Published: 28-Jul-2013
Word Count:
Twelve year-old Jessica Simpson skipped along the path alongside the golf course. She felt a delicious tingle of wickedness as she knew full well she was not allowed to take that particular path back home from school. When she did have permission to walk home instead of using the bus (basically during the Summer months) she was under strict instructions not to use the golf course route. She wasn't entirely sure why, although she vaguely remembered it was something to do with a bad man who used to hang around there. He had been horrid to a little girl one time. I wonder what "horrid" means, she thought to herself, imagining all sorts of things he might have done. She thought of that time the policeman came to the school to talk to them about "stranger danger." He had a funny name. PC Birtwhistle; that was it. Afterwards some of the girls in her class huddled in the corner and talked about what "strangers" did to you if they got hold of you. Jessica wasn't quite sure ho w they knew exactly. After all, it's not as though any of them had ever been caught by a stranger! But it was always that Alison Freeman who started stuff like that; she reckoned she was so great and that she knew everything. Big know it all. She always reckoned she was the prettiest in their class too. Huh.
"Anyway", Alison had said, "bet you don't know what they do to you, do you?"
"Who?" asked Lizzie
"The strangers, stupid! The bad men"
"I do. I know all about it" quipped Alison proudly
"Tell us then?" urged Lizzie
"How do you know, anyway?" asked a skeptical Sandra
"I just do, that's all. Never mind how I know." That was typical of Alison Freeman, that was. That was what she always said, Jessica thought to herself with disdain. She remembered what Alison had said next, "they grab you and take you into the bushes, that's what!"
"Well that doesn't sound much!" retorted Lizzie, somewhat disappointed, "I don't see what's so bad about that!"
"Oh they do more than that," replied Alison knowingly, "that just what they do at first"
"So what else do they do then?" urged Lizzie eagerly.
"They make you take your clothes off"
"What? All of them?" queried Sandra looking somewhat disgusted
"Yup. Your vest and your knickers and everything!" Alison elaborated. The small group of girls recoiled at this revelation and were quiet. Thinking.
"Why do they do that?" asked a genuinely puzzled Lizzie.
"Duhh!" spat Alison, "so they can see your thingy, obviously"
"Your...thingy?" asked Lizzie, "you mean your...your..."
"Yes, pillock brain! Your front bottom" explained Alison proudly.
"Eeww! Why would they want to see your...err...front bottom?" puzzled Sandra.
"I dunno, do I? Probly because they like front bottoms, I don't know why?"
"Do they...I they do...err...anything else?" asked an increasingly alarmed Lizzie.
"Well someone told me that they can do things to your front bottom to hurt it," added Alison, now even beginning to scare herself a little. The group was now silent and didn't seem to want to ask any more questions.
Jessica stopped skipping quite so happily as she pondered the matter and remembered the conversation. She was beginning to regret taking the golf course path home and decided to walk a bit quicker. As she came up the woods, she tried to imagine what these bad men could possibly do to a little girl's front bottom to hurt it. She didn't like the idea a bit, but she couldn't seem to stop thinking about it nevertheless. Whenever she touched her front bottom in bed sometimes, or in the bath, it felt very sensitive. Especially the pink bits inside. She thought it would be quite easy to hurt it; specially that nice bit at the top that she sometimes liked to touch in bed. When she touched it just right, it made her have a sort of nice butterflies feeling in her tummy. And in the last few months, since she had started to get some hair on the front of it, she had noticed that a sort of white, runny stuff came out at the bottom when she got the butterflies feeling. It got on to her kni ckers at school too. It was kind of annoying because it felt sticky and she had to walk around all day with it like that. She had asked her mum about it, but mum said it was perfectly ok and that all girls have that when they are becoming women. Jessica liked the idea of becoming a woman. As well as the hairs on her front bottom (just a few, not as much as mum had there) she had little breasts growing too. She was very proud of them and her mum had bought her her first bra when she started year 8.
Jessica had now reached the start of the woods, which was the final part of the walk home. It was also the reason why her mother forbade her to go that way; as that was where the attack had taken place last year. The girl hadn't been killed or anything, but she did have to go to hospital and they said she'd never be able to have babies, for some reason. She didn't see how a stranger could manage to stop you from having babies though. Maybe she got that bit wrong. She continued to ponder the idea of having her front bottom hurt by a bad man. Although she found the idea frightening, it also gave her that butterflies feeling in her tummy for some odd reason. Perhaps it was the sheer rudeness of it all; like when she thought about boys and what they looked like in the shower. That was what she thought about when she touched her special place in bed and made the white stuff come out.
There were so many things she didn't really understand about. Oh mum had explained all about babies and things, and they had sex lessons at school, but it wasn't really enough. It was just biology really, not the stuff that matters. She didn't get the bits in films. When they were "doing it", all that screwing up of their faces. Daddy had told her that it's a lovely feeling when its someone you love. It didn't really look like it was much fun; more like it hurt. And what about those jokes? The rude ones the boys told at school. Surely people didn't really put willies in their mouths. Eeww! That sounded disgusting. Dirty. It was probably just in jokes they did that. But how was she supposed to find out? Who do you ask? She couldn't really ask mummy. Too embarrassing. The other thing she often wondered about was how you could get a willy inside someone's front bottom. For one thing, hers didn't seem to have a hole in it. More like a sort of slit thing with those floppy bits of skin that poked out. You couldn't put a willy into that to make babies. Funny, she hadn't noticed those bits appearing. She used to just have the slit with just the two lumpy bits either side, but now she has these bits of skin coming out of it. Sort of brownish and crinkly. Funny really. She wondered what they were for. They didn't seem to really do anything. They were just there. Flopping about.
But the whole sex thing. She didn't really get that. How did it all work? Daddy's willy was floppy when she saw him in the bedroom getting dressed that time. You couldn't very well poke that into anything. She knew they were supposed to go all hard so you could have sex and stuff; but how did men do that? Did they have a bone inside it? Where does the bone go afterwards? Maybe she'd ask daddy when she got home. It was easier with daddy. Not so embarrassing. She loved daddy very much and she felt comfortable with him.
One time she did ask him about sex. She remembered. It was only a few months ago. She had noticed hair on her front bottom and she wanted so much to tell daddy. She rushed in to his study when he was working. She had been so excited. She asked him if he wanted to see. He had smiled at her and said yes, he did want to see. She pulled her skirt up and her knickers down and proudly displayed her little mound with its tuft of fine hair. He had congratulated her and told he she was becoming a woman now. He even touched it and it sort of tickled and felt nice. She loved daddy so much. She wished she could marry him, but mum had already done that. Sometimes she felt cross that mummy had married him. Not cross with mummy exactly; because she loved mummy. But cross that she couldn't marry daddy.
She remembered too, that daddy had to do something to his trousers right afterwards. Just as she was going out. Like he was rearranging them or something. She remembered he had to do that when he was washing her too. She liked it when he washed her all over in the bath. He had to put soap on his hands to clean her. His hands felt all slidey and nice. She loved bath time. When his hands cleaned her tummy, that was nice. Made her feel all warm inside. But when they got to the bottom part of her tummy; her, well; you know...that part. That felt lovely. He had to wash her privates. Well. He had to, didn't he? You couldn't bath without washing that. After all, it's where you go to the toilet from. It's dirty. It has to be washed. She thought, it must take a long time to wash there. It must be very dirty. Because daddy always took ages to wash there. He used to rub and rub for ages. She liked that. She liked the slippy hands he had with the soap on his fingers. It made her go all tin gly inside her tummy. Sometimes, if he stopped, she'd ask him to carry on because it wasn't quite clean enough yet. Carry on, daddy. The trouser thing was right then. He always fiddled with his flies then. When he washed her. Mummy was never there at bath time. Just daddy. There was that one time though, in the bathroom. The time It wasn't really. She probably just remembered it wrong. Daddy told her she hadn't got that part right. Police. What was that bit about police? She couldn't remember.
"Hello, honey? Where are you off to?" Jessica jumped almost out of her skin. Her reverie had been so engrossing that she had barely been aware of her surroundings and certainly hadn't noticed the man who now addressed her.
"Oh, err...I'm just going home" she replied, smiling at him. He was vaguely familiar. She had seen him at school, she thought. He always smiled.
"You shouldn't really go this way. It's not that safe you know." He seems concerned. That was kind of him.
"Yeah, I know." She tried to sound weary. Grown-up. Like she'd heard it all before. "Mum said. She says I am not s'posed to go home this way"
"She'd be right. Young girl like you. On your own. Pretty young girl like you" he smiled as he delivered the complement. It worked. Jessica blushed and looked down. She was embarrassed but she was also delighted. She knew she was pretty. Everyone said so. Her long blonde hair, her sweet little oval face, her big smile and those enchanting green eyes. Daddy said she looked like a princess in a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale. She thought she should probably thank the man for saying that. But she was a bot too shy.
"Tell you what. Why don't I take you home. My car's just along here," he offered.
"Oh, It's ok thanks. I'm not allowed" she replied cautiously.
"Oh I see. You are a very clever girl. Quite right. You shouldn't really take chances. But it's ok with me. I'm not some stranger, am I? Do I look like a bad man?"
"Oh no! I am sorry. I didn't mean..." she blushed again. It came out wrong. She didn't meant to hurt the man's feelings.
He laughed in a kindly sort of a way.
"No problem sweetie. I quite understand. But it's ok with me. Like I said. I am a friend of your dad's anyway. We work together, your dad and me. My name's Mike. You've probably heard him mention me." She didn't recall daddy mentioning someone called Mike, but she didn't always listen so well. But if he was a friend of daddy's then she didn't see why she shouldn't accept the lift. It would be quicker and it was only strangers you had to be careful of. Not people who knew you.
"Ok, sure. Thanks Mike. Where's your car then?" she chirped happily.
"Just along by the gate up there. See?" He pointed out the silver saloon car a few yards further ahead.
"Oh yes, I see it." Jessica followed along behind him, trailing her school bag behind her. "You know where my house is then?" "Err...yes. Pretty much. It's not that far away is it? Better just remind me, it's a little while since I came round" Mike added trying to sound flat.
"Shawcross Walk. Number 27. By the shop" Jessica replied.
"That's it. I remember now. Lovely house. Your bedroom's upstairs isn't it?"
"Yes," replied Jessica. He obviously was a friend of daddy's if he knew where she lived and about her bedroom. She felt quite at ease.
Mike fastened her seatbelt and as he did so, he felt acid excitement rise in his throat. This girl was an absolute beauty. Really gorgeous. He could feel his penis twitch with anticipation as he savoured the sight of her short, grey pleated school skirt across her lap. Her pale white legs looked so perfect. He imagined the plain, white, cotton knickers underneath and.... He got in and slammed his door shut.
"Oh..err..Mike? It is ok if I call you Mike, isn't it?" Jessica turned to him, looking a little concerned. He had a sudden sense that she was uncertain. Please no. Don't go now. I almost have you...
"Yes...? I mean. Yes, of course it is." he answered. Cautiously.
"I was wondering... What will you say to mum?"
"What do you mean?"
"About where you picked me up...?" she replied. Relief washed over him and he couldn't help laughing.
"Oh! Hah! Don't you worry about that sweetie. Your secret's safe with me. Do I look like a grass? I'll just say I picked you up as I was passing the school." Jessica wasn't exactly sure what a grass was, but she was delighted that he wouldn't get her into trouble. Mum could be horrible sometimes if she was angry.
"Oh, thank you Mike. Thank you."
"That's ok. Don't you mention it...err...what's your name?" he added. Jessica thought this was a bit odd. She was an only child and her dad used to talk about her all the time to people. Surely Mike would know her name.
"Don't you know? I thought you were a friend of dad's" she queried. Damn! Mike thought to himself. You idiot. Why didn't you leave that till later. Don't want her getting suspicious.
"Yes, of course. Your dad talks about you all the time, poppet. But I have a terrible head for names." He laughed. "Wait until you get to my age!"
"Jessica! Of course. That's it. Stupid me. Jessica. Lovely name. He talks about you all the time, your dad. He's so proud of you, you know." Jessica smiled and looked down at the seat. She felt a warm glow as she looked out of the window. She didn't always feel that confident. She knew she should. Everyone always told her how clever and pretty she was. But it doesn't always feel that way. Ah well...
That's odd, she thought. School bus doesn't go this way. Maybe Mike knows a better way home. After ten minutes had elapsed, they seemed to be out in the country. She started to feel a little concern eat at her.
"Yes Jessica?" He knew what was coming. It was inevitable.
"Where are we? The school bus doesn't go this way" she said. Looking askance at him.
"Oh. It's just a short cut I know. Be there soon." He tried to sound reassuring.
"A short cut? But it's taking ages? The woods are quite near our house. I was nearly home. When you picked me up, I mean." She was now getting a little agitated. Mike said nothing. He kept his eyes on the road until the remote cottage came into view. There was nothing else for miles.
"Here we are" he offered, jovially, as he looked at Jessica's delicate form in her school uniform. She looked alarmed, "What do you mean?" she said in a higher tone, "where? This isn't where I live?"
"No." Mike laughed. His face had lost all that kindness it had before, Jessica thought. "No, indeed. But it is where I live, my little sweetie pie" Mike pulled into the gravel drive way, brought the car to a halt and got out. Opening Jessica's door, he beckoned her out.
Need more here.
"But...why are we at your house? Can't we go to my house? I thought..." she said, haltingly as she tentatively got out of the car. He tummy felt funny. She felt like she needed the loo.
"You thought we were going to yours. Yes. But we aren't. We're at my house. We're going to have some fun together. You and me." The look in his eyes was not a "fun" look though. Jessica felt scared.
"Fun...? What? You mean like games?" she added as he led her into the house. He slammed the old wooden door behind her and turned on the hallway light.
"Yes, honey. Games. Yes. You could say that."
"But...I shouldn't really stay. It's very nice of you and so on...but I mustn't be late. Mum'll kill me." Jessica was trying hard to keep her composure, but she felt a rising sense of panic.
"Well, my pretty thing. You don't have a choice." She heard the key turn in the lock behind her. You see. You're mine now and I intend to have lots of fun with you" He looked at her with a menacing glare. Jessica felt her bowels loosen and her legs went weak.
"Please..Mr...Mike. Please just let me go home. I'm frightened." Jessica pleaded with him and took two steps back towards the door.
"Oh, no. No way Jessica. You see, I have waited plenty long enough to find a specimen as delicious as you. I am not about to give that up now am I?" He took hold of her two hands, which were trembling. Jessica was gradually realising - even though she tried not to think about it - the true nature of her situation.
"'t really know daddy, do you?" she volunteered.
"No, of course I don't. Don't know him from Adam. Couldn't give a damn about your daddy" he mocked. "I shall be having a lot of fun with his little girl though. So I guess I should be grateful" He laughed and led her by the hand into a large room. It was white and looked like the doctor's office. It had white glass cupboards and a sink. In the centre, was a couch like at the doctors with some odd looking metal bars coming out of it. Maybe he's a doctor, thought Jessica. Yes, that must be it. He's a doctor. This reassured her. Doctors were nice to you. They make you better. So perhaps she'd be quite safe.
"Could I just...could I ..." she started.
"Could you what?" Mike replied.
"I was just wondering...could I please phone my mum. Just so she knows where I am? Otherwise she'll be worried." Jessica somehow managed to sound a great deal calmer that she actually felt. But any semblance of composure was blown away by the roar of laughter from Mike.
"Don't be ridiculous! Phone your mum? Oh yeah right. Good idea." He adopted a mocking tone. A little girl voice. "Hello mummy. It's Jessica. I am at a paedophile's house being abused, but it's all fine" He guffawed at his joke. But Jessica heard just one word. A word so frightening that she fainted.
When she came round. Mike was kneeling beside her. Stroking her head. She instantly got up and made a dash for the door. But it was securely locked. She was trapped. Her tummy was in a turmoil and she felt she needed to go to the loo. She was more frightened than she had ever been before.
"Please let me go home. Please?" she begged - actually on her knees before him. "I won't say a word to anyone. Just please let me go"
"Nope. Not cat in hell's chance my little fuckpet. You aren't going anywhere"
"W...what are you going to do to me? You're not going to hurt me are you?"
"Oh yes. Oh yes." Mike had his best tormentor's voice on. "I am going to hurt you like you never imagined possible. I am going to do some truly dreadful things to you." Jessica was now crying, quite beside herself. Her shoulders were heaving and she was gulping for air.
"Please don't please. I'm frightened. Please don't hurt me" Jessica sobbed.
"Shut up and get undressed" Shouted Mike. This made Jessica shudder.
"What?" she asked, her friends' overheard conversation flooding back into her mind. They make you take your clothes off...someone told me that they can do things to your front bottom to hurt it.
"If you don't take them off, I'll bloody well tear them off!" shouted Mike. Slowly. Very slowly. Jessica rose to her feet. She felt unsteady. Maybe if I just undress, he won't do anything. She thought. She wasn't convinced. But she wanted to be, so she started to unbutton her shirt. Her unhooked skirt followed it and she unfastened her shoes and removed her socks. She then paused. She was down to her little training bra and white cotton knickers. She couldn't look at Mike. She was too embarrassed. She had removed as much clothing as she wanted to. She certainly didn't want him to see her breasts or her front bottom.
"Well...come one...what you waiting for? Bra and knickers too! Let's see those cute little titties of yours and that tasty little pussy" Mike goaded. Jessica was surprised to hear him call her front bottom a "pussy". She thought that was a baby name for a cat. And why did he say it was tasty? She was trying to make herself think about things as a way of trying not to be so afraid. But right now she was suffering the most acute embarrassment she had ever felt as she dropped her bra to the ground and eased off her knickers. She stood, completely naked, in front of Mike and she started to sob again. Great tears rolled down her pretty cheeks.
Mike gazed in awe and delight. She was perfect. He couldn't have hoped for a finer specimen. She was about four foot nine. Her gorgeous blonde locks fell loosely about her shoulders and her little breasts were scarcely past the stage of having raised nipples. There was barely enough to put into a bra. She had a perfectly flat belly and had already developed a womanly curve where her narrow waist opened out into her hips. But it was her little girl's cunt that he was most entranced by. Her mons had clearly been quite hairless until pretty recently and now had the cutest little tuft of light brown hairs. There was more hair towards the base of her mons, but he could still make out her slit. Her legs were quite tightly together though and so he could see nothing inside her slit.
" beauty! My little beauty. You really are a lovely sight, aren't you?" he sighed. "Look at that succulent little piece of pussy meat" With that, he went right up to her and dropped to his knees so his face was right in front of her adolescent mound. Jessica was bright red with embarrassment, but she tried to be brave. At least this would be the worst of it, she thought. But having a man - a stranger - looking right at her front bottom was dreadfully embarrassing. She felt so ashamed.
Mike leaned forward and pressed his nose into her sparsely haired crotch. He inhaled deeply as Jessica winced.
"Aaahhh...such a fabulous fragrance. The sweaty, slightly pissy smell of a little girls succulent cunny tissue. I am so looking forward to savouring that properly later." Puzzled, Jessica couldn't stop herself speaking,
"Please mister Mike. I don't like this. I feel really embarrassed and I don't know what you're talking about. Please can I put my clothes back on now?"
"Well my little beauty. The answer to that is no. You cannot. You see the point of this is that I am your captor. I have captured you so I can sexually abuse and torture you for my own amusement. It is very hard to get a little girl as pretty as you and to have her all to yourself. So why would I let you go? I'd have to be crazy"
"But isn't it against the law to kidnap a child? You could go to prison," sniffed Jessica.
"Of course it's against the law, my sweet. But people like me are obsessed with little girls and will risk anything to have one all to themselves." Little Jessica tried to be brave but she just kept shaking with tears; gulping at the air. "Anyway, let's take a proper look at you shall we? Come over here and climb up on to my special table" Mike walked to the centre of the room and beckoned her. Jessica walked up to the table and then paused, "It looks like something at the doctor's," she said. "Quite right Jessica. So it is."
"But why do you have that?"
"I got it specially," Mike explained. "It's a special one for examining ladies. Come. Climb up. I'll show you." Jessica didn't want to get on the table, but she was scared of what he would do if she didn't. She naively thought that if she did what she was told, she would be able to avoid him being horrid to her. So she sat up on the edge of the table, swung her legs around and lay down. But in her embarrassment, she kept her thighs tightly together and did her best to cover both her breasts and her crotch. "Now, then," Mike explained taking hold of each of her feet and placing them in the stirrups, "this is the clever bit. Your feet go in these and when I swing the bars outwards, it spreads your legs nice and wide so I can get a proper view of your cute little snatch."
He kept using words that she had never heard of, but she was getting a clear picture of what he meant.
"My what?" she asked.
"Your snatch. Your pussy. Your front bottom. Your foo foo, or whatever you childen call it. Where you wee out of. Your privates." Get it?"
She was dreadfully embarrassed that her legs were wide apart and she tried in vain to cover her modesty with her hands. But Mike appeared to get cross when she did that and roughly grabbed both her wrists which he strapped into leather cuffs at the sides of the table so she couldn't move them. He also secured her feet to the stirrups so there was no way she could move those either.
"Look you little slut! I make the rules here. Ok?" he spat. "If I want to expose your cunt, I shall damn well do so and you can't do a damn thing about it"
Mike pulled up a stool and folded down a section of the end of the table so her bottom was now perched right on the edge. Jessica craned her head up and she could see him between her spread knees. He's sitting only inches away from my front bottom, she thought in her excruciating embarrassment. Not even mummy had seen her that close up. Even that time when she had the rash after she came back from the holiday with daddy. She had to lie on the bed and mummy looked at her front bottom. But she didn't look at it for long. She looked away pretty quickly.
But this naughty man. He must be able to see everything. She wailed softly as the tears rolled down her pretty cheeks which were bright red from shame.
He could indeed see everything. It was beyond his wildest dreams. He had been planning and imagining this day for months and now he was finally staring straight at the delicate pussy of a truly beautiful little girl. It was a truly magnificent sight. Between her perfect, creamy white thighs lay the two plump labia majora, lightly sprouting pale hairs and slightly open due to the position of her legs. He reached forward to part them gently with his fingers and the little pink central slit opened up. Jessica's two little labia minora sprung out from the moistly glistening gap. He switched on the angle-poise lamp on the trolley nearby and shone some light on the poor little wretch's genitals. He took her delicate small lips between his thumb and forefingers and examined their structure. She flinched at this intimate contact. Jessica's labia minora were truly perfect specimens. Pink at the top and then gradually becoming browner and more crinkled at the lower margins. Her clitora l hood was a smooth, pale pink cylinder - quite long, he thought. When he pulled it upwards with his finger, a tiny, purplish bead peeped out.
"Aha, my little beauty. There is your seat of pleasure. Your most sensitive place. Do you know about that? Have you touched yourself there? I'll bet you have, haven't you, my poppet. Been exploring under your nightie have you?" Jessica couldn't have believed that her embarrassment could have got any worse. But the open mention of her touching herself, touching her front bottom made her cheeks burn anew. How could he possibly know that she did that?
"Well...? I see you are red in the face. So I'll take that as a yes. He he. Thought so. Feels good doesn't it? Do you think about boys when you do it, my pet? Do you?" She longed for him to be quiet and to stop. She felt so wretched. Whether more embarrassed and ashamed than afraid? Probably, at this point.
"So do you know what it's called? This little tiny thing which makes you feel so nice?" he asked.
" I don't," replied Jessica unable to look at him for blushing.
"It's called your clitoris. Your clit, for short. When you get thinking about boys, it gets a little bit bigger. It gets erect. Then when you rub it, it feels nice. If you carry on rubbing it faster and faster, you have an orgasm. You come. It's wonderful. Let's see if we can make you come. I might as well teach you a thing or two, eh?" Jessica was dying of shame. She wasn't sure quite whether she understood what he meant, so she decided to keep quiet. He hadn't hurt her yet, so maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he just wanted to embarrass her. But then he did something quite surprising. Her leant forward and started to lick her clitoris. He pulled the skin back and rubbed his tongue back and forward over it. She had to admit, it felt very nice, although she thought it a rather shocking and disgusting thing to do to lick where she went to the toilet. The tingling she got in her tummy started. Like when she was in bed sometimes. But much stronger. He then reached upwards with his other hand and started to tease her little pink nipple. That made the feeling lots nicer she thought. They sort of added up and the tingling got stronger.
Mike was in heaven. He was licking the little hussy's clit for all he was worth. He wanted to make her come. The taste was divine. A little salty. And he could feel her tiny bud swelling up under his tongue. It throbbed. He could hear her start to pant and he could feel her thighs tensing up and then relaxing. She's getting there, he thought with delight as he worked her tiny nipple bud with the other hand.
Jessica was feeling things she had never felt before. Her whole body seemed to be just her front bottom as wave upon wave of pleasure coursed through her. She almost forgot the embarrassment of being bare in front of this stranger. She found that if she tensed her legs and held her breath the feelings in her front bottom got nicer and nicer. Finally, it crashed over her, almost like a sneeze or a cough, she thought. It was something she couldn't help. It just happened. Her whole body seemed to light up and she wanted to push her front bottom into Mike's mouth to get even more feeling. She heard herself cry out, "Aahhnn...!" the little gasps of delight, "uhhnn...uhhhh....aaahhh!" Mike was delighted at the orgasming little girl. He sat back and watched as she gasped, sighed and panted with pleasure as her very first orgasm washed over her trembling little body.
"There you go? Did you like that? Looks to me like you did. He he, what's this?" Jessica knew instantly what he had seen and her embarrassment rushed back to her recovering body. She could feel something wettish dribble down from her front bottom and she knew it was that stuff again. Only this time there was lots more. Lots more! Mike peered between her legs and could clearly see the thick, white substance oozing out of her little pink slit. It reminded him of condensed milk. He caught a sizeable amount on his finger and raised it to his lips. Jessica watched in horrified fascination as he put the finger (and the glob of white stuff) into his mouth. His face broke into a smile and his eyes closed, "Mmmmmm...delicious! That's your little girl cum, my darling and it tastes gorgeous. Thick and salty and SO slimy. Yum. Do you want to taste some?"
"No!" replied Jessica with sudden force, "no I don't. Yuk!" But Mike had already got another finger full of the gloopy slime and forced it between her lips before she could do anything. Poor Jessica had an urge to gag, so gross was the thought of what she was tasting. It was warm, sticky and tasted yucky. Salty and sour. She felt sick.
"Oh come's yours! It came out of your sweet little puss! Don't be so fussy," mocked Mike. "Anyway, you haven't said thank you for making you come just now. Didn't you enjoy it? It certainly looked as though you did." Jessica didn't want to answer him. She was so ashamed that he had done something like that to her and that she had enjoyed it. She knew he knew that too. She kept silent, but her blushes spoke volumes.
"Of course you enjoyed it, didn't you! You little whore. Say it! Admit it to me!" Mike taunted. She didn't know the meaning of the word he had called her, but it didn't sound like it was a nice thing. So she kept silent. But Mike got cross,
"Say it bitch!" He yelled, "tell me you enjoyed me licking your girl pussy and that you came!" He sounded so angry that she thought she should better do as he asked.
"I...I..." she found it hard to say the words, "I enjoyed you"
"Come on!" shouted Mike, "your what? What did I lick"
" girl pussy....and I err... I came" she finally managed.
"There. Not so hard. Was it. Now my little pet, I have given you some pleasure. Now you're going to give me some...Know what a blow-job is?" he asked with a wicked grin. Jessica had heard it somewhere, she wasn't sure where. She didn't know what it meant, but she knew it was something rude. She decided to be honest,
"No. I err...don't. What is a blow-job?" she cautiously offered.
"It's when a girl sucks a man's dick. She sucks his willy. It feels wonderful for the man. And you're going to do it for me." Jessica was horrified. She didn't want to do that at all. It sounded gross and disgusting. Like what he had done to her, only worse because she'd have to do it to him. His willy was what he went to the toilet out of!
"Oh no, please. Please? I don't want to have to do that. Please. Don't make me" she pleaded. But to no avail, she saw with mounting horror that Mike was unzipping his flies. She saw him reach inside his trousers and pull out his penis. It didn't look like daddy's; all soft and gentle. This one was big. It was purple at the end. And it was hard, like a stick. It looked frightening. And he was walking towards her. She couldn't take her eyes off it. The end was all shiny looking.
"No. Please. Please mister Mike. Don't make me...don't...mmffhh" But her pleas were cut short and he drove his penis into her small, child's mouth. It forced her mouth open and she felt she couldn't breathe. She felt like she was choking. He was pushing it into her mouth, then pulling it out, then back in again. Back and forth. She couldn't see his face, but she could hear him grunting in a throaty voice, like when you have a cold,
"Uhh....Oh God...Yes! Suck me, you little kiddy slut. Suck my massive, hard cock...uhhh...uhhh...Yes...oh God!..." Poor Jessica could taste his disgusting winky in her mouth. It had a sour taste, but worst of all was the smell. Like fish. It reminded her of when she fed her cat, Oscar. He was now holding her head with both hands and thrusting into it like it was some sort of melon. Jessica was choking and spluttering and could hardly breathe. Suddenly, Mike let out a great big shout, "OHHH!"
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