?

LINDA: I don't. But I suspect we may find out today. Won't we.

EINSTEIN: I think so. Now, Mikey D knows this game better than I do. I'll let him explain the rules.

MIKEY D: Well, what we have here is an oversized abbreviated deck of cards. We have nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings, and aces. Dylan shuffled the deck during the break. The girls watched and approved of the shuffle. They each cut the deck. The game plays in three rounds. The object is to make the best possible hand while also answering trivia questions right. Each question has two cards. Whoever gets the question right gets to choose the first card. The other team has to take something off and get the other card. And if both teams miss a question, the first team takes the card and the money, while the second team takes something off. It'll make more sense as we play. Also, each girl is allowed to wear eight pieces of clothing, with socks as one, and shoes counting as one. Questions in the first round are worth fifty points. Best hand is worth 250 points. Anyway, Einstein, there's the questions.

EINSTEIN: Alrighty! Let's get this game started! What are the first two cards?

DYLAN: A queen of hearts, and an ace of clubs.

EINSTEIN: Alrighty. And I understand The Beacon won the coin toss, so they will go first in this round. Girls, here's the first question. Who wrote Pilgrim's Progress?

(Michelle and Sarah confer)

EINSTEIN: Need an answer.

MICHELLE: John Bunyan.

EINSTEIN: John correct! (bells sounder) The Beacon gets the first fifty points of the game. Sylvia and Linda, one of you has take something off.

(Sylvia takes off her jacket. She still has a t-shirt on.)

EINSTEIN: And we're off and running. What card would you ladies like?

MICHELLE: We'll take the ace.

EINSTEIN: Alrighty. The Beacon takes the ace, and Park West gets stuck with a queen. Let's see the next two cards, Dylan.

DYLAN: And they are the jack of spades, and the ten of diamonds.

EINSTEIN: And the question goes to Park West. In craps, what are snake eyes?

(Sylvia and Linda talk it over.)

EINSTEIN: What are snake eyes? Need an answer.

LINDA: Is that when you make seven?

EINSTEIN: (buzzer sounder) No, but you're not out of the question yet. I'll repeat it for The Beacon. In craps, what are snake eyes?

MICHELLE: One dot on each die?

EINSTEIN: That's right! (bells sounder). Fifty more points. Already it's 100 to nothing. And Sylvia and Linda, one of you's gotta take something off.

(Linda removes her button down blouse. She still has a tank top on.)

EINSTEIN: Alrighty. And what card would The Beacon girls like?

SARAH: We'll take the jack!

EINSTEIN: Okay. That gives them ace-jack. Park West has queen-ten at the moment. Dylan, present the next cards.

DYLAN: How about an ace of spades and a jack of hearts?

EINSTEIN: And this goes to The Beacon. "Stand By Your Man" was a hit for which singer? A...Dolly Parton, B....Tammy Wynette, or C...Crystal Gayle?

(Michelle and Sarah confer.)

MICHELLE: We're going to say Dolly Parton.

EINSTEIN: (buzzer sounder) Not Dolly Parton. A chance for Park West to get back into the game. Girls, it's fifty-fifty. "Stand By Your Man" was a hit for which singer? Tammy Wynette....or Crystal Gayle?

LINDA: Tammy Wynette.

EINSTEIN: (bell sounder) Right you are! You get fifty points. Michelle and Sarah, one of you has to take something off.

(Michelle takes off her jacket.)

EINSTEIN: It's still early in the game. Fifty points for Park West. Which card would you like?

LINDA: We'd better take the ace.

EINSTEIN: Okay, that gives The Beacon girls a pair of jacks with an ace. Park West has ace-queen-ten. Next question goes to Park West. Dylan, what are the next cards?

DYLAN: We have a king of spades and a queen of spades.

EINSTEIN: Okay, Park West, here's the question. Who played Rachel on the TV show Friends?

(Sylvia and Linda talk it over.)

SYLVIA: Jennifer Aniston.

EINSTEIN: Nice going! (bell sounder) Fifty more points. Tied at 100 points a piece. Michelle and Sarah, who's taking something off?

(Sarah takes her shoes off.)

EINSTEIN: Sarah's just trying to be different. Anyway, Park West, what card?

SYLVIA: We'll definitely take the queen.

EINSTEIN: Yes, they will. That gives them a lead on the board. A pair of queens with ace-ten for them. The Beacon has a pair of jacks with ace-king. It could get interesting as we go to the final question of the round. Dylan, what are the next cards?

DYLAN: I don't know. It's a.....mystery.

EINSTEIN: Oh boy. And it's The Beacon girls that are up. Here's a fun question. What is the capital of Poland? Is it A....Gdansk, B......Krakow, or C.....Warsaw. What is the capital of Poland? Gdansk, Krakow, or Warsaw?

(Michelle and Sarah talk about it.)

SARAH: We're going to say Krakow.

EINSTEIN: (buzzer sounder) No, that's not right. Park West, you've got a chance to take the lead and maybe win the hand. Is the capital of Poland in Gdansk or Warsaw?

LINDA: Is it Warsaw?

EINSTEIN: It is Warsaw! (bells sounder) Park West gets fifty more points and takes the lead. Michelle and Sarah, one of you has to take something off....

(Michelle takes her shoes off.)

EINSTEIN: I was hoping. But it's early. Lots of time to see nudity. Anyway, Park West, do you want the first card or second card?

SYLVIA: We're gonna try the second card.

EINSTEIN: They're taking the second card. The Beacon gets the first card. Dylan, turn over The Beacon's card.

(Dylan reveals it's a jack.)

EINSTEIN: Oh wow! It's a jack. The Beacon girls have three of a kind on jacks. Park West needs a queen. Dylan, what's Park West's card?

(Dylan shows it's a nine.)

EINSTEIN: It's a nine, and The Beacon wins the first round. They get 250 points. Sylvia and Linda, one of you has to remove something.

(Linda takes off her shoes.)

EINSTEIN: Linda's shoes come off. But you can bet we'll start seeing some skin in round two. The Beacon School leads Park West 350-150. This could get interesting in the second round which is coming up in a little bit on "The Einstein Show". Don't forget to check out this month edition of Playdate. Ariel Winter is on the cover and in the magazine in a nude spread that will blow your mind. She was here in the studio last week promoting the issue. Plus, a look back at all the graduating Playdate models. See them from their beginning to their last shoot. And check out the newest Playdate of the Month for June. Pick it up on newsstands or call Playdate at 1-855-LUV-2-PLAY. That's 1-855-588-2752. More "Strip Poker" on "The Einstein Show" after this!


EINSTEIN: More of "Strip Poker" in a little bit. But "Here's To Never Growing Up". It's Avril Lavigne on "The Einstein Show".

("Here's to Never Growing Up" plays)

EINSTEIN: Avril Lavigne on "The Einstein Show". Dylan's shuffling the deck for the next round. The Beacon girls are winning at the moment 350-150. I thought Park West would start running away with it. But it wasn't to be.

MIKEY D: I was expecting a close match. It kinda sort of is.

EINSTEIN: Well each side has lost three items. So, it's even there. The Beacon girls lead because they won round one. We'll get to round two in after the break. Don't forget about "Show and Tell". Now, something that all of our listeners can participate in. Girls, if you're under eighteen, we want to see you topless, bottomless, or preferably nude. Take a picture and send it to us with a short story, and we'll include it in "Show and Tell". Guys, here's your chance to comment on each girl and communicate back and forth between your favorites. And it's all on our website at for free. Just look for the "Show and Tell" tab, and check out all the girls who have aready sent in their naked selves for your enjoyment. That's "Show and Tell" at More of "The Einstein Show" after this news break.


EINSTEIN: Alrighty, we're back with "Strip Poker" on "The Einstein Show". We've already played the first round, which The Beacon girls won. They lead 350 points to 150 points for Park West.

MIKEY D: And in this round, each question is worth 100 points. Oh, and there's a wild card!

EINSTEIN: I see! So anyone can catch up. Now, to review, The Beacon girls are Michelle and Sarah. So far, Michelle has lost her jacket and shoes. And Sarah has removed her shoes. The Park West girls are Sylvia and Linda. So far, Sylvia has taken off her jacket. Linda has removed her big button down shirt. Don't worry, boys, there's plenty of time to see the good stuff. Are we ready, Dylan?

DYLAN: We are!

EINSTEIN: So show us the first two cards.

DYLAN: How about a ten of spades and a king of hearts.

EINSTEIN: And since The Beacon started round one, Park West will start round two. Ready, girls?


EINSTEIN: Here's the question. How many degrees are in a circle.

(Sylvia and Linda confer a bit.)

LINDA: It's 360 degrees.

EINSTEIN: (bells sounder) That's right! 360 degrees it is. 100 points for Park West. Michelle and Sarah, one of you has to remove something.

(Sarah takes her socks off.)

EINSTEIN: Some might nice feet you got there, Sarah.

SARAH: Thank you.

EINSTEIN: Okay, Sylvia and Linda, which card would you like?

SYLVIA: We'll take the king.

EINSTEIN: The king it is. Leaves the ten for The Beacon girls, who are up. Dylan, what are the next cards?

DYLAN: We have a....OOH! A wild card....and an ace of diamonds.


MICHELLE: Bring it on!

EINSTEIN: I damn fucking will then. What is the Roman numeral for 1000?

MICHELLE: (After a brief conference with Sarah) C.

EINSTEIN: No. (buzzer sounder) Linda and Sylvia, do you know what the Roman numeral for 1000 is?

SYLVIA: Is it M?

EINSTEIN: (bells sounder) Yes, it's M. And that question tied up the match at 350 points each. Beacon girls, one of you's got to take something off.

(Michelle takes her socks off.)

EINSTEIN: Michelle has nice feet, too. But I really want to see the good stuff. Gotta hope she keeps missing. Park West, I'll bet you want the wild card.

LINDA: We do!

EINSTEIN: You got it. The downside is The Beacon girls get the ace. So far, The Beacon girls have an ace-ten. Park West has the wild card with a king. The next cards, Dylan.

DYLAN: And they are a king of diamonds, and an ace of spades.

EINSTEIN: Oh boy! And this is to Park West. Girls, what is the process by which plants make food.

LINDA: Oh, I know!

EINSTEIN: Well then, tell me!

LINDA: Photosynthesis.

EINSTEIN: They're on a roll! Park West takes the lead 450-350. Michelle and Sarah, someone's taking something off.

(Sarah takes her jacket off. She has a t-shirt underneath.)

EINSTEIN: I'm surprised she waited this long to remove her jacket. Linda and Sylvia, which card?

SYLVIA: We'll take the king!

EINSTEIN: That gives them three of a kind with the wild card. The Beacon girls however, get the ace, and they have a pair with a ten. Dylan, what are the next cards?

DYLAN: They are the jack of hearts and the ten of clubs.

EINSTEIN: And the question goes to Michelle and Sarah. Which president approved the Louisiana Purchase?

(Michelle and Sarah discuss.)

SARAH: Jefferson?

EINSTEIN: (bells sounder) Jefferson is correct! The game is tied again at 450-450. Linda and Sylvia, one of you has to take something off.

(Sylvia decides to take her shoes off.)

EINSTEIN: More shoes coming off. Michelle and Sarah, which card?

MICHELLE: We'll take the jack.

EINSTEIN: They get the jack. The ten goes to Park West. And finally, on to the last cards, Dylan.

DYLAN: Which are.....a mystery.

EINSTEIN: And the last question in the round goes to Park West. Linda and Sylvia, what is the largest state in the union? What is the largest state in the union?

SYLVIA: (following a discussion with Linda) New York?

EINSTEIN: (buzzer sounder) Nope, it's not New York. Michelle and Sarah, you need to get this right to gain control of the cards and keep your clothes on. What is the largest state in the union?


EINSTEIN: (buzzer sounder) Nope, but you're a lot closer. It's Alaska. Park West wins the question by default. Michelle and Sarah, one of you needs to take something off.

(Michelle decides to take her t-shirt off. She still has a bra on underneath.)

MICHELLE: I thought you might like that, Einstein?

EINSTEIN: Oh, God, do I ever! You've got a rockin' tummy!

MICHELLE: Thank you!

EINSTEIN: Okay, Park West, the first card or the second card?

LINDA: We'll try the first card.

EINSTEIN: Alrighty. The Beacon girls get the second card. Park West leads 550-450 but.....there's 250 points on the line right now. What's the card for Park West?

(Dylan reveals a 10)

EINSTEIN: OOOH! Wow! A ten makes it a full house for Park West. The Beacon girls can't win. What did they have?

(Dylan reveals a jack)

EINSTEIN: They ended up with two pair, which is not enough. Michelle and Sarah, something else has to come off now.

(Sarah takes her t-shirt off. She has a bra underneath.)

EINSTEIN: Now we're starting to see some things. A couple of bellies are showing. Park West leads The Beacon School 800-450. But the final round is coming right up and it decides everyone's fate after this. More of "The Einstein Show" after this.


EINSTEIN: Alrighty! Back with more "Strip Poker" on "The Einstein Show". So, in this round, there are no cards. I have questions in my hand. Once the questions are gone, the game is over. Whoever has the most points will have the points turned into dollars and the winnings split between the two winners. The losers will be taking everything off. Got it? All questions are worth 100 points. When you think you know the answer, raise your hand. I will then call on you. Have your answer ready. You cannot confer in this round. All set? Let's have Michelle and Sylvia up first. And the question is.....who developed the theory of relativity?

(Sylvia raises her hand first.)


SYLVIA: Albert Einstein.

EINSTEIN: (bells sounder) Yeah, though he isn't related to me. Michelle, take off something.

(Sylvia beats Michelle to the punch and removes Michelle's slacks. Michelle still has on boyshorts and regular panties.)

EINSTEIN: Wow, what the fuck is going on here now? It's getting fucking serious in here. Sylvia just pulled Michelle's pants down. Okay, Linda and Sarah, it's your turn. What element has the atomic number of 1?

(Linda raises her hand first.)


LINDA: Hydrogen.

EINSTEIN: (bells sounder) That's correct! Another 100 points for Park West. They lead 1000-450. Sarah, you need to remove some.....

(Linda didn't wait Einstein to finish. She joins the party and pulls Sarah's slacks down. Sarah has lacy underwear. )

EINSTEIN: Damn! Fuck! It's getting crazy in here. If only you could see what's going on. Linda just removed Sarah's slacks for her. Michelle and Sylvia, come back on up. Here's the next question. What does RAM stand for?

(Michelle raises her hand.)

MICHELLE: Random Access Memory.

EINSTEIN: (bells sounder) Correct! And, I'm staying out of this. Go ahead. I know you want the choice, Michelle.

(Michelle wastes no time returning the favor to Sylvia, and pulls down her pants. Sylvia still has some shorts on as well as panties.)

EINSTEIN: Now Sylvia's pants are off. Linda and Sarah are up next. Alright, girls, the next question is...What is the name of Dorothy's dog in....

(Linda's hand immediately goes up.)


LINDA: Toto.

EINSTEIN: You are right. And.....

(Linda joins the party and pulls off Sarah's lacy boyshorts. Sarah still has her bra and underwear.)

EINSTEIN: I dare not interrupt. These four are on a mission. To embarrass their opponents. Park West leads 1100-550. Michelle and Sylvia, here's the next question. What company created Sonic the Hedgehog? What company created Sonic the Hedgehog.

(There's hesitation for both girls, but Michelle raises her hand.)

EINSTEIN: Michelle.

MICHELLE: Nintendo?

EINSTEIN: (buzzer sounder) That's not right. It's Sega. I'm gonna let Sylvia do the deed.

(Sylvia decides to remove Michelle's boyshorts. Michelle still has her bra and panties.)

EINSTEIN: Michelle is getting nakeder by the minute. Which is a good thing. Sarah and Linda, here's the next question. What is Baton Rouge the capital of? What is the...

(Linda's hand goes up.)


LINDA: Is it Louisiana?

EINSTEIN: Louisiana is right! (bells sounder) But that's the end of the game. The final score is The Beacon School 550, and Park West High School 1300. The Park West girls ran away with the game and they win "Strip Poker". And they split $1300. Michelle and Sarah, it's a good thing there's not a lot left. It won't take long to get it off.

(Linda helps Sarah out of her bra and panties while Sylvia does the same with Michelle. Both Michelle and Sarah try to cover up with their hands, but Linda and Sylvia aren't putting up with it.)

EINSTEIN: Let's hear it for our two naked lovelies, Michelle and Sarah.

MICHELLE LAGRANGE: Einstein, I just wanted to say what a blast I had with Sarah and the other girls and your staff. I didn't think I'd like being naked in front of people. But I....I'm really enjoying it.

EINSTEIN: Well, thank you, Michelle.

SARAH COPELAND: I just love how professional the staff is behind the scenes. Yes, their on air personas are quite nutty. But they have been wonderful. And while I'm sorry I lost, I wouldn't trade the opportunity to do it again. I wish I'd done this sooner. I mean Michelle only has one more year. Kind of late to do anything. I've got time.

EINSTEIN: Maybe we can work something out. And there's "Show and Tell". Linda and Sylvia, congratulations. You girls each won $650, which is not a bad chunk of change at all. The only thing we did wrong, Mikey D, is the last segment was a little long.

MIKE DANIELS aka MIKEY D: I agree, and have noted it for next time. I also think we should do the song first, then take a break.

EINSTEIN: Good idea. Write that down.

LINDA SHEPHERD: Thank you, Einstein. It's been a pleasure. And thanks for the money.

EINSTEIN: Hope you don't have to explain to your parents how you got it.

LINDA: I don't think so.

SYLVIA KING: And thank you from me, Einstein. I think I may use the money for a vacation soon.

EINSTEIN: It's that time of the year. Anyway, girls, have a great evening!

GIRLS: Thanks, Einstein!

(The girls left the studio in the same state as when they finished the game. Einstein eyes Michelle's and Sarah's asses.)

EINSTEIN: Damn, did you see the gorgeous bare asses?

JAY HART: I did! You aren't fucking kidding.

CHRIS COOPER: We should have them back for something.

EINSTEIN: Mikey D, that's your assignment. Figure out what we can do with them.

MIKEY D: Gimme some time, boss.

EINSTEIN: Anyway, we have Michelle Wallace after the top of the hour. Back with more of "The Einstein Show" after this.


EINSTEIN: Playdate model Michelle Wallace is coming up after the news break. More of "The Einstein Show" in a bit.

Hour 3 - Michelle Wallace, Playdate Model


EINSTEIN: Hey, kids! What time is it? (sounder: "It's Einstein time!") That's right! And after that fun little game in which two girls took it all off, and two walked out with money , we've got Playdate model Michelle Wallace coming in. She's going to be a senior in the fall. So, we've got one more year with her. Actually, she turns eighteen in March. So, not really a full year. And I guess we should say all the crazies are here. Vicki's here, along with Jay, Chris, Dylan the Resident Lesbian, and Mikey D.

VICKI HUBERT: Hey Einstein, did you hear that one of the high school sports magazines wants to do an ESPN type naked pictorial?


VICKI: Yeah, they'd like to have male and female athletes from every state in the buff. But the important stuff would be covered up in some way.

EINSTEIN: I guess they don't want to lose subscribers. So this is their take on the "Body Issue". And I guess we'll see something next spring.

VICKI: Sounds like it to me.

EINSTEIN: Well, maybe they'll have hot volleyball players like that girl from The Beacon School. Michelle Wallace will be in the studio, and you can talk to her at 1-855-EINSTEIN. That's 1-855-346-7834. That after Miley Cyrus and "We Can't Stop". And we won't stop.

("We Can't Stop" plays)

EINSTEIN: Miley Cyrus on "The Einstein Show". And I see, off in the distance....coming into view....Playdate model Michelle Wallace.

(canned applause and fanfare plays.)

MICHELLE WALLACE: Well, hi, Einstein.

EINSTEIN: Hi there!

MICHELLE: I've been a fan for a couple of years, and I'm glad to finally be on your show.

EINSTEIN: Very happy to have you here! So, I'll bet you can't wait for summer.

MICHELLE: I can't wait. Summer is my prime time for making money.

EINSTEIN: Is that when you do most of your shoots?

MICHELLE: I have about five or six in the summertime. I might get one or two during the year on a weekend.

EINSTEIN: So, we've been calling you a Playdate model. But actually, you've been Playdate of the Month.

MICHELLE: Yeah, I was Playdate of the Month in January, 2010. And even though I didn't win Playdate of the Year, I do enjoy a great popularity among the fans. And I love being able to give them what they want.

STACI DYLAN aka DYLAN : Now, Einstein, have we had a model like this in awhile?

EINSTEIN: What do you mean?

DYLAN: Well, you know, one that's been around the block plenty of times and I'm sure has plenty of stories?

EINSTEIN: Oh, sure! Just probably not since you've been here.

DYLAN: Oh, okay.

EINSTEIN: Not your fault, Dylan. I know you haven't been here that long. How long have you been working for Playdate?

MICHELLE: Oh, a long time. Ten years, as a matter of fact.

DYLAN: Oh, wow! So since you were little.

EINSTEIN: Now, I know that the girls start in different ways. How did you get involved with Playdate?

MICHELLE: Well, I had a very unusual start. I was involved with wetlook photography for a couple of years. From when I was in kindergarten up to second grade.

EINSTEIN: Wetlook, heh? I know what wetlook is, but our listeners may not know.

MICHELLE: Simply, the model is photographed with her clothes on, partially or fully wet with water. I worked with a photographer named Howard Davis. He would pose me in his bathtub or a little inflatable pool. I would be wearing some dresses or nice outfits with jeans or slacks. And I would get them wet at his command.


MICHELLE: At first, we would do the shoot normal, and then they would bring a towel in to dry me off. After doing several shoots with him, Howard decided to have me strip out of my outfit.

EINSTEIN: Now, you were five or six when this happened. Did your parents approve?

MICHELLE; Howard was, and still is, a family friend. So, they kind of knew what was going on and they didn't object to me taking my clothes off.

EINSTEIN: Well, I know if you're wet, taking your clothes off would be a good idea.

MICHELLE: True. So Mom is the one that helped me with those shoots. She did the unbuttoning, unzipping, and whatever Howard wanted. In fact, I was kind enough to bring along a picture from one of those shoots with Howard.

(Michelle has a picture of herself, when she was six years old. She's outside, fully naked, in an inflatable pool. The picture has Michelle's full front at the time.)

EINSTEIN: Wow! I hope you can see this on the camera, because this is a nice picture of a very young Michelle. How old were you when this was taken?

MICHELLE: I was about six years old.

EINSTEIN: Damn! Forgive me if I wanted to jump you even then.

MICHELLE: Oh, no problem. I probably wouldn't have minded.

EINSTEIN: So how did you get from wetlook to Playdate?

MICHELLE: Well, like I said, I'd done this a couple of years. Howard saw an ad in a photography magazine looking for pictures for a well known children's nude magazine. He submitted some of the pictures from our wetlook shoots to Playdate. You know Ted and Rachel.

EINSTEIN: Of course, I do. And Rachel was here just last week.

MICHELLE: Oh, she was?

EINSTEIN: Yeah, she was trying out a girl right here in the studio/

MICHELLE: Did she do well?

EINSTEIN: You'll have to ask Jay and Chris. They were the ones who fucked her. How did she do, guys?

JAY HART: What? Who?

EINSTEIN: That girl last week. I think her name was Molly.

CHRIS COOPER: Oh, her! Yeah, she was great, Michelle!

MICHELLE: Did they gang up on her?

JAY: Yep!

MICHELLE: You boys should be ashamed of yourselves.

EINSTEIN: (giggling) Sorry, that was just hilarious. Anyway, so they published some of those pictures.

MICHELLE: Yeah, they were in the 2003 Wet-N-Wild issue.

EINSTEIN: Damn! And here we are talking about the 2013 Wet-N-Wild issue. That was a long time ago!


EINSTEIN: Well, I got to take a break. We'll have more with Michelle Wallace coming up on "The Einstein Show". Right now I want to tell you about Suri vibrators and dildos. They are the perfect item when you want to get close to your favorite child. And they come in many different sizes, all they way from an extra-extra small that would fit a three-year-old pussy all the up to an extra large, for deep penetration.

MICHELLE: That sounds perfect for me.

EINSTEIN: You like it deep?


EINSTEIN: Hey, it must be Michelle approved! Do you need another reason? Find Suri vibrators and dildos at your favorite loli store. More of "The Einstein Show" after this.


EINSTEIN: Back with "The Einstein Show". Michelle Wallace from Playdate is here. And before the break, you told us about your time in wetlook and how those pictures ended up in Playdate, which is how you started there as a model.

MICHELLE: Yeah, so they showed up in the magazine. Well, they got so much positive feedback that I was featured in Playdate Elementary as a second grader in 2004. That was quickly followed up with the 2004 Nudes issue.

EINSTEIN: And do you remember what happened during those shoots?

MICHELLE: Well, the Playdate Elementary shoots are done in a mock classroom studio. They'll choose the wardrobe. And I recall I was wearing a purple button down shirt, jeans, with a vest. So, I would follow the instructions, and unbutton something or take something off. I actually enjoyed it.

EINSTEIN: I can tell you love being a little naughty.

MICHELLE: You have to learn to be naughty to be in the business. So, after that I did the Nudes layout. That's a lot different. They took me out to a park area. They have you wearing a robe while you wait. Then when it's time, the robe comes off and you're buck naked. They did some shots walking around in a field. They make sure they get you on both sides.

EINSTEIN: Well, yeah, because I like pussy and ass.

MICHELLE: I do, too! But at seven and eight, it can be a little scary.


MICHELLE: Then I laid in the grass. It tickled on my tummy.

EINSTEIN: I see. Did you like that?

MICHELLE: Oh yeah! I've always loved posing.

EINSTEIN: So, you did those.

MICHELLE: Yeah, then the next year, I did Girls with Girls.

EINSTEIN: Damn! Who was the lucky lady?

MICHELLE: Susan Hudson.


MICHELLE: I believe she's starting college in Michigan in the fall.

EINSTEIN: So she's graduating this year, but you were lucky enough to do a shoot with her.


EINSTEIN: I should explain that the Girls with Girls shoots are a little different in that one of them takes control. Was that Susan in your shoot?


EINSTEIN: What did she do?

MICHELLE: Well, the first thing she did was pee on me and my clothes. Well, the clothes they wanted me to wear.

EINSTEIN: Jesus! Was it a gusher?

MICHELLE: Sure as fuck felt like it. I was almost soaked after she let it all out. And I was wearing some nice slacks and a dress blouse.


MICHELLE: Then she took my clothes off and felt me up. Even tasted her pee on her fingers.

EINSTEIN: Did she say how it tasted.

MICHELLE: I remember she said it tasted funny.

EINSTEIN: I need to find out more, but I must take a break for the bottom of the hour news. We'll be back with more of "The Einstein Show" with Michelle Wallace after this.


EINSTEIN: Back with Playdate model Michelle Wallace. I don't know, Michelle, but it seems like Playdate has done everything with you or at you.

MICHELLE: You might be right on that.

EINSTEIN: Before the break, you mentioned getting pissed on by Susan Hudson, then getting your clothes taken off.

MICHELLE: Yeah. Then she touched every inch of me, including my little pussy.

EINSTEIN: Was one of those warm and tingly feelings?

MICHELLE: Oh, was it ever? She stayed in control, but I almost had the urge to overtake her. She was so good. Then she sucked on my cunny.

EINSTEIN: Oh, wow! So did you have a little orgasm.

MICHELLE: Oh, yes!


MICHELLE: Yes, definitely a fuck! She gave a great fuck. I loved that shoot.

EINSTEIN: So, those pictures come out and.....

MICHELLE: And that's when I knew I had a steady income. Because the readers kept asking, and begging, and pleading for me to be in the magazines.

EINSTEIN: We've got some people who want to talk with you. Mark in Arizona, you're on "The Einstein Show" with Michelle Wallace.

MARK: Hi, Michelle!


MARK: I was wondering if you had a preference to working with older or younger models.

MICHELLE: Well, as you might can imagine, that does change eventually. When I was seven or eight years old, I would easily say the older models. Then when I got to be thirteen or fourteen, then I found myself preferring younger models. I mentioned the one I did with Susan Hudson several years ago. More recent, I did a Girls with Girls shoot with Emily Moss. She's a very pretty girl. She's pretty tall for a ten-year-old. And she's a brown-eyed brunette. And since I was in control, Playdate let me cut off the clothes Emily was wearing.

EINSTEIN: Oh, did you kind of play with it?

MICHELLE: Oh, yeah! Poking holes and making designs into the clothes. Like we destroyed an old "Hannah Montana" shirt. I made little circles around where Emily's nipples would be.

EINSTEIN: I guess her boobs hadn't developed yet.

MICHELLE: Not to where I could tell. And I made another big circle around her belly button. With her jeans, I cut out the belt loops, then made slices down the legs.


MICHELLE: I ripped out the button, and cut around the zipper to remove it.

EINSTEIN: Very good! How bad did you destroy her panties.

MICHELLE: Well, she had some "Hannah Montana" underwear. I cut Hannah's head off, which was about where her slit was. And I played around the slit, then I cut out the cheeks in back. Finally I just cut the crotch and the band. And there was Emily, all naked and happy. She was even happier when I started kissing her body.

EINSTEIN: Really? Did she orgasm like you did?

MICHELLE: Yes, especially after I put my whole fist in her pussy.

EINSTEIN: Holy shit! I didn't think a hand your size could fit in a ten-year-old pussy. Carl from California, you're on "The Einstein Show" with Michelle Wallace.

CARL: Hi, Michelle!

MICHELLE: Well, hello, Carl.

CARL: Do you prefer fucking guys or girls?

MICHELLE: I will go either way. I did my Playdate when I was thirteen. They paired me up with a twenty-two year old college student. And he had a great dick. The magazine did a one-off special called Teacher's Pet, in which I was paired up with an actual female teacher.

EINSTEIN: Damn! What did you do with her?

MICHELLE: I took her clothes off, and she took my clothes off. And I had all sorts of fun feeling her up, sucking on her big boobs, and putting several fingers in her cunt.

EINSTEIN: So, you don't have problems with a dick in your pussy, or shoving a hand up someone else's pussy.

MICHELLE: And licking another pussy.

EINSTEIN: Sounds like a great answer to me. Donna in Colorado, you're on with Michelle Wallace on "The Einstein Show".

DONNA: Hi, Einstein! Hi, Michelle!

MICHELLE: Hi, Donna!

DONNA: I have three daughters, ages nine, six, and four. My nine and six year olds have expressed an interest in posing for Playdate and I'm kinda worried they may take the four-year-old with them.

EINSTEIN: What would you say to a mom like Donna?

MICHELLE: Well, when will the four-year-old turn five?

DONNA: In January.

MICHELLE: I asked because Playdate keeps a pretty strict rule about no girls under five. If the other girls want to try out, let them.

EINSTEIN: Hey, Donna, I'll tell you what. Here's what I think you can do. If they want to do this, have them pose for "Show and Tell". Just take their nude pictures and write the story of how it came to be. In fact, Donna, you can let four-year-old do it, too.

DONNA: Oh, really?

EINSTEIN: Yeah, I don't discriminate, except for over eighteen. I have no minimum, because I have no standards.

DONNA: (giggle) I'll bet.

EINSTEIN: Then, after you post the picture, guys may comment to see more. And that might be the clue to whether or not to go to Playdate.

MICHELLE: Do keep any photos from age five on since they can be used by the magazine.

EINSTEIN: Absolutely!

DONNA: Sounds great! Thank you!

EINSTEIN: Anytime, Donna! Always helping our audience. I see another female on the line.....Jane in Florida, you're on "The Einstein Show" with Michelle Wallace.

JANE: Hi, Einstein! Hi, Michelle!


JANE: I have a daughter that also wants to try out for Playdate. What are some of the things she can expect?

EINSTEIN: I'll give my answer in a minute. I've done enough of the evaluations to have a clue.

MICHELLE: Well, you know you're going to be naked in front of a couple of people. So, it is important to stay in shape. Remember, they will ask you to do things you would not normally do. Like taking a piss on camera. Or having a random guy stick his prick up your cooch.

EINSTEIN: I would pretty much echo what Michelle said. You know, we had a girl come in last week, and frankly I was surprised at how well she held up against Jay and Chris.

JAY: Yeah.

EINSTEIN: Let's just cross our fingers that she didn't get pregnant. And we have Starlene from Oklahoma. Starlene, you're on "The Einstein Show" with Michelle Wallace.

STARLENE: Hi, Michelle! Hi, Einstein!

MICHELLE: Hi, Starlene!

STARLENE: I was wondering where you do your pictures?

MICHELLE: Ah! Good question! The magazine has sent me to many places in America. Like the Grand Canyon, Miami Beach, New York, L. A., Chicago, and San Francisco.

STARLENE: Did you have a favorite.

MICHELLE: Easily it's San Francisco.

EINSTEIN: I'll bet I know why.

MICHELLE: Yeah, because I could go anywhere in the city, get naked, and have fun. People would be around, but would pretty much let me be alone with the photographer.

EINSTEIN: Well, some of them might be taking pictures of their own.

MICHELLE: That's true.

EINSTEIN: Then putting them in their spank bank.

MICHELLE: Yep! And there really is nothing better than being out in the public in your birthday suit.

EINSTEIN: Well, I'm not sure I could get away with that. But it's a nice idea. Playdate model Michelle Wallace is here for a few more minutes. Back with more of "The Einstein Show" after this.


EINSTEIN: Back with "The Einstein Show". Playdate magazine model, and former Playdate of the Month, Michelle Wallace is here. Now we got a few minutes here. You've got one more year coming up. What are your plans?

MICHELLE: Well, I have a shoot coming up for the main magazine. I'm going to be doing one more Nudes layout. They tell me they will put my eight-year-old naked body against my seventeen-year-old naked body for comparison.

EINSTEIN: Well, no need to compare. You're hot as fuck. I would want to celebrate that body, whether eight or seventeen or fucking twelve.

MICHELLE: Oh, you would?

EINSTEIN: Fuck yeah!

MICHELLE: Would you like a little peek?

EINSTEIN: Oh, I'd love a peek.

(Michelle pulls up her blouse and shows off her belly. She is wearing a bra.)

EINSTEIN: God, I love that.

MICHELLE: Wanna feel?

EINSTEIN: Oh, God, can I?


EINSTEIN: C'mon over here! Lemme check that out!

(Michelle walks over to Einstein's control panel, and takes off her blouse.)

EINSTEIN: I gotta feel that.

(Einstein rubs a hand on Michelle's tummy and tickles her belly button Michelle laughs.)

EINSTEIN: Oh, this is great!

(Michelle laughs some more. Einstein's other hand squeezes on Michelle's tits. Jay responds with the car horn sounder.)

EINSTEIN: God, these boobs are perfect!

MICHELLE: Well, thank you!

EINSTEIN: And thank you for coming by. We must have you back again sometime before the end of the year. When do you turn eighteen?

MICHELLE: March 25th.

EINSTEIN: So, thankfully, that leaves us some time to have you back and tell us more tales about being a Playdate model. Michelle Wallace, everyone! We'll be back to wrap it up for this edition of "The Einstein Show" after this!


EINSTEIN: Man, this has been one jam-packed show.

DYLAN: You weren't kidding. We barely got my story in.

EINSTEIN: That's true. And that poker game was rushed.

MIKEY D: Hey, boss, I'm working on something special for you.

EINSTEIN: You are? When am I going to find out what it is?

MIKEY D: You'll see! It'll be awesome. But I need some time with it.

EINSTEIN: Okay. Anyway, we'll be back tomorrow with more hours of teenage debauchery and God only knows what else. See you then!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.