Helping Out a Friend, Sort Of, Part 1

[ Mf, nc, reluc, Mdom, spank, bd, oral, sad ]

by Banshee

Published: 25-Jul-2013

Word Count: 9785

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Angie and I had just spent a glorious evening making love. I think we even found a couple of positions that the Kama Sutra hadn't thought of. We were lying there in the afterglow, when Angie suddenly sat up and stared at me.

"Ernie, I need your help."

"What can I do, Hon?"

"Well, as you know, ever since I divorced Phil, and he moved out of the picture entirely, my ability to handle Terry has been going downhill in a handcart. I know she's drinking fairly heavily, I'm pretty sure she's smoking marijuana, she's impertinent to me, she's going out with this jerk who has a thousand tattoos and rings in his ears and God knows where else. The other day I found a couple of oxycodones on her bureau, and, as I was flushing them down the toilet, she came in the bathroom and smacked me hard across the face for getting rid of "her" property. I was surprised but automatically hauled back to smack her back, and she grabbed my arm, got up in my face and hissed, 'Don't even try it, bitch, or I'll make you so sorry! And you better leave my stuff alone, or I'll let Chickie teach you a lesson.' Then she stormed out of the house, and, when she came in that night, she was either drunk or stoned out of her mind."

"I know you've been having a tough time with Terry, Honey, but I don't know what I can do about it. She's not my daughter. It's not like she's my step-daughter, even. I just happen to love her mother and get to shag you once in a while."

"I wouldn't even ask you, normally, but I saw the marvelous change you brought about in your own daughter, who was headed down the same path that Terry is now. I mean, Paula was a changed person after those weeks you spent camping in your RV with her. I don't know what you did, but if you could do the same thing with Terry, I would even let you do some of those things to me that I told you I'd never do!"

"There's a big difference though, Babe. That was my daughter and I did some pretty unorthodox things that I don't think I could do with somebody else's daughter."

"I would give you carte blanche if you could straighten Terry out. Whatever you think will turn her around is okay with me, and I mean anything. I just know if she keeps going in the direction she is now, she'll either end up in jail or dead. Please help me!"

I told her I'd think about it, and that night, when I went home and fell into bed, it took me a couple of hours before I finally drifted off. I just kept thinking about that luscious body of Terry's being totally at my disposal with her mother's permission to do whatever I needed to, to get her straightened out. When I awoke the next morning, I couldn't wait to get on the phone and tell Angie I'd do it. Once again, though, I reiterated the fact that what I'd done with Paula was really out of the ordinary, and Angie repeated that she didn't care, she didn't even want to know what I'd done to Paula.

My next problem was to figure out how I was going to get Terry into my RV, without some objection from her. I asked Angie how often Terry came home so out of it that she'd be oblivious enough to my moving her out to the RV. She chuckled and said that she comes home pie-eyed fairly often, but that she had a few oxycodones of her own, that she thought would knock her out sufficiently to do the trick. That would be ideal, because then I could fit the whole thing to my own schedule.

I'm an independent computer systems consultant, so, often my time is my own, but it happened that I was in the middle of a large contract that would keep me occupied for at least two more weeks. Angie and I agreed to plan the trip for the week-end following the contract close.

Just to explain, I had bought 150 acres of land out in the middle of nowhere nearly 10 years ago, mostly trees and fields, that I've been planning to build a large cabin on for my recreation and retirement, but I've never gotten around to improving it. It has a large pond in the middle of it, not big enough to be called a lake, and nothing but dirt roads anywhere on the entire place. This is where I took Paula for our 'rehab' session and, where I was taking/Terry.

As luck would have it, Angie called me at about 2:00 a.m. on the Saturday morning of the weekend we'd planned to carry out our little coup, waking me from a sound sleep, to tell me that Terry had just rolled in and was in a stupor. She had cussed out her mother for trying to help get her to bed, had sat on the couch and immediately fallen asleep.

I told her I'd come over immediately, and I arrived not ten minutes later. There lay Terry, snoring on the couch, and Angie, dressed in a thin short nightgown, which showed everything she had to offer in perfect detail, from her large pointy brown nipples to the naked pussy, just above the hem of her gown. I was so tempted to say screw the trip, let's go fuck, but being a man of my word, I went over, picked up the surprisingly light teen on the couch and, after kissing Angie, who wished me luck, carried my prisoner out to the RV and placed her on the spare bed. To make sure I wouldn't have an "escaped" prisoner running around while I was driving to my location, I put the pair of handcuffs I'd used on Paula on, to disable Terry, and wrapped her ankles three or four times around with duct tape.

It took about two hours of driving through miles of unlit territory, before I finally turned onto the dirt road leading onto my land. Even then, it was another half hour of bumping along on rutted dirt roads before I finally reached the pond, which was picturesquely surrounded by a number of tall oak and maple trees. I parked about 15 feet from the pond and went back to check on my passenger. She was still dead to the world, snoring away.

I looked down at her gorgeous body, and I was tempted to expose some of that pulchritude, rather than waiting until morning, but realized the effect would be much more traumatic, when Terry had her senses about her. So I went back into my 'suite', took off my clothes, put on pajamas and, climbing into the large double bed, was asleep in less than five minutes.

Chapter 2

I was awakened at about ten that morning by Terry's voice roaring from the other room.

"What the FUCK is this? God Damn it! Somebody better get me the fuck loose right now. SHIT!"

I rose and pulling the door open sauntered to her bed.

"YOU! What the fuck! Get these handcuffs off me, right now! Oh, man, you have really fucked up this time, you bastard. Wait 'til Chickie finds out about this. Your ass is grass, Motherfucker. Now take these off!"

I stood there and smiled at her, which only produced another string of invectives. I finally leaned over and slapped Terry's face as hard as I could. The surprised look on her face was worth $100. It was followed by a flood of tears welling up in her eyes, which eventually coursed down her cheeks. When she had quieted down a bit, I sat in the chair across from the bed.

"Now, you listen to me, Terry. You are my prisoner for as long as I choose to keep you here, with your mother's blessing, I might add. You and I are going to spend a lot of time together for a while, so it's important you understand some of the ground rules, my ground rules. They may be added to, as time goes on, depending on how you act. Right now I just have two basic rules. They're pretty simple to follow, but if you choose not to, you will be punished severely. Number one, you will do exactly what I tell you, without question and immediately. If you don't, you will receive spankings, beatings or whippings that I feel fit 'the crime.' Number two, there is to be no more cursing or foul language of any kind from now on. Every word that I feel falls in that category will get you five additional swats of whatever the next type of punishment you are to receive is.

"Fuck you, you son of a bitch! Get these fucking handcuffs off of me!"

"Well now, that's a really good example. Two 'fucks' and , I'll count 'son of a bitch' as only one, means you have now accrued 15 additional blows, and it just so happens the next punishment will be in about five minutes, and it will be with a whip. So I'm glad you made my point so well for me."

With this I grabbed Terry around the middle and without a great deal of effort had her slung over my shoulder in a modified fireman's carry and out in front of the RV in less than a minute. When I was putting Paula through her rehab sessions, I had set up a double hook affair over a branch of a large maple tree not fifteen feet from where I'd parked the RV. One of the hooks went over the branch and the lower hook enabled me to attach the handcuffs to it. It was still firmly attached to the tree branch, so, with just a little effort I had Terry swinging on the hook, her toes barely touching the ground.

I went and grabbed a butcher knife from the RV's kitchen, which scared the hell out of Terry, when she saw me shuffling toward her with the blade waving in the air. She had been prepared to give me more of her words of wisdom, but apparently decided to delay them for the time being. The first thing I did was to cut the duct tape from her ankles. Then looking directly at her, I proceeded to cut her blouse right up the middle, then to cut the blouse arms and we both watched the useless garment flutter to the ground. This left her in a pair of shorts, panties, I assumed, and a lacy bra covering her medium sized breasts.

I was anxious to see what she had in the way of breasts (I've always been a tit man, legs are nice, butts have their appeal, but give me a juicy pair of tits, any time!). A cut here and there, and Terry was hanging there with a beautiful pair of exposed breasts, pulled up nicely by the strain of hanging by her arms, with nice suckable pointy brown nipples, surrounded by pretty brown areoles. A boob man's delight!

Two cuts on the clothing below and there was Terry, au natural, with a pair of nice long legs and a pussy covered with a full mat of black hair. I should take a moment here to tell you about Terry's face. Surrounded by a shoulder length head of jet black hair is a face that Helen of Troy would have been envious of. She had the prettiest pair of steely light blue eyes I think I've ever seen, a sort of button nose and a pair of pouty full lips that were presently sneering at me, but I could see a little fear mixed in with the scowl. Add to this a tanned body, with only the appropriate areas covered with a much lighter shade of white, (also very sexy, to my way of thinking) and you're looking at one hell of a body. She was apparently going to try one last time.

"Look, shit-head! Your life is already in danger. Nobody fucks with Chickie. He's gonna tear you a new ass-hole unless you let me go now."

"Well, I'll give you credit for guts, Terry. Not much intelligence, but lots of guts. Let's see, I think that's fifteen more strikes added to the fifteen you already had, and that's not counting the seventy-five I had already planned on. And guess what? The first thing I'm going to be using is this little tawse. Ah, well."

I started at her shoulders and worked my way down. She was screaming by the time I got to the middle of her back and it didn't let up as I went from there, except the screams became a little hoarse after I finished with her buttocks. Seventy-five got me all the way to the bottom of her calves, so I moved back to her butt for the last thirty. Her screams were little more than squeaks by then, and the final blows began to leave purple streaks on her already dark reddened skin.

As I lifted her off the hook, the only sound I was hearing was an occasional moan. I threw her over my shoulder again and carried her to the edge of the pond. I laid her face up in about a foot of water, which probably was a shock to her system, at first, but should have been very soothing to her back. I went back to shore, took off my pajamas and went in for a dip. I wasn't really worried about Terry trying to get away at the moment, so I swam around for a bit. When I looked over at Terry, the only thing above the water was her head and two very pointy brown nipples and the crests of two nice breasts. God, I got a hard-on as soon as I saw it.

I stood up and moved toward her. Her eyes got large as she saw me coming at her with my hard penis wobbling in front of me. I don't think it was size that bothered her, as much as the surprise factor. Unlike all those heroes in porn stories I don't boast ten or fifteen inches, but none of my sex partners have ever complained either.

"How's the back? Probably a little sore, still. Well, it probably won't be well, before you get another dose, so you probably better lie there for a while longer. I'm going in the RV to get dressed."

Without looking at her I waded ashore, picked up my pajamas and went inside. While I put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, I looked out the window toward the pond. Terry hadn't moved. No surprise. Naked with handcuffs, in the middle of nowhere, I guess she figured she wasn't going far.

I gave her five more minutes to soak, then went out and grabbing an arm, started pulling her in. I finally got her standing up. She looked like a drowned rabbit with her hair hanging in soppy strands. I pushed the hair away from her face. Some of the bravado was gone, but she still wasn't done trying to scare me.

"You mother-fucker! You have no idea how much trouble you're in. Chickie's gonna shit on you after he finishes breaking all your bones. You sorry fuck!"

"Gosh, Terry. I think that's fifteen more the next time. I think we'll work on those beautiful breasts next."

A look of desperate fear crossed her face. Perhaps she was beginning to realize her words weren't helping her cause, after all.

"I think it's time for some exercise next, don't you? You look a little piqued to me."

I pulled her over to the back of the RV. I had placed a large hook-and eye device about half-way up the end corner, on the rear of the driver's side, before my little episode with Paula. I slipped the handcuffs in the hook and eye and went inside and turned on the engine. Terry still hadn't figured out what this was all about, until I started the RV moving ahead on the dirt road at about three mile an hour.

She, of course, had no choice but to start walking. I had placed the hook-and-eye in such a position that I could see her in the rear-view mirror. She was all right for the first half mile or so, but then I could see that she was tiring. I kept the RV going at the same speed. Soon she was shouting to me.

"Okay, that's enough. Stop it now....please......Please, stop.....Oh, please, I can't go on like this.....Pleeeease stop!"

Then, I suppose she got the bright idea that if she dropped to her knees, I'd stop. Wrong! All she got was skinned knees for a dozen feet or so. Then she had to try to jump up to catch up with the RV. I wish I'd had a movie camera. She was spinning around and trying to get her footing, before she finally righted herself. I drove another two miles before I returned to our place by the pond.

By now she was covered in perspiration and dust from the road. I probably would have felt sorry for her if I hadn't known what a bitch she was. She was gasping for breath and looking daggers at me, but, to her credit, she had learned enough to keep her mouth shut, for the time being anyway.

I took her back to the pond and laid her back into her former position. She sighed and I told her I was going inside to make breakfast.

Chapter 3

While I was busy frying the eggs and waiting for the toast to pop up, I didn't even look outside to check on Terry, figuring she'd probably be pretty exhausted at this point. My mistake! When I finally looked out at the pond, she was gone. Knowing she couldn't have gone far, I looked outside, and far down the dirt road I could see her trying to hurry along.

Being the lazy type, I turned on the RV engine and slowly drove on down the road. I was going maybe ten miles an hour, so eventually, as I was catching up to her, she looked back, saw me and stupidly began to run. Eventually the RV caught up to her and she crumpled by the side of the road, crying her eyes out and gasping for breath again.

This time, exhausted or not, she decided to fight me. As I went to pick her up, she started trying to scratch me. I grabbed the closest nipple, pulled it straight out and twisted hard. Her interest changed to trying to stop me from pulling her nipple off. In the meantime, she was muttering under her breath, 'mother-fucker', 'son of a bitch' as well as trying to gulp in lungsful of air, and I was trying to keep track of how many more spanks she was to get for cursing, so we were definitely at cross-purposes.

Twisting won out, and she eventually raised herself to a standing position and I attached her, once again, to the back of the RV and we drove slowly back to the 'camp site.' I unhooked her from the RV and reattached her to the hook on the tree. I noticed that the last session had left her wrists somewhat chafed and reminded myself to try to wrap her wrists with tape during future punishment sessions depending on her future recalcitrance. I explained to her that she had just forfeited breakfast, and, that after I finished mine, we were going to have another punishment session, this time on her front, and, besides the seventy-five I had originally planned, she had another twenty-five coming to her for foul language. This turned the steady flow of tears into a torrent. I went inside, got my breakfast plate, a small table and a folding chair and sat in front of her to eat my eggs. I don't think she cared about the food at that juncture, but I made a special point of savoring every bite as I placed it in my mouth and chewed.

When I finished eating, I went back in the RV and retrieved the tawse again. This time I started on the calves on the front of her legs and worked my way up. Of course, she was already crying to beat the band, but by the time I got to her thighs, she was begging me to stop while her eyes became red and blotchy from all the cascading tears she was shedding. As I moved up to her pelvic area the pleas became more fervent.

"Oh God, please! more....pleeease! I'll do anything! Anythiiiing if you sttttopppp!"

I was tempted to take her up on her offer, but I knew she'd do anything any time anyway, so it wasn't much of an incentive. Besides I was having too good a time right now. I noticed the tawse was leaving some red stripes across the area above her pussy, which must have been painful, but she was keeping her legs tight together, so the damage to the area was superficial.

Not so much, as I moved up further. Soon her stomach was a mass of red lines, which soon melded into one large crimson mass. I still had twenty-five strikes left when I got to my area of particular interest. Terry's pleas had toned down considerably and were now more babbling than actual words.

I laid the first blow to the underside of both boobs, which received rave reviews, or at least raves from Terry, and sent three more to the very same spot. She was now drooling and phlegm was beginning to drip from her nose. It turned out she liked it even less, when I reached the point where the tawse was landing directly on her big brown nubbins, especially when I repeated the strike four more times. By the time I reached the top of her breasts and ran the count down to zero, her head had dipped and was hanging down as though she were out cold. I knew she wasn't because she was still muttering and breathing hard.

I put the tawse and my breakfast things in the camper, stripped off my shorts and went for a swim. I thought perhaps another hour or so of hanging under the tree might help convince her to be a little more pleasant.

The sun was directly overhead when I finally pulled Terry down and got her in the pond again. I did some more swimming and when I looked over this time, I saw her head out of the water, but the part of her breasts that were showing above water were almost vermillion in color. I lay out in the sun for close to an hour, before I finally went over to Terry and convinced her to follow me into the RV.

I had her lie down on her bed, hooked the handcuffs to a hook I'd implanted at the head of the bed and got out some shaving cream and a disposable razor that I had used on my daughter and probably should have thrown away, but thought it would mean more to Terry if I didn't.

"Terry, I'm going to remove all of your pubic hair now. You have been acting like a child for a long time now, so it's only fitting that you look like one, as well. Besides, it should make any punishments performed in that area more painful."

She started pleading with me again, and I told her that, if she didn't stop, I would put a gag in her mouth. She stopped. I applied the shaving cream to her pubic area. I made her spread her legs, so that I could cover the area between. I then rubbed it in, paying special attention to the lips of her pussy, even occasionally slipping my finger between the fat lips. No fool I! I gave the cream time to set and then set to work with the razor.

I think the dullness of the razor probably would have hurt a good bit, even if Terry hadn't been beaten across much of the area a couple of hours before, but the combination brought a fresh torrent of teardrops and blubbering. Eventually I had gotten the mat above her pussy shaved off, with only a few nicks, scrapes and red blotches showing and told her to pull her legs back to her chest.

Now this has got to be the most demeaning of positions for any woman to be put in, which was my main reason for ordering her into it. To make it even more embarrassing, I ordered her to spread her legs as far apart as possible, warning her that any movement could be disastrous to her womanhood. She held tight, and I had the pleasure of cutting the area around her plump lips, taking long moments to pull those lips up and out to scratch all the little hair stubble off, and then continuing on back to her little rosebud.

Per my instructions, she had tried to limit her sounds to groans and moans, but once in a while, when I hit a particularly vulnerable spot, the sounds became screeches. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and her end was my end, of shaving, anyway. I put the shaving gear away, and let her have a couple of hours sleep, as I pulled out the book I was currently reading and escaped reality for a while.

When I woke Terry up, I, once again, became very aware of how beautiful she was, even with all the tears smeared across her face, and particularly what a beautiful body she had. Her pussy certainly looked like that of any eight year old girl at the moment, disregarding the nicks and scrapes, but it was the only part that wasn't obviously A-one grown-up modeling material. It also reminded me that I hadn't had sex with Angie for over a week, and in my naked condition, at the moment, that was becoming obvious, as well.

I imagine she was surprised, once again, to see a semi-erect penis, not a foot from her face as I shook her awake. If she was surprised, she didn't show it. Maybe that's how Chickie woke her regularly.

I released her handcuffs from the hook above her head and explained I needed her to do some work for me, which brought on another of her groans, but at least I think she'd learned by now that cursing was only going to bring her additional pain. She groaned even more as she tried to pull herself out of bed.

I grabbed an ax and pulled her out to an old dead tree that had fallen over. I told her I needed firewood to cook my supper on, and I wanted her to cut at least part of the tree into chunks for my fire. She looked at me like I was crazy, but I knew that most of the wood was rotten and would be easy for even a girl in handcuffs to cut up. I also knew that having been beaten on her front and back earlier, it was going to make the job a little harder and more painful, but that was the idea.

I handed her the ax and stepped far enough away that if she'd gotten the wise idea to fling it at me, I was out of range. She complained that she couldn't wield the ax with her handcuffs on, but, with the threat of another beating, she set to work chopping. Within a half hour she had cut up enough for a couple of fires, so I told her to put down the ax and come over to me. She was a little out of breath and her body was gleaming with perspiration. I retrieved the ax and we went back to the RV. I told her to go soak in the pond again, which she did with many thanks. By God, she was learning, slowly but surely.

After a half hour or so, I started the fire, and, when I had my steak sizzling away on the grill, I called her over. Dripping wet, she came over and I could tell she was savoring the smell of the steak. I went into the RV and brought out a bowl of Gravy Train dog food and set it on the table. I informed her she had given up the right to regular food when she tried to run away. I also told her that if she started behaving herself and did what I told her she might get given the right to regular food again. In the meantime...and I looked over at the dog food. The tears began to flow again, and she turned away, spurning my offering.

"I don't know what your problem is. I'm told that dog food is the most nourishing food you can eat, that it's full of vitamins and minerals."

My statement went for naught. She went over and stood by a tree looking out at the pond, with her back to me, while I savored my steak. When I had finished, she came over and, trying to seat herself gingerly to offset the pain in her butt and do it with handcuffs, she eventually managed to sit next to my chair gazing at the fire.

"So what are you going to do to me?"

"That sort of depends on you, how you behave, how you turn yourself around. If you can learn to become civil and follow orders, things should improve considerably."

"Well, how long are we going to be out here?"

"That depends on you, too. I have nothing pressing for the next month or so, so, if you decide to remain difficult and try to run away, we'll be here for a long time. I'll have to go to the store for provisions for myself occasionally, but I've got a big bag of dog food in the camper, so you're taken care of for a long time."

Once again, the tears began to well up in her eyes, and she lowered her head and sobbed.

"However, if you decide to behave and become a little more friendly, who knows, it might only take a week or two."

This obviously made her stop and think. She lifted her head and looked directly at my currently limp penis. This, of course, was an aspect that had not been open to me, when I had treated Paula to three weeks of much of the same thing as I was putting Terry through now. Of course, I wasn't walking around naked, when I was putting Paula through her torment, either.

"But I'm just so sore, all over."

"By tomorrow a lot of that pain will be gone, or at least greatly abated. You will probably receive a beating once or more a day, just because, but the severity of those beatings will depend on you."

As we watched the fire burn down and turn to glowing coals, I could see the wheels begin to turn in Terry's mind. I still had not decided what, if anything, I was going to do about taking advantage of Terry, sexually. I had pretty much decided to see how things developed, without planning anything specific. It didn't hurt that I could see Terry thinking along those lines, though.

By the time the fire had died out, I mentioned that I imagined Terry was pretty tired and was probably ready for a good night's sleep. She agreed, and I moved us inside. I gave her a toothbrush, paste and a hair brush and let her make herself a little more presentable. I offered her the dog food again, and again, she spurned it. I was pretty sure that by tomorrow her attitude would change. I think she thought if she began being nice, I'd change my mind about that. Fat chance!

But I noticed as I moved back and forth in front of her, putting dishes away, that she managed to let her hands brush against my limp penis a couple of times. I made a point of ignoring her. It was too early to give her the impression that she could bring sex into the equation to make things easier for herself. I hated myself for my resolve.

I finally got Terry hooked up for the night, went into my room, put on my pajamas (it's hard to sleep in the nude, once you're used to wearing pajamas, I've found. I read for a while and turned out the light around eleven.

Chapter 4

I made a point of setting my alarm for 6:30, figuring it would annoy Terry, who I knew was not a morning person. The sun was just coming up, and, as I expected, she was not happy being awakened that early.

"Oh, shit!...oh, I've done it, haven't I? I really didn't mean to curse, Ernie. Please don't count those."

"Sorry, hon, that's ten more, and I'll be using a ping pong paddle today. And I think it sounds better if you call me 'sir', don't you?"


I unhooked Terry and we moved out to the table and chairs. I placed the bowl of dog food in front of her and poured myself a bowl of Wheaties, added some milk and sugar and started in eating. Terry eyed the dog food for a couple on minutes, and hunger finally got the best of her. She reached over and took one to nibble on, popped it in her mouth, frowned but chewed for a few moments and swallowed. Periodically she would grab a few more and chew on them. Finally she asked for something to drink and I went into the RV, poured her a glass of ice water from the fridge and took it out to her. I think she thought I'd give her juice or something, but went ahead and drank it anyway. By the time I had finished eating Terry's bowl was half empty.

We sat cogitating and looking out at the pond for a few minutes. Terry broke the silence.

"Christ, I've got to piss!"

She started to move toward the RV and I stopped her.

"That's ten more swats with the paddle, Terry."

"What, you mean 'Christ' is a curse word?"

"Well, I'm not a religious person, but I think most people who are, would classify the way you used the word as cursing, yes."

"And what else can you say but piss when you have to piss?"

"Well, let's see. There's 'pee', 'urinate', 'do number 1', which sound a little childish, and then there's even 'wee-wee', which sounds a lot childish. You could have even said 'I've got to go to the bathroom', and I'd have known what you meant. Wait right here. You have your own special toilet. I'll bring it to you."

I entered the camper and got out a gallon can that had once contained tomatoes, and that Paula had been forced to use on our camping trip, and a roll of toilet paper and brought them out to her. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you crazy? You expect me to use that?"

"Only if you have to go."

She thought for a few seconds, came over and, snarling, grabbed it from me and went around to the other side of the camper for privacy. She was just getting ready to squat, when I rounded the corner to watch.

"Do you mind? I really can handle this on my own."

"Yeah, I don't want to take a chance on you running away."

""I won't run, I promise."

"And I won't walk, so just go ahead."

She glared at me, then squatted for close to a minute, obviously embarrassed, before I finally heard a trickle in the can, then a full force release.

"What shall I do with it...SIR?"

"Well, I think you can just leave it here for the time being. Whenever you have to do number 2, you'll have to dig a hole and bury it, so we don't attract a bunch of flies. Now, I can tell by your attitude that it's time for that paddling we were discussing earlier. Let me go change into my shorts and we'll get started."

After I had dressed, I grabbed the paddle, came out and sat down in my chair and patted my knees. She looked at me with her best puppy dog pout and asked why she was being punished, that she hadn't done anything wrong.

I explained that these spankings and beating were not to atone for current mistakes, but rather for all the problems she had caused at home, then patted my knees again.

Terry, with resignation and a huge sigh moved over to my chair, and, in the process of placing herself across my knees, managed to (inadvertently, I'm sure!) place her hand over my genitals before she got into position. I ignored the overture and prepared for the spanking. Now, I must say preparation for a spanking varies with the person you're spanking. In Terry's case it necessitated careful inspection to see whether she was still showing the effects of yesterday's whipping. This involves gently moving your hands across the entire buttock area, pinching here and there and even running your hands between her legs to make sure the tip of the whip didn't bruise that area of skin.

"It looks to me like most of the redness from yesterday is gone, Terry. Just a few little spots here and there."

If she knew that my rubbing had nothing to do with checking the damage, she was smart enough to keep quiet.

"Okay, this time we're talking about seventy-five plus twenty, I believe."

I started in using the paddle, alternating between cheeks, and I hadn't hit her six times before I heard an 'Oww', followed by an "Ooooh' on the next one. The outcries became more inventive, as we got further into the spanking. By the twentieth blow I distinctly heard a 'fuck' and reminded her she'd just earned another five. The paddle very effectively covered most of one nice wobbly cheek at a time, so, by fifty, both buttocks were fiery red, and Terry was crying and burbling.

On the ninetieth blow, Terry's body, which had been twitching and rigid throughout the beating, except for her flailing legs, just went limp. I finished out the last ten with a little less force than I'd been using. I let her lie on my lap for a couple of minutes and then reached under her to lift her up. Damned if my hand didn't accidentally land on one luscious hanging breast, which I had to grab onto for leverage to pull her up. Once again, she was smart enough to pretend she didn't notice my impropriety.

I suggested we go for a swim or at least a dip. She lay down on her back in the water again, and I went for a swim. I'm sure she must have noticed that my penis was not entirely limp, when I removed my shorts before entering the water. After swimming for a while, I looked over at Terry lying on her back with only her beautiful face and portions of two breasts floating above the water. When I think back now, I believe that is probably the thing I will remember most about that trip. Did I mention, tits fascinate me?

Chapter 5

As I waded out of the pond I called to Terry and mentioned it was time for her exercise, so to come on out so I could hook her up to the RV. She rose slowly and approached me with her own idea.

"Isn't there something else I could do for exercise, instead? Like bouncing up and down on your hips for fifteen minutes or so. Something like that?"

"Tempting as it seems, I don't think so. Shame on you! (I said that last with a smile on my face). As a matter of fact, we can forego the walking exercise, if you'd rather do regular exercising for half an hour instead."

"Like what?"

"Oh, running in place, jumping jacks, bicycling on your back, knee bends, bending and touching your toes, stuff like that."

She smiled. "I think you're just a dirty old man, who gets his kicks by watching bouncing boob...breasts, but that sounds better than walking for three miles. Let's do it!"

I guess it was a pretty transparent suggestion, but if she was game, I was willing to call a spade a spade. We moved over under a big oak tree, I planted my chair and started her off with running in place. Not quite as effective as jumping jacks, but I didn't want to be too obvious. She continued for a good four minutes, and I was watching her breasts bobbing up and down, with delight. I could tell she was tiring, what with the huffing and puffing she started doing about that time, but I was determined to make her do five minutes worth.

When I told her she could stop, she sank to her knees, which were apparently still skinned from her roadwork the day before, causing her to sit instead, which reminded her how sore her butt was, and she finally turned over on her side to rest. I let her rest for a couple of minutes, then started her on bending over to touch toes, then up with arms raised above head. Nowhere near as interesting, but enough breast movement to keep an old roué happy.

Again I let her run that exercise longer than one normally would, so the breathing had become labored by the time I told her she could stop. This time, remembering the difficulty she had in rising from her first rest, she decided to go over and lean against the oak tree.

Her next exercise was deep knee bends. Hardly any breast movement involved, but lots of open pussy watching. This exercise hadn't run three minutes, when I could tell Terry was seriously running out of steam. I let her go another thirty seconds and called a halt.

After a couple of recuperative minutes, I started her on the bicycle, where you lie on the ground, with only your shoulders and head touching the ground, supported by your hands on your hips and move your legs, as if you're bicycling. You can hardly see tits with this exercise, but, boy, the leg action makes for wonderful pussy watching, especially if you're standing over the bicycler, as I was. Two minutes rest.

Next exercise was the one where the 'victim', with arms akimbo, swings her upper torso to the right, then front, then to the left. Back to some nice booby action as they swing one way, then the other. I hadn't realized how sexy this one was, until I had watched Terry swinging her breasts back and forth for over five minutes. She kept looking over at me, hoping I'd call a halt, but the action was just too invigorating to stop, at least from my standpoint. Another rest period was called for.

She knew it was coming sometime, and now was the time for jumping jacks. Those breasts were bouncing everywhere but in my mouth, and her nipples had gotten as hard as little rocks. Oh my God, my prick had been getting a little harder with each exercise, and this one finished me, at least from the standpoint of getting the hard-on. The problem was, I didn't have an outlet for my problem, because I had decided it was still too early to bring sex into the equation. It's really hard having ethics, sometimes.

I figured we'd been going for over half an hour and I was pooped, so I suggested another swim. Off came my shorts, boner and all, which I know she noticed this time, and I was shortly out in the middle of the pond. I began to wonder if Terry knew how to swim, because she went back to lying flat with head and tits showing, which was okay with me.

After twenty minutes I put my shorts back on and went into the camper and made myself a sandwich, brought it out to the table and ate it, watching Terry continue to lie in the water. She finally came out, dripping wet and reminding me of the painting 'September Morn.' I threw her a towel and watched her dry off, which is kind of fun to watch, too.

She sat in a chair, gingerly, and nibbled on her dog food. She asked if I had any plans for the afternoon, and I told her that until it was time for her to cut more wood for my fire, her time was her own. She said she thought she'd like to take a nap then, which I thought was an excellent idea. I had had a very tiring morning!

I 'tucked' Terry in, hooking her handcuffs at the head of her bed and went in for my nap. For some reason, I dreamed I was stranded out at sea, floating on a huge breast, but I wasn't worried about food, because, when I got hungry, I just latched on to this huge nipple and sucked. Fortunately I awoke when the breast began to sink.

Chapter 6

After my nap, I awoke Terry and we went outside. It had grown hot during the early afternoon, and I had found we were both sopping with perspiration. I asked if she'd like to go in swimming with me, and she said she'd go in, but do her usual lying near the shore. I asked if she didn't know how to swim and she chuckled and said that it was really difficult to swim in handcuffs. Duh! I hadn't even thought about that. I offered to take the handcuffs off while she swam and that delighted her.

I went in and got the key, which I'd hidden in the glove compartment, and, attaching it to a rubber band, I unlocked the handcuffs, slipped the rubber band around my wrist,, dropped my shorts, and we went for a wonderful swim together. We stood and chatted in neck-high water, when I suddenly felt Terry's hand on my flaccid penis and she had this beatific smile on her hand. I grudgingly removed her hand, reminding her that we weren't here for fun and sex. She said that Chickie had told her that she gave the best head east of the Mississippi and regrasped my now slightly hardened prick. Using all the resolve I had at the moment I backed away and told her maybe she had better go back to shore.

She swam in and I swam around for a few more minutes, giving my libido a chance to cool down, and finally swam back to the RV. I immediately looked for the handcuffs that I had placed so carefully at the edge of the pond, and they were gone. Terry was sitting in one of the folding chairs, so I went over and asked what she'd done with the cuffs. She looked up at me innocently and said she had no idea where I'd left them. I told her I wasn't kidding around, that I wanted the cuffs immediately, that I wasn't taking a chance letting her run around without some way of hindering her movement. She repeated what she'd said earlier with a perfectly straight face and looked out at the pond as if she was dismissing me.

I became really upset, moved around behind her chair, reached over her with both hands and suddenly grabbed a firm boob in each hand and squeezed mightily. She squealed and tried to pry my hands off, but her breasts were large enough that I had a firm hold of both of them, and I squeezed a little harder. Terry began crying and continued to howl, so I asked again where the cuffs were, and she finally screamed they were under the mattress on her bed.

I went in and grabbed the cuffs and returned to where she was sitting, trying to soothe her reddening titties. I pulled her hands behind her and snapped the cuffs on. This was the first time she had them behind her back, but I figured the cuffs would be a whole lot more uncomfortable that way and besides, my little contretemps with her breasts had reminded me of something I'd always wanted to see, and I figured it would prove to Terry that I wasn't fooling around.

I went into the camper, found some plastic cording, the kind scouts use to make necklaces and such, and brought it outside. I went over to Terry and kneeling beside her chair began winding the strands around first one breast at the base, then around the other. Terry asked what I hoped to accomplish doing this, and I told her I thought in a few moments she'd be having enough pain that she'd know not to try to fool me again.

I continued to wrap both breasts individually very tightly, and the plastic was tight enough that it was making huge indentations at the base of each boob, with the excess spilling over in front of the indentations. Then to add to her misery, because I could hear her start to moan, I began running the plastic back and forth from the side of one breast to the side of the other. When I finished, her boobs were squeezed tightly together and her two nipples were both pointing toward each other, only a couple of inches from each other. I'd seen a picture of something similar once and thought, at the time, how neat it would be to see in real life. I wasn't disappointed.

Terry asked innocently just what I thought I was accomplishing by doing this to her. I told her that besides causing her some distress, it was something I always wanted to do.

She was tearing up a bit, but the pain didn't seem to be intense, until she'd been bound for a half hour or so. By then her breasts had turned a lovely shade of purple, women would probably call it lilac, and I could see the hurt it was causing Terry in her eyes. She rose and walked over by the pond for a few minutes, then returned with tears rimming her eyes and asked me please to unwind the plastic. I told her it wasn't time yet, and she moved away from me rapidly and sat on the 'beach' by the pond. I guess she figured if I wasn't going to cooperate at least I wasn't going to get a chance to look at my masterpiece.

I didn't want to do any permanent damage, and I remembered in the back of my mind that cutting off the circulation on a woman's breast for too long can do irreparable harm, so I waited another fifteen minutes and called her over. She was greatly relieved to have the plastic removed until it was all off. The blood flowing back into her breasts was apparently almost as unpleasant as being bound. There were striations on both breasts at the base and her nipples were standing out like beacons.

I then uncuffed her arms from behind her and refastened them in front of her, telling her it was time for her to cut me some more wood for my supper. The look she gave me was a combination of full-fledged hostility and stinging hurt, but she moved over to the ax and went to the rotted tree. I followed a safe distance back, lest her anger should become physical in nature. She dutifully chopped for about a half hour, at which point I told her to put down the ax and pick up the wood she'd cut and bring it along to my grill. This did not delight her soul either.

I got the fire started and put a couple of hamburgers on the grill, then went inside and got Terry a fresh bowl of Gravy Train. She pointed out that she had been behaving herself, and when was I going to let her eat regular food. I rebutted with the fact that she had just misbehaved this afternoon, hiding the cuffs, so I didn't see much improvement. She tried to convince me she was only kidding by hiding the cuffs, and I told her I didn't see the humor in it. She turned away and sulked, while I ate my wonderful hamburgers, done medium well, but I noticed later on that the bowl of dog food was almost empty.

She asked me again, while we sat around watching the dying charcoal turn from red to grey, if she couldn't do something to make things more pleasant for me, and therefore for her as well. I had great difficulty in telling her 'no', which I think she could tell, as my frustration from being with a totally naked girl for two full days was taking its toll on my horny nature.

I decided to take another swim to cool off my passions, so I stripped off my shorts and swam for ten minutes or so. As I was swimming into shore, Terry moved to the edge of the pond. I waded to shore and picked up a towel and began drying off. Suddenly she dropped to her knees in front of me while I was drying my hair, grabbed my limp prick and popped it in her mouth. I was totally taken by surprise, and my lust overcame my resolve. I just stood there and watched her gobble on my flabby extension.

Well, it was flabby for about ten seconds and then it took the form that all good boners do. Even as it grew to full length, Terry was able to keep the entire thing in her mouth, sliding the head partway down her throat. There was an occasional gurgle and one slight gag, but the slurpy sounds emanating from her mouth were bringing me to the edge much sooner than I would have chosen. Her tongue action on the lower part of my penis was professional in my estimation (though, I have to say, I never had the job done professionally before, so that was just a guess). At any rate, it didn't take Terry five minutes to bring me to a shattering orgasm, and I stood and savored it, as she let my seed slide down her throat. Then she looked up at me, smiled and ran her tongue over her upper lip, as if to make sure she'd gotten my full load. I decided Chickie may have been wrong in his estimation, in that it might be possible to include west of the Mississippi, as well.

"Now, don't you feel better?"

"Yes, but that was not nice of you to do, after I told you 'no'! I think a spanking is in order."

I grabbed her arm and she looked at me in disbelief, as I pulled her over to the chair. She began to cry again as I sat and pulled her down on my lap. If a spanking can be called sensual, this came as close as I could make it. Each spank was close to a love pat, as soft as I could make it, followed by my hand slowly massaging her buttocks, eventually moving closer and closer to the little half peaches between her legs. Eventually, I stopped the love pats and my hand began to delve along the entire length of her split, gradually nearing her clitoris. She looked back at me with a look that approached love, as my fingers finally grasped her clit and massaged it for long moments. Then my fingers began exploring further, and soon I had two fingers delving into her vaginal hole. Alternating between her hole and her clit I soon had Terry panting and screaming obscenities as she reached the peak. Suddenly her body went totally tense, and she cried out "Oh, fuck, I'm coming. Oh shit, yessssssss....."

As she came down from her climax, I leaned over and whispered that I wasn't going to count those cuss words against her, but not to assume things would be different in normal conversation. She thanked me for a lovely climax, and said she really thought I was going to spank her and she should be mad for my tricking her, but she guessed she'd forgive me this time.

We both went and sat in the water up to our waists for an hour or so, chatting about this and that. She disclosed she thought her mom was lucky to have me for a lover, but I chalked that up to applesauce, since she still didn't know what kind of lover I was. A good diddle does not a lover make, as my old granny used to say. Maybe she said kiss instead of diddle, I'm not sure.

Anyway, she told me that perhaps she had been way too mean to her mother, just because her mom didn't like what she was doing with her life, and that she thought she'd try to straighten things out when she got home. More applesauce and I wasn't buying it, but I figured even if she was thinking about it, we were headed in the right direction.

When it got dark, the mosquitoes started biting and we went into the camper. It was a bit early for bed, so I offered Terry one of the books I had on the shelf and we spent the evening engrossed in our books. When I told her it was time for bed, she asked if I meant mine or hers. I'm not sure how serious she was, but I smiled and pointed to her bed. She got into bed and as I was leaning down to hook her handcuffs up, she leaned up and kissed me on the mouth. I was surprised, but regretfully pulled away from her without making anything of the kiss. I decided to kick myself when I got in my own bed!

To be continued

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Although I would have liked another chapter Getting To Know Step-Mother, This is a woderful story nevertheless and very well written that will be continued.


That was fan-fucking-tastic. I'm not normally one for the BDSM genre, but this one was an interesting read through-and-through. It was refreshing, and I will certainly be keeping a lookout for the next installment.


you should tell the story of what the guy did with his daughter as well

Sam Guivine


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